orpheuslament · 2 years
if i saw you every day for ever will i would remember this time. strange seeing you here in front of me. been staring at afterimages of you in places where you havent been in years. to market to market to buy a fat pig. home again home again jiggity-jig. i wanted to understand you. before i laid eyes on you again, i needed it to be clear what i was seeing. where does the difference between the past & the future come from? mine? before you & after you. yours? its all starting to blur. mischa. abigail. chiyoh. how is chiyoh? she pushed me off a train. atta girl. you & i have begun to blur. isnt that how you found me? every crime of yours feels like one im guilty of. not just abigails murder, every murder. stretching bakward & forward in time. freeing yourself from me & me freeing myself from you, theyre the same. we're conjoined. curious whether either of us can survive separation. now is the hardest test not letting rage & frustration, nor forgiveness, keep you from thinking. shall we? after you.
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