#welcome 2 me seeing this whn i waz 2 sleepy 2 reply & thn entirely forgetting about it bcuz looking at it got rid of the notif
scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
Are there any other leader ocs you have?
a few! in termz of bitd therez only one other- coalcloud leader of sunclan! tho by the end of the main story shez probably dead w/ stonewing taking her place & becoming stonecloud!
whn coalcloud was granted her 9 livez [the only time othr thn whn loosing a life tht thy meet cloud/starclan] she also received a prophecy- beware poison hidden with the smell of sweet berriez- course this was before yew was even born & she misinterpreted it as referring 2 the moonclan deputy berrybrook, who happenz to hav a not so unrequited crush on her,.........she findz thm very funnie & charming but haz 2 keep reminding herself of the prophecy & forcing herself to Not like thm.... berrybrook 4 their part isnt rly pushing for a relationship seeing as they r in different clanz- mainly thy just flirt & enjoy coalz company whn thy can get it- thy find her very poorly maintained fake coldness cute! shez also the mother of weevilface- she was already pretty old at the point whn she had him which is possibly part of why the litter was just a single kit, shortly aftr or possibly evn before he was born she got Cat Divorsed from weevilz dad, who she isnt really friendz with anymore but the breakup was mutual & thy r very cordial about it
also half the clan thinkz tht yewheart haz a crush on her bcuz he flipped OUT whn she got severly sick one time, which seeing him like tht is almost entirely unheard of as hez very composed most of the time, her opinion of this is tht itz like if a kid yr babysitting had a crush on u, kinda funny n cute but absolutely nevr going anywhere [course it nevr would as yew haz no such feelingz- if coalcloud lost a life the many cloudclan memberz dead bcuz of him could hav a chance to tattle]
otherwise in my vvvv rarely mentioned Other fanclanz [gasp] i hav sagestar of pineclan & wolfstar of swampclan [therez also fieldclan but it doesnt hav a named lader lmao]
sagestar is like. a mean jock? his parentz where the former leader & deputy & hez been in the fast track to leaderhood his whole life- though he is also incredibly charismatic & seen as an amazing leader, if thtz true of not well.. in anycase he had a quazi romantic relationship with the younger medicine cat robinthroat well they were apprenticez & taught thm some fighting movez... a lot of pineclan had been whipped out by a disease & he became leader rather young- this also goez 4 his deputy, an incredibly inexperienced & young warrior tht mainly got her role thnkz to sagestarz fondness, course tht isnt exactly gonna do her much good whn robinthroat showz up with sagestarz corpse in his mouth 1 morning
wolfstar is a lykoi & so old tht the great grandkitz of the catz he grew up with r elderz, hez died of old age like 4 timez but still haz 3 of 9 to go so he keepz on trucking somhow, hez outlived like 6 deputiez, the current one is volefur who basically runz the clan
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