#wedding offers derby
Hey guys, I just started a second job but my bosses are taking a while to get back to me on setting up payroll and I have less than $200 in the bank until I can get paid next week, so if anyone can help out I'd really appreciate it
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yellowpsyduck · 8 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤
𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.
Thomas Shelby x Carleton!Reader Warnings: Smut, slight size kink, Tommy attracting posh girls as always
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“Are you fucking my sister-in-law?” were the very first words that came out of the young socialite’s mouth. They were directed to the man dressed in the grey suit with the flat cap, as he caressed the grey filly in front of him. 
“Such crude words from such a lovely young lass, eh?” the man looked rather amused at her choice of words, much less, her more than direct approach of interrogating him.  
The words she’d spoken weren’t quite what he had expected from a girl of her caliber, she seemed far too proper to opt for such language. 
 But she held her ground that girl, with her fashionably short bob and her velvet dress that would probably fetch enough pounds to feed a small family for a week in Small Heath. She didn’t waver under his icy stare, nor did she retreat her questioning glare. In fact, to his surprise, she arched her carefully sculpted eyebrow, as though prompting him to explain himself. 
She must be a London girl, he noted, such brazenness could only mean that she must've lived a sheltered life, never having to put her guards up in fear of gangsters and certainly never having to do anything with filthy old Birmingham.  
No, all she had to do was look pretty and polite and pop open bottles of champagne, dancing the night away to the Foxtrot and Charleston. She didn’t have a clue who he was, didn’t have a clue what he did and certainly didn’t have a clue as to why he always kept a Webley MK VI in his gun strap. 
Tommy found it quite refreshing. He couldn’t remember the last time someone talked to him so incredibly audaciously, if it wasn’t to barrage him with threats to his life.  
“I believed I asked you first, Mister” came the reply from her tinted red lips, looking rather displeased that her question was met with another. 
“Well, a lady like you shouldn’t worry about adult matters.” he replied as he fished his pockets for the metal cigarette case. “Anyways, she's your sister-in-law you say?” he offered her a cigarette, a habit of his which he’d developed from constantly being surrounded by chain smokers. 
“She is, or she was.” she took him up on his offer, as he lit it up for her, “Ian was my brother. His passing was hard on all of us; for her more than anyone else. So, I come up here any chance I get to keep her company, but now I see that’s no longer needed of me.” she said as she eyed him from head to toe, sizing him up almost.  
“Don’t let me be a bone of contention now.” he replied, his couldn’t possibly add another trouble to his list, the Epsom and Major Campbell were already a handful, to say the very least.  
“Actually, it’s quite the opposite.” A hint of surprise glazed over his eyes as he looked at her delicate features. “I’m quite relieved she isn’t shutting herself up." she trailed off, "And you’re certainly not the worst pick for a suitor.” 
“Now don’t go sizing me up for a wedding suit, Miss.” he said taking another drag of his cigarette “May and I are just.... acquaintances. She’s training my horse for the Derby, this beauty over here, you see.” he motioned to the grey horse behind him. 
“Oh.” She looked at him with an abashed humour in her eyes. “Then you must pardon my poor choice of words. I’m sure you won’t take the silly musings of a girl to heart.”  
She flicked the cigarette bud to the ground, stomping it lightly with the heel of her dainty Mary Janes. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Vera Carleton.” she extended her hand to him, her lips adorned with the most dazzling smile he’d ever seen in his entire existence. He took her hands in his, their sizes differing starkly. “I’m Thomas. Thomas Shelby.” 
“Well then Mr. Shelby, now that the previous fiasco is behind us, I must be off. My friends will be waiting for me, I’m afraid. There's a new club in the city called the Babylon, you might’ve heard of it, they’ve invited this jazz band from the Colonies. My friends say it’s all the rage these days.” she explained to him. 
Thomas knew she was one of those girls. The ones that never had to worry about a thing in their lives, except for what they’d wear to a social dinner or what diamonds to pair with what dress and he knew that a part of him wished he could be as carefree as them. But life had other plans for him, a runaway father, a suicidal mother and a fucking war to top it all off. 
But now with the Shelby Company Ltd. and his copious side ventures, he hoped that one day, his children, if he ever found a woman that is, would have a life that mirrored that of the captivating girl in front of him.  
“All right then, Miss Carleton, you have a good night now.” he bid the girl farewell as he watched her leave the stables. Her dress swaying with every step she took, she looked very frail, he noted, but not the kind that you’d see in the streets of Watery Lane, more so the kind of frail that was in vogue amongst the ladies of London. 
As the night progressed, it became abundantly clear that May Fitz Carleton and Thomas Shelby weren’t just acquaintances, although, that should’ve been clear from the moment he accepted her proposal to stay the night in the manor, more like a fucking castle, he thought. 
As night fell, Thomas found himself striding to the doors of his gracious host's, she’d left it unlocked, of course. Neither were novice adolescents; they knew what they wanted, and they certainly weren’t abashed about it. Their business was completed rather quickly though, she seemed unable to fully open her heart out to the deed and he had a myriad of thoughts occupying his mind.  
Breakfast was a rather lovely affair. May chose not to bring up their late night discretions, for which he was rather thankful for. In fact, she seemed content with it being a passing liaison, finally someone that’s on the same page as him, he mused. 
The lavish spread of food in front of him was overwhelming and he resigned himself to an Earl Grey and a toast. It seemed it was just May that occupied the house, seeing as though they were the only two to grace the table. Their conversations were pleasant, ranging from their shared love for horses to the ones they would be up against at the Derby, when lo and behold, the doors to the room sprung open to reveal a particularly chirpy Y/N, what she would be so cheery for, this early in the morning, he didn’t know. 
“Morning, my dearest. Hope you had a lovely night.” The older of the two woman remarked as she kissed her cheeks. “I’ve told Louisa to prepare those Vienna rolls you so love. She should bring it out any minute.” she stated as the maids served the new occupant with a steaming cup of tea. 
“That would be lovely, God knows I’m terribly famished.” she strutted into the room, smelling of daisies as she walked past him and kissed her sister-in-law. “Morning to you, my dearest Mayflower.” 
She took the seat opposite to his, paying him no mind and absentmindedly blowing into her tea. “Y/N darling, this is Mr. Thomas Shelby, he’s my guest. I'm training his horse for Epsom. " She motioned to the gentleman. "Tommy, this is Y/N, she’s Ian’s sister and the youngest of the Carleton bunch.” 
 “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shelby.” quipped the younger girl, pretending as though they were truly meeting for the first time. 
“The pleasure’s all mine.” Tommy went along with her play, opting not to reveal their meeting the previous day. 
“Madam, there’s a telephone for you. It's from Sir Ascot.” May was quickly ushered out of the room to attend to her business, leaving the unusual pair together. 
“So, are you going to keep staring or will you tell me what’s on your mind?” Y/N remarked as she forfeited the staring game they’d had going on.  
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” the girl in front of him was intriguing for sure, and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Tommy didn’t know other women besides Ada and Polly that would speak so nonchalantly with him, and he found himself quite enjoying this refreshing exchange. 
“Well, you’ve basically been undressing me with your eyes, since yesterday. So, shall we do it in my room or yours?”  
This. Tommy wasn’t expecting. 
He'd expected a whole lot of other things but not this. 
The girl didn’t bat an eye as she said those words, simply sipping on her tea, as though they’d only exchanged pleasantries with each other. Tommy was about to respond when a maid brought a plate of Vienna rolls to the table and diligently served her young Miss. 
As soon as her departing figure left the room, Y/N’s eyes darted back up to his, sucking slowly on the gold cutlery as she did. She seemed to be waiting for his reply and Tommy wondered how she’d react if he told her 'No'. Surely, such a girl as lovely as her wouldn’t be used to hearing those words of refusal. All she’d have to do was bat her pretty lashes, pout her soft lips and no one would dare refuse such a divine creature.  
And Tommy was by no means a saint. A posh girl like her asking him to fuck her wasn’t something that happened on the daily. And again, Tommy might be a man with great restraint, but he was a man after all.  
He'd be lying if he said his pants hadn’t gotten the slightest bit tighter at the sight of her sucking and licking on the spoon, that when he was balls deep inside May the previous night, all he thought about was the girl in front of him. Even now, as she sat in front of him, in her lace dress, he could see the slightest imprint of her breasts against the fabric of the dress.  
Tommy took in a deep breath, setting the teacup back on the porcelain saucer, when finally, he muttered “You don’t know who I am, do you, little girl?” For if she did, she wouldn’t have uttered those words, much less, even sip her tea so peacefully in his presence. 
“Should I care?” she asked in mock concern, “All I know is that you’re a well dressed gentleman that’s got a nice deep voice.” Truly, that was all she looked for. If a man had a deep enough pocket and an ever deeper voice, she’d go weak in the knees, and she knew May wouldn’t associate herself with a man that didn’t have the former. 
“Y/N Carleton, you’re truly a work of art, eh?” he chuckled, genuinely in awe of her intrepidity. 
“Well, that amongst other things.” came her quick reply, flashing him a cheeky smile. 
“Do you think she’ll notice? If were both absent from the table, that is.” he asked in reference to May, she sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate his advances towards her sister-in-law. 
“Don’t you worry, Sir Ascot is a hard fellow to deal with, he’ll talk her ear off for hours.” she stated unconcerned as she took strode out of the room, glancing back at him. 
“In fact, forget about the bedroom, there's a storeroom over there that’s unfrequented. God knows your staring is making me wild as it is.” She turned and left the room, the gentle sway of her hips beckoning him to follow her. And follow he did.
Thomas fucking Shelby following after a girl, his brothers would’ve had a field day had they learnt of it. 
But he didn’t care. All he knew was that he wanted her.  
He wanted to fuck her till she screamed his name. 
He wanted to fuck her till she couldn’t walk. 
He wanted to fuck her till she was a crying mess. 
The storeroom was quite spacious, like most of the rooms of this manor. But he wasn’t here to admire this. No. He came here for her. As soon as the latch to the door was shut closed, their lips crashed together. 
Oh! He could have had her then and there, her lips were so incredibly soft and moulded with his so fucking perfectly. Her hands found themselves in his hair and she tugged lightly, making him crazy at her touch, while his hands kneaded her supple buttocks. She might’ve been slim, but she was certainly well endowed in just the right areas. 
She soon broke the kiss and quickly worked to unbutton her dress, looking at him as he did, and that smile. That fucking smile of hers. Thomas didn’t know anyone more lovely than her. 
She stripped down to her chemise, her garter bands visible underneath. He couldn’t control himself at the sight of her lovely frame. His hands soon brought the straps of her flimsy cover down, exposing her delicate brassiere which was also discarded on the floor. 
She looked glorious standing in front of him, in just her garter bands and stockings. He would fuck her with those on he decided. The sight of her thighs in those were making the tent in his pants so painfully obvious. 
She undid his suspenders, kneeling down as she pulled his trousers down, freeing his throbbing red cock from it’s tight restraints. She blushed a little at the obscene sight, sure she’d seen her fair share of cocks, but none as majestic as his. Tommy Shelby had drawn him to her because of his deep voice, but his huge cock, now that was a brilliant surprise. The London chaps she’d been with just couldn’t compare.  
She licked the precum that was dripping from his tip, making him shudder in anticipation and little by little she licked the length of his entire shaft, making sure to drag her tongue along every crevice. She held her cock in both hands, it’s sheer size making her marvel. As Tommy looked down, the sight below him was eliciting a dark reaction inside of him, her little dainty fingers wrapped around his manhood. God! She looked so very small. 
She sucked his cock, trying her best to take in as much as she could. She was diligent, for sure, doing her best to make him happy, taking small breaths, accommodating her throat for his dick and working her hands constantly along his shaft or his balls. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” he breathed out raspily. She was an angel.  
An angel sent just to fuck him. He didn’t know any woman or whore that was doing the things she was. But here she was, a little thing like her milking his cock like a good girl. 
He grabbed her hair, lightly bucking his hips inside of her mouth. She seemed to be suffocating almost, his big dick choking her. Almost. 
“Just like that baby, just like that.” 
Fuck! She was such a good girl, holding her cries till he released his load inside of her mouth. “Swallow.” he commanded. She was a glorious mess, doing as he commanded her.  
Her eyes were watery, and her mouth was thoroughly abused, but she still looked at him with devotion laced in her beautiful eyes. 
He lifted her off the ground and laid her on the table like surface. He spread her legs wide open with his hands and marveled at the sight. Her throbbing cunt, glistening in arousal looked so warm, so inviting. He kissed her on the lips once more and dove in to eat her out, but a small hand covered the entrance.  
“She might be done soon, so, please just fuck me.” she cried, so obviously starved for him. 
He wasted no time and rubbed her clit, making sure her entrance was slick enough, and she was, so incredibly wet for him. He lined his dick to the entrance of her pussy and thrusted lightly. Just the tip he moaned. Just the tip and she was already on the verge of tears. 
“Just breathe, love. Just breathe for me, eh?” he cooed in her ear as his hips thrusted in small motions to enter her tight cave, rubbing her clit as he did. And then with a final thrust he entered her pussy. 
God! She felt so good. Her tight walls caved around his cock, stimulating him in ways he didn’t think possible. His motions became faster as her cries became louder. 
“Tommy!” she moaned over and over again, seemingly unable to formulate any coherent sentences, her brain clogged with the intense pleasure of his cock ramming into her.  
“You fit me so well, Y/N. I’m never letting go of you or your tight fucking pussy after this.” he moaned in her ear. 
The constant slapping of skin and unbridled moans didn’t leave much to the imagination of the maids and butlers that might’ve overheard, but they didn’t care. All they knew was that they were nearing their release and it just felt so fucking good. 
“Tommy, I’m close.” she managed to stumble out the words. 
“Wait for me, love. You’re gonna cum when I tell you to.” he groaned as he fastened his pace, evidently nearing his release. 
And with a final thrust, he whispered in her ear and they let go. They were quite the pair to look at. Him, with his trousers on the floor, his hands gripping onto her waists and his eyes never leaving hers and she, with her damn naked body, her tear streaked cheeks and her smudged lipstick. 
Tommy gave her a sweet kiss to her forehead and wrapped his arms around her naked body as they remained in the warm embrace. Their heartbeats were gradually returning to usual, and their panted breathing became steadier. 
He retrieved a handkerchief from his pockets and delicately cleaned her sore entrance. The evidence of their lovemaking spilled lewdly on the floor; it was to be someone else’s problem, not theirs. He slipped the stained handkerchief into his pockets and helped her dress. She seemed incredibly satiated as she stared at him with sheer fondness in her eyes. 
Tommy knew that he couldn’t let go of her now. Not after this.  
She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet. 
“We best get going now, love.” he told her as he waited for her to gather herself together.  
“Wait, silly, you’ve got lipstick on your nose.” she giggled as she rubbed the scarlet red lipstick off for him, standing on the tip of her toes. 
She moved to open the door, but her steps felt awkward. He chuckled at her attempt to walk and offered his hand so she may lean on him. The walk back to the table was interesting, with her uncharacteristic gait and lipstick that seemed to have been smudged clean, and his hair that had been slightly disheveled and lips that held the faintest smile. 
Both looked nothing like they had a few moments prior. If the maids noticed the obvious change, they didn’t comment on it as they dutifully carried out their tasks, making the most possible effort to not offend the pair as they walked through the halls.  
May arrived a few minutes later rambling about how much she would’ve loved to cut the call halfway, had Sir Ascot not been an influential member of the Board. She had been so engrossed in her rant that perhaps, she didn’t notice the obvious change in the mood. 
She also didn’t notice the fact that Thomas Shelby’s eyes never once left her sister-in-law who insouciantly continued drinking her tea that was far too cold by now. 
“Well, May, my stay here has been lovely, but I best get going now.” he uttered at last, the business back at home didn’t wait for no one, especially not for him to fuck posh girls. 
“Indeed, I assume you must have your work cut out for you and oh! I forgot to tell you this morning that I’ve had your car stocked up with engine oil, so, it’ll be a smooth ride home.”  
“Thank you for that, May.” he put on his coat and thanked her for her gracious hosting. 
“Tommy.” she called out as he stepped into his vehicle. “Will I see you again?”  
“I’m sure we’ll cross paths again, Miss Carleton.”  
Miss not Mrs. because his eyes, as he spoke those words weren’t on the woman in front of him, but rather they were on the girl that stood at the doorway, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. 
Ah! That smile. 
The drive home was brisk, his mind occupied with the image of her and that darn smile. He may have been back in Birmingham, but he knew that apart of his mind had been left behind with a particularly charming girl in the Carleton Estate. 
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onas-batlle · 8 months
Secret Moments in a Crowded Room (p.2 of 5)
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pairing: lucy bronze x ona batlle
warnings: excessive comma use (again), and unresolved sexual tension
synopsis: four times Lucy and Ona almost kiss, and the one time they do.
a/n: finally got this one out oml
Ao3 Link
Life as a footballer playing in a foreign country meant that finding even a speck of time to see friends and family from home was few and far between. Add on the fact that your little... something, also happened to live in another country meant that it was absolute hell trying to cultivate it into something that would last.
Ever since the wedding, Ona and Lucy had texted regularly, occasionally face timing or calling if they were both free, but things had remained strictly platonic. In fact, Lucy felt that their almost kiss had been entirely wiped from Ona’s mind, except for when she noticed the Spanish player’s gaze drifting further south than her eyes as they spoke through a screen.
One night Lucy was curled up on her couch, a muted Premier League replay playing on the TV, Ona’s face smiling at her from her phone. She wasn’t smiling now, however.
“The derby is soon,” Ona spoke, her brow furrowed in slight worry.
“Yeah? Well, how are you feeling about it? It’s a pretty big game.”
Lucy was all too familiar with the stress of the derby, having played in several of them, if not on the opposing side, and knew the immense pressure that came with it. She knew that the United women’s team had not yet won against the City women, and despite being a City girl at heart, the look on the younger woman’s face made her hope that Manchester United could pull out a win, if only for Ona.
“Very nervous. Dios mío, Lucy! What if I make a mistake and the fans start to hate me? I couldn’t bear it,” came Ona’s reply, Lucy watching as the younger woman worried her lip.
“You won’t, I promise. And the fans love you, so you shouldn’t think about things like that.” It was true, Ona was a fan favourite with the Manchester United fans, and so long as she tried her absolute best - which Ona always did – then they wouldn’t fault her for any mistakes. But Lucy knew that it was perfectly natural to feel the pressure, nonetheless.
“I know it’s a massive thing to ask, but… would you want to come to the derby? Of course you might want to do other things with your weekend off and I don’t expect you to drop everything to come watch the game but-”
“Yeah, sure. Why not?” Lucy replied, interrupting the Spaniard’s rambling and smiling as Ona positively lit up at her words.
“Really? You’ll come?” God she was pretty, Lucy thought as the other woman beamed at her, delighted by the English woman’s answer.
“Of course. I have been missing Manchester a little as well, you know?” she winked as she mentally began to plan the trip out in her mind.
Flights would be relatively easy, the plane to England from Barcelona only taking a couple of hours. There were, however,  a few logistics to work out, like where she would stay. Her brother didn’t live in Manchester, Jorge remaining in their hometown, but surely Demi would let her stay, right? Her musings were interrupted by Ona, who seemed to have read her mind.
“You can stay at my place, if you want.” The Spaniard blushed bright red as she made the offer, seemingly embarrassed at her rather forward suggestion.
“Yeah? That would be great if I could.”
“I have a spare room I can set up for you! No hay problema,” Ona confirmed, resting her phone on the table to stretch out her arms and yawn.
“Someone’s tired,” Lucy chuckled and was shot an adorably grumpy look by the woman on her screen. She found her heart tightening as she took in Ona’s pout and had to restrain her entire body from talking a screenshot of their call.
“I think I should go,” Ona spoke, a slightly disappointed expression on her face. “Training was, how do you say? Training was no walk in the park?”
“Sí, that is correct,” Lucy laughed at the Spaniards use of the English phrase, and then she felt her voice softening almost involuntarily. “Goodnight Ona, I’ll speak to you soon.”
After a few more minutes of goodbyes and promises to text each other later, they ended the call, and Lucy collapsed back to lay down on her couch. She was going to the Manchester Derby. And she was going to stay at Ona’s house. Where she lived.
She lay there in silence for a few moments before Lucy’s eyes shot open. Fuck, she was meant to visit Jorge.  Once again she opened her phone, immediately dialling her brother disregarding the fact that it was currently 12am.
“Look who decided to grace me with a call at this very late hour, what’s up Luce?” came her brother’s voice from the phone, and Lucy rolled her eyes at his jab.
“Hey Jorge, I know I was supposed to pop around to see the kids my next break, but do you mind if I take rain check? I’ve kind of got other plans.” She knew her brother wouldn’t mind as he was pretty easygoing, and she saw her niece and nephew all the time, so one missed trip wouldn’t be an issue.
“Plans better than entertaining two hyper children for a whole weekend? Can’t believe you would pass on such a fun time, though you always were the boring one, huh, Luce?” Jorge said, leading her to grin fondly. As much as Lucy and her brother gave each other shit, they were close and there was nothing Lucy loved more than her family.
“Oh, fuck off. Anyway, that all good with you? I know it’s last minute and all, and I apologise for letting the kiddos down.”
“That’s alright, I’m sure they’ll survive without Aunt Lucy spoiling them for a whole weekend. What’ve you got planned anyway? Something to do with that Spanish player you’re always banging on about?”
Lucy almost choked on her own spit at those words. She didn’t talk about Ona that much, did she? Now that she thought about it, maybe she did. But the fact that Jorge seemed to think it was romantic was rather suspicious.
“Why would you think that?”
“Whenever we speak it’s all ‘Ona this’, ‘Ona that,’ like Luce, you’re about at subtle as a hurricane.”
Okay, maybe that was fair.
“Stan said something to you didn’t she,” Lucy questioned, almost dead sure that the other Lucy would have said something to her brother, if only for meddling reasons.
“She may have said a few things.. something about you guys being attached at the hip during her wedding?” Jorge responded and internally the fullback cursed her friends for having such big gobs.
“Her and Jordan can’t keep their mouths shut to save their lives. We’re just friends, and I’m going to watch the derby, as a friend.”
“Ah yes, the age old term: friends. You know Stan sent me that picture of you guys at the reception, and I gotta say the heart eyes are remarkable for ‘just friends’.” Despite it only being a phone call, the eyebrow wiggle was so loud that Lucy could practically see it.
“Ah, I don’t know. Think Ona just sees us as friends now.”
“Have you actually spoken to her about it?” Jorge asked, voice taking on a sincere tone that was different to his usual jokey one that he used with Lucy.
“No, and I’m totally okay with that.”
“Okay, okay. But I’m just saying, Keira has moved on so-”
“Why shouldn’t I? I’ve heard it all before.” Lucy let out a sigh.  “Look, I’ll talk to you later, yeah? Tell the kids I said hi.”
“Definitely will. And Lucy?”
“If there really is something there, then I think it would be worth to talk to her about it.”
“Rare moment of wisdom from you there,” she spoke, and while she was poking fun at her brother, she appreciated his interest and willingness to offer her advice.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it,” came the sarcastic retort, and Lucy cracked another smile at her brother’s words.  They often teased the hell out of one another, sure, but her brother always had her back and was able to offer her moments of clarity when she was stuck.
“Well, I’ll have a think about it. Chat to you later.”
“Don’t be an idiot Luce!” she heard as she cut off the call, flopping back down onto her back. Manchester here she comes, she supposed.
The trip to England had gone pretty smoothly, Ona and Lucy agreeing to meet up after the match and head back to the former’s place, and so Lucy found herself walking up the steps of Leigh Sports Village without having even caught a glimpse of the Spaniard she had come to see.  She had opted to be as incognito as possible, donning an all black outfit, sunglasses, and a cap, and crossed both her fingers and toes that she wouldn’t be spotted as it would only start a huge wave of speculation as to why she was present. Unfortunately, her hopes of remaining invisible were soon dashed.
Lucy internally groaned as she heard the Dutch accent yelling her way, and slowly spun on her heel to face the smiling figure of her national team coach. Sarina was waving her over, and it wasn’t like she could blank her, so Lucy reluctantly made her way over to the older woman\’s seat.
“Hey Sarina, didn’t think I’d see you here,” she greeted, sending a smile and a wave to Arjan, the assistant coach of the Lionesses, who was seated next to her coach.
“Neither. I thought you would be in Spain. What brings you to the derby?”
“Um, just was just in Manchester and wanted to see my old club play. That’s all,” Lucy responded unconvincingly, cursing the flush that spread across her cheeks.  There was nothing illegal about her going to watch the derby match, so why did she feel like she had been caught?
“Well, would you want to sit with us? I’d appreciate your insight, especially now that Leah’s injured.”
“Yeah, sure,” she relented. I mean, who could say no to their national team coach?
As she settled into the seat next to Sarina, she knew that her anonymity would be well and truly gone. Despite her attempt to remain incognito and support Ona undetected, being seated next to bloody Sarina Weigman hardly made her blend into the crowd, and so she sat down next to the Dutch woman with a touch of disappointment on her features. No visible cheering for Ona was on the cards now, she supposed.
The game started well for United, Hayley Ladd scoring an absolute stunner of a goal, and Lucy couldn’t help but feel ridiculously proud when she saw the jubilance on Ona’s face.
Football had always been a beautiful sport to Lucy, no matter who was playing, but watching Ona was play was positively mesmerising. The way her muscles flexed as she meticulously controlled the ball, and the glitter of sweat that glistened on her abs as she pulled her shirt up to wipe her face had the English fullback positively gobsmacked.
“Lucy! Lucy? Are you listening?” Her coach’s familiar voice pierced the bubble of lust that Lucy had found herself in, and she gave Sarina sheepish smile as she met the older woman’s eyes.
“Sorry, what was that?”
The Dutch woman’s eyes narrowed as she took in her player, and Lucy nervously swallowed under the scrutiny,
“Which one are you sweet on?”
“Pardon?” Lucy replied, eyes bugging out of her head as she stared at Sarina in shock.
“One of the United players. You are involved with one of them, I can tell. You’ve been distracted this whole time and was happy when they scored.” Well, she was caught there. Sarina levelled Lucy with a knowing look and tilted her head in question as the fullback sighed. While Sarina was technically her boss, she had also become somewhat of a friend, and she cared deeply about the players that she coached so Lucy felt rather alright with sharing her current situation. Plus, Sarina could tell when she was lying.
“It’s, uh, the right back. Number two. And it’s not really anything yet.”
The older woman let out a hum of acknowledgement and shot a smile Lucy’s way. “Well she’s a very talented player. Passionate. I like that. Much like you are.”
Lucy blushed at the compliment, always priding herself in playing with as much passion as possible. And she agreed with the initial statement as well. Ona’s football oozed passion; with every pass, dribble, cross, and shot she took, you could see just how much she loved the sport, and Lucy in turn adored her for that.
Midway through the game, her phone pinged, and she was met with a simple photo of Jorge’s TV screen, herself front and centre. Yikes. Well, there was absolutely no hiding now.
The game ended with a late goal from United, leading the Red Devils to their first ever derby win and cementing their spot in the Champions League. Ona was awarded player of the match – which in Lucy’s opinion should always be awarded to her – and she sent a cute little wave in their direction when she spotted the older defender in the crowd, making Lucy blush a little from her spot next to Sarina.
After saying her goodbyes and signing a few autographs for some fans who had noticed her, Lucy headed in the direction of the carpark, having made an agreement with Ona to meet her there subsequent to the match. Surprisingly she only had to wait a few minutes before Ona came barrelling out of the building, sports bag in hand.
“Lucy! We woooonnn!” Ona yelled, dropping her bag and wrapping Lucy into a tight hug, causing the older woman to stumble back a little due to the unexpected contact. Ona smelt like apples and cinnamon, and Lucy couldn’t help but inhale her scent a little until she berated herself for just how creepy that was and forced herself to stop.
“I did see that,” Lucy laughed, “Congratulations Ona. I told you that you had nothing to worry about.”
Ona smiled widely at that, arms still wrapped around the other fullback’s torso. “I’m sorry that you had to watch your team lose, but Manchester is RED!”
“I suppose, but just this once.”
Ona smacked her lightly on the shoulder at that – a move that was starting to feel oh so familiar – and then motioned her head in the direction of her car after noticing that they were attracting some curious looks from passers-by. After throwing her bag in the back alongside Ona’s, Lucy climbed into the passenger seat and made a show of settling down, letting out an exaggerated sigh of contentment and earning a giggle from the Spanish fullback.
“Gotta enjoy being passenger princess for once,” Lucy grinned, winking at the woman in the driver’s seat who laughed out loud for what seemed to be the hundredth time that afternoon. Lucy loved that laugh and made a vow to do anything she could to hear it again, and again, and again.
The car ride was nice, if not a little scary, as Lucy had to grab onto the ‘oh shit!’ bar a few times as Ona hurtled around a corner. The English woman made a mental note that if they drove anywhere together again, then she would muscle her way into the driver’s seat as while she liked just being a passenger sometimes, she valued her life way more.
When Lucy finally stepped into Ona’s apartment, she took a moment to just take in her appearance. It felt incredibly homely, and while it was clean, it still looked well lived in with smatterings of photographs everywhere which made Lucy smile softly. She found herself hoping that maybe a photo of herself might make itself home there one day.
“Nice place you’ve got here.”
Ona blushed. “Thanks. I tried to make it as much like home as possible.”
“Well you’ve done a great job with the decorating,” Lucy smiled, dropping her sports bag next to the door and picking up a mug with the word ‘Penal-tea’ emblazoned on it alongside a graphic of a football.
“The girls bought it to make me more English or something,” Ona rolled her eyes as she noticed the mug the English fullback was eyeing, causing Lucy to let out a laugh. “Anyway, come sit!”
Lucy didn’t need to be told twice as she threw herself onto Ona’s couch and watched on as the Spaniard grabbed a few snacks before kicking off her shoes and coming to rest next to Lucy. They fell into easy conversation, TV playing an old rerun of Friends (“Joey is so funny, Lucy!”), and Lucy had never felt lighter.
Neither of them had even noticed that they had gravitated towards each other until Lucy’s eyes flicked down to Ona’s lips and noticed that all she would have to do to capture them with her own was to tilt her head forward a few centimetres.
When she moved her focus back up, she saw that Ona had that look in her eyes – the same one she had at the wedding – and Lucy swallowed nervously under the Spaniard’s intense gaze.
She suddenly became aware of every single point of contact between them, their shoulders that were pressed together, Ona’s feet that rested over Lucy’s outstretched legs, their hands that brushed together ever so slightly, and Lucy felt her body start to tingle.
Ona was so close that Lucy could count every freckle on her face, and a sliver of bare skin of her stomach peeked out from where her shirt had ridden up slightly. She was wearing fuzzy socks, always being one to feel the cold, and there was a little smudge of chocolate on her lips which Lucy longed to kiss away.
Slowly, if not surely, they found themselves leaning in, and Lucy could just, almost…
The sound of the door slamming forced the footballers apart, and they practically threw themselves onto opposite ends of the couch.
“Oh-na!” came Ella Toone’s bellowing voice, and the familiar tones of Alessia’s voice soon filled the apartment as well.
They only had to wait a few moments until the two girls barged into the room and came to a dead halt in front of them, faces painted with looks of surprise.
“What are you doing here Luce?” Ella asked, blinking owlishly at Ona and Lucy while Alessia’s mouth slowly spread into a knowing smile.
“Uh, Ona invited me to watch the derby,” she managed to get out, still rather shaken by her moment with the other fullback and the rude interruption that followed.
“Well, that was nice of her wasn’t it?” Ella laughed, realisation slowly dawning on her face as she took in just how awkwardly Ona and Lucy were sitting as they attempted to be normal.
“Yeah, super nice,” Alessia added, her voice wavering as she threatened to break into giggles as she nudged her best friend in the side. Ona looked mortified.
“Anyway, we came to ask if she wanted to come out to celebrate the win with us, but we’ve decided that you’re both coming.”
With those words, the duo was on them, and Lucy could just catch Ona mouthing an apologetic ‘lo siento’, before Alessia and Ella were dragging the both of them every which way to get them ready to go out.
As she was being ordered around by Ella, Lucy silently cursed the world for being a massive cockblock, and knew that there was likely no way in hell they would get a minute alone now that Ona’s teammates knew the English woman was in town.
Her only consolation was that at least she knew that based on the two ‘almost kisses’ they had shared, she was not simply imagining the tension between them. Gritting her teeth as Ella threw an outfit at her that she had scavenged from Lucy’s bag, she made a silent promise to herself that she would get that kiss - at least before the World Cup began in a few months’ time.
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captain-gillian · 16 days
hi my sweet friend. returning the favor to you:
nancymarjan wedding (because they’re married to you and i)
what does their wedding look like? who does the majority of the planning? does clipboard marjan make a comeback? who is in the wedding party? and anything else you’d like to share with me!
since you wrote such a beautiful proposal fic i felt like you were extra qualified to talk about their wedding! 💕
i love this question, thank you friend for letting me ramble about our girls and your kind words about my fic 💕
clipboard marjan becomes wedding binder marjan, she is lowkey terrifying, she has clipboards, lists, colour coded binder tabs and an elaborate network of pinterest boards. nancy finds it very endearing, she doesn't really care what the placecards nor bridal party pocket squares look like as long as marjan is happy. marjan also buys a cricut machine and makes all their wedding stationery, and does all of the flowers for the wedding herself so they can have the bougie look she wants and still stay on budget.
they do a roller rink party with the catain crew as a joint bachelorette party, nancy pretends to be worse at rollerskating than she is so she can hold marjan's hands all night, marjan knows she's pretending but goes along with it to hold her hands.
i think they have a small, but very much elaborate wedding, it's mostly their families, their 126 family, some of marjan's derby friends. the wedding is in texas, and marjan's parents, sister and extended family fly out for it.
marjan has a floor length gown, with matching hijab, i'm picturing floaty chiffon fabric with a rainbow irridescent sheen. nancy wears a really crisp white pantsuit, with flared pants and no shirt under the waistcoat, and her hair braided into an updo, with some loose wavy pieces like her tarlos wedding hair. they both have a colourful wildflower bouquet.
judd officiates the ceremony, it's secular but with elements of both their cultures woven throughout. tommy and tk are nancy's co-maids of honour, and her sister is a bridesmaid. marjan has paul as her best man and carlos and her sister sahar as bridesmaids. charlie ryder is the flower girl. it's an outdoor ceremony, with a tonne of colourful wildflowers. marjan's dad gives a big speech at the reception about how proud he and marjan's mum are of her, and how happy they are she found nancy, everyone cries.
they have a signiature mocktail on offer at the reception, it's colourful and glittery. they have a rainbow colour scheme but it doesn't look tacky, leaning into the colour mostly in the florals table arrangments, and a bar with colourful glassware. they have a charcuterie snack table that tk and carlos help them put together to cut down on catering costs so they have can splurge on a dessert table with a tonne of colourful desserts, fresh fruit and a really simplistic white cake, it's an orange and vanilla bean sponge with white buttercream and decorated with candied oranges and flowers.
they have a pink and white dance floor, that gets plenty of use. in the spirit of overthinking my answers to all the asks i've gotten today, i made a moodboard for this:
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@batneko​ wrote a sugar daddy AU so I had to write one back.
Bowser's longtime flame has officially tied the knot, she's shooting off fireworks to celebrate, she's leaving the country on a world tour honeymoon, she's taken out an actual literal billboard on the road between their cities to showcase the wedding photos
So Bowser's like hey, I'm not stupid, I can see you're over it, you don't have to rub it in my face, but he can't even say that because she's blocked him on everything
And he was GOING to hire a skywriter to spell it out over the wedding, but the skywriting company said there was a conflict with the fireworks company and they couldn't get clearance, and Bowser is halfway through checking his own plane to see if he can rig something up when he realizes hey, this is kinda pathetic
They are both extremely over-the-top people and it's hard not to escalate when you're both filthy rich.
So Peach and Mario are off on a year-long world tour honeymoon, and Mario privately offered to let Luigi tag along, so he's feeling pretty pathetic himself.
And Mario SAYS they'll still run the business together, but Luigi has seen Peach's schedule as...governor? President? Monarch? And it's pretty packed, and Mario already has his own dedicated bodyguard from her retinue, and Luigi is picking up a lot more clearly than his brother how things are gonna change
For the better! Mario's gonna love the parties and meeting people and playing sports with actual athletes and driving sports cars on closed professional tracks against real racers, and he can fix a sink but he's got the brains to fix a city's infrastructure too. He's gonna do great.
And Luigi...Luigi will be fine. Really! One-man plumbing business. He can do this. Except other businesses are already poaching their customers on the premise that Mario is retired and the Mario Brothers will be shutting down, and the only way Luigi can counter that is by cashing in on his brother's fame to get people's attention. Which, no thanks.
So he's just come out of the tropical storm of wedding prep and parties exhausted and ready to take a break, but he needs to scramble as the business dissolves under his feet, and their house is paid off and bills should be fine but it's such a gut punch to see how easily his life crumbles without his brother, and Luigi is TIRED. Luigi wants a BREAK. Luigi wants someone rich and fun and good-looking to swoop in and take HIM on a vacation.
"Maybe I should get a rich husband to take care of me," he mumbles into the newspaper draped over his face, covered in ads for rival businesses and Peach's honeymoon tour.
And you know...that's an idea. That's a real idea. He's already been on blind dates, there's always somebody who has a gay nephew or cousin or coworker who would LOVE a tall strong man like Luigi, they're sure~! So what if he picks out his own guy? And if they don't click, he can just shrug it off as them not being rich enough for him. That's believable, there's enough photos of him at the palace and Mushroom-Wimbledon and Mushroom-Kentucky Derby to say he's developed a taste for the good life.
In all honesty, he HAS developed a taste for the good life. Not high teas and little cucumber sandwiches, but being able to drop everything and go to an island, or play a round of golf, or picnic in the countryside, or play Indiana Jones in desert ruins while Peach is off hobnobbing with local rulers. He had fun. And it would be even more fun if he wasn't tagging along after his brother, if it was someone doing those things for HIM, because they liked him and wanted to impress him and--and spoil him, he makes himself acknowledge. He wants to be spoiled. He wants to be...a sugar baby.
Cue montage! Luigi is a good looking fella, but he's also visually Green Mario, and the idea is to NOT leech off his brother's rep. The mustache goes. The overalls have already been retired. No more baseball cap keeping his thick wavy hair out of his face, no more sturdy waterproof work boots. He regrets getting rid of the mustache, and starts growing a five-o-clock shadow. Maybe he'll grow a beard, those are trendy.
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That's the picture that pops up in Bowser's inbox as he sorts through correspondence.
 He's pulling back and being really honest with himself about what he actually wants. And honestly? Peach isn't it. Not anymore. It was a painful revelation, but a necessary one. She's not the same hyper-giggly cheerleader type he met in university, and he's not the party boy rugby jock he was back then either. He doesn't need a hot blonde girl on his arm to impress his teammates and stop any ugly rumors in their tracks. He doesn't need to beat anybody up for saying he's gay. And honestly, it was freaking exhausting trying to keep up with Peach's schedule when he was a young adult with just classes and games to worry about, now that's he's mumble-something years old and has his own country to run, he couldn't imagine trying to do half of the things she has packed into her schedule.
So...good for her. She got that guy who loves being social and making a bajillion new friends without being rude to them and can probably stay in the background and let her shine without it chafing, either. Good for her. He is genuinely happy for her.
He has a hard time conveying that to the cowering housekeepers as he finishes smashing the last of her portraits into bits, but he doesn't pay them to understand him, just obey him, so he tells them to sweep it up and stomps back to his office.
He needs more people like that in his life, he thinks, if he's being honest. He needs someone who won't argue him in circles or make him feel stupid debating political policy or hint that his family are tyrants. His family gets stuff DONE, okay, no need to go through six layers of wishy-washy old toads and delicately manage public image in the process. Say it and it is so, and the people will see that their needs are met and be grateful. That's the Bowser way.
 Romantically, what does he need? He makes a little list.
1. Hot.
2. No arguing.
3. No criticizing or trying to change him.
4. No pink or girly.
5. Just...hot okay? A hot dude. There, he said it. A hot dude he can take on dates who won't try to fix him, who won't think there's anything WRONG with him that needs fixing, somebody who can just be hot and pretty and hang around making him look good without getting in his way or trying to take over.
Ugh. He needs a Mario, that's what he needs, somebody to quietly stand around and smile at him and feed him cake. But way hotter. Way, WAY hotter.
 He quits glaring at Peach's wedding ads long enough to type out a basic list of demands and send it to a matchmaking service. (It's a sugar baby service, but he'll be damned if he calls it that.) He's not doing ANY work for this relationship. He's rich, he's powerful, he's reasonably attractive, he thinks? Got a bit of a gut since college but he's still got muscle. Whatever, he's got a castle and a fleet of cool cars and enough money to spoil the hell out of TEN thirsty twinks, whoever he picks can keep their mouth shut about his beer belly. No, he's going full Lizzo, he's not considering anyone unless they LOVE his body. He's rich enough to afford that.
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He's all set to send that pic to his potential matches, but then Luigi's pic pops into his inbox, and he panics and switches. He's not trying to scare matches off, that would be self-sabotaging. And he's a fun guy, not some bum who gets drunk and passes out on a deck chair, that was ONE TIME and he was recovering from sunburn, you didn't need to snap a picture of it, guys. Whatever. Fun in the sun dad bod pic, that should be enough to reel in a boyfriend.
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So. Bowser is a smart man, and the ruler of a kingdom. He does have bodyguards, and he designs most of his own security systems. The service will weed out the scammers, but he's investigating his matches himself, and Luigi is...not unknown to him. He's probably wildly unrecognizable to most people post-makeover, but Bowser was stalking Peach's wedding and has dossiers on everyone in the wedding party. He KNOWS what his ex-rival's brother looks like without a hat.
The only question is WHY. Is this a game? A joke? A sick trap? Why is he doing this?
"Why are you doing this?" is the first message he sends through the service.
And boy oh boy is that the question of the hour, Luigi thinks, staring at it. He has no idea who's he writing to, the...DADDIES are wealthy and important enough to warrant a bit of identity protection. He'll get a picture in advance of any meetings, but for now he's flying blind.
He's not gonna dump his whole life's story on a stranger, and he doesn't need to justify his decisions to anybody. He's not hurting for company, or money, so why is he doing this?
"I want to take a break and have fun with someone who can afford to take me nice places and do cool things" is what he decides on. It's true.
The rest is just them going nice places and doing cool things together. No drama, no schemes, no misunderstandings or second-guessing about why they’re there. Bowser pays for everything, and gives Luigi some spending money besides. Luigi works hard to relax and be sexy and flirty and fun. It helps that Bowser is so comfy to cuddle with, and actually taller than him, which is impressive.
He is vaguely aware that he is dating Peach's ex, he figures that out around the third date or so, but the guy is remarkably chill compared to how she described him, (and in this world Peach's security detail handled any incidents, there was no kidnapping (recently,) and the Mario brothers weren't heroes who needed to curb-stomp anyone, so Luigi has never met Bowser directly.)
Bowser is keenly aware that he is dating Peach's brother-in-law, but he works hard to relax, not obsess over anything, and just be cool and fun to hang out with. It helps that Luigi is super hot, a little goofy when he relaxes, and enjoys draping himself over Bowser while they lounge on the beach, or on a train ride through the mountains, or a tour of wine country. Lots of hot guy draped all over him while people stare enviously.
It's definitely envy, nothing to do with how Bowser just chugged half a bottle of merlot. He needed to wash the taste of that horrible rosé out of his mouth, okay? Who bottled that, a skunk? Horrible bouquet. Horrible. Luigi, buzzed and giggly and tucked up against Bowser's side staring at him adoringly, thinks Bowser is the funniest, wittiest guy in the world. They should definitely get out of there. The proprietors sell them a case of the merlot and gently suggest that the gentlemen switch to cheese tasting now, so they do.
Bowser's driver takes them on a long ride up the coast, and they have dinner at a beach chateau at sunset and listen to the cresting waves as the stars come out, and Luigi thinks this is exactly what he needed.
And Bowser just spent a long weekend out of his workshop and not buried in paperwork, and he's got some nice wine and stories to charm some diplomat who's visiting next week, and hey maybe Luigi can handle the charming and let Bowser do the diplomacy, or maybe he'll just sit at the dinner table eating fancy food and looking pretty while Bowser takes care of everything.
Man, it's good to be the king. Especially when you've got a doll like this by your side, cheering you on, waiting to see what you’ll do next. He needed this, this ego stroking and taking care of someone, showing off for them. Not running after a pink velvet track suit who's got a million clubs and committees and parties to coordinate. And wow, he hasn't thought about her in a while. A few days, at least. And he doesn't want to think of her now, under the stars, with a fuzzy face nuzzling his neck and strong hands slowly petting down his chest hair and over his belly. He's good. He’s good.
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[HUNTLOW] [SONGFIC] right where you left me
Friends break up, friends get married
Strangers get born, strangers get buried
Trends change, rumors fly through new skies
But I'm right where you left me
Amity Blight and Luz Noceda  cordially invite you to their wedding. 
Willow walks over the table and sits awkwardly waving at everybody. Her gaze doesn’t stop to look at Hunter who’s right next to her. Shivers go through her spine as she remembers that the last time they were at the same table everything kinda fell apart. 
Matches burn after the other
Pages turn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me
"Willow you look so pretty “Luz’s mom says and she smiles politely back at her. 
“Total bloom!” Amity’s sister comments “I still remember when we were all at school and you were just a little sprout.”
Emira doesn’t mean it in a bad way, but it’s still rude and they all notice. Willow dismisses the comment as if it was nothing. Hunter clears his throat.
“She was the captain of our senior year roller-derby team. Plus, top student. How does that make you a little sprout again?”
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
“Willow… I’m going to NY. I just got the letter today.” He says. Her body stiffens. 
“Congratulations” She says, putting her glass down. Feeling suddenly too young to have a glass of wine in her hand. “That’s what you wanted. I am happy for you”. 
Her gaze gets blurry. 
“Why don’t you come with me? I’m sure you’ll have a bright future no matter where you go. “
“I can’t, Hunter” She looks for the waiter. Maybe they should just leave. This place is too fancy for them anyways. 
“Yes, you can. I’m sure your dads will support your decision. Willow, I’m getting a scholarship. I know I could work too, come with me, we’ll figure it out, but I know this will work. We could even… ” He stars looking for something in his pockets. He looks so dazzling with his hair combed backwards and his cheeks blushed. 
“I don’t wanna leave my hometown” She lies. She’s just too scared that things don’t turn out well for both of them. He’s brilliant. He’s handsome. He’s got dreams. She just has him. She’s gonna miss him so much when he’s not here anymore. 
I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop
Right when I felt the moment stop
“This shouldn’t be this ways” He says. 
He’s crying. 
“Willow you’re making me choose”.
“You’re wrong. That’s exactly what I would never do” She pleads. “I’ve made out my mind for a while, Hunter… this is going nowhere. You will be leaving anyway. We better spend this last summer apart.” 
She runs to her home that day. She was kind of expecting he would come around, but he did not. That’s good , she thinks. 
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
She cries all summer. She doesn't see her friends. She is too scared that anyone could persuade her to go back to him. To accept, just to end up in an even sadder ending. 
And months goes by. 
She can’t help it. She goes to his house the night before he left. 
They talk, but he’s too hurt to look at her in the way she would like. Willow can’t blame him. 
They say their farewells. He’s gone. 
They expected me to find somewhere
Some perspective, but I sat and stared
Right where you left me
Willow goes to NY. One year later she’s been offered a scholarship that she’s eager to accept. 
She walks the streets every day wondering if that would be the day they finally meet again. 
You left me no, oh, you left me no
“Willow… I ran into Hunter the other day” Gus says on the phone after they have been talking for almost an hour. Her heart stops. She’s been here for almost a year. 
“Really? Woow … Haven’t heard of him for ages. How’s he doing?” She says casually. Keep it cool. 
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
“Good morning beautiful” He says with a smirk next to her locker. She pecks him on the cheek.
“I made notes for your presentation today” She says, handling the cards at him, and he kisses her on the lips.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are ?
“Not today” she sings.
“You’re the most amazing girlfriend on Earth, Miss Willow Park. And I am the luckiest bastard to have you. See you at the library later?”
You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me noYou left me no choice but to stay here forever
“He seemed fine” he says… “He said it’s been crazy here…and… “
“...And?” She repeats.
“He… he’s seeing someone, Willow. I saw them together. I’m sorry”. 
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
He’s got a new girlfriend. Someone new to love. Willow cries her eyes out that night. 
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
“Stalking your ex again?” Skara, her roommate asks her as soon as Willow shuts the laptop when she enters surpresively in her bedroom. 
She has tried several times to check on him. Sober and drunk. Mostly drunk. She even tried to have Skara befriend him on facebook one time when they were both tipsy.  She didn’t acceppt, though. 
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
She sees him, crossing the street. A red scarf around his neck and his hair has grown longer, but suits him. She panics and goes back to the shop where she was buying a new book. Waits for him to pass the windowshop. When he’s gone, she still waits inside half an hour. She gets late to work that day.
Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
“You look so beautiful tonight” The guy in front of her is saying. She can’t get a single word of what he’s blabbing. Her eyes are focused on Hunter, who’s about to take a seat two tables far from her with a blonde girl. When he sees her, he waves at her so happy that she feels she’s passing out. His smile hasn’t changed a bit since they were 17. 
He looks dreamy. He’s coming over.
But he notices she’s not alone and walks backwards. 
The blond girl rubs his neck and takes him to a farther table.
The flashback takes her to the day they had their first date. 
He was too nervous to even look at her. She rubbed his hand that time and they both smiled. Then kissed. They dated for two years. The best two years of her life.
And you're sitting in front of me
At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want
Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right
I, I could feel the mascara run
You told me that you met someone
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
“I’m sorry” she mumbles  “But I’m feeling unwell”. She grabs her purse and runs out of the restaurant. She never hears from Hunter -or the other guy - again.
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
“Willow, I love you” He whispers. He’s too nervous. His face is  two centimeters from hers.
“I know” She smiles. “I love you even more” and kisses him hard, feeling how his weight covers her and fills her and makes her feel complete.
Willow goes over the memories one hundred times, and they never fail to shutter her heart into pieces. Time goes by, but she can’t move on. 
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
His fingers feel tight around her waist and his mouth on her neck. The world is spinning around. He’s moaning her name, hot waves going all over her body as they make out in his car.
She kisses him again and again, and feels blessed for loving him so much and for being loved in return. 
 I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
I'm sure that you got a wife out there
Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware
'Cause I'm right where
“So… “ he talks to her in lower voice when dessert in being served. The brides are already dancing. Amity and Luz look beautiful and she tries to think on them to keep her eyes apart from him.  “How’s life going, Captain?
Her heart races. Goddamned Hunter and those nicknames that would melt all her bones.
They chat. After the awkward first five minutes they get into it as if seven years were just seconds.
“I wasn’t sure if you kept living in New York” He admits after he has finished his second drink. She can tell he’s not drunk, not even tipsy. He just wanna play the cool guy part. “Luz told me some time ago”.
“Oh, so you guys talk about me?” She jokes. He doesn’t laugh. 
I cause no harm, mind my business
If our love died young, I can't bear witness
“Yeah…I’ve been there for a while. I used to live with my roommate but now I’m on my own. Finally independent” She says, a little pride in her voice.
“I’m glad. ” He replies. He’s honest, she can also tell that. 
“What about you?”
“Same. Used to live with some friends but I recently decided that I wanted my own place. I'm renting an apartment here…” He shows the place on google maps. She goes pale at the discovery they are almost neighbors. 
“Wow that’s crazy” he says “I guess life doesn't want me to move on…” His voice sounds bittersweet. 
He looks at her and smiles. Offers his hand to dance.
And it's been so long
She breathes in and accepts. They dance, and it seems time is frozen as she can only look at those beautiful eyes again. He asks her to be honest and tell him if she had ever regretted what happened. Because he does every day.
But if you ever think you got it wrong
“I even tried to have a friend get your address once, because I knew he was from your same school” He admits. She bursts into laughter.
“Because Willow… Time has passed, and we have grown up, but… when I close my eyes I still remember the day you were everything to me and I was everything to you. I can’t move on, no matter how hard I try."
I'm right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
They leave the party together and he drives her to the old court they used to go to after school.
They are kissing in his car. She runs her fingers through his hair and it remains as soft as the last time she did so.
He kisses her cheeks multiple times.
“You have always been the most beautiful woman on Earth to me” he whispers. 
Her heart is in her throat. She has dreamt about this so many times that it is still hard to process. 
But he’s being honest. You can always tell when Hunter’s being honest. 
“I missed you so much” She said at last. And they kiss again. 
You left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
Amity gets the mail that morning. Her eyes scan the envelope and when she reads the card, goes running crazy back into the house, calling for her wife.
Willow Park and Hunter Wittebane cordially invite you to their wedding. 
Lots of time skips over here
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bukmarkmedia · 4 days
A Guide to Men's Footwear Fashion: Elevate Your Style from Head to Toe
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Footwear plays a crucial role in men’s fashion, not just in terms of comfort but also in making a style statement. The right pair of shoes can elevate an outfit, show personality, and complete a look with finesse. From casual sneakers to elegant dress shoes, men's footwear fashion offers a variety of styles suited to different occasions and personal preferences. Here’s a guide to understanding and selecting the right footwear for any occasion.
1. Classic Dress Shoes
For formal occasions, nothing beats the sophistication of classic dress shoes. These shoes are perfect for business meetings, weddings, or black-tie events. Some of the most popular styles include:
Oxford Shoes: Known for their closed lacing system and sleek appearance, Oxfords are the go-to choice for formal wear. They pair perfectly with suits and tuxedos, adding a refined touch.
Derby Shoes: With an open lacing system, Derby shoes are slightly less formal than Oxfords but still offer a polished look. They’re versatile enough to wear with both business attire and smart-casual outfits.
Brogues: Distinguished by their decorative perforations, Brogues come in both formal and semi-formal styles. These shoes add character to your outfit and work well with suits or tailored trousers.
2. Casual Sneakers
Sneakers have become a staple in modern men's fashion. Whether you’re running errands or heading to a casual event, sneakers offer the perfect balance of comfort and style. Key sneaker trends include:
White Sneakers: Minimalistic white sneakers are a timeless choice, pairing well with jeans, chinos, and even smart-casual outfits. They offer a clean, crisp look that’s versatile and trendy.
Chunky Sneakers: The chunky sneaker trend, inspired by 90s fashion, continues to dominate the casual footwear scene. These bold, oversized designs make a statement, perfect for streetwear and athleisure outfits.
High-Top Sneakers: High-tops add a sporty, retro vibe to any outfit. They’re a great choice for casual weekends or when you want to infuse a bit of nostalgia into your look.
3. Loafers and Slip-Ons
For those looking for a stylish yet laid-back shoe, loafers and slip-ons are an excellent option. They strike the right balance between casual and formal, making them a versatile addition to any wardrobe.
Penny Loafers: With their sleek design, penny loafers are ideal for both office wear and casual outings. They can be worn with suits, chinos, or even tailored shorts, offering a sophisticated yet relaxed look.
Tassel Loafers: Tassel loafers add a bit of flair to your outfit with their signature decorative tassels. They’re perfect for smart-casual events or when you want to add a touch of personality to your look.
Slip-On Sneakers: For a more casual vibe, slip-on sneakers offer comfort and style without the hassle of laces. They’re great for summer days or when you want a no-fuss, effortless look.
4. Boots for All Seasons
Boots are a must-have in any man’s wardrobe, offering both functionality and style. Whether you need something for harsh winter weather or to add a rugged edge to your outfit, there’s a boot style for every occasion.
Chelsea Boots: Sleek and timeless, Chelsea boots are the perfect choice for smart-casual outfits. They can be worn with everything from jeans to suits, making them a versatile investment.
Chukka Boots: Featuring a minimalistic design with two or three eyelets, Chukka boots are a great everyday option. Their casual yet refined look works well with chinos or denim.
Work Boots: For a more rugged style, work boots like Timberlands provide both durability and fashion-forward aesthetics. They’re perfect for outdoor activities or adding an edge to streetwear looks.
5. Sandals and Summer Footwear
When the temperature rises, breathable and comfortable footwear is key. Men’s summer footwear options have expanded beyond basic flip-flops, offering stylish alternatives for warm-weather occasions.
Leather Sandals: For a more polished summer look, leather sandals are a great choice. They can be paired with linen trousers or shorts for a casual yet elevated look.
Espadrilles: Lightweight and easy to wear, espadrilles are a stylish summer option. They offer a relaxed vibe and pair perfectly with resort wear or beachside outfits.
Slides: If you’re looking for something ultra-casual, slides have become increasingly popular, especially for athleisure and streetwear looks. Brands like Adidas and Nike have taken slides from poolside to everyday wear.
6. Sustainable and Ethical Footwear
In recent years, sustainable fashion has gained traction, and the footwear industry is no exception. Brands are increasingly focusing on eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. Consider these when adding to your footwear collection:
Recycled Materials: Many shoe brands now offer sneakers and casual shoes made from recycled plastics or sustainable fabrics. These options are great for eco-conscious buyers who still want style.
Vegan Leather: Vegan leather alternatives have made their way into men’s footwear, offering a cruelty-free option without compromising on aesthetics or durability.
7. Tips for Choosing the Right Footwear
Consider the Occasion: Always choose footwear that matches the formality of the event or setting. Oxfords for formal occasions, sneakers for casual wear, and boots for smart-casual outings.
Pay Attention to Fit: Comfort is key, so make sure your shoes fit well. Poorly fitting shoes not only affect comfort but can also impact your posture and foot health.
Keep Them Clean: No matter the style, clean and well-maintained shoes always make a better impression. Regularly polish your dress shoes, clean your sneakers, and care for your boots to extend their lifespan.
Footwear is an essential part of any man’s wardrobe, and choosing the right pair can elevate your entire look. Whether you’re after the classic elegance of Oxfords, the laid-back vibe of loafers, or the rugged appeal of boots, there’s a style for every occasion. By investing in the right footwear, you’ll not only enhance your fashion game but also ensure comfort and durability for years to come.
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aumi4fashion · 6 days
How to Choose the Right Shoes for a Men’s Suit
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Choosing the right shoes to complement a men’s suit can make or break your entire outfit. The perfect pair of shoes will enhance your overall look, adding polish and sophistication, while the wrong choice can throw off the balance of your ensemble. Here’s a detailed guide on how to pick the best shoes for different types of suits and occasions.
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1. Understand the Occasion: Formal vs. Semi-Formal
The type of event or occasion you’re dressing for plays a crucial role in choosing the right shoes. For formal occasions, such as weddings, black-tie events, or important business meetings, opt for classic dress shoes like Oxfords or derbies in dark leather. For semi-formal settings, like a dinner party or less formal office environment, you can get away with more relaxed options such as loafers or monk straps in lighter colors or textured materials.
2. Choose the Right Shoe Style
Different types of dress shoes go better with different suits. The most popular styles include:
Oxfords: Known for their sleek and formal design, Oxfords are the go-to shoes for most formal suits. Their closed lacing system provides a neat and elegant look, perfect for black-tie events or business meetings.
Derbies: Slightly less formal than Oxfords, Derbies have an open lacing system and work well for both business suits and smart-casual outfits. They are versatile and offer more comfort due to their design.
Loafers: For a more casual or semi-formal look, loafers are a stylish option. They pair best with lighter or casual suits and are often worn during warmer months.
Monk Straps: Offering a stylish alternative to lace-up shoes, monk straps are an excellent choice for adding a unique touch to your suit. They can be worn in both formal and semi-formal settings, depending on the material and design.
3. Match the Shoe Color to Your Suit
The color of your shoes should harmonize with your suit to create a cohesive look. Here’s a quick guide to pairing shoe colors with suits:
Black Suit: Stick with black shoes for a timeless and classic look. Black suits are highly formal, and black Oxfords or Derbies are the best options.
Navy Suit: For navy suits, black or dark brown shoes work best. Black shoes give a more formal touch, while dark brown offers a slightly relaxed yet elegant look.
Grey Suit: Black shoes are the safest choice for grey suits, but you can also opt for burgundy or dark brown for a touch of flair.
Charcoal Suit: Like black suits, black shoes are ideal for charcoal suits. They maintain the formal and sophisticated tone of the outfit.
Light Grey or Tan Suit: Lighter suits pair well with brown or tan shoes. These combinations are great for summer weddings or more casual events, offering a stylish yet relaxed feel.
4. Consider the Material: Leather vs. Suede
The material of your shoes plays an essential role in both style and formality.
Leather shoes are the most common and appropriate choice for formal occasions. Polished leather, especially in black, is timeless and elegant, giving your suit a sharp and sophisticated edge.
Suede shoes are more suited for casual or semi-formal events. While not as formal as leather, suede adds texture and personality to your outfit. Suede loafers or monk straps can work well with light-colored or summer suits.
5. Mind the Shoe Details: Brogues or Plain?
Another key factor is the detailing on the shoes.
Plain shoes, like traditional Oxfords, are best for the most formal occasions. Their simple, clean lines complement formal suits without overwhelming the outfit.
Brogues, which feature perforations along the edges of the shoes, are slightly more casual but still appropriate for business or semi-formal wear. Broguing adds a decorative element and can be paired with suits for a less formal, stylish appearance.
6. Fit and Comfort: The Importance of a Good Fit
While style is important, comfort should never be compromised. Shoes that fit well not only complete your look but also ensure you feel confident and comfortable throughout the day. When choosing dress shoes, ensure there’s enough room in the toe box and that the shoes offer proper arch support. A well-fitted shoe should be snug but not too tight, allowing you to move comfortably.
Additionally, investing in high-quality shoes with a leather sole will provide both comfort and durability.
7. Choosing Shoes for Business vs. Social Events
Business Events: For formal business environments, stick with classic shoes like black Oxfords or dark brown Derbies. These offer a professional and polished look, ideal for important meetings or corporate settings.
Social Events: For social gatherings or parties, you have more freedom to express your personal style. Loafers, monk straps, and even brogues in lighter colors like burgundy, tan, or dark brown are suitable choices, especially when paired with less formal suits.
8. Seasonal Considerations: Light vs. Dark Shoes
Seasonality also plays a role in shoe selection. For spring and summer, lighter-colored suits such as beige, tan, or light grey are popular, and they pair well with lighter brown or tan shoes. For autumn and winter, darker suits like navy, charcoal, or black are more common, and they look best with black or dark brown shoes.
9. Polishing and Maintenance: Keep Your Shoes Sharp
Once you’ve chosen the perfect pair of shoes for your suit, regular care is essential to keep them looking sharp. Polish your shoes regularly to maintain their shine and protect the leather. For suede shoes, use a suede brush to keep them clean and fresh. Well-maintained shoes will elevate your entire look and ensure they last longer.
10. Don’t Forget the Socks
While shoes are crucial, don’t overlook the importance of socks. The wrong socks can ruin a sharp look, so stick to classic colors like black, navy, or dark grey for formal suits. Patterned or colorful socks can be worn with more casual suits to add a playful touch, but make sure they complement the outfit rather than clash with it.
Choosing the right shoes for a men’s suit involves a careful balance between style, formality, and comfort. From classic Oxfords to stylish monk straps, the type of shoe you select can significantly impact your overall look. By considering the occasion, matching the color and style of your shoes to your suit, and ensuring proper fit and care, you’ll always look sharp and well-dressed.
Source: https://www.aumi4.com
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pjcrib · 12 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT John Callanan Straw Hat with Black Bow.
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shopnzsneaketrs · 2 months
Step Up Your Style Game: The Ultimate Guide to Men's Shoes
When it comes to making a statement, few things have as much impact as a well-chosen pair of men's shoes. Whether you’re stepping into the office, hitting the town, or just enjoying a casual day out, the right pair of shoes can elevate your look and boost your confidence. 
In this comprehensive guide, let’s delve into the world of men’s dress shoes, exploring the styles, trends, and essential tips for choosing the perfect pair.
The Classics: Timeless Styles for Every Wardrobe
Every man’s wardrobe should have a collection of classic shoes that stand the test of time. These are the versatile pieces that work for almost any occasion:
Oxfords: Known for their elegant and formal appearance, Oxfords are a staple in men’s dress shoes. With their closed lacing system and sleek design, they are perfect for business meetings, weddings, or any event where you want to look sharp.
Loafers: For a more relaxed but still polished look, loafers are your go-to. They come in various styles, from penny loafers to tassel loafers, offering both comfort and sophistication. Pair them with chinos or jeans for a smart-casual vibe.
Derby Shoes: Slightly more casual than Oxfords, Derby shoes feature an open lacing system, making them a great option for both formal and semi-formal events. They’re versatile and can be paired with everything from suits to casual trousers.
The Trendsetters: Modern Styles for the Fashion-Forward
For those who like to keep up with the latest trends, modern men's dress shoes NZ offer a blend of style and innovation. Here are some of the top trends to consider:
Sneakers: Sneakers have transcended their athletic origins to become a staple in everyday fashion. From minimalist white sneakers to bold, colourful designs, there’s a sneaker for every personality. They’re perfect for casual outings and can even be paired with blazers for a smart-casual look.
Chelsea Boots: These sleek, ankle-high boots are a favourite among fashion enthusiasts. Their elastic side panels and pull-on design make them both stylish and practical. They pair well with everything from jeans to suits, making them a versatile addition to any wardrobe.
Monk Straps: Monk strap shoes, characterised by their buckle closures instead of laces, offer a unique twist on classic dress shoes. They come in single or double-strap styles and are ideal for those looking to add a touch of individuality to their outfit.
Choosing the Right Pair: Comfort Meets Style
While style is crucial, comfort should never be overlooked. Here are some tips for ensuring your men’s dress shoes not only look great but also feel great:
Fit Matters: Always prioritise a proper fit. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause discomfort and even lead to foot problems. Make sure to try on shoes at the end of the day when your feet are slightly swollen to get an accurate fit.
Quality Materials: Invest in shoes made from high-quality materials such as genuine leather or premium suede. These materials not only enhance the look of the shoes but also contribute to their longevity and comfort.
Arch Support: Look for shoes with adequate arch support, especially if you’re on your feet for long periods. Proper arch support can prevent foot fatigue and provide overall comfort.
Care and Maintenance: Keeping Your Shoes in Top Shape
To ensure your men's dress shoes NZ remain stylish and functional for years to come, proper care is essential:
Regular Cleaning: Depending on the material, clean your shoes regularly. For leather, use a damp cloth and a specialised leather cleaner. Suede shoes require a suede brush to remove dirt and maintain their texture.
Proper Storage: Store your shoes in a cool, dry place. Use shoe trees to maintain their shape and prevent creases. For leather shoes, consider using shoe bags or boxes to protect them from dust and potential damage.
Shoe Polish: Apply shoe polish to leather shoes to keep them looking shiny and new. Choose a polish that matches the colour of your shoes to maintain their appearance.
Final Thoughts
Men’s shoes are more than just a necessity; they’re a key element of your personal style. By investing in quality footwear and selecting styles that suit your lifestyle and preferences, you can make a lasting impression wherever you go. 
From classic Oxfords to trendy sneakers, the right pair of men’s dress shoes can elevate your look and boost your confidence. So, take the time to choose wisely, and let your footwear do the talking.
Whether you’re updating your wardrobe or searching for that perfect pair for a special occasion, remember that the right men’s shoes are more than just an accessory—they’re a reflection of your style and personality.
Source: Step Up Your Style Game: The Ultimate Guide to Men's Shoes
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ericbozoian · 2 months
Buoyed by the lessons of the past and the promise of the future
July 18th, 2024, Thursday
As the summer sun reaches its zenith, casting long shadows and illuminating the path ahead, we delve into the recent adventures and reflections of Mr. Eric Bozoian, a man of both introspection and action. 🖋️☀️
In the sultry days of late June, Eric and his steadfast Faren embarked on an arduous yet awe-inspiring two-week journey along the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail. 🌲🏞️ Traversing diverse landscapes, from the arid expanses of Nevada to the lush forests of California, they faced the dual challenges of excessive heat and weighty backpacks, each laden with 30 pounds of essential gear. The contrasts were striking: snow-capped peaks basking under 90-degree heat, and encounters with nature's myriad creatures, including a bear the size of a small car! 🐻🌞 Despite the trials, the vistas were nothing short of spectacular, rewarding their perseverance with unparalleled beauty.
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Between the rigors of the trail, South Lake Tahoe offered a refreshing respite. Margaritaville, with its grandiose resort charm, provided a haven of relaxation where they indulged in custom ice cream sandwiches and leisurely dips in the pool. 🍦🏊‍♂️ Their journey concluded in Reno, where they strolled along the river walk, explored casinos, and appreciated the local art, all while finding solace from the relentless heat in yet another inviting pool.
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Parallel to his adventures, Eric has embraced the burgeoning hobby of rock hounding. Armed with an array of new tools, he has delved into the earth, unearthing gem-quality stones and enriching his connection with nature. Each discovery is a small victory, adding to the treasure trove of his burgeoning collection. 💎🔨
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Closer to home, Eric and Faren have reveled in the aquatic wonders of New Hampshire, taking advantage of its myriad swimming spots. Eric's long-desired beach tent has finally been acquired, enhancing their seaside sojourns. 🌊🏖️
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The musical landscape also brought joy, with an outdoor concert in Gilford, NH, reminiscent of cherished venues from his past. Seeing Modest Mouse in the picturesque lakes region provided both auditory delight and a cool escape from the summer's heat. 🎸🌌
Wedding preparations are in full swing, with March 15th at Indian Head Resort set as the date and venue. Venue tours doubled as explorations of charming small towns and a delightful encounter with a butterfly breeding stream, evoking fond memories of missed opportunities at the Smithsonian. 🦋💍
On the volleyball front, Eric continues to hone his organizational prowess, hosting more tournaments and gearing up for official Yankee Tournaments in the fall. His efforts are met with anticipation and excitement, as he steps confidently into this new chapter. 🏐🎖️
Faren’s roller derby exploits add another layer of admiration for her resilience and independence. In stark contrast to past relationships, she embodies strength and self-reliance, qualities that Eric deeply appreciates. 🛼💪
With Faren, Eric has found a partner who shares his values of communication and mutual support. They have pledged to address issues together and avoid the pitfalls that marred his previous marriage. This commitment, coupled with a realistic understanding of the challenges ahead, fortifies their bond as they prepare to embark on a life together. 🌅❤️
As the summer unfolds, Eric looks forward to the continuation of this journey, buoyed by the lessons of the past and the promise of the future. With Faren by his side and a steadfast resolve, he strides into the coming days with hope and determination. 🌟🚶‍♂️
#EricAndFarenAdventures #LakeTahoeJourney #RockHoundingFun #WeddingPreparations #VolleyballVentures #PersonalGrowth 🌄💍🏐💎
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shahidchuhan939 · 2 months
The Elegance of Formal Dress for Men for Wedding
Weddings are momentous occasions that call for the finest attire, not just for the bride and groom but also for the guests. In many cultures, wedding ceremonies are steeped in tradition, and the attire reflects the significance of the event. While much attention is often given to bridal wear, it is equally important for men to dress impeccably. A formal dress for men for a wedding embodies sophistication, elegance, and respect for the celebration.
The Importance of Dressing Well for Weddings
Dressing appropriately for a wedding is a mark of respect towards the hosts and the event itself. It signifies that you value the occasion and are honoring the union of two people. For men, a formal dress for a wedding typically includes a well-tailored suit, a crisp dress shirt, polished shoes, and accessories like a tie or bow tie, cufflinks, and a pocket square. This ensemble not only enhances the wearer’s appearance but also boosts confidence and ensures they fit seamlessly into the grandeur of the event.
Choosing the Right Suit
The cornerstone of a formal dress for men for a wedding is the suit. The choice of suit can vary based on the wedding's formality, the season, and personal style. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
1. Suit Color and Fabric
Classic Black Suit: Timeless and versatile, a black suit is suitable for most formal weddings. It exudes elegance and pairs well with various accessories.
Navy Blue Suit: A navy blue suit is another excellent choice. It’s less formal than black but still highly sophisticated and versatile.
Gray Suit: Light or dark gray suits offer a modern and chic look. They are particularly suitable for daytime weddings.
Fabric: Wool is a popular choice for its durability and breathability. For summer weddings, linen or cotton suits provide a lighter, more comfortable option.
2. Suit Fit
A well-fitted suit is crucial. An ill-fitting suit can detract from the overall look, no matter how expensive it is. Tailoring services can ensure that the suit fits perfectly, with attention to shoulder width, sleeve length, and trouser hem.
The Dress Shirt
The dress shirt is another vital component of a formal dressing  for men for a wedding. White is the most traditional and versatile color, but light blue or pastel shades can also be appropriate, depending on the wedding's color scheme.
1. Collar Style
Spread Collar: Suitable for wider tie knots and gives a modern look.
Point Collar: More traditional and versatile, works with most tie knots.
Wingtip Collar: Often reserved for black-tie events and pairs well with bow ties.
2. Fabric
Cotton is the preferred fabric for dress shirts due to its breathability and comfort. For a more luxurious feel, you can opt for shirts made from Egyptian or Sea Island cotton.
Ties and Bow Ties
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Ties and bow ties add a touch of personality to the formal dress for men for a wedding. The choice between the two often depends on the wedding's formality and personal preference.
1. Ties
Silk Ties: These are classic and available in various colors and patterns.
Knitted Ties: Offer a more casual yet stylish look.
Patterned Ties: Stripes, dots, and paisley patterns can add interest to the ensemble.
2. Bow Ties
Bow ties are typically reserved for black-tie events. They come in various fabrics and patterns, allowing for some personal flair.
The shoes you choose can make or break your formal look. Classic choices include:
Oxford Shoes: The epitome of formal footwear, perfect for almost any suit.
Derby Shoes: Slightly less formal than Oxfords but still suitable for most weddings.
Loafers: Suitable for more casual weddings or as a comfortable option for the reception.
Ensure your shoes are well-polished and in good condition. Black shoes are the most traditional choice, but brown or tan shoes can work well with lighter suits.
Accessories add the finishing touches to a formal dress for men for a wedding. They should complement the overall look without overwhelming it.
1. Pocket Square
A pocket square adds a dash of elegance. White is a safe choice, but you can also opt for colors or patterns that complement your tie.
2. Cufflinks
Cufflinks provide an opportunity to express personal style. Silver or gold cufflinks are classic choices, but you can also find options in various shapes and designs.
3. Watch
A sophisticated watch can be a subtle yet powerful accessory. Opt for a classic design with a leather or metal band.
4. Belt or Suspenders
Ensure your belt matches your shoes. Suspenders can be an alternative if you prefer not to wear a belt.
Groom’s Attire
While guests have a broad range of options for formal dress for a wedding, the groom’s attire often stands out. The groom’s suit or tuxedo should be tailored to perfection and align with the wedding’s theme and formality.
1. Tuxedo
For black-tie weddings, a tuxedo is the standard. It typically includes a satin lapel, satin stripes on the trousers, and is worn with a bow tie.
2. Three-Piece Suit
A three-piece suit, which includes a vest, is an excellent choice for a Pakistani  formal dresses yet distinguished look. It offers the flexibility of removing the jacket during the reception while still looking polished.
3. Custom Tailoring
Many grooms opt for custom-tailored suits to ensure a perfect fit and personalized details, such as monogrammed cuffs or unique lining.
Seasonal Considerations
The time of year can significantly influence the choice of a formal dress for men for a wedding.
1. Spring and Summer
Lightweight fabrics like linen and cotton are ideal for warmer weather. Lighter colors, such as light gray, tan, or pastel shades, are also appropriate.
2. Fall and Winter
Heavier fabrics like wool or tweed are suitable for colder months. Darker colors, such as charcoal, navy, and black, are more fitting for the season.
Cultural and Regional Variations
Cultural and regional traditions can also impact the choice of formal dress for men for a wedding. For example:
1. South Asian Weddings
In South Asian weddings, traditional attire like sherwanis or kurta pajamas is often worn. These outfits are richly embroidered and paired with churidar pants and traditional footwear like juttis or mojris.
2. Western Weddings
Western weddings typically favor suits and tuxedos. However, regional styles, such as kilts in Scottish weddings, may also be seen.
3. Middle Eastern Weddings
In Middle Eastern weddings, men might wear dishdashas or thobes, which are long robes, often paired with a headscarf.
A formal dress for men for a wedding is more than just a set of clothes; it is a symbol of respect, elegance, and personal style. From the choice of suit to the finest accessories, every detail contributes to a polished and sophisticated look. Whether you are a guest, a groomsman, or the groom, dressing appropriately for the occasion enhances the experience and ensures you are remembered for your impeccable style. Embrace the opportunity to dress up and celebrate love with confidence and grace.
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heightenshoes · 3 months
TopoutShoes's Height-Increasing Derby Shoes offer an extra 2.6 inches in height without compromising on style. Ideal for weddings, business meetings, or any event that calls for sophistication. #topoutshoes #heightincreasingshoes #formalshoes #derbyshoes #summerfootwear #elevateyourstyle #mensfashion #comfortablefootwear #heightboost #breathableshoes #fashionformen #formalwear #stylishsandals #summerformal #gentlemansstyle
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flyinghawk02 · 5 months
Flying Hawk Company offers the finest leather shoes for men in India.
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Experience the leather shoes for men in India from Flying Hawk Company Regarding classic design and unmatched robustness, leather shoes leather shoes for men in India are unmatched. Flying Hawk Company is pleased to provide the best assortment of men's leather shoes. Our well made, meticulously detailed shoes are made to complement your look and last a lifetime. Discover our assortment to feel the height of refinement and workmanship: 1. Classic Oxford Shoes: Wearing our classic Oxford Shoes can dress up your formal wear. Made with beautiful full-grain leather and painstakingly stitched, these shoes radiate classic elegance and refinement. 2. Fashionable Derby Shoes: Our Fashionable Derby Shoes will make a statement. Sleek design components and smooth leather construction give these shoes the ideal mix of modernism and refinement. 3. Elegant Monk Strap Shoes: Our elegant monk strap shoes will give your outfit a refined touch. These shoes are a monument of elegance and luxury with their distinctive buckle clasp and fine leather construction. 4. Elegant Brogue Shoes: Wear our Elegant Brogue Shoes to seem put together. These shoes are ideal for giving your wardrobe a little personality thanks to their fine leather upper and elaborate perforated design. 5. Multipurpose Loafers: Wear our Multipurpose Loafers to welcome comfort and flair. Slip-on shoes made of smooth, supple leather provide easy elegance for every event. 6. Classic Boots: Wear our Classic Boots to stylishly brave the weather. Made of robust leather and with a strong sole, these boots are ideal for both formal and casual settings. 7. Casual Moccasins: With our casual moccasins, stay comfy throughout your leisure time. These comfortable-looking, premium leather shoes are perfect for weekend vacations or leisurely walks. 8. Athletically Inspired Sneakers: Our Athletically Inspired Sneakers combine performance and flair. These cushioned sole, high-quality leather trainers are ideal for people who lead busy lives. 9. Formal Dress Shoes: Wearing our Formal Dress Shoes will leave a memorable impression. These elegantly shaped shoes, made of premium leather, are ideal for meetings, weddings, and other special events. 10. Classic Driving Shoes: Our Classic Driving Shoes let you cruise in elegance. With their rubber sole and soft leather construction, these shoes provide comfort and style when driving. Discover the opulence of leather with the men's shoes from Flying Hawk Company line. With our beautiful designs, update your wardrobe and look great wherever you go.
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zerinseo · 5 months
Elevate Your Event with Exceptional Ladies Sangeet Singers Across the UK
Are you planning a special event and seeking enchanting live music performances? Look no further! Sangeet by Sangeeta offers a captivating experience with our talented ladies sangeet singers. Whether you're in Birmingham, Bradford, Coventry, Derby, Huddersfield, Hull, Ilford, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Luton, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Sheffield, Slough, Uxbridge, or Wolverhampton, our team of professional singers is ready to add a touch of elegance and charm to your occasion. Our singers are renowned for their exceptional vocal prowess and versatility, delivering soulful renditions of traditional and contemporary songs tailored to suit your event's theme and ambiance. From vibrant Mehndi nights to elegant weddings and lively celebrations, our singers create magical moments that leave a lasting impression on your guests. Why choose Sangeet by Sangeeta for your event? Versatile Repertoire: Our singers are proficient in a diverse range of musical styles, from Bollywood classics to Punjabi folk songs and modern pop hits, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy. Professionalism: With years of experience performing at various events and venues, our singers bring professionalism, poise, and passion to every performance, ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for you and your guests. Customized Performances: We work closely with you to understand your preferences and requirements, crafting personalized performances that align with your vision and exceed your expectations. Unforgettable Memories: Whether it's a small intimate gathering or a grand celebration, our singers create an enchanting atmosphere that sets the stage for unforgettable memories and cherished moments. Don't settle for anything less than extraordinary for your special day. Choose Sangeet by Sangeeta for an exceptional live music experience that will elevate your event to new heights. Visit our website at https://www.sangeetbysangeeta.com/
to learn more and book our talented ladies sangeet singers for your upcoming event. Let the magic of music transform your celebration into an unforgettable affair!
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sellyjen88 · 5 months
The Bandhgala: A Timeless Piece of Indian Menswear
The Bandhgala, also known as a Jodhpuri suit, is a classic garment that has become a staple in Indian men's ethnic wear. Combining sophistication and tradition, it offers a versatile option for various occasions. Whether you're attending a wedding, a formal event, or even a festive celebration, a well-tailored bandhgala can elevate your look and make a lasting impression. 
Decoding the Bandhgala: History and Style 
The Bandhgala's origins can be traced back to the British Raj era in India. It emerged as a fusion of the Achkan, a long coat worn by Indian royalty, and the formal European suit. This unique blend resulted in a garment with a distinct character – a short, knee-length jacket featuring a mandarin collar and a closely fitted front with a single row of buttons. 
Key characteristics of a Bandhgala: 
Mandarin collar: This signature element adds a touch of elegance and cultural flair.  
Close-fitting front:  The single row of buttons creates a clean and streamlined silhouette.  
Knee-length jacket:  The typical length provides a formal and balanced look.  
Paired with trousers:  Bandhgalas are traditionally paired with fitted trousers for a cohesive ensemble.  
Bandhgala for Men: A Versatile Choice
The beauty of the Bandhgala lies in its versatility. It can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion and your personal style. 
Formal Events: A classic Bandhgala suit in rich fabrics like silk or brocade is a perfect choice for weddings, receptions, and formal gatherings. Opt for muted tones like black, navy blue, or beige for a timeless look. 
Festive Celebrations:  Incorporate festive colors and patterns into your Bandhgala for a celebratory vibe. Sherwanis with Bandhgala jackets are popular choices for Diwali or other Indian festivals.  
Modern Twist:  For a contemporary touch, explore Bandhgala blazers in lighter fabrics like cotton or linen. These can be paired with a kurta and churidar for a stylishly ethnic look, suitable for semi-formal occasions or even a fusion wedding.  
Choosing the Right Bandhgala for You
With the growing popularity of Bandhgalas, there's a wide variety of styles and fabrics available to suit your taste and budget. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the perfect Bandhgala: 
Fabric:  Silk and brocade offer a luxurious look for formal occasions. Cotton and linen are more comfortable options for everyday wear.  
Color:  Opt for classic black, navy blue, or beige for a timeless appeal. For festive events, explore vibrant colors like burgundy, emerald green, or even printed fabrics.  
Fit:  A well-tailored Bandhgala should fit comfortably around the shoulders and chest, with a clean line down the body.  
Styling Tips for a Polished Look 
Accessorize: Elevate your Bandhgala with a pocket square or a statement brooch. Consider adding a Nehru cap for a more traditional touch. 
Footwear:  Opt for formal shoes like Oxfords or Derbys for a polished look. For a more relaxed setting, loafers can be a good choice. 
Underneath it all:  Pair your Bandhgala with a kurta in a contrasting color or a simple white shirt depending on the formality of the occasion.  
Bandhgala vs Sherwani: Understanding the Difference 
Both Bandhgalas and Sherwanis are popular ethnic wear options for men, but there are some key differences: 
Length:  Sherwanis are typically longer than Bandhgalas, reaching down to the knees or below.  
Closure: Sherwanis often have a side closure with buttons running diagonally across the chest, while Bandhgalas feature a central front closure.  
Formality:  Sherwanis are generally considered more formal attire compared to Bandhgalas. 
Ultimately, the choice between a Bandhgala and a Sherwani depends on your personal preference and the occasion. 
The Bandhgala is a timeless piece of Indian menswear that offers a unique blend of sophistication and tradition. With its versatility and range of styles, it's a must-have for any man who appreciates classic elegance. So, embrace the charm of the Bandhgala and elevate your ethnic wear wardrobe! 
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