#welcome home mob au howdy
666-dump · 1 year
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ИЗВИНИТЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ я очень люблю вселенную моб ау добро пожаловать домой. ХНЫЧУ Крч, тут Мыш больше эээээ ручной мыши и живого щита в бою. Помогает Хауди в баре, принеси, падай и выполни вон то. Так как у Мыша изначально нет глаз и он типа слепой, то Уолли забрал у Мыша его настоящие крылья. Было больно? О да это было ужасно физически и морально. Но в моем  оригинальном Мыше сидит тьма и э...там крч долго говорить. КРЧ, Тьма в моб Мыше заменила ему крылья на пародию. летать не может зато щит ахуеный всем мафиози советую. Так как Мыша слепой то пользуется слухом и бегает босиком чтобы чувствовать вибрации земли.
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star-keepr · 1 year
hi this is a silly stupid fic I thought would be cool to write but please be warned when I write gore I spare no details, @x-ca1iber has had to learn this the hard way so please proceed with caution <3
(btw I have no idea if anything like this has been written before so if it has been I apologize in advance)
credit to @clownsuu I believe they're the one that created this au
TW!!! gore, pain(lots of it), sharp objects, fear, mafia(?), guns, death
Welcome To The Family - Y/N x Mob au Wally
Today was the day of your 'interview', you knew you couldn't miss this one as it was extra important. Being part of a mob wasn't exactly anything new to you, although it had admittedly been a while. You would have stayed with your own, if they weren't all shot down by a rival gang. The only reason you survived was because your mom was good enough to hide you while the whole ordeal went down. They aren't fond memories to think back upon, and now that you're thinking about it, you start to become a little nervous. Would a mob accept a member of a former rival family? No, no, you've gotten this far. The boss would have definitely said something by now if you weren't welcomed.
The gloomy city streets glistened a little from being coated in a fresh layer of rain in the buttery colored streetlights. You didn't want to check the time due to your hurry, but from looking above at the dark cloudy sky you guessed it was around 10:00 pm. This part of town was always deserted, everyone knew it was gang turf. That's what made you so unnerved to return here. Just little you wrapped in a concealing coat silhouetted by flickering streetlights.
Eventually you made it to the building you were instructed to enter, it's a little old looking like an almost abandoned apartment. You knocked on the door. No answer. You waited a moment, then tried hesitantly to knock again, but before you could, the door cracked open to reveal a tall green man with... did he have four arms?! He gave you a suspicious glare through the small crack with a single eye.
"Y/N L/N. I'm here about the job offer?"
You hold up a rather elegant looking card with the boss's info on it, a surefire way he told you to get into the building if his bodyguards didn't trust you. The door opens up a bit more as the tall green man (you think he's some sort of caterpillar??) takes the card and inspects it thoroughly, looking over both sides like his life depended on it. After a very long and suspenseful moment, the caterpillar looked back at you, handed you back the card, and stepped aside for you to enter.
"Follow me."
The inside of the building extremely contrasted its outside, as the inner workings of this place were very clean and fancy. A chandelier above, marbled quartz flooring, and a big staircase in the middle with what seemed to be more quartz for the railings. The stairs were covered in velvet, and felt soft under your worn out shoes. You now feel extremely underdressed, even the green man leading you is in rather dapper attire. There were doors at the sides of the giant hall that you assumed lead to other rooms, and while you listened carefully you could hear... at least two people yelling in one, a tv show blasting from another, a man screaming for his life in another, and you swore there was a gunshot noise that wasn't from the tv.
The green caterpillar stopped to turn and wait for you, you hadn't noticed you stopped mid-staircase to take in all the sounds and sights. You look embarrassed and quickly catch up with him.
A few more staircases and a rusty elevator ride later, and you soon both arrive at the boss's office. A weird sense of dread seemed to suddenly coat you like a weighted blanket, but you did your best to shake it off. The caterpillar seemed to notice this, and while he was obviously not one to talk much, he patted your back gently as he opened the door.
"Just be cool."
As if the building itself couldn't get more luxurious, the boss's office was no exception. Comfy velvet chairs, custom carved desk and shelves, and in the middle of it all a rather peculiar looking man with his attention focused on whatever papers he had in front of him. The caterpillar stays by the door, but upon realizing the boss didn't notice you come in, he knocked lightly on the doorframe, causing the man to look up. Wow, what a sight! You had seen and met him before of course (otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this job offer), but there was something so magical seeing him in his true environment. When you met him he was disguised as a painter at a local café. No more façade now though. His curly hair was tied into a loose ponytail, and he wore a loose dress shirt with suspenders and faded pants that seem to have once been colorful. The most notable feature however, besides the piercing stare and rings on his fingers, was his lack of two eyes. One seemed to be sewn shut with a long nasty scar running through it. It gave you the creeps. Then, with a voice as smooth as honey, the man spoke.
"Ah, hello doll. I'm so glad you decided to accept my offer."
His words felt cold as they slipped into your ears. His small smile, while an attempt to be a warm one, just looked sinister. You force a little smile back.
"Come, sit, I'm so excited to learn more about you."
You didn't dare disobey and quickly took a seat across from the man. You were both aware of how powerful he was. He reached down to open a drawer, pulling out a file with info in it. As he opened it and began to read, you realized it was a file on you. How the hell did he even get that?? Isn't that only for government clearance?!
"So, I hear you've had some experience with a... 'family' like this before?" He says this from behind the file, setting it down open-faced to look you in the eyes once more.
"Yes, I- well- I have. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what happened to them though..."
The man had both fists under his chin listening intently and calmly.
"Which one? You'll have to humor me, doll."
"Do the... [lastname]s ring a bell?"
He seemed to perk up at this.
"Oh yes, I knew the father quite well. I thought they were all killed though. I suppose I'm mistaken."
"I was the only one to survive."
"Tsk tsk. Too bad. Now I understand you were.. a bit smaller back then? Still an adolescent? Do you think you'll be able to improve upon being here should I choose to let you be a part of this family?"
You nod confidently.
"Yes, sir. I've been a hitman ever since my family's massacre, I've learned a lot and I know I'll have a lot to learn from here."
"Of course, the assassin gig... so I trust I won't need to go over any basics with you then? Checking if you know how to pick a lock, if you can disguise yourself, et cetera?"
"No need."
He nodded thoughtfully.
"Good... Well, I see no reason yet as to why you shouldn't join us, although I hope you know that you'll have to quit that assassin job. And... one other thing."
You heard the caterpillar shuffle behind you, and upon looking you noticed he had locked the office door and was now standing in front of it. You started to get a little unnerved, but you said nothing as you turned back to the boss.
"What... what's the 'other thing'?"
He smiled to himself and got up from his desk, pulling out a little wooden box.
"Well, anyone can say they're loyal to us. I must admit I trust you more than a few of the other family members, but it's just a formality to *prove* you won't leave or betray us."
You start to squirm in your seat a little, curious as to what he could mean.
He removed a scalpel from the little box and held it up in front of his scarred closed eye.
"I'll have to take your eye."
A wave of fear washed over you as those words escaped from his sly smile. You thought about escape but then remembered your only way out of the room was blocked by the caterpillar man.
"Don't worry, it's a simple procedure, everyone else has done it and they're fine..."
The boss muttered in a soothing, almost singsong way as he began to put on surgical gloves.
"Wait...! Is this really necessary?? I mean, you said it yourself, I'm pretty trustworthy-"
You began to try and bargain with the man with a shaky voice, it's almost hard to believe he's being fully serious about this. Maybe.. maybe it's just some sick prank? Yeah, they must just be dunking on the new guy... at least, you prayed that's what it was.
The man then stood in front of you, scalpel in hand.
"Stay still, I need to find a way to do this neatly.."
He muttered, testing the scalpel at different angles just inches away from your eye. You couldn't help but shake now.
"Wait, you're serious? Am I going to get some painkillers...?"
The man chuckled softly.
"Oh doll, it wouldn't be a pledge of your loyalty if you didn't feel the pain..."
He placed a hand gently under your chin, the other poised in the position he wanted with the scalpel.
"Now this may sting a little... oh, and please try not to scream too loudly. We don't want to alert any others."
You couldn't help but flinch away. The boss noticed this and lowered his hands patiently.
"Now now, you have nowhere to escape. And just think, a whole new future is waiting for you just a few slices away."
You cup your hands over the eye he was aiming at shaking your head a little and backing up.
"I- I just- I've always been weird with eye stuff, I couldn't even get contacts in without chickening out. I don't know if I can do this."
The man just smiled softly.
"It'll be over before you know it, I promise doll."
You take a moment to look around you, thinking deeply.
"I-... I don't have a choice, do I?"
The man sighed lightly.
"I'm afraid not. I've learned that just getting it over with is better than letting the fear consume you."
You were still shaking as you looked down into your hands. You really didn't have a choice now.
You almost couldn't believe yourself as you shuffled back to the chair and sat down, it was almost as if another entity was controlling you, something with a higher presence. The man gently placed his hand under your chin once more, the other poised above the target.
"Take a deep breath in three, two..."
(okay here's the really gory part so just another fair warning)
Before you could think you felt the sharp blade of the scalpel plunge beside your eye into the socket. You let out a yelp as it moved, this was... so much more than a little sting. You didn't know whether to close your eyes or keep them open while the boss worked, both options were unbearably painful. Bloody tears immediately filled your vision, and it was starting to go red and fuzzy as the scalpel made its way deeper into your eye socket. You did your best not to scream, not to move, as you knew it would only make the process more painful, but damn was it difficult. You could hear as the blade severed the first of several nerves in the back of your eye connecting it back to your brain.
"You're doing great doll, keep being as still as possible for me..."
Another few nerves were severed, and you immediately lost sight on your left side. You were silently crying now to somewhat replace screaming, fat blood-mixed tears flowing down your cheeks. The last few nerves were severed, and you didn't feel your eye anymore. You obviously still felt immense pain, it just didn't stem from your eye itself anymore. Your vision was dizzy and blurry now, and you could just make out the man's hand reaching into your eye socket and pulling out something white and overbearingly bloody. Everything sounded rather muffled and distant now, but you could tell he was happy from his tone.
You then felt the sting of a needle, some cotton, then some gauze being wrapped around your eye.
"You did so well!"
The man chimed, looking down at you. You could see the blood stained clothes and gloves.
"Welcome to the family."
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clownsuu · 2 months
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pupcha · 7 months
Wow, I'm alive ☠️
Let's start with sketches with Barnaby, because he's a cool guy
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Then, i remind you that i really love Howdy, so there are a lot of sketches with him 🤭🤭🥄 (in fact, i have a lot more of them, but i can't show them here). i'll say a few headcanons about the second two sketches!! i think Howdy cooks well because when he looked after his younger siblings or nephews, they needed to be fed. His signature dish is vegetable soup!! It is useful, nutritious, not very difficult, cheap, and you can also feed a large number of people with this soup
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In my mind, Beta!Wally is quite an interesting and slightly slippery type. I would paint all my headcannons on him, but I won't. I'll just say that he's trying to look perfect, and he's also more of a poet than just Wally, who's an artist
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I also apologize for the fact that I was gone for almost TWO MONTHS ( ゚□゚) actually, I have a lot of work, but I can't exhibit half of it here, and I think about the other part that it's unworthy to be here 😔🥄🥄
aaand two sketches for @//clownsuu
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I laugh awkwardly at the second sketch.... huh
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krasytoonz · 1 year
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He’s complaining to the bartender about a certain not-so-secret admirer
Mob au by @clownsuu
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This is so random but I'm genuinely curious how Barnaby and Howdy from the welcome home mob AU would look in your style, since you usually draw them so silly and sweet
I Have Literally Been Waiting For An Excuse-
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purple-raspberries · 3 months
Mob Howdy by @/clownsuu
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yasashii-leaf · 5 months
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Welcome home mob Au by @clownsuu
if you don't know go see his art is incredible!
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aerkame · 1 year
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Tiger cater man go brbrbrbrbr-
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enamoredfaun · 3 months
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guess who finally had time to draw something!!
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koifsssh · 1 year
here is my slow spiral into insanity (ft. clownsuu & foxyd101)
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first of all, thank you all who joined! it was very fun! i had lots of laughs! thank you clownsuu for being so funny, i hope that danny & robbie continue being karaoke buddies!
(very long post! beware! there’s a lot of sketches here!)
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(danny hasn’t even been an oc for very long... and already sentenced to jail for accidental murder? shame...)
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(howdy is crying from the beautiful duet! not pain! i assure you!)
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i have... saved all the images from the whiteboard, and while i don’t think i’ll upload those that aren’t mine and/or those i haven’t drawn with as well (or actually i might not upload all for the sheer fact that it was a lot more than i initially thought and i dont wish for this to get too long) i DO have to bring light to THIS ONE BWAHAHA???
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(this one too!!!)
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(little dust bunny, hahaha)
additional thank you to @foxyd101​ for staying with me for so long that i passed out! bwhaha! i’m so sorry for falling asleep on you!
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kamigui · 1 year
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Whenever Rubee sees a broken doll, she picks it up and fixes it. Whenever she sees a broken limb, she wants to sew it back together. Maybe it’s to make up for past mistakes. She is just doing this to make herself feel better. She doesn’t know why, but it works…
Fun fact (?) Rubee made mini dolls for everyone in the family, but she never had a chance to give it away.
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clownsuu · 8 months
Clownsuu may we have a drawing of the ✨️Goober Mob✨️
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Only the most goobiest, neighbor
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pupcha · 1 year
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Ena au - @eechytooru
Mob au - @clownsuu
and many sketches below (no au 😔)
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this is one of clownsuu's characters. i adore this beetle and am ready to draw it almost constantly, but I don't have the energy and time 😔😔🥄
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i don't draw a lot of Howdy, but this is my favorite character in Welcome Home!! someday I will have the strength and I will draw this funny worm more
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krasytoonz · 1 year
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Crossover with @clownsuu’s lovely Barnaby!
(He took the Flowers from Howdy anyway! Whatever that really Means!)
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ashchoo · 1 year
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they’re besties now >:D
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