#week 2 has been fantastic for upsets thank u week 2
feddy-34 · 5 days
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sarahboseman · 6 years
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5
@greenswishbish @royallyprincesslilly @captiansaveasmut@sisterwifeudaku @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @brianabreeze @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl@imgabbyrae @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning@heyauntieeee @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sarahboseman@skysynclair19 @angieswonderfulworld @ljstraightnochaser@mermaidchansons @qweentbh @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal@bubbleboss17 @ovohanna24 @autumn242 @starsshines-blog @wakandankings @blue-ishx @yaachtynoboat711 @texasbama@maverickabull @leahnicole1219 @fireboltrose7559 @savagemickey03@jecourt @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @inlovewith3
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
"Anything else Miss?"
"No, thank you so much, I’m good"
"Do I mark your order at your room?"
"Of course, thank you"
The waiter supports your order on the table and after greeting you with an unusual Greek accent, he leaves you alone in your contemplation. Lying belly up on the beach chair, facing the sea following the right angle of the sun, you continue to stare at the screen of your phone.
You knew he was going to write, you knew that the picture returned to its place meant something and after all, maybe you knew it wasn’t him who blocked you.
- "I apologize, I ruined everything this time, I lost you again and it’s my fault now… Always yours - Chad”
You keep re-reading his text to which you haven’t answered yet and you don’t even know if you'll answer. Surely he’s noticed you’ve read it and may be he’s waiting for an answer, or maybe not.
"Always yours ... always yours ..."
This whole story seems like a never-ending misunderstanding, there’s not a thing going into place, there’s nothing seems to be clear, nothing right. Everything seems fighting the current and seems to say "It's not your time” It's all a series of misunderstood events just because one of you thinks something that is not what the other thinks or that corresponds to the truth.
Will this ever end?
But mostly ... do you still want all this?
What do you want?
Do you want to clear up again or leave everything the way it is and try to forget?
It’s the fifth time today you find yourself asking the same questions and the same reasoning, you’ve also opened your agenda and while sunbathing lying on the beach, you wrote a list of pros and cons, and another list about what it could happen or not, if you respond to that message or not. You know these are thoughts left to the wind, but writing these lists gives you security. As if you had your life in your hand a little more.
But everywhere on your lists, when you asked: Do u miss him? Would you like to have him with u right now? Would you like to talk to him? The answer is always YES.
If it weren’t this mess of feelings holding you tied to him so much, you wouldn't think twice, you'd already forget him. If only you wouldn't have met him at the club that night in February, most likely you would now be really with someone else. But unfortunately it’s not like that.
Maybe Chad was right when he naively told you on the phone, "If only I hadn’t seen you the other night, maybe it was better for both of us”.
But neither of both of you really believes at this mental process.
Everything around you is wonderful, 12 days have already passed since you arrived in Greece, now you’re in Mikonos, which is really beautiful, another wonderful island with a thousand things to see, crystal clear sea to die for, colors that envy the most famous abstract painter.
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Gorgeous people, fantastic food. Your skin is darker, caramelized, more tanned, smoother and softer, the dark circles under your eyes are finally gone and you're definitely more relaxed. You made a lot of friends, meet a lot of people, you had fun, you ate, drank, meditated, but tomorrow it's time to leave again, in fact you're packing for the third time.
Your itinerary includes departure tomorrow from Athens in the direction of Malé-Maldives, almost 11 hours of flight with only a change. But you're sure it’ll be worth it, you can’t wait, you're very thrilled and your stay will definitely be longer. Heaven awaits you.
You haven’t answered to Boseman's message yet and curiosity is eating you alive. As a diary you keep posting beautiful pictures of your trip on your whatsapp story, where you noticed he punctually checks and displays, but obviously he doesn’t dares to write you. You took it as a regular appointment: you post your picture and he checks where you are. You know he's waiting for your answer.
DOHA - QATAR Hamad International Airport
Your change lasts just over an hour and you take the opportunity to make a little tour of the airport, you turn on your phone and tell Mom and Aisha that everything goes according to your plans, you landed halfway through your journey and everything is more than fine.
Aisha is the first to answer you, she has been with you for all your stay in Greece, even if only virtually and from a distance. She’s like a sister with whom you always share everything, but you don’t know why you omitted Chadwick's message and all your fucking thoughts, you kept all for you ...
Maybe because you know she’s a little bit biased, maybe a little bit pushy in some situations and of course with her temperament she would have prompted you to respond immediately. You understand you need your time and you have to follow what your instinct tells you.
You’re sitting at the gate with your book on your legs, open for too long on the same page. You’re waiting anxiously to embark and finally fly to your destination, when you suddenly grab your phone and reply to that message with no hesitation.
- “Do not ask me why I didn’t answer until now. Do not ask me thousand questions. Perhaps I knew that it wasn’t you who blocked me, but I don’t know what to do with your apologies now… This whole story is a huge misunderstanding, maybe you're right, it's not our time yet. I hope however your vacation in Jamaica was amazing …”
Ooooooh yes, because you follow his instagram profile, but also the tag #ChadwickBoseman and you saw some pictures of his holiday last month …
You wrote that text without thinking a lot, you wrote what your mind and heart was suggesting at that moment, maybe a little bit too challenging in two points, but you don’t care, because what you want is perhaps start a conversation, and see his reactions. You want to capture information and satisfy the curiosity you've had for two weeks straight.
You know that, sooner or later, you would have replied to that message, you can’t let things end once again with a misunderstanding and then … you tremendously want to hear him.
It can sound very stupid, naive and surely now you look like a confused woman who isn’t strong enough and doesn’t know what she wants. But you actually know what you want, you know what and who you want in your life since that February night, maybe you're just too coward to admit it. After all you’re human and human beings are very imperfect, too complicated.
But you can admit one thing, however, what they’ve told you until now is true, "you don’t look like yourself, I've never seen you like this before ..." it's true, it’s damn true, you know it's not you and you have to fix this situation in some way to finally get back to yourself. With or without him in your life, but still yourself. This story has been too buried deep in your heart and soul, somehow you have to fix it.
Actually, it could have already been resolved in February, when he left your house, but unconsciously you both knew it wasn’t the way you wanted your story to be solved. Then if we also want to talk about the messages and the sexy phone call  ... A very big mess.
It's time to embark, but Chad hasn’t viewed the message yet and hasn’t replied. With the hope that that bitch doesn’t block you again and with the hope that maybe she’s not even with him anymore. You turn off your phone … another six hours of flight await you.
“Welcome to Paradise” was the wording written on the brochure the travel agency had issued to you after your booking for the resort in the Maldives and it can’t be more correct than that. It’s really a paradise. It’s evening and you’ve just arrived in your “room”, if you can call it that, it’s practically a duplex apartment with swimming pool and with direct access to the beautiful beach. It’s about 10 minutes you’re walking back and forth gaping, dragging your bag behind you, to see if it's all a dream or a really existing place.
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BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ ... Your phone is buzzing in the pocket of your shorts, your telephone operator has synchronized and  also your messages and missed calls too.
"Are you sure you want to wait for Bora Bora?"
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You don’t even check all the incoming messages and you write quickly to Aisha, who answers you immediately since the time zone is not so much, only 4 hours.
“Damn Girl! I’M COMING! ... Indeed, no, I forgot that I AM AT WORK ... "
You burst out laughing when she sends you a picture of a stuck of files you immediately recognize.
"How was your trip sis? Everything good?"
After a brief exchange of messages with your best friend, and after having also reassured your family that everything is ok and you’re safe, you check the rest of the incoming messages and ... here they are, his answers. You get anxious even before you read them. You feel your heart in your throat, you have a strange fear and you don’t know why, and you haven’t read anything yet!!
You sit on the sand, in front of the umpteenth lonely sunset of your journey, sink your feet into the warm, fine white sand and read.
- "I won’t ask you a thousand questions, you have every right to be upset and take your time to answer me, if you want. Thank you for doing it, I was afraid of losing you and you would never answer. I can’t even tell you what to do with my apologies, I only hope you will accept them again trying to understand this fucking mad situation"
- "I have no idea where you are now, it's been a while since you're online, I hope you're fine. I'd like to hear you, to hear your voice”
- "I'm trying to fix my life, take some wise decisions, I took a break from everything. I finished the press tour and several work commitments, I don’t want to hear about anything for some time, I really need to rest and clarify some things"
- "And anyway my vacation in Jamaica was a complete shit"
- “On the other hand your holiday seems like a dream ... I'm just wondering who you're sharing with, but I'm also afraid to want to know it"
After having finished reading his texts sent a few minutes away from each other, your anxiety disappears and read the last messages with a slight smile, especially when he tells you his vacation was a complete shit …
He’s online.
With no hesitation you take a picture of the stunning landscape in front of you and send it to him
-“Yes, my holiday is really a dream”
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Immediately Chadwick displays your message and it's like you can hear him smiling telling you’re a bitch.
- "Lucky the one who can see that wonder with you"
You don’t know what to answer, it's obvious that he thinks you're with someone or, better, it's obvious that he wants you to confirm you're not with a man. You know him, he's smart and he certainly knows how to do his turns of words to get the information he wants.
- "I've missed you, I don’t know where to begin to apologize, I don’t want to be too much talkative and then say something stupid" he writes you
- "Maybe you can start by telling me about the invasion of privacy …”
- "Let's start by telling you that after discovering the invasion of privacy I feel better, I'm alone, but free"
- "I read that you're trying to fix some things and make decisions"
- "In fact, I took one and I think it's the right one. She had crossed every limit in every aspect of our relationship, but blocking you taking my phone secretly, was the last straw. I flipped out when I discovered it. I was convinced you had disappeared again ... forgive me, again if you can.”
- "I'm not going to be here talking about your girlfriend Chadwick, really"
- "Ex Girlfriend …"
He will also be good at talking, but you’re also good when you want immediate confirmation.
- "Can we start all over again? Without equivocal, without misunderstandings, can we pretend that the last thing that happened is that phone call that I still dream at night?"
You sigh to that message, you decide to follow your instinct and the desire you have of him, not only the physical desire, but the desire to get him back in your life, in whatever way it is.
- “Of course we can, but I don’t want to hurt Chad"
- "And I don’t want to do it"
- "Ok ..."
- "Where are you now? The place looks breathtaking, seems you’re on a long journey”
- "Maldives"
- “... of course your holiday is a marvel. Do you stop a lot?"
- “My boss has forced me to two months of holidays, so I'll stay here about 3 weeks"
- "Forced holidays ... Is that what they’re calling? You’re doing right by the way"
- "I swear, I was skeptical at first. Only at the beginning, now I get off on it, actually, let’s be honest”
Silence for a few minutes, in the meantime you re-enter your bungalow.
- "Since you said we can start again from that night … we can tell you’re not on holiday with your new boyfriend …”
- "And you deduce it from what? I said we can resume from that phone call, but I didn't specify how ... "
You think you blew him away with your answer, but you really didn’t want to be bitchy, apart from his "ok" he didn’t write anything to you and you didn’t write him for a whole day, that compared to his 5 months, it's nothing.
Although you want him to die for that if he asked you, you would leave tomorrow to see him, you're still a bit proud and then you stay in your silence.
02.40 A.M Two days after your arrival
- “Just for the record, I'm on holiday alone, completely alone. No friend, no sister, no boyfriend no man or men”
You totally drank too muck at the beach party, you were at the bar talking with two girls you met at the resort, they’re American just like you, and you let yourself go.
You danced, you drank (a lot) and you had a lot of fun. So now that you’re writing to him you’re not very present with your mind, in fact, you’re very tipsy. And you know that when you're feeling like that, you can say things you know you could regret.
- "Well ... and to what do I owe the pleasure of this confession?" His answer is not long in coming.
- "Nothing, it's just the information you wanted. By the way, another good information for you, I’m half naked in the pool under the stars"
- “Y/N … baby … come on, seriously?” He writes to you laughing
- "I'm veeeeery serious”
- “I'd pay gold to see you now" Of course he didn’t understand you're drunk, he has no clue.
You take a selfie a little naughty and you send it with no hesitation.
- "Jesus Christ Y/N"
- “Do you want me maybe?"
He doesn’t answer immediately, he doesn’t understand your sudden shamelessness, but he doesn’t complain. He’s a man after all. A man still very interested in you.
- "Yes, I want you, I would like to have you now"
- "And then join me, come and get me”
You laugh placing you phone on the edge of the pool forgetting it completely. With the last remaining strength you have and laughing like a fool, drunk like you don't remember ever being, you get out of the water, dry yourself and throw yourself in bed, knowing that tomorrow morning you’ll have an huge headache.
2 DAYS AFTER 7.15 P.M Local time
"It was more than beautiful, to be redone, surely" You say goodbye to the group of friends coming down the off-road
"See you Y/N, we'll see you around. Next time we take you to see the sharks” One of the instructors tells you
"No thanks, I willingly pass"
"If you don’t have any other programs, see you for dinner later?" Leslie says, one of the girls known at the Resort
"Absolutely, I'm going to take a shower and change, see you at dinner"
Before going to your place, you greet the group of guys with whom you went for an excursion. You had never snorkeled before, it was a spectacular experience.
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By now you’ve met many people, the resort is not really big, and so you made friends at least with everyone. You’re a person who may seem shy at first, but only because you’re used to studying people around you, then you melt and you’re very very company.
Coming back inside the Resort and passing through the reception, you notice a unusual crowding. People whispering, excited girls hugging themselves "was he really?" "YEAH, I can’t believe it, he’s so beautiful"
You don’t understand, so you approach the reception, greetings and curiously asking what is going on
"Good evening Miss, how was the excursion?" One of the boys on duty at the reception asks you.
“Amazing! Thank you very much for the advice, I will definitely do it again. Wonderful. But what’s happening? There’s a big crowd outside"
"Actually, something a little unexpected, this afternoon that actor who was in that good movie arrived ... Mrs Padma what's the name of that film your daughter watches twice a day?"
"What movie? Oh hello Miss Y/N!” She greets you very gently.
"That movie she also saw last night for the umpteenth time"
"Black Panther"
All the tools, flippers, mask, bag, sunglasses fall off your hands.
"Sorry? Who ... who arrived?” You ask the guy, you're stuttering.
"ooooh you like that actor too? How to blame you honey, but I never remember what his name is” The owner Mrs Padma says turning to you with a sympathetic, almost maternal smile.
"Boseman?? Chadwick Boseman"
"Yes, HIM!! Sorry but I'm a disaster with names”
You feel your heart pounding in your chest, you start to sweat even though the air conditioning comes out frozen. Your hands and legs are shaking.
You haven’t heard about him for three days, you've spent your days avoiding being constantly on the phone with him and now the kind lady is telling you that Chadwick is there somewhere in the Resort.
“Y/N? Y/N? You’re all right dear? You must like this actor so much darling, if you want I can tell you where he is now“ she says smiling
"No ... I don’t know if I want to"
"Come on, he's somewhere signing some autographs. He asked for some privacy and of course those who don’t stay here can not enter. This explains people outside "
You nod as you somehow try to fix what fell out of your bag.
"Mrs Padma, can I ask you something? Don’t take me for a crazy"
"Sure darling, tell me”
"Did he make a reservation or is he just passing through?"
She smiles at you, as if somehow she understood ...
"I couldn’t give this information ... but ... he said he was looking for a person, and maybe he would stop. He didn’t add anything else, he was very nice and kind” she says whispering, leaning to you over the reception desk. "The couple who were with him instead booked the last remaining bungalow for a few days" she adds.
"Thank you"
“Well, if you're interested … he’s over there”
You don’t know if you want to go where he’s now or go to your place and wait, maybe writing him a message. You move away from the reception, your head is exploding and instinctively you direct towards his direction, then suddenly you change, exit and head towards your accommodation.
You throw everything on the bed, you quickly undress and throw yourself in the shower. You can not explain your fears and the feelings you’ve got right now. Mixed anxiety anger, happiness and desire to see him mixed with fear.
You should be glad that he’s reached you, that he’s a few steps away from you and instead you feel awkward.
Why did he come here? How did he know where you were? Who told him to join you?
And you remember the other night when you wrote him and you were drunk.
You told him to come and get you.
And so he did.
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Oh no don't worry I wasn't upset. Well, not at you. I'm sending a separate ask to keep private but other than THAT, things are good. Foot is all better, Coctura is happy and healthy, I'm still with Coach, whose team just got silver in a competition btw. I think I just needed a break from social media in general, which is fine bc it gave me time to play LOTS of Red Dead Redemption 2. -Breakfast Girl
Lemme add a very  nice keep reading right here :3
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BG BUDDY IT YOU!!!!!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Omg BG buddy, thank you SO much for dropping another ask!! PHEW, I?m so sorry it’s taken me this awfully terribly long to say something. Holiday season has been sorta busy for me this year, which has been both pleasant and time consuming. Definitely enjoyable, though! It’s the first year my family decides to take the week, so I’ve been busy with that!! Sorry, but thank you for understandin and waiting :3
I’m glad to know that you weren’t upset at me! But also very sad to know that other thing you sent in the private ask. I did worry a lot reading it, but at the end you reassured me it was fine and it’s all back to normal and that’s such a giant, immense relief, you have no idea. I’m happy it didn’t get any worse and that things turned out alright!! Aahhh, makes me wanna hug you both ( ´ ▽ ` )
Your foot is all better now!!! HOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ BG Buddy I’m SO happy for you omg, in the meanwhile you were quiet, I was wondering about your foot a lot. It also happened that in a fic I’m currently writing someone is dealing with a broken leg, so I inevitably thought about you even more, ahaha. Aaah, I’m so happy and relieved to know it’s all okay now!! o(>ω
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hapy and blessed and lkasjdkladfja that you let me know about precious smol Coctura!!! *SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK* THAT PRECIOUS ANGEL THAT DESERVES THE WORLD OMG I’M SO HAPPY FOR THE PRECIOUS FLUFF ;A; Happy and healthy..I mean, it’s you looking after her, so it really doesn’t surprise me. You’re a kind and good person so of course lil Coctura would be in such a wonderful state
YOU STILL WITH COACH, AAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! THAT’S SOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! :’’3 Hgfhfghklnfghklfnh, I’m so happy that things are apparently working out between you two. It’s WONDERFUL! Means it’s been okay and that is a delight to hear. I’m so happy you both are alright, as in, both as a couple/friends and individually
Ooooh, yesyes, I understand the whole thing about needing a break from social media. Looking after yourself is important, and it doesn’t always  mean to do something, sometimes it means to leave something, even if just momentarily. And somehow, for some reason, social medias have this…energy? Or this thing that consumes your energy, it’s sorta…draining. I don’t know why,, it looks like a simple task, but yes, internet-ing can be exhausting…
I’m very, very happy and glad that you decided to take a break, buddy. It means you were aware you needed it, and it takes something to acknowledge it, even more to actually do it. Social medias can be so…addictive, even when you know you n eed a time away.
So congrats, BG buddy. Once more, you prove to be a strong and mature homan being who knows you need of  You, and you need to look after yourself. And you handled it nicely. Like always, I’m not just happy for you, BG buddy, I’m so proud.
You truly are one brave person, I hope you’re aware.
I’m happy to know that you did what you had to. I missed you terribly, but so long you were away to do best to yourself, then I can wait for years, still gonna be here when you’re back, and I’ll definitely be cheering you on. You is important, and I’m glad that you know that, and that you’ve worked so hard on taking care of You. So proud you’re so strong, so happy you’re better now. That’s my BG buddy. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Red Dead Redemption 2!!! I’ve heard FANTASTIC things about that!! (*°▽°*)  To be honest I missed a lot of the game world (never had any of the PS, and latest thing I had was a Wii), so I don’t think I ever heard about Red Dead Redemption 1? And if I did it didn’t seem important at the time. But now with the release of RDR2 I’ve heard WONDERS about it, everyone going nuts about its release, and it being a fantastic game!!!
I can’t say I know how much you’re enjoying it because I’m clueless on the game, but if you’ve been playing it lots, it means it must be lots and lots of fun to you!! And so epic and entertaining and aksjdakldgjadg omg BG buddy, that’s PHENOMENAAAAAAL!!!!! Games are always a fantastic experience, and one that seems to be so particularly epic? Gawd, I’m so happy you get to play lately, BG buddy!!! :3
Bg buddy, there’s not much more to say. I’m so, so, so happy to see you around again, and so happy to know things are going good. I’m happy that you did what was best to you, and I?m happy to see you wandering around again, and it’s, like always, my delight and honor to see you drop by my inbox. I missed you terribly, buddy, and it makes me happy like you have no idea to see you around again
I hope to hear from you again soon!! How are things going? I haven’t checked Endings in Reverse in a while.Gotta check it later! 
Meanwhile, I hope that you’re doing FANTASTIC, buddy! I’m sorry again for the awfully late response. I’ve been feeling very drained from asks, lately. Maybe it’s because of the two on going fics I’m writing, giganormous...so it really is only my fault, haha!!! But I’ll try to answer when I can, even if it’s by bits. And even when I don’t reply, I read all asks straight away as they arrive, so do feel free to message me if you ever feel like it, even if it takes me a while to reply
Buddy, I don’t know if you celebrate anything in these dates? But happy holidays. Merry Christmas, if that’s as you celebrate!! I wanted to reply to this before the 25th, but I failed ;w;Still, know that I’m sending you lots and lots of my warmest, luckiest, happiest, and most loving raccoonie hugs and vibes. Wishing you a very good rest of the year and a fantastically beautiful start of a new one, regardless of what you may or may not celebrate :3
Dear BG buddy, it’s a delight to be talking with you again!!!!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night, buddy!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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fmlfpl · 5 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW23
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week!
OUT: Diego Rico
IN: Jack Stephens
I feel naked and alone without my Spanish lover Rico in my team anymore but it simply had to be so. I'm floating a transfer again this week and just doing a move to give me another cheapo defender who I can rotate. As shouted on the pod at 4.3 Jack seems like a good piece to have at the back until WC with their fixtures and strong underlying defensive numbers. There were certainly other more flair moves I could do but with two Livp in I am valuing the flexibility afforded with two frees ahead of their double to make a final decision about who to get in as the third and who to remove as well.
Schmeichel (bur)
Woodman the eternal continues to never let me down the legend.
Schmike, on the other hand, suddenly finds himself positioned between a goal frame, a sieve, and the enemy. Still too early to tell if no Ndidi just means they are diabolical but Burnley have been among the worst attacks in the division recently and no Smashley kinda fucks up their balance a lot.
Could see them snap back into form and just dispatch these in an easy win to nil. Hoping for it, anyway.
Pereira (bur)
Somehow I still have Periera. He's been by far by farrrrr my worst transfer of the season but I always seem to find a reason to hold on to him and start him. It seems extremely unlikely he is in past this weekend so maybe he'll give me a farewell gift.
Alexander-Arnold (MUN)
Trent goes again nothing to say about that. Only guy I've had since GW1...well other than Woodman of course that sweet boy.
Stephens (WOL)
Jack new friend is put straight into the fire with home Wolves. Not a good on paper fixture but I could kinda see a clean here? Maybe? Not an ideal start, but he's the best option I have and when weighing him up against the other 4.4 defenders and under it looked like his near term fixtures were the best in how he can rotate with what else I've got.
Lundstram (ars)
Lastly is Pointstram.
Another not too great feeling start but also not too bad without Aubz.
Hard to imagine where an Arsecast goal can come from other than a p3p3ga set piece banger or something like this. Don't really feel like Wilder will have any trouble marking Laca out of the game. Pointstram also eye test wise looked a lot more involved in their attack last game so maybe that is a sign of things to come.
Martial (liv)
Unfortunately I'm going to have to eat a Tony M start here at Anfield. Feels not good but I still like him as a medium term hold despite the mixed fixtures.
Still don't really have any confidence that I know what a "good" fixture is for United attack anyway so I'm just blindly following the mantra of he's playing OOP striker on a top six team so he's a hold.
De Bruyne (CRY)
Kevin up against my boys this weekend we'll see if he's at DM or not. Don't really care though, honestly.
Salah (MUN)
Third mid is Mo. Good lad.
Maupay (AVL)
Is this the weekend of Neal? Please Neal be a good Neal one time my son.
Scenic fixture...time to capitalize...or take 1 shot and blank again as per.
I want Neal to give me a sign of life so badly because I would really still like to hold him for the near term through these fixtures. Big game for him and I'll be watching him closely.
Vardy (bur)
Vardz still in there. Whatever.
Agüero (CRY)
Kun off his monster haul good job by Kun love Kun so much.
Vardy (bur)
Sticking with Vardz as shouted on the pod.
I've really not gone to the Vardy cap well too often this season but he just seems like a very strong option against a really bad team with two really bad CBs and a really bad GK. I'd honestly be surprised if he doesn't double return.
When in doubt float your fuckin’ transfer...
I had a really brutal week and especially today, Friday, long and tough day.
No idea what I want to do but having two frees and a boatload of cash for next week seems really fun / good.
I’ll probably get rocked in the Cup this week by fuckin Wiscker by just rolling the same crew out again after last week’s bloodbath but maybe with my two frees and a pocket full of change I can roar back in the final two group matches and go through... It works out in my head at least...
Ryan (AVL)
Great fixture and a great fixture run so come on Mat gimme some points.
van Dijk (MUN)
Everything says that this should be an easy Liverpool win and an easy Liverpool clean but who knows it’s still a derby...
United are absolutely terrible on set plays they have conceded the third most in the league and Liverpool have scored the tied for second most int he league so make of that what you will... VVDue? VVDong?
Söyüncü (bur)
Hoping for a Soy redemption song this week after that very sloppy mess of a match lass week... Burnley are very much there for the taking so go on SoyBoy.
Lundstram (ars)
I sleeper think that this is a great fixture... ok maybe great is an exaggeration because it’s not a ~banker~ but with how Arsenal’s been playing lately - very few shots and not much xG or sustained attack - plus no Aubz it just seems very cleanable and winnable for Sheff U from where I’m sitting. 
Salah (MUN)
Funny cheeky little interview he gave. Mo’s a good guy.
De Bruyne (CRY)
Easy keep.
Maddison (bur)
Time for a bounce-back from Leicester no fucking around. Maddo was such a steady tick merchant for me back in the good ole days I just want to taste that success again.
Sarr (tot)
Not a good fixture but definitely not a bad one either.
Sarr and Watty have been looking fabulous and will cause Spurs tons of problems for me.
Cantwell (BOU)
Lastly going for Big Todd Energy over Jiménez this week (feel free to thank me Jim owners) becaaaauuuuuseeeee just I don’t know gut feeling and shit.
Jim has been an extremely upsetting transfer in for me and I shouted Wolves being tired and bad and then they go out and lose to Man. Utd. in the cup with Jim playing the full 90′.
Also Jim has away Southampton which is now a really rough fixture so whatever I’m going for it here... Todd should fuck Eddie’s Bourney.
Only the two FWDs for me this week since I’m benching Jimboy.
Vardy (bur)
Another in my triple leicester to bounce back -- what a chance for it !
Calvert-Lewin (whu)
I still believe in DCL and I had to defend the pick a little bit here and there this week and honestly it just made me feel better about it. And the fixture is fantastic. DCL gonna bang.
Vardy (bur)
Just don’t really have another option who I think is nearly as good a cap. pick as Vardz is this week and it’s as simple as that...
If it’s close then maybe you go differential cap but if it’s not close I think you just cap the guy who everyone else is capping. Here we are.
Soz for a not exciting Lambs from me this week lol.
The words of Random Slacker are not officially endorsed by this website nor any employees of FML FPL LLC.
Fun fact: I was the person who suggested random slacker lambs earlier in the season to the pod bois. That was a time when my team was ticking along and I was optimistic about rising up the ranks over the course of the season.
Now I am in the depths of darkness and have zero expectations for my team other than red arrows and I am bad and shit at FPL and you shouldn’t even bother reading this because I’m shit. Unless you want to feel better about yourself, that is (I’m 1.5m so if you’re lower than that then I’m truly sorry – you’ll probably overtake me soon).
At least I have the FML FPL Cup to focus all my energy on. Speaking of which...
To my opponent this week, Rob, and the rest of Group 19, Jon and Max: Fuck you. I’m going to destroy you. I don’t care about my OR anymore. This is all that matters to me. (Jk prob will get 0 points and crash out in the group stage – good luck lads).
OUT: Serge Aurier
IN: Lewis Dunk
I have 2FTs but I’m just going for a fairly passive and hopefully more sensible move. When Mou became Spuds’ manager I had hopes that the defence would significantly improve (I even doubled up on their defence – oops), but alas they are still shipping goals for fun and now the child Tanganga is in the mix potentially threatening Aurier’s minutes after a decent right back performance mid-week. So just fucking him off to a similarly priced guy with good fixtures for the foreseeable future, on a team that actually appears to be capable of keeping the occasional clean sheet.
Going to roll the other FT to give me a little more flexibility next GW to increase my share of Liverpool players to at least 2. Probably will take a hit to get up to 3.
Guaita (mci)
Probably the worst fixture of the season for a defender or GK; City have several potent, in-form attacking options and could easily put up 4 or 5 (albeit Palace have been fairly solid for large portions of the season).
Just hoping Victor Vincente can pick up some some save points, a Kun pen save or two would be very welcome as a non-owner…
Dunk (AVL)
Brighton looking very good this season generally under Graham Potter and cleaning the odd game here and there. Decent chance for one against an out of sorts Villa. Go on new friend Lewis.
Söyüncü (bur)
Soyboy has been a staple of my team for quite some time. Leicester always a shout for a clean. However, Burnley are one of those teams where I can never predict how they’re going to perform week to week, so I’m not banking on a clean by any means.
Sidibe (whu)
Difficult to predict how this one will go as West Ham are still a bit of an unknown quantity to me under new / old manager Moyseh.
Sidibe is the guy I’ll likely transition into a Liverpool defender next week but maybe he gets another go at RW this week with Richarlison confirmed out. Would be nice to get some OOP attacking farewell returns from him.
De Bruyne and Sterling (CRY)
Should just be a fuckfest for City (soz Walsh). Raz getting fairly frustrating to own but I’m keeping the faith for now.
Mané (MUN)
Another one of those games that you never know what to expect. Even while United were the dominant English team and Liverpool were complete piss, they always seemed to be able to show up for this match and up results. Could the shoe be on the other foot now? After all Utd are the only team Liverpool haven’t beaten so far this season in the PL. But I digress. Mane is obviously an auto-start in any fixture and Liverpool are the clear favourites in this one for good reason.
Maddison (bur)
He’s an absolute cunt imo. Very punchable face too. But he has undoubtedly been a very good FPL pick this season thus far. So go on James.
Calvert-Lewin (whu)
2 blanks on the trot but I’m not too worried. Still think he’s great, Carlo loves him and the price is right.
Abraham (new)
Tammy back in the points lately so feels fine to hold for now. Fixtures turning to shit imminently so possibly one to monitor and maybe move on soon.
Vardy (bur)
Earlier in the season I was looking at Vardy’s stats vs. goals/assists output; I convinced myself it was unsustainable and that he would “revert to the mean” (that’s something us wankers who have no fucking clue about how underlying stats translate into FPL points say to kid ourselves that we know what we’re talking about).
It’s now clear that he is just a guy who you hold indefinitely because his points continue to roll in week after week after week.
Sterling (CRY)
Call me an idiot.
Call me a glutton for punishment.
I capped Raz last week thinking he might just be a stroke of genius differential pick. Needless to say, that went poorly (0 mins with DCL VC, RIP). But fuck it. He goes again. I love Raz. Raz is great. He’s due – isn’t he?
Ultimately I’m just a guy who wants to get some fucking points on the board. Wish me luck.
0 notes
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This is gonna get sappy. Hello! Thank you for 2K (again)! 
Honestly, when I left 2-3 yrs ago I didn’t have any intentions on returning, or at least I hoped beyond hope I wouldn’t cave. I did, though. I’ve been sharing headspace with Uni for a long time, though by official count it’s at five years. A fella I’ve spent a lot of one-on-one time with, getting to know, helping him grow, and he, in turn, helping me in a lot of ways. Writing him has been therapeutic in a way I cannot even begin to describe and when we left those years ago it was for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we--or, really, I--felt as though we had overstayed our welcome. Uni wasn’t shiny and new anymore, hadn’t been for some time, so finding people to write with was like pulling teeth. I had just recently been plagiarized, too, and that honestly made me too paranoid with everything/one. 
But, lo and behold, I returned at the beginning of the year or so, though my activity was in and out for personal reasons. Since properly returning with a fixed schedule not two months ago, I must say I am so... relieved by the way he’s been [re]accepted back into the RP community. Even despite his divergence, despite my hesitance to divulge too much info, etc. It’s been so refreshing to see him get all this activity, to have people want to interact with him, to want to get to know him. AND BLESS THESE SHIPS, HONESTLY. Basically, we love you all and I would thank you all individually but that’d take a long time. Hence this blurb before the proper bias list to say we appreciate you all and wanna write with everyone!
That being said, this bias list will only cover people I’m very close to, people who’ve been following Uni for a long time, or have simply meant quite a bit to us in recent weeks. Please do not be upset if you’re not listed below, as it’s nothing personal and we do appreciate you! It’s just I follow a LOT of people, and, tbh we aren’t close yet-- that can certainly be changed! I’m very friendly despite the nickname! Never hesitate to IM me or ask for my Discord! 
TL;DR hello you are all amazing, thank you so much for all you��ve done for us!! pls buy Uni’s books when I write them lmao. below the cut is my bias list starting with the extra special people!
honestly crying for days over these people nbd
@frostkingoftheapocalypse --- HOW HAVE YOU STUCK AROUND FOR THIS LONG? i am amazed. i am also amazed we never talked sooner since we’ve known each other for like... 4 yrs lmfao. AHHH TASHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! you give me so much life and I appreciate our friendship, even if it’s late in the making, bc you’re so sweet and generous and a MOM omg. MOM FRIEND. and your writing has always intimidated me in a good way so to be able to finally, properly write with you is an HONOR tbh. you’re such a bright, unwavering light with such a fleshed out boy who’s BEAUTIFUL, and phenomenal drawings (I have that photo you made of Uni as my phone bg), and I honestly can’t wait to see what else we manage to create together. hit me with that good shit, tbh. I love you, Tash. <3
@sonofagunslinger --- CRIES FOR DAYS. Em ilu with my whole heart and soul tbh like you mean so much to me. thank u for riding on this painful/achingly cute ship with me bc Trickshot gives me so much life. you’re so amazing and such a fantastic friend like wtf. look at all this talent bunched up in one person, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am you came back to tumblr RP and WANTED TO WRITE WITH ME AGAIN like wtf. Jesse is such a little goddamn shit and I love it (Uni, too, ofc) and the headcanons you have for him and his 10/10 FC choice, and ALSO UR ART WTF. I’m still convinced satan lives in you tho bc you sometimes hit me with serious angst that makes me wanna lie down and d i e. but I love it. I love everything we’ve created for Trickshot SO MUCH. THESE BOYS KILL ME. I LOVE YOU, EM. <3
@velvettclaws --- oh NUT. omg I... adore you so much. how dare you be as amazingly wonderful as you are, I am attacked. when we first started writing together I honestly was like “they are SO out of your league, Vicious, look at this style, look at this talent, look at this characterization, are you kidding? it’s gonna be one interaction and that’s it” but I have never been so wrong. and HAPPILY wrong, too. Gabriel is such a beautiful, flawed, eldritch soul with so much thought put into the intricacies of his life, his being, etc and I’m so honored that he chose Uni to be part of it in some way and that we’re still writing together. I l o v e your writing so much, it’s so pretty and GOALS AF in a lot of ways and combined with lil’ Gabu as a whole and YOU ooc, oh my gosh. I die. like this if you cry every time bc I sure af do. you’re so supportive and encouraging and darling, too precious and pure for us, honestly. but I am so, so grateful for you and Gabriel. thank you. ilu so much <3 ;w;
@oneiromanc --- how do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate and adore you??? let me count the ways... we’d be here for an eternity tbh and by then you’d be so sick of me. c; AHHH BAB omg I love you so fkn much. like our boys themselves are just... so achingly wonderful and I love how spontaneous their relationship was and how far they’ve come in just a short while (writing wise), but also... like you’re so fantastic?? such a supportive, amazing, beautiful person who I only wanna smother with love and all the happiness in the world bc you deserve it and so much more! you’re a light in a dark place and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close bc GAAAAAH. I cry. I adore writing with you and reading the things you create and I’m so... thankful to be part of the process, if only in a small way bc your writing is phenomenal and deserving of all the appreciation, just like you!! I love you so much hnnn! ;w;
@angelofoverwatch --- (i know ur on a hiatus again but that’s okay bc ur still my bff). LENORE... omg... ur such a good. such a pure, kindhearted, sweet soul. you were one of the first people I actually properly WROTE with when I came back and it was... so nice??? I LOVE writing with you more than you know and to see all the thought you’ve put into Angela is inspiring and AMAZING. You’re both two beautiful people and I am so grateful we met bc we got somethin’ goin’ here with our babies that is so wonderful, I love it so much and wanna DO SO MANY THINGS WITH THEM. And I want to buy all your art tbh like holy shit look at this talented af human! ilu bb <3 and we’ll be here for when you return!! and even if not, we’re still here for you!
@fenwxlf --- cries for days I loooove you, Cait, so goddamn much and I know some days I seem kinda “meh” with everything but pls know I appreciate you so much and everything we’ve created together in the last 5 years or so. Fenrir is such a prick, just like his dad, and I LOVE it and how much he’s grown. to be part of that is amazing and honestly I am so honored you picked Uni to be MAIN DAD. and I’m so grateful and flattered tbh that you are so tied in with the raven folklore, too, and have immersed yourself in it. NEED ALL THE BIRBS TBH. I just... you mean so much to me that I can’t properly put it into words but I’m so grateful for our friendship, for being able to write with you, to be part of Fen and Svad’s characterization process/es and... all of it. you’re amazing ooc and I’ve loved to keep up with all you’ve done in the last few years and I’m so happy we never really broke contact even during our hiatus bc you’re a phenomenal friend, irreplaceable. you perfect cinnamon roll /sobs forever. Uni and I love you all soooooo much <3
the folks who have been around for a long, long, long time tbh. how have you not gotten sick of us?? if i’m missing people, i’m so sorry! if you’ve been around for 3+ years, we are amazed you’re still here, for one, and also SO GRATEFUL. you are the reason I keep writing.
@sultrysupernaturals / @agentharrisonofshield & @stiitchwiitchsera / @jennathearcher / @lilylacey / @mordorshi / @madxwonderland
some special mentions! people who mean a lot to me and/or Uni, people we appreciate so much, whom we’ve adored writing with, etc! i’m definitely missing people on this list! my brain only does so well, y’know.
@ircnwccd / @brazenlass / @talonsaconite / @stxrmurdottir / @asgardianhammer / @valadhxfndr / @maegtig / @zehsvara / @crowsandmalachite / @iisfet / @aldrnaari / @tricksandtreason & @jxrmungand / @viiribus / @strongindependentmen / @iridcscentiisms / @jenniferwallters & @claudiadelicncourt / @vasvvani & @aropoakande / @alalkomeneis / @huntingglory & @sifshieldmaiden / @roipirate
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kreacts · 7 years
Kpop Group Memory Tag
We were tagged by our main slice @k0ntz thank you lovely <3
Rules: pick a handful of your fave kpop groups and write a memory you attach to them. Then tag some other people to do it. Enjoy.
Got7: uhm, the group that got me into kpop! I remember Iris trying to get me into kpop she’d send me a bunch of links of these cute looking boys and I got interested and then we skyped one day and she told me to watch the just right dance practice and it was the best thing ever. I love her for getting me into kpop. I guess Mark was my first ever bias??
Bts: the first group I actually properly liked like fully and knew all their names etc. I remember watching their mvs over like the course of two days to learn their names. It was hella hard but like it was great. 
Nct: I associate this group with Iris too since I remember her watching videos and sending me screenshots to ask me who’s who and I even had to squint like a few times cause this was during nct life, like their first one. 
Seventeen: the first big group I learned. I just remember binge watching their one fine day to learn all the members and being hella proud when I did. 
Big Bang: now this memory is kinda cool. basically when I was in grade 11 or was it grade 10 anyways like a couple years ago [shocker, I’m in university]. We all had to do speeches for English class. I remember one of my friends, he was super nerdy and geeky and we spoke about anime all the time. His speech was about Big Bang and he showed the entire class the Fantastic Baby Mv and we were all like “bruh, what is this?” I remember wanting to like ask more about it but I was so like shook and scared like what is happening man?? like don’t try to get people into kpop with that wild shit you gotta start out soft man.
GOT7- This was the first ever band I got into. I remember one of my closest friends coming around to my new student house at the start of second year of uni, I didn’t know her well back then and it was super awkward. We ended up listening to music, she showed me Just Right and I remember falling in love with Bambam. It was kinda the starting point for our friendship, soooo it has strong memories.
Big Bang- I remember watching Fantastic Baby really early on when I got into k-pop, but it really kinda scared me and freaked me out lmao because of the colours and everything that was going on it it. So I avoided Big Bang for ages because they were way too intense for my poor soul, but later on when I came back to them I realised just how much I had been missing, and I never looked back.
BTS- I remember when I first got into them I was obsessed with their dance videos. I watched maybe 1 music video, then I watching DOPE, I Need U, Silver Spoon and War of Hormone dance practices on a loop for like 2 weeks with 0 regret. Back then I was struggling over whether I bias Jimin or J-hope, and I was in love Jimin in DOPE with the white shirt and joggers and glasses lmao
NCT- This memory is all about Indigo who kept pressuring me to get into NCT, but I knew how many members there were and I was so not about that life. But then she made me watch my first NCT life and I remember sending constant screenshots asking “who dis” and screaming in despair as I couldn’t tell Yuta and Taeil apart, and then later when watching the Entertainment Retreat I just kept up a running commentary for Indigo since they were so cute, and she was nice enough to fangirl with me despite having watched it before.
ASTRO- This reminds me of when I went to go and visit Daisy, which was cute because it was my first time travelling to see a friend and staying over for a week. I remember when JBS turned up and we sat watching ASTRO OK!READY and it came to the third ep and I was there really struggling not to bawl my eyes out as I watched Jinjin cry and neither of them were upset and I felt really silly xD
We’re not sure who to tag, so please anyone who wants to- do it and tag us so we can see! 
Have a good day lovelies :3
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annashipper · 7 years
Ophie Hunter: the exclusive second lost interview
Interviewer: 3 years of complete silence and now 2 interviews in 2 weeks…
Rachel: For the record, I want it to be perfectly clear that it was not my idea to give this second interview so soon after the first one. I do not need to remind anyone, that I am a shy and private person, who strongly dislikes the spotlight and abhors self-promotion. You can’t even begin to imagine, how difficult it is for someone like me to come forward and be the center of attention again but I was strongly persuaded to do it.
Int: You were? By whom?
Ophie: I will name no names. It is sufficient to say that I received an angry and extremely menacing phone call from a well-known American film producer and film studio executive (he and his brother have been co-chairmen of their own production company, since 2005) you can call him Mr. W. Mr. W. shouted at me over the phone that in my previous interview I came off as “a self-important snob boasting of her refined tastes and worldliness through language” . I strongly disagree but he was most persistent, that I should retract the statements I made in my previous interview and clean my image.
Int: What was your immediate reaction to his phone call?
Ophie: The avant-garde artist in me immediately saw the potential opera and theatrical narrative of the individual in that phone call and created a moodboard which included the images of the 1781 oil painting “The Nightmare” by the Anglo- Swiss artist Henry Fuseli, and the bloody horse-head scene from the 1972 American crime film “The Godfather” directed by Francis Ford Coppola (based on Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel with the same name). The whole concept of a ‘mafia theatrical opera’ came to me as a vision and inspired what will be a wonderful work for the operatic stage. I will be seeking to develop a new kind of theatrical event reflecting and profoundly questioning the actualities of my way of looking at the world.
Int: Some people also accused you of being pretentious. Do you think there was some truth in those claims?
Rachel: Pretentious, moi? Don’t be ridiculous. Conflating “foreign”, “artistic”, “intelectual” with “pretence” as you do in the working classes is disquietingly parochial.
Int: Do you care to elaborate on that?
Rachel: People are always suspicious of the unconventional. Experimental literature, avant-garde performances, modernist art, or fashion design are only pretentious for you low and middle classes! I have never pursued these interests out of affectation! I have an art school degree and decades of experience as an Actress/Opera Director/Playwriter/Avant-Garde Artist/Model-Fashionista/Producer extraordinaire working in the field of Contemporary Art/Indie and Mainstream Cinema/Experimental Theater/Fashion/Opera, so you could say I’ve spent a life embedded in pretension. But you would be wrong.
Int: How is that?
Rachel: I am just one of the crowd really! I get on with my staff (when they do their jobs properly). My sense of sense of humour is very appreciated (amongst people who I have on payroll). I smile a lot and even genuinely (for the paparazzi). I have friends who can vouch just how my salt-of-the-earth credentials are. I am a very likable and emphatic person who is also involved in Charities.
Int: What Charities?
Rachel: I do not like to brag but I am most commited to help people to fulfill their hopes and dreams. Particularly my close relatives and friends because as mother says 'Charity begins at home’. Naturally, I understand the overriding demands of taking care of one’s family, before caring for others and I have dozens of close relatives, and friends - each one with his/her own ambitions, dreams- and as God is my witness, I will not rest until Bob helps each and everyone of them to find their way, their ambition and their success in this world!
Int: What were the other reactions to your first interview?
Ophie: As soon as the interview was out I received hundreds of notifications on my phone. Naturally I assumed that the interview had gone viral and I was receiving congratulations and accolades, instead you can imagine my surprise when all I got was worried and stressed messages from my interns reporting to me that I was receiving all sorts of negative reactions on social media. Among other surprising and unfair things, people were accusing me, ME of being a Diva that was putting on airs and graces.
Inter: How did you react to those accusations?
Ophie: I was very upset, obviously! I’ve never done one diva-ish thing in my life. Not a single one! I had a temper-tantrum, then calmed down, collected myself, flipped my hair and proceeded in firing all the members of my in-house staff- who were responsible for managing my online reputation and I left the stage, I mean the meeting room!
Int: You fired everybody? Wasn’t that a bit extreme?
Rachel: No it really wasn’t. My intern’s job’s descriptions were perfectly clear since day one: manage my name domain online, establish a clear, fleshed-out presence on multiple social networking sites, post to each of them at least once a week, blurr my husband’s face in all the photos where I, a celebrity in my own right, was endorsing high profile brands and products such as designer shoes and jewelry, fashion clothes and accessories- while simultaneously tagging his name in order to lure in his fandom, and most importantly keep monitoring the web (particularly the hateful so-called “Skeptics” blogs) for any unflattering photos or mentions of me. If they did find something negative or unflattering, they had clear orders to do everything in their power to bury them with positive content. They failed on all accounts.
Int: What happened next?
Ophie: My Media Team Management which included my Reputation Manager, my Press representative, my Public relations publicist, my Special publicity consultant, my Unit publicist and my Media Agent resigned in block allegedly because they were “extremely frustrated with me and particularly my perceived interference in the team’s affairs”. The truth was that they promised to make my preferred online profile float to the top of search results in order to boost my personal or corporate brand and instead due to their collective incompetence they failed to achieve my stated target of securing me a place in the Top Celebrities League.
Int: Did you feel people misunderstood you?
Rachel: Yes of course. I want people to understand- because Mr. W. was most insistent about this specific point- that I care hugely about my role. I care hugely about Bob. I care hugely about SM. I think Sunny March is a fantastic organisation full of people who just want to make a difference. I want people to know that I want to be a tool to Bob, SM and Mr. W- if they really enable me and my people to make a real difference in Bob’s career. I want Mr. W to know that I am extremly commited to help him on this long-term agenda, because I think that this is the opportunity of a life time, and I think I’ll probably look back over the last three years and say, that we helped each other a lot.
Int: Do you intend to give any more interviews in future?
WHM: In the immortal words of mother: Watch this space! You never know.
Int: Thank you Ophie!
Ophie: That’s Mrs. Cumberbatch for you! C-U-M-B-E-R-B-A-T-C-H
# cumber*atch # benedic*cumber*atch # lovingwifey # realcouplesarereal # realfamilies # ben*phie4eva # ijustwanttobefamous # 17yearsgoingon2weeksandcounting #hopeitlasts
Anna:  After reading the above submission, I feel the need to be very clear:
This is not a real interview by Sophie Hunter.  I repeat.  NOT a real interview.
I just feel it’s imperative I make the distinction, because the snarky Anon who’s getting these imaginary exclusives has managed to capture Weirdo’s spirit so well, I half expect excerpts from it to end up on SHC as quotes.  Having said that, the interns who run SHC haven’t posted anything since the 4th of March, so perhaps I don’t need to be as vigilant...
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modiintrainguy · 6 years
Countdown to therapy – the return
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March 13, 2019 8.20am
……and we’re going back.
The brief respite from therapy after I finished with T is starting again on Tuesday next week.
I gotta admit im not sure about this guy, he seems too much like a friendly yeshiva rabbi and the room and chairs don’t seem comfortable. But he could be good and hes on Maccabi so its cheap.
Anyway I decided I should try and write down my feelings each day betweennow and then so I know what to talk about.
And if I in anyway thought I was ok yesterday was a case in point. Proves im absolyutely not ok!
Er good to know? Bad to know? Definitely things to work on.
 So, yesterday I went from being really happy to deepest down depression that I couldn’t even try and get out of. I could I could’ve but didn’t.
Day started like most – me arriving non plussed at work, putting things off, getting on with them
I got this Jira board now and people started opening issues which is good. Makes it easier to manage what ive got to do.
I decided to try and push on with the platform brochure as a ppt and do 2 marketing docs and send them to K to talk to O about cos shes in Kiev. In the end I started getting requests – copy briefs, things to review, but I soldiered on and sent the brochure and 2 marketing docs  - persoinalization and Lead Management – to K.
Its really good to have K in the picture. But still feel like I want to get out of there.
Although then A from reception asked me to write an email announcing the theme for the purm costume competition on Sunday is animals.
I wrote one and she was so happy, said its genius. Then I from HR also said it was brilliant – and me and my lo self esteem arse went into hyper feeling amazing and thinking this is what ive been missing. Like since novemeber when I started with this product marketing shit with G and O and Yni I could not understand why anyone would want to work. Id see films and see people saying “but I love my job” – like in 50 shades of grey where she doesn’t want to give up her job -  and I think whaaaaat. Its just depressing. But now I realise its about achieving things and those things being recognised.
This was the email – nothing amazing. Design came out shit!
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Also I won a game of pool and played really well! Potted some fantastic shots, including the black from far.
Anyway I left at 3.20 feeling better than ever! On the grand scheme of things that’s not that good. But its relative eh.
In the evening we had a meeting at 6.10pm with an art therapist who might do art therapy with littlun. Thing is her ganenent and psychologist say we should go to hadrachat horim but the art therapist also does that so im not sure we need both. Well tonight we’ll see T and ask her.
So I had to pick up the kids, get the bath done and them eating before B came at 5.55. when she came I was just getting the food ready and I left on time.
Ah yeah, and id already said cos we were gonna already be out and have a babysitter lets go to the cinema or to eat and mrs said she wanted to see green book. But even though its got good reviews and won the Oscar for best film last week, its also supposed to be a bullshit representation of racist.
So as we’re driving to the cinema im in 2 mninds. Do I want to see instant family or bens back or not go to the cinema, and then I felt hungry but she needed the loo so I said get tickets for green book and I’ll buy pizza but the line was too long and I thought lets maybe go to pepino but shes already bought tickets and I panic and say lets see instant family cos it had 7.3 on imdb so it must be something special, so I changed the tickets and she was all annoyed and we went in and sat down and the film started and in the first second of seeing marky marks face and shit acting I knew it was a terrible mistake. It was a shit film, I ate nachose, she wanted more coke and I didn’t get it. I didn’t want to be there – we could’ve gone ot pepinos. I just spent the whole time feeling dow and shit and shit and depressed. It was such a waste of an opportunity. Id thought I didn’t want to go to eat cos I ate shit yesterday – my intermittent fastings gone to shit. Imworried the foods coming back so im eating crap at work, let alone intermitten. And I hated the film. It was like lets make a film – a couple decides to foster kids, they are hard, they start to like them, the mum comes back in the picture, they get upset the kds are leaving, in the end the mum flakes on them cos shes a crack addict, kids stay and are adopted. This house they lived in was insane big. It was bullshit with no background.
By the time we left I was deep in depression. When we got home I felt shit – couldn’t deicde if I should take the dog out. Forced myself to clean up the kitchen and have a shower, went to bed and ended up talking and feeling a bit better.
But that feeling when I was driving to the kanyon and walking in and to the cinema and I couldn’t decide what I want to do. She asked me do u want to go to the cinema and I said I don’t know. I thought if I see a good filem it could make me feel good and I wanst sure I wanted to eat. But theni realized after I didn’t want to be there. But I thought she did. And I worry about wasting money – 45 for nachos and drink, 80 for cinema, 110 for babysitter- 230 for wehat.
And this art therapist is 350 a session including when she has to meet regularly with us. But she said she might ask my dad to pay.
I forgot to say, I got some new anxiety pills cos those xanex things didn’t work and the doctor had mentioned that I can get anxiety pills that also help you sleep. So I got them – all u need to do is send a message on the Maccabi website and he sends u a prescription and u don’t even need to print it out. Its like going to the airport these days – u just give them your card. But the point is last night when I got home I felt shit and after I did the washing up and cleared up the kitchen and even made a sandwich chavita for the littlun and had a shower I took one as I got into bed. Instead of doing meditation or even trying breathing or talking to the mrs. It’s a poor choice, I need to make more of an effort. It kind of worked until I started talking to her about how I didn’t want to offent the new therapist like I feel I offended T and she said T had been upset I didn’t say thank you. Like isn’t it part of the job to understand that emotionally unbalanced people areent always going to treat people perfrectly., whatevs. I need to try harder and use techniques cos yesterday I gave up and spent the whole time in the cinema wallowing in feeling shit. Shge said why didn’t I just leave cos I know she doesn’t mind going to the cinema by herself but it felt wrong.
I dunno.
I said that in bed a lot – I diunno and she said yes you do.
Cso I do know. Im just upset that theres obviously something wrong with me. What is ADD? What is depression? An illness? What is an illness?
Is it a physical bran problem?
Or is it simply reactions to your environment that you have got used to. That you have reacted in a way so many times that you do it automatically? Whats that got to do with an illness?
Anyway im back on the train going to work. At least I have good things – the daiughters are fantsastic, job could be worse even if its not perfect and it doesn’t look like I got the Gwy one. And the love from the mrs is never ending even if I annoy her. And the food can be controlled immediately from tofday. And I can go to the gym today.
Gotta go. Tonight we have a meeting at littluns gan. Will be nice to see T as usual 😉 but seriously she is wonderful, especially considering her age and experience.
Now we go to work, deal with the shit on my jira board and speak to K about lead management.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Everything That Upset the Internet This Week
What is the web-o-sphere angry about this week? Melania Trump getting festive with dystopian Christmas decorations, Ariana Grande making front page news, and a little girl getting laughed at for being named ‘Abcde.’ Here’s everything you need to know.
Melania Trump decorates the White House with blood red trees
THE STORY: Earlier this week, the White House unveiled its 2018 holiday decorations. First Lady Melania Trump, who reportedly spent months working on this year’s display, opted to line the East Colonnade of the White House with blood-red Christmas trees.
@StephenKing couldn't have come up with a better horror scene… Red trees covered with the blood of South American immigrant children that #TrumpPrinceOfDarkness👹 ripped from their mothers arms…
Well, aren't you @FLOTUS a disgusting thing? pic.twitter.com/cQDxjkt9ak
— #TruthAndJusticeWillPrevail⚖ (@DancerInTheMist) November 27, 2018
Melania Trump, Mother of Forests, creating flesh trees before our eyes. step 1 (2017): bones. step 2 (2018): flesh. we can only assume that next year the trees will have human skin, and the following year, hair and eyes. they will love her as children and serve her as minions pic.twitter.com/gEpa4BhJGh
— erin “very legal and very cool” ryan (@morninggloria) November 26, 2018
Here Melania- someone fixed the red trees for you! pic.twitter.com/bToSYTL4V6
— Tiny Dancer (@ReelDancing) November 26, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Melania Trump’s design aesthetic—whether she’s wearing a tone deaf Zara jacket or posing for her official White House portrait—is almost always met with derision and bewilderment. Usually, she deserves it. But, as much as I appreciate the jokes and memes the ‘hallway of tampons’ has spawned, I have to side with FLOTUS on this one. On Wednesday, November 28th, Melania Trump spoke at Liberty University and took the opportunity to address the trees, chalking up the controversy to a difference in taste. “We are in the 21st century and everybody has a different taste,” she said. “I think they look fantastic. I hope everybody will come over and visit it. In real life, they look even more beautiful. And you are all very welcome to visit the White House, the people’s house.”
Hey, when Starbucks turned their holiday cups solid red, I did defend them. Is this really that different? In a different space and under different circumstances, a solid red Christmas tree might actually look cool and contemporary.
A CNN reporter doesn’t think Ariana Grande’s “thank u, next” video is newsworthy
THE STORY: Oliver Darcy, the senior media reporter at CNN, took a screen shot of BuzzFeed News’ homepage showcasing Ariana Grande’s new “thank u, next” video in the lead story spot. “BuzzFeed does a lot of great journalism,” Darcy captioned the image, “so how is this the lead story on BuzzFeed NEWS dot com?”
because it's newsworthy? Did you see just how many people watched the video drop live?? It's been one of the biggest pop culture events of the year!
— Alp Ozcelik (@alplicable) November 30, 2018
A social media reporter upset that a social media mega star/pop singer is newsworthy.
Find yourself a social media reporter that understands the importance of pop culture.
Thank u, next. https://t.co/N3W3blDorH
— Jacob (@TheOrionHunter) December 1, 2018
Because it’s NEWSWORTHY.
Hate to burst your journalistic bubble but the news does not revolve around Trump. As much as we try to make it so.
Anything newsworthy is news. It’s how you keep readers reading.
Thank u, next https://t.co/Awb8gtFuOW
— Dani (@cornbeefqueen) December 1, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: A few things: 1) Readers are allowed to have varied interests. It’s possible for someone to care about an Ariana Grande music video and an investigation into an ex-Dallas police officer. 2) The video broke the YouTube record for most views in 24 hours. This Buzzfeed writer clearly isn’t the only person who cares about this. 3) In the world of digital media, clicks are cash. The strong investigative journalism Buzzfeed News does is funded and fuelled by their roots as an entertainment site. The listacle fluff they write shouldn’t discount the journalism they do, and the journalism they do shouldn’t discount an Ariana Grande news story getting the prime slot.
Southwest gate agent mocks little girl named ‘Abcde’
THE STORY: A mother claims that Southwest Airlines employees mocked her five-year-old daughter, named Abcde, as the duo boarded a flight in Orange County, California. Apparently (and understandably) the gate agent laughed at the name — which is pronounced ‘Ab-city’ — and posted a picture of her boarding pass online. “The gate agent started laughing, pointing at me and my daughter, talking to other employees. So I turned around and said, ‘Hey, if I can hear you, my daughter can hear you, so I’d appreciate if you’d just stop,'” Traci Redford, the mother of Abcde, told ABC News.
You are mad someone is making fun of your girls name and you named her “Abcde”? What did you… think… was… gonna… happen… https://t.co/wpzu4rNBT4
— Chris D'Elia (@chrisdelia) November 29, 2018
Now, it's time for the adult(s) who named their child "Abcde" to apologize. https://t.co/8qk2Orb4L5
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) November 30, 2018
They aren’t mocking her daughter – they are mocking the mom for the name. Feel bad for the little girl and have no doubt she will seek to change it as soon as she can. #notthekidsfault
— Daniel Brown (@brownsnake76) November 30, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Does Ms. Traci Redford realize how much worse she’s made this unfortunate situation? Instead of just a few airline employees (and their Facebook friends) joking about her poor daughter’s name, the whole Internet has turned her into a punchline. I hope Abcde has thick skin, she’s going to need it.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hello Coonie :3 How are you? I am currently moving closer to where my family lives, that’s why I didn’t write for a bit. Except the moving stress I am doing fine though. :D I‘m gonna drop by again soon to talk more about DA:I. Hope that romance with Cullen is going great. ;) Anyway, have some pumpkin muffins and fresh moonflowers. Have a nice day. -Peridot
*cries* you FANTASTIC being, HELLO!!!! Aaah,my heart gets all hapy every time you say hello, hello thereeeeeeeeee!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
I’m doing good!! To be sincere, the weekend was a mess ahaha ;u; I was very upset and didn’t feel like replying even though this weekend I did have chances to sit down and do that. OTL I won’t apologize because I know you understand, though. (˙︶˙) But yeh, it’s better now! Looking forwards to hanging out with a friend tomorrow c: Thank you so much for asking, you wonderful creature :3 *hugs*
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, THAT IS AMAZING!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ Sometimes it may get difficult, especially for people that are like, attached to their house and everything, but in the end I think that moving always does good. It’s starting from zero, new beginnings, new places! Even if you’ve been there before, it’s not the same than moving there and living there. SO yeh, I’m positive about this being a good change!!!
And it’s closer to where your family lives! That’s AWESOME!!! :D Do you mean your family like, the…core? Idk what to call it in english OTL Or family, like, the other family, where your cousin lives? Are you going to be closer to her? :D I sure hope so, that would be great! But even if it’s not that what you mean, being closer to the family will do great to you, I hope!! That’s wonderful news, Peridot, I’m happy for you!! 
[[Adding a keep reading :3]]
I hope the stress that comes with the whole moving thing isn’t too much!! I guess it can’t be helped, what with so many things going on, stuff to pack, things to look after for(?) etc. It’s a lot of movement and busy times, so no wonder you’re feeling stressed by it!!
Hopefully you’ve gotten to rest enough and take good breaks in between :3 How is it going now? Is it all settled now? No worries about how often you write to me, Peridot! Real life first, aye? I know you may be busy, because it’s not just packing and moving, it’s also the whole UNPACKING and re-arranging a new place!! IT MUST BE NUTS! Ahahaha! But again, I like to think of it as a positive thing. So yeh, despite the stress, I think it will be worth it. And I think it’s a good moment for you! Time to feel refreshed after the year we’ve had, right? :3
So yeh! I hope you’re getting to rest enough and that the stress has been less and less with each passing day!!
HAPPY NEW BEGINNING! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚May the stars give you twice as you’ve given, and may this new place bring you joy, safety, and love!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
I’m happy to know that you’re doing fine!!! Aah,Peridot. Thank you so much for this ask. It makes me so happy to hear you’re doing well and all this about moving and stuff. I’m really so, so happy for you, you sparkly little gem, to quote you in your last ask (that I still don’t answer)
YAY, MORE ABOUT DA:I!!!! That would be GREAT!! I still haven’t done progress on the main story since moving to Skyhold (what’s next is the ball to save the empress from being murdered? Zomg curious to know how that happens!), because I have this bad habit on focusing on as many sidequests as I can get XD 
But that’s progress too! I’ve already befriended Cassandra, and Dorian with the whole thing about meeting his father in the tavern. Also did a Sera quest that has cutscenes too, but I don’t think she considers me a friend ;n; So yeh! Looking forwards to more and more and MORE of this game!! I can’t get tired of it!
AND HELL YEH, the romance with Cullen is going great!! :D I expected a little more interaction, but then I remember that it’s my fault for not progressing on the main story lol, so I can’t complain! Did everything regarding him, from the whole “You could have died” conversation post-Haven, playing chess with him, and already confessed! That cutscene is so cute because you can see the DORK he is omg, I love him so much. “I-IT’S A….N-NICE DAY, AHAHHA” oh Cullen. You awkward, stupid potato. 
And the only time, the only moment he gets to be smooth and romantic, HE’S INTERRUPTED OMG AHAHAHAHHAHA I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
So yeh. It always makes me feel all warm when he greets me now because it’s always something cute and he sounds so soft, omg. :’3
It’s going good, yeh! I feel bad for Solas, though? Like, the game sorta wanted me to go for him and h’s said SO MUCH ROMANTIC AND BEAUTIFUL stuff to me, and I thank him and I’m kind, but he seems a bit disappointed that I didn’t romance him ;A; That poor creature of the sad eyes. Oh Solas, dear Solas, I’m so sorry. Commander Dork appeared and I couldn’t help it… OTL
Also a bit upset that I didn’t pick a male Inquisitor because I WANT DORIAN SO MUCH I WANT TO KISS HIM I WANT TO SNUGGLE I WANT TO AKLSJD KLGJDAG KLADJF DDORIAN BABY MY ANGEL MY DEAR, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AAAHHHHH ;A; This is unfair because I can’t romance both Dorian and Cullen in a same playthough. It’s either female or male, to pick either Dorian or Cullen AND I WANT BOTH DAMMIT
And Cassandra but I’m digressing aklsjd saklgja
*loudly squeaking* Peridot, YOU SPOIL ME!!!! (o´▽`o) Alkasjdlakdjgadg, you’re always giving me nice and good stuff and petting me and all the muffins and all the flowers and I’m sitting here grinning like an idiot feeling pampered and spoiled and so loved and aklsjdkaldgjad how dare you!! Staaaahhhppppp, I’m overloading with love!!! (*ノ▽ノ)♡
Aaaah, dear Peridot!! As always, it’s my JOY and pleasure to talk with you, my dear!! How does all this love fit in you!? Aklasjdkldgjda, thank you so much for dropping by, and looking as bright as you’re looking in this ask!! I’m so happy for you
Thank you  SO MUCH for dropping by and filling my inbox with your pretty light and presence that I always love to see!! Thank you for the time you took to write to me, and thank you for the muffins and the flowers and the positivity. YOu’ve definitely made my week brighter, my dear
Thank you as well for your patience, dear Peridot. I still have your other 2 asks and I’m answering so slowly :( It’s going to be awkward to retake a conversation from weeks ago, haha!! *blushes* I’m sorry, really. And thank you for your patience and understanding… :’3
Thank you SO MUCH for dropping by and for everything you had to say!!!  I hope to talk with you again soon!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC night, dear Peridot!! Lots of raccoonie hugs for you! (ɔˆ⌣(ˆ⌣ˆc)
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPPPPPY SATURDAY, PATRIOTS!This is your girl u/IvaginaryFriend here and I'm back at it again with a weeks worth of spice for you lovely Deplorables! (◠‿◠✿)Before we officially get this recap started, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch them here!Sunday, June 10th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal. According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out!Why should I, as President of the United States, allow countries to continue to make Massive Trade Surpluses, as they have for decades, while our Farmers, Workers & Taxpayers have such a big and unfair price to pay? Not fair to the PEOPLE of America! $800 Billion Trade Deficit... ... ....And add to that the fact that the U.S. pays close to the entire cost of NATO-protecting many of these same countries that rip us off on Trade (they pay only a fraction of the cost-and laugh!). The European Union had a $151 Billion Surplus-should pay much more for Military! ... ....Germany pays 1% (slowly) of GDP towards NATO, while we pay 4% of a MUCH larger GDP. Does anybody believe that makes sense? We protect Europe (which is good) at great financial loss, and then get unfairly clobbered on Trade. Change is coming!Great to be in Singapore, excitement in the air!Sorry, we cannot let our friends, or enemies, take advantage of us on Trade anymore. We must put the American worker first!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Cultural enrichment as its finestThe version they didn't want you to see.Canada does it: everything is fine. American does it: REEE RACISMWhen you are done making the g7 your bitch and you have to go end the Korean war🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:GLOBALISTS BTFO: "WE ARE THE PIGGY BANK THAT EVERYONE IS ROBBING. THAT ENDS."BTFO SocialistMy eyebrows are real.Just a picture of Ivanka Trump colluding with some RussiansMonday, June 11th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of SingaporePresident Trump Participates in a 1:1 Meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong UnPresident Trump Participates in an Expanded Bilateral Meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong UnPresident Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Signs a Declaration of Friendship2018 Singapore SummitSeventeen Nominations Sent to the Senate Today🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Thank you Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:‘We’re America, Bitch’THE FIRST HANDSHAKE BETWEEN NK & US LEADERS. HISTORIC!!Kim Jong Un Can't Stop Smiling After President Trump Said They Will Have A Fantastic Relationship Then Kim Shocks The World And Tells President Trump He Wants To Move On From The Past !!HISTORIC!! #MAGAAnother Supreme Court win: 'Supreme Court allows Ohio voter purge'In case you guys were wondering, she's there in case somebody needs to be bitch slapped...especially Fake News!!!PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Briefing by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:And right over here we have the fake news. Nobody likes them.NO. FUCKS. GIVEN.Watch the left eat itself.Two terms. Two scoops. Two genders. Two cakes.The Democrat Party is now officially more hostile and dangerous to the US than North KoreaTuesday, June 12th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Participates in a Media AvailabilityPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Meetings between staffs and representatives are going well and quickly....but in the end, that doesn’t matter. We will all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen!Stock Market up almost 40% since the Election, with 7 Trillion Dollars of U.S. value built throughout the economy. Lowest unemployment rate in many decades, with Black & Hispanic unemployment lowest in History, and Female unemployment lowest in 21 years. Highest confidence ever!The fact that I am having a meeting is a major loss for the U.S., say the haters & losers. We have our hostages, testing, research and all missle launches have stoped, and these pundits, who have called me wrong from the beginning, have nothing else they can say! We will be fine!Just won big Supreme Court decision on Voting! Great News!Our Great Larry Kudlow, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. He is now in Walter Reed Medical Center.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Troll level - ExpertBREAKING: TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER WANTS CNN REPORTER'S CREDENTIALS REVOKED OVER QUESTIONS DURING NORTH KOREA SIGNINGFake News Jim Acosta justifying his rude questions at the Singapore summit: "Hey if they're not going to let me in the fucking meeting, that's what's going to happen… That's the way it goes, baby."Amazing video Trump showed Kim🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:HAHAFoot. Meet. Mouth.This man is 72 years old and hasn't slept in 22 hours. This is the President I voted for!Someone's JealousCurrent emotion of the leftLiterally Reddit right nowWednesday, June 13th:TODAY'S ACTION:Historic Summit with North Korea is a Tremendous Moment for the World🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:My political representatives didn’t want me to get involved in the Mark Sanford primary thinking that Sanford would easily win - but with a few hours left I felt that Katie was such a good candidate, and Sanford was so bad, I had to give it a shot. Congrats to Katie Arrington!Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t... ... ...realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia. Now he runs against a total stiff, Tim Kaine, who is weak on crime and borders, and wants to raise your taxes through the roof. Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!The U.S., together with Mexico and Canada, just got the World Cup. Congratulations - a great deal of hard work!Oil prices are too high, OPEC is at it again. Not good!So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!Senator Claire McCaskill of the GREAT State of Missouri flew around in a luxurious private jet during her RV tour of the state. RV’s are not for her. People are really upset, so phony! Josh Hawley should win big, and has my full endorsement.Congratulations to Danny Tarkanian on his big GOP primary win in Nevada. Danny worked hard an got a great result. Looking good in November!Congratulations to @KevinCramer on his huge win in North Dakota. We need Kevin in the Senate, and I strongly endorse him. Heidi voted NO on our Tax Cuts, and always will vote no when we need her. Kevin is strong on Crime & Borders, big on Cutting Taxes!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Tommy Robinson sent to Muslim Prison, the time to stand up is NOWMike Pence casts tie-breaking vote to allow states to defund Planned Parenthood. Prepare for internet meltdown. SBC18Food Stamp Enrollment Dips to Lowest Level in 8 YearsTrump Nominated For Nobel Peace Price... By NorwayTrump shows off 'The Beast' ( presidential limo ) to Kim during historic Singapore summit🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:POWERFULRare photo of our President shitposting in real timeWhen your attempt at political humor results in a massive redpilling.New "Make America Safe" painting by Jon McNaughton "If we don’t build the wall soon, we’ll be overrun by the weeds."The greatest moment of the Trump Kim Summit...Thursday, June 14th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The Republican Party is starting to show very big numbers. People are starting to see what is being done. Results are speaking loudly. North Korea and our greatest ever economy are leading the way!Now that I am back from Singapore, where we had a great result with respect to North Korea, the thought process must sadly go back to the Witch Hunt, always remembering that there was No Collusion and No Obstruction of the fabricated No Crime.So, the Democrats make up a phony crime, Collusion with the Russians, pay a fortune to make the crime sound real, illegally leak (Comey) classified information so that a Special Councel will be appointed, and then Collude to make this pile of garbage take on life in Fake News!The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won’t settle this case!... ... ....Schneiderman, who ran the Clinton campaign in New York, never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case, which lingered in their office for almost 2 years. Now he resigned his office in disgrace, and his disciples brought it when we would not settle.Happy 243rd Birthday to the @USArmy! Thank you for your bravery, sacrifices, and dedication to the U.S.A. We love you!Happy #FlagDay🇺🇸SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT!!FULL INSPECTOR GENERAL REPORT - Ditch the SSRI's, double up on the vaccines and GET IN HERE, PEDES! We're going full autistic on this!STRZOK: ‘We’ll Stop’ Trump Presidency‘Viva Le Resistance’: Mueller Team Attorney Sent Anti-Trump TextsThis is huge. Boston’s BWH Hospital removing images of historic doctors from public view because workers complained they’re all white. First neurosurgeon in the world. Nobel winner for first organ transplant. We should be proud of our hospital’s accomplishments not ashamed of their skin.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:6/14/18: White House Press Briefing🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:FBI Director Christopher Wray holds a press conferenceIt’s GETOUS Birthday. Praise Kek, How will you celebrate this holiday. I plan to have the Standard Trump McDonald’s order then Two Scoops of Ice Cream and a Diet Coke while reading the IG reporthmmmmmmm"FBI says FBI is innocent, says FBI."Friday, June 15th:TODAY'S ACTION:A Message from President Donald J. Trump🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who headed the Clinton & Russia investigations, texted to his lover Lisa Page, in the IG Report, that “we’ll stop” candidate Trump from becoming President. Doesn’t get any lower than that!The IG Report is a total disaster for Comey, his minions and sadly, the FBI. Comey will now officially go down as the worst leader, by far, in the history of the FBI. I did a great service to the people in firing him. Good Instincts. Christopher Wray will bring it proudly back!Thank you for all of the compliments on getting the World Cup to come to the U.S.A., Mexico and Canada. I worked hard on this, along with a Great Team of talented people. We never fail, and it will be a great World Cup! A special thanks to Bob Kraft for excellent advice.U.S.A. Jobs numbers are the BEST in 44 years. If my opponent (the Democrats) had won the election, they would have raised taxes substantially and increased regulations - the economy, and jobs, would have been a disaster!Wow, the highest rated (by far) morning show, @foxandfriends, is on the Front Lawn of the White House. Maybe I’ll have to take an unannounced trip down to see them?“Why in the world didn’t Barack Obama fire this guy (Comey)?” asks Mark Levin!(Retweeting Fox&Friends) @jasoninthehouse: All of this started because Hillary Clinton set up her private server(Retweeting Fox&Friends) @jasoninthehouse: Anything Mueller is doing with his investigation is tainted by the anti-Trump FBI agents(Retweeting Fox&Friends) @jasoninthehouse: The DOJ IG report is 562 pages of nothing but bias and animus(Retweeting Fox&Friends) “This is one of the most damning rebukes of the FBI that I think we’ve ever seen.” -@jasoninthehouse(Retweeting Fox&Friends) DOJ IG report finds that an FBI lawyer told a bureau employee “Viva le resistance” after President Trump was elected(Retweeting Fox&Friends) IG REPORT BOMBSHELL: Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok texted his lover Lisa Page "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president“Donald Trump was 100% right to fire James Comey.” Mark LevinSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Obama had direct contact with Clinton on private email server: IG reportUnder reported: FBI Agent acknowledges that Hillary's IT Guy "lied his ass off." Did we ever see ANY charges? Nope. Scandalous.Trump: ‘I May Get Involved’ in Justice Department ‘If It Gets Worse’Trump says he will not sign moderate 'Dreamer' immigration billFBI Employee: ‘Trump’s Supporters Are All Poor, Uneducated, Lazy POS…Pence is stupid.’ Another agent called us "retards." I was not even used to being in a cult yet. Fire these morons NOW🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:EverytimeDon Jr. Retweeted it!! Sad Ben Rhodes - Presidential Birthday RemixOoooh Noooo. Paul Manafort’s bail was revoked— he is going to jail.Obama's Left wrist is his foreign policy.Saturday, June 16th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Democrats can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change! This is why we need more Republicans elected in November. Democrats are good at only three things, High Taxes, High Crime and Obstruction. Sad!My supporters are the smartest, strongest, most hard working and most loyal that we have seen in our countries history. It is a beautiful thing to watch as we win elections and gather support from all over the country. As we get stronger, so does our country. Best numbers ever!The IG Report totally destroys James Comey and all of his minions including the great lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who started the disgraceful Witch Hunt against so many innocent people. It will go down as a dark and dangerous period in American History!“Americans must demand their lawmakers support the legislation we need to defeat MS-13 once and for all, and to ensure every American child in every American community can grow up in safety, and grow up in security, and in peace.”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE!Savage reply by POTUSTHIS RIGHT HERE, this nationally televised display of overt double standard, was the second biggest Red Pill (to date)🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Weekend Fun Ben Garrison Cartoon The "It Will Make Heads Explode" PrizeFBI: Report Didn't Mention BiasWEEEEW LAD!Without further ado, some jams to help you groove through all this WINNING!!!InvincibleGhost townStarvingAftergoldHard To loveMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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lucasdibble56-blog · 7 years
Derma Divine Assessment (IMPROVED 2017).
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Should you have any kind of concerns about where and the best way to employ Read A great deal more, you'll be able to e-mail us from our webpage. In the above interview video clip, he speaks on the depth as well as complexity of Michonne as well as what makes her an enduring follower favorite in such an exceptionally popular collection, along with uncovers the 1st details of the 3rd period of The Strolling Dead Telltale set. I've never definitely been a petrolhead - though I do understand that reddish ones go quicker - so I can not comment on just how really good an activity Assetto Corsa is. An upgrade program where you can purchase discounted versions of Virtual Console video games bought on previous bodies is actually mentioned to become in the works. Welcome, thanks for visiting Caraval-- Stephanie Garber's capturing tale from pair of sis who escape their ruthless papa when they enter the risky plan from a legendary video game. I deal with computer game because I adore activities, as well as I am actually rather damn proficient at making them. Gearoid mimics both the Expert Device and also Game Equipment in the exact same app, and accepts ROMs from either console. There's three play methods; 'Handheld Setting' sees the Joy-Cons connect to the base device to be played on the go; 'TELEVISION Mode' which hooks up the system via a dock to a television, along with operators affixing to a central element - the Joy-Con Grip - or synced to a determined Xbox-style 'Pro Controller' (offered independently), and also 'Tabletop Setting', which makes use of an integrated stand so the display screen can be presented upright anywhere, along with the Joy-Cons removed controller( s) to play local area multiplayer games.
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meanderfall · 7 years
//puts chin in hands and stares at u adoringly, for the cute questions: 1 - 6 - 13 - 15 - 42 - 74 - 91 - 120 - 128 - 133 - 136 - 144 and 147!!!
ajflsdhfalkhf adri you spoil me rotten!!!! Thank you my love!!!
(this is going under a read more bc holy shit)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I’m pretty sure it was when I met up with one of my friends after her class in summer school?? we just sat down together and like held hands while we talked. And I think that was the person bc tbh it is entirely likely i’ve held hands with my younger siblings between then and now (I guess i might not have a specific memory about it bc i havent seen my siblings in like 2 weeks ;;A;;)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Honestly, I love passionate people, the people who adore things and others with everything they have, and people who are clever (which doesnt mean being good at school), and those who are a little bit snarky and a lot silly (well silly at the right moments i guess, there’s a time and place for everything!!! //whispers professor oak taught me that). People who take themselves too seriously aren’t for me.(Also, on a more “oh that’s really hot!” level, competency?? at anything, just having something you are really good at, and just how focused they are and absorbed in what they’re doing, and the concentration, all those things are so attractive omg) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
oh god, i have the emotional memory of a gnat. This summer… was pretty terrible tbh, but a good thing that happened was the time I spent with you?? like overwatch (and I finally started to enjoy playing it!!!) or when we watched rvb together (and drace!) and then the next day when we spent like six hours listening to music, that was fantastic! Besides that, I’m happy I’m getting closer with @anthcny-stark and @theaussiedragon too, and like! those two days I spent with my older brother and we just hung out and watched stuff together and my younger siblings! We binge-watched things together and had a blast!!!! so i guess a lot of good things have happened this summer, it’s just hard to remember when life in general is awful.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Depends! And it’s hard to tell because I’m a pretty quiet person in general. Pretty sure most of my family would assume that I’m snarking in my head, but I would say most of the time when I’m quiet, I’m just spacing out, just staring into the distance with my mind blank. Other times I could just be exhausted or have a headache. Though, if I’m with a group of friends that you know I’m usually comfortable and loud with and I’m not saying anything, I’m likely going through some kind of depressive spiral where I feel like nobody would actually miss me if I was gone and even if they did, I could be easily replaced and basically I’m not really important to anybody, and I could disappear and they wouldn’t really care.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Two. The stuffed fox and a unicorn that has not left the box I put it in when we moved. (I had???? a shitton of stuffies but I gave them away when we moved bc I had never mastered the art of sleeping with stuffies so they were mostly a nuisance when they were in bed with me, and like I get stupidly and easily attached to anything so of course I loved them to death, but really my comfort object has always been my blankie, who is now ridiculously tiny for my size and I basically ball up and cuddle with when I sleep if I need that comfort.)
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No. I think I would only feel that way if I was angry and I’m not angry about anything atm so no.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I used to be! Had a nightlight and everything. Now the only thing about the dark I’m scared of is the possibility of walking into something. I actually really like the dark (well as long as it’s in an environment I know lmao dont knock me out and put me in a pitch dark basement in the middle of nowhere)
128. Would you change your name?
If I could find a name I liked and felt a connection to, ye! My name is just… cumbersome and unwieldy to the tongue and it’s… pretty hideous tbh. I don’t know how to put it, ever since I was a kid, I always felt like my name was unique but not in the good way. It stuck out like sore thumb, and was stupidly long, and like, I would look at it and recognize as mine, like felt a connection to it? but it wasn’t a fun connection. It’s like those moments when you look at yourself in the mirror and it’s like you’re realizing that that’s what you look like to other people, that is your physical form, and there’s a weird disconnect between the two, and it’s fucking weird.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
adri you hate me dont you, do you have any idea how hard this question is!!!!! how am i supposed to choose??? (the answer: I’m not. I’m choosing all of them. All of my favourite lyrics right now. I hope you’re happy adri)
“Oh everything’s a messAnd all these sorrows I have seenThey lead me to believeThat everything’s a mess” Dream by Imagine Dragons
“Happiness, feels a lot like sorrowLet it be, you can’t make it come or goBut you are gone - not for good but for nowAnd gone for now, feels a lot like gone for good” Happiness by The Fray (the part that really hits me is italicized)
“Make my messes matter.Make this chaos count.Let every little fracture in meShatter out loud.” Jupiter by Sleeping At Last
“Stitch by stitch I tear apart.If brokenness is a form of art,I must be a poster child prodigy.Thread by thread I come apart.If brokenness is a work of art,Surely this must be my masterpiece.I’m only honest when it rains.If I time it right, the thunder breaksWhen I open my mouth.I want to tell you but I don’t know how.” Neptune by Sleeping At Last
I can’t pick a favourite so, all of Saturn by Sleeping At Last. All of it.
“Much too tired to try,Much too stubborn to quit” Hit or Miss by Sleeping At Last.
“maybe distance is the only cure?Far away from hurt is where healing occurs.But all you really want to do is make them proud,Don’t you? don’t you?It must be so hard, in the mess you’re always cleaning up,To believe in the ghost of unbroken love.But I promise you,The truth is that you’re loved. so loved.” Silhouettes by Sleeping At Last
“Cry heart, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears if it helps you breatheIt helps you, if it helps you breathe” Homesick by Sleeping At Last
“Show meHow to struggle gracefullyLet the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body upOnce more […]
So I will try, try, try to breathe‘til it turns to muscle memoryI’m only steady on my kneesBut one day I’ll stand on my own two feet
And I’ll run the riskOf being intimate with brokenness […]” Son by Sleeping At Last
“They say don’t let them inClose your eyes and clear your thoughts againBut when I’m all alone, they show up on their own […]They say “Just push them down, just fight them harderWhy would you give up on it so soon?” […]
Life is pain, life’s not fairSo angels please, please stay hereTake the pain, take the fear” Inner Demons by Julia Brennan
“Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever didLooking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kidAnd I’m still standing after all this timePicking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind” I’m still Standing (the cover by Taron Egerton)
“I feel fine enough, I guessConsidering everything’s a mess.” Pinch Me by the Barenaked Ladies
“I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desertBut I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime“ In a Big Country by Big Country
(yes i know about 90% of these is SaL, but they have some of the best lyrics ever???) (also true story, the moment i read the question, i forgot every song i ever listened to lmao)
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Unless it’s a hot and/or humid night and I need the airflow, the door is closed. Leaving it open makes me feel vulnerable?? (and that’s true throughout the day as well, if my door is open it’s bc I’m feeling open and wouldn’t mind people coming in to talk to me). Not to mention I usually sleep naked.
Fun fact! In the old house, I would sleep with the door open (mainly in case my cat wanted to come sleep in bed with me), but what ended up happening, bc I’m a paranoid and suspicious fuck, I would immediately awaken whenever someone would go to the bathroom (bc there was only one bathroom (for seven people!) and it was right across the hall from my room), and I would look to see who it was (which often resulted in awkward eye contact) before rolling over and going back to sleep. According to one sibling, the fact that I was always awake when they went was “really fucking creepy”. (I DIDNT DO IT ON PURPOSE THOUGH!!!!! I WOULD HEAR FOOTSTEPS AND AWAKEN, NOT MY FAULT!!! the worst part is that I can sleep through anything else. Cat sleeping on my face? no problem. Thunderstorm? Can’t hear a thing. My cats duking it out with an owl, which apparently woke up the entire house? sleeping like a baby.)
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Sorry, I read the question and started drooling. Um, definitely have to go with milk chocolate. (White is a close second! Dark chocolate is too bitter for my tastes.)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars. (I do not like peanuts in my dessert. Or nuts in general.)
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