#weirdest thing I've done in a while ngl
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Celebratory art of carl92 and friends! :) I spent the better part of a year following the search, so I had to make something to celebrate.
(If you aren't aware about the search for the lost song nicknamed Everyone Knows That, then you'll have no idea what this is about lol)
I was going for a playful but victorious tone for this. Yes, it's hilarious what EKT turned out to be found in, and Carl was definitely a sneaky little bastard. But all jokes aside, I'm so happy for how this search turned out. I truly think we got the best possible outcome.
Carl, if you're out there, you have great taste in music. I'm so grateful you managed to get us all to discover the Booth brothers so they can get some proper recognition. I'm also grateful for all the other underappreciated artists and songs we found along the way. Cheers!
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kori-senpai · 1 year
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Sadly, I couldn't participate in the Fence Challenge last month, so I decided I would post some of the prompts I liked a lot now
Technically it's not the challenge anymore but eyyy - fanart is fanart regardless
Prompt day 1 was 'Swap' - and I thought swapping personalities instead of just the positions would be fun too so here you go
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
harvest, amber, and maize!
!!!! Thank u!!
TW for mental health stuff and a past incident with misogyny involved. The answers weren't gonna get serious but then they did, sorry y'all. If any of u read this all pls have this virtual prize: 🎃
Harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
There's a good few on that list, but let's go with a recent one, and the one that'll piss off my regular Izzy Hands hater anon lmaooo. Hey bud, hope ur well! EDIT: ooh enjoy what essentially became my I Love Izzy essay aksjkfngn
Obviously, I mean Izzy. I'm gonna be like brutally honest abt myself now because why not frankly?
Like Izzy, I get left out of shit, or I'm the butt of the joke for being stringent abt rules and getting shit done before fucking around, and then fucking around mindfully if possible (but only with ppl who show they can't do both at the same time. It's a skill, honest.) It's happened since I was very little, and boy howdy you think I would learn right away that this means most ppl will hate u, but my little autistic ass did not! Izzy also apparently has not learned that yet, but I have my fingers crossed for him.
Like Izzy, I pick up the slack where I see it, in the hopes ppl I care abt aren't affected by any issues said slack might cause them. What my clinic job taught me with that, is that you make yourself indispensable and dependable yeah, but then they never promote you and stack more work on you until you break like that oar cracked over Ed's thigh. And that's bad!!! My mental and physical health prove it lmao. For Izzy's sake, I sort of hope something or someone in S2 makes him slow down before he either takes a fatal blow meant for Ed, or has a heart attack from stress.
Like Izzy, I'm not real good with love or affection. I hold a lot but I can't ever seem to figure out how to set it down or share it right with others. Compliments unsettle me before I can remind myself to shut the fuck up and just say thank you for it. I prefer, in work and school at least, to be mostly ignored as proof I'm doing well. Being pulled aside or asked for a meeting is instantly a sign I've fucked up, at least in the first instant lmao. I want to be more comfortable around others and be a better friend, a better son, a better person over all. But I don't know how to do it yet. I'm trying though. I know Izzy might not get that at all in the show, but ngl it would be cool if he did.
I'm noting the negatives mostly here because, like Izzy, the above shit means I've fucked up a lot. I've hurt ppl i didn't mean to, and ruined opportunities for myself. I've hidden from living my life beyond work and caring for others while neglecting myself, sometimes because I feel like that's all I deserve and other times to feel something.
But I'm not totally ruined, and in my opinion neither is Izzy. It'll take work on him as a character and what is in his arc for him to do and be better in any way, but I have a feeling that's not what we're too likely to get. And that's okay too, I'll just be happy for more Izzy aksnkfng. Even if he just let someone give him a hug by the end of the show, I'll take that.
Also, like Izzy, I'm a wonderful shag and I do look fucking amazing in leather 🖤
Amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
Tbh I think the above essay might be it lmaooo
But here's a silly one to contrast the above answer: Ketchup is disgusting. It just is. Tomatoes are only good for pizza sauce, nothing else. Beating the tomato into a pulp and adding water and sugar does nothing good for it unless!! this is in the process to make the aforementioned pizza sauce.
Maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
Tbh my weirdest one is also my scariest one:
Back when I first started at the clinic and before I was out as trans/still wearing fancy dresses to work and heels (now they're an at home thing, not brave enough to wear them out anymore even when I want to)
this older dude started following me, trying to make conversation as I walked from my house to the downtown clinic (approx 12 blocks, through the downtown area of shops/restaurants, all not really open yet cuz it was like 640 AM). He's making me uncomfortable with the topics he brings up, i can only go so fast without outright running and i feel if i do that he'll just grab me. i tell him ill call the cops if he doesn't stop following me (i was dumb and like 19, now i wouldn't bother with the cops or want them involved at all)
i was lying. Back then i had a shitty iphone i hated and never used cuz no one ever called or texted me lmaoo so I lived on my ipod touch instead. this meant i never kept it charged, so it was a brick in my purse.
he met me on block four. He followed me until block eleven.
I kept trying to ignore him while i walked on, knowing I'd be late to open the clinic and fearing that fucking lecture from my asshole manager (fuck u Colette, get help before u manage anyone else)
But he's trying to snag my arm now, holding out his flip phone and telling me go ahead, do it, call the fucking cops! whore, slut, bitch, I'd pissed him off good. He claims he only wanted to find out the time from me, and that was his first question, before he asked if i wanted any company (even if i had, he wasn't my type)
I had passed only closed businesses until then, and i was starting to freak the fuck out. But, i was at block eleven, the clinic was within sight, just over the train tracks. if i could get a little closer to it, i could run and hopefully unlock the employee entrance, get in, and lock it before he caught up
Then, I see a woman cleaning the glass door of the Mexican restaurant a crosswalk and some feet away (it was in a historic train station building and had excellent food because an actual Mexican family owned it. It's since closed, and now a shitty microbrewery is in the building. Im still mad abt it lmaoo).
I bolt across the street to get there, ignoring one honked horn from a truck when i am still ninety percent sure it was not his light anyway, and scare the everloving shit out of this poor kind woman. The door is locked, the guy is now across the street and walking briskly towards us while i beat on the glass, sobbing, and beg her to let me in.
at the last second, she does. she doesn't speak a lot of English, i don't speak much Spanish, but we spanglish the moment and she locks the door once im in, shouting at the dude as he now bangs on it
y'all i wish i could thank that family so much more past what i did that day. The woman, the mom, got me some tortilla chips and water and sat me in the dining area. The dad called the cops, and their two twenty something and mid teen something sons go out the back door and start telling him to fuck off or they'd all make sure the cops took him away. They had no real obligation to even let me in, let alone shelter me more, and they did.
cops show up, and proceed to be cops: useless. They take statements from everyone, then tell the family that im being dramatic and the guy just needed to know the time. one cop asks if i want a ride to work now. I say no thanks, because im now realizing im very late and no one knows where i am/whats happening, and i just want to run the last little bit to work.
Nope, he now insists i ride in the back of his squad car while he lectures me on giving a polite man trouble like that. Before we drive off, the family gives me a wave and the guy that followed me walks off the way he came.
then i went to work, told everyone what happened in tears, got told to clean up and get to work. worked the late part of that day too after a coworker left sick. fkn sucked lmao.
Now my family refuses to let me walk anywhere alone and i feel like a child at 28. I probably shouldn't have told them abt the above lmaooo
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misqnon · 6 months
hi, i just read all of ur posts tagged as misqnon's one piece liveblogging and it was so much fun T-T. im here to rant about one piece and im sorry.
i really love seeing people react to content i am caught up with and hold close to my heart.
i got into the 800s in the anime and stopped watching, took a break and then read the manga up to around 1060. but last month i decided to read the whole thing from the beginning and it is genuinely SO WORTH IT.
after u have caught up completely its super rewarding to go back and look at previous chapters bc its constant "oh my god look what was foreshadowed here??" and "now i understand the context behind this!!!" and "this interaction is so much more meaningful now that i know their relationship!!". yes it did take me a whole month of nearly nonstop reading to catch back up but i have 0 regrets.
wano and the arc after it are both super fun and interesting and i think ur gonna love it. the lore is crazy. i hope u dont see any spoilers bc going into it completely blind will probably be way more exciting, especially with the most recent arc since its kinda suspenseful and mysterious,,.
anyways thats all i have to say how do you end these things.. take care!!
I ended up talking a lot so I'll put this under a cut lol
I used to be the person who said I would never watch one piece 😭😭 I've been into anime since I was like 12 and I'm almost 24 now (fuck . That's like half my life) and obviously it's always been on my radar but I always thought it was 1. Too popular 2. Too Long 3. Hated how oda draws women lmao so I was fine ignoring it and only knowing the basics from just Being On The Internet
I think sometime early on I caved and attempted to watch it- I got to alabasta and stopped bc the anime pacing wasn't doing it for me (though I liked it up until then, but didn't LOVE it)
cut to high-school where a couple of my good friends liked it but we never really talked about it, it was a lifelong interest for one of them bc he'd started reading it on like 4th grade
Well I'm still friends with them (shoutout to sam and seb) and they convinced me to watch one piece film red with them in like July or August of last year bc they were showing me the songs and I, ado fan bc I'm a retired weaboo and a vocaloid Stan, was like "haha that sounds like ado" and they went "IT IS!!!!??" so I had to watch it for her.
again, I was like oh this is fun I like this :^) but no IMMEDIATE interest, more of a passive thing... until the live action came out a month or so later and I watched it just because and DAMN I FELL IN LOVE FAST
I went back to the anime and rewatched the beginning, then skipped back to alabasta where I had left off years and years ago and now I'm Here 🧍
I watched up through part of dressrosa before I started reading the manga, and now I'm doing that while watching certain episodes of just the parts I really wanna see animated
It's been. So Fun
I am now that person who's like Hey You Should Watch One Piece. I get it now. I so get it lmao. And you know the weirdest part is that with it being divided up into arcs like it is I find myself thinking it really doesn't feel that long!?!? Am I insane,
anyways. It's been a while since I was in an active fandom or even in a fandom at all - ESPECIALLY such a big one!?! (I was in college for 4 years and Busy).
but it's. Crazy. I'm writing fanfics and joining discord servers and I've never done that before. it's been very fun and rewarding tbh...I don't like a lot of things about oda and aspects he included and ofc one piece isn't perfect or unproblematic but it IS a really awesome epic of a story about friendship and found family and anti authority and its just.
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I'm also a person who's always loved reaction videos or just even seeing otherppl react to things I like so I RELATE AND IM SO GLAD I CAN BE THAT FOR U...
I'm ngl as I've been reading I've been wanting to look up some old one piece forums dated the time certain reveals happened bc I want to see how people felt as this shit came out holy Shit....
it's additionally funny bc this blog is about 10 years old and has amassed a decent amount of followers over the years who were just into some of the other random stuff I've been into but I know a fair amount of them were thinking we were on the same page of not being into one piece and now here I am. Ruining that. And with the pervert character as my favorite no less. lmao SORRYYYY YALL <3
I'll leave u with this message I sent into the discord I share with some friends the other day, none of which really watch op, when asked to explain something about the show. In fact, I think the reasoning for this message was BECAUSE I was explaining to a friend just how much oda foreshadows things!! jinbei, kaido, haki, sanjis backstory, ALL being mentioned by name or referenced DECADES/YEARS BEFORE APPEARING ON SCREEN...HUNDREDS OF CHAPTERS APART....I could rant on more but I'll stop for now.
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thank u for the message and feel free to dm me to talk about this silly show anytime bc its sunken its claws into me 😭
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gyroshrike · 2 years
gamzee or feferi for ask game?
For the “Send me a character and I’ll tell you…” ask game
Gonna pick Feferi because someone else sent me Gamzee!
Also, this ask has talk about pailing and a bit of kink! In case anyone isn't comfy with that, here's your heads up!
My NOTP for them - I... don't know if I have one? Not super into Feferi and Cronus, which I have seen around  here and there. But it's a ship so off my radar that I don't even think about it that much. That's the closest I got though.
My BROTP for them - Love me some good bro feels between Feferi and Eridan ngl. In a perfect world, there's that whole feeling of two kids who grew up together, had an emotional catalyst in their relationship, distanced from each other while they figured themselves out, and then were able to renew their friendship, platonic and stronger than ever. Love that. That's the dynamic I like for them. I adore the kind of camaraderie that comes with knowing each other since diapers. There's that level of "even though I kind of can't stand you right now, very few people know you better than me." And I also love the concept that even at their peak distance, where they are getting along the least, they still care about the other an unfathomable amount and they always will.
My OTP for them - I'm going to make the poly question hard on myself, but my otp's for her are either Aradia♥️/♦️Sollux♥️/♦️Feferi (both flushed or a mishmash of pale and flushed) and Eridan♠️Sollux♥️Feferi. Aradia and Feferi are both weirdly morbid in their own ways and I think they'd bond over that. Erisolfef is especially fun to play with for sexual encounters, because how haywire would it make your brain to have your pitch and flushed partner at the same time? Especially if you hc that flushed and pitch interactions activate different hormones/chemicals.
My second choice pairing for them - Solfef in general is just really cute. I LOVE the contrast between the terrible circumstances between the Condesce and Psiionic and then the sweet matespritship of Sollux and Feferi. Defying destiny/changing the patterns of your predecessors is one of my fav fav fav things.
My fluffy pairing for them - Not necessarily ship, but Feferi being close with Rose so they can bond over their appreciation of eldritch beings is A+. I want them to talk to the horrorterrors together. Also Rose being goth with the hc of Feferi being the troll equivalent of goth (because she wears bright colors) is so freaking cute.
I also love Feferi and Jade being super great friends. They're both so sweet and bubbly and adorable and excitable. Feferi putting so much faith in the horrorterrors as Jade did in her clouds, idk I just think they have a lot in common and it would have been neat to see them be friends. JadeFef would be super cute tbh??? An AU with Jade on an island and Feferi is the merfolk who visits her.
My angsty pairing for them - this is more just a scenario than a fleshed out dynamic, and not even close to being a full on ship, but I've got one with Feferi and Gamzee. Basically Gamzee goes and begs Feferi to have the horrorterrors enact retribution upon him for the terrible things he's done. He can't handle the guilt and seeks her for punishment. (Ngl this was born as an idea for a femdom tentacle kink fic LMAO)
My favorite poly ship for them - Eheheheh, well I think I got the poly thing taken care of. Oh, but I really enjoy Equisolfef with Equius joining for pailing sometimes. Especially with Feferi sweetly ordering Equius to basically destroy Sollux LMAO
My weirdest pairing for them - this stems off the previous answer, but LOVE me from Equifef. This is mostly a ship I visit for sexual dynamics than a quadrant or romantic ones. Equius getting ordered around by THE highest blood? The heiress? Are you MAD? He'd freaking explode and I love that. Equius would lose his absolute goddamn mind and enjoy every moment of it.
Here, wait, wait, wait, I've got something:
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This is the kind of dynamic I like for them. Just the sweetest of doms Feferi and the most willing of subs Equius. I have not been able to stop thinking about them for WEEKS.
I also enjoy situations where Nepeta is there the first few times (platonically) as his moirail to help take care of him in case he gets too overwhelmed or has trouble stating his boundaries to Feferi. Nepeta would cradle his head during, running her fingers through his hair and making sure he's doing okay. I especially like if Feferi is the one who requested she be there because she doesn't want to hurt Equius.
The whole thing has so much of Feferi being extra careful of Equius and making sure he's comfortable and also completely ruining him.
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sourpatchnova · 4 years
1. 5. 11. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 24. 25. 32. 34. 37. 43. 53. 59. 62. 75.
I know the answers to 14 & 15 rn but wondering if that's changed by the time you come to answer this 🤔😜😘
1. Top turn on?
Other than you? Uh, okay hear me out. I'm gonna say kissing because it can always change depending on the mood and sometimes it's just fucking amazing to spend time just kissing, hands all over each other without it leading to sex.. because sometimes the sex would ruin how amazing all the kissing was. Does that make sense? It's such a simple thing but it can instantly get me worked up.
5. What’s the weirdest thing that has turned you on?
I.. don't even know tbh. 🤔
11. Is pain a good thing?
Mhm. I wouldn't say I'd want it everytime but I'd definitely never say no to a bit of pain.
14. Are you slightly horny right now?
Aha, uh.. maybe a little bit ngl.
15. Are you very horny right now?
I wouldn't say very but that could change.
16. Do you like face fucking?
I've never done it but I'd love to try 🥺
17. 10 of your biggest turn ons?
Fuck uh, having my back lightly stroked/scratched, kissing & biting my neck, a hand around my neck too and even just like lightly tracing your fingers there can tease me lots. Definitely moaning and like.. seeing the pleasure in someone's face like if you're watching them and you can tell they are really enjoying it? Fuck me.
I don't know how many that is but that'll do 🙈
19. Do you like foreplay?
Mhm, I do yes.
24. Do you like your nipples played with?
Yes and no..? No because I feel like they aren't that sensitive so I sometimes just don't feel it but yes if you're gonna be a bit rough so I can feel it... and also it's just hot to watch sometimes..
25. Do you like your lips bitten?
Yes, a lot.
32. Do you like being woken up with sex?
I haven't been, but I definitely think I'd enjoy it. Knowing that someone wants you enough to not wake you and being woken up by pleasure sounds fucking amazing.
34. Would you let someone eat off of you?
I think so, yeah.
37. Do you enjoy wearing lingerie?
I do but I also feel like I never look good in it so I guess that sometimes stops me but I'd definitely wear it if someone wanted me too.
43. Do you like it rough or sensual?:
Both, depending on the mood or even like having both at the same time, like talk to me softly while fucking me roughly?
53. What does your favorite foreplay include?
Uh, tease me, kiss and touch me everywhere but where I want you too so when you do, I'm dying for it. Give me that build up and keep me on the edge before you fuck me.
59. Do you like to perform oral sex?
I love doing it, everything about it is amazing and it turns me on insane amounts doing it.
62. Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some?
I haven't. I think I'd have a 3 some but never with anyone I was involved with as I'm not good at sharing what's mine 🥺🙈
75. If you could sleep with ANYONE, who would it be?
This absolute hottie @yourbasicpansexual 😘
Enjoy ya answers.
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afishcalledfatin · 4 years
20 Questions Tag
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Tagged by @127-mile @honeybjisvng @jae-canikeepyou thank you sweeties 💛
♡What do you prefer to be called name wise?
Fatin, Fafa, Ikan
♡When is your birthday?
9th of Feb
♡Where do you live?
♡Three things you're doing right now?
I'm actually on the way to school, listening to sad Indonesian music, writing 👀
♡Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Harry Potter (technically i was already there, i just got interested again) , Ateez, Marvel, Day6
♡How has the pandemic been treating you?
Ah ngl, our whole education system right now is so messy. I'm okay, not too stressed out but I'm definitely frustrated with how things aren't properly planned.
♡A song you can't stop listening too?
Ah shoot, I can't choose one! I'll give the three songs I've been listening on repeat lately.
•Rich Brian and eaJ of DAY6 -Love in my pocket
•Jamie Foxx - Fly Love
•WONHO - Losing You
♡recommend a movie
Pulang (based on a true story, made me cry like a lil bitch)
♡how old are you?
♡School, university, occupation, other?
♡do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold, Malaysia is usually really hot so getting cold weather once in a while is nice
♡name one fact others may not know about you
I have really bad eczema on my hands and its been around since i was 4. Its so bad that my fingerprints actually vanished. So when I need my thumbprint for important stuff like my passport, it's written in it that I have none. I get asked about it alot when I travel, usually the immigration officers are just curious about it and ask me to show my hands.
♡are you shy?
Hm, depends. If I'm meeting someone new that maybe? But if my friends are around me when I meet someone new then not really.
♡do you have preferred pronouns?
♡biggest pet peeve?
♡what is your favourite "dere" type?
♡rate your life from 1-10, 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
Hmm, 7 or 8?
♡what's your main blog?
This oneee :))
♡list your sideblogs and what they're used for
I actually dont have any sideblogs, they're mostly old accounts that I have forgotten the password for
♡is there anything people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I MAKE THE WEIRDEST NOISES LIKE HSGSHS IM SORRY. So, if I'm telling a stroy and I suddenly make a pterodactyl noise, please don't get scared. Also, my memory is either super shit or super good, so yeah! @fairielightsss can confirm these statements
Tagging time!
@fairielightsss @markeu-lii @legendnct @neo-cult-ure and whoever wants to do it!
*sorry if i tagged you and you've already done it*
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
had. the weirdest dream/nightmare/clearly a cymbalta dream bc i went to bed stone cold sober lmao
it involved:
me getting partial top sx but 'we only took abt six months of growth off' (?????????????????!) so it left me with like. p nice b cups actually. with the note that if i wanted it flatter later, i could come back and they'd take more out.
ngl that made me wake up super fucking chest dysphoric, but what are ya gonna do
then i was getting this done somewhere else??? but needed to fly home and v much did not want to bc: worried abt the sx results and being in the air?? and also just my usual flying anxiety lol
i really wanted to go by amtrak instead, but any time i tried to pull out my phone and buy tickets someone random would tell me to keep moving?
which led to me in a hotel with taika and rita, who agreed to help me get on the plane and not immediately have a panic attack
(v sweet of them, thank u dream taika and rita, tho at that point it was implied they were the ones who agreed to look after me after the sx? unexpected, but lovely all the same bc otherwise it was clear i was more or less on my own)
Between there and the airport
(this v weird one that featured in past cymbalta dreams, v gorgeous but definitely Fucked Up in that it has a Langoliers airport vibe to it kadnfnfn)
i got separated from them briefly, given a large dark brown teddy bear? that i was told to take with me but that i might have to buy two seats for bc 'his ass won't fit in just one' or so i was told by some random guy (continuing ?????????)
Which i dropped back off at taika and rita's hotel room bc literally it was as big as me so carrying it was not working
only to get trapped in what i was told was this huge empty locker room/bathroom that was presumed unisex
(this has also featured in a past cymbalta dream, and it's hands down one of the creepiest locations bc it goes on for halls of like. change stalls and some doors are closed with feet underneath them, but if you open the door no one is in there)
only to go change bc ???? and have some girls flip out abt me being in there as a trans guy
they chased me out, and somehow i was back at the airport with that fucking bear, finding out that the boarding time had changed and they'd forgotten to tell ppl, so we (taika and rita just suddenly showed up out of the blue, no idea what the fuck they were up to) were a good fifteen minutes late but taika was like nah they know ur scared so they held the plane and i had to go no, no i don't think they did bc that wouldn't work for like. anyone else on the plane but that's a really sweet idea
then suddenly we get pulled into a hall where they explain (they being what i think were security guards) that this elderly famous comedian is dying and they need someone to keep an eye on him for a minute would we mind?
they disappear into the fuckin air so we don't actually get a choice and like. watch him die. laying in a weird star trekesque bed thing that, for reasons unexplained, was made out of the darth vader suit
he dies, we all get weirdly emotional abt it despite not actually caring abt him, it was just like. super traumatic hearing an extended death rattle (I've heard it before but still) so i think that fucked us up
ended with taika asking if i really wanted to get on the plane bc we totally didn't have to, and both him and rita comforting me while i had a sudden sobbing fit into this poor big pain in the ass to carry this ENTIRE TIME bear
(final thing implied was that we were in some poly relationship bc they did both kiss me and sorta. wrapped me and the bear up in cuddles sitting on airport lobby chairs together. it was v weird yet v nice, idk.)
then i woke up with my body so tense it gave me a headache until i hit the shower to get my muscles to unclench
I wish my doc would look at these posts and see what i mean when i say the edibles help me sleep, bc i am v much still sleeby rn and i feel like this dreammare didn't help things lmao
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