gracefarrell · 2 months
Sorry for liking *all* of your posts, but your Ann Reinking content is unparalleled!! Thank you for sharing it! And congrats on your excellent taste! 😉🥰
No apologies needed!! You have excellent taste as well 🥰🥰
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fourteen-teacups · 2 years
O Christmas Tree 🎄
It’s been a long while since I posted any fic, but it’s Christmas… a bit of festive Turner family fluff, set in December 1967, just before the s12 CS
Thank you @thatginchygal and @wednesdaygilfillian for your support and for being my writing buddies! 🥰🥰
We're going to have a lovely spruce.
Timothy chuckled to himself as he remembered Mum’s words from that Christmas long ago. So much had changed in the eight years since Angela’s first Christmas -- and yet some things remained exactly the same. The annual evergreen tree was currently bundled into the rear of the Turner’s estate car as Tim manoeuvred the vehicle out of the last dark country lane and back into the city.   
Out of necessity, he had learned to drive during Dad’s convalescence. Tim was more than grateful he could help ferry his family about during this time, but the independence it provided was equally valuable. Especially when he thought ahead to eventually qualifying as a doctor. Although he liked to think, when the time came, he’d be driving something sportier.
This evening the family had been shopping at a Christmas tree farm in the countryside, just outside of London. Mr Buckle suggested the idea to Dad, who had been similarly enthusiastic regarding the outing. Traditionally, the Turners chose a tree from the stall at the Poplar Christmas Market but, since the accident, Mum and Dad had been more intentional about seizing every opportunity.
Timothy’s heart clenched in a moment of anguish, imagining all they could have lost on that autumn night. But his distress was immediately replaced with joy, recalling the way his siblings had worn themselves out in the excitement of running around the festive lot.
“Over here!” Teddy called, before ducking for cover behind a sturdy conifer, daring his sisters to seek him out.
Tim watched as May dashed forward, but mistakenly turned away from the row of trees concealing her younger brother.
Angela’s more methodical approach allowed her to spy a tiny red mitten as it contrasted with the pine needles. Her eyes shone in triumph as she looked first to Timothy, then ran ahead to claim her victory. 
Teddy’s shrieks alerted May and the three of them reunited for a brief moment, then took off again in separate directions.
Several rows over, Dad was speaking with the owner of the farm while Mum circled a nearby tree, inspecting it for flaws. “How fresh would you say this is?” Timothy heard her ask, as she reached to test the needles with a gloved hand. He couldn’t hear the man’s response but saw in Mum’s smile that she was pleased with the answer. Looking up, she caught his eye and beckoned him over. “What do you think, Timothy, is it filled out evenly?” 
Tim followed her around the specimen and agreed there were no bare spots. “It’s the perfect height, too,” he added, measuring it against himself. Mum made a predictable face that communicated she was equally proud and exasperated, causing Tim to laugh out loud.
Tapping his father’s arm, she put on her professional demeanor once again. “This one should do nicely.” Dad winked at her -- it was embarrassing how he not-so-secretly loved her authoritative streak -- but when he tried reaching for the tree, Mum promptly stopped him and began to explain his recent injury to the proprietor.
Taking that as his cue, Timothy set off to chase his siblings through the tree lot one last time.
Now all was quiet within the estate car as the road hummed gently beneath the tyres. The newly purchased tree stuck partly out the open back window allowing the crisp December air to circulate throughout the vehicle. To Tim’s left, Angela and May slept propped against each other, still wrapped snugly in their matching pink coats. 
From the back seat, the low tones of Dad’s voice reached him. “Perhaps this will be the start of a new tradition.” 
Timothy’s eyes flicked to the rear view mirror, briefly meeting his father’s eyes and catching the delighted grin on Mum’s face. Tim couldn’t help but think of the lost tradition of the silver tree, but he kept silent. He was beginning to understand that his dad’s passion for healing extended beyond the physical body. And though the memory still rankled slightly, he nodded his agreement.
Despite his vexation, Tim acknowledged the positive developments brought on by the passing years: another sister, and the excitement of Teddy’s arrival. He glanced at the mirror again, but couldn’t see his brother in the reflection. More than likely, Teddy was curled up on the back seat with his head in Mum’s lap.
Dad was speaking again, but it was too low for him to hear. Timothy assumed he was trying not to wake the little ones -- that is, until he heard Mum’s giggle. With a barely suppressed sigh, he turned his head to the rear of the vehicle, only to find them beaming innocently back at him. As their long-suffering son, he shook his head and returned his eyes to the road. The more things change, the more they stay the same. While Tim navigated along streets draped in coloured lights, the car was filled not only with the scent of their lovely spruce, but also the muted sounds of his overly-affectionate parents’ sweet nothings. And perhaps not-so-secretly, he wouldn't have it any other way.
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thatginchygal · 2 years
NEW 12/21: Just a lil’ Christmas fluff for y’all. Set pre-CS 2022, there are very (very) minor spoilers here. Really just an excuse for Turnadette and the Mushy Stuff™️ 😆😍🤩❤️💚🎄💚❤️ Rated G
Thanks to @fourteen-teacups for all her edits and for making writing so fun!!! 💗💗 And thanks to @wednesdaygilfillian for peeking in and giving a boost to reach the finish line!! 💙💙
Happiest of Holidays, friends!!! ❤️💚😘💚❤️
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Hope Island (Ballykissangel US/Canadian Adaptation) Developments!
Since my previous post about Hope Island (see here), it’s been stuck in the back of my mind for ages - knowing that the show is only available to stream on Pureflix (see here) in the US and Canada (not internationally).
So much so that I tried to do something that I’ve only watched in YouTube videos - hunt somewhat-lost media xD
I started by contacting members of the cast on their social media... and I got a reply~!
Just a few minutes after sending a lengthy Instagram DM explaining why I was randomly messaging about a long-ended show from the 90s - and not expecting any response - Cameron Daddo (male lead Rev. Daniel Cooper from the show, and the equivalent of Peter in Ballyk) responded~!
Here are the screenshots of our conversation:
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So nice to see that he has such fond memories of his time on the show, and now I have another lead to research~!
@hvkunst @alaskanna @carryonlikewedidbefore @polarbearjoke @flashsil @queensabriel​ @krisrussel​ @wednesdaygilfillian​ @definitely-not-pie​ @beautywithin16​ (I’ll have forgotten somebody, so this may be edited xD)
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nunonabun · 5 years
4 & 38?
4. What do you think you cook or bake the best?
Ooo, I am not massively skilled in the culinary/baking arts, though I am trying to improve. That being said, I think I make nice mince tarts. 
38. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with?
I never really know how to think about that because it’s so hard to judge someone on only their public appearance(s). I did meet Sandra Oh once though, and she was really nice, so how about her.
[ask me a number question and I’ll reply you an answer]
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vaspider · 7 years
Oh dang, was hoping to make this anonymous, but what the hey... We've never talked, but you seem like a really wonderful person. (With excellent crafting skills!) I hope tomorrow treats you better.
I’m glad I have a name to attach to words that made me feel better.
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
wednesdaygilfillian replied to your post “I get why people need to believe that Jane Austen would be a feminist...”
Can I say how much I love this answer? And "we survived the toxicity of the heteronormative patriarchy then, and we’ll survive it, now." Yes, we will - whether or not anon believes we're living in one.
I’ll admit it’s kinda White Feministy of me to say “we’ll survive” when there’s some supreme bullshit going on in the world right now making it feel like the most marginalized among us might just not survive the way things seem to be coming to a head in certain quarters; but I really, really, really want to believe that change is not only possible, but happening, and it’s only getting drowned out by the more frightening fuckery on display, but no less real and important.
Austen may have had a comparatively narrow worldview, but she knew at least something of the value of nuanced sympathy for victims of societal prejudice and moral double-standards in writing of the Elizas in Sense and Sensibility, who were not to be condemned for how they were used and abandoned by the men who had power over them. While Austen only writes of the negative effects of these unbalanced power-structures as they relate to women of her own class, as intelligent and feeling readers we can draw our lessons from the growth and grace of her protagonists who make mistakes--often in how they have misjudged other people on superficial points rather than seeking out the worthier elements of their deeper humanity--and we can improve the harmony in our lives and communities by seeking mature understanding and acting with compassion, as they do.
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not-so-secret-nerd · 7 years
Hot tea, for the Fall Asks?
1) Name something that soothes you.
Backrubs and hot cocoa are my main go-to
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sapphiresea · 7 years
For the 'invade my privacy' ask: orange?
invade my privacy. do it.
orange: 6 facts about my home town
1. i am super not-conservative…which is unfortunate because everyone in my freaking city is conservative af.2. but we do have, like, the coolest ever mayor. i mean look at him.3. we have a tower that was supposed to be big and impressive, but it’s super-small compared to office buildings.4. we have a statue of a giant head downtown and i don’t know why or what it represents, but every time i see it, i hear ‘incoming message from the big giant head’ from 3rd rock from the sun5. we also have a really expensive statue that’s basically a giant hula hoop.6. for a week and a bit every year, basically the entire city shuts down and we all just drink and party and go to the rodeo – aka the stampede.
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wednesdaygilfillian said:  So I was half right ;)           
Hehe, yup :D              
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eevachu · 7 years
Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by: @wednesdaygilfillian and @toastweasel (I think? a buncha people tagged me)
relationship status: Single and ready to AGGRESSIVELY MINGLE 💪✨
favourite colour: Green!
lipstick or chapstick: both occasionally, but I don't usually wear either
last songs i listened to: "Perfect isn't Easy" from Oliver and Company which is my alarm song and "Non-Stop" from Hamilton which is my writing pump up jam because HAMILTON WROTE THE OTHER 51 and also a 2000s playlist on spotify that is making me feel really old (Pumped Up Kicks and Bye Bye Bye were both on it, what a world, what a world)
last movie i watched: ...Iunno, probably Ghostbusters again
top three tv shows: Currently it's Steven Universe, the One Day at a Time Netflix remake and Carmilla (yeah it's a web series, WHATEVER, I play by my own rules) (All time would be Cybersix, Avatar: the Last Airbender and Scrubs btw)
top three characters: Jillian Holtzmann, Rey from Star Wars and Lilo from Lilo & Stitch 
top three ships: Holtzbert, Ami/Makoto and Gelphie
I tag: @servicetopholtzmann, @jhenne-bean, @pugletto, @trappedinvacancy, @smolholtz​, @ruf1ohn1tram, @tiffany-erika, @madamndeer, @animetrashlord​ (Some of you are here because I want updates on y'all's current fandoms.)
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thatginchygal · 5 years
New on 1/23/20: First Glance, featuring Sister Berndette and Dr. Turner.
This is for the wonderful @wednesdaygilfillian.  Happy Birthday, lovely lady!!!!   💙💙🥰🥰😘😘  I hope you enjoy this ficlet--based on your prompt of ‘summer’.  And I hope you’re having your best, happiest birthday yet!!  ⭐️🎉💕💙😘
Thank you to the lovely @fourteen-teacups for reading this over!!  What would I do without you???  🥰😘
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I've hit a snag in my Hope Island search - Pureflix have removed the show from their website :(
This was exactly why I wanted to gain access to the show, in case this happened :(
@hvkunst @alaskanna @carryonlikewedidbefore @polarbearjoke @flashsil @queensabriel​ @krisrussel​ @wednesdaygilfillian​ @definitely-not-pie​ @beautywithin16​ (I’ll have forgotten somebody, so this may be edited xD)
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levinson-mannion · 3 years
Happy Fanfiction Authors Appreciation Day
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Ironically, yesterday I was reading fanfic for longer then I care to admit, today I have (shockingly) been reading real books. However, I do know that I had always watched things and heard things saying how bad and offensive fanfiction is. I believed them, not knowing any different.
That was until I was curious. I had finished watching Downton abbey for the first time, I had fallen in love with the characters and relationships. Maybe it was that state of the world in January 2020, but I wanted more content.
I found it.
And ever since then I have been sucked into the world of fanfiction and fandom and I have never been so grateful. I know for a fact I would be in a much worse state if I did not have fanfic and that is saying something.
All my thanks goes to the fanfic authors who bring me such amazing fanfic that put smiles on my face and makes me hate them but really, thank you for the angst.
Every single fandom I have read fanfic for makes me happy and I don't regret I single day of reading fanfic, and that is thanks to you all.
Fanfiction is everything to me and the brilliant authors who write it, I can not thank them enough for taking their writing out into the world.
Below I shall tag some fanfic authors who I would like to appreciate today, but this also goes to the ones that u have not tagged. Please keep writing and so what's good for you.
@anamarialujan @bella-caecilia @aimee-jessica @mcgonneville @miss-ute @weshallc @atearsarahjane @maddieandchimney @ellanainthetardis @wednesdaygilfillian @ohtobealady @rachelanne2018 @ every fanfic author out there and if I missed you off I am forever sorry.
I would also, as an author myself, like to appreciate and thank readers, every like, kudos, comment and read makes my day and others to and I would like to thank you for your support!
Have a good day everybody, and happy August 21st! Love ya! 💕
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fourteen-teacups · 3 years
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@wednesdaygilfillian @thatginchygal @my-little-yellowbird @ilovemushystuff @weshallc @miss-ute @anamarialujan @snoopctm @mg-bsl381 @levinson-mannion @aimee-jessica @h4t08 @sissi459 @soph1988 @turnt4turnadette
Happy New Year! 🥂🎆🥳
Thank you for fangirling with me! Love and best wishes for 2022!
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weshallc · 3 years
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This years cast of Riverdance need a bit of work.
Photo thanks to @wednesdaygilfillian
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