jennapropractice · 8 years
personal statement
Last saved date: 15 December 2016 15:26:08
1    Personal statement
2    by Jenna Holden
4    I am currently studying towards achieving my FDA in contemporary photography. I am a mature
5    student and I would really like to achieve my full BA HONS with a view to be able to teach in
6    the future.
8    Photography is my passion, 3 years ago I had never picked up a digital camera, and at 35 I
9    completely started again after spending time raising my family. This has turned into something
10    which i am striving to achieve a career path in. Its been something i have focused on and from
11    which I wish to achieve a successful career within the industry.
13    I work harder than any student I know. I have achieved distinctions throughout whilst raising
14    three children on my own, one with severe learning difficulties and i have started my own
15    small photography business from scratch. i am driven, determined and i work so hard to achieve
16    everything myself.
18    i am currently studying towards my FDA in contemporary photography under Plymouth university,
19    at Weymouth college. This course has been an amazing starting ground for me, and I feel as
20    this is my last and only shot at university, i would love to experience a large and well
21    connected establishment for my final year in education.
23    Previous to my FDA i had completed my diploma in photography at a triple distinction level.
24    this was a part time course and was what ignited my passion to the subject.
26    I was an under achiever my entire life, I came out of school and care with nothing to show and
27    had my eldest son who has down syndrome age 19. i had an unhappy life that 4 years ago i
28    decided to change, leaving with the shirts on our backs and ending up in a refuge with
29    nothing. i realised i had nothing to fall back on, no qualifications, nothing to be able to
30    earn enough of a salary to support myself and my family.
32    This has given me the drive and get up to get my education finally before I hit 40 so I can
33    stand on my own two feet and become a success in my own right.
35    I have a small business called wedontdoposes that I have equipt and built up myself, I work a
36    lot for different causes for free to gain experience, including homeless shelters and in
37    support of the woman's refuge in Dorset. I also regularly work for Dorset volunteer service
38    for any sort of photography they should need. I shoot alot of family portraits but i am ready
39    for the next level in my career and this qualification
41    I would love to gain knowledge in this field and challenge myself and my skill sets to further
42    my career. Teaching is something I would love to do with my qualification, I am keen to work
43    in most areas of the profession that i can work around my family.
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essayvibes · 8 years
Website development wedontdoposes
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