#web development school
7staracademy · 4 months
Exploring Web Design and Web Development Courses in Kolkata: Fees, Options, and Excellence
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, web design and development courses in Kolkata have become indispensable skills for those seeking a career in the digital realm. Kolkata, a city known for its rich cultural heritage, has also emerged as a hub for education in web design and development. This article delves into various aspects of web design and development courses in Kolkata, exploring fees, online options, government initiatives, free courses, and the best institutes in the city.
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nixcraft · 6 months
If you know what this is, you've got some years on you. 🤓🤓😂
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cosmicfunnies · 1 year
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As part of the cosmic funnies redesign, this was the final project. As a result, I received an A, and I expect the website redesign and rebrand to be online by the fall.
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cs-med-world-insights · 4 months
How to get into Coding!
Coding is very important now and in the future. Technology relies on coding and in the future you will need to know how to code to get a high-paying job. Many people consider having Computer Science field-related jobs, especially in AI. What if you are interested it in general or as a hobby? What if you don't know what you want to do yet for college?
Pick a language you want to learn: Personally, I started out with HTML and CSS. I recommend if you want to do web design HTML and CSS are good languages to start with. Otherwise, start with JavaScript or Python.
2. Find Resources: Basically you want to look at videos on YouTube, and take classes that have coding like AP CSP, AP CS A (harder class), Digital Information Technology, etc. You can also attend classes outside in the summer like CodeNinjas and use websites like code.org, freeCodeCamp, and Codecademy. Also, ask your friends for help too! You can find communities on Reddit and Discord as well.
3. Start Practicing: Practice slowly by doing small projects like making games for websites and apps. You can work with friends if you are still a beginner or need help. There's also open-source coding you can do!
4. Continue coding: If you don't continue, you will lose your skills. Be sure to always look up news on coding and different coding languages.
5. Certifications: If you are advanced in coding or want to learn more about technology, you can do certifications. This can cost a lot of money depending on what certification you are doing. Some school districts pay for your certification test. But if you take the test and pass, you can put it on your resume, and job recruiters/interviewers will be impressed! This can help with college applications and show initiative if you want a computer science degree. This shows you are a "master" of the language.
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emi1y · 8 months
oh my fucking god i understand the hexadecimal system
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just-a-girl-0001 · 25 days
I worked myself too hard again for systems that don't care about me: Look I decided to change my life by going to a Technical College to learn more about coding and other things like that like servers.
Now, my hopeful ass thought that I'd be among people that respected me and my goals/ambitions/hopes/dreams.
The students did respect me, and I respected them of course, we are all poor working class folk trying our damnedest.
But my teacher on the other hand is simply awful.
Mr. FuckFace is a teacher who was once a part of the military
while also being an old fucking fart that for some reason can't use my proper name.
now, that would be okay if he DID HIS FUCKING JOB.
so far, on week 3 we've had about 8 tests........
we've read about 6 chapters in to our books and about half the class has dropped out.
Everyday I come in he prepares an awful lecture that bores everyone to the point we don't even listen to it. We just keep working on the massive pile of homework he piled on to us.
And the worst part? if we finish our work early in our class we MUST stay the full 4 HOURS.
Like, sir I have work, I'd rather be getting payed for doing menial labor, instead of just sitting in this fucking classroom.
am I FUCKING INSANE for hating this? Am I stupid for this?
Furthermore, as a person who cares a lot about others I've tried to help 2 other students in my class. Both of their grades have fallen below 65%....
Somehow I'm at 90%, but just barely, I'm very VERY passionate about coding, and yet I'm still at a grade of 90% rather than a 100%
And one of the real kickers here is that he hasn't even graded all of our work yet. he's graded 3 tests so far and 2 Hw assignments.
something else that I find tragic is that I'm coding to fulfill the parameters of the assignment rather than adding my own flair to my code.
It makes the code and the product look awful and I feel embarrassed about the things I create in that class.
In a way, this class is very similar to crunch culture in most coding/dev jobs. This makes me even madder tbh, is this the life I'm doomed to when I'm older?
Maybe my energy would better be used making youtube videos/games/ or maybe tutorials to help other people learn.
I don't know.
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thoughtsnsh1t · 3 months
yeah the way i get angry at inanimate objects is genuinely unmatched why am i beefing with a literal website
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melonpond · 7 months
Khan academy save me.
save me khan academy
khan academy...
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geodrive-123 · 10 months
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Custom Software Solutions
At Geo Drive, we specialize in delivering tailor-made software solutions to meet a diverse array of needs. Our expertise encompasses a range of applications, including School Management Software, Learning Management Software, Consultant Management Software, E-commerce Portals, as well as Mobile App Development and Web Development.
We take pride in crafting customized solutions that align seamlessly with the unique requirements of our clients. Whether you're looking to streamline school administration, enhance the learning experience, manage consultants efficiently, establish a robust e-commerce presence, or embark on cutting-edge mobile and web development projects, Geo Drive is your trusted partner.
For more detailed information about our offerings and to explore how our solutions can precisely cater to your needs, we invite you to visit our website at https://www.geodrive.in/. Discover the possibilities and unlock the potential for innovation and efficiency with Geo Drive's bespoke software solutions.
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cryptvokeeper · 1 year
I can’t draw for shit but I am locking in the concept of a spidersona from an Atlantis-esque New York that is flooded due to climate change and rising sea levels that’s based on Desis and Diving bell spiders
#I say locking in AS A JOKE multiple people can have the same idea Ive already seen multiple diving bell spider people and they’re all lovely#A real oh boy two cakes moment yknow#Anyway tag rant time#[blank] Parker a high school student living in the lower levels of a flooded New York#Where buildings were air sealed and protected but in poorer neighborhoods not very well#Seals will crack and leak and it’s not particularly uncommon to find out your neighbor drowned in his sleep because his apartment flooded#So they develop a web fluid that can seal the cracks and can harden underwater and works better than anything currently on the market#Cheap to make too#Word gets out and they’re invited to their universe equivalent of oscorp or alchemax or whatever that’s above the water in some skyscraper#And big corporation does as big corps do#wants to buy the rights to the web fluid and sell it back to people who need it to survive at a horribly inflated price#Parker doesn’t like that obvs and on the way out gets bitten by a radioactive spider#And Spider-Man plot progresses from there#I’m thinking big corp tries to steal the web recipe (either through break-in/espionage or maybe some hired muscle intimidation)#and either way the uncle Ben stand-in dies in the crossfire#Powers include the usual super strength climbing walls etc#Also can stand on the surface of water and hold breath a really long time#And can make airtight webbing with their web fluid that can make air pockets#Their superhero suit is a repurposed diving suit#….it only now occurs to me this may be in poor taste due to recent events#Sorry I got underwater shit in the brain#I wonder why#Anyway#theyre part of the spider society but only technically#They’re kinda mid compared to other spider folks so they Don’t really come into play much unless it’s an aquatic mission#Miguel raises the alarm for miles and theyre like “yeah? Ok well if he jumps into any pools lemme know”#Also like. Water and electricity powers do not mix so only spiders without that ability can come help them in their universe#And not all web fluids are waterproof#And most normal webslinging is kinda hard with the drag underwater…#They may or may not be kinda lonely
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pagestoread · 1 year
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may | been a while since i last posted. here’s a little update: i changed my major to web design and development this semester. totally different and very far from social sciences. but i was not happy anymore with what i was studying and just needed that change and challenge. it’s been challenging but rewarding at the same time. i also went back to journalling and it’s been amazing thus far ☺️
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
chiyo, formerly a background character, suddenly experiencing main character moments after she was bitten bc that makes her a main character now?? yes and it's the silliest day of clichés and freaking out over inconvenient powers :' ))
#chiyo being like wtf???? the entire day bc not only is she suddenly sticking to everything and sneezing webs#she's been confessed to#rescued from being bullied by a guy she's barely spoken to#said guy makes some comment about her health and drapes his school jacket over her shoulders#and instead of swooning like the main character of a shoujo manga should chiyo is just deeply confused#and on the verge of a breakdown asdfg#suddenly there's a lot of attention on her when normally there's hardly any and she doesn't handle it well :' )#someone is sparkling as they talk to her and she coughs/sneezes a web right in their face and proceeds to flee the scene#she goes to the newspaper club -- or actually the supernatural club bc it would still be around when she's 15!#but either way she has to leave bc her hands keep sticking to everything and the guy from before has reappeared and she#really might just perish on the spot if she has to deal with these weird changes for another second#y'all are lucky i dunno how to draw bc i would be drawing all of this in a heartbeat :' ))))#i love love love the idea of pointing out and playing with clichés and tropes#especially with a protagonist like chiyo who would be so weirded out and unhappy with these developments asdf#anyway i said i'm trying to write and i am but uhhhhh brain rot#okay i spoke too much in the tags to lose this post so it goes in the headcanon tag ig#headcanons | chiyoko#your friendly neighborhood jorogumo | across the spider verse | chiyoko
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surumarssi · 1 year
I'm actually a diesel engines autist but I haven't had the time to read up on them since I had to quit trade school.. tragic
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bloodyarson · 2 years
visit my new tag #ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices for highly entertaining accounts of my experiences dealing with any kind of company's or government's wonderful treatment of their obviously very strongly valued customers and their very astronomically high quality offered services
#psalms#a new tag for any rant posts like the last one i just made or the one from a few weeks ago about the fun of cancelling a subscription#under the influence of current day late capitalism business management practices#truly makes me feel seen and cared for as a client i promise you#10/10 customer service would recommend if you want to have a laff at how hilariously atrocious someone is at doing their job#or at how fucking deluisonal companies and businesses can be when faced with even a little bit of notoriety#and dont even get me started about government offered services and how much i love having to get anything from them#quebec's gubbermint cant even make a website that doesnt look like it's still the year 2005 and whose menus make any kind of sense#like yall trying to find information about anything on a gov site is a lost cause both in the case of qc and canada#both official government sites couldn't be more confusing and disjointed and info couldn't be any harder to access if it was on purpose#their websites are so so so badly made that it's almost fucking hilarious#i have never felt frustration such as when we were working on my wife's immigration papers and had to find answers on the CIA's website#canadian immigration agency you know that cia not... you get it#maybe put some of those tax dollars you love allocating to military budgets à la con into making yourself an usable website you fucks#maybe with some of the money you're not actually fixing roads and schools and hospitals with you could hire a web developer#anyways#im v mad w the state of things tonite :)#ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices
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mothbeasts · 2 years
the state of the tech industry is very scary right now .
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epiccorporations · 29 days
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Elevate Your Business with Epic Corporations Digital Solutions :- Software Development Company
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As one of the leading software development companies, we're your trusted partner in digital transformation, whether you're a startup or an enterprise. 
Elevate your business with our comprehensive digital solutions. 
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Epic Corporations Pvt Ltd Ansal API Palam Corporate Plaza, TF-427, A-Block, Palam Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana 122017 (India)
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