#wednesday nibbles
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naughtynibbles · 1 year ago
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Be my Valentine! I'm offering a month free of all my tiers. From today until February 29, 2024 (YAY! Leap Year), you'll have full access to everything I'm offering. Just subscribe to the Delectable Dinner tier, and put in promo code CUPIDSGIFT to enjoy my stories and novels. If you're a current subscriber and want to take part in this freebie, you'll have to unsubscribe and then resubscribe to use the code. I apologize for the hassle.
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#ream #membership #werewolves #mafia #darkromance #rockstar #shortstories #mondaywakeups #wednesdaynibbles #serializednovels
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dailydccomics · 6 months ago
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Diana, the most blessed, the most protected Wonder Woman #13 by Tom King and Tony S. Daniel
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 year ago
One of those weeks.
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crumbundermydesk · 2 years ago
new wenclair idea i’ve got is Enid being dead, whether during her time of knowing Wednesday or she dies beforehand (maybe Wednesday sees a memorial photo of Enid at Nevermore and is instantly like “damn wretched family curse has struck again”),
and wednesday is just like “oh please, as if something as inane as death could keep me from courting you. This isn’t even the most unusual relationship recorded in the Addamses’ archives. I believe currently that my second cousin, twice removed is in a fruitful relationship with a painting, though there’s also—”
which only follows in various summonings just to wax poetic and charm enid, or plan projector movie dates, maybe try and anchor enid’s spirit to a physical object for more quality time, eventually wednesday would probably try and bind enid’s spirit to herself even so they may never part.
i’m just imagining the nightshades slowly discovering what wednesday is up to one by one, esp Yoko. Yoko would break in like “THAT’S IT ADDAMS YOU BETTER NOT BE HIDING A BODY—” and interrupts wednesday begrudgingly painting thing’s nails w gloves on, bc enid can’t do it herself, and some bright, blonde girl is pointing at various bottles of nail polish and critiquing her technique. Yoko immediately gets along with enid and eventually reluctantly works with the weird goth Addams so that she can hang with her weird new bestie (who’s apparently dead??) and geez, how does she always get pulled into this shi-. Bianca’s gonna have a frickin field day when she finds out, and how pathetic for Xavier that the Addams heir would literally rather date a dead person than give him an inch of her attention.
could even involve a further subplot of wednesday networking her way through various demons and ancestors just to find a way to bring enid into the world of the living, or solve her murder, or yknow so on and so forth
if yall got more ideas to add onto this, please do loll
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baublekute · 1 year ago
・❥・Ward Wed
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downtherabbitholewithlucy · 2 years ago
|| S E X Y - S E X Y - S E X Y ||
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years ago
hi z!!! happy wincest wednesday, the holiest of days, amen etc. an anon yesterday turned me on to the song daylight by david kushner and these lyrics stuck out to me as very dean-coded: "telling myself it's the last time/can you spare any mercy you might find/if i'm down on my knees again?" my question for you is this: why is dean the one that jumps to mind whenever i see any lyrics or poetry about being on your knees? what is it that makes him fit so well with that kind of submission?
avaaaaaaaaaa happy wincest wednesday to you!
You have come to me on this holy day with the thing in spn that I think makes me totally bananas-craziest (aside from the whole sam-dean relationship, which obv is like the bananas foster of being bananas crazy): why oh why oh why oh why does Dean Winchester, ostensible tough guy and big brother and hunter extraordinaire, immediately crash to his knees given the slightest provocation -- not just in our fevered imaginations but also in actual fact. Like. What the fuck is that??
I think part of it naturally has to do with Jensen's affect, as we've discussed elsewhere, but also it's just...
There's this terrible inbuilt need in Dean. There's always something about him that's just -- begging. It's an interesting thing to pair with his essential cynicism. Maybe part of it is that he always had to be the one who was relied on: John's helpmeet, Sam's caretaker. Responsibility rides him from age 4 -- he has to be steady and strong and reliable and he's never ever ever allowed to put that down. He can't go play an arcade game for a few hours because if he does his little brother is almost killed. He can't be a normal kid who's good on the wrestling team because he has to be in the car, taking care of his family and his job. He can't have a girlfriend of any seriousness because she can't know who he is, because he has to be ready to go at a second's notice, because with great knowledge comes great responsibility and if you put that responsibility down, if you turn your face away from the life you've been saddled with, all the people who'd suffer or die that you could have saved are your fault.
No wonder he wants so badly for someone to take that responsibility off his hands.
One of my favorite things about Dean & responsibility is that he hates it but he literally can't get away from it. There is no version of Dean who could stop hunting. There's no version of Dean that could look at some thing in the paper and let it truly be someone else's problem. There's no version of Dean, and this is key, that could stop feeling responsible for Sam. On the worst days I think Dean wishes he could be rid of all these things (even Sam!), but the thing is that if he were rid of them he wouldn't be Dean Winchester, and also the burden of the responsibility is itself a form of love. He wouldn't be happy without it and so he has to find a way to love it -- he does like hunting, after all! He likes saving people! He gets joy out of doing the job well! He loves Sam, to the last atom, and truly would never choose to be parted from what loving Sam means!
But -- god. What a relief it would be. How much easier to just go down to his knees and have the burden removed. How simple and clean life could be if the self he'd built up to deal with all this responsibility could be cut out like so much rotten wood -- to serve without the misery of questioning or being forced to make decisions -- to look to someone else and say what do I do, or even better to not even have to ask and just be told. Mercy.
Luckily, Sam is merciful.
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girlsoutlate · 17 days ago
tf141 meet prices girl
part one
suggestive themes, alcohol consumption, loser simon, if you can see my favouritism for gaz no you bloody can't xx
today- well tonight was the night. you'd been psyching yourself up from wednesday, john springing the plans on you casually over breakfast. you expected it, just not so soon. all too quickly saturday night had rolled around and you were staring absentmindedly in to your wardrobe. your ever so loving boyfriend had been making fun of your hysterics all day until he became slightly concerned at your lack of appetite over dinner. you chose to nibble on two sides instead of whatever small meal you had originally planned. as you left the table and placed your plate on to the counter john grabbed you by your hips and hoisted you up "love, it's natural to be nervous but yer gettin' yerself worked up for nothin'". brushing a calloused thumb across your lips that were nibbled raw he felt you take a small breath in to talk "i know but what if something goes wrong? what if they think im too dumb for you? they won't like me". the last words out of your mouth were quiet and resolute but hung heavy in the air.
steely blue eyes never leaving yours, john spoke with reverence "sweethear' don't say tha' about yerself. i'm the lucky bastard tha' gets to be loved by you. wha' those muppets think about ya' doesn't matter, least of all to me". a small smile on your face wasn't missed as you looked down to johns hands splayed on your lap. he continued "they'll love ya', i promise- not as much as me though" a gravelly chuckle emanted from his chest. "you're beautiful, do i need to remind you again today? tha' lot will lap up any hint of kindness, so theres no reason a' all why they won't like ya". your arms wrapped around his bulking figure, pressing your face in to his defined chest you whispered "thankyou".
after finishing the rest of your food you jumped off the counter and scuttled upstairs to get ready. coming back downstairs you showed john your outfit, him grunting in appreciation whilst you did a spin, speaking about how you think you've perfected doing this hairstyle. after a silent journey you found yourself stepping out of a cab and standing in front of a pub you could only identify by name. at some point in the car ride your nerves turned to excitement and you were all to eager to meet the men your boyfriend trusted his life with. stepping in to the pub with johns large paw on the small of your back, a wave of warmth and chatter washed over you. warm lights reflecting off the red walls and oak ceiling basking you in a golden light as you scanned the pub. for a moment the hairs on the back of your neck stood as goosebumps rose across your arms; you shook off the feeling; john seemed to had spotted where his task force was, grunting in to your ear "just in tha' corner, doll" he guided you to the left.
with the soft tread of sticky carpet under your feet your eyes landed upon three men in the corner of the pub. a man with a mohawk caught your attention first, raucous laughter causing your steps to falter. lips fluttered against the shell of your ear "'m righ, behind ya", john gave a reassuring squeeze to the fat of your hip. your eyes flicked over to the man being spoken too. his brown eyes met yours, welcoming and soft yet calculating. he flashed you a dazzling smile, dimples appearing on his slim cheeks. by the time you had gotten to the table (nerves causing the journey to feel longer) all three men had their attention on you and john. "captain, nice to see you" the man with the brown eyes said, his velvety voice contrasting with johns gravelly "love, meet gaz, soap and ghost". giving a polite smile you looked them assessing, finally putting faces to what little you know. soaps eyes tracked up and down your body once, he couldn't help but take in your appearance. he knew your face was beautiful from the snooping he'd done, but god did your body live up to it. sharp blue met yours, twinkling with something. gaz pulled out a seat and gestured for you to sit down, price slipped your jacket off and put it on the back of your chair. as you settled while they greeted each other, your attention was drawn to ghost. you couldn't help but notice him.
a hulking figure in the corner of the booth, he blended in with the shadows despite the almost orange light of the pub. his balaclava was covering his whole face, bar dead eyes devoid of any emotion. as his gaze landed on you from across the table, you registered what that sudden nervous feeling was when you first stepped in to the pub. it was him. he'd watched you and john since you arrived, despite his companions remaining oblivious. you tried not to overthink it. just as you were about to tear your gaze away, his near black eyes caught yours. ghost gave you a curt not before gaz spoke to you. "its so nice to mee' you. you've been a well kept secret, eh soap?" nudging soap with his elbow, an impish grin on his face. you let out a small chuckle while soap jokes "ah dinnae know how cap' found ya", a soft rumble of a laugh reverberated from john. "yer a real bonnie lass-" soap let out a soft yelp. curiously you looked around the table and saw ghost staring at him. with a faint warmth to your cheeks you let out a small "thankyou". a voice even deeper than johns makes you slightly jump as ghost instructs "mactavish, go get tha' first round in".
after telling soap the drink of your choice you feel johns warm paw smooth up and down your leg "you alrigh', beautiful?" you nodded and replied "they're just like you said". gaz turns to you with that same dazzling smile "i'm guessing you know more about us than we do about you".
"i supposed so, john told me all about the phonecall incident". at that he turned away, hiding a bashful smile. a husky wheeze, which felt more like a vibration, came from ghost. john squeezed your thigh in hearing that. ghost remembered the day of the 'phonecall incident' well. his sergeant was practically running down the hallway, excitement coming off him in waves. as he told ghost and soap what he heard he wore a smug grinon his face- of course. for the rest of the day that's all ghost bloody heard from his sergeants, although he would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. the next day the captain spoke to them about meeting his girl, so gaz felt entirely responsible for solving the 'mystery' as well as getting to meet you. when soap came with the drinks, he started a line of enquiry surrounding yours and johns relationship. his warm hand brushed against yours as he passed you your drink, lingering to ensure you had a proper grip on it.
"so how did you an' price meet? ah cannae imagine him dancing on ye at a club" your boyfriend barked out a sharp laugh. you giggled at the image, deciding he would be reminiscent of an endearing if awkward dancing bear. at the melodic sound of your laugh you caught ghosts eyes, an unreadable stare. your ability of storytelling had the boys rapt, including john who never tired of hearing your view of events. you recounted that somehow your schedules matched up, and after he helped you in an awkward situation you began to talk whenever you saw each other. soap poked fun at his captain after learning that he had a habit of stumbling over his words when asking you anything important, like when he asked you for his own number. after you had finished your anecdote soap directed another question in your direction "wha's tha' captain like? bet he's ah lovesick puppy", guffaws rounded the table. more followed when you retorted "you'd be surprised, he's like a limpet some days".
slowly but surely you grew more comfortable in the conversation, bantering back and forth with soap and gaz, laughing when john interjects about some absolutely absurd guesses about him in your relationship. naturally they ask you about work, all three being pleasantly surprised finding out you don't work a boring office job. you explained that since being with john you can have a job you can enjoy, instead of burning out constantly just to live. gaz nodded in agreement, even though john had told you he had joined the army quite young. he commented "would've probably worked in my dads business if i hadn't joined the army". you hummed in response, filing that away for later analysation, noticing his slightly furrowed brows. soap piped up from the end of the table "ah cannae say ah enjoy gettin' shot at fer a livin, but-"
"tha's enough. remember wha i said" johns gravelly voice cut soap off. it was slightly raised, sending a small shock down your spine. he rarely raised his voice at you, let alone shout. it was strange seeing that authoritative side of him seep through, though some small part of you was interested. "sorry captain" soap quickly responded, "sorry love" he added. as gaz deftly redirected the conversation you quirked an eyebrow at john. "what did you say?" you quietly enquired, picking up your drink, condensation cool against your skin. you noticed john glancing away as he cleared his throat "you shouldn't know what.. what really 'appens when i'm gone." his large hand slides up your leg and down, a soothing action. whether its for you or himself is undecided.
warmth seeps from his hand to yours, adding to the slight flush you feel throughout your body. as you finish up your drink you push your chair back, lukewarm liquid sliding down your throat. "'m gonna go to the bathroom" you quietly mumble, hand on the table for support. you briefly wait for john to follow, used to him 'keeping an eye on you' whenever you went out for drinks. but before he can, gaz stands up. "i'll go with her sir, and get the next round in". price grunts in consideration, with a near empty pint in hand "love?". your eyes flick over to gaz, noticing the light being reflected in a small stud in his ear. "sure" you reply, grabbing your bag in case you needed to fix your makeup. placing his now empty glass on the table john grumbles "keep an eye on her".
gaz guided you over to the bathrooms, his large palm hovering over the small of your back. you could feel the heat radiating off him, an accidental brush feels burning hot even through your clothes. he wasn't as tall or broad as john, but that just made his proximity to you even more apparent, he was different than what you were used to. his physique was well above average, confirmed by the bulging bicep that pulled a chair out for you earlier. his lean torso was evident, even through his baggier top. something enticing radiated off gaz, drawing your attention to him when you first sat down. at the table you noticed his eyes upon you when you spoke, even if he wasn't replying. ever attentive not just to you, but to the rest of the task force. he caught what was said under someones breath, or what was said if someone was being talked over. reaching the door he muttered "i'll be right outside, no rush". entering the bathroom you feel rather giddy that everything is going so well. apparently soap shares the same sentiment.
the remaining three men at the table watched you walk away, john noticing the sway of your hips exaggerated by your tipsy state. ghost noted the details of your outfit, and thanked his mask when he realised his gaze had drifted further south than intended. soap was practically burning holes in to the back of gaz's head, annoyed he wasn't in his place. seems as though the 'competition' to know more about you hadn't ended yet. as soon as you were out of earshot soap turned to the table with a dramatic sigh. "lord 'ave mercy price, where did ye find her? yer one lucky man". ghosts body shook slightly with mirth at johnny's theatrics, yet agreed with him "he's right, captain". john sat in silence, a small smirk growing. hearing the bathroom door open, the table watched as you and gaz walked over to the bar.
he stood slightly behind you as he ordered the drinks. with interest, john watched as his sergeant lent down and whispered something in to his girls ear that made you giggle. the apples of your cheeks were dusted with warmth as you replied with an appreciative smile. unable to hear due to a particularly rowdy group of punters, gaz leant down, motioning for you to repeat yourself. resting a hand on his defined shoulder to balance yourself you did just that. johns eyes became incredibly focused once he saw his sergeant softly brushing your hair out of his face, whispy strands tickling him. pulling away gaz laughed heartily, your face lit up at garnering such a reaction.
soap was practically smoking, itching to talk to you more. ghost and john however, watched with interest, focus never wavering. the latter two shared a glance, something vaguein both their expressions. you and gaz both returned with two drinks each, placing them on the table. the group heard a snippet of your conversation "kyle that is absolutely not true". he laughed as you you turned around back to the bar to retrieve your drink. sitting back down with an oomph, gaz remarked "her sarcasm's worse than yours lt.", wide smile on his face. snatching up his drink soap snarkily said "on a first name basis are ye?". john had never seen someone drink a pint with so much attitude. gaz replied "what? you jealous mate?" with a shit eating grin on his face. before the squabble could continue ghost cut them off with a very pointed sigh.
as soap complained about gaz 'stealing of your attention' john watched you talk with a bartender. you lent lightly on the counter, back slightly arched as you sipped on your drink. with a comically soppy look on his face john reached for his cold pint. despite being nervous tonight you had found your place amongst his men. he couldn't be happier. you conversed with the bartender like she was an old friend, john had always admired your kindness and compassion. it was nice to be looked after, though he'd never admit it. his countenance hadn't been lost on his task force. here they were watching their captain look at his girl in a lovestruck daze, completely dead to the world. the boys would've laughed in shock if they weren't genuinely happy for him. it could be said that price more so than anyone deserved to be happy- oh and if they had the chance to be in johns position, all of them would totally look at you like that too. "i really am lucky to 'ave her" john mumbled to no one in particular, yet they all heard him.
returning to the table you pressed a small kiss on prices cheek, his beard scratching your face a little. a glossy, faintly red mark was left. "y' alrigh' doll?" you nodded in response, squeezing his hand under the table. sipping your drink you carried on with whatever point you had left the conversation at. soaps petty complaints continued, "s no fair he's taken all the credit fer us meetin' yeh, 'n now he's just takin' ya!". you let out a rather boisterous laugh "i promise you'll all get a go". as you turn to look at john after hearing his exasperated sigh you missed soaps wolfish grin towards gaz. you found the formers complaining highly amusing, and so did ghost apparently. he hadn't said much apart from a grunt in agreement and, well, disagreement. but when you poked fun at soap, saying that you "didn't know the army let five year olds be sergeants", that black mass in the corner added "five year olds wiv shit 'aircuts". unfortunately for soap you burst out laughing, insisting through a fit of giggles that you thought his mohawk was incredibly beautiful. much to johns disappointment it sent soap in to a tirade of defending his 'crowning glory'. ghost would be lying if he didn't feel an odd warm feeling flood his chest at producing such visceral reaction from you.
another hour or so passes by, conversation flowing from one topic to another. letting out a small grunt john slapped his thighs and stood up "m goin' out fer a smoke, wanna come for fresh air sweet'eart?". nodding, you slipped on your jacket "could you keep an eye on my bag please? i'll be back soon". pulling your chair in kyle replied "of course, i'll look after your drink too". smiling appreciatively you turned while john guided you out of the pub. as soon as your figures disappeared into the night soap exclaimed "steamin' jesus" and ran a hand down his face. gaz nodded in agreement while ghost stared at his drink.
the three men had met a good amount of women between them, all being some degree of beautiful. a fair amount had similar ease of banter and wit as you and some could rival you in intellect. a few even had the same interests as you. the men could recognise that, yet you seemed so different from any other woman. perhaps it was because you were with their captain, but this spark was apparent in relation to no one but you. they couldn't lie a finger on it yet but they had an inkling. your compassion and sincerity. any woman could be beautiful, alluring, funny, snarky or an airhead bimbo if they wanted to. but you were so unapologetically yourself, from the clothes you wore to how you carried yourself. in a life of secrets and covert operations it was refreshing to meet someone who took pride in being themselves no matter how people reacted. you were sincere, the task force could understand why john loved you for that.
it was even more enticing that you were kind to everyone, for example that young bartender dealing with a group of rowdy punters. you didn't have to be kind, but you were. one of the things price told them about you was your kindness, only elaborating to the point that some people used it against you so "they'd better not piss about and upset his doll". this aspect of you was evident as soon as you joined their table. you made sure to address everyone and listen to what they said, simply because you cared not because it was expected. they could easily see why john loved you, to such a far extent that a small part of them was jealous. jealous that the numerous bodies that woke up beside them in the morning were gone in an hour, no one in the kitchen to share breakfast with. dinner was the same unless they went out searching for someone. the home they returned to was empty, jealous that you weren't waiting for them. with that thought ghost broke the silence between them "m goin for a fag". he left soap and gaz with the same obscure look on their face.
the cold night air enveloped ghost as he stepped outside, a welcoming change from the stuffy pub. he spotted you leant against the wall, arms wrapped around yourself, as john stood next to you. he nodded for ghost to come over. as he rolled up his balaclava and lit his cigarette you averted your gaze. you understood he wouldn't do it unless he was comfortable, but you didn't want to push your luck. noticing this, ghosts husky voice said "s alrigh'". your eyes slightly widened and you nodded. fuck. simon wanted to make you feel at ease, even tried to soften his voice. he's always had the worst luck with women out of the task force- not that he was attempting to chat you up or anything. his rather disastrous train of thought was broken with price flicking the butt of his cigarette on the floor "m goin' back inside, y' joinin' me dove?". you shook your head, drawing you coat tighter "want my head to clear up a little more, i'll be in soon". he grunted in acknowledgement, pulling you in for a kiss, the taste of sour smoke still in his mouth. it was short and sweet, but simon noticed the way your eyes fluttered at johns hand on the nape of your neck. a sharp pang was felt in simons chest. it could be jealousy, but he was well acquainted with that feeling due to the bad hand he was dealt by the universe. this was different, and simon doesn't like change. john gave ghost a stern look before he returned inside, look after her.
you and ghost stood in silence, only interrupted by a passing car or the rustle of clothes when he took another drag of his cigarette. he glanced to you, expecting to see you awkwardly looking at him or the ground, instead you were gazing at the night sky. it was a dark velvet, remarkably clear with a small sprinkling of stars. a few moments passed before you softly said "the skys pretty tonight". poor simon didn't know what to say, you seem genuinely enraptured. before he gave you his usual reply of a grunt you spoke up again "john tells me about sky he sees when he's gone, said that sometimes theres more stars than sky". ghost had heard snatches of these sporadic phonecalls, always leaving to give his captain privacy. he noticed a difference in price after each one, relaxed brows and a straighter back with a lighter mood no matter the state of the mission. now simon knows it was you making that difference. whilst a plume of smoke left his scarred mouth he turned to face you. you did the same, meeting his eyes with a small smile. "price is lucky to 'ave ya'" he quietly admitted. he left out a thought that had been rolling inside his head since first hearing you speak i would be lucky to have you too.
your eyes sparkled, the first full sentence ghost had said to you was that of approval and praise. you knew he was a lonely man, the 141 was the only semblance of family he had, so his approval meant the world to you. you reached out and gently squeezed his forearm "thankyou ghost". he simply nodded, eyes fixed upon you as you returned inside. your touch was a surprise. ghost expected himself to recoil, yet he stood incredibly still. simon knew it was a simple touch- so why did his blood run incredibly warm under your hand? electricity jolted through his skin almost painfully, despite this he wanted to feel it again. wanted to have your attention, look at him with those pretty eyes and feel himself wilt under you. wanted you to touch him again. fuck. you were his captains girl. ghost shook his head violently, it would be comical if he didn't feel so guilty. flicking his cig to the ground with spite he stalked back inside.
the topic of conversation had turned to cooking. your nose wrinkled in disgust hearing some of the food at the mess hall, wondering what possessed people to make that. soap piped up "but ahve smelt prices lunch an' its bloody delicious, did ye make it?". a collective groan rounded the table as you described the last meal you made. traditional spaghetti bolognese with pasta you made yourself. "making the pasta was a little disastrous because someone can't follow instructions". you shuddered at the thought, who knew dough was so airborne? "aye so price don't listen to ye?" soap continued in a suggestive tone. you shook your head and replied "most of the time he takes orders well, but for some reason he assumed he could cook this better than me" your suggestive language and johns red face earned peals of laughter. gaz enquired "so, is it true sir?". ashamed, john mumbled "affirmative". in false shock you exclaimed "what? that you can cook better than me, or that you take orders well?". unfortunately johns protests couldn't be heard over the laughter. the image of the captain john price being bossed around by you was hilarious, probably saluting you before mopping the floors while you lounged on the sofa.
their thoughts wandered further, wondering if price took orders well in all aspects of your relationship. you seemed like a woman that knew exactly what she wanted from the man she loved, they liked that. before their thoughts got collectively dirtier john cut them off in an accusatory tone "i've caught these lot poking around my lunch more times than i can count, 'specialy after you gave me those brownies". you were particularly stressed that week, and baked a little too many. so you packed loads for john, instructing him to give some to his task force. for the rest of that week he was begged to bring in more despite his false admission there was none left.
back at the table gaz declared "your cookin' is the best i've had in a long time, any chance of getting some more?" he wiggled his eyebrows in a bad attempt to persuade you. you beamed at his praise and awful persuasion "i normally give john any leftovers from dinner the night before for lunch, but theres hardly any- he loves to eat". john nodded in agreement "don't want any of you greedy buggers takin' my food". soap had noticed the slightly light hair on his beard near his mouth months ago, he could already tell john loved to eat. soap downed the rest of his drink in an effort to get his brain to shut up. he almost felt bad having such depraved thoughts of his captain eating out his girl bent over the kitchen counter while he was sitting opposite them in the pub.
noticing that the tips of soaps ears were slightly pink, kyle asked you with that dazzling smile "so how would i- hypothetically- go about getting more food". catching on to what he meant you replied "well you would have to ask the hypothetical man if you were allowed over for dinner. the decision lies solely in his hypothetical hands", a drunken giggle escaping at the silliness. price grunted, weighing up the odds of letting his task force over for dinner. it wouldn't be the first time them coming to his house, but you hadn't lived there then. from the corner, ghosts voice rumbled across the table "i'd like to visit too". you looked in his direction, nodding your head in appreciation. john glanced to you and saw a large cheesy smile plastered across your face, which was replicated by both his sergeants. what has he done. you and his task force had really taking a liking to each other. "i'll think abou' it" he said with finality. you clapped your hands and gave him a big kiss on the cheek "i'll take it". a dopey smile spread across his face at the kiss.
conversation carried on for another half an hour before you let out a yawn. stretching and standing up john sighed "come on dolly its time to get you home, before you turn in to a pumpkin". as john quickly booked a cab you finished the rest of your drink. busying yourself with getting your coat on john said goodbye to his friends. even though it wasn't clear you think you heard "m so happy fer ye mate", "she's gorgeous, treat her well" and "m proud of ye". you'll live in your cloud of plausible deniability quite happily.
"ghost, ahve called ah cab fer us three. it'll be here soon" soap called out, alcohol making him forget his inside voice. kyle replied "m proud of you mate, last time you were barely upright". the melodic sound of your laughter filled their ears for the final time that night. addressing kyle first you pulled him in to a hug "it was so lovely to finally meet you kyle". his lean arm wrapped around your waist, hand resting on the fat of your hip, you felt his breath on your ear "it was nice to meet you darling". kyle pulled away just before soap slightly barged past him. he swept you up in to an enthusiastic hug, chests flush together. you giggled in to his neck before a loud cough from behind you prompted him to hold you at arms length. "nice meetin' ye bonnie, when are ye next free?" before you could reply you felt a familiar arm corded with muscle hold you by the waist and pull you away. johns voice rumbled against your back as he said "mactavish you will know when we are free, if tha's alrigh' with the little lady". you nodded in agreement and replied "i'd like to see you all again, if thats okay with all of you?". the last part of your sentence was said in a mild manner.
for just a second the 141 saw a glimpse in to your second-guessing, price had told them to be extra nice to his birdie. before the sergeants could reassure you with grandeur, ghost resolutely said "of course". you beamed at all of them, teeth glinting and cheeks round, the widest and truest smile you'd worn all night. simon felt his heart swell slightly with pride, he did that. "cabs nearly here, you ready?" you nodded and waved a final time, john continued "good catchin' up with ya, see you horrible lot monday". the sergeants gave a very disorganised salute while ghost nodded his head.
stepping in to the night, a slight drizzle had started. despite that you abruptly stopped and pulled john in, cutting of his question with a kiss. you pressed your lips to his slightly harder and sloppier than you wanted in your drunk state, but john didn't seem to mind. his warm mouth opened more, bitter taste of beer on his tongue and slight scratch of his bed earning a soft moan from you. in return he gripped the fat of your hip pulling you impossibly closer, chests flush. at the whistles of onlookers you both pulled away, your eyes twinkled in the stars as a feeling of pure content filled both your bodies, "i'm so happy john". you both clumsily climbed in to cab that had pulled up beside you. your eyes were fixed upon the passing scenery outside the window and johns eyes were fixed on you. the reflection of streetlights on the droplets of the window looked like glitter, the perfect backdrop to the perfect view. sighing contently john replied "i'm 'appy too, doll".
in the other cab the rest of the 141 weren't happy, they were ecstatic. the mystery of their captains girl had finally been solved, the theories developed over their 'detective' period had been proven true or false. even ghost had joined in with the sergeants vigorous discussion about you, all singing your praises. although they had 'solved' the mystery, the new information had presented them with a new set of questions, a want to know more about yours and prices relationship. whilst discussing these questions passionately there was a thought none of them would vocalise, they wanted more of you. to spend more time around you, learn more about your likes and dislikes, get the recipe for your cooking and replicate it at home. they wanted to listen to your music and know about the memories related to each song. greedy hands grabbing at pictures of your latest holiday or your final day at school. they wanted more more more. they knew they were a bunch of greedy bastards, but john had let them at something so kind, so different, so sacred to any other woman they had met.
they knew this wasn't a normal reaction to meeting your superiors girlfriend. but years in the military caused disconnect between them and the world they couldn't quite explain. they know their eagerness is odd and unusual, but how else did price expect them to react. he had noticed the looks his task force had given each other, that had flew right over your head. not looks of malice, but something obscure and vague. like being drawn down a path despite not knowing where you may end up.
none of them knew that today had changed something within all of them, it just wasn't apparent. yet.
heloooo long awaited sequel, thankyou so much for being patient and thankyou even more for reading :)) i appreciate every single person who likes, comments, reblogs and follows!! any interaction is greatly appreciated <3
these big dumb stupid men living in my head have gotten me through my breakup. ive been feeling really bummed out so thankyou for being patient while i write this
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cottonlemonade · 5 months ago
Just Down The Street
word count: 1050 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Ushijima x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: spoilers
request: watching Goosebumps with caramel popcorn, dressed as a pirate || fluffy, going trick or treating with crush Ushijima
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Being a cool aunt came with a whole lot of responsibilities. Most of it was the usual of showing up at school plays in outfits that would put any opera-goer to shame, covertly slipping the kids extra pocket money, or rolling up in your freshly polished convertible to pick them up from soccer practice when their parents were busy. But around the holidays more tasks emerged, like taking your niece and nephew trick or treating while their parents were stuck at a work function.
The boy was dressed as Pikachu and his older sister wore the black dress and blank expression of Wednesday Addams. You joined your niece as Morticia, with a long black evening gown that clung tightly to your curves and your corgi by your side dressed as a fish befitting his name.
Originally, you would have left your dog at home to enjoy some peace and quiet after the long hours of playing with the kids but even though you loved him dearly, you didn't trust that sly weasel with an empty home filled with decorations and possibly easily reachable chocolates stashed by not so innocent children's hands.
It was late afternoon and typical for Halloween the sun had already gone down. The first groups of children and chaperones wandered along the sidewalks next to the neatly trimmed lawns of your neighborhood. The street was mostly inhabited by lawyers and doctors and architects, in short, plenty of potential prospects to make your mother ask during every phone call if there was someone on the horizon for you. Usually, you ignored that question, opting instead to silently ponder about the man living in house number 15 with the gorgeous Japanese pine out front and a large pool in the back. You had seen him around the grocery store every so often, inspecting the fresh shiny produce or loading up on a new sack of rice that he effortlessly lifted into the cart. A few times before, he had helped you get something off a high shelf with a polite nod and once at a coffee shop he had paid for your new drink because you dropped the first one just outside the door. And maybe, once or twice, you had stood by your kitchen window, absently nibbling on an apple, waiting for him to run past your home on his morning jog.
When you had seen him on TV during the Olympics this year you had let out a short yelp that had Fish look at you in concern.
The unmovable and kind Olympian neighbor quickly became your crush and you racked your brain trying to think of ways to ask him out.
“Okay munchkins, be cool.”, you told the kids as you headed up the short walkway to number 15’s front door.
They both nodded and your niece rang the bell.
A few moments later the Ushijima Wakatoshi opened, dressed comfortably in dark sweatpants and a gray shirt, holding up a large bowl of what seemed to be expensive French pralines.
“Trick or-“, but before the kids managed to get all the way through the short phrase, Fish spotted a black Shiba Inu strutting down the corridor behind his owner and tugged his leash out of your niece’s hand. In an admirable attempt to catch your dog, your nephew ran after him into Ushijima’s pristine home, and your niece right behind him to get both of them back outside. You and Ushijima just gaped after the chaotic procession racing left into the living room, back out into the corridor, and then right into the kitchen.
Quietly to himself Ushijima had hoped you would stop by today. He had seen you around the neighborhood with the two children plenty of times and although the sight had filled him with a numb lump of disappointment at first, it quickly disappeared once he overheard them calling you their aunt. He asked Tendou to send him some chocolates just in case you’d ring his bell and had kept them in a separate bowl by the door.
He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander for a moment over your tightly fitted dress before calling his dog. The little shadow raced around the corner, tiny paws making scratching sounds on the wooden floor and came to a halt in front of him. Fish’s turn wasn't as graceful. He slipped into the adjacent room before trotting back out, niece and nephew on his tail.
“Sorry.”, both kids bowed as they passed Ushijima Meanwhile, Fish made one last attempt to get the Shiba Inu to play but one stern mention of his name and he hopped over the threshold to be by your side again.
“I am so sorry.”, you also said, bowing as deeply as you could without the dress becoming a distracting issue.
Ushijima smiled and shook his head, dividing the pralines equally among the children whose eyes grew big as saucers at the bounty.
“No need to apologize.”, he said calmly.
With a nervous laugh, you turned the end of Fish's lead in your hands. “This would be so much easier if I had an extra arm. You know, one for each kid and one for the dog.”
“Oh, alright.”, Ushijima took a jacket from a hook and slipped into a pair of sneakers.
“What are you doing?”
“You said you need an extra hand.” And as if to drive his point across he raised both of his.
You blushed. You really didn't want him to think that you were guilt-tripping him into helping out. “This is not necess-”
“I was just about to take him for a walk anyway.”, Ushijima nodded to the well behaved pup still sitting at his feet, then looked back at you, “If you wouldn’t mind some company…?” He let the question hang in the air for a bit, wondering if the “subtle insinuation”-approach Tendou had taught him was not too vague.
“Oh!”, you said, “No, not at all! The more the merrier.”
Followed by his dog he stepped outside into the crisp fall air.
“Who are you dressed as?”, your nephew asked, frowning up at your neighbor about his non-existent costume.
The man was perplexed and halted as he fixed the collar of his jacket, then said, “Ushijima Wakatoshi. - Nice to make your acquaintance.”
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art: @Sally_Chang_ on Twitter
a/n: request for @rosetakemi - Thank you so much for your request and the congratulations and your kind words ^^ I hope you enjoyed it! 🌟
for requests see here
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aroooheartzzz · 2 months ago
Wednesday x GP! fem! reader where Wednesday teases the reader and edging and denying her until she cums in her mouth or either her hand.
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It probably had been hours since Wednesday had
Tied you up onto her bed your cock was hard while the tip blushed red, your face was Felt hot while
Wednesdays Smirked down at you her black dark eyes locking with yours
Wednesdays hand wraps around your cock pumping
and gripping it, your hips bucked up with utter need/ want.
Your balls feeling heavy your forehead was sweaty.
“Look at you so pathetic begging me to Let you Release” Wednesdays Had pumped faster her thumb
circling over your tip causing you to let out a small groan.
Pre-cum leaked from the tip, Wednesday’s Mouth hovered over your tip her Tongue now fondling with it.
“Fuck! Please Wednesday let me cum please I’ve been good for you” Wednesday’s wet Tongue Flicked
Now at your balls while Pumping your Cock quickly she sucked nibbled at them.
“So fucking pathetic, beg for me to let you cum”
Wednesday watches your eyes shut close her hand still pumping you even faster now, she knew how
close you were to cumming and you’ve been begging non stop.
“Fuck Fuck! I’m gonna cum shit!” You came harder
then you attended it all landed into Wednesdays palm and some on your stomach.
“You did so good, now don’t think we’re finished”
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chrissvalentine · 6 months ago
✧˖*° ࿐ on cam. ⋆· ˚ ༘ *
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read part two & part three
pairing: enemy!chris sturniolo x reader
summary: reader & matt are fwb, and chris seems a little jealous
warnings: SMUTTTT, dom!chris, oral, unprotected, roughhh, degrading names (slut, etc.), slapping, use of ma/baby, camera/recording, praise kink, choking if you squint, arguing
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you and chris had known eachother since you were kids, just like you had with the two other triplets. so matt and nick were confused when you two had suddenly become distant and rude towards each other in car videos.
so, they decided you and chris needed some alone time to work out whatever conflict had been going to between the two of you. so, they set you two down on their living room couch, and told you both exactly that. after that, they had left you two alone, and went to the store to get some things for tomorrows wednesday video.
the second nick and matt stepped out of the door, you shot up from the couch to leave this situation as soon as possible.
you're quickly stopped by chris grabbing your arm, and pulling you back down onto the couch.
he looks at you like he wasn't the one who ruined your friendship.
the truth was, you and chris had something going on a few years back. but you cut it off, and went back to being friends. for awhile, you had no idea why he had started being such a jerk to you in recent months. but eventually you pieced together a suspicion that it could be about what's going on between you and matt.
you and matt hadn't had anything truly serious going on. just flirting, and occasional making out, but chris didn’t know that.
but apparently that hadn't stopped chris from being jealous, because he speaks in a playful tone, "i know what's going on between you and my brother."
you look at him confidently, and respond confidently as well. "okay.. do you want a cookie?"
chris rolls his eyes at you and inches closer to you on the couch. he grips your wrist tighter, which causes you to whimper softly in response.
chris isn't saying anything, so you decide to speak up again, "i don't understand why your upset with me chris, i thought you would be over us by now."
chris responds swiftly, like he had already had this conversation in his head before it happened. "i am over us, but i'm not over us if your with my brother."
you look at him confused, you understand that he could be jealous, but that's not like him. he could literally get any girl he wanted. "chris, what? are you seriously jealo-"
he cuts you off by slamming your faces together, his hand that was gripped tightly on your arm suddenly moves to your waist.
he pulls you closer to him, almost onto his lap as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. you allow him entrance as your mouth opens and a soft whimper falls out.
his grip on your hips tightens as the kiss deepens. chris can't help himself, the desire to make you his becoming stronger with each second.
you pull away from the kiss for a slight moment, just long enough for him to pull you fully onto his lap, his forehead resting against yours as you try to catch your breath.
he glances at your swollen lips, and gently traces his thumb over them.
"you have no idea what you do to me." he says, before starting to move his hips around to create friction, just where you want it.
"i've been trying so hard to stay away from you," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your neck as he speaks.
“but you just can’t help yourself, huh? went and got with my brother like the slut you are.”
he places soft kisses along your neck, his teeth lightly nibbling at your skin. his hands begin to roam all over your body, exploring every inch of you as if he's trying to memorize every curve and detail.
his kisses become more intense, his tongue swirling against your skin as his hands grab your hips, and slowly grind you against him.
"chris. fuck," you mumble into the kiss.
he suddenly breaks the kiss, his breathing ragged as he looks at you, his eyes dark with desire. he runs his fingers through his hair as he tries to regain his composure.
he tugs at your shirt, motioning for you to take it off. you oblige as he reaches for something behind the couch. his hands searching for something specific, and finally grasping it.
chris pulls out a camera.
his eyes linger on you as you take off your shirt, biting his lip softly as he watches the reveal of your skin.
"your so beautiful," he whispers before motioning for you to take your shorts off. you comply, as he swiftly pulls off his shirt and sweatpants.
you cover your body with your arms, just for chris to take them off so he can see your body. "ma, let me see you." he mumbles.
chris then takes out the camera, and starts recording as he slowly takes off your bra.
he pans the camera down to your bare tits, "fuck, baby" he mumbled as you breathed deeply, unable to move as he moves the camera down to your lap.
"now your panties," he requests.
"but- your filiming. i-" you stuttered.
"so? strip." he interrupted
again, you do as he says. you slowly take off your panties as he spins you around for the camera. you couldn't help but notice how much his demanding tone turned you on. you maintained eye contact with him as you discarded your panties on the floor.
"so sexy, ma" he praised
chris discarded his boxers as he gave the camera a better view of your exposed body.
"shit," he groaned as he inched closer towards you.
you slowly turned around, to hopefully give him and the camera a better view. he snickered before running his hands past your tits, and up to your neck.
"you gonna let your little 'boyfriends" brother fuck you, slut?" he whispered while gently squeezing his hand around your neck.
his actions caused you to whimper, as he brought his free hand down sharply against your skin. his hand then slides down past your waist, pulling you even tighter against him.
"chris, please." you whisper, your voice strained with effort.
"what? use your words ma," he teased, clearly knowing what you wanted, but wanting to hear you say it.
"chris please fuck me," you plead desperately, needing him inside you.
chris chuckled, letting go of you and pushing you onto the couch. he pumped himself with his free hand before lining himself up with your pussy. his tip teased you as you looked back at the camera with a grin.
as you focus on the camera, he snickered again just before shoving himself quickly into your pussy. he smiled as he noticed he captured your face in that moment on camera.
"chris," you cried out, as he slapped your ass again.
"can't take my dick slut? i know you can." he huffed
at his sudden actions, you feel your walls clench as you adjust to his size. before you could make any more noise, chris brings his free hand to your face, and shoves two of his fingers into your mouth.
"you're taking me so well baby." he dryly praised as he adds another finger into your mouth.
chris continues slamming in and out of you as you suck on his fingers. your whimpers become louder and louder with each thrust. this whole time, he's making sure the camera gets a perfect view of everything happening.
"who fucks you better?" he suddenly groaned.
"what..? fuck," you replied confused.
"who fucks you better, slut? me or my brother,"
"you.. fuck, you fuck me better chris," you panted.
chris smirked at your response. as you feel your orgasm approaching, your walls begin to clench around chris' dick. looking back at him for approval, he grants it while chasing his own.
"that's it. fuck, come for me baby." he groaned as you felt your orgasm reach its highest point.
"get on your knees baby," chris ordered. you followed and settled down on your knees as you looked up at him, still holding the camera.
"open your mouth," he demanded as he ran his free hand through your hair before using it to pump himself, before entering your mouth. you took him all the way to the back of your throat, with his free hand gripped against the back of your head.
"fuck, that's it.. i'm close," he whimpered as he began to thrust into your wet mouth. your eyes formed tears as he released down your throat.
he slowly pulled out of your mouth, holding your jaw with his free hand. showing the camera the mess he had made.
he saved the video as you panted, trying to catch your breath.
"chris! what if someone sees that??" you whispered, embarrassed.
"that's the point sweetheart." he snickered as he put the camera down.
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a/n: 😬😬 how do we feel… first time writing smut..
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magics-neptunes-things · 1 year ago
Open your eyes
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Hi guys!
A new one, you can find the ask in here, from the prompt here :) For this one it's the number 2 and 9.
Alexia I miss you :(
Enjoy ♥
Alexia. You’ve known her since you were a little girl. You met her when the ball she was playing with ended up in your backyard and she came looking for it, half hidden behind her father. Yours gave it back to them and the first look you exchanged with her was separated by the two pairs of legs of your fathers.
Over the years you have developed a flawless friendship, even if the life paths you have chosen are different. Alexia is a world-famous footballer, and you decided to follow your dream to become a photographer. You studied for that and you work for an agency that offers you mandates that allow you to live in a very comfortable way. And over time you have made your own customers who don't hesitate to contact you directly. Not to mention that, thanks to Alexia’s influence, the Barcelona football club calls you whenever they need official photos.
You have been present for Alexia during her career, attending her ups and downs. You were there during her various operations and Alexia convinced you to agree to participate in the report made on her, "Labor Omnia Vincit". You even gave an interview, some of which was broadcast on that occasion. The title "Childhood Friend and Photographer" made you laugh, because Alexia is much more than that to you.
The truth is, you’re completely in love with her.
You couldn't say how long, but in your opinion always even if you didn't understand the signs right away in your teenage naivety. Lost in your sexuality, you first tried to date boys, before turning to girls. Alexia never showed any signs of attraction to you, so you desperately tried to stifle your feelings for her in other people’s arms when Alexia was cooing with someone else.
It never worked out.
In fact, you’ve been single for about four years now and you’re resigned to ending up an old maid in your apartment with your two cats.
You had the misfortune to confide in Mapi about your feelings during an evening a little too alcoholic in which Alexia didn't participate, And since, she reminds you regularly that you should do something to get out of this situation. Alexia never being very clear about it, the tattooed doesn't really know what are the feelings of the blonde for you. But she told you that anyway, if Alexia has romantic feelings for you, seeing you with someone after so many years could make her react.
You don’t believe it for a second, it never has before so you don’t see why it would change today.
"You have to do something Y/N, it’s no longer possible" sighs Mapi.
She’s been watching you nibble the black straw of your cocktail for longs minutes, looking gloomy. Alexia has obviously caught the eye of a girl tonight, with whom she has been talking for quite a while.
"What?" You mutter mechanically in return, not listening to her at all, without leaving Alexia’s eyes.
"I feel like I’m having a drink with Wednesday from the Adams Family" complains Mapi
"Let me guess, I should "Try another girls"? "
You use your fingers to mimic quotes, making Mapi’s rolls eyes.
"Clearly. I can feel your tension from here, you need to get laid."
"Oh fuck off Maria" you sigh as you let yourself go against the backrest of your chair. "Just go with your girlfriend and leave me alone"
You finally turned your eyes away from your best friend, but that’s only because she started looking at you. I’d rather swallow your straw right away than be caught looking at her.
After raising her middle finger in your direction, Mapi actually decides to join Ingrid on the dance floor. This doesn't prevent her from fondly tapping on your shoulder when she gets up.
You sigh and decide it’s time to go home. Alexia is no longer where she was and you’re not sure your nerves will stand to see her exchanging kisses with someone else. But when you get up, you are suddenly face with young woman who looks at you with a hesitant look.
"Hi" said the young woman timidly with an uncertain air.
Her timid smiles is strange, but you let her explain the reason of her sudden presence next to you.
"Um… it’s probably a little weird, but your friend over there told me you haven’t stopped looking at me all night, and you're like kind of cute so…"
You follow the direction she shows you with her head, but you figured it out before your eyes fell on Mapi. The spaniard addresses you a big smile and a sign of the hand, then a wink too exaggerated. You hold back a sigh and turn your attention to the young woman in front of you. Blonde, with some tattoos, taller than you and green eyes. You weren’t looking at her, but you see very well what Mapi wanted to do. She is unbearable.
"Were you going to go home?" continues the blonde, looking at your purse in your hand and your jacket on your shoulders.
"Um… I was, to be really honest with you"
"Would you mind staying while I offer you at least one drink? Not for long, I swear."
You hesitate for a split second, looking at her thoughtfully. She looks nice and deep down she's not responsible of you being desperately in love with your best friend. You briefly bite the inside of your lip before deciding to accept.
After taking your order, Erika (who just told you her name) hurries to the bar. You sit back at the table, waiting for her return and you thank her with a big smile when she's back. You realize with a certain surprise that you actually get along pretty well. Erika has an easy conversation and you catch yourself laughing at what she tells you. If you don’t notice Alexia watching you from the bar where she’s leaning, Mapi doesn’t miss that little detail. Despite Ingrid who asks her to take care of her affairs.
You’ve been talking to Erika for 30 minutes when Alexia comes to sit beside you, putting her hand on your shoulder when she sits next to you.
"Oh hi. I wondered where you’ve been" you smile at her
"At the bar" mumble Alexia.
"Hum, okay" you answer before turning to Erika. "Ale, this is Erika. Erika, this is..."
"Alexia Putellas. I know" Erika smiles in a friendly way before reaching out to Alexia.
Alexia grabs her hand and smiles, but that’s not the kind of smile you like about Alexia. It’s the same kind of smile as when she forces herself on photos, not those that make her eyes shine. You wish you could question her, but you don’t see yourself doing it when Erika is with you.
"Do you want another drink?" Erika offers, putting her hand on yours.
You accept with a smile and she smiles back before getting up from her chair to go to the bar.
"Is everything okay?" You take the opportunity to ask Alexia.
"Why wouldn’t I be okay?"
The answer surprises you, you didn't expect a question back to yours, to be completely honest. Her gaze plunges into yours and you have the impression that it pierces you. You have well understood that something bothers her and as you are about to ask her if it's in relation to the girl with whom she was talking, Mapi lets herself fall loudly in a chair beside you.
"Well then? Where’s your pretty blonde, Y/N?"
"She went back to get us a drink. Besides, wait until I take care of your case" you add pointing an accusing finger at her.
"Oh, no need to thank me, it’s all natural" grins Mapi.
"I hate you" you mumble
"Besides, if I were you, I would join her rather than let her come back to the three of us. Kind of weird to find herself with your two friends."
You also don’t see the annoyed look Alexia gives her, but you’re not sure it’s a good idea. But Mapi doesn’t give you much choice again, forcing you to get up from your chair and push you in her direction. You end up going there and Mapi doesn't wait a single second to turn in Alexia's direction.
"What was that?"
"What?" Alexia groans.
"Your behavior Ale. You were in a good mood until Y/N started talking to Erika"
Alexia answers nothing, shrugging her shoulders before crossing her arms over her chest. Now she's the one looking gloomy.
"Wait, where did she go?"
Alexia’s frenetic gaze travels through the room without being able to find you, which annoys her as much as it worries her. While she's about to get up from her chair to go looking for you, Mapi puts a hand on her arm to prevent her from doing so.
"You don’t know who this girl is and you’re pushing her in her arms," Alexia abruptly says. "She’s probably not good enough for her, since when do we meet great people in nightclubs? Y/N need someone who bought her flower, take her on romantic dates and who will take care of her. That's not the kind of person you met in here."
Mapi remains silent, for so long that Alexia ends up ripping her eyes from the room to report it on the tattooed girl. Who looks at her with a perplexed look.
"I can’t tell if you’re lying to me or if you’re lying to yourself"
Although Alexia’s jaw is tight, Mapi sees her move distinctly when she looks for the right words to respond.
"I don’t know what you mean"
Mapi snorts at such bad faith, gently shaking her head. Since the captain decided to be stubborn, Mapi decides to talk the facts.
"You’re in love with her, Alexia"
Mapi’s tone is accusatory but Alexia answers nothing to it, her gaze stubbornly fixed somewhere in the room and her arms still crossed.
"Why are you reacting like this? Why is this a problem, Ale?"
"She’s my best friend, Maria. She’s known me since we were six"
"Yes, and what?"
"She’ll never look at me that way. I don’t know when my feelings have changed, but I can’t tell her."
"But why not?" Mapi almost shout
"Forget it" Alexia warns.
Mapi rolls her eyes and decides to let it go for the moment, plunging the two friends into a silence for several minutes. If Alexia remains silent, always looking for you everywhere in the establishment, so Mapi takes the opportunity to check that no one tries to approach Ingrid.
You end up coming back about thirty minutes after Alexia lost sight of you. You’re alone, but she doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or not. At any moment you'll tell them you’re going to leave with Erika.
"Where were you?" asks dryly Alexia, looking at you
"Um… in the bathroom?"
"What? With Erika?" Mapi smirks, almost jumping in her chair. "Did you sleep with her?"
"In the bathroom of a bar?"
You bow an eyebrow with a grimace and the shadow of a smile is born on Alexia’s face, despite her arms still crossed on her chest. Mapi shrugs her shoulders with an innocent face and you don’t want to know what kind of things she made in nightclub's bathroom.
"Where is she then?" insists Mapi
"She’s gone home" you shrug
"Without you? Do you even have her number? Did she kiss you at least?"
You blush and it's finally Alexia who puts an end to your ordeal. You are grateful to her, even if you don't know that it's also to put an end to hers that the Catalan decides to intervene.
"Mapi, stop. Now. I’ll go home too, I’ll take you home, Y/N?"
"With pleasure" you smile affectionately at her.
You get your jacket and purse back for good this time and say goodbye to the other girls before following Alexia to the exit.
You smile when you feel her put a hand between your shoulder blades to guide you to her car, even if you know perfectly where it's parked since you arrived together. It's in silence that you sit in her car and Alexia starts it.
"You didn’t answer Mapi’s question earlier"
Alexia’s observation makes you turn your head in her direction, whereas you were lost in the contemplation of the buildings of Barcelona by night.
"And you blushed. You kissed her?"
You sigh softly before shaking your head negatively. You’re not sure that talking to Alexia is the right thing to do, since it’s exactly because of her that things didn’t go further with Erika. When she tried to kiss you, you panicked and left.
"No" you end up answering, looking out the window with a new found passion.
You miss the relief that passes on Alexia’s face when she hear your answer. She doesn’t need to know why, just to know that nothing happened is enough for her. So it's with a little more joy that she brings you home and with a real smile that she accepts when you offer her to sleep at your home again that night.
"What about you? You didn't tell me what happened with your beautiful stranger" you point out once installed on your sofa with a bottle of water in hand and a shit telenovela on TV.
"Because there is nothing to tell. We just talked"
You just hums, leaning your head against her shoulder. You sigh with happiness when she puts her arm around your waist and you don't hesitate to cuddle up against her. If you have to keep your feelings quiet, at least you have the chance to find some physical comfort from her.
"So it wasn't because of her you were upset?"
You feel Alexia lean slightly against you and you cross her eyes when you raise your head to be able to look at her. There is something special in her eyes and you can't say what it is. It's a first in your life, you like to say that you're one of the people who knows Alexia the best.
"No" answer simply Alexia at first. "I just... I don't know. It was weird seeing you with another girl again"
You shrug, not realizing what she really mean. You are too used to silence your feelings and it has been many years since you have well integrated that Alexia sees you only as a friend.
"I’m not sure I’ll see her again anyway"
"Good. She’s probably not good enough for you"
You answer with a simple shrug again, putting your head back on her shoulder. You don’t realize that Alexia is frying her brain, trying to extricate herself from the conversation you’re in. Seeing you with someone else made her realize that it was time she tried something before it was too late. But she doesn’t know how to make you understand things without being too shocking or surprising for you.
"Maybe I should try Tinder or something" you mumble.
"Don't be stupid. You're better than that"
Alexia’s answer is dry, but you don't even react, imagining that it's only the disgust that this kind of application gives her that speaks. And not the idea of imagining you in the arms of someone else who annoys her prodigiously.
"I don’t have many other solutions left" you point out to her when you stand up to put your bottle of water on the table.
"Maybe you should just… open your eyes?"
"What do you mean, open my eyes?" you ask while arching an eyebrow.
Suddenly, Alexia decides that she's tired of this conversation that goes around again and again. That seems to lead you nowhere. She doesn't want to rush you but gently make you realize the reality of her feelings for you. But she feels like you will never understand.
So, she takes advantage of the fact that you are sitting and no longer lying against her to catch the necklace that she offered you for your birthday, using her index finger to attract you against her. Without you really understanding how, her lips are against yours and the way you feel is even better than you’ve ever imagined.
Alexia’s lips are soft, as you dreamed about it. They taste like her lip balm and not alcohol since she has not consumed it all evening. You briefly wonder if yours tastes like mojito, before this question evaporates when you feel her tongue caressing your lower lip.
From there, the kiss becomes a little more intense and you forget everything else. You’re not even sure you can identify yourself if you’ve been ask when the kiss stop so you can both breath again. You keep your eyes closed for a few seconds, to soak up as much as possible of this moment and not forget the slightest detail.
When you open your eyes, Alexia’s eyes are looking at you with a multitude of emotions. She seems to be as breathless as you. Which is probably a good news, thus testifying that you aren't the only one to be under the blow of this kiss. Moreover you don't fight yourself for long before you let your desire to start again. So you bend in her direction for a new kiss.
Alexia answers it, but takes off from you too fast for your taste. You hear her giggle softly when you whine and your lips chase hers, but you step back when you feel her hand resting on your stomach to stop you. Frowning, you look at her wondering what is more important than enjoying these new sensations.
"I just… before I go on… I mean… it’s not just like that, right? Does it mean anything to you too?" ramble Alexia.
"Of course you do" you smile softly at the blonde’s hesitation "You always meant the world to me, Ale."
"Perfect" smiled Alexia before leaning over you for a new kiss. "Now we can kiss again."
And you do. This one won’t be interrupted by thoughts of one or the other. After all, you’ll have plenty of time to discuss all this tomorrow.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 4 months ago
Ren: Oh, this is cooked. There we go, the furnace is on everybody, begin sweatification. Martyn and Sausage: Ohhh. Martyn: Time to sweat it out. Sausage: Let's get a little closer so we can really sweat. Ren: Let's get a bit closer. Martyn: Well, you don't need to get that clo--(at the same time as Ren) it's a huge, human sized sauna! Ren: (at the same time as Martyn) Not too close though--! Martyn: Why are we getting close?! Sausage: To get even more sweaty! Ren: Ratman, I thought tails were not supposed to sweat. But yours is sweating quite profusely, sir. Martyn: W-we're not freezing, we're not huddling for warmth, get away from me. Sausage: (completely ignoring Martyn) The thing is, my-my tail sweats really easily, okay, cause I shave it, y'know, I trim. Ren: You shave your tail? Sausage: Yeah! Martyn: Ughhhh, bald tail, what's that about? Ren: Well, that's. Sausage: It's good for the aerodynamics, it's also good for when I strangle people with it. Ren: That's very curious indeed, Ratman. I've never met a rat who shaves his tail before. Sausage: Yeah, I trim it, every Wednesday. Ren: Very strange. Martyn: (thoughtfully) I mean my tail's not like hairy hairy, but like. I don't think I'd ever shave it. Sausage: Listen, you have no idea how it feels when it's all smooth like that. (Ren laughs) Martyn: I mean, I guess can't knock it until I try it. (at the same time as Sausage) What if I'm-- Sausage: (at the same time as Martyn) Yeah you want me to shave your tail this afternoon? Martyn: Yeah, lets find some shears upstairs, I'm sure we can do that. Sausage: No, I can use my teeth, you don't need it. Martyn: (with a sense of urgency) Nope! Nah, I'm good. Shears will be fine. Sausage: I've got the sharpest teeth in Paris! You don't know, I can, I can num-num-num--(sounds like an engine starting up) I'll nibble it all off! Martyn: (like he's full of fear) God.
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gbukkii · 6 months ago
A/N: had this idea while eating a big fat fucking burrito and two packs of gushers big and horny, pls enjoy :).
synopsis: you're crazy horny during ovulation, after a week of being sexually frustrated you finally did something about it.
tags: y/n is a squirter, creampie?, dick sucking, face riding, ovulation, missionary?
eat me ! ; eren yeager
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May God forgive you.
You thought to yourself as you cuddled with your boyfriend. His big hand rubbed up and down on your thick thigh, heightening the feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
You couldn't focus on the movie playing in front of you, the feeling in your underwear was too severe.
You are no better than a man.
Ovulation week for you was hell, especially when your boyfriend was six feet and tatted up.
This whole week was filled with you touching yourself to ease the tension between your legs, but it obviously didn't work.
Eren is a busy man, who is always working hard. This left you home alone most of the time when you didn't attend your college classes.
When you first woke up this week you immediately pressed a vibrator on your clit, and you made yourself squirt thinking about the way Eren touches you.
The next day you used the showerhead when you got back home from your lecture, making your legs shake thinking about the way Eren coaxes orgasms out of you.
When Eren got home that day, there was no hot water, which made him grumpy in a cold shower.
Wednesday was the worst. The big dildo that you slid in and out of your wet pussy wasn't satisfying you the way Eren would.
You tried desperately throughout the whole week to ease the tension between your thighs, and it didn't work. Now you're here squirming at the mere sight of your boyfriend.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, noticing the way you were squirming uncomfortably beneath his touch. His deep voice snapped you out of your trance.
You didn't even realize you were zoned out, thinking about all the nasty things you wanted him to do.
"Hm?" You softly hummed, looking at Eren with your pretty eyes. He looked down at you with a tiny smile.
"You okay? You zoned out there for a bit." He said, bringing up the hand that was rubbing on your thigh up to your face, he gently caressed your cheek.
"Yeah, I'm just a little sleepy." You told him, you stared into his green orbs. You intently stared at his face, admiring every single feature he had.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked with a tiny smirk. This question made you blush and quickly look away.
"Looking at you like what?" You mumbled, staring at the television now. You then felt Erens hand grab your chin. He made you look at him again.
"Like you wanna eat me." After he said that, you looked at him and then down his luscious lips. You quickly kissed him, and he kissed you back. He was surprised at your eagerness.
You were moaning into his mouth, the sloppy kiss making you wetter than you were before.
Eren pulled you onto his lap, and he groaned feeling you grinding yourself onto his erection.
You pulled away from the kiss, "I needed you so bad this week." You softly told him before he grabbed your neck, leaving marks all over you.
You softly moaned at his touch, you were always so sensitive. He smiled while kissing your skin.
"You sound so good, baby." He said, pulling himself away from your neck. He used both of his hands to remove the hoodie you were wearing.
"No bra?" He teased you. He looked at your perky titties before sucking on them.
He nibbled on your sensitive nipples, using his tongue and teeth to provoke more noises out of you.
You were squirming on top of him as he continued to alternate between both of your breasts.
He held you firmly as you moved around on his clothed dick. "Stop moving." He mumbled as he continued to show love to your chest.
"I need you, please." You said you sounded pathetic. Since Eren was so busy, you missed him and his big dick.
"Then show me how much you need me, baby." He said, removing his hands from your waist and putting them behind his head with a smirk.
You moved down between his legs, tugging at the fabric of his sweatpants. You pulled them down with ease revealing his American Eagle boxers. You could see the outline of his thick member.
You wasted no time pulling his boxers down and putting his pretty cock in your mouth.
Eren looked down at you as your plump lips were wrapped around his shaft. He lets out a groan, rutting his hips up into your mouth as you continue to suck his dick.
His dick was so big, every time he moved his hips the tip of his dick hit the back of your throat.
Sucking his dick was making you teary-eyed, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he mumbled nonsense.
"Mmm, you're so good at this. Such a slut for me huh?" He said as he continued to move his hips up.
You were sucking his dick so soppily, spit was running down onto his hips and dripping down onto the leather material of the couch.
Eren was close to cumming, his groans becoming more frequent. He brought his hands to your silk bonnet, holding the silk and your hair beneath it.
He then came into your mouth, and you continued to suck him off while swallowing his load.
He smirked, looking down at you, "Come up here and sit on my face." You wasted no time.
You crawled back on top of him, pulling your shorts and panties down all in one before steadily lowering yourself on Erens face.
You held onto the top of the expensive sofa. You could feel Erens tongue moving around your sensitive pussy.
"Holy shit, this feels so fucking good." You moaned loudly, you knew your neighbors were tired of hearing you this week.
Hearing you made Eren go faster. He was sucking on your clit, his whole mouth wrapped around your pussy. He was solely focusing on making you feel good.
You were grinding yourself on his face, your clit bumping into his nose at times.
You continued to moan loudly before the knot in your stomach snapped. With a loud whine, you squirted all over Erens face.
You shyly moved off of Erens face back onto the couch. Your juices were all over Erens mouth and were dripping down his chin.
Eren took his sweater off, revealing his chiseled torso and his artistic tattoos.
You then started to kiss him again. Eren laid you down as you continued to passionately kiss.
You could taste yourself on his lips, and you moaned into his mouth. He then pulled himself away from the kiss, lining himself up with your entrance.
"You're gonna take all of me since you needed me so bad right?" He asked before he slowly slid himself into you.
You moaned at his nasty words and the way his dick felt inside of you. Your legs involuntarily went up, making Eren grab them. He forced them towards your head.
Eren has you folded up in ways you thought weren't possible.
"Eren, it's too much..." You loudly moaned as Eren stuffed you with his big dick. In and out, in and out. He continued to fuck you at a fast pace.
"Isn't this what you wanted? Dirty girl." He said, making you whine.
The movie in the background was long forgotten. All that could be heard in the apartment was the noises of your pussy, and your cute little moans.
His balls were harshly hitting your skin. Eren was groaning as he harshly fucked you.
He was looking at the fucked out expression on your face. The way you bit your bottom lip trying to keep yourself quiet, he thought it was all so cute.
"I'm gonna stuff you full of me, cum all in that pretty pussy." He said as he quickened his pace.
"I'm gonna-" And before you could even finish your sentence you squirted all over his dick. The juices from your pussy dripped down onto the couch.
Eren then chased his orgasm while fucking you through yours. He loudly groaned, babbling before cumming inside of you.
He then pulled out, using his fingers to stuff the leftover cum inside you.
Eren finally caught on to your odd behaviors this week, realizing why you were acting so horny and awkward this week.
"You're the reason the water was cold on Tuesday?"
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milla-frenchy · 6 months ago
WIP wednesday
Thanks for the tag, @evolnoomym 🙏
The date part 2 snippet
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“Missed me baby?” he asked, while grabbing your ass in his hands, his cock pressed against your crotch, his nose in your neck, before kissing you there. He nibbled your earlobe and your eyes already rolled back.  “Tell me, sweetheart.” “Yes. Yeah, I missed you.” “Mmm… you really liked that cock, uh?”
npt: @aurorawritestoescape @toxicanonymity @iamasaddie @mountainsandmayhem @joelmillerisapunk
@sawymredfox @thundermartini @604to647 @schnarfer @for-a-longlongtime
@mermaidgirl30 @ace-turned-confused @magpiepills @bonezone44 @corazondebeskar
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ericshoney · 7 months ago
Return of the vlogs ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Based on the video titled "Return of the vlogs!" where you, their little sister, join in also.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, fluff
You were spending time with your brothers in LA and today they had planned a Wednesday vlog. You weren't bothered about being in it as your brothers had filmed with you before. They had filmed part of the vlog yesterday, where you went with Matt to the doctors.
"Good morning!" Chris cheered as you walked into the kitchen area. You saw Nick sat opposite Matt who was eating rice crackers.
"Morning." You called calmly.
"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked.
"Depends on what you got." You answered, a hint of sass in your tone.
"Teenage sass alert." Nick mumbled, you saw he was holding the camera.
"Barely a teenager." Matt mentioned.
"I'm fourteen, that's a teen!" You exclaimed, making him shake his head.
"Whatever." He grumbled.
You laughed and grabbed a rice cake too, nibbling on that as Chris rambled on about what he wanted to do.
"I'm down for anything really." You mentioned. You were just happy to be away from school and with your brothers.
After your short breakfast, you all headed to the car as Matt drove to the garage, mumbling about needing gas, whilst Chris was talking about getting a slurpie.
When you arrived, you followed Chris in, both of you rushing to the sulrpie machines, only to see they didn't have any.
"That sucks." You said, as Chris nodded in agreement.
"There's my favourite teenage boy." You heard Nick call.
"I'll kill you." Matt responded, making you giggle.
"Matt they don't have any slurpie!" Chris cried.
With that information, Matt turned around to leave, only to be stopped by Nick.
"I wanna get Skittle littles." Chris then said.
You shook your head, sharing a look with your other brothers, who were thinking the same thing. Did Chris really need more sweets? When he saw they didn't have any Skittles, he ended up getting two large banana taffies.
"You want anything, kid?" He asked.
"I'm good." You answered.
He nodded as they went to pay. You let them continue vlogging as you got back in the car, heading to the next destination, searching for a slurpie machine that works.
When you got there, you spotted the machines at the back and headed to them quickly, making your brothers laugh.
"Kid loves her slurpies as much as Chris." Nick said, focusing the camera on you.
When they caught up, they saw you were already filling your cup with your favourite flavour. Chris went and pressed the lemonade one, jumping as the drink came out and he didn't have a cup. You laughed and got close to the camera.
"We found slurpies!" You exclaimed, making the guys laugh, but Nick also shh you as you were in public.
"Do you really need sugar, sweetheart?" Nick asked.
"Does Chris? Not really, but it's good." You answered with a shrug.
He shook his head as he went to find what Chris wanted. Once you were all done in the store you paid and left. You sat in the back with Nick, as Matt explained to the camera that he bought scratch tickets and how the lady thought he looked thirteen, which made you laugh.
"I like vlogging with you guys. It's so random." You said.
"We like vlogging with you too, petal." Matt replied.
"But the challenge videos are more fun." You added.
"We'll keep that in mind." Nick said.
You smiled as Matt drove to Madison's place, as you were going to hang out with her now. You knew the rest of the day would be fun and relaxed.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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