#weeeee ily all <3
justsken · 1 year
off for three days after this so expect ken content soon <3
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sebsxphia · 1 year
august underground was so good!! youre so talented I jus wanna carry u around in my pocket
aaaaaaah weeeee jenna thank you so much 🥹 your continual support means the world to me!!! i would gladly be carried around in your pocket all day, every day 💗🫶🏼
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thecollectionsof · 2 years
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weeeee wanna give u all the kisses because u the bestest an an ily sooooooo much my beloved <3<3<3💍💍
nattie my darling!!! 💍💍💍 i love you so much i’m so glad that you’re my friend all of the kisses in the world for you, my love !!!!
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a-proud-fangirl · 7 years
Her Box of Letters
For Royai week day 5 - Letters
Summary:  After her mother's death, Riza clings onto her box of letters. (FFN)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,460
A/N: Soooo this is somehow connected to chapter 6 of my other fanfic, Between the Lines (and oh shit I haven't updated that for a year ugh I promise I'll try to update it someday haha). And my first idea was that it is either Roy or Riza who would write letter but I have a feeling that a lot of us shippers would write it that way haha so I decided on having a somehow different take :) Anyway, please let me know your thoughts!
It has been almost a month since the death of Riza’s mother. Roy noted the sudden change of atmosphere in the house – it became gloomy. That drastic change somehow made it harder to breathe inside. The tulips she planted in the garden (oh how she loved those flowers) already wilted and died. He missed the smell of the pies and chocolate muffins that she usually bakes for Riza and him. Roy looked up to her like she was his own mother, and the fact that she’s dead is more than depressing.
The atmosphere was not the only thing that changed in the Hawkeye house. Even its tenants underwent sudden changes. Riza, for instance, became more quiet and reserved. She stopped reading books and hanging out with him, preferring to be alone. She began calling him Mister Mustang instead of Roy, even though he reminded her lots of times not to call him that. At twelve years old, she replaced the role of her mother in the household. She bought recipe books just so she could learn how to cook. She cleaned every room in the house – except for Master Hawkeye’s. Roy helped her whenever he wasn’t busy studying alchemy.
He would never understand what she feels right now. She was closer to his mother than Master Hawkeye. Her mother was the person she loved the most, the only person she can open up with. Riza once told him that she wished she was the one who got the disease, not her mother. Father would want that, we weren’t that close anyway. Those words never stopped ringing in his head. Seeing how Master Hawkeye acted nowadays, Roy hated feeling that Riza’s right.
Master Hawkeye, Roy had observed, began treating his daughter more like she was a stranger. They didn’t have a decent talk since the burial. He never left the house; he basically became a prisoner in his own room, only stepping out of it to use the bathroom. The only person he talks to was Roy, and it was only about alchemy. Riza had never forgotten to bring him meals three times a day, but afterwards she wouldn’t be allowed to enter his room anymore. He was always angry at her even though she did not do anything wrong. There was even a time when he threw the bowl of soup Riza prepared for him at her head.
“Goddammit, why do you look like her?!” Master Hawkeye yelled. Riza took a step back, afraid that her father might hit her. “I don’t want to see your face; you always remind me of her!”
Roy stood frozen in his place. He glanced at Riza, her hair sticky and wet from the soup that was thrown at her by her father. Her hands were clasped together. She looked like she was about to cry but no tears fell from her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, looking at her father in the eye before picking up the broken pieces of the bowl and leaving his room. Roy had never wanted to hit someone so much in his life.
“No offense, Master,” Roy started to speak. “But that was way over the line! Riza is still your daughter, and she is doing everything that she can to stay by your side. You are not the only one-”
Master Hawkeye turned to look back at him, anger and despair evident in his eyes. “Would you shut your mouth?” he spat. “You are just my student; you have no right to interfere with our family’s issues.”
“Family, huh?” Roy scoffed.  He cannot believe this man. “Oh, I’m sorry. I am not aware that you still treat her as your daughter.”
Master Hawkeye held his gaze at him before speaking. “Get out,” he growled, pointing his finger at the door.
“Gladly,” Roy replied as he picked up his books and headed towards the door. “And before I forget to tell you, Master,” Roy stopped in his tracks. “I know how badly you needed the money. But the next time you lay a hand on her again, I will leave. And I will take Riza with me.” Roy was able to close the door behind as soon as a book hit it with a thud. He breathed a sigh of relief - he didn’t realize that his heart was pounding so fast.  It wasn’t common that a fifteen-year-old boy threatens a forty-year-old man.
He found Riza sitting on the third step of the stairs, her hair was damp. A box was placed on her lap and she was reading something – he guessed it was a letter.
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” she said softly as he sat down beside her. She must’ve heard his conversation with his father. “I somehow understand where he comes from. I look like Mom.”
Roy shook his head. “He has to be called out. What he’s doing isn’t right, Ri. He’s not the only one who’s mourning.”
Riza sighed in reply, as she continued to read what’s on the paper. Curiosity got the best of him - Roy peeked at the box from her shoulder. Riza noticed Roy’s eyes trying to look at its contents. “If you’re curious, you can just say so.” Riza chuckled as she handed him the box.
To my daughter, the label of the box read. With his curiosity piqued, Roy took a paper inside the box and read it.
This box contains more than a hundred letters I have written just for you. I know that I wouldn’t be able to live much longer, and I’m sorry for that. But, always remember that I have never left you. I will always be by your side. I hope that these letters will make you feel that I am still with you. Don’t read them all in one sitting. Open them at the appropriate time, okay dear?
I love you.
Roy blinked, trying his damn best not to cry. He returned the note back to the box and took a bundle of letters from the box.
“Don’t open it,” Riza reminded him, her eyebrows were drawn together in a frown.
Roy raised his hands in defense. “Of course I wouldn’t! I would just read the labels.” Riza seemed contented with his answer that she went back to reading.
Turning his attention back to the letters, he marveled at how Riza’s mother was able to write more than a hundred letters while she was bedridden. Open when you’re stressed out, you’re bored, you’re having a bad day, you need a pep talk, you’re not sure what to do, you’re thinking about the future, you’re thinking about me, you need courage, you feel alone, you’re feeling romantic… These are a lot of letters, Roy thought it was awesome – a hundred and more different kinds of letters. Few letters were already open; most of them were still sealed. He looked at Riza’s hand, she was holding two envelopes.
Open when you’re missing me and Open when you don’t feel loved.
Roy averted his eyes. He hates feeling helpless whenever RIza is sad. He wanted to do something, to say something, but he couldn’t think of any that can help uplift her mood. He returned the letters in the box and handed it back to Riza.
“I don’t want you to feel like you aren’t loved,” he was shaking as he spoke – he doesn’t want to look like an idiot. “I love you, Ri.” As he saw Riza raise one of her eyebrows, the implication of those three words dawned on him. He blushed furiously. “N-no, no, no, not like that,” Roy said, shaking his head and waving his hands in front of him. “I didn’t mean it like that; it’s not like how a man loves a woman in the novels we read, not like the-”
“I get it, Roy,” Riza cut him off. “I understand. Now will you please stop explaining yourself before this becomes more awkward?” She tried to hide her smirk, but she failed.
Roy scoffed, “Are you mocking me right now?” He noted that Riza called him by his first name again, and he smiled inwardly.
Riza rolled her eyes, and then her face became serious back again. “Thank you, for being here with me.” She hugged her knees. “I still miss Mom. I want her back. I know that she wrote these letters to make me feel like she’s not gone, but I wanted to see her alive again.” She sighed, tears forming in her eyes.
“We can’t bring her back, Ri,” Roy pointed out, placing his hand on her back. “But don’t worry, I won’t leave you.”
She turned her face to see him, determination present in his face.
“Never,” he said.
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dying-artist-yes · 3 years
A Gift For My Daffodil
I have a bit of free time right now so time to do some more writing. Weeeee. This is what? Number 3? Yeah I think this is number 3. 
Ily Miyo.
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Art is by me. Do not steal :<. Also for those who noticed the username change, it’s so that I match with my instagram.
“Are you sure you’re feeling up to coming with me Ritsu?” This was the third time in the past 10 minutes he’d asked this. Lucian had decided to go out to get something for Mizuki, his girlfriend who’d stayed behind in the Devildom. Before he’d left, she had requested that he bring something for her when he returned from his travels. He had no idea on what to get her as of yet but he was sure he could find something if he looked around enough he would find something to take back to Mizuki, his girlfriend of nearing 3 months now. They would be celebrating 100 days this month and he was hoping to be back in the Devildom before then but seeing as how they hadn’t heard back about a fixed date on when they would return, he wasn’t hopeful. 
As mentioned in the previous fic, Ritsu had agreed to help him pick something for Mizuki but with her deteriorating health, Lucian wasn’t sure she should be out and about. “Remi gave me the green signal. I’ll be fine Lucian. So stop worrying and focus on picking out a gift for Mizuki, alright? I was thinking that since we’re in Paris, we could maybe get something that has Paris on it? Maybe something with the Eiffel Tower?” She suggested as the two of them walked by various shops selling various things such as trinkets, clothing and such. “I was thinking perhaps something where I could incorporate the pictures we have taken so far. I feel she would like that.”
“Hm... A picture frame would be nice. We could frame the picture of all 4 of us in front of the Eiffel Tower?” Ritsu suggested and Lucian hummed in thought as his chocolate brown eyes scanned the stores they passed by. “Hm... I feel as though we’re on the right track but that doesn’t quite feel right...” He said with a soft hum before stopping when something on display caught his eye. It was a picture pendant, those necklaces you could put pictures into and open up to look at said pictures. “Did something catch your eye?” She asked, looking towards the pendant now as well.
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“I think I will get this. Do you think you could get my camera? I would like to take another picture by the Eiffel tower.” He said as he turned to look at Ritsu who nodded. “I have another suggestion. Take a picture in front of the Wall of Love forming a heart with your hands. You know how they do it in the animes Remi has been binging?” She made a heart out of her hands to demonstrate and Lucian blinked before nodding. “I think I will do that. Let’s go inside and get the pendant.” He said before walking over to the door and holding it open for RItsu. The small female walked into the store and Lucian walked in behind her. 
While the white haired male made a beeline for the pendant, something else caught Ritsu’s eye; a snowglobe. She walked over to the snowglobe and examined it for a while, wondering if they should get it for Mizuki. “Lucian! Come take a look at this!” Ritsu called from where she stood. Lucian raised a brow and walked over to where she was before noticing the snow globe. “You want to get this for Mizuki?” He asked, turning to Ritsu who nodded in agreement. “Mhm! I think it will be a nice gift. Perhaps... you could send it on the day of your 100 days?” She said, looking up at him hopefully. “Hm... yes, I think I will have Vulcan take the snow globe and pendant to her should I not be able to be there for the celebration of our 100 days.” He said with a soft smile as he picked up the snow globe.
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“Speaking of your 100 days, how is your practice going? Do you think you’ll be ready?” She asked, smiling up at him as he flushed a little, mostly out of embarrassment. “Well... I’ve gotten through about half of it but my pronunciation is still a little off. All I can hope is that I will be ready by the time our 100 days celebration comes around.” He said with a soft sigh. “100 days already... I can’t help but feel a little bad that I haven’t been able to spend that much time with her.” He said with a soft sigh as his eyes slowly changed from their usual chocolate brown to a light blue. His eyes changing colors to blue meant he was sad. Ritsu reached up and gently pet his head with a soft smile. 
“Even if you’re not there with her in person, you talk to her everyday on Devilcord, don’t you? You’re not staying away from her because you want to. As for the days you two weren’t together, not everyone is like Lucifer and Remi. It’s actually more common for couples to not always be together physically that often. As far as I have seen, it is more common for them to talk to each other over the phone, especially when their schedules don’t align like yours and Mizuki’s. Besides, I am sure she doesn’t mind because when you two do get to see each other, you two spend lots of time together.” She said with an encouraging smile. “Once we return, spend as much time as you can with her okay? I’m sure she misses you.” She said before gesturing to the counter.
“You sure you have everything you need? You could select something for Lord Diavolo as well you know. I can have Vulcan deliver it.” Lucian said as Ritsu thought about it before shaking her head. “Maybe another day. For now, let us get home. Remi was telling me that Avalon will be returning from his assignment today. We should be there to welcome him back.” She said with a soft smile before the two of them walked to the counter in order to pay for the pendant and snow globe. Once they had done this, Ritsu and Lucian parted ways so that she could go and get the camera. They agreed to meet up at the Wall of Love and that is where Lucian was currently going towards.
He looked up at the sky. It was still very sunny. He had gotten used to the eternal darkness of the Devildom so at this point, it was a little strange for him to see the sun. As he walked, he noticed a number of couples. It wasn’t uncommon for him to see them but the more he saw them, the more he missed his own half. Soon, he reached the Wall of Love and just leaned against it while waiting for Ritsu. He closed his eyes and once he did, he saw Mizuki’s smiling face. He couldn’t help but smile as well as he saw her smiling face. He missed her dearly but... in a way he was glad they had been selected for the trip. He knew he would have to return to the Human World this month with Avalon and Ritsu so this made things easier.
‘My dearest daffodil... I know not whether I will be awake for our 100 days but I hope, I can finish everything I must before my upcoming birthday. I do not want you to think that I forgot about our 100 days celebration. I would never forget such an important date... It is just a shame I cannot be there to celebrate it with you... That I may not be awake to do so... But I promise you, we will celebrate another 100 days together. I have waited years for you and now that there is a way for me to stay with you, I refuse to not use it, no matter how risky it may be. Thank you for always being patient with me, for being understanding of me, for being there for me and... for letting me in.’ He thought to himself before opening his eyes and extending his hand to be in front of himself, the ring his grandfather had given him in his hand. 
“I love you Mizuki...” 
He let out a small sigh and placed the ring back into his pocket. “I hope... I can say those words to you in person one day. You deserve to hear them a thousand times... I hope... I will be alive to say them to you a thousand times and even more than that...” His eyes changed to be a stormy blue as he once again looked up at the sky. “However, should I not make it... Do not mourn me for too long. I will find you again in our next life... Hopefully it will not be full of misfortune as this one is...” He said with a soft sigh before blinking as he felt a small bit of warmth around his wrist. He pulled up the baggy sleeve of his shirt and saw that his bracelet, the one with her name on it, was emanating a soft green glow. “Right... I shouldn’t think negatively. I will return to you. I promised you I wouldn’t leave your side after all.” He said with a small smile before turning his head to the left when he thought he heard his name being called.
Turns out he did as Ritsu ran up to him while calling out to him. Once she was close enough, they prepared to take the picture that they would put into the picture pendant. Lucian formed a heart with his hands and placed it right above the middle of his chest. With this, he smiled at the camera as Ritsu took a few pictures. Once done, they returned home while talking about what they could do now that Avalon was returning. 
“Well, your health has improved so perhaps we could finally take that trip to the beach. God knows when it’ll be better and soon my health will start failing me.” Lucian said with a soft sigh as Ritsu frowned a little. “Mhm... we should take that trip to the beach. No time is better than the present to do something.” She said as she looked ahead, looking to see if the house would come into view. “Let us get lots of pictures for them. I think Remi got the album we had asked for.” Lucian said with a small hum before smiling when he noticed his house come into view. “Seems we made it just in time.” He said as he saw Avalon landing at the door and Remi greeting her. “Hehe, party time!” Ritsu said excitedly and the two of them ran the rest of the way home so they could meet up with their friends.
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dying-artist-yes · 3 years
3 Months to Eternity
Weeeee. The 2nd of the 6 stories I said I would write. This one’s using my character Ritsu.  Ily Sher.
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“Lucian! Be a dear and help me record this please?” Ritsu called out from the garden right outside the house they had been staying at during their trip to Paris none of them volunteered for. Since it was decided they’d be staying in Paris, Remi, Ritsu, Lucian and Avalon decided it would be best if they stayed in the house that Lucian owned in Paris. It was cozy and they all knew each other well enough to live together.
Lucian peeked out of his room on the 2nd floor and looked down at Ritsu, his snow white hair getting blow by the wind as he stuck his head out. “Sure! What are you recording?!” He called down from his room. “I am making a video to send to Diavolo for our anniversary as I cannot be there with him for it so be a dear and help me with it!” The blaze orange haired female called up. Lucian nodded in response before disappearing from his window to get downstairs. On the 28th of the past 3 months, she and the Prince of the Devildom, Diavolo, had celebrated the day they got together. She originally planned to spend this day with Diavolo but due to them going on this trip none of them volunteered for, those plans were foiled.
Lucian came out of the backdoor that was located in the kitchen and jogged over to her. He wore a black tank top because summer was rolling in and he wouldn’t survive in a hoodie. “Hand me your D.D.D. I’ll record your message for you. In return, you’re helping me pick something out to take as a souvenir for Mizuki.” He said as he walked back a little once Ritsu had handed her D.D.D to him. “Yes yes, she did ask you to bring something for her.” Ritsu said with a soft chuckle before straightening out her knee length, black princess dress. This was accompanied by a thin, scarlet cardigan that was draped loosely over her shoulders. A circus rose was tucked into her ear, standing out in the midst of her orange her. Her red eyes shined as Lucian gave her a thumbs up, signifying he was ready as she cleared her throat before giving a thumbs-up back.
“And... go.” Lucian said quietly as Ritsu nodded before waving at the camera. “Hi hi Dia~! Happy 3 month anniversary~ Honestly I don’t know when you’ll see this but I’m hoping that it is not too long after our actual anniversary... It is unfortunate I cannot be there with you for another anniversary but this time, I have the gift you had given me our previous anniversary.” She said, smiling brightly as she turned to her left and picked up to show the music box he had given her on their 2nd anniversary. “I still find it very fascinating that for both of our anniversaries, we had similar ideas but... I love this gift nonetheless. It is a piece of you that I have with me away from home.” She said before her smile faltered a little.
“I do miss you so very badly my love. It has only been, what, 5 days? And yet separation from you is unbearable... I don’t even know when they will let us return...” She said with a soft sigh before perking up as she remembered something. “Our trip in Paris so far has been rather nice. It is a charming place with many places to visit. We were actually thinking of visiting the beach at some point~ I do think I have my swimsuit with me. If not, I will have to go buy one. It is what it is.” She said before giggling some more. “Something rather interesting happened the other day when we had all gone out shopping as Remi and I felt that a few of our clothes seemed a little out of place. We had taken Lucian and Avalon with us as they knew the area better than we did and while out shopping, we heard about this thing called ‘Le Mur Des Je t’aime.’ Remi and Lucian told me it translates, in essence, to ‘The Wall of Love.’“ She had to stifle her giggles as she recounted this while Lucian looked like he was dying behind the camera.
“So while we were observing the Wall of Love, a couple passed by us and complimented that Lucian and I make a good couple as well as Remi and Avalon. Remi and I looked at each other and had a good laugh about it and the funny thing is even the store proprietors had thought they were our boyfriends who came shopping with us.” She was laughing at this point while Lucian continued dying on the inside. “We couldn’t explain to the couple but we made sure to do so with the store proprietors. Since they’re the most fluent in French, Remi and Lucian explained that we’re not lovers and he and Avalon were instead introduced as our brothers. I just find Lucian and Avalon’s expressions so very hilarious. They wanted to go back so badly after that but we still had to go to two stores so that was fun.” She said with a bright grin. “We’re doing our best to make the most of our time here. It’s a pretty place after all! It would be a shame to just mope around and not enjoy it. I’m getting tons of pictures for you and yes, that includes the Wall of Love because I wish to visit that place with my true lover one day...” She said with a soft smile.
“I am glad we got to do the marriage booth before I left. Your words, your vows, they keep me afloat as you are not here to do so. I remember that day very clearly. We’re technically married now.” She blushed a little just thinking about it. “I know it was simply a booth but something about it made it feel so real. Seeing you dressed as a groom, in front of me, it made me feel as though I was truly getting married to you and I know, when you decide to propose, I will absolutely love it. Do it in a dress perhaps? It has been a while since you’ve worn one.” She laughed softly at the thought. “If you need me to, just tell me to wear a suit and I will. Though I have a feeling you will surprise me with when you plan to do so. I know you won’t but I am just reminding you not to rush okay? Take your time.” She said with a happy smile. “I have your vows from the marriage booth and those are more than enough... They make me so very happy...” She teared up just thinking about it and rapidly wiped them away.
“Ritsu. My fireball. My koala. My fireball koala~
Many years ago, I could never imagine myself being in such a place. A place where I look in the eyes of my beloved and pledge my love and undying loyalty.
You are the sweetest, most caring, loving, and kind person I have had the honor of knowing. I have no doubt that you make me a better prince- nay, a better man.
You believe in me and shown me how to love with unconditional acceptance, and every day you reaffirm that you are my soul mate. Together we are an unbreakable pair, bound by our love.
I’m not sure that a lifetime is long enough for me to return all that you have given me but I promise to spend my days by your side. To inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, share your dreams, and grow with you.
I believe in us and what we are and I will always love you with every beat of my heart. For now and forevermore.”
“I remember... tearing up when I heard those words... My heart felt... no, feels so full from those words. I still have the ring you put on my finger that day.” She said, raising her left hand to show the ring on her ring finger. “I hope... you remember my vows as well but just in case... I will say them again. I know you would never forget them, don’t worry. I suppose... rather than being just in case, it’s so you have something to remind you of the vows...? It will be in video form now after all.” She made a small heart with her hands before taking a deep breath in to speak.
“Diavolo. My dearest prince. My sun in a sunless place. 
It has been... 4 months since you have graced me with your presence. Since you captivated my heart with your smile. Despite me crashing into the lake behind your castle and being an uninvited guest in your castle, you gave me the place I now call home. You have given me the place which finally gave me a family that will love me...” 
She remembered tearing up as she spoke but she continued speaking nonetheless.
“A life time may not be enough for you to return all that I have given you, all that I fail to see, but rest assured, you will have multiple life times. We are nearing 3 months now and I hope... it can stretch to eternity. 3 months to eternity... to forevermore... With each passing day, I love you more and more and seeing your smile just reminds me that there is someone I live for. Someone I fight for. Someone who holds me near and dear to his heart. There is someone in this world whose day I can brighten through my existence...”
After being scorned and betrayed by everyone she had believed to be those who cared for her, she believed she wouldn’t find anyone who would accept her. And yet, the man who spoke those vows to her loved her so very much... Enough for many many life times to come.
“In the first years of my life, I lived as a shadow. No one outside of my father acknowledged my existence and the only other person who did, my mother, scorned me for it. I was to be of use to her and nothing else. I never thought that I would be wed to someone... Much less a prince. Much less someone like you... I thought that even if I did get married, it would be to someone I didn’t love and there too, I would simply need to be of use and nothing else... Then... I ran away. Far far away. So I could live in peace and found 12 orphans. I decided to care for them as like me, they had no one. I thought I wouldn’t need anyone else now that I had them but as I saw my friends be wed... I felt a small pang of loneliness because even if I had people now, I would never have the companionship of a lover. I had nothing to offer to them after all... And who would want to bear the weight of 12 children? That solidified the idea that I would never get married and now... I look to my past self and say; “You have someone amazing waiting for you. Waiting to put a ring on your finger and make you the happiest person in existence. Someone who will finally rid you of that loneliness you’ve felt for years now.” That is what you are to me Diavolo. I am complete with you.” 
She remembered gently squeezing his hands as she fought back tears. She remembered giving him the fondest smile she could muster. Even if it wasn’t the real wedding, it felt real. It made her happy beyond belief.
“I promise to spend as many years as I am granted with you. I promise to stand by your side through everything and let you lean on me should you need to rest. As I have done so far, I promise to continue giving you a place where you needn’t be the prince. You can simply be Diavolo. You can be absolved of your duties and do whatever you please. I promise to keep you happy and smiling and most importantly of all... I promise to love you in every life I am given. You are the only person I will accept as my lover. No one else. So please... when we part ways... come find me once more. Bring me home. I will wait patiently in every life for my Prince Charming.”
She was crying now as she recounted her words and was rapidly trying to wipe her tears away but they wouldn’t stop. “D-Don’t worry Diavolo. I-I’m not sad alright? I-I’m just a little overwhelmed. T-That day was the happiest day of my life and i-it’s just overwhelming to recount it because of the myriad of emotions I felt that day.” She sniffled as she counted wiping at her eyes. “I-I hope you’re doing well and n-not staying cooped up in your office all day. Y-You’re not Lucifer and b-besides, Barbatos isn’t there so you can slack off a little.” She said with a soft giggle as she continued wiping away her tears. They were slowly coming to a halt.
“I love you my prince... I always have and I always will. Once I come back, let’s add Paris to our list of places to go too, okay...? I wanna show you around the place so I’ll make sure to get well acquainted with it so you and I both aren’t clueless if we decide to visit. Once again, happy 3 months! Sadly, I don’t have a gift this time but... I hope this video will be enough.” She said before carefully pulling out the circus rose in her hair. “Thank you for taking me to the Flower Festival and doing all those activities with me... I look forward to doing more things with you. I hope I can return before our next anniversary. I really miss you and I’m going to c-cry if I have to spend another anniversary away from you... T-That’ll be 3 in a row and that’s too many anniversaries to not spend with you... S-So I’ll be selfish this one time and a-ask you to come visit me if I can’t be there... B-But I understand if you’re busy, okay? D-Don’t ditch work to come to me. You’ve caused Lucifer and Barbatos enough trouble as is...” She said with a playful pout as she teared up before shaking her head and closing her eyes to not let the tears out.
“Wah... This video is long enough as is. Take care Dia! I love you!” She said with a bright smile as she waved at the camera before Lucian gave a thumbs-up, meaning he finished recording. Ritsu sighed softly before quickly covering her mouth as a coughing fit started. Lucian frowned and jogged over to her, taking a seat beside her and gently rubbing her back. “Ritsu... Will you be alright...?” Lucian asked worriedly. She continued coughing but nodded. “I-I’ll be fine... W-We just n-need to be patient...” She got out in-between coughs. “I-I am more concerned about you Lucian... O-Once the 20th is here you-” “I’ll be fine. Just as you have Lord Diavolo to return to, I have Mizuki to return to. I won’t leave her behind.” He said, continuing to gently rub her back. 
Ritsu pulled her hand away once the cough fits had stopped and frowned at the blood. “I just need to last a month... I don’t want to ask her of this but we may need Remi’s help...” She said with a soft sigh as she stood up with the help of Lucian. “I’ll ask Remi to go visit your room once she and Avalon are back with groceries... Please, keep resting okay? The more you rest, the more often you can get out to know Paris better like you told Lord Diavolo.” Lucian said as he led Ritsu back to her room. 
Ily Sher.
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