#welcome to f1 where you have to drive and build your own car and also run a kindergarten
f0point5 · 3 months
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Is anyone high-key confused why they try to turn F1 into a local mentoring program? Is Ollie Bearman not signed to Haas because they believe he already knows how to drive a car? Is he not a legal adult with full responsibility for himself?
Yes, it’s always nice to offer support to your colleagues but why is the expectation put out there that every older driver will be dressing up as Yoda to teach the new kid to do his salaried job?
This feels patronising to Ollie and bizarre to ask of Lewis since Ollie is actually signed to a different team (I know he’s a Ferrari junior but still…did anyone ask this to Kmag?)
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sleepyverstappens · 5 years
Let me share this whole new world with you (Chapter 4/6)
Title: Let me share this whole new world with you
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen
Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 7626
Tags: Oliver Verstappen-Ricciardo, Original Child Character, 5+1
Summary: Daniel retires
Read chapter 4 or Read from the start
4) Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2025 (Oliver is 4)
The Abu Dhabi paddock is the same as it’s always been, the beige walls of the accommodations, the Yas Viceroy hotel looming over the track, the team members eagerly looking forward to the winter break, to finally getting to spend proper time with their families, yet it all feels different to him this year. It all feels different because this will be the last ever race he’ll share with Dan, the last time he’ll be able to fight his husband in an F1 car. It feels like this race has both come really quickly, yet it also seems like forever ago that Dan told him he wanted to stop racing after this season.
He can remember that moment so clearly still, both of them tucked up in bed after the Monaco grand prix. Their own bed a welcome reprieve from the hotel beds they’d shared so often. They’d finally managed to get Oli to settle down, the excitement from the race weekend keeping their then 3-year-old up way past his bedtime, but after two extra bedtime stories he’d finally started to nod off.
They’d had their usual squabble over Max pressing his cold feet against Daniel’s legs, his husband complaining about the fact he’d apparently married a snowman. But when they’d finally settled down Dan hadn’t even complained about the phone blocking his view from Max’s face, the other man too deep in thought as Max mindlessly scrolled through his social media, nudging his head back against where Dan was playing with his hair and letting out a huff when he stopped. It had gotten him to draw his eyes away from his phone though, his eyes adjusting to his darker surroundings after staring at the bright phone screen for so long, when they came back into focus he’d found Dan staring back at him, teeth nibbling at his bottom lip nervously.
“I think I wanna stop after this year,” he’d whispered, barely audible, his mouth compressing in a tight line almost afraid of the words he’d just spoken.
And Max oblivious as ever had asked him “Stop with what?”
“Racing… well Formula One.”
“Why?” Max had asked, his eyes flitting over Daniel’s face, hoping it would all just be a joke. He couldn’t imagine not having Daniel there with him in the paddock, not being able to see his bright smile on the other side of the press pen. He wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.
“You’re not that old, you can keep going,” he’d continued on.
“But I… I just don’t real-, I guess I just don’t really want to anymore. It’s not gonna get any better, I’ll still only be fighting for 7th, if I’m lucky,” he’d huffed, and he’d just seemed so tired of it all. The Renault car hadn’t made the improvements Dan had been promised way back when he’d joined them, hell they had probably gotten worse after all the changes in 2021. Where Max had been fighting for his second World Championship with Charles, Daniel had been fighting for a few measly points. We’re still adjusting to the changes they’d said, but in the years following nothing much had changed apart from their ever growing list of excuses.  
He’d seen Daniel’s frustrations, seen the longing looks he couldn’t always hide in time whenever Max added yet another trophy to his prize cabinet. But whilst he could understand Dan’s decision there was this selfish part of him that wanted him to stay, to struggle on with a recalcitrant car and a floundering team, just so Max could have him there with him. To have someone to share it all with, the highs and the lows of this crazy world they lived in. But in the end he knew nothing he said would be able to stop Dan, he couldn’t back in 2018 and he couldn’t now seven years later, because whilst he may be known as the stubborn one in their relationship, once Daniel had made up his mind there was nothing that could break his resolve.  
So here they were now, in the Abu Dhabi paddock finishing off a season like they had so often, but now there was something hanging over them. Not a dark cloud, because after Dan had announced his retirement he’d seen a different side of him. Someone more free, without the worries of next year’s car hanging over him. Someone who still fought for the best result possible, but someone who would take in every single moment and appreciate it for what it really was whilst doing so. Someone that appreciated the chance he’d gotten to drive one of the 20 fastest cars for the last 14 years, but was ready to hand over the batton to someone else. But it still felt off, neither of them knowing what this massive change in their future would bring. What it would do to them and their relationship, to their family.
He doesn’t have long to reminisce though, as someone from the team is already beckoning him over, telling him that Vicky got held up in traffic but that there will be a team meeting right after his media duties. As he’s filled in on the schedule for today, Daniel is whisked away towards the Renault accommodations getting his own briefing and all the while he’s got Oliver tugging on his sleeve trying to get his attention.
“Hold on honey, papa needs to listen to what Mike has to say, okay,” he said, ruffling Oli’s hair with a smile before he turned his attention back towards Mike. Turns out Lance was sick and he needed to fill his spot at the press conference.
They seat him right next to Daniel, of course they do, hoping for that last bit of Maxiel banter. And dammit why is he getting emotional, he should be happy that at least one of them doesn’t have to suffer through these damn press conferences anymore. But then again whenever he got to share that desk with Daniel they never seemed so bad, even if it meant getting sprayed by water every now and then.
Most of the questions are for Dan, with a few directed at himself as well, but poor Antonio and Kevin only get one or two questions and even those are about Daniel. It was to be expected of course, especially with Abu Dhabi usually not being that interesting of a race weekend, the championship already decided in Charles’ favour back in Austin, but it doesn’t make him stop wishing for actual proper questions for once. He doesn’t mind answering questions when they’re about the racecraft, in depth questions about how he sets up the car over a weekend, the work they put in back at the factory, but he never gets asked those questions, they don’t get them the clicks like the overhyped rivalry between Charles and him does.
The thirty minutes of the press conference go by relatively quick, Daniel’s voice lulling him into a drowsy state, so much so that when Tom thanks them for their time he’s actually the last one to take off his mic and scramble away from the press centre.  
Vicky is there waiting for them when they get out of the conference, clearly having made it out of the traffic, but as they get closer they can see the worried look on her face.
“Hey Vicky, what’s wrong?”
“Okay, don’t start panicking, Aurélie and some mechanics are already looking for him, but Oliver is missing.”
“What?!” They say in unison. And even though she told them not to panic, panic is already crawling up his chest, his eyes searching his surroundings for a glimpse of blond hair.
“Emily came to greet me and we looked away for 1 second and he’d already run off. We’ve already searched the Red Bull hospitality, but we can’t find him there. I called Aurélie immediately, figuring he may have gone to Renault, she’s searching there now.”
“Okay let’s go help them,” Daniel said next to him, having found his voice before Max who was still gripped by the panic inside of him. His son was gone. They’d told him to never run off on his own and he’d always listened to them, even during his worst tantrums he made sure to not stray away from them. And now, now he’d snuck off without anyone noticing? Oliver loved Emily, the girl always happy to look after him whenever both Max and Daniel had to be somewhere and they’d taken him along with them to the track.
He felt a hand grip his own, tugging on it lightly to get him to follow. He met Daniel’s gaze, whilst he may look calm enough to anyone else, Max could see the worry, the panic in his husband’s eyes.
They quickly made it to the Renault hospitality, finding Aurélie running through the halls of the little building, the woman starting to look more and more frantic as she didn’t catch a glimpse of Oliver anywhere.
“I can’t find him anywhere Dan, I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, it’s not your fault, he can be a slippery little one, I’m always looking for him around the house,” Daniel tried to reassure her. It was true, Oliver had a knack of finding the most random places around the house to hide in, leaving them to look for him for ages until he finally decided to pop his head back out again. They’d once found him hidden at the back of the attic storage cabinet at his mother’s house, happily playing with his toys in his little hideaway.
Not having found him inside the Renault hospitality they made their way back out again, heading towards the only other place where they would expect Oliver to maybe run off to, the garages. They’re halfway there when they both breathe out a sigh of relief, because across the paddock they could see Hugo, Daniel’s number one mechanic, walking up to them, Oliver securely held in his strong arms. The little boy was babbling away to the broad mechanic, Hugo nodding along at his words when suddenly Oliver’s eyes caught them.
“Daddy, Papa!” He shouted out at them, already reaching out for them and trying to wiggle his way out of Hugo’s grip, but the man held on to him easily not wanting the boy to run off once more.
“Found him wandering into the garage, apparently he’d been playing with some of your helmets for a while but he’d gotten bored all on his own.”
“Oliver, oh honey you’re here, we were so worried,” Max said, holding his arms out to take Oli from Hugo and hugging him close, the little boy confused at his father’s antics.
“Oli sweetie, you can’t just run off on your own.” Daniel wrapped his arms around both Max and Oliver, trying to look at their son sternly, but they were both just so relieved to have found him again they couldn’t really stay upset with him for long.
“Was just playing at R’no, won’t be ’llowed anymore next year.”
“Oh baby, why wouldn’t you be allowed anymore?”
“Cuz you’re not racing anymore.”
“You will always be allowed to play at Renault Oli, right Hugo?”
“Of course buddy, you’ll always be part of the fam just like your daddy,” the mechanic smiled, ruffling Oliver’s blond locks playfully.  
Max could see Daniel’s smile start to waver, the fact that this really was his last weekend as a Formula One racer really starting to sink in now. No amount of questions from the press could stop the trademark smile from disappearing from his husband’s face, but just hearing their son talk about next year like that, so innocently. To hear one of the closest members of his team say that he would always be part of their family, it finally started to crack the mask he’d so carefully put on these last few days, weeks.
It would be different, so completely different to what they’d gotten used to over these last couple of years. Their whole dynamic would change. Daniel would all of a sudden be a stay-at-home dad, or at least until he’d started to get the craving for fast cars again and decided to try his luck in some other racing series. He’d already mentioned Le Mans in passing, maybe rally car racing. He’d surely find his way back to the sound of roaring engines, to the speed of a car controlled by his crafty hands, but for now he’d stay at home with Oliver. With Oli and maybe his little brother or sister, they’d both whispered their wish of another child, sometime late at night with only the darkness around them to hear their words, the wish for another little baby in their life, to complete their family.
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tripstations · 5 years
35 fun things to do in Dubai (plus a bonus one!)
Dubai is the Disneyland of cities with a seemingly endless amount of things to do. To give you some inspiration for your next holiday to Dubai we’ve managed to narrow it down (and we use the term loosely), so here are the top 35 things to do in Dubai (in no particular order). If you can’t wait, scroll to the end for something truly incredible…
1. Go to the top of the Burj Khalifa
Standing at 829 meters, it is the world’s tallest building and the view from the top of 160 floors is simply breathtaking.
2. Aquaventure Water Park
Located at the tip of Palm Island, the Aquaventure is heralded as one of the best water parks in the Middle East and Europe! There are 17 hectares of amusements which includes the Lost Chambers aquarium, Dubai’s largest aquarium, where you can even go snorkelling with the sharks, rays and fish!
3. Arabian Ranches Golf Course
This stunning course is sure to challenge any golfer from beginner to Tiger Woods, with immaculate grassy fairways alongside rugged natural terrain.
4. Al Ain Zoo
Perfect for families, at this incredible zoo you can see animals including hippos, lemurs, gorillas and jaguars. Explore by foot or opt for one of their experiences. Perhaps you’ll search for wild Scimitar Oryx and Addax on a desert safari, feed giraffes by hand or walk through the lemur enclosure.
5. Go skydiving
Looking for something really exhilarating? Why not get a birds-eye view of the city as you launch yourself out of a plane and freefall 13,000 feet at up to 21 kilometres an hour? A truly unforgettable experience.
6. Ski Dubai
The first of its kind in the Middle East, indulge in all things snow at this indoor ski slope. From tobogganing to snowboarding and skiing, everyone is welcome to try their hand at this mountain-themed hotspot.
7. Camel trek
Clamber atop a camel’s back and experience how people have been travelling in the United Arab Emirates for hundreds of years. Give it a go for a short trip or opt for something a little longer trip where you can also dine on a traditional Bedouin meal under the stars or sample a shisha.
8. Gold souk
This traditional market located in Old Dubai near the Dubai Creek is famous for its many stalls that sell gold jewellery. Haggle for a unique piece to take home or marvel at the beauty of windows filled with glittering gold.
9. Chillout Ice Bar
Dinner is best served cold at the Middle East’s first sub-zero dining venue. Inside this lounge built entirely out of ice and chilled to -6C you can dine on hot drinks, delicious deserts and mock-tails while wrapped up in cosy coats and gloves.
10. Dubai Creek
Snaking through the middle of Dubai, this saltwater creek is a must-see for history lovers, sight-seers and photographers alike. As you drift down aboard a traditional boat, you’ll see the charming architecture of the old Dubai and perhaps even discover the traditional souks that are dotted along the banks.
11. Al Bastakiya
The oldest residential area in the city of Dubai gives you an authentic taste of the history here, with narrow winding lanes and stone towers, as well as the Al Fahidi Fort which is thought to be the oldest building in the city.
12. Palm Island
You’ll probably already have heard that this man-made island, shaped as a palm tree, can be seen from space, but did you know that it also has 520 kilometres of beach and is the home to some of Dubai’s most luxurious hotels, as well as boutique shopping, fine-dining venues and waterparks aplenty.
13. Have a private dinner on a terrace at the Burj Al Arab
For the ultimate romantic dinner, treat yourself to a six-course dinner backdropped by spectacular views of the Arabian Gulf at one of the world’s most luxurious hotels and Dubai’s only 7-star hotel.
14. Meena Bazaar
Though the sleek modern malls are also worth a trip, to get the most out of your trip to Dubai make sure you head to Meenaa Bazaar. Home to a staggering array of market stalls selling everything from food to fabric and jewellery, you can find yourself some unique souvenirs or simply wander around the narrow paths and take it all in.
15. Emirates Towers
These iconic towers have 15 restaurants and bars to choose from as well as an open-top swimming pool and some of the best views of the city.
16. Dubai Fountains
Every half an hour throughout the evening and twice during the day at the Burj Khalifa Lake, you can witness the world’s largest choreographed fountain display where water is shot up to 150 metres into the air.
17. Go snorkelling
The waters that surround the Middle East are well-known for being some of the best waters to snorkel thanks to good visibility, warm temperature and for being home to a myriad of sea life. The best snorkelling close to Dubai is found in the Gulf of Oman, to the east of the United Arab Emirates either at Fujairah or Oman’s Musandam Peninsula. Many hotels in Dubai offer snorkelling day trips which includes travel to and from the boat, equipment and often, lunch.
18. Go on a self-drive tour of the city in a supercar
Exploring the city by car is a must, but why stick to a standard hire car? Dubai is one of the best places in the world to hire a luxury sports car so why not travel in style and get behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce, a Bugati, a Porsche or a Bentley?
19. Children’s City
This one-of-a-kind ‘city within a city’ scientific learning centre is a great day out for ages 2 – 15. You and your family can investigate the human body exhibition, discover the solar system at the planetarium, play in the soft play area and have fun exploring!
20. Wonderland UAE
The largest amusement park in the UAE with 30 attractions sprawled across 22 acres of land including a theme park, indoor centre and an outdoor waterpark, that’s fun for the whole family.
21. Motor City
Home to the Dubai Autodrome, a 5.39km motor circuit as well as the F1-X Dubai Formula One theme park, this motor-themed residential area is a must for motor fans of any age.
22. Hot air balloon ride over the city
How better to see this majestic city than by air? See the mountains, desert and city from your very own hot air balloon, perhaps even with a glass of Champagne in hand.
23. XVA Gallery
One of the Middles East’s best contemporary galleries displaying the finest Arabic modern art, historical artefacts and ornaments.
24. Dubai Aquarium
The largest suspended aquarium in the world, this 10 million litre tank is home to over 33,000 animals across 140 species. Look out for the Sand Tiger Sharks, the largest collection of them in the world. If you’re looking for a thrill, daredevils can even try their hand at diving with them!
25. Join a running club
Running is one of the best ways to see a city. With miles of palm-lined promenades, parks and harbours, as well as running clubs for all abilities, Dubai is a great place to explore by foot. Dubai Road Runners even offers prizes for the runners that get closest to predicting their final time.
26. Rock pools of Hatta
This lesser known region is one of the most picturesque places in the UAE. Just an hour’s journey away from Dubai, it’s perfect for a day visit to escape the city and discover the country’s natural highlights. Here you can enjoy the landscape by hiking or kayaking the dam or exploring the 3,000-year-old heritage village. One of the biggest highlights of a trip to Hatta is swimming in the azure waters of the spring-fed rock pools of the Hajar Mountains.
27. Tax free shopping
Tax free shopping means that you can really go and get lost in the mall, with everything from designer shops to outlet stores at your disposal. The best malls include Ibn Buttuta Mall, an ornate Moroccan-inspired theme mall and BurJuman which boasts a mix of famous luxury clothing brands.
28. Bastakia Quarter
The city’s most charming heritage site, built in the 19 th century, that is home to art galleries, the Dubai Museum and Dubai’s oldest building, the Al Fahidi Fort. Wander the winding streets and admire the culture, history and architecture.
29. Wild Wadi Water Park
This waterpark located at the broad tip of The Palm Jumeirah offers 30 different attractions that’s fun for the whole family, and perfect to enjoy on hot days. This theme park is particularly famous for having the tallest free fall slide outside of the USA; thrill seekers will love hurtling toward ground at 80km per hour!
30. Angsana Spa
Relax and re-align at this delightful spa, offering a range of massages, facials and beauty treatments to melt the stresses of life away, leaving you rejuvenated and ready for adventuring Dubai!
31. Jumeirah mosque
This iconic mosque is an absolute must-see for anyone visiting the city particularly because it is one of the few mosques in the city that is open to non-Muslim guests. Not only is it the tallest in the city, but it is also one of the largest, with space for up to 1200 people. Six days of each week, guests can join tours to learn about the building’s history and cultural significance.
32. Big Red
This 300ft sand dune gets its name from its red colour caused by high iron oxide content, just outside of Dubai it is both jaw-dropping to look at and hair-rising to race down!
33. Dinner on a Donut
At the Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club you can experience a unique meal aboard a BBQ Donut – a ringed vessel floating on the Dubai Creek. Stocked with a selection of meat, seafood, vegetables and sauces, a central charcoal grill, and seats for up to eight guests, you and your family can enjoy an incredible meal backdropped on all sides by the creek.
34. Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary
Located just a short journey away from the centre of Dubai, this urban wildlife reserve offers an important habitat for over 67 different species of bird and is a great choice for a day out of the city. Across the lagoons, mangroves and mudflats you can see birds such as cormorants, herons, egrets and huge flocks of flamingos. What’s more, admission is completely free.
35. Hire a private luxury yacht
Get out onto the water aboard a private yacht where you can travel in style, glass of Champagne in hand, as you get a different view of the city and soak in some rays.
36. Use a gold vending machine
Want something crazy to tell everyone about when you return home from a spectacular luxury holiday in Dubai? Head to the Emirates Palace hotel to use one of the few vending machines in the world that delivers your cash withdrawal in solid gold.
Sarah Roberts is Director of Inspiring Travel Company. The Inspiring Travel Company, established in 1974, offers exceptional tailor-made luxury holidays and experiences to some of the most elegant and desirable destination across the globe.
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jesusvasser · 6 years
The Pininfarina Battista Is a Stunning, Fully Electric 1,874-HP Hypercar
It has 1,874 horsepower and 1,696 lb-ft of torque. It’ll hit 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, 100 mph in 4.3 seconds, and 186 mph in 11.8 seconds. The quarter-mile? Gone in 9.1 seconds. Top speed? An autobahn-busting 218 mph. And there’s not a single turbocharger or camshaft or piston to be found. Welcome to the shocking future of the hypercar. Welcome to the Pininfarina Battista, one of the star cars of this year’s Geneva auto show.
The name is steeped in history. Battista “Pinin” Farina founded his eponymous coachbuilding company in Turin, Italy, in 1930. The 1947 Cisitalia 202 coupe he designed was the first car to become part of the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection in New York. Pininfarina has also designed and built cars for Ferrari, as well as Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, and Cadillac (remember the Allanté?), among others. But the Battista is a digital-age, crowd-sourcing-era hypercar, combining traditional notions of Italian design and craftsmanship with financial and technological resources that simply weren’t available 10 years ago.
Pininfarina SpA, which will build the Battista in Italy, is today majority owned by Indian automaker Mahindra, best known in the U.S. for its range of tractors and the Roxor off-roader, an ancient CJ Jeep clone it has built for decades. Automobili Pininfarina, which developed with the Battista concept and will sell the car, is 100 percent owned by Mahindra and staffed by highly experienced executives and engineers who have variously worked for Porsche and Pagani, Lamborghini and Bugatti, as well as Alfa Romeo and Audi.
The Battista’s potent electric powertrain is from Croatia’s Rimac Automobili, whose electric-powered Concept_One and C_Two hypercars are quick enough to frighten a Bugatti Chiron. Rimac pricked the pop-culture zeitgeist in 2017 when former Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond threw a Concept_One off the road while filming an episode of The Grand Tour. But performance-focused Rimac has also attracted attention from respected auto industry heavyweights: Porsche quietly took a 10 percent stake in the company last year. Rimac is also supplying high-performance hybrid battery systems for the forthcoming Aston Martin Valkyrie, and Koenigsegg’s Regera.
Designed by Pininfarina SpA, the Battista at first glance looks vaguely like a reworked Ferrari 488. The Ferrari vibe is perhaps understandable, given the company’s long association with Maranello, even though the brief for the Battista came from Automobili Pininfarina design director Luca Borgogno, who worked at Lamborghini’s studio in Turin, most recently on the Urus SUV. Automobili Pininfarina insiders insist, however, the carbon-fiber monocoque and body panels are all new and unique, a fact substantiated by doors that are cut into and are hinged at the roof, and swing forward and upward like those of a McLaren 720S.
The Battista’s proportions and stance are generic mid-engine supercar—the lack of exhaust pipes is the only clue to the e-powertrain underneath—which some may see as a missed opportunity. But as with a tuxedo, there are only so many ways you can tweak and tease a classic formula before it starts to look odd. The Battista is a conventional beauty, its form defined by a handful of artfully rendered lines. The most important of these run back from the front fender and tuck in toward the center of the car as they rise over the rear wheels, where they define the inner edge of surfaces that appear to float over the rear of the car. Critically, the lines—and the surfaces—don’t quite meet, making the Battista look as if it has a split rear wing.
“I love the wing,” says design director Borgogno. “It looks like two separate fins. On other supercars the rear wing leaves an ugly, dead hollow space when it’s raised, but on the Battista the wing is so thin it leaves just a shallow indentation, the floor of which we have perforated so that you can see into the rear airflow section.”
The lines also define air channels that run along each side of the greenhouse, similar to those of the McLaren 720S. The Battista may not need to gulp oxygen to make all that power and torque, but there are five radiators located around the car to help manage the temperatures of the 120-kWh,T-shaped lithium-manganese-nickel battery pack, as well as the four liquid-cooled Rimac synchronous permanent magnet electric motors.
Pininfarina claims a range of up to 280 miles between charges, though as in an internal-combustion engine vehicle, your mileage may vary. Rimac says the battery pack has the juice and the thermal stability to propel its C_Two concept for two full-power laps of the 12.9-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife with negligible performance loss. The Battista should have similar capability.
And they should be mighty quick laps. Carbon-fiber construction should keep the Battista’s overall weight around 4,500 pounds despite the heavy battery pack. Carbon-ceramic brakes are standard, with 15.4-inch rotors up front and 15.0-inch ones at the rear, each clamped by six-piston monobloc calipers. And with a motor powering each wheel (two motors share a common casing in the center of the car at each axle), the Battista will have infinitely variable torque-vectoring capability at each corner of the car.
Helping hone the Battista’s dynamics is former F1 and Le Mans 24 racer Nick Heidfeld, whose other day job is development driver for the Mahindra Formula E team. Working with Heidfeld is Peter Tutzer, who began his career at Porsche, where he was ultimately appointed chief engineer for the company’s race-car program; he then worked at Pagani on the Zonda before joining Bugatti, where he played an integral role in the engineering and development of the Veyron. No shortage of credibility there.
The Battista’s interior is at once high tech and luxurious, with state-of-the-moment infotainment interfaces and a wide range of available trim colors. Two screens are located either side of the steering wheel, the left controlling dynamics and performance, the right media and navigation. All vital information is displayed immediately in front of the driver on a small, centrally mounted screen. A rotary controller mounted on the door enables drive-mode settings; on the right is the transmission control. Drivers will also be able to set bespoke sound settings, ranging from silence to what Automobili Pininfarina intriguingly calls “a signature Battista sound.”
Automobili Pininfarina plans to make just 150 Battistas, with a third of them coming to the U.S. The first cars are scheduled to arrive in 2020, in time to celebrate Pininfarina’s 90th anniversary.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
The Pininfarina Battista Is a Stunning, Fully Electric 1,874-HP Hypercar
It has 1,874 horsepower and 1,696 lb-ft of torque. It’ll hit 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, 100 mph in 4.3 seconds, and 186 mph in 11.8 seconds. The quarter-mile? Gone in 9.1 seconds. Top speed? An autobahn-busting 218 mph. And there’s not a single turbocharger or camshaft or piston to be found. Welcome to the shocking future of the hypercar. Welcome to the Pininfarina Battista, one of the star cars of this year’s Geneva auto show.
The name is steeped in history. Battista “Pinin” Farina founded his eponymous coachbuilding company in Turin, Italy, in 1930. The 1947 Cisitalia 202 coupe he designed was the first car to become part of the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection in New York. Pininfarina has also designed and built cars for Ferrari, as well as Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, and Cadillac (remember the Allanté?), among others. But the Battista is a digital-age, crowd-sourcing-era hypercar, combining traditional notions of Italian design and craftsmanship with financial and technological resources that simply weren’t available 10 years ago.
Pininfarina SpA, which will build the Battista in Italy, is today majority owned by Indian automaker Mahindra, best known in the U.S. for its range of tractors and the Roxor off-roader, an ancient CJ Jeep clone it has built for decades. Automobili Pininfarina, which developed with the Battista concept and will sell the car, is 100 percent owned by Mahindra and staffed by highly experienced executives and engineers who have variously worked for Porsche and Pagani, Lamborghini and Bugatti, as well as Alfa Romeo and Audi.
The Battista’s potent electric powertrain is from Croatia’s Rimac Automobili, whose electric-powered Concept_One and C_Two hypercars are quick enough to frighten a Bugatti Chiron. Rimac pricked the pop-culture zeitgeist in 2017 when former Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond threw a Concept_One off the road while filming an episode of The Grand Tour. But performance-focused Rimac has also attracted attention from respected auto industry heavyweights: Porsche quietly took a 10 percent stake in the company last year. Rimac is also supplying high-performance hybrid battery systems for the forthcoming Aston Martin Valkyrie, and Koenigsegg’s Regera.
Designed by Pininfarina SpA, the Battista at first glance looks vaguely like a reworked Ferrari 488. The Ferrari vibe is perhaps understandable, given the company’s long association with Maranello, even though the brief for the Battista came from Automobili Pininfarina design director Luca Borgogno, who worked at Lamborghini’s studio in Turin, most recently on the Urus SUV. Automobili Pininfarina insiders insist, however, the carbon-fiber monocoque and body panels are all new and unique, a fact substantiated by doors that are cut into and are hinged at the roof, and swing forward and upward like those of a McLaren 720S.
The Battista’s proportions and stance are generic mid-engine supercar—the lack of exhaust pipes is the only clue to the e-powertrain underneath—which some may see as a missed opportunity. But as with a tuxedo, there are only so many ways you can tweak and tease a classic formula before it starts to look odd. The Battista is a conventional beauty, its form defined by a handful of artfully rendered lines. The most important of these run back from the front fender and tuck in toward the center of the car as they rise over the rear wheels, where they define the inner edge of surfaces that appear to float over the rear of the car. Critically, the lines—and the surfaces—don’t quite meet, making the Battista look as if it has a split rear wing.
“I love the wing,” says design director Borgogno. “It looks like two separate fins. On other supercars the rear wing leaves an ugly, dead hollow space when it’s raised, but on the Battista the wing is so thin it leaves just a shallow indentation, the floor of which we have perforated so that you can see into the rear airflow section.”
The lines also define air channels that run along each side of the greenhouse, similar to those of the McLaren 720S. The Battista may not need to gulp oxygen to make all that power and torque, but there are five radiators located around the car to help manage the temperatures of the 120-kWh,T-shaped lithium-manganese-nickel battery pack, as well as the four liquid-cooled Rimac synchronous permanent magnet electric motors.
Pininfarina claims a range of up to 280 miles between charges, though as in an internal-combustion engine vehicle, your mileage may vary. Rimac says the battery pack has the juice and the thermal stability to propel its C_Two concept for two full-power laps of the 12.9-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife with negligible performance loss. The Battista should have similar capability.
And they should be mighty quick laps. Carbon-fiber construction should keep the Battista’s overall weight around 4,500 pounds despite the heavy battery pack. Carbon-ceramic brakes are standard, with 15.4-inch rotors up front and 15.0-inch ones at the rear, each clamped by six-piston monobloc calipers. And with a motor powering each wheel (two motors share a common casing in the center of the car at each axle), the Battista will have infinitely variable torque-vectoring capability at each corner of the car.
Helping hone the Battista’s dynamics is former F1 and Le Mans 24 racer Nick Heidfeld, whose other day job is development driver for the Mahindra Formula E team. Working with Heidfeld is Peter Tutzer, who began his career at Porsche, where he was ultimately appointed chief engineer for the company’s race-car program; he then worked at Pagani on the Zonda before joining Bugatti, where he played an integral role in the engineering and development of the Veyron. No shortage of credibility there.
The Battista’s interior is at once high tech and luxurious, with state-of-the-moment infotainment interfaces and a wide range of available trim colors. Two screens are located either side of the steering wheel, the left controlling dynamics and performance, the right media and navigation. All vital information is displayed immediately in front of the driver on a small, centrally mounted screen. A rotary controller mounted on the door enables drive-mode settings; on the right is the transmission control. Drivers will also be able to set bespoke sound settings, ranging from silence to what Automobili Pininfarina intriguingly calls “a signature Battista sound.”
Automobili Pininfarina plans to make just 150 Battistas, with a third of them coming to the U.S. The first cars are scheduled to arrive in 2020, in time to celebrate Pininfarina’s 90th anniversary.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
The Pininfarina Battista Is a Stunning, Fully Electric 1,874-HP Hypercar
It has 1,874 horsepower and 1,696 lb-ft of torque. It’ll hit 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, 100 mph in 4.3 seconds, and 186 mph in 11.8 seconds. The quarter-mile? Gone in 9.1 seconds. Top speed? An autobahn-busting 218 mph. And there’s not a single turbocharger or camshaft or piston to be found. Welcome to the shocking future of the hypercar. Welcome to the Pininfarina Battista, one of the star cars of this year’s Geneva auto show.
The name is steeped in history. Battista “Pinin” Farina founded his eponymous coachbuilding company in Turin, Italy, in 1930. The 1947 Cisitalia 202 coupe he designed was the first car to become part of the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection in New York. Pininfarina has also designed and built cars for Ferrari, as well as Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, and Cadillac (remember the Allanté?), among others. But the Battista is a digital-age, crowd-sourcing-era hypercar, combining traditional notions of Italian design and craftsmanship with financial and technological resources that simply weren’t available 10 years ago.
Pininfarina SpA, which will build the Battista in Italy, is today majority owned by Indian automaker Mahindra, best known in the U.S. for its range of tractors and the Roxor off-roader, an ancient CJ Jeep clone it has built for decades. Automobili Pininfarina, which developed with the Battista concept and will sell the car, is 100 percent owned by Mahindra and staffed by highly experienced executives and engineers who have variously worked for Porsche and Pagani, Lamborghini and Bugatti, as well as Alfa Romeo and Audi.
The Battista’s potent electric powertrain is from Croatia’s Rimac Automobili, whose electric-powered Concept_One and C_Two hypercars are quick enough to frighten a Bugatti Chiron. Rimac pricked the pop-culture zeitgeist in 2017 when former Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond threw a Concept_One off the road while filming an episode of The Grand Tour. But performance-focused Rimac has also attracted attention from respected auto industry heavyweights: Porsche quietly took a 10 percent stake in the company last year. Rimac is also supplying high-performance hybrid battery systems for the forthcoming Aston Martin Valkyrie, and Koenigsegg’s Regera.
Designed by Pininfarina SpA, the Battista at first glance looks vaguely like a reworked Ferrari 488. The Ferrari vibe is perhaps understandable, given the company’s long association with Maranello, even though the brief for the Battista came from Automobili Pininfarina design director Luca Borgogno, who worked at Lamborghini’s studio in Turin, most recently on the Urus SUV. Automobili Pininfarina insiders insist, however, the carbon-fiber monocoque and body panels are all new and unique, a fact substantiated by doors that are cut into and are hinged at the roof, and swing forward and upward like those of a McLaren 720S.
The Battista’s proportions and stance are generic mid-engine supercar—the lack of exhaust pipes is the only clue to the e-powertrain underneath—which some may see as a missed opportunity. But as with a tuxedo, there are only so many ways you can tweak and tease a classic formula before it starts to look odd. The Battista is a conventional beauty, its form defined by a handful of artfully rendered lines. The most important of these run back from the front fender and tuck in toward the center of the car as they rise over the rear wheels, where they define the inner edge of surfaces that appear to float over the rear of the car. Critically, the lines—and the surfaces—don’t quite meet, making the Battista look as if it has a split rear wing.
“I love the wing,” says design director Borgogno. “It looks like two separate fins. On other supercars the rear wing leaves an ugly, dead hollow space when it’s raised, but on the Battista the wing is so thin it leaves just a shallow indentation, the floor of which we have perforated so that you can see into the rear airflow section.”
The lines also define air channels that run along each side of the greenhouse, similar to those of the McLaren 720S. The Battista may not need to gulp oxygen to make all that power and torque, but there are five radiators located around the car to help manage the temperatures of the 120-kWh,T-shaped lithium-manganese-nickel battery pack, as well as the four liquid-cooled Rimac synchronous permanent magnet electric motors.
Pininfarina claims a range of up to 280 miles between charges, though as in an internal-combustion engine vehicle, your mileage may vary. Rimac says the battery pack has the juice and the thermal stability to propel its C_Two concept for two full-power laps of the 12.9-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife with negligible performance loss. The Battista should have similar capability.
And they should be mighty quick laps. Carbon-fiber construction should keep the Battista’s overall weight around 4,500 pounds despite the heavy battery pack. Carbon-ceramic brakes are standard, with 15.4-inch rotors up front and 15.0-inch ones at the rear, each clamped by six-piston monobloc calipers. And with a motor powering each wheel (two motors share a common casing in the center of the car at each axle), the Battista will have infinitely variable torque-vectoring capability at each corner of the car.
Helping hone the Battista’s dynamics is former F1 and Le Mans 24 racer Nick Heidfeld, whose other day job is development driver for the Mahindra Formula E team. Working with Heidfeld is Peter Tutzer, who began his career at Porsche, where he was ultimately appointed chief engineer for the company’s race-car program; he then worked at Pagani on the Zonda before joining Bugatti, where he played an integral role in the engineering and development of the Veyron. No shortage of credibility there.
The Battista’s interior is at once high tech and luxurious, with state-of-the-moment infotainment interfaces and a wide range of available trim colors. Two screens are located either side of the steering wheel, the left controlling dynamics and performance, the right media and navigation. All vital information is displayed immediately in front of the driver on a small, centrally mounted screen. A rotary controller mounted on the door enables drive-mode settings; on the right is the transmission control. Drivers will also be able to set bespoke sound settings, ranging from silence to what Automobili Pininfarina intriguingly calls “a signature Battista sound.”
Automobili Pininfarina plans to make just 150 Battistas, with a third of them coming to the U.S. The first cars are scheduled to arrive in 2020, in time to celebrate Pininfarina’s 90th anniversary.
0 notes
robertkstone · 6 years
Pininfarina Battista First Look: The Fully Electric, Nearly 1,900-HP Hypercar
It has 1,874 horsepower and 1,696 lb-ft of torque. It’ll hit 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, 100 mph in 4.3 seconds, and 186 mph in 11.8 seconds. Quarter mile? Gone in 9.1 seconds. Top speed? An autobahn-busting 218 mph. And there’s not a single turbocharger or camshaft or piston to be found. Welcome to the shocking future of the hypercar. Welcome to the Pininfarina Battista, one of the star cars of this year’s Geneva auto show.
The name is steeped in history. Battista ‘Pinin’ Farina founded his eponymous coachbuilding company in Turin, Italy, in 1930. The 1947 Cisitalia 202 coupe he designed was the first car to become part of the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection in New York. Pininfarina has also designed and built cars for Ferrari, as well as Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, and Cadillac (remember the Allante?), among others. But the Battista is a digital-age, crowd source–era hypercar, combining traditional notions of Italian design and craftsmanship with financial and technological resources that simply weren’t available 10 years ago.
Pininfarina SpA, which will build the Battista in Italy, is today majority owned by Indian automaker Mahindra, best known in the U.S. for its range of tractors and the Roxor off-roader, an ancient CJ Jeep clone it has built for decades. Automobili Pininfarina, which developed with the Battista concept and will sell the car, is 100 percent owned by Mahindra and staffed by highly experienced executives and engineers who have variously worked for Porsche and Pagani, Lamborghini and Bugatti, as well as Alfa Romeo and Audi.
The Battista’s potent e-powertrain is from Croatia’s Rimac Automobili, whose electric-powered Concept_One and C_Two hypercars are quick enough to frighten a Bugatti Chiron. Rimac pricked the pop-culture zeitgeist in 2017 when former Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond threw a Concept_One off the road while filming an episode of The Grand Tour. But performance-focused Rimac has also attracted attention from respected auto industry heavyweights: Porsche quietly took a 10 percent stake in the company last year. Rimac is also supplying high-performance hybrid battery systems for the forthcoming Aston Martin Valkyrie, and Koenigsegg’s Regera.
Designed by Pininfarina SpA, the Battista at first glance looks vaguely like a reworked Ferrari 488. The Ferrari vibe is perhaps understandable, given the company’s long association with Maranello, even though the brief for the Battista came from Automobili Pininfarina design director Luca Borgogno, who worked at Lamborghini’s studio in Turin, most recently on the Urus SUV. Automobili Pininfarina insiders insist, however, the carbon -iber monocoque and body panels are all new and unique, a fact substantiated by doors that are cut into and are hinged at the roof, and swing forward and upward like those of a McLaren 720S.
The Battista’s proportion and stance are generic mid-engine supercar—the lack of exhaust pipes is the only clue to the e-powertrain underneath—which some may see as a missed opportunity. But as with a tuxedo, there are only so many ways you can tweak and tease a classic formula before it starts to look odd. The Battista is a conventional beauty, its form defined by a handful of artfully rendered lines. The most important of these run back from the front fender and tuck in toward the center of the car as they rise over the rear wheels, where they define the inner edge of surfaces that appear to float over the rear of the car. Critically, the lines—and the surfaces—don’t quite meet, making the Battista look as if it has a split rear wing.
“I love the wing,” says design director Borgogno. “It looks like two separate fins. On other supercars the rear wing leaves an ugly, dead hollow space when it’s raised, but on the Battista the wing is so thin it leaves just a shallow indentation, the floor of which we have perforated so that you can see into the rear airflow section.”
The lines also define air channels that run along each side of the glasshouse, similar to those of the McLaren 720S. The Battista may not need to gulp oxygen to make all that power and torque, but there are five radiators located around the car to help manage the temperatures of the T-shaped, 120-kW-hr, lithium–manganese–nickel battery pack, and the four liquid-cooled Rimac synchronous permanent magnet e-motors.
Pininfarina claims a range of up to 280 miles between charges, though as in an internal combustion engine vehicle, your mileage may vary. Rimac says the battery pack has the juice and the thermal stability to propel its C_Two concept for two full-power laps of the 12.9-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife with negligible performance loss. The Battista should have similar capability.
And they should be mighty quick laps. Carbon-fiber construction should keep the Battista’s overall weight around 4,500 pounds despite the heavy battery pack. Carbon-ceramic brakes are standard, with 15.4-inch rotors up front and 15.0 at the rear, each clamped by six-piston monobloc calipers. And with an e-motor powering each wheel (two motors share a common casing in the center of the car at each axle), the Battista will have infinitely variable torque vectoring capability at each corner of the car.
Helping hone the Battista’s dynamics is former F1 and Le Mans 24 racer Nick Heidfeld, whose other day job is development driver for the Mahindra Formula E team. Working with Heidfeld is Peter Tutzer, who began his career at Porsche, where he was ultimately appointed chief engineer for the company’s race car program; he then worked at Pagani on the Zonda before joining Bugatti, where he played an integral role in the engineering and development of the Veyron. No shortage of credibility there.
The Battista’s interior is at once high tech and luxurious, with state-of-the-moment infotainment interfaces and a wide range of available trim colors. Two screens are located either side of the steering wheel, the left controlling dynamics and performance, the right media and navigation. All vital information is displayed immediately in front of the driver on a small, centrally mounted screen. A rotary controller mounted on the door enables drive mode settings; on the right is the transmission control. Drivers will also be able to set bespoke sound settings, ranging from silence to what Automobili Pininfarina intriguingly calls “a signature Battista sound.”
Automobili Pininfarina plans to make just 150 Battistas, with a third of them coming to the U.S. The first cars are scheduled to arrive in 2020, in time to celebrate Pininfarina’s 90th anniversary.
0 notes
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I had a little accident and I have some questions about car insurance.?
I rear ended my cousins brand new car. I have car insurance, that's not the problem. The problem is that she hasn't had car insurance for the past two months AND she doesn't have a drivers license, only a permit. When I call my insurance company to report this, are they going to ask for her information? Is there anyway to get around this? What should I do?""
Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual?
I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
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""How much do you think my car insurance will be, rough estimate?
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How much would car insurance be for a 1993 Toyota Celica? I will be 21 in August, have a clean driving record, no accidents, married with a child. I am a full time college student with a 3.2 GPA. How much should I expect for car insurance per month? The car has 160,000 miles on it. Please, no advertising websites, just real answers. Thanks!""
""Maximums for lawsuits in California have been capped at $250,000 for many years, and insurance costs haven't?
...gone down one bit. Lawsuits are only 5% of insurance companies costs - it's been proven many times including during the 2004 Presidential debates. Why is this the only suggestion they ever have?
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At what age does a car qualify for Classic Motor Insurance?
At what age does a car qualify for Classic Motor Insurance?
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
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In terms of claim settlement ratio and efficient service
At what age does a car qualify for Classic Motor Insurance?
At what age does a car qualify for Classic Motor Insurance?
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How much would insurance be for an 18 year old using USAA? I am going to get a Honda CBR250R for the gas mileage. I live in Southern California in Riverside county. the bike would be my primary transportation and i have a perfect driving record. along with straight A's. please help?
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What websites can I go to to find out what to buy , where to buy, what companies to avoid, the Best car insurance companies, etc. ? What companies do other people recommend for single, middle aged male, with an excellent FICO score, who wants to insure one 5-yr old 4 door family -type sedan ?""
What's the insurance costs on a 1989-95 nissan 240sx?
I'm sixteen & mostly going to end up getting this car & was wondering how much it would cost out of curiosity
What is the difference between home insurance and buildings and contents insurance?
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I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
Need help with insurance!! getting ready to buy a car?
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I lent my friend my car in florida and the car broke down he called for assistance and the tow truck hit the car will my car insurance go up i have geico
Do you have to show proof of insurance to register a car in utah? ?
I just bought a used 2004 car in utah. I got a temporary tag using my bill of sale and title. A paper they gave me said all I need is my safety and emissions to register fully. But my parents are insisting I need proof of insurance to register. I plan on getting insurance within the next week. I just want to get my plates on by tomorrow if I could. Please someone help.
Any ideas how i could get my car insurance quotes lower? 18 year old female driver?
Okay so every time i go on price comparison sites etc, my quote will not go below 2300! no matter what car i put in with a small engine, nothing chages what else can i do? i must be going wrong somewhere because lots of people get insurance below 2000! i cannt add any additional drivers because noone in my family drives thanks! :)""
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My boyfriend and I are talking about moving; at the moment we live in central Pennsylvania. The only thing keeping us here is our families. We would like to move to an affordable area, either a small city or large town. Somewhere that has good jobs, and local colleges or universities since I'm still in college and lots of jobs. Also we want an area that offers a lot of activities, especially outdoors. All suggestions are welcome!""
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Life and income insurance?
If I started income and life insurance when i started property investment for investment purpose only to cover investment,are the monthly premiums tax deductible""
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Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How much does it cost to cancel motorbike insurance in the UK?
If you've been with them say 2-4 months. Also does it make a difference if its Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft or Fully Comp? Its on a 125cc and the insurance is going to cost approx 300. Thanks""
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I am driving a 1.6litre at the moment
If business were de-regulated would it really save the owners money? What about insurance costs?
Regulations protect business from lawsuits; which are costly, damaging and highly unpredictable. More, because there are guidelines and the government enforces those guidelines businesses can be insured and insured at affordable rates. If regulations on business were repealed, what would happen to the cost and availability of insurance for business?""
How can I get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. I'm 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon. I've never had my own policy before and I was wondering how I would go about getting one. Also, what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
Do you purchase the new car or car insurance first?
I want to buy myself a new car. I have never done this before. My parents have always taken care of things and now I want to do this on my own. I want to put down a $15,000 down payment/cash and I have no credit. Will this be possible? Do I look for insurance first? Or do I buy the car first?""
Small Business General Liability Insurance rates for premiums and audits?
The small business that I work for is currently shopping for a GL carrier and in getting quotes, questions are coming up that I just cannot find the answers for. Our current GL company basis our premium on our policy year payroll. However, one company that we are getting a quote from is basing the quote on the policy year gross income. Now, these two numbers are VASTLY different and I don't know why one is basing my premium on one item and another company on another item. Another question is Audit Rates. The audit rates between these two companies, (again based on different item dollar amounts,) differs also and I was wondering what a standard audit dollar amount would be, or maybe an average? If it makes a difference, my company does subcontract low voltage work. Thanks!""
""New to real estate, question about auto insurance?""
I drive my parents car but i am not insured, now that i've joined a real estate firm, they want me to have them as an additional insured. So what can I do now? Do I have to get insurance under my name? And how much would it cost to get the firm as an additional insured?""
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH?
Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you""
Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?
1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?""
Whatt is the mileage and insurance on a ferrari 348 spider?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the car, i want to know how much it would cost for gas if im using it as daily driver(is it possible to use one of these as daily driver?). how much would the insurance be monthly? i live in bergen nj and im 17.""
Co op young drivers insurance (Smart box)?
Do co op young drivers insurance insure Cat C cars that have been repaired with vic certificate and log book? i called them twice and one person says they do but the other person said they don't so im confused on weather to buy the car or not? Thanks
""How would you cover people who are denied health coverage by the insurance companies, if not a public option?""
There are many Americans who want health care, but cannot get adequate coverage because they have a pre-existing condition, can't afford it, or are denied by insurers. Maybe they are working but their company doesn't offer medical coverage for them. How do we help these people? Are they just stuck?""
True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?
True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?
Qualify for state car insurance?
Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?""
About how much will my auto insurance be a month?
im about to turn 16 and im getting a 2010 camaro ss. and i dont care for yalls opinions u dont need a car that fast or ur spoiled just answer the question and i live in texas
""Help,my camera was stolen...insurance?
My camera was stolen from an event. It was a very expensive camera... a Nikon Digital SLR and a lens that i rented from somewhere. Would contents insurance cover the full cost? I don't know how insurance works.. and do you think the rental place would have insurance for the lens? Will I have to pay for it? I filed a police report and now I am not sure what to do next..
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aygo insurance
How do i look for cheapest car insurance?
i am 18 years old girl. I am thinking to buy a car for myself but i want the cheapest car insurance as possible. how do i look for cars that cost cheap insurance. any ideas.
What insurance provider has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What insurance provider has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Faster cars with lower insurance costs?
What are some faster cars available in the UK which have relatively low insurance costs. I am 20 years old so cars such as Imprezas where the insurance is 4000+ is too much. Are there any cars in the 1500-2000 insurance cost (3rd party fire and theft) which are usually cheaper to insure? Thanks
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Insurance on a streetbike?
so i live in southern california 19 years old 3 years car driving experience 0 licensed with a motorcycle valid motorcycle permit 3 accidents on my record 2 including totaling cars... i was wondering if any1 happens ot have close oto the same things and know what i should expect iwth MINIMUM insurance no comp or collision or anything just basic liability.. but i do want max medical payments
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
How much does it cost on average to insure your license?
through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.
Car insurance help needed?
For reasons I do not want to discuss here, my car has not had auto insurance on it for about a year, it has not been driven only set in my garage. I am trying to get insurance on it again so I can drive it again, but because I put I have not had insurance for a year the monthly payment is not manageable, if I put that my last policy ended a week ago and get a policy online will I need to show proof of this or is there another way to get insurance and not have to pay such high premiums?""
Driving license and auto insurance?
my boyfriend have no green card or paper work for USA but there something he can get driving license or auto insurance? somehting is cheaper?
Which car insurance company provides the best rates to young teens (16-22)?
i mean best car insurance quotes
Car insurance question?
If I have insurance for me and my husband on our truck, and My Mother in law has insurance for her vehicle. If she borrows our truck and gets in a wreck, whose insurance will pay?""
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
Who is the Blonde looking for better insurance rates in the progressive insurance commercial.?
She works alongside Stephanie Courtney in the progressive insurance company commercials.
A person with sr22 insurance wrecked my car. Will sr22 cover the damages to my vehicle?
I was unaware the person I let drive my vehicle only had sr22 (Texas) insurance. He totaled my car while I was a passenger in it. My insurance is very unlikely to cover the damages since he is not on our policy, but would his sr22 cover the damages? I am very worried & any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you""
Should car insurance be made mandatory?
I use public transportation or a bicycle to get to places, and my refusal to purchase car insurance drives the price up for people who drive. This is unfair that I save money and you have to pay.""
How much would car insurance typically cost for a first time driver with a used car?
I'm almost 18 and will hopefully be driving soon and I was wondering how much I would pay for car insurance for a used car? I'm not looking for a normal teen car, I'm looking more for a very child friendly safe vehicle for me and my son. Generally what am I looking at price wise either per/month or yearly for insurance?""
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
""What is the definition of a total loss car by the insurance company?, Is it possible to get my car back?""
Florida-A couple of months ago I was involved in an car accident that my insurance said they would not fix, due to certain circumstances. The insurance company told me the car was a total loss. The buy here Pay here who financed the vehicle told me to bring in the police report info and that was it. you have to get a new car is simply what I was told, I asked about payments and he told me to call him in a few days- few days turn into weeks and he is never available to discuss with me payments. Almost 2 months and there is still noone willing to talk to me?, looking through some car ads yesterday I saw the car listed at a different location owned by the same Buy Here Pay Here it was all like new, Fixed and being sold? If my car was fixable couldnt I have just paid out of pocket to fix it? what is the definition of a total loss from the insurance's view? Is it possible to get my car back? BTW I have no issues with paying the finance company- I just cant get anyoone to talk to me. Please try and answer all of the questions here, so I dont have to repost separately Thanks in advance for the advice.""
Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?
I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!""
How long does it take for auto insurance to pay out for no-fault accident?
Hello - I was involved in an auto-accident in March of 2006 in which both insurance companies (mine and hers) agreed that it was the other party's fault and I was a zero-liability. Their insurance company (let's call them Venus , of ease) has asked for receipts ($1000 in rentals which my coverage does not cover), my deductible amount and any other amount which I had to put out (total is about $1,700). I have waited since April for them to pay me. I get letters from Venus every other week saying they are pending further investigation - but, I am at wits-end and want my money which I had to pay-out for an accident that everyone acknowledges is not my fault. Does anyone know what the law/rules are in California and how long they can take to pay after they find the other party is at fault? Also, what can I word in a strongly worded letter to get this finally paid. I dont want to hire lawyer for such a low amount - but, that extra 1700 sure would be nice at the moment. Thanks! Chris""
Car insurance on taxes?
im a 23yr old part time student and i work full time, first time im filing my taxes alone, am i able to add my car insurance like i to with tuition?""
Teen insurance and info two questions in one?
Hi, i am having a tough time with auto insurance qoutes and prices, so i could use some help. Question 1. ok, i am 15, will be 16 in May, if that helps, i have a 1994 Dodge full size van of my own (title was signed to me) and i am getting ready to tag it. i also live in Kansas. ok, i have $500 dollars saved up and have a job that i work 2 days a week and i make about $200 a week. now, i would like to buy my own insurance if possible. is it possible? Question 2. if i can not buy my insurance, can i put the insurance in my mom's name only, and then title it in mine? but one way or the other I HAVE to title it, the title is written out to me on the back in ink, so...................... thanks to any answers or if you know any good cheap insurance companies thanks""
aygo insurance
aygo insurance
""Is 4,800 a good insurance quote these days for a 17 year old?""
those days of insurance being 2,500 have gone last year. i cant get lower than 4.8k""
My medical insurance company ask for homeowner insurance policy?
I fell on my deck, and went through surgery, the total medical expense is about 25K. Now my medical insurance company is asking for homeowner insurance policy. I am not sure how to handle it to avoid any potential cost to me such as deductible or premium increase. Is the medical insurance policy the primary or the homeowner insurance policy for this case? Thanks
Can i get insurance to cover me driving my girl friends car?
My girlfriends mom is nervous with me driving her daughter's car. The mother is the one who holds the registration and insurance. Is there a way that I could have it insured for me so that she will feel comfortable if I borrow it? She worries about getting sued if I get in a wreck. is there a way to have that fall on my shoulders?
Car Insurance and an accident?!?
So my parents are wanting me to get my own car insurance plan. Here's my question though. I got into an accident last December but my car insurance is under my dads name. Does this accident show up in my name when I ask for a quote from other insurance companies?
I'm about to turn 16 and I'm wording how much will my car insurance be on a Mercedes and escalade both 2002
Ill probley be taking drivers ed. The cars will both be under my name and both be under my own insurance.I live in Oregon. also if you know a good car insurance place please let me know.
Insurance coverage for home birth?
I know some insurance companies will cover home birth as an out of network cost which mine will as well but I have a high deductible so that's pointless. I was looking for a back up insurance that will cover home birth. I have had no luck locating one. Does anyone know of one or small insurance company that does? I am in AZ. Thanks!
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Stylish cars that are cheap to insure for a 17 year old?
What cars are nice but are good for new drivers? Manual by the way.
Good rule of thumb for uninsured insurance?
I heard that if you have health insurance that you don't need to get uninsured coverage.... is this true? I do have health insurance. UI costs $200 extra a year which seems unnecessary. My car isn't worth enough to get full coverage so just have liability.
Can an insurance company drop your auto insurance any time?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years. The first two claims where while living in another state. I since moved and just put in my third claim today (first claim with this company). My insurance payment really isn't all that high, about $75 monthly. The lady told me today that it would go up 10% if the cost was over $750. (it will be) She said this didn't effect my insurability or anything, but what if I had another accident in a year?? The real question is, can an insurance company drop you for any reason at any time? Some have said no, only within the first 60 days, others say yes, absolutely any time. What's the right answer?""
How much is moped insurance?
getting a scooter , how much will my insurance be?""
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
Liability insurance on a leased car?
If I lease a car or buy it on credit (a 2004 convertible mustang eg.) can I just buy cheap liability insurance? Please explain, I'm new to this and I need a car asap :/ please and thnx!!!""
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw""
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?
Can you recommend any books for 15-yr old girl?
I've only read a few books. I don't really have a favorite genre, but I like the kind where it keeps you on edge, or its so good, you can't put it down. Books I read for school are boring, like To Kill A Mockingbird, there was another one where this family got insurance money and they were fighting over it. i really don't like those kind. So can you recommend anything that I would like? I'm trying to find a genre I like, but so far, no luck. I've read books like the da vinci code, stonehenge, american chillers(when i was in elementary school, now in high school), a child called it, night, and acceleration.""
Can I buy a car for someone and them pay insurance and registration?
Basically Drive and maintain my car? I'm buying it for her. I will register it in my name. I live in NV, so I need to register it here in NV. Title, Loan, and Registration will be in my name. Can she legally insure the vehicle, solely? Does she need to add me onto the insurance policy? Is it OK for her to drive it in Cali, where she lives, with it registered to me here in Vegas? What are some possible unforeseen problems that may arise, besides: If towed I need to get it out. If tickets unpaid or loan not paid upon, I get the flack and bad history, and fines. Please help! feedback needed! OF COURSE ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA, BUT IF I CHOOSE TO DO IT, I want to be aware of it all, just asking for some heads up and feedback, please! Thanks!""
I crashed a friends subaru and his parents are hunting me for money. How much am should I be expected to pay?
Turning a corner I overturned and have dented the front fender in front of the left wheel. Knocked the front left wheel out of alignment, all but removed the passenger mirror and scratched the left side of the car, only paint deep to my recollection. Also the left front indicator cover has been smashed, bulbs unharmed though. The car is a subaru legacy 1985 station wagon 4wd. They either want $700 for the cost of the car itself or repair money. Please help soon, friends parents are hunting me down.""
If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?
If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
Functions of auto insurance and coverage characteristics?
I'm doing this for school, and she only posted a table. We have to figure out what are functions of all insurance and coverage characteristics of all. I may be overlooking this a little to much. But if someone could help me out that would be great and I appreciate it.""
Why cant i get cheaper insurance?
i have a fiat 500 1.2 with a tracker in my car which is there to stop me driving between 11pm and 5am and im still being charged 2000 a year for my insurance, last year i was paying 2008 a year i have 1 years no claims and no convictions WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED????""
Should everyone be required to buy healthcare insurance?
I say no. What if I can afford it? It should not be required but it should be AFFORDABLE!
aygo insurance
aygo insurance
0 notes
myracingcareer · 8 years
New Partnership - RGPL League
Hello, let me introduce ourselves! We are RGPL league and we are fans of motorsport - racing cars series. But of course our hobby is very demanding financially and not everybody has finances to buy/build a car and go racing we fell in love with virtual racing. They call this virtual sport as SimRacing.
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We started with SimRacing in 2008 on simulator called rFactor and every Sunday we met each other in Formula 1 races held under real calendar or another racing series which fitted the gap in F1 calendar. For racing is needed to have standard internet connection and furthermost racing wheel. You can't drive much on keyboard / rFactor is real simulation and fine throttle control is needed.
From 2017 we will have big changes. We will race on rFactor 1 on Wednesday evenings and on classic Sunday evenings we will go for rFactor 2.
Now we are awaiting racing series of current models of GT3 cars (rF2) and touring cars from years 1998 - 2000 of BTCC Classics (rF1). For those who don't know these simulators we can say that rFactor 1 is easier to handle and rFactor 2 is an upgraded simulation where you need to think on a smooth ride and your tires on which you can make flat spots, you can overheat them and destroy them or you need to expect rain which can come at any time due to a real weather system that is set in the game - for example if it rains at real Brno circuit in real time it will rain on our circuit at the same time. Then in the first half of the year we will have on rFactor 2 simulator series of DTM and Formula 1 and on rFactor 1 simulator we will have BMW Classics with classic BMW 2002ti cars and then modern Seat Leon Eurocup.
So if you are interested in trying these simulators visit our website and go to Start menu on article Jak začít (How to start) and check our forum where anybody will be happy to help you at any time. Understanding of everything is really simple even if it may look complicated at the first look.
As a league we have our own endurance team TeamRGPL which is racing Endurance races since 2012 and now we have agreed on the cooperation with Debik so our cars have logos of MyRacingCareer. We try to promote this manager not only on windscreens of our league cars and website but also on cars which are seen by simracing world. This year we are doing so well that our car in most prestigious league Virtual Endurance Championship have won two out of three races so far. Apart from having these logos, we still want to improve our promotion of MRC.
Thanks to this you can now read these lines - of course we are looking for new drivers for our league - there is never enough of them and also those who will fall for racing we would like to welcome after some time in our Endurance team. We are into some championships and now we have a chance almost every time to put some rookies into some series.
If you are interested in virtual racing but you still don't know what it is about check links below which tell you something about who we are and what we do.
Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to seeing some of you on racetrack!
League website: www.RGPL.eu
League FB: www.FACEBOOK.com/LigaRGPL
Endurance Team FB: www.FACEBOOK.com/TeamRGPL
Highlights from our 2009 season: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCED20D409F12150B
Replay of endurance race 6 Hours of Istanbul: https://youtu.be/cKe7aCPD00s
Replay of endurance race 8 Hours of Silverstone: https://youtu.be/vBguLfWPNpY
Author: DebiK
0 notes