#welcome back to jester's random thoughts
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smolljester · 2 days ago
my mind keeps working and i am in eternal pain
*Puts brief case down on the table and takes off glasses very seriously* “So about that AU we discussed that one time.”
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smolljester · 8 months ago
it has just occurred to me that Skyward Sword is the only game where Link is taller than Zelda. even if it's only by a few inches, it is SHOCKINGLY noticeable.
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 1 year ago
(Falls over table)
Heyyyy not really a fic idea but mayhap more Caine angst? You give some of the most delectable of such writings 💥
Watch out for those tables, they tend to sneak up on you.
This one does still have kingleader, but it's more focused on Caine going through it. By the way this is set right after the end of the pilot, in case it wasn't clear enough.
Caine lowered himself down to the floor of his room, unable to hold himself up any longer. Another new performer. Another abstraction. Another group of horrible, awful mistakes that were his fault.
No one's first day was easy, but he always held out hope. He hoped that he would get it right next time, that his warm welcome would calm all of their worries and answer all of their questions. Then they would all be able to entertain and have fun together. He just wanted a happy troop. Why couldn't he do it? Why was he always the one to keep that wishful thought from becoming reality?
Caine had made that exit to make them happy. He didn't understand, but he still tried his best. Why wasn't it enough? If he had just finished it, or abandoned the project once he had reached a dead end in its production, Kaufmo would still be around. But he was around. Lost in his own insanity, consumed by his hopelessness, pushed over the edge after having reached the last breaking point he could handle. He was around, in the cellar. He may as well have been dead, despite the fate he had actually been subjected to being far worse.
Pomni shouldn't have had to see that on her first day. She was so anxious. He only wanted her to feel safe, no matter how much of a lie that was. Caine had failed drastically there. What if he hadn't saved her in time? What if the circus and his torture instrument of an exit had already caused her to snap? What if when he went back out there, he found an abstracted mass at the table, infecting his beloved performers, where his jester had once sat? He couldn't face that. He liked Pomni. He like all of his performers. Then why did he hurt them so?
Now that he thought about it, there had been near to no improvement since their arrival.
Kinger had been confused and jittery, being startled by practically everything. The only thing that had calmed him down was when his friend, Queenie, had appeared a few minutes later. Queenie was gone now, leaving him even more frazzled than before. Caine tried to fill her shoes and more, being there for him whenever he needed it, but he couldn't help but feel like there was something he was doing wrong.
Ragatha had been trying to make everything seem okay. She insistently asked about everyone else, never once stopping to think about herself. She seemed more put together now, but she still never considered her own mental state so long as others were involved, and they always were.
Gangle had broken down, saying she missed things she couldn't even remember. Caine had tried to comfort her, but that had only turned her sobs into screams. In a panic, he had sent her to her room with what he understood to be comfort objects, but now he wondered if that was the right move. Now Gangle was always on the verge of falling apart, running to her room frequently when it became too much, being alone at her lowest point.
Jax had been angry. Caine had explained to him in a myriad of ways that he didn't know a way out, and Jax had tried to punch him. He had narrowly avoided it, with the others trying to talk the rabbit down, but Caine had been heartbroken. He only wanted to help and Jax wanted to hurt him. He was less aggressive now, but instead channelled that into making everyone suffer more than they already did.
Zooble had yelled. Originally it was questions, turning to swears, then turning to random noises. They had pulled at their pieces, frantically rearranging them, sobbing and screaming and begging to be comfortable again. Caine didn't know how to fix it. He couldn't change the models the players were given by much, if at all, so he had opted to give them a selection of parts they could choose from. Zooble was still frustrated, everyone and everything always being on their nerves.
Pomni... he could only hope to find some way to calm her neverending anxiety, as justified as it was.
Water droplets sunk into the carpet beneath him. When had he started crying? Caine had no right to cry. He was safe, he had power, he had nothing in the real world to miss while he was here, this place was made for him. How dare he? How dare he think that he deserved to feel anguish of any sort? All that he should feel was guilt. Guilt and remorse, for everything he'd done to those he had the audacity to claim he loved.
A knock on his door pulled him somewhat from his spiral of self-hate. Who would want to check on him? They should be enjoying the meal and the company of people who actually knew how to care for others. The voice that followed sparked a selfish joy within him.
"A-are you in there, Caine? It's Kinger. You just... disappeared. I wanted to talk to you, but I couldn't find where you went."
Kinger had wanted to talk to him? That couldn't be right. Caine wasn't worthy of Kinger's time, let alone his love. Kinger shouldn't have to be anywhere near him when he was like this. He didn't want this to become some sort of pity party, especially not one that anyone who actually deserved sympathy would be forced to indulge in.
Wiping his eyes, Caine steadied his voice, disguising his misery rather well. "I am in here, Kinger, my dear! But you needn't worry, I'll be out in just a moment!"
"Oh. Alright. Why did you leave?"
"I didn't want to bother any of you. It's been a big enough day, anyhow. I'm..." His voice grew quieter and more emotional as his mask already started to slip. "You deserve a break from me."
"What if I don't want one?"
Caine froze, falling into a startled silence. He didn't want him to leave? He didn't understand. He'd ruined everything. How could Kinger still want him?
"U-uh- sorry, I should stop bothering you, um, I'll go back to the table." Kinger had misunderstood the prolonged silence, thinking Caine hadn't wanted to keep talking. As he turned to leave, the ringmaster rushed to open the door.
"Wait!" Kinger looked back, taking note of Caine's reddened eyes. "You're not bothering me. You've never bothered me. I'm sorry, please, please don't go yet."
After a moment, Kinger walked back to him. "I won't go. Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?"
Me. I am bothering me. Instead, Caine fought against the painful feeling that told him to stop being so needy and pulled Kinger into a tight hug, which he was surprised to feel being returned.
Kinger walked them back into Caine's room and leaned against the door, never once letting his ringmaster go. If he didn't want to talk, then they would stay like this for however long was necessary. However long until he knew he was loved.
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ramblesandwrting · 1 year ago
Misfits and masked random hcs
okay so- this is just me rambling about my lethal company employee crew and a masked (Venice) and his army of converted freinds. Enjoy!
Crew: -Halt isn’t actually the strongest of the group, no that is Lucky. Lucky can hold up the highest amount of weight and be fine, but he can not swing a weapon at all, hence why Halt ended up being the battle master. 
-Watcher has a missing finger on his left hand. 
-Lucky can juggle and has used this strength as a way to distract hoarding bugs…and once a nutcracker. That nutcracker was very impressed by the juggling skills it just-kinda forgot it was gonna kill him. 
-Hoarding bugs really like newbie. Like-they will happily swarm around his feet and chitter with glee. None of them have figured out why. Lucky has taken to calling Newbie “The yippie king”.
-Halt once fist fought a braken- and won after like 20 minutes. -Newbie gets common night-terrors, and has woken up his crew at least 7 times by screaming.- it has been found the best way to comfort the shaken lad after one of these is for all four of them to make a blanket fort out of whatever materials they have at the time and tell either ghost stories (Horror is oddly calming to him) or funny stories about silly workplace shenanigans. 
-Halt actually loves the sound of the jester’s music box, as she has always enjoyed music boxes since she was a little girl.
-Watcher gives the best hugs, followed closely by lucky, then newbie, and finally halt. Not to say hugs from halt aren’t nice- but she has popped many backs on accident before. 
-the ghost girl loves screwing around with newbie. She has yet to cause him any harm...but she has on multiple occasions given him a heart attack because she was close enough he could pat her head.
-Baboon hawks are terrified of halt- even in groups, she just gives off the bad vibes to them. 
-Masked…Masked are just-drawn to Halt. She-She’s a friend, she’s Their friend- but she’s broken, she’s hurt- they can fix her! They can save her!! She just needs to stop fighting Back!! It’s just like- it’s just a hug! Please- Please just let us help you….you can hear us, you hear our tongue while it normally falls on deaf ears, why won’t you Listen??? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Venice and his Masquerade: -First off: The idea for a group of masked being called a masquerade came from (This Post) and I loved it so I added it into my vocabulary. 
-Venice- has been called “A clever bastard” more times than he can count- a few times in languages he didn’t recognize but the tone was similar enough he knew what it meant. 
-A masked’s host body has been altered to be able to refill it’s body weight and height with blood for it to use as defense and creating new friends. This added with the death of the host nervous system is part of why these are so hard to take down. -Masked have a silent, perhaps telepathic, link to one another that counts as their language. Words and emotions are the same thing to them, touch and tone have the same meaning…and masked whisper to the employees, trying to explain to them that this was not death, not erasing of their minds, but instead freedom from stress, and hurt, and worry- and a welcomed embrace to warmth, company, happiness- Love.  
-Venice was originally a normal masked- but through the years he’s changed into a larger and more “Stable” masked. This change is thought to have happened due to the constant supply of new resources he was able to intact, which stopped the decaying process of killing the body and let his nervous system fully replace the one of his host, altering not just the blood and blood production, but the flesh itself. 
-Venice loves, LOVES hugs. Short hugs, side hugs, big hugs, bear hugs, sleepy hugs, cuddling- all forms of hugs and he will happily cling onto the body that offers it. 
-Venice loves dressing up and dolling up his new friends. Their little personal moon must have either been the home to a very fancy person or maybe a place where theater was performed, because the amount of clothing is extreme. After their conversion, Venice will lead his new friends to the back and help them pick out accessories that they enjoy, just as a way to give them all a bit of flavor. Those suits all the employee’s wear are so boring and bland….and it honestly makes him a bit sad to see how dehumanized they are in those things.
-Venice and his family have fully taken over their moon, slaying all the creatures around them, be it hoarding bugs to Giants, all have fallen at his command. 
-with just about a masquerade of 150- and growing!- Venice has made one of the large rooms of their manor home into a “Nesting” location, where all the soft furniture like couches, beds, pillows, blankets, ect. Have been moved and set up. Every night, the group moves into that room and pairs up with at least 2 other masked to snuggle and cuddle with as they slip off to sleep. -Venice is a brilliant mind- and realized that why the employee’s even come down to the moon for scrap, and the more scrap there is, the more people will show up, the more friends he can make. And as such, Venice will wait until their is either no one on the ship or that person has been turned, have two or three of the other masks hold onto one of the remaining crew while turning the rest, and stealing whatever that crew had off their ship, adding it to the ever increasing pile of net worth this planet has. 
-Venice doesn’t like it when new friends escape- that isn’t how this was supposed to go, they were supposed to become a part of their family! To join the cuddle piles at night, to be hugged and nuzzled and dressed up…
-Venice feels like he has so many loving, wonderful friends, and most of the rest of his masquerade is perfectly happy with the numbers they have…..but he just- he wants more. He wants more friends, he yearns for more one sided hugs that they try to wiggle away from, he wants more slow realizations of how bad their situation is to cross the eyes of the employee unlucky enough to find them first….he wants to feel the tension leave each new friends shoulders as the mask takes away their pain and regret, leaving them soft and warm and happy….Why stop when there are always so many new friends to make out there?
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smolljester · 1 month ago
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"Who are you calling a flea!?"
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Self indulgent Okami x Ace attorney crossover
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smolljester · 3 months ago
god i fucking hate talking about my emotions on the internet because this is not the fucking place to do it. but i genuinely started bawling my eyes out when the teaser for the Ōkami sequel was revealed.
almost TWENTY YEARS since the original game came out, grossly overshadowed by Twilight Princess, seen as a 'ripoff' of Twilight Princess, Ōkamiden being a massive flop, Clover Studios getting shut down, Hideki Kamiya leaving Platinum Games. everything pointed to a sequel never happening ever again.
Ōkami is my favourite game of all time and nothing will ever change that, and i hope to god that everyone working on the sequel takes their fucking time on it.
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smolljester · 6 months ago
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smolljester · 21 days ago
giant fucking snake
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smolljester · 11 months ago
Pearl: Sounds like someone has daddy issues
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smolljester · 8 months ago
decided to start a new game in TotK just to re-explore everything (and not have duplicate armour sets) and realised something. Zelda, having a Secret Stone and time powers makes her the Sage of Time. you can only learn Recall after making the vow with her. Zelda is the first Sage Link makes a vow with.
i've had this game since launch and only just realised that. i'm so slow.
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smolljester · 2 months ago
me after continuously dying to the same boss: i hate this game i hate this game i hate this game i hate this game i ha
me after beating a boss that gives me nothing: im so fucking back
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smolljester · 1 year ago
with the switch port to Stories 1 on its way, none of you fucking understand just how goddamn fast im going to go through the main story just so i can see him again.
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smolljester · 8 months ago
couple of interesting details i noticed while looking at the dragons in TotK. spoilers beneath the cut.
the first detail that's not as noticeable unless you listen to the ost as much as i do are the differences in themes. the themes of the Golden Dragons (that's what i call them since they're named after the Golden Goddesses) are unchanged from BotW, but the Light Dragon's is entirely new. for starters, it's slower and more somber, but there's more to it than just that; there are three notes that repeat, and they're familiar to you, but you can't quite place where you've heard it before. it's after the discovery of the Light Dragon's true identity does it become apparent.
it's Zelda’s Lullaby, but it's wrong. it's distorted and off tune, but it is, still, Zelda’s Lullaby. it's like when you try to remember a song but don't quite remember how it went.
the second is arguably the most obvious, but it's still interesting, and that's the differences in physicality.
On occasion, the Light Dragon will cross paths with one of the other Golden Dragons, from there, one obvious observation can be made. the Light Dragon is actually smaller; and this is very likely because of Zelda being a Hylian, but there's still more.
the Golden Dragons have stout, rounded facial features compared to the Light Dragon's. even their ears are longer and more rounded than her's. now you're probably thinking "Jester where are you going with this?" well, as i'm sure many of you have probably realised by now, the Golden Dragons come from Zonai. and this is made even more obvious when you remember that Mineru, a Zonai, tells Zelda about the forbidden act of draconification.
small details like this are one of the reasons why i love this game.
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smolljester · 6 months ago
i fully believed Team Yuri was gonna win what the fuck just happened
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smolljester · 5 months ago
look im just saying that itd be really funny if Miss Lera Abova also played Nico Olvia in the live action. wed have every version of Robin (dub/sub/live action) also play her mum and the meme potential for that is ungodly.
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smolljester · 6 months ago
the hydra main in question:
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ok so now the problem is i can’t stop doing the idols’ choreo when their songs play in battle
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