#weiila is totally writing
weiila · 23 days
Good news ya'll I keep coming back to the angst despite my best attempts at a cute and fun romantic scene.
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weiila · 29 days
I don't do smut, the question is just how close to it I can get before I have a confused asexual breakdown.
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weiila · 5 months
Excerpt with a fun idea I can’t use because I remembered they’ve said both ”goddamn” and ”Christ on a stick” on this show without anyone flinching
”It was… the fall was…” Ozzie paused and stared into space. Fizz waited it out, holding his breath. This was so. Much. 
Eventually, Ozzie reached up and massaged his brow. 
”Before that, I don’t…” he faltered again, visibly struggling to gather his thoughts. ”Just, I felt like we just wanted to know why things had to be a certain way. And they- those I thought of like our siblings, they thought we were stupid. Since the answer was ’because.’ And they…”
Another falter. 
”It didn’t seem like was so bad that…” Ozzie’s hand covered most of his face. He sighed. ”But they got scared. Too many questions and the whole plan with the human world wobbled and… I- we were dragged before them, and I… hm.” A non-smile, a deep breath. ”I don’t know if it’s better or worse that it was just them judging, and F- Fa-th-”
Ozzie squinted his eyes and his mouth twisted, like he couldn’t form the word. Something coiled up inside Fizz’s heart, something dark and fearful and ANGRY that was so sudden that he gave a start, squeezing Ozzie’s arm tighter. The Sin twitched and blinked down at the imp. The hellborn.
The naturally born demon.
It clicked, and they both winced. 
”He-who-shan’t-be-named,” Ozzie sardonically corrected, and that darkness in Fizz still shuddered. ”He wasn’t even there.”
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weiila · 3 months
Oh it's so easy to slip into writing Fizzarolli exactly like Daxter that sometimes I have to throw in cussing just to get back on track >_> CURSE YOU FANGIRL MUSCLE MEMORY
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weiila · 3 months
Here you poor starving fellow fans, have a treat from what I'm working on now to help hold you over while AO3 is down.
Contains suggestive touching of a cup, so let's put it under a read only for Tumblr's vapor's safety's sake. Ozzie, for shame.
Set very early on, obviously.
By everything in Heaven and Hell and beyond he wanted Fizzarolli. Actually wanted him, not just because the ever present hunger got annoying (it had been fed and was still simmering under the surface), or he caught his eye or made it clear that he was interested in Ozzie and up for a fun romp. Wanted Fizz because Fizz was freely giving Ozzie something he hadn’t dared admit how much he craved, something he wasn’t supposed to be allowed. Empathy. At this time, he still wasn’t brave enough to give it another name. No matter that slip of his mind, it was good enough for now and his desires demanded action. So he didn’t dwell on it for the time being. He idly ran the end of his finger, just where fur and base of claw met, around the edge of his cup. Slowly, faux distracted, caressing the rim. It was such a simple trick he’d done many a time to haul in attention, to tease. Start the path to laying everything out on the table and move on from just flirting. Though usually he did this act on a wine glass in a far more glamorous setting, not an empty cup on his own kitchen table. But this situation wasn’t usual, either. It worked regardless of container and room, as Fizz’s gaze flicked to the fingertip, mesmerized for a second before he tore his attention away with a small jerk of his head. A hand came up and slapped over his mouth, but it couldn’t contain the near mad grin nor the deep gray blush, as the imp stared at the floor and muttered a curse. Ozzie may have felt a little bad for playing dirty, but that feeling drowned in a rumbling chuckle. Holy shit, Fizz was too damn cute. Even when it was apparent by the spike of lust that there was nothing cute about the fantasies exploding in his brain.
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weiila · 3 months
It has been literal YEARS since I had a new story idea banging around inside my head before I even finished one already in the making, so here's a lil' taste of what I'll write next.
'cause I had so much fun writing it and ya'll seemed to enjoy snobby Ars Goetia vs Ozzie in A Small Flame, mwahahaha.
“Good evening, darling,” the noble demon drawled in a sing-song voice, the fine silks of her dress swishing dangerously close to the boxes that Fizz hid behind. She paused and just smirked at thin air. “You owe me a penthouse in Envy.”
The dismayed shriek from the phone was muffled, but just barely audible. The lady turned her head away from the phone, smirk widening even more. Whoever she was talking to seemed to go a brief rant, but it was cut short when the caller spoke again.
“Of course I got proof!” The noblewoman turned the phone towards her face and Fizz saw the screen lit up as she turned on video chat. Holding his breath he crept deeper into the corner, willing fate to not let him be spotted.
She dipped her free hand into a pocket and withdrew something.
“See?” she triumphantly said, holding the tiny item between her thumb and pointing finger in front of the phone. “Ripped it right off his back when he was… distracted.” She let out a smug little laugh that tore across Fizz’s eardrums.
His breath stuck in his throat, gaze trapped by the lady’s precious trophy - a small, deep blue feather. A sick feeling bubbled up inside of him.
“Oh fuck off!” another woman’s voice came from the phone.
“I did! It was amazing,” the dove crooned. “Really, hun, you really oughta get him too even if you lost the bet. It’s so worth it.”
A grumble from the device, and then a reluctant:
“So, are you putting it in a pendant, or?”
“Ugh, no! So old fashioned. That’s how my grandmama keeps hers. Maybe a brooch.” She laughed again as she gently stuffed the stolen feather back into the pocket and gave it a pleased pat with her perfectly manicured fingertips. “Or maybe I’ll snatch him up again and get a set of matching earrings.”
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weiila · 4 months
The start of my Fizzmodeus fic can be summed up as:
Ars Goetia: We’re concerned about your flagrant disregard for proper decorum lately. Let us discuss it in a diplomatic extremely passive aggressive fashion. Ozzie: Yeah I stopped giving a shit about manners at Mammon’s pageant, so I brought my darling unfettered jester to mock y’all. Ars Goetia: fucksicles
Now if I could just focus on writing that’d be swell.
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weiila · 5 months
Humor in a fanfic about two series with a lot of comedy? The devil you say!
Charlie looked disappointed for a second but then pulled herself together and held out the basket. ”Anyway, hi! Great to meet you, Mr Fizzarrolli! My friends and I put together a gift basket for Uncle Ozzie… well, they thought it’s a please-calm-down-basket.”
”Oh, uh, thanks.” Fizz glanced inside, raised an eyebrow and reached into the basket to pick up one of the assorted items inside. ”The fuck?” 
It was a feather duster with a red ribbon tied around it. 
”Ooh well…” Charlie winced and shrugged, looking away. ”I told her a knife might be a bad choice and she seemed confused, but she came up with an alternative. And, uhm, I hope you don’t already own that collector’s edition dildo… also Angel swore the packaging only looks a little damaged and it’s brand new!”
Having the Princess of Hell standing there being awkward about her friends’ gift choices was too absurd not to laugh at. It didn’t help that Lucifer stood behind her, looking very doubtful of her words. 
A tired chuckle escaped Fizz and he accepted the basket. The rest of it seemed a bit more conventional - fruit, a box of chocolates, and… bath bombs. Right. 
”Well, you can tell them all thanks, Your Highness-”
”Charlie! Ah! Sorry! Hi, I’m Charlie!”
(Alastor did have a gift in there but Lucifer saw it and said NO.)
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weiila · 3 months
Oh boy here I go trying to write sexual situations again
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weiila · 4 months
This Fizzmodeus fanfic is supposed to be mainly wholesome but I needed to add stuff to chapter one and realized I can write petty political bullshittery for the first time since Diplomacy and I might have squeed a bit for old times’ sake.
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weiila · 3 months
I am so happy to once again feel the UTTER FRUSTRATION of "shit I need to eat" breaking up being in the creative zone. *weeps* it's been ten thousand years
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weiila · 3 months
I feel like I've forgotten about Fizzarolli's tail this entire fanfic >_>
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weiila · 4 months
Aw yiss, referencing Paradise Lost in this fanfic about gay demons. I'm making good use of that Bachelors in literature.
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weiila · 4 months
Goddammit do I want Ozzie to scare the crap out of the smug face of Stolas’s dad or Andrealowhatever?
Both are good but canon might very well squash the whole idea later on, though bro-boy is less likely there than bad-dad because of their ranks.
Yes I could totally make it an OC Ars Goetia but that’s not as fun.
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weiila · 4 months
Trying to figure out how to properly spice up Fizz’s dialogue makes me go *confused asexual noises*
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weiila · 5 months
Nooo it's eight o'clock and I haven't had dinner but I was WRITING
Ahh just like the olden days, getting in the zone and ignoring basic needs. NOT RECOMMENDED but goddamn I wrote some bangers on an empty stomach because I was too busy to be hungry. And this is with me having prepared meals in the fridge, I am just being an inspired idiot.
(I'm going to eat now, don't worry lovelies, I'm inspired but I'm not a complete moron.)
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