#website development nepal
cubitincorporated · 1 month
Custom website development for Record TIME
We created Record TIME with improved user experience and achieved its major goal: simplifying the process so that users can quickly locate exactly what they are looking for. The new site structure and features make it engaging for their audience. The increased digital presence added trust and value to their developing brand. Cubit provided custom website development services to Record TIME.
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esignature19 · 4 months
Comprehensive Guide to Website Development Cost in Nepal
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When you're planning a website, the first question is usually, "How much will it cost?" This is a great starting point.
Knowing the cost helps you decide the size and features of your website. It also ensures you spend wisely and avoid unnecessary expenses. Understanding the budget gives you a clear idea of your project's scope and expectations.
Have you asked anyone about website development costs? Most of the time, the answer is, "It depends." They aren't wrong.
Different Websites and Their Design and Development Costs in Nepal
The cost of website development varies. Many factors can change the price. Let’s look at the basic pricing models and factors affecting website design costs in Nepal.
Average Development Prices of Different Websites:
Static Website Upto 8 Pages — $2000,
Dynamic Educational Website — $8000,
Dynamic Hotel/Restaurants/Resorts Website — $8000,
NGO/INGO/Government Website — $2000,
Business/Organization Websites — $8000,
Dynamic E-commerce Website — $15000.
What Consumes Most of the Budget?
Domain Registration
Web Hosting
Website Design
Website Development
Content Creation
Additional Plugins
Maintenance and Support
Factors Deciding the Website Design and Development Cost
Complexity of Design
The complexity of the design is a big factor. A simple static website costs less. A complex website with many features costs more.
Content Management System (CMS)
The CMS you choose affects the cost. Some CMS require licensing fees and higher customization costs. Others are more cost-effective but may have fewer features.
SEO Optimization
A good design isn't enough. Your website must also be SEO-friendly to reach your audience. SEO services add to the cost.
Number of Webpages and Content Volume
More pages and content mean higher costs. Each page adds to the overall price.
Mobile Optimization and Responsive Design
Your website should work well on all devices. Responsive design ensures this but also increases the cost.
Payment Gateways and E-commerce Functionality
If you need e-commerce features, like shopping carts and secure payment gateways, the cost goes up.
Choice of Development Language
The coding language affects your website's performance and cost. Different languages have different impacts on the development process.
Additional Plugins
Plugins add extra features but also increase costs. Examples include Elementor Pro, Gravity Forms, and WP Rocket.
Developer and Organization
The cost also depends on the developer or agency you choose. Different agencies have different pricing models and levels of expertise.
The cost of website design and development isn't fixed. Prices vary between developers. Choose your development agency wisely. Don't just focus on the budget. Look at the quality of their work. A top-notch website at a higher price can be a smart choice.
We are E-signature Pvt. Ltd, a well-known software development agency in Nepal. We've been serving clients worldwide since 2008. If you have a website idea, contact us. If you like our process and cost, we'd love to work with you. If not, there's no harm in exploring your options.
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onlinezeal · 2 years
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satans-codpiece · 4 months
Ramattra Lore Collection
All screenshots collected Aug 2023 - Nov 2023
[this post brought to you in May 2024 by me forgetting i had stuff in drafts]
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Ramattra is 28, built March 29th (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra was "created early in the Omnic Crisis." -Commander class of omnic, with innate battle knowledge -Ramattra was "seeking direction" -Ramattra was at Shambali for years before recruiting Zenyatta (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra recruited Zenyatta at an omnic rights protest (Overwatch official website)
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-At the time of Uprising, Null Sector had followers -Uprising was denounced by the omnics of London -Null Sector went underground after Uprising (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra struggled with the concept of sentience as a gift -Ramattra recruited Zenyatta. I believe the "Mondatta" in 2nd paragraph is a typo as developers commentary & concept art show Ramattra recruiting Zenyatta. (General Invasion entry, unlocked after Gothenburg)
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-Genji believes Ramattra possesses "no self-preservation and suicidal recklessness" (Resistance - Genji)
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-Genji and Ramattra have never met, but Zenyatta spoke of him often -Zenyatta believes Ramattra left "with doubt clouding his soul" (Liberation - Genji)
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-Before leaving Shambali, Ramattra was almost killed by humans in Nepal -R-7000s are largely in hiding or dead (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-R-7000s were "never made by human hands" -R-7000 parts are only available through other R-7000s' destruction (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra directly blames Mondatta's teachings for not improving the world faster (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra and Zenyatta were at the monastery together for 3 years (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra wants to hurt humans who hurt omnics (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra curses! (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Even when acting "gently" Ramattra can hurt humans -Ramattra feels guilt and anger about this (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra was well known as an omnic liberator (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Before Uprising, Ramattra believed omnics needed to stop waiting on a savior and save themselves. (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra chose his own name to honor Aurora, but also associates it with his mistakes (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra showed Nameless, Zera, and Lanet his omnium 2 years before Uprising -Ramattra's omnium is "buried by thick slabs of ice and stone", goes "through a shaft of ice", and is largely underground -Ramattra's design aesthetics are similar to Anubis's, "built by machines for machines" -Ramattra was designed and built at this omnium
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-Ramattra notes the power of united omnics even against their will -but Ramattra also wishes to inspire omnics to find unity
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-Zenyatta wanted to fight, but Ramattra talked him out of it -Ramattra "nearly got Zenyatta killed."
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-Ramattra rejects letting omnics fight in Uprising because they are not expendable
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-Mondatta denounces Null Sector
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-Ramattra says Mondatta is a traitor to the omnic people
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-Ramattra can slip into rages given the right provocation (confronting slavers + dishonoring Lanet's death)
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-Ramattra will make omnics join him
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siyainterior · 5 months
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IBAIS MEDIA is a digital platform for Branding, Marketing & Services. We are a Develop Marketing platform that Specialized in Strategy, Creativity, Design and innovative technology.
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Tibetan Uprising Day 2024 and a Half-Forgotten Human Rights Disaster
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Protesters on Tibetan Uprising Day at Pariser Platz. Berlin, March 10, 2024. Photograph by me (Edith Haimberger). All rights reserved.
"Tibetans inside Tibet: We are with you!"
— sign at Berlin protest on March 10, 2024
The red, yellow and blue colours of Tibet's flag flew across the Pariser Platz square behind Brandenburg Gate on Sunday as some 80 protesters gathered for Tibetan Uprising Day.
Reeducation camps for Uyghur Muslims in China, more rarely developments in Hong Kong, and controversies around the Dalai Lama who is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, may dominate international news headlines.
But the plight of inhabitants in the Tibetan region that the protestors portrayed in signs, speeches, and information panels yesterday is no longer common knowledge.
A youngish man in jeans and a puffer jacket, who was walking across the square on Sunday, asked the police officer beside him who had mentioned Tibet, "Was ist das?" ('What is it?') The police officer, at least, knew the answer.
Miniature History In 1950 the Chinese People's Liberation Army invaded the remote region bordering Nepal. Ever since then, the autonomy or even the independence of Tibet has been hotly disputed, as well as the measures through which the ruling Chinese Communist Party governs the country. Tibetan Uprising Day marks the anniversary of a revolt in 1959.
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Image: "Tibetexpedition, Kloster in Samada." (Tibet Expedition, Convent [or Monastery] in Samada.) Photo taken by Ernst Krause in 1938. Uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archives.
'Many of us standing here today,' a speaker wearing traditional embroidered clothing told the crowd in Berlin, 'have never been in Tibet.'
Instead the protesters on Sunday were often exiles, many second-generation.
Their relatives in Tibet face systematic repression.
"Menschenrechte für Tibet" "Freiheit für Tibet"
— 'Human rights for Tibet' and 'Freedom for Tibet.' Signs at the Berlin protest on March 10, 2024.
The Berlin speakers accused the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of cultural genocide. Children as young as 5 years old are sent to residential boarding schools where they are educated as Chinese, while Tibetan language and culture are forbidden.
Monasteries and convents that were destroyed in the mid-20th century and only partly rebuilt in the 1980s remain vulnerable.
The Chinese government has been building massive hydroelectric dams in Tibet. Permission from Tibetans is not asked, a reporter from Tibet.tv said at the protest in Berlin. Instead, entire villages and monasteries, dating back even to the times where Europe was in the Middle Ages, are destroyed.
Local Tibetans who protest mega-dam projects are arrested and, at times, beaten.
A-Nya Sengdra, a nomad in Qinghai province, is in the middle of a 7-year prison sentence on charges like 'provoking trouble.' In a 2020 press release from the UN's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, experts say that he had been active for example against "illegal hunting and poaching of endangered animals."
As his prison sentence continues, friends are worried for his health.
Outside Tibet, in his Indian exile of Dharamshala, the Dalai Lama has also spoken enigmatically about his successor as spiritual leader. He is 88 years old. The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama has a spiritual dimension for Tibetan Buddhists, but the Chinese Communist Party — a secular body —wants the next Dalai Lama to be approved by them first.
But, also explaining why Tibet is seldom in news headlines, it is difficult to obtain information from within the region. Writing for the Human Rights Watch website in 2022, an expert spoke of
draconian controls on the flow of information between Tibet and the outside world *
The Heyday of International Awareness of Tibet In the 1980s and 90s and early 2000s, Tibet was a cause célèbre. Actress Sharon Stone and actor Richard Gere, who are Tibetan Buddhist, spoke out in favour of its independence. The Tibet-inspired American fantasy film The Golden Child (1986) earned $149.4 million at the box office. In 1997, two films followed: Kundun, directed by Martin Scorsese, and Seven Years in Tibet . When this reporter arrived in Germany in 2006, a string of Tibetan prayer flags crossed above a neighbourhood street. Tourists were drawn to Tibet — this has not changed: it is estimated that 15 million of them visited in 2015. But Tibet was not just famous in cultural spheres. In 1989, the Dalai Lama won the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Tenuous links exist between Tibetans in countries like Germany and Tibetans in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. But the CCP's surveillance extends beyond international borders. Telephone calls may be monitored, participation in protests by Tibetans in exile become a problem for relatives.
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Young women at the Tibetan protest in Berlin, Germany, speak out against the Chinese Communist Party's gathering of DNA as part of a surveillance programme. Photograph taken by me (Edith Haimberger), on Sunday, March 10, 2024. All rights reserved.
Surveillance within Tibet is so severe that human rights organizations and activists reported in 2022 that the CCP are gathering DNA on a large scale — of hundreds of thousands of people, including schoolchildren — to track dissidents.
The Tibet Initiative Deutschland and the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, two non-governmental groups, co-organized the Berlin protest on March 10.
The Gesellschaft noted on their social media that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will travel to China in April.
In Tibetan communities in the country and abroad there are conflicting opinions on how to resist the Chinese Communist Party. Peacefully, through classic forms of protest? Through self-immolation?
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
— Quoted during the March 10 protest. From Martin Luther King, Jr.: Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963) [Wikiquote]
A speaker from the Tibet Initiative Deutschland described his group's campaign to persuade municipalities across Germany to raise the flag of Tibet over their town halls for Tibetan Uprising Day in solidarity. Over 400, he said, had agreed.
Efforts at the federal level by the German chancellor, foreign minister, and others on behalf of minorities' civil and political rights, however, are apparently often undermined by German corporations.
A representative of the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker told the crowd in front of the German Foreign Ministry yesterday:
Corporations doing business within China — the German foreign ministry reports in its China-Strategie publication that there are 5,000 of these — lobby for silence, fearing financial losses.
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dilippagodalabs · 8 months
Best IT Companies In Nepal – Pagoda Labs
Are you in Nepal and searching for expert solutions in website development, app development, software development, or digital marketing? Pagoda Labs, listed among the top 5 IT companies in Nepal, is your trusted partner. Our services extend to key cities such as Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lalitpur, and Biratnagar, making us one of the top 5 IT companies in these regions.
As an established player in the Nepalese IT industry, Pagoda Labs is committed to delivering top-notch services that align with the latest industry trends. Whether you're a startup, small business, or enterprise, our team of skilled professionals ensures tailored solutions to meet your unique requirements.
From responsive and user-friendly website development to scalable applications, feature-rich software, and result-driven digital marketing, Pagoda Labs excels in delivering comprehensive services. Our expertise positions us among the top 5 IT companies in Nepal, emphasizing innovation and client satisfaction.
If you're specifically seeking digital marketing solutions, Pagoda Labs is also recognized among the top 5 digital marketing agencies in Nepal and Kathmandu. Choose Pagoda Labs as your technology partner, and let us empower your business with the latest advancements in the digital realm. Elevate your online presence, enhance user experiences, and achieve your business goals. Partner with us for a journey towards digital excellence in Nepal!
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187days · 1 year
Day Twelve
I need to start leaving work sooner, both because I'm staying late to do stuff I could do in the morning and because the weather has been getting worse later in the afternoons. I left at 3:45ish today and got drenched in rain; if I'd left an hour earlier, I'd have been fine.
Anyways. It was a good day despite the weather.
I really enjoyed the lesson I taught in Global Studies. It's my last lesson about how environment impacts other aspects of culture. I showed part of a documentary about kids in Nepal with one of the world's most dangerous journeys to school (making the point that the environment can impact access). Students ended up having a really cool discussion about it in all four of my sections: one would ask why no bridge had been built over the river the kids had to cross, another would point out that it would take money to buy the materials, another would add that it'd take architects and builders, and another would suggest that the government should get help from another country or an international organization to get those things... They did well to put all that together, and it'll lead into my next lesson nicely.
So that's cool.
My APGOV students did a combination of things during their block: worked on projects, studied for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz, prepared for Homecoming next week, compared notes for calculus... I've told them that it's up to them to decide how to use their class time when I'm not doing a lesson. They know when things are due, they know I expect them to meet those due dates, it's a good opportunity to develop time management and decision-making skills that will serve them well in the future.
In between my classes, I did a bit of building repping, checking in on the new teachers, updating the union website, that kind of thing. I also had a handful of emails to answer. I got stuck in the afternoon doing some planning. My problem is that once I get on a roll, I just want to keep going.
Gotta learn my own lesson in time management and decision-making!
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 10.24
Azad Kashmir Day (Pakistan)
Black Thursday Commemoration
40-Hour Work Week Day
Gormanudr (Old Icelandic)
Hawke’s Bay Day (New Zealand)
Lego Day
National Crazy Day
National One United Race Day
National Senior UTI Awareness Day
National Temperature Day
Programmer’s Day (China)
Scorpio zodiac sign begins
Suez Day (Egypt)
Take Back Your Time Day
Telegram Day
Tony Bennett Day (NYC)
United Nations Day
Vote Early Day
World Development Information Day (UN)
World Origami Days begin (until 11.11)
World Polio Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Feast of Good and Plenty (a.k.a. Good and Plenty Day)
Food Day [ website ]
Hershey’s Chocolate Day
National Bologna Day
National Jamaican Jerk Day
Share a Pop-Tart with Someone You Love Day
World Tripe Day
4th Monday in October
Green Monday [Monday of Last Full Week]
International School Library Day [4th Monday]
Labour Day (New Zealand) [4th Monday]
Independence Days
Zambia (from UK, 1964)
Feast Days
Anthony Mary Claret (Christian; Saint)
Betty Lou (Muppetism)
Bijaya Dashami [10th Day of Dashain]
Cider Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Diwali Begins (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Deepavali (Guyana, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka)
Deepawali (Sikkam, India)
Divali (Fiji, India, Kenya, Mauritius, Suriname)
Diwali Amavasya (India, Trinidad and Tobago)
Festival of Lights (Celebrating the Indian god Laxmi)
Gai Tihar (Nepal)
Kag Puja (Day of the Crows)
Kag Tihar (Day of the Crows)
Kali Puja (Assam, Odisha, West Bengal; India)
Laxmi Pooja (Nepal)
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Naraka Chaturdashi (Assam, Odisha, West Bengal; India)
Tihar Festival (Nepal)
Yam Panchak (Nepal)
Eberigisil (Evergitus; Christian; Saint)
Five Martyrs of Carthage (Felix and Companions; Christian; Saint)
Janis Joplin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lilith’s Day (Ancient Mesopotamian)
Luigi Guanella (Christian; Saint)
Magloire of Dol (Christian; Saint)
Maladay (Discordian)
Martin of Vertou (Christian; Saint)
New Year’s Day (Jainism)
Proclus of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Raphael the Archangel (Catholic Church 1921-1969, local calendars)
Rafael Guízar y Valencia (Christian; Saint)
Senoch (Christian; Saint)
Vico (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [57 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [49 of 60]
American Pie, by Don McLean (Album; 1971)
Battle of Britain (Film; 1969)
Equus, by Peter Shaffer (Play; 1973)
John Wick (Film; 2014)
Live at the Apollo, recorded by James Brown (Album; 1962)
The Manchurian Candidate (Film; 1962)
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, by Smashing Pumpkins (Album; 1995)
Mellow Yellow, by Donovan (Song; 1966)
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1966)
Shaved Fish, by John Lennon (Album; 1975)
Smooth Criminal, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
St. Vincent (Film; 2014)
Taylor Swift, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2006)
The Wiz (Film; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Anton (Austria)
Antun, Proklo (Croatia)
Nina (Czech Republic)
Proclus (Denmark)
Asmo, Asmus, Ermo, Rasmus (Estonia)
Asmo, Rasmus (Finland)
Florentin (France)
Alois, Aloisia, Anton, Armella, Victoria (Germany)
Sevastiani (Greece)
Salamon (Hungary)
Ponzia (Italy)
Ara, Modrite, Mudrīte, Renāte (Latvia)
Daugailas, Gilbertas, Rapolas, Švitrigailė (Lithuania)
Eilif, Eivor (Norway)
Antoni, Boleczest, Filip, Hortensja, Marcin, Rafaela, Rafał, Salomon (Poland)
Kvetoslava (Slovakia)
Antonio (Spain)
Eilert, Evert (Sweden)
Valentine (Ukraine)
Denver, Rafael, Rafaela, Raphael, Raphaela (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 297 of 2022; 68 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 43 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Júyuè), Day 29 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 29 Tishri 5783
Islamic: 28 Rabi I 1444
J Cal: 27 Shù; Fiveday [27 of 30]
Julian: 11 October 2022
Moon: 1%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 17 Descartes (11th Month) [Vico]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 32 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 2 of 31)
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collegestory · 10 days
NEET PG Admission in Nepal
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The pursuit of postgraduate medical education is a significant milestone for medical graduates aspiring to deepen their expertise and specialize in their fields. For those considering options beyond India's borders, Nepal presents an attractive destination for NEET PG (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduates) admission. This guide provides a detailed overview of the NEET PG admission process in Nepal, focusing on key institutions such as IOM Medical College, Kathmandu School University of Medical Science, KMC Medical College, and Maharajgunj Medical College.
Understanding NEET PG Admission in Nepal
NEET PG is a crucial examination for Indian medical graduates seeking admission into various postgraduate programs. In Nepal, the admission process for NEET PG is similar to that in India, with some specific requirements and procedures. Nepal offers high-quality medical education and advanced clinical training in several renowned medical institutions.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for NEET PG admission in Nepal, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
Completion of MBBS Degree: Candidates should have completed their MBBS degree from a recognized institution.
Compulsory Rotating Internship: A one-year compulsory rotating internship must be completed before admission.
NEET PG Scores: Candidates must have a valid NEET PG score, as most Nepalese medical colleges require this for admission.
Application Process
The application process for NEET PG admission in Nepal involves several steps:
Registration: Candidates must register online on the respective medical college's website or through the Nepal Medical Council.
Submission of Documents: Required documents include NEET PG scorecard, MBBS degree, internship completion certificate, and other academic transcripts.
Entrance Examination (if applicable): Some medical colleges may conduct their own entrance examinations or interviews as part of the admission process.
Counseling and Selection: Based on NEET PG scores and other criteria, candidates will be selected and allotted seats through a counseling process.
Top Medical Colleges for NEET PG Admission in Nepal
Nepal is home to several prestigious medical colleges that offer excellent MD/MS programs. Here are some of the top institutions where NEET PG aspirants can consider applying:
IOM Medical College in Nepal
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is one of Nepal's most esteemed medical institutions. Affiliated with Tribhuvan University, IOM offers a range of postgraduate medical programs, including MD and MS. The college is known for its rigorous academic programs, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities. Students at IOM benefit from extensive clinical exposure and research opportunities, making it a top choice for medical graduates.
Kathmandu School University of Medical Science
Kathmandu School University of Medical Science is another prominent institution in Nepal offering postgraduate medical education. Known for its modern infrastructure and innovative teaching methods, the university provides a conducive environment for medical students to excel in their studies. The university's strong focus on research and practical training makes it a valuable option for NEET PG aspirants.
KMC Medical College Nepal
KMC Medical College, located in Kathmandu, is renowned for its quality medical education and comprehensive clinical training programs. The college offers various MD and MS courses and is well-regarded for its commitment to medical research and student development. KMC's advanced facilities and experienced faculty provide an excellent platform for postgraduate medical education.
Maharajgunj Medical College Nepal
Maharajgunj Medical College is a leading institution in Nepal known for its robust postgraduate medical programs. The college offers a wide range of specialties and is recognized for its high standards of education and clinical practice. Maharajgunj Medical College provides an excellent learning environment with its well-equipped hospitals and experienced teaching staff.
Challenges in NEET PG Admission in Nepal
While Nepal offers numerous opportunities for NEET PG aspirants, there are several challenges that candidates might face:
High Competition
The competition for NEET PG seats in top institutions can be intense. Candidates need to secure high scores in NEET PG to increase their chances of admission.
Cultural and Language Barriers
For international students, adapting to a new cultural environment and language can be challenging. However, many institutions in Nepal offer support to help students adjust to their new surroundings.
Application Process
The application process, including document submission and entrance exams, can be complex. Candidates should carefully follow the guidelines provided by each medical college to ensure a smooth application process.
NEET PG admission in Nepal offers a valuable opportunity for medical graduates to pursue advanced studies in a supportive and academically rigorous environment. With renowned institutions like IOM Medical College, Kathmandu School University of Medical Science, KMC Medical College, and Maharajgunj Medical College, Nepal provides a range of options for aspiring specialists. By understanding the admission process, meeting eligibility requirements, and preparing thoroughly, candidates can successfully navigate the challenges and achieve their goals of postgraduate medical education. 
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lordshotelsresorts · 28 days
In the dynamic and competitive hospitality industry, selecting the right location for a new resort is crucial to its success. A well-chosen location can elevate the resort’s appeal, attract a steady stream of guests, and ensure long-term profitability. This is where the expertise of resort consultants in India comes into play. With their deep knowledge of the industry, market trends, and regional nuances, resort consultants are invaluable in guiding investors and developers toward the perfect location for a new resort. Here’s how they do it.
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Understanding Market Trends and Demographics
One of the primary ways resort consultants in India assist in location selection is by analyzing market trends and demographics. India is a diverse country with varying preferences, spending capacities, and cultural inclinations across its regions. Resort consultants have access to detailed market research and data analytics that help in understanding the target audience’s preferences in different locations. By analyzing factors such as tourist footfall, spending patterns, and seasonal trends, consultants can identify locations that align with the resort’s target market and business objectives.
Assessing Accessibility and Infrastructure
A key factor in the success of any resort is its accessibility. Resort consultants evaluate the infrastructure and connectivity of potential locations, considering factors such as proximity to major cities, airports, highways, and tourist attractions. They assess whether the location has the necessary infrastructure to support a resort, including roads, utilities, and transportation options. A location that is easy to access and well-connected to other tourist hotspots is more likely to attract guests, making it a more viable option for a new resort.
Evaluating Natural and Cultural Attractions
The appeal of a resort often lies in its surroundings. Whether it’s a beachfront property, a hill station retreat, or a wildlife sanctuary, the natural and cultural attractions of the location play a significant role in attracting guests. Resort consultants in India have a deep understanding of the country’s diverse landscapes and cultural heritage. They can identify locations that offer unique natural beauty or cultural significance, enhancing the resort’s appeal and providing guests with memorable experiences. For instance, a resort near a UNESCO World Heritage site or in a pristine ecological zone would have a distinct advantage in attracting tourists.
Considering Legal and Regulatory Factors
Navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscape in India can be challenging, especially when selecting a location for a new resort. Resort consultants are well-versed in the local laws, zoning regulations, and environmental clearances required for resort development. They help developers understand the legal implications of choosing a particular location, ensuring that all necessary permissions are obtained and that the project complies with local regulations. This proactive approach minimizes legal hurdles and ensures a smooth development process.
Financial Viability and Investment Potential
Selecting a location that offers strong financial viability is critical to the success of the resort. Resort consultants conduct a thorough financial analysis of potential locations, considering factors such as land costs, construction expenses, and potential revenue streams. They evaluate the return on investment (ROI) potential of different locations, helping developers make informed decisions that align with their financial goals. By identifying locations with high growth potential and favorable market conditions, consultants ensure that the resort is not only sustainable but also profitable in the long run.
Environmental Sustainability and Impact
In today’s world, sustainability is a key consideration in resort development. Resort consultants in India help developers select locations that minimize environmental impact and support sustainable tourism practices. They assess the environmental sensitivity of the location, considering factors such as biodiversity, water resources, and waste management. By choosing a location that aligns with sustainable principles, developers can create resorts that attract environmentally-conscious travelers and contribute positively to the local ecosystem.
Resort consultants in India play a crucial role in helping developers and investors select the perfect location for a new resort. Their expertise in market analysis, accessibility, natural attractions, legal considerations, financial viability, and sustainability ensures that the chosen location aligns with the resort’s vision and business goals. By leveraging the knowledge and insights of resort consultants, developers can make informed decisions that lead to the successful launch and long-term success of their resort.
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himalayanhost · 2 months
Himalayan Host: Your Premier Destination for WordPress Hosting & Reseller Hosting in Nepal
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, having a reliable and efficient web hosting provider is crucial for the success of any online endeavor. Himalayan Host has positioned itself as a leading provider of specialized hosting services in Nepal, including WordPress hosting, reseller hosting, and cloud hosting. Their commitment to quality, performance, and customer satisfaction makes them the go-to choice for businesses and individuals looking to establish a robust online presence.
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WordPress Hosting in Nepal: Tailored for Performance
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems globally, powering millions of websites. Himalayan Host offers optimized WordPress hosting in Nepal designed to provide fast, secure, and hassle-free website management. Their WordPress hosting plans include features like one-click WordPress installation, automatic updates, enhanced security, and performance optimization tools. With Himalayan Host, WordPress users can focus on creating and managing their content while the technical aspects are handled by experts.
Reseller Hosting in Nepal: Empowering Entrepreneurs
For those looking to start their own web hosting business, Himalayan Host’s reseller hosting in Nepal offers a perfect solution. Reseller hosting allows individuals and businesses to purchase hosting resources in bulk and resell them to their own clients under their own brand. Himalayan Host provides comprehensive reseller hosting plans with generous disk space, bandwidth, and robust management tools. These plans are ideal for web designers, developers, and entrepreneurs who want to offer hosting services without the hassle of maintaining their own servers.
Cloud Hosting in Nepal: Scalable and Reliable
Himalayan Host’s cloud hosting in Nepal is designed to meet the needs of businesses that require scalability, reliability, and high performance. Cloud hosting leverages a network of servers to distribute resources and ensure maximum uptime and flexibility. This type of hosting is perfect for websites and applications that experience fluctuating traffic or need the ability to scale resources quickly. Himalayan Host’s cloud hosting solutions offer automatic scaling, data redundancy, and enhanced security, making it a robust choice for modern businesses.
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Why Choose Himalayan Host?
Himalayan Host has earned its reputation as a top-tier web hosting provider in Nepal through its dedication to delivering exceptional service and innovative solutions. Their hosting plans are backed by state-of-the-art infrastructure, ensuring high performance and reliability. Additionally, they offer round-the-clock customer support to assist with any technical issues or queries, providing peace of mind to their clients.
Customer-Centric Approach
Himalayan Host’s customer-centric approach sets them apart in the industry. They prioritize the needs and satisfaction of their clients, offering personalized solutions and expert guidance. Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or an aspiring web host, Himalayan Host has the right plan and support to help you succeed.
In the competitive world of web hosting, Himalayan Host stands out as a leader in WordPress hosting, reseller hosting, and cloud hosting in Nepal. Their comprehensive range of services, coupled with a strong focus on performance, security, and customer support, makes them the preferred choice for anyone looking to establish and grow their online presence. With Himalayan Host, you can be confident that your website is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
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onlinezeal · 2 years
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mountainrocktrek-blog · 2 months
what makes the Bhutan Tour the best and most unique.:
Bhutan offers genuinely different travel experiences: ancient traditions blended with modern commitments to happiness and sustainability. The stunning Himalayan landscapes and pristine forests of the country provide an ideal backdrop for the rich Buddhist culture epitomized by iconic monasteries like the Tiger's Nest. From an amazing array of wildlife to a distinctly different cuisine, Bhutan offers an absolutely unique journey across a country where age-old traditions coexist with sensitive development, offering a truly unforgettable and enriching travel experience.
Best Bhutan Tour package:
Package 1: Nepal Bhutan tour 6 nights 7 days
Here is more detailed information on what makes the Bhutan Tour the best and most unique.:
Address- Z Street - Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone- +977 1 4701233
Mobile, WhatsApp & Viber- +977 9849023179 (Dipak Pande)
Website- www.mountainrocktreks.com
#BhutanUnique #DiscoverBhutan #HappinessKingdom #BhutanTravel #HimalayanGem #CulturalJourney #SustainableTourism #BuddhistCulture #GrossNationalHappiness #TigerNestMonastery #Thamel  #paknajol  #Zstreet #mountainrocktreks
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lifolabasia · 2 months
Unveiling the Power of Science & Nature with Derma Co-Products in Nepal
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The need for skincare products that target specific issues and advance general skin health has shaped an established industry in Nepal. We'd like to introduce you to derma co-products, a rapidly expanding industry. Our goal at Lifolab Asia is to give you the best derma co-products in Nepal.
What are Derma Co-Products?
Derma co-products act as a link between prescription drugs and over-the-counter skincare products. AHAs, BHAs, vitamin C, and retinol — ingredients with scientific backing — are used in their formulation to address a range of skin issues, including
Acne: Control oil production and promote cell turnover for clearer, blemish-free skin.
Pigmentation: Reduce dark spots and uneven skin tone for a radiant complexion.
Aging: Minimize fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful appearance.
Hydration: Provide deep hydration and improve skin’s moisture retention.
Lifolab Asia: Your Trusted Partner in Derma Co-Product in Nepal
We at Lifolab Asia think that skincare should be handled systemically. Our derma co-product range ensures excellent results without sacrificing the health of your skin by fusing modern research with the power of natural substances. What distinguishes us is this:
Innovative Formulations: We utilize advanced research and development to create targeted solutions that address specific skincare concerns.
Natural Powerhouse: Our products are enriched with natural and safe ingredients that nourish and revitalize your skin.
Personalized Approach: We offer personalized consultations to help you find the perfect derma co-products for your unique skin needs.
Take Advantage of Bright Skin with Lifolab Asia
Are you prepared to witness the revolutionary potential of derma co-products? Discover a route to radiant, wholesome skin by perusing Lifolab Asia’s carefully chosen assortment. Our knowledgeable staff is available to assist you at every turn. To get the ideal derma co-products in Nepal for your particular requirements, visit our website www.lifolabasia.com, or contact us now.
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jobtendr · 3 months
Open Call for the EU Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF)
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Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024: Open Call for Grant Applications(Up to €5,000 in grant available) The European Union, in partnership with the Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) and the “Big Six” youth organizations, is excited to announce the launch of the Open Call for the EU Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF) through the Global Youth Mobilization. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply. About Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024     This initiative aims to empower young people to drive positive change in their communities by providing micro-grant funding for innovative, youth-led solutions that advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   Benefits of Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024 - Individual Young People and Informal Groups: €500 to €1,500 - Registered Youth Organizations: €3,000 to €5,000     Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024 Requirments Young individuals aged 14 to 30 from eligible countries: - Africa: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. - Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China (People’s Republic of), India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Yemen. - Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia. - Latin America and the Caribbean:Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. - Middle East: Palestine. - Oceania: Nauru, Niue, Tokelau, Tuvalu. What They Are Looking For Projects addressing global challenges aligned with the SDGs, especially those led by or for underrepresented young people, including those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, those facing gender equality issues, and individuals with disabilities. We are particularly interested in projects focusing on climate change and environmental sustainability. Selection Process A diverse panel of young individuals will review and score applications. Successful applicants will be notified within two months and will need to sign a grant agreement and submit their banking information. Unsuccessful applicants will receive feedback to help strengthen future submissions. Capacity-Building Support To assist applicants, we offer a series of capacity-strengthening webinars and resources, including sample application answers and FAQs. These are designed to help applicants submit the best possible projects.     Application Date and Process - Click on the link to the application website to apply.     Application Deadline 21 July, 2024    Scholarship Application Portal View details of Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024�� Apply for Youth-Led Action for the SDGs 2024 Read the full article
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