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rohitbhatia1999 · 3 months
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digitalmarketing1990 · 3 months
Digital Marketing Training In Gurugram
Digital marketing is the practice of promoting products, services, or brands through various online channels and digital technologies. This approach leverages the internet and electronic devices to reach and engage with consumers, utilizing components such as search engine optimization (SEO) to improve website visibility, content marketing to provide valuable information, and social media marketing to connect with audiences on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and affiliate marketing are also key elements, enabling businesses to target specific demographics and measure campaign effectiveness. Influencer marketing leverages individuals with large followings to endorse products, while online public relations manage a brand’s digital reputation.
Webs Jyoti - M-24, Old DLF Colony, Sector 14, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001
Contact: +91-8802000175
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kashians · 5 months
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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The Cosmic Egg and Evolution of Man
There is a great mystery hidden behind the universe and one’s own life and until this mystery is unravelled our life can have no real meaning and we cannot be at peace, wrote Taimni in his preface to “Man, God, And the Universe.” The vast majority of people are not even vaguely aware of this mystery and are so completely assimilated with their environment and the current of life in which they find themselves that the deeper problems of life do not trouble them at all. But these deeper problems of life do not cease to exist because they are ignored. They appear in the form of other problems, generally more serious and sometimes deadly, he added. Here I am trying to delve into the mystery of the universe from what I understood from the teachings of Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru, the Founder of Santhigiri Ashram at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Some of us may wonder about life and its perfect processes. Let us take for example the process of procreation among humans. A woman and a man desire to come together stirred by the primal fire of Kama and the man deposits his egg in the womb of the woman. This egg develops into a human undergoing nine or ten months of evolution. This process was not invented by scientists, but it is the microscopic replication of the method evolved by God to create the universe. Rigveda (10.121) mentions Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Egg as the source of the creation of the universe. It is said that God, wishing to create the world, produced an egg as big as the cosmos. God meditated for a thousand years sitting inside the egg and when the egg burst, the Lord himself was born out of the egg as the Progenitor of the universe (“He made Himself by Himself.”, Taitiriya Upanishad: 2.7.1). The Rishis called the Egg Brahmanda (the Cosmic Egg), and the Progenitor Manu. Rig Veda acknowledges Manu as the progenitor of mankind and refers to him as ‘The Father Manu’ (Verses 1:80:16, 1:124.2, 11:33-16). Also read this section dealing with death in Chandogya Upanishad, which refers to the world as Manu’s creation:
“He (the soul of the dead person) proceeds from the sun to the moon, from the moon to lightning. Some superhuman being coming from the world of Hiranya Garbha leads those who arrive there to Brahman. This is the path of the gods; this is the path to Brahman. Those who attain by proceeding along this path, do not return to this cycle of birth and death, to this creation of Manu.” (Chandogya Upanishad 4.15.5).
Scientists have discovered that the universe has an oval shape. Like the nine months of the evolution of the human egg, the Cosmic Egg also undergoes nine stages of evolution before it gets dissolved during what we call ‘Maha Pralaya’. What is the Cosmic Egg like? The Puranas mention that Brahmanda has 14 biospheres, seven nether and seven upper inhabited by different types of souls. If we count from the human world, there are ten dimensions of consciousness. Rishis called these astral biospheres Mandalas/Lokas with different wavelengths and colours. Sri Karunakara Guru referred to them as Avasthas, or spiritual stages]. The Buddhists and Hindu esoteric sects such as the Theosophical Society explain these levels of the Absolute in terms of Physical plane, Astral plane, Mental plane, Buddhic plane, Atmic plane, Anupadaka plane, Adi plane and Shiv and Shakti. These Avasthas are related to the expanding consciousness reaching up to the core of the Cosmic Egg, the Paramatma. Like a spider which creates a web around it sitting in the centre, and withdraws it in the end, Paramatma creates and withdraws webbed multi-dimensional universes. Nobody can say when it started and when it will end as it is a beginningless and endless process.
Parabrahman (the Absolute) is ‘Shubra Jyotis’- ‘White Light’, says Mundaka Upanishad. The example of the prism is given by Taimni. “When passed through a prism, the Pure White Light gets dispersed to form a spectrum of different colours and frequencies. What has happened is that the beam of white light has been dispersed or differentiated by the prism and all the vibrations, visible and invisible have been separated from each other, according to their wavelengths, forming a continuous spectrum. By putting another inverted prism in the path of the emergent rays it is possible to recombine or integrate them again into the original beam of white light. So, the whole process is reversible.” That is how the Absolute Brahman self-manifests and disperses into various astral biospheres with the potential to remain unaffected by what is created. One must evolve through these astral biospheres one by one to merge with the Absolute. Then only there is Mukthi. Following are roughly the ten Lokas beginning from the human world:
1. Bhuloka (abode of man). 2. Bhuta loka (abode of earth spirits) 3. Pitru loka and Bhuvar Loka (abode of ancestral souls, 4. Bhuvar Loka (abode of Yakshas, Kinnaras, Devi-Devas, angels, etc.) 5. Swarga Loka (Heaven, the abode of Trimurti (Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh) and other spiritual powers in heaven. Indra is the lord of heaven) 6. Rishi Loka (The abode of transcendental Rishis above heaven) 7. Parashakti Mandala (the sphere of the feminine principle) 8. Ishwara Mandala (The abode of supramental souls such as Sri Krishna) 9. Brahm-Mandala (the Cosmic Mind in creative mode) 10. Parabrahma Mandala (the ultimate seat of Parabrahm, God Almighty)
The abode of human beings is Bhuloka which is perceptible through the sense organs, mind, and intellect. When the soul (sookshma sharira) departs from the body it reaches various atmospheres in the Brahmanda according to its karma and evolution of consciousness. Gross souls with sinful actions remain in the atmosphere as earth spirits. Lighter souls with some virtues are transported to Pitru Loka. Those who are yet more radiant attain to Bhuvar Loka and then to Swarga Loka to reap the result of their virtuous actions. Swarga or Heaven is a place of super-sensuous enjoyments, inhabited by devas and other angelic beings. Indra is the Lord of Hindu heaven.
Similarly, there can be different lords in the heavens for Christians and Muslims, whom they call the ‘One God’ who sits in heaven and delivers judgment. The Swarga of Indra exists between the sixth and seventh spiritual sky. A man cannot attain Mukti in heaven because it is a world for the enjoyment of karma, and there is an end to it. Many people mistakenly think that their destination is heaven. But “Greater than the earth, greater than the sky, greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds (is Brahman)”, declares Chandogya Upanishad (3:9:28:7).
The transcendental experience begins from the seventh spiritual sky identifiable with the Rishi Loka. There are no physical limitations in this sphere because the souls can exist here as pure radiance. What we see as millions of stars in the Brahmanda are such evolved souls. They can take a body at their will when descending into the world. They are called Avatars, meaning the ones who descend from the Nakshatra Loka, the star world. Sri Krishna was the only Mahatma who had transcended the seventh spiritual sky and attained the status of Ishwara in the eighth spiritual sky by birth itself.
Christianity and Islam are heaven-centric religions promising enjoyments in heaven. That means the spiritual stature of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad is related to the spiritual skies equivalent to the Swarga of Hindus. The final Judgement by God is related to the theory of karma, which is not acknowledged in the dogma of Abrahamic religions. You reap the result of your karma in heaven or hell in an organic way. There is nobody to judge you. You touch fire you get burnt. Why should be there someone to judge? Even if there is a judge, what difference does it make? When the merit or demerit of karma is exhausted in heaven or hell, the souls are reborn on the earth plane. They must resume the journey of evolution all over again to reach the Absolute. The goal of man is not heaven. A soul must transcend heaven too, forsaking the desire for pleasures to reach the presence of Paramatma. That is why the Ishavasya Upanishad said that the face of Truth is hidden by a golden disk. One must remove this lid to see the truth of God. Only the one who achieves this feat can become a Rishi and inhabit the blissful Rishi Loka.
This soul-travel through the above astral planes is not an easy feat. It requires tremendous will- power and self-sacrifices, and most importantly the help of a spiritual master who himself has transcended these spiritual abodes. The journey up to heaven is not as difficult as the journey beyond. The powers in heaven such as the Devi-Devas and other angelic beings can be pleased with a certain amount of spiritual regimen and devotion. They may grant your wishes, and even the power to perform Siddhi (miracles). But once you try to cross their territory, the problems start. There will be tests and resistance from the fallen souls known as Yogabhrashta, Satan, and Jinn. These are powerful souls with tremendous Siddhis. They are fallen from the path in the middle of their journey because of their egoism and thus failed to achieve Mukthi.
These jealous souls intimidate the genuine seekers with the lure of Siddhi or may trap them in sexual scandals or some other issues that create public outrage against them. This is done to stop them on their path of evolution to higher regions above heaven. The persecution becomes unbearable in this stage, and most of them fall prey to these evil powers. Even great souls like Sri Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, and innumerable other souls were intimidated by these fallen souls. The persecution of Sri Krishna by demonic powers, the death of Buddha by consuming rotten meat, the sufferings undergone by Mahavir, and Moses, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the sickness that led to the death of Prophet Muhammad after partaking of the poisoned food offered by a Jewish woman, all these are a few examples of such persecution.
Trimurti of Hinduism also exists below the seventh sky, the Rishi Loka. Vishnu is one of the Trimurti gods. The pundits made Sri Krishna an avatar of Vishnu. That is not right. Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma are called Devas. But Sri Krishna was not a Deva. He was a Kalanthara Guru, the spiritual authority of Dwapara Yuga. Sri Krishna called himself Ishwara, not a Deva. There is no evidence that Sri Krishna was an Avatar of Vishnu. That is the sectarian view of Vaishnava Puranas. Different sects appropriated great Mahatmas to promote their sects. Sri Krishna stood at a higher pedestal than all other gods and prophets. There was no parallel to him. He is known to have subdued even Brahma and Indra. After Sri Krishna, only Sri Karunakara Guru could transcend all the spiritual abodes and become the true image and instrument of God in this Kali Yuga. When the Guru transcended all the spiritual levels, Sri Krishna himself appeared in a vision and revealed to the devotees that they should follow only Guru from now on. But this is understood only by the followers of the Guru, the rest of the people are living like the proverbial frog in the well (koopa mandukas) who know nothing of the sea.
Evolution is supposed to be ending with man, considered the most perfect among all created living beings. One cannot calculate when exactly man originated in the world. We can perhaps discover it in relation to the present Manvantara. The British geneticist and evolutionary biologist JBS Haldane held that the ten Avatars or incarnations (Dashavatara) of God are a true sequential depiction of the great unfolding of the evolution of life, in the present Manvantara. The first Avatar Matsya was fish. The initial forms of life were aquatic during the Cambrian period (the earliest three geologic eras roughly 542 to 251 million years ago). The second Avatar Kurma belongs to the group of reptiles when the aquatic life gets evolved into amphibians. The third Avatar was Varaha or boar when the amphibian evolved into land-dwelling animals. The Avatar Narasimha or man-lion can be compared to primitive uncivilized humans. The fifth Avatar Vamana the sward-man may be related to the first man who originated during the Pliocene era (the period that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before the present), and Parashurama the sixth Avatar with the first man originated during the quaternary period (the most recent of geologic time scale spanning 2.588 million years ago), the weapon-wielding iron age. Rama, Krishna, and Buddha indicate advanced states of physical and mental evolution of man. The transition to the next stage is inevitable.
The present civilisational crisis can be overcome only when the orthodoxy in all religious traditions including Hinduism comes out of its shells and make possible the transition to the next stage of the supramental evolution of consciousness instead of going on proving and justifying their dogmas that are irrelevant now. The age of superhuman beings and supramental spirituality is coming. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh had predicted it, and Sri Karunakara Guru has put the cornerstone for such a civilisational change. --Mukundan P.R.
The Cosmic Egg by Talon Abraxas
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trueenewshub · 3 months
Homeless NDA Ministers
IMC WEB DESK NEW DELHI: Indian politics defines transition. Elections saw Modi as the PM heading NDA-led coalition government. Soon after, former Union Ministers asked to vacate their designated homes
NDA goes through changes
Indian politics witnessed weighty changes in 2024. On 7th June 2024, Narendra Modi confirmed the support of 293 MPs to Droupadi Murmu, the President of India. This marked Modi’s third term as Prime Minister and his first-time heading NDA-led coalition government with the Telugu Desam Party of Andhra Pradesh and Janata Dal (United) of Bihar emerging as two primary alliances.
A noticeable step taken by the Directorate of Estates (DoE) under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) surely makes up for a sweeping swap!
DoE served a notice to few of the former Union Ministers in Indian Politics to vacate their official accommodation in Delhi’s Lutyens’ by 10 July as requests for accommodation pour in from newly appointed ministers.
All Union ministers and ministers of state (MoS) in Indian politics are entitled to a ‘Type VIII’ bungalow in Delhi’s Lutyens’. Former ministers have to vacate such an accommodation when they lose their ministerial berth, according to the DoE rules.
NDA-led coalition government have removed thirty-seven formers ministers in from Narendra Modi’s Union Council of Ministers. Indian politics stands synonymous to shifting gears.
Significant leaders in Indian politics namely Smriti Irani, Arjun Munda, R.K Singh, Niranjan Jyoti, Sanjeev Balyan, and Rajeev Chandrashekhar, lost in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections. Others, such as Anurag Thakur, Narayan Rane, and Parshottam Rupala, won but did not get a ministerial berth this time. Some, such as Meenakshi Lekhi, did not get a ticket to contest the polls as the BJP replaced them with new faces. When the nation asks what is politics, well this is the face of real Indian Politics.
The DoE notice will be followed by a show cause notice eventually leading to an eviction notice.
Indian politics is often referred as the dance of democracy! While few ministers might still be showing unwillingness to vacate, there are others who have been upfront in changing their designated accommodation.
Former Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, who was served with an eviction notice by the Directorate of Estates recently, has also conveyed that he would be vacating the 27, Safdarjung Road bungalow.
Lutyens-Landmark in Indian Politics
Spread across an area of 23.60sqkm, The Lutyens Bungalow Zone is home to the luminaries of Indian Politics as well as high-net-worth individuals with about 3000 government-owned bungalows.
Serving NDA Union ministers were eligible for accommodation as allotted by the DoE. House committees of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats are the competent authorities to allot accommodation to MPs.
Members are entitled to a licence-fee free flat or hostel accommodation throughout their term of office.
Members are entitled to water supply without payment of charges up to 4000 kl per annum. They are eligible for electricity up to 50,000 units (25,000 units measure on light meter and 25,000 units on power meter or pooled together) per annum beginning from January 1 every year.
Other facilities include- washing of sofa covers and curtains every three months. Furniture within the monetary ceiling of Rs 60,000 in respect of durable furniture.
They are also allowed for a 25 per cent remission in the rent on account of any improvement or addition made to it or any additional service provided thereto by way of furniture, electrical equipment and other services.
Editor’s Note
Around 50 former union ministers and MPs from the last Lok Sabha have been sent notice by DoE to vacate their official accommodation. Home is always closest to ones heart and when it is in the poshest locality of the capital and earned through valid eligibility, the address caries a myriad of meaning for the resident. Apparently it is just might be a regular governmental procedure but delving deep, slight feeling uprootedness might haunt souls of Indian politics.
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bollywoodirect · 7 months
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RIP #RiturajSingh 🙏
He played various roles in numerous films, web series, and TV shows, such as 'Banegi Apni Baat,' which aired on Zee TV in 1993, as well as 'Jyoti,' 'Hitler Didi,' 'Shapath,' 'Warrior High,' 'Aahat,' 'Adaalat,' and 'Diya Aur Baati Hum.' He also portrayed Balwant Chodhary in the Colors TV serial 'Laado 2.
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Glimpses of Sawan Singh, The Great Master - Spiritual Discourses
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We get to have a rare glimpse of the Great Master Huzur Baba Sawan Singh through the eyes of Harbans Singh Bedi, an initiate of Hazur who attended joyful satsang gatherings presided over by Sawan back during the 1940's.
Other glimpses of Sawan come from his letters, foreign correspondence with spiritual seekers and initiate-disciples in the West. Spiritual guidance from the Master included discussion about the power of unwavering attention at the Third Eye Center during meditation practice, guidance about Simran, Dhyan and Bhajan practices, the value of corresponding and consulting with someone more advanced on the Path, also about the need for everyone interested in the Path of the Masters & Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga), East and West, to adopt a vegetarian diet:
"Meats, eggs and alcoholic drinks are prohibited... The real Sant Mat, or the teachings of the Saints, and the system of Yoga which they follow is distinct and individual, and it consists of a definite method of going inside of the Kingdom of Heaven and taking possession of that Kingdom. And this is a Universal Science. It is adaptable to all peoples and all lands, and has absolutely nothing to do with climate or particular condition of any country or people. This much I would strongly emphasize... If one understands where and how to find the protein bearing foods, among vegetables and grains and fruits, he will never have any need whatsoever for meats or eggs." Also: "Meats, eggs and alcoholic drinks have to be given up by the practitioner. These articles of diet dull the soul."
Huzur Baba Sawan Singh Ji also provided some introductory meditation instructions for new spiritual seekers to give them a convenient method, a short, daily Jyoti (inner Light) Interim Meditation to help prepare them for the eventual initiation into the full practice given at the time of initiation.
The Great Master said that the ultimate or true peace will never be fully realized in this turbulent ocean of samsara, the outer world of constant change, but is to be found on the Inner Planes accessed during meditation from the inside, in the world of within:
"The Way to Peace lies within. Within us lies the Royal Word, the Sound Current, which mystics have called by various names but which means the same thing. Everybody has to go within himself to attain that peace." And: "The soul must seek Other Planes to find peace. To find peace is the business of the individual. Everybody has to seek it within himself." (Huzur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj)
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Glimpses of Sawan Singh, The Great Master - Spiritual Discourses - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website:
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In Divine Love, Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,
James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio
Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.
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ankitkrsingh-blog · 2 months
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dangal-play · 2 months
From Screen To Heart, Get Engaged With The Bengali TV Serials Online.
Bengali TV serials possess a certain appeal that captivates viewers with their intricate narratives, captivating characters, and profound cultural significance. With the ease of digital streaming platforms such as Dangal Play, you can now immerse yourself in the exciting world of Bengali TV Serial Online from anywhere and anytime. In this blog, we'll walk you through some of the most captivating Bengali TV Serial Online; they all offer a unique blend of romance, drama, mystery, and amusement that will stay with you for a long time.
1- Rakter Sambandh:
"Rakter Sambandh" is a fascinating drama about the complexities of familial relationships and the links that bind us together. The series depicts the lives of a renowned family and their intertwined destiny, highlighting love, betrayal, ambition, and redemption. Because of its compelling plot and outstanding performances, it is a must-watch for fans of family dramas.
2- Shani Mahima:
"Shani Mahima" is a mythology series investigating the stories and wisdom attributed to Lord Shani, the karma and justice deity. The show digs into the tales, stories, and moral lessons associated with Lord Shani, providing viewers with insight into ancient mythology and spirituality. For those who enjoy mythical stories, "Shani Mahima" is a compelling film because of its engaging storyline and spiritual depth.
3- Sagar Jyoti:
"Sagar Jyoti" is a romance drama that chronicles the love affair between two people who, by chance, come from disparate backgrounds. The show delves into love, fate, and contemporary couples' difficulties. With its beautiful scenery, touching moments, and likeable people, "Sagar Jyoti" is a pleasure for romance lovers.
4- Saat Sokaler Sure:
"Saat Sokaler Sure" is a musical drama focusing on music's ability to inspire, heal, and unite people. The show centres on a gifted musician's quest to discover her identity and voice in the music business. Because of its captivating plot, passionate performances, and deep compositions, it is a must-watch for music fans.
5- Roja:
"Roja" is a gripping thriller about a young woman named Roja who is entangled in a web of danger, secrets, and betrayal. The series delves into the secrets of Roja's history and present, putting viewers on edge with dramatic plot twists and explosive conflict. Due to its compelling plot and acting, "Roja" stands out as a compelling option for fans of thriller films.
6- Ek Poloke Ektu Dekha:
"Ek Poloke Ektu Dekha" is a touching family drama honouring the ties that bind love and unity. The series explores a close-knit family's experiences, struggles, and victories as they deal with life's ups and downs. For audiences of all ages, "Ek Poloke Ektu Dekha" is heartwarming because of its sympathetic characters and moving scenes.
Bengali TV Serial Online covers various topics, from mythology and romance to drama and suspense, to appeal to a broad viewership. Platforms like Dangal Play bring these intriguing stories to your fingertips, allowing you to relive the enchantment of Bengali television from the comfort of your own home. So, a Bengali TV Serial Online will grab your heart and mind whether you're looking for dramatic family drama, mythological investigation, or love exploits. Cheers to your happy streaming.
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gyaanjyotieducation · 5 months
Unveiling the Top Courses at Gyaan Jyoti Education, Ghaziabad
Are you ready to embark on a journey of knowledge and skill enhancement? Look no further! Gyaan Jyoti Education, located in the vibrant city of Ghaziabad, offers an array of courses designed to empower individuals and shape their careers. Let's explore the top courses offered by Gyaan Jyoti Education top courses consultant in Ghaziabad that are making waves in Ghaziabad.
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At Gyaan Jyoti Education, excellence is not just a goal; it's a commitment. With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and industry-relevant curriculum, Gyaan Jyoti Education top courses consultant in Ghaziabad ensures that every student receives top-notch education and practical skills that set them apart in the competitive job market. Whether you're a recent graduate, a working professional, or someone looking to upgrade their skills, Gyaan Jyoti Education has the perfect course for you. Enroll today and take the first step towards a brighter future!
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krishnaacademyrewa · 5 months
Best Website Design Course in Rewa - Krishna Academy Rewa
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Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of website design and unlock your creative potential? Look no further than Krishna Academy in Rewa, where we offer the best website design course tailored to meet your learning needs.
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rohitbhatia1999 · 3 months
Digital Marketing
Welcome to Webs Jyoti, where we stand out from the crowd with our unique approach to Digital Marketing and Web Development training. Unlike traditional institutes, we believe in learning by doing, which is why our courses are centered around real-world projects and hands-on experience. With over 400 completed projects and a track record of placing over 500+ students, we offer proven results. Our in-depth, practical training is complemented by personalized support from experienced instructors who are dedicated to your success.
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24hrsallnews · 5 months
Kartam Bhugtam Update: What goes around comes around Psychological thriller Karatam Bhugatam will hit theatres on 17th May 2024
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We will read about, "Kartam Bhugtam Update: What goes around comes around Psychological thriller Karatam Bhugatam will hit theatres on 17th May 2024." After the announcement of Kartam Bhugtam, fans are eagerly waiting. The film is going to be released in multiple languages. The filmmaker has shared the Kartam Bhugtam teaser on social media.  
Kartam Bhugtam Teaser
The Kartam Bhugtam Teaser  is truly remarkable and breathtaking. This highly anticipated film will be released nationwide in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages, and it promises to be an enthralling psychological thriller. The film's background music and Vijay Raj's dialogues are bound to send shivers down your spine. Vijay Raaz and Shreyas Talpade exhibit exceptional performances in the Kartam Bhugtam Teaser. The film is going to be released on the big screen on May 17. There is a lot of buzz, craze and excitement among the fans regarding the movie update. The tagline of the Kartam Bhugtam film is "What goes around, comes around". The teaser of the film will feature mysterious music, dark truth, complex web of cause and effect and spectacular performances. The supernatural horror thriller Shaitaan film has been released in the year 2024, which has collected Rs 210.48 crore at the box office. The Kartam Bhugtam film's haunting and intriguing music, unexpected twists and turns, and stunning cinematography will undoubtedly strike your heart. The filmmaker Zee Music Company made the official teaser announcement of the film, and wrote, "KARTAM BHUGTAM - what goes around, comes around. A psychological thriller from the DIRECTOR of KAAL & LUCK, SOHAM P. SHAH produced by GANDHAR FILMS & STUDIO PVT. LTD., releases on 17th MAY 2024 IN CINEMAS PAN INDIA in 5 languages Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam." About Kartam Bhugtam film is Written & Directed by Soham P. Shah, produced by Gandhar Films & Studios Pvt.Ltd. The film stars Shreyas Talpade, Vijay Raaz, Aksha Pardasany, Madhoo and many others. Cinematography is by Santosh Thundiyil and editing is by Biren Jyoti Mohanty. The music in the film has been given by Shabbir Ahmed, on the other hand the background score has been given by Amar Mohile.   Read More - The new look of Pratik Gandhi and Patralekhaa starrer Phule has been released. - The film Luv You Shankar, starring Shreyas Tanisha Mukherjee, has officially released. - The ultimate guide to Tillu Square: A must-watch film for romantic crime comedy fanatics - Prepare yourself for a comedy extravaganza! "Inga Naan Than Kingu" is set to premiere in cinemas on May 10th. - Kalki 2898 AD Update: Amitabh Bachchan's portrayal of Ashwatthama in Kalki 2898 AD is truly impressive. - Do Aur Do Pyaar Movie Review: Do Aur Do Pyaar is a delightful romantic comedy that explores the complexities of love and marriage. - Romeo movie Cast, Release Date, Director and other - Dukaan movie review: The concept is intriguing but fails to achieve its maximum potential. - Bahar Aa Chaman Prakash: The first film from Namashi's production is here! - Pawan Kalyan met Chiranjeevi during the filming of Vishwambhara Read the full article
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khattri05 · 6 months
How does WebsJyoti Institute stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field to ensure students receive relevant and up-to-date training?
Founded by Hirdesh Bhardwaj - Former trainer at NIIT, Webs Jyoti has emerged as a prominent institution in the field of web development and data analytics services and training. With a visionary approach that aims to eliminate syllabus restrictions and provide open-handed education to professionals and students, Webs Jyoti has carved a niche for itself in the industry..
Over the years, Webs Jyoti has demonstrated its commitment to excellence by successfully completing over 400 web projects and applications. The range and complexity of these projects showcase Webs Jyoti's ability to tackle various web development challenges, from e-commerce platforms to content management systems and everything in between.
In addition to their development services, Webs Jyoti has also established itself as a premier training institution. With a focus on empowering individuals with practical skills, Webs Jyoti has trained over 10,000 participants, imparting in-demand knowledge and techniques in web development and data analytics. These participants hail from various backgrounds and industries, including corporate professionals seeking to enhance their skill set, as well as students embarking on their educational journey.
One of the driving forces behind Webs Jyoti's success is its founder, Hirdesh Bhardwaj. With over 15 years of experience as an IT Trainer and Author, Mr. Bhardwaj brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the organization. His deep understanding of web technologies has resulted in the publication of three highly regarded books, which have gained recognition from 25 universities across India, including the Ministry of Indian Education's National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT). This recognition underscores the quality and relevance of Bhardwaj's work, further establishing him as a respected authority in the field.
“Webs Jyoti: More Than an Institute, a Development Powerhouse with a Proven Track Record of 400+ Successful Projects.”
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aestheticviv7220 · 6 months
"Web Jyoti's Digital Dynamo: Illuminating the Path to Online Success"
Embarking on a journey of learning in digital marketing since 2020 has been an enlightening experience, particularly with Web Jyoti as the guiding light. Through their innovative approach to digital marketing education, Web Jyoti has transformed what could have been a daunting endeavor into an exciting and empowering adventure.
From the outset, Web Jyoti's commitment to excellence is evident. Their comprehensive curriculum covers a wide spectrum of digital marketing techniques, from search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, email marketing, and beyond. Each lesson is thoughtfully designed to provide practical insights and actionable strategies, equipping learners with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
What sets Web Jyoti apart is their emphasis on hands-on learning. Rather than simply presenting theoretical concepts, they encourage students to roll up their sleeves and dive into real-world projects. Whether it's creating a social media campaign, optimizing website content, or analyzing marketing analytics, students are given the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge in meaningful ways, reinforcing learning and fostering a deeper understanding of digital marketing principles.
Moreover, Web Jyoti's commitment to continuous improvement is commendable. In an industry where trends and technologies are constantly evolving, they remain at the forefront of innovation, regularly updating their curriculum to reflect the latest advancements and best practices in digital marketing. This ensures that students are not only equipped with current skills but also prepared to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape.
Beyond the curriculum, Web Jyoti's supportive learning environment deserves praise. The instructors are knowledgeable and approachable, always ready to provide guidance and support to students as they navigate the intricacies of digital marketing. Additionally, the sense of community fostered within the Web Jyoti learning ecosystem creates a collaborative atmosphere where students can share insights, seek advice, and celebrate successes together.
In conclusion, learning digital marketing since 2020 with Web Jyoti has been a transformative experience. Their comprehensive curriculum, hands-on approach, commitment to innovation, and supportive learning environment make them a beacon of excellence in the field of digital marketing education. Whether you're a novice looking to embark on a new career path or a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your skills, Web Jyoti offers a journey of discovery and growth that is truly unparalleled.
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Affordable website development and low-cost web solutions are crucial for establishing your online presence. With my services, you can expect quality results at a budget-friendly price. Contact Jyoti Kumari today to elevate your online presence affordably.
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