#web based cip management
atsersystems · 6 months
Web based cip management system
ATSER Systems, Inc. transforms infrastructure project management with the launch of a cutting-edge web-based CIP management system. It streamlines maintenance plans, asset tracking, and compliance oversight while providing real-time information for effective decision-making. With user-friendly interfaces and adaptable functionality, ATSER's solution streamlines processes for flawless project execution and compliance with regulations.
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
CSCP Course
CSCP And CSCP Certification Zabeelinstitute.Ae
The APICS confirmation is viewed as a praiseworthy program for store network the executives. The course tests your getting sorted out capacities to a full degree. CSCP has been accessible since the year 2006 to convey high profile confirmation. North of 16,000 experts from 79 nations have picked this confirmation for better impressive skill. A short clarification to the program is given beneath.
A CSCP certificate program is:
· A solid program that has procured a worldwide presence in the stock market.
· Ideal decision by most instructive establishments for rumored APICS accreditation.
· Assigned for better perceivability before enrollment specialists and businesses.
· The best program for tied stock administration.
· Assists you with getting selected under additional competent and proficient enterprises.
An APICS or CSCP affirmation test depends on 3 Modules. These are:
Module 1:
This module depends on the basics associated with APICS Supply Chain the executives. Technique based arrangement for effective corporate administration is tried in this module. Different requests for capable determining and capable administration are likewise tried.
 Module 2:
Here, the plan, procedure and Compliance exercises are tried. Activities and planning with productive moderation of assets are likewise thought about. Different variables that impact requests of clients; challenges and their executions; improvement in source the executives; administrative strategies and so forth are likewise analyzed in this module.
 Module 3:
The functional segment is the significant guinea pig in this module. Consistency in further developing techniques; Efficient responsiveness; acquirement of outside and inward sources; finish of ventures; correspondence perspectives and so forth are capably tried here by the CSCP analysts.
CSCP Certification Eligibility
Qualification for APICS certification:
CSCP accreditation qualification will call for around 75-100 hours. To finish the CLTD capability it will positively require around 75-100 hrs.
Following is the CIPS certificate qualification, you ought to battle no less than one of the accompanying:
1. 3 years of organization experience.
2. A four year college education or a worldwide same.
3. A functioning CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, SCOR-P, CPM, CPSM, CTL, or CLTD license.
 Does APICS license end?
To keep your APICS accreditation legitimate, you ought to acquire 75 expert advancement upkeep factors at regular intervals (100 variables for APICS Fellows). Support can be satisfied with assignments you're now doing to build your store network information and stay up with the latest on the most forward-thinking inventory network patterns.
To see more about CSCP certificate qualification.
 CSCP Course
CSCP course is another market informative as well as a confirmation program created to fulfill the quickly changing needs of the inventory network organization region.
This article examines and makes sense of the subtleties of the CSCP course Certification.
Instructional class Introduction
CSCP course is an instructive as well as a certificate program created to fulfill the rapidly changing requests of the inventory network the board field. The educator drove rendition of the program utilizes delegates the valuable chance to assess the web content introduced in the text as well as online review devices in a class setting.
CSCP Course covers recorded beneath parts:
Module 1: Supply Chain Management Basics
Module 2: Supply Chain Approach, Design, and furthermore Compliance
Module 3: Application and furthermore Operations
who can do the CSCP course?
Whether you work in store network organization or are attempting to find the comprehension that can incorporate worth to your profession or organization, the CSCP is great for you.
 CSCP Learning System
CSCP Learning System of APICS is a thorough preparation cure that coordinates north of 350 references into one schooling and learning program. Created by informed authorities as well as refreshed yearly.
This article examines and makes sense of the subtleties of the CSCP learning framework.
APICS Learning System for CSCP
CSCP learning System contains three straightforward print parts that cover the entire APICS CSCP ECM.
Movement actually look at requests toward the finish of each part
Intelligent Web-Based Parts
The CSCp learning framework through web-based gadgets assists you with deciding your most memorable level of understanding, produce an exploration concentrate on procedure in view of your singular necessities, build up your examination review with training tests as well as undertakings, and track your comprehension movement with a report card. The web-based piece of the instructional class works in blend with the distributed parts and incorporates the accompanying parts.
To see more about CSCP certificate qualification.
About the CSCP Learning framework and affirmation
CSCP represents an ensured inventory network proficient. It is one of the most outstanding APICS Certifications.
The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is the worldwide forerunner in store network hierarchical change, advancement, and authority. ASCM is based on an underpinning of APICS confirmation and preparing traversing 60 years. For being an APICS confirmed up-and-comers need to meet the CIPS confirmation qualification for which a legitimate CSCP learning framework is given.
APICS constructs and approves information in production network and activities the board. APICS empowers its local area of individuals, associates, and clients to lead in the worldwide commercial center.
Visit for more information : -  https://zabeelinstitute.ae/blog/cscp-certification-worth/
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genratestatus · 3 years
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Customary Procurement Vs. e-Procurement | E-Procure
E-Procure is on a mission in enabling B2B e-Commerce purchasers and providers to oversee, smooth out and robotize B2B installments, acquirement and B2B online business activities through a safe blockchain network from anyplace and whenever   Plainly clarification about e-Procurement   What are the significant contrasts between customary acquisition and e-Procurement?   What are the advantages and dangers accompanies e-Procurement?   Acquirement has significantly changed throughout the long term, and we are currently living in the new period of acquisition the executives and you surely had been found out about e-Procurement and its extraordinary advantages for your private venture, medium or a huge one.   1. What is e-Procurement?   As per The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS), The meaning of e-Procurement is:   "The consolidated utilization of electronic data and correspondences innovation to upgrade the connections among client and provider, and with other worth chain accomplices, and subsequently to work on outside and interior cycles. e-Procurement is a vital segment of the B2B Payments online business"   As such, e-acquirement works on the connection between the purchaser and the provider and fortifies the inward business measure for the two of them, notwithstanding that it offers huge expense investment funds and more benefit.   2. What are the significant contrasts between customary acquirement and e-Procurement?   To discover providers:   In customary acquirement, The obtainment officials need to look through different providers' indexes, and may not know if they offer limits, then, at that point look for the providers over various calls, and it is normally face to face discussion based or done through pen-and-paper.   In e-Procurement, by means of your PC or cell phone, you'll have the option to handily think about many online inventories of various providers in a similar time and speak with the provider online to affirm the accessibility and amount, which makes the buy request movement moment.   Buy orders:   In conventional acquisition, an actual note with the things that are required and their costs, on which endorsement is taken.   In e-Procurement, buy demands are made and supported in the framework itself(under explicit pre-set conditions), making it less tedious.   Buy Orders:   In customary obtainment, buy orders are made and supported physically and afterward shipped off the seller through fax or messengers in any conventional organizations.   In e-Procurement, buy orders are made, supported and shipped off sellers online in no time and the merchant can affirm the equivalent right away.   Request Tracking:   In conventional obtainment, Procurement officials need to contact the providers through calls to follow the situation with the request.   In e-Procurement, request following should be possible online through a request following and the board framework.   3. What are the advantages of e-Procurement?   No providers issues any longer   Typically, it's elusive the ideal providers with the ideal quality and at the ideal opportunity, and in the event that it happens you actually can have some request the board issues! yet, when moving to e-Procurement, and utilizing an e-acquirement stage with a B2B payment protection commercial center, you can undoubtedly discover many providers, analyze them and pick the best one for you, then, at that point you can undoubtedly deal with your request, the entirety of this online without expecting to move out of your seat.   Costs Reduction and More Savings   The principle objective of the obtainment office in any sort of business is to create more reserve funds for the organization while getting the required acquisition in the ideal quality, and you can get a few reserve funds with the conventional acquirement approach however you're feeling the loss of a ton on the off chance that you don't utilize e-Procurement as, In the customary methodology, acquirement is treated as a transient cycle of buying, in this way neglecting to bring critical investment funds and benefit.   However, with e-Procurement, you can undoubtedly accomplish your monetary objectives with key sourcing of providers, better administration, and perceivability of spend, likewise, it sets aside you cash by forestalling copy spending, utilizing volume purchasing, and saving you costs related with paper-based frameworks.   Mistake Free Procurement   With the execution of e-acquisition, it much simpler for every office to adjust to the organization acquirement principles with no squandering likewise, all the obtainment archives will be on the web and hence simpler to check for mistakes. Alongside this, past orders are all the more handily referred to, which means there's a more prominent possibility that your organization can contrast orders with guarantee new ones are right.   Expansion in Transparency with Better Spend Management   e-Procurement offers admittance to more information, and through cutting edge investigation, the information is then amassed, scrubbed and ordered which increment the spend perceivability and permitting improved spend examination, notwithstanding that you can likewise follow your organization's invest conduct in genuine energy which assist you with bettering oversee and screen your spending just as track your reserve funds.   Save time ! Accomplish More Faster !   With the execution of e-acquisition, Procurement officials can complete quite a lot more, as, In conventional acquirement, obtainment activities are overseen through administrative work, sheets, calls, and in-person gatherings, yet while moving activities to an e-obtainment stage, the source-to-pay measures become robotized which make activities a lot quicker, As the electronic treatment of errands upholds and improves on the buying cycle. The e-obtainment measure kills pointless exercises, permitting you to zero in on more significant assignments   4. What are the dangers accompanies e-Procurement and How to Avoid them?   e-Procurement is an incredible answer for your organization yet this accompanies a few dangers:   Security Risk: with the execution of e-acquirement and working together on the web, the security of your exchanges and business data might be in harm's way.   Cost Increasing: the extraordinary advantages of e-Procurement are not free as a rule, as e-Procurement stages for the most part cost a ton for membership charges.   Those dangers should be mulled over, as the security of your organization's exchanges is vital, notwithstanding that you perhaps are not prepared to manage the cost of any extra expense currently to buy in to an e-Procurement Platform.   How to stay away from this dangers?   By receiving e-Procure in your business you will keep away from most and those dangers.   e-Procure Blockchain B2B Platform, is the principal B2B stage on the planet joining a high level cloud framework for acquirement the executives and incorporated B2B commercial center.   Membership to e-Procure is totally free.   e-Procure is worked with Blockchain innovation that gives total encryption to your organization data and exchanges and guarantees that no one can at any point access your information without your consent.   e-Procure has all you will require to speak with providers, purchasers and business specialists straightforwardly through a decentralized framework to close arrangements and sign shrewd agreements openly from anyplace and whenever.   Progressed request Management and Tracking framework.   Progressed B2B installment framework and substantially more! For more details, please visit our website:  https://e-procure.net/
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emploimaroc30 · 4 years
Invest RH recrute 6 Profils pour une Multinationale Américaine (Secteur Automobile)
New Post has been published on https://emploimaroc.net/invest-rh-recrute-6-profils-pour-une-multinationale-americaine-secteur-automobile/
Invest RH recrute 6 Profils pour une Multinationale Américaine (Secteur Automobile)
INVEST RH est un cabinet spécialisé dans le Recrutement, le Conseil en Stratégie Ressources Humaines, l’Evaluation et la Formation. Nous intervenons dans des secteurs variés et accompagnons les entreprises dans le recrutement et le développement de leur capital humain. INVEST RH est résolument tourné vers l’innovation et propose à ses clients les derniers outils et pratiques du métier grâce à son réseau de consultants experts et de partenaires spécialisés dans des domaines complémentaires tant au Maroc qu’à l’étranger. Les consultants du cabinet sont tous des professionnels ayant développé leur expertise sur le terrain avant tout et disposant d’une double compétence. Structure à taille humaine, INVEST RH développe une relation de proximité avec ses clients. Depuis notre création en 2004, nous avons mené avec succès tous les recrutements et missions qui nous ont été confiés.
Découvrez notre site web: www.investrh.ma Spécialisations : Recrutement de Hauts potentiels – Chasse de tête – Mobilité – Evaluations des compétences- Bilan de compétences- Assessment center-Psychotechniques- Formation- Cohésion d’équipe- Team building – Enquête de Climat Social.
Nous recrutons pour le compte d’une multinationale américaine qui démarre sur Kénitra et qui opère dans le secteur de l’industrie automobile plusieurs profils:
Profil :
De formation ingénieur d’état en génie mécanique ou équivalent, vous avez une expérience probante de 2 ans et plus dans un environnement de production sur un poste similaire.
Vous avez une très bonne connaissance des procédés de fabrication
Méthodique, orienté terrain, vous faites preuve d’esprit d’équipe, de pédagogie et de capacités d’adaptation.
Vous avez un bon niveau d’anglais et êtes reconnu pour votre fort esprit d’analyse et de synthèse.
Ce poste est pour vous !
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Supplier Quality Engineer
Key responsibilities and authorities:
Key responsibilities
Employee’s awareness of their impact on product quality and the importance of their activities in achieving, maintaining, and improving quality, including customer requirements and the risks involved for the customer with non-conforming product.
Monitor supplier performance by:
Receiving inspection (control plan development support if required)
Periodic evaluation with quality and logistic input
Support new program start-up for external suppliers
drive and track PPAP approval according to AIAG standards,
– review and approval of PPAP package,
– perform Run@Rate to verify supplier capacity,
– verify application of early production containment
Implement supplier management tools for external suppliers when necessary:
follow up of PC issued in the Intelex,
– review/approval of containment actions,
– review /approval of problem analysis and corrective actions,
– track and monitor managed supplier performance through Intelex applications
– prepare and follow up Supplier Quality Audits,
– Manufacturing Capability Assessment audit for new suppliers
– process and product audit,
– QSB+ audit,
– support all necessary activities for Engineering Changes,
Implement and maintain quality requirements on his specific area of responsibility.
Implement and maintain environmental requirements on his specific area of responsibility.
Implement and maintain safety rules on his specific area of responsibility.
Cascade special product and process characteristics to the suppliers and require the suppliers to cascade all applicable requirements down the supply chain to the point of manufacture
Ensure the identification and traceability requirements are extended to externally provided products with safety/regulatory characteristics.
Qualifications required:
I Education: Engineer Degree
II Experience: 2-5 years at similar position
III Skills/Training:
English skills- C1
Control Plan
5 Why
ISO/TS / IATF 16949
Supplier’s capacity assessment knowledge
VDA 6.1 / 6.3 / 6.5
Technical drawing knowledge (GD&T)
Mechanical knowledge
Presentation skills
Meeting leading skills
Problem solving skills
APQP knowledge
Analytical skills
Corporate competences:
Empowered to Act
Constructive Communication
Personal Growth
Passion for Perfect Quality
Clear and Timely Decisions
Integrity & Accountability
Customer Focus
Relentless Innovation
Collaborative Relationships
Business insight
Global Perspective
Drives vision and purpose
Strategic mindset
Executes Strategy through Effective Teams
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Program Manager
Key responsibilities and authorities:
Key responsibilities
Employee’s awareness of their impact on product quality and the importance of their activities in achieving, maintaining, and improving quality, including customer requirements and the risks involved for the customer with non-conforming product.
Lead program execution for in adherence with CPI program management tool.
Responsible for quality, cost, performance and timing, meeting program financials.
Lead all Customer’s Communications for the Program
Attend/lead Customer’s Meetings / Sr Mgmt Meetings / Customer Visits
Ensure preparation of Customer visits at the company’s facilities in coordination with relevant functional areas.
Structure functional PdT’s, establish cadence of reviews, rank and prioritize open issues
Escalate program risks to functional leaders , build recovery plans to ensure risk mitigation (Stop&Fix).
Trigger corrective actions when program metrics deviate from original commitment.
Manage and coordinate program Design Reviews and Enterprise Reviews and assign preparation and deliverable to different functional areas.
Lead program communication through preparation and attendance to Customer Project Reviews.
Develop and Lead Execution for Profit Recovery (CIP)Plan to insure Program achieves BCase Commitments
Structure and maintain program timelines to align with customer timingbased on detailed timelines from each functional area, ensure coherence throughout the execution of the program.
Ensure Web CPI for the Program is updated
Qualifications required:
I Education:
Bachelor degree or above in engineering or business administration
II Experience:
0-2 years experience in development and industrial launch of a program, either as program team member or program manager
III Skills/Training:
Interpersonal skills to work effectively with others, ability to work in a multi-functional, multi-site team environment and be facilitator/leader for Teamwork
Good written and verbal communication in English (min. C1)
Time management
Familiarity with product costing and BCase
Resilience, ability to withstand internal and external pressure and fulfil assignments under stress
Ability to seek and analyze Customer feedback to understand and communicate Customer needs
Ability to defend enterprise business interests in front of Customer while not deteriorating Customer relationships
IT tools (Web CPI, Excel, Powerpoint)
Corporate competences :
Empowered to Act
Constructive Communication
Personal Growth
Passion for Perfect Quality
Clear and Timely Decisions
Integrity & Accountability
Customer Focus
Relentless Innovation
Collaborative Relationships
Business insight
Global Perspective
Drives vision and purpose
Strategic mindset
Executes Strategy through Effective Teams
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HSE Supervisor – Kenitra
General Purpose of the Position:
Manage company EHS issues covering environment protection, working safety and health, hazarders and risk assessment and control, etc.
Basic duties and references:
Manage the air, waste, noise and water discharges of the plant to make sure that all meet legal and Corporate requirements.
Take the leadership of maintaining ISO14001 Environmental Management System for the plant.
Develop and Implement a hazardous material control process for the plant.
Manage the EHS permit applications and renewal process for the plant
Manage and report on environmental metrics to plant and corporate staffs.
Recommend annual EHS goals to the Plant Manager, monitor and communicate plant performance
Manage all technical aspects of the plant’s safety programs including engaging plant leadership,recordkeeping, metrics, accident prevention, machine guarding and lockout, emergency procedures, fire protection, vehicle safety, emergency preparedness and training.
Manage industrial hygiene programs, including employee exposure monitoring, noise control, PPE, confined space, ergonomics and training
Forecast and manage the plant’s EHS budget.Provide plant management and project teams with cost estimates for new or upgraded EHS controls
Ensure that all new projects have undergone an EHS review and that necessary controls have been budgeted and are provided.
Conduct daily EHS plant tours and participate in weekly plant manager’s EHS audits
Develop EHS training materials and a process to deliver same
Required qualifications:
Education level
Higher (preferred: technical), engineering or related studies.
1-3 years of EHS work experience in a manufacturing environment that demonstrates problem solving skills and continuous improvement accomplishments.
BS degree in EHS or other related engineering discipline. (R)
Good understand of ISO14001 requirements(R)
Good oral and written skills in local language and English.(R)
Be able to establish and use measurement systems to determine performance for compliance with environmental regulations. (P)
Be able to negotiate, communicate, and resolve EHS issues with both internal and external constituencies. (P)
Has good computer skill (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, outlook, etc.)(R)
Have established relationships with local EHS agencies. (P)
(P: preferred – R: required)
Training (based on the need)
ISO14000 system
OHSAS 18000 system
First Aid
Fire Fighting
Corporate competences:
Independence and responsibility for the result of work
Constructive communication
Personal development
Striving for excellent quality
Clear decisions in a timely manner
Integrity and responsibility
Customer orientation
Continuous innovation
Collaborative relationships
Analytical thinking
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The Lean Manufacturing Engineer will lead initiatives to drive the company’s continuous improvement and cost reduction programs. This includes scheduling and leading kaizen events to drive improvements in productivity.
Missions :
Implement process improvements which reduce labor by simplifying tasks (process automation) or speeds the process (increases the number of products produced in a set time frame).
Specify, investigate, justify, and purchase capital equipment to accomplish primary function.
Improve quality of product and equipment through use of 8D, FMEA and other root cause analysis.
Pursue safety improvements and adhere to all safety and EHS requirements.
Develop and evolve manufacturing processes through application of Lean and Six Sigma practices.
Resolve issues with manufacturing when product quality risks are identified.
Conduct health and safety reviews of new processes and procedures to eliminate hazards and improve ergonomics.
Train production team members in new or updated processes and procedures.
Drive culture of Manufacturing Engineering excellence.
Support product configuration and engineering change processes.
Profile :
Engineer with experience in a manufacturing engineering role implementing new processes.
Training and certification in Lean Manufacturing practices & Continual Improvement strategy.
French and English fluent
Presentation skills
Action oriented, Shopfloor oriented, People oriented.
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Product Engineer
Provide product expertise to support manufacturing for appropriate products.
Explain product design for best method of manufacture, propose changes to improve product and design manufacturability
Ensure production Bill of Material is in accordance with latest product requirements.
Interface with technical centres, customers and suppliers for engineering changes.
Maintain drawings and specifications of appropriate product line up to date.
Initiate and support continuous improvement, cost improvement and problem solving activities related to design.
Interface to define customer requirements.
Participate in the implementation of the Customer Program Implementation (CPI).
Participate in implementation and maintain – ISO14000, ISO/TS 16949, PN 18000
University degree in Engineering with mechanical specialisation
Good communication
Problem Solving skills
Polish and English language
Strong analytical skills
Knowledge of MS Office, PLM
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Consultez notre site web pour plus de détails: www.investrh.ma 
Ou contactez nous sur: [email protected]
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howtofindthemoney · 5 years
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trendingfact · 6 years
Managed Firewall Services Market: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Estimations 2026
Managed firewall is a service provided by managed security service providers (MSSPs) to monitor network traffic and address security threats in organizations. Managed firewall service providers embed firewall security throughout the network and provide services such as configuration, administration, monitoring, support, and installation of the firewall system. Managed firewall solutions integrate security services into products resulting into scalable, manageable, and transparent network infrastructure. Managed firewall services are either standalone or integrated with other security management offerings. Managed firewall services secure business from threats, malware, spam, cybercriminal activities, and viruses. Threat detection and remediation, real-time security monitoring, management, and analysis of firewall logs are few of the key tasks performed by the managed firewall security service providers within organizations.
Managed firewall service providers reduce IT costs by providing end-to-end firewall management services. Managed firewall services also help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements such as PCI DSS, ISO27001, etc. Managed security services involve services such as consulting, deployment and integration, and monitoring and maintenance. Further, they also include application control i.e. blocking applications and web content filtering, which means blocking of access to malicious websites. Rise in cloud deployment model, increase in investment in IT infrastructure development, and growing number of cyber-attacks with day-to-day technological advancements are the key factors driving the growth of the managed firewall services market. Major cyber-attacks in 2017, such as WannaCry and Petya further indicate the need for managed firewall services.
With increasing shift in organizations toward cloud, managed firewall services are also shifting to cloud technology. Identity access management and email security are becoming important aspects of security with increasing adoption of cloud. Besides adoption of cloud, predictive analysis is also a new trend in the managed firewall services market as it helps predicting unknown future events. In the U.S., strict regulations on information security and growing awareness regarding complexities about protection of organization’s sensitive information are pushing enterprises toward adopting managed security services such as managed firewall services.
Get PDF Brochure  https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=47232
Different regulatory standards in the managed firewall services market include Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI- DSS), ISO 27001:2013, SANS Firewall Security policy, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) – Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standard, etc. However, the ever-growing complex compliance requirement is a key challenge in the managed firewall services market.
The global managed firewall services market can be segmented on the basis of organization size, deployment type, end-user industry, and region. Based on organization size, the managed firewall services market can be classified into small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. Managed firewall services are divided into on-premise and cloud-based depending on the deployment type. Cloud deployment models are improving network security effectiveness in organization, and hence are expected to gain traction in the market.
Based on end-user industry, the managed firewall services market can be segmented into banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), government and defense, healthcare, energy and utilities, manufacturing, telecom and IT, retail, and others. BFSI is the key segment driving the managed firewall services market with leading adoption, as cybercrimes and digital frauds are on the rise in the BFSI industry. With increasing adoption of mobile banking, fraud incidents are also increasing, as attackers have gained access to customer information.
Get ToC Of Report  https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=47232
On the basis of geography, the managed firewall services market can be segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (MEA), South America, and Europe. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market for managed firewall services during the forecast period. With rapid technological growth, threats from cybercriminals have increased in Asia Pacific, which is expected to drive the managed firewall services market in the region during the forecast period.
Key players in the managed firewall services market include Cisco Systems, Inc., Symantec Corporation, IBM Corporation, Mindtree Ltd., CenturyLink, Inc., Redcentric plc, Claranet limited, BC Networks, Inc., T-systems International GmbH., Interoute Communications Limited, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, SecureWorks, Inc. (Dell), Verizon Enterprise Solutions, SecureData, and SonicWall Inc.
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hireindianpvtltd · 6 years
Fwd: Urgent requirements of below positions
New Post has been published on https://www.hireindian.in/fwd-urgent-requirements-of-below-positions-36/
Fwd: Urgent requirements of below positions
Please find the Job description below, if you are available and interested, please send us your word copy of your resume with following detail to [email protected] or please call me on 703-594-5490 to discuss more about this position.
TMS engineering services——>Dallas, TX Technical Lead—–>Plymouth, Minnesota OR Plano, TX PCB Engineer——>Cincinnati, OH Cable Harness consultant——–>Newark, DE Front End Developer——–>Secaucus, NJ
    Job Description Apply Created On
Position: TMS engineering services
Location: Dallas, TX
Duration: Contract
  Job Description:
9-10 Yrs of IT Programming exp.  
Must Have at least one computer language: C++, C#, .Net, VBScript, JScript, ASP, Python, HTML, XML
MUST HAVE Electrical Engineering graduate
good in communication skills
willing to learn quickly
The Technical Specialist II-III T&D Services (DATA) is a member of a team responsible for the development and maintenance of the database, displays, and applications of the Transmission Management System (TMS), the real-time control system used by the transmission and distribution control centers to operate the transmission and distribution system.
                               Key Roles & Responsibilities Other duties may be assigned.  Directly or through others, the  incumbent:
Performs all essential functions and aspects of the job including any other specific job requirements
MUST HAVE Using engineering one-line drawings, develop the TMS database and/or display representation of substations, the equipment in them, and the associated transmission lines, including the definition of electrical connectivity
Using appropriate TMS editors develop the definition for the RTUs and the data provided by them to the TMS
MUST HAVE Respond to problem reports from the TMS user community
MUST HAVE  Assist in testing code updates to the TMS prior to implementation on the production system
MUST HAVE Assist in monitoring the status of the TMS database/display applications and in troubleshooting, as needed
MUST HAVE Review and implement engineering design changes to support modifications to the TMS.
  Education, Experience, & Skill Requirements
Tech II
Two or four year technical degree related to Information Systems, Computer Science or Engineering discipline
MUST HAVE Experience in supporting a SCADA/EMS used for transmission and/or distribution control center operation
Experience supporting real-time systems in an operating environment is desirable
MUST HAVE Knowledge of the TMS/DMS editors used to define the database, displays, and reports.
MUST HAVE Functional knowledge of SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) processing
Ability and willingness to gain fast track experience through training and job assignments
Able to multi-task and perform at a high level in a fast paced environment
Proficient in SQL and skills of basic database Administration
Must be able to acquire and maintain an Oncor CIP Certification (Critical Infrastructure Protection)
  Tech III [in addition to the requirements for Tech II]
Experience in power system model definitions; Knowledge of CIM modeling is preferred
Experience building SQL or Oracle database forms
Experience in web design utilizing HTML and JavaScript preferred
Knowledge of ICCP (computer communication protocols) and RTU configurations
Must be at least one computer language: C++, C#, .Net, VBScript, JScript, ASP, Python, HTML, XML
MUST HAVE of TMS/DMS configuration is preferred
MUST HAVE in the use of UNIX/LINUX systems is preferred
Knowledge of the existing business processes is preferred; and skill in continuous process improvement is required
  Measures of Success
Demonstrates good interpersonal skills – able to work well with TMS users and other TMS interfaces
Defines and prioritizes assigned project/tasks to complete on time
Works with minimal level of supervision
Apply Job 10/01/2019
Job Title: Technical Lead
Location: Plymouth, Minnesota OR Plano, TX
Duration: 18 months        
Mandatory Skills: – Medical
Key Words: Design Control, Design Inputs / Requirements, Requirements management, Schematics design , cable design, Medical Quality process, Risk management activities, DFMEA, ISO14971, IEC60601, design verification, test protocols, design transfer, DHF compilation, regulatory standards and compliance
  Job Description:
Product and Electrical design requirements management.
Design verification protocol development and testing
Design Control ( Design Input / Design Output / Design Verification & Validation)
Standards and Regulatory Compliance (ISO13485, ISO14971 standards, IEC60601-1 , 21 CFR Part 820 & EU MedDev Regulations )
Risk Management Activities – Risk Management plan, Hazard Analysis, DFMEA, PFMEA, Use FMEA, Software Hazard Analysis, Risk Management Report
Update risk management files based on post market surveillance feedback like complaints
Medical product development process
New product development & DHF Remediation
Apply Job 10/01/2019
 Position: PCB Engineer
 Location: Cincinnati, OH
 Duration: Contract
   Job Description:
Looking for lead level 8~10 Years with strong demonstration of skills shared
Must have: Electrical/ Electronics/ Hardware/ PCB/ PCBA
PCB Fabrication and Assembly
Analog, Digital and Mixed Signal design
Orcad, PSpice, Allegro, PADS, PCAD
PCB Design
Experience in SMT reflow, AOI, X-ray, Encapsulation, Laser etching
Process development for PCBA, Battery, Motor, Geabox and Cable assemblies
Development & Qualification of PCBA, Motor and Cable Assembly
Component Qualification, IQ, OQ, PQ
Writing control plan
Conducting Capability study
Ability to choose the best assembly/manufacturing processes for the system utilizing DFM/A and RFQ processes, leading to highest quality with lowest cost.
GD&T, Drawing interpretation, CTQ
Effective communication with suppliers on design requirements and process capability needs
Apply Job 10/01/2019
Position: Cable Harness consultant
Location: Newark, DE
Duration: Contract
  Job Description:
“ Key Words “ to search: Capital, Cable harness, Capital Harness System, NX, Cable, Wire harness, PCBA testing
Cable harness design
PCBA Testing
Component selection
Risk analysis
System testing
Educational qualification: Electrical engineering
Apply Job 10/01/2019
Position: Front End Developer
Location: Secaucus, NJ
Duration: Contract
  Job Description:
Face to Face interview is required
Job Responsibilities include, but not limited to:
Additional requirement –
2. 6+ years of professional development experience in full stack web development with strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular4, JQUERY, Bootstrap/Responsive design.
3. Advanced to expert competency in REDIS/ ORM / ODM is a must. Experience with a web API (WebSocket, WebRTC, Signal R etc.) and cross platform mobile development (iOS, Android) is needed.
4. Candidate should have good understanding of distributed systems and queues. Proficiency in ES6 / ES7 is a plus.
5. Candidate should be well versed with databases such SQL Server or MongoDB.
6. Experience with One or more DevOps, Orchestration/Configuration Management and Continuous Integration technology (e.g. Chef, Puppet, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible etc.) is good to have.
7. Experience with queuing platforms (eg. Kafka, Rabbitmq, ZeroMQ) and Python is preferred.
8. Experience with React / NodeJS / Apollo / GraphQL (nice to have) is good to have.
9. Any exposure to Transit Application Development system is appreciated
Skill: Android, mobile, App, Apps, develop, developer, Java, SQL, web, JSON, Studio IDE, icons, graphics, hybrid
Apply Job 10/01/2019
  Thanks, Steve Hunt Talent Acquisition Team – North America Vinsys Information Technology Inc SBA 8(a) Certified, MBE/DBE/EDGE Certified Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise(SWAM) 703-594-5490 www.vinsysinfo.com
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
CSCP Certification
CSCP And CSCP Certification Zabeelinstitute.Ae
The APICS confirmation is viewed as a praiseworthy program for store network the executives. The course tests your getting sorted out capacities to a full degree. CSCP has been accessible since the year 2006 to convey high profile confirmation. North of 16,000 experts from 79 nations have picked this confirmation for better impressive skill. A short clarification to the program is given beneath.
A CSCP certificate program is:
· A solid program that has procured a worldwide presence in the stock market.
· Ideal decision by most instructive establishments for rumored APICS accreditation.
· Assigned for better perceivability before enrollment specialists and businesses.
· The best program for tied stock administration.
· Assists you with getting selected under additional competent and proficient enterprises.
An APICS or CSCP affirmation test depends on 3 Modules. These are:
Module 1:
This module depends on the basics associated with APICS Supply Chain the executives. Technique based arrangement for effective corporate administration is tried in this module. Different requests for capable determining and capable administration are likewise tried.
 Module 2:
Here, the plan, procedure and Compliance exercises are tried. Activities and planning with productive moderation of assets are likewise thought about. Different variables that impact requests of clients; challenges and their executions; improvement in source the executives; administrative strategies and so forth are likewise analyzed in this module.
 Module 3:
The functional segment is the significant guinea pig in this module. Consistency in further developing techniques; Efficient responsiveness; acquirement of outside and inward sources; finish of ventures; correspondence perspectives and so forth are capably tried here by the CSCP analysts.
CSCP Certification Eligibility
Qualification for APICS certification:
CSCP accreditation qualification will call for around 75-100 hours. To finish the CLTD capability it will positively require around 75-100 hrs.
Following is the CIPS certificate qualification, you ought to battle no less than one of the accompanying:
1. 3 years of organization experience.
2. A four year college education or a worldwide same.
3. A functioning CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, SCOR-P, CPM, CPSM, CTL, or CLTD license.
 Does APICS license end?
To keep your APICS accreditation legitimate, you ought to acquire 75 expert advancement upkeep factors at regular intervals (100 variables for APICS Fellows). Support can be satisfied with assignments you're now doing to build your store network information and stay up with the latest on the most forward-thinking inventory network patterns.
To see more about CSCP certificate qualification.
 CSCP Course
CSCP course is another market informative as well as a confirmation program created to fulfill the quickly changing needs of the inventory network organization region.
This article examines and makes sense of the subtleties of the CSCP course Certification.
Instructional class Introduction
CSCP course is an instructive as well as a certificate program created to fulfill the rapidly changing requests of the inventory network the board field. The educator drove rendition of the program utilizes delegates the valuable chance to assess the web content introduced in the text as well as online review devices in a class setting.
CSCP Course covers recorded beneath parts:
Module 1: Supply Chain Management Basics
Module 2: Supply Chain Approach, Design, and furthermore Compliance
Module 3: Application and furthermore Operations
who can do the CSCP course?
Whether you work in store network organization or are attempting to find the comprehension that can incorporate worth to your profession or organization, the CSCP is great for you.
 CSCP Learning System
CSCP Learning System of APICS is a thorough preparation cure that coordinates north of 350 references into one schooling and learning program. Created by informed authorities as well as refreshed yearly.
This article examines and makes sense of the subtleties of the CSCP learning framework.
APICS Learning System for CSCP
CSCP learning System contains three straightforward print parts that cover the entire APICS CSCP ECM.
Movement actually look at requests toward the finish of each part
Intelligent Web-Based Parts
The CSCp learning framework through web-based gadgets assists you with deciding your most memorable level of understanding, produce an exploration concentrate on procedure in view of your singular necessities, build up your examination review with training tests as well as undertakings, and track your comprehension movement with a report card. The web-based piece of the instructional class works in blend with the distributed parts and incorporates the accompanying parts.
To see more about CSCP certificate qualification.
About the CSCP Learning framework and affirmation
CSCP represents an ensured inventory network proficient. It is one of the most outstanding APICS Certifications.
The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is the worldwide forerunner in store network hierarchical change, advancement, and authority. ASCM is based on an underpinning of APICS confirmation and preparing traversing 60 years. For being an APICS confirmed up-and-comers need to meet the CIPS confirmation qualification for which a legitimate CSCP learning framework is given.
APICS constructs and approves information in production network and activities the board. APICS empowers its local area of individuals, associates, and clients to lead in the worldwide commercial center.
Visit for more information : -  https://zabeelinstitute.ae/blog/cscp-certification-worth/
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felishasheats · 6 years
Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president
The following content may have been republished here without the author's permission. The original post can be found at the following URL: Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president. Please visit REMonline.com for more content like this, and contact [email protected] to inform us of any unauthorized reproduction.
Rick Linklater, principal of the Edmonton-based Orkney Asset Management, will serve a second term as president of the Canadian Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation, known as FIABCI-Canada. He is joined on the newly elected 2019 Chapter Board of Directors by Aziz Kanjee from Ontario as president-elect and directors Nichola Ryhanen from Alberta; Maria Belkelova, Don Kottick, Margaret Liu, Melissa Salazar and Carlos Sousa from Ontario; Adrian Schulz from Manitoba; and Dean Lapointe, Rose Marra, Ursula Morel and Nora Valdez from B.C.
At the recent Annual General Meeting in Vancouver, the association voted to hold symposiums in Toronto and Vancouver about the application of blockchain and cryptocurrency within the real estate economy. In addition, two-way cross-border exchanges are to be scheduled with the Seattle-based Pacific North-West and New York City Councils of FIABCI-USA. Digital Technology is the theme of the 70th World Congress in Moscow May 27-31, which is expected to attract close to 1,000 participants.
Chapter secretary-general Jerry England says, “FIABCI has always attracted globally minded real estate professionals and a recent increase in chapter membership corresponds with an upswing in enrolment in the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation courses through CREA and the National Association of Realtors.”
FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation, helps members acquire knowledge, develops networks and optimises business opportunities all over the world. FIABCI is represented by chapters in nearly 50 countries.
The above content may have been republished here without the author's permission. The original post can be found at the following URL: Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president. Please visit REMonline.com for more content like this, and contact [email protected] to inform us of any unauthorized reproduction.
Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president published first on https://oicrealestate.tumblr.com/
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genratestatus · 3 years
Traditional Procurement Vs. e-Procurement | E-Procure
e-Procure is on a mission in enabling Blockchain B2B platform purchasers and providers to oversee, smooth out and robotize B2B installments, acquirement and B2B online business activities through a safe blockchain network from anyplace and whenever   Plainly clarification about e-Procurement   What are the significant contrasts between customary acquisition and e-Procurement?   What are the advantages and dangers accompanies e-Procurement?   Acquirement has significantly changed throughout the long term, and we are currently living in the new period of acquisition the executives and you surely had been found out about e-Procurement and its extraordinary advantages for your private venture, medium or a huge one.   1. What is e-Procurement?   As per The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS), The meaning of e-Procurement is:   "The consolidated utilization of electronic data and correspondences innovation to upgrade the connections among client and provider, and with other worth chain accomplices, and subsequently to work on outside and interior cycles. e-Procurement is a vital segment of the B2B Payments online business"   As such, e-acquirement works on the connection between the purchaser and the provider and fortifies the inward business measure for the two of them, notwithstanding that it offers huge expense investment funds and more benefit.   2. What are the significant contrasts between customary acquirement and e-Procurement?   To discover providers:   In customary acquirement, The obtainment officials need to look through different providers' indexes, and may not know if they offer limits, then, at that point look for the providers over various calls, and it is normally face to face discussion based or done through pen-and-paper.   In e-Procurement, by means of your PC or cell phone, you'll have the option to handily think about many online inventories of various providers in a similar time and speak with the provider online to affirm the accessibility and amount, which makes the buy request movement moment.   Buy orders:   In conventional acquisition, an actual note with the things that are required and their costs, on which endorsement is taken.   In e-Procurement, buy demands are made and supported in the framework itself(under explicit pre-set conditions), making it less tedious.   Buy Orders:   In customary obtainment, buy orders are made and supported physically and afterward shipped off the seller through fax or messengers in any conventional organizations.   In e-Procurement, buy orders are made, supported and shipped off sellers online in no time and the merchant can affirm the equivalent right away.   Request Tracking:   In conventional obtainment, Procurement officials need to contact the providers through calls to follow the situation with the request.   In e-Procurement, request following should be possible online through a request following and the board framework.   3. What are the advantages of e-Procurement?   No providers issues any longer   Typically, it's elusive the ideal providers with the ideal quality and at the ideal opportunity, and in the event that it happens you actually can have some request the board issues! yet, when moving to e-Procurement, and utilizing an e-acquirement stage with a Escrow system commercial center, you can undoubtedly discover many providers, analyze them and pick the best one for you, then, at that point you can undoubtedly deal with your request, the entirety of this online without expecting to move out of your seat.   Costs Reduction and More Savings   The principle objective of the obtainment office in any sort of business is to create more reserve funds for the organization while getting the required acquisition in the ideal quality, and you can get a few reserve funds with the conventional acquirement approach however you're feeling the loss of a ton on the off chance that you don't utilize e-Procurement as, In the customary methodology, acquirement is treated as a transient cycle of buying, in this way neglecting to bring critical investment funds and benefit.   However, with e-Procurement, you can undoubtedly accomplish your monetary objectives with key sourcing of providers, better administration, and perceivability of spend, likewise, it sets aside you cash by forestalling copy spending, utilizing volume purchasing, and saving you costs related with paper-based frameworks.   Mistake Free Procurement   With the execution of e-acquisition, it much simpler for every office to adjust to the organization acquirement principles with no squandering likewise, all the obtainment archives will be on the web and hence simpler to check for mistakes. Alongside this, past orders are all the more handily referred to, which means there's a more prominent possibility that your organization can contrast orders with guarantee new ones are right.   Expansion in Transparency with Better Spend Management   e-Procurement offers admittance to more information, and through cutting edge investigation, the information is then amassed, scrubbed and ordered which increment the spend perceivability and permitting improved spend examination, notwithstanding that you can likewise follow your organization's invest conduct in genuine energy which assist you with bettering oversee and screen your spending just as track your reserve funds.   Save time ! Accomplish More Faster !   With the execution of e-acquisition, Procurement officials can complete quite a lot more, as, In conventional acquirement, obtainment activities are overseen through administrative work, sheets, calls, and in-person gatherings, yet while moving activities to an e-obtainment stage, the source-to-pay measures become robotized which make activities a lot quicker, As the electronic treatment of errands upholds and improves on the buying cycle. The e-obtainment measure kills pointless exercises, permitting you to zero in on more significant assignments   4. What are the dangers accompanies e-Procurement and How to Avoid them?   e-Procurement is an incredible answer for your organization yet this accompanies a few dangers:   Security Risk: with the execution of e-acquirement and working together on the web, the security of your exchanges and business data might be in harm's way.   Cost Increasing: the extraordinary advantages of e-Procurement are not free as a rule, as e-Procurement stages for the most part cost a ton for membership charges.   Those dangers should be mulled over, as the security of your organization's exchanges is vital, notwithstanding that you perhaps are not prepared to manage the cost of any extra expense currently to buy in to an Smart Contract Platform.   How to stay away from this dangers?   By receiving e-Procure in your business you will keep away from most and those dangers.   e-Procure Blockchain B2B Platform, is the principal B2B stage on the planet joining a high level cloud framework for acquirement the executives and incorporated B2B commercial center.   Membership to e-Procure is totally free.   e-Procure is worked with Blockchain innovation that gives total encryption to your organization data and exchanges and guarantees that no one can at any point access your information without your consent.   e-Procure has all you will require to speak with providers, purchasers and business specialists straightforwardly through a decentralized framework to close arrangements and sign shrewd agreements openly from anyplace and whenever.   Progressed request Management and Tracking framework.   Progressed B2B installment framework and substantially more! For more details, please visit our website:  https://e-procure.net/
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president
The following content may have been republished here without the author's permission. The original post can be found at the following URL: Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president. Please visit REMonline.com for more content like this, and contact [email protected] to inform us of any unauthorized reproduction.
Rick Linklater, principal of the Edmonton-based Orkney Asset Management, will serve a second term as president of the Canadian Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation, known as FIABCI-Canada. He is joined on the newly elected 2019 Chapter Board of Directors by Aziz Kanjee from Ontario as president-elect and directors Nichola Ryhanen from Alberta; Maria Belkelova, Don Kottick, Margaret Liu, Melissa Salazar and Carlos Sousa from Ontario; Adrian Schulz from Manitoba; and Dean Lapointe, Rose Marra, Ursula Morel and Nora Valdez from B.C.
At the recent Annual General Meeting in Vancouver, the association voted to hold symposiums in Toronto and Vancouver about the application of blockchain and cryptocurrency within the real estate economy. In addition, two-way cross-border exchanges are to be scheduled with the Seattle-based Pacific North-West and New York City Councils of FIABCI-USA. Digital Technology is the theme of the 70th World Congress in Moscow May 27-31, which is expected to attract close to 1,000 participants.
Chapter secretary-general Jerry England says, “FIABCI has always attracted globally minded real estate professionals and a recent increase in chapter membership corresponds with an upswing in enrolment in the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation courses through CREA and the National Association of Realtors.”
FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation, helps members acquire knowledge, develops networks and optimises business opportunities all over the world. FIABCI is represented by chapters in nearly 50 countries.
The above content may have been republished here without the author's permission. The original post can be found at the following URL: Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president. Please visit REMonline.com for more content like this, and contact [email protected] to inform us of any unauthorized reproduction.
Rick Linklater to serve second term as FIABCI-Canada president published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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damongillespielove · 6 years
Global IoT (Internet of Things) Security Market Segmentation by Regions & Applications 2018-2025
The global internet of things security market size is estimated to exceed USD xx million over the forecast period.
IoT is an incorporation of a hardware, a software, communication services and IT services. For instance, sensors, RFID, NFC, cloud services, data storage and analytics are the key components of IoT. IOT helps in effective monitoring as well as management of devices that are connected to the network. Since last few decades there is a sharp rise in demand for IoT that is credited to rising popularity of related devices, enhanced web service, increase in adorability level, accessibility of cloud computing system and falling expense of sensors as well as processors. In addition, rise in government consumption of information communication and technology (ICT), growing number of internet user combined with systems administration gadgets, such as cell phones, and development in wireless technology. Thus, making the connected devices more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, consequently driving the IoT security market’s growth. Network powered technology can be used to address the IOT security.
Request PDF Sample Copy IoT (Internet of Things) Security Market Report at: https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/45
Moreover, connected devices are not only limited to certain information services, but also include items like medical devices, vehicles as well as items having a great impact on society including power stations & nuclear plants. Thus, making the rise of IoT security industry more exponential. However, the cost of installing IOT devices to drive machine to machine communication is very high. Thus, the cost could be a restraint for the IoT security market growth in cost-sensitive economies. The other reason that could act as a restraint for the market growth could be the lack of knowledge about IoT and related technologies.
Furthermore, rising number of smart city initiatives across the globe pose a great opportunity for IOT market which, in turn, will provide an opportunity to IOT security market. For instance, Government of India launched “100 smart cities mission” in 2015 to bring technological advancements in communication networks by digitalization. Every smart city was planned to have public Wi-Fi hotspots providing with shared passwords. This could be a lethal playground for malware attackers and thus, security of IoT devices would be of prime concern.
Read more details of the report at: https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/industry-reports/iot-internet-of-things-security-market
The global IoT security market is segmented by different security types, end-users as well as demographics. Further the security type is sub-divided by different End-point security, Application security, Cloud security and Network security. Then again in terms of end-user IoT security market is sub-divided by different consumers, industries as well as commercial. Furthermore, geographical segmentation is concentrated on the key regions as Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain & other), North America (USA, Canada), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia & Other) and Rest of the World.
Additionally, competitive intelligence of the global IoT security market include major vendors like Symantec Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., IBM Corporation, Infineon Technologies AG, Intel Corporation, Gemalto NV and ARM Holdings
In a nutshell, with rising number of connected devices, it is found that majority of the companies are not even aware of about IoT devices connected to their network. Also, these devices are not built by keeping security in mind and usually lag behind the security of desktop computers. So, to tackle these kind of situations, Cisco bolstered identity service engine (ISE) by increasing the amount of IoT devices that can be automatically classified including those who use industrial protocols such as Profinet, BACNet, CIP & Modbus.
Enquire more details of the report at: https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/researchreport/purchase/45
About Us:
Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company incorporated in 2018. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a market’s size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients’ knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code– Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.
Contact Information:
Ryan Johnson
Account Manager Global
3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600, Dallas,  
TX75204, U.S.A.
Phone No.: USA:  +1 (214) 884-6068 / +91 9665341414
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Real Estate Agents Beverly Hills Ca
Realtor In Beverly Hills Certified Negotiation Skilled (CNE) Certified Worldwide Property Specialist (GPS, CIPS) Mr. Joe Liebke is a Los Angeles native and seasoned govt with excellent business growth, negotiation, and management expertise- complemented by a high tier enterprise faculty MBA. Nestled in the coronary heart of Coldwater Canyon Drive, close to Beverly Hills and the Valley, this spacious 2 bedroom and office home with mid-century trendy parts is prepared on your special touches. Serving to the Easter Bunny out a bit, the hits Beverly Hills's Bristol Farms in a striped maxidress from her own HKNB Heidi Klum for New Stability collection, colourful scarf and comfy flats. Sogol presently resides in Beverly Hills along with her husband, Mansour Jafari and their beautiful kids, Elijah, Jonah and Daniela. The dad and mom of a 1-yr-old lady additionally represented the consumers of Jonathan Frakes and Genie Francis' Beverly Hills residence for $12 million. This info is provided for personal use only, and is probably not reproduced in any method without the prior consent of Tesco Shops Limited nor without due acknowledgement. Your private Envoy assistant will choose up all the groceries you want from Dealer Joe's and Complete Meals and ship them in a two-hour window. By way of this real estate website, you have got the ability to look nearly every house for sale in Beverly Hills and all different native areas. Ask one among Beverly Hills' most successful realtors, Michael Libow, who was literally on a path to becoming a rocket scientist earlier than switching gears to actual estate greater than three many years in the past. After earning her real estate license on the age of 25, Kelle went on to work with a number of outstanding Beverly Hills realtors and realized the excessive end market, promoting multi-million dollar properties in exclusive neighborhoods and gated communities resembling Beverly Hills, Bel Air and Brentwood. The properties rival the grand estates of Beverly Hills and Bel Air however are listed between three-5 million with some selling for 10 million or more but nonetheless a lot less than comparable homes in Beverly Hills and Bel Air for 30 million dollars. Regardless of the calls for of her thriving actual estate business, Joyce remains dedicated to many philanthropic projects such as the Southern California Board for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, the Music Heart's Blue ribbon, and the Coldwell Banker Group Basis. He's additionally in the California one hundred” representing the highest 10 Coldwell Banker Agents within the State. Jason receives significant attention inside the real estate community and past; as a promoting agent on Bravo's Million Greenback Itemizing, host of ABC's Beautiful Homes & Nice Estates, an inventory agent on HGTV's Promoting L.A, identified as a Prime 25 Agent in Los Angeles by The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverly_Hills,_California Hollywood Reporter, often featured in prestigious magazines together with, Los Angeles Confidential, Angeleno, Beverly Hills Lifestyle, and on the front page of the Daily Journal. Please note that all wage figures are approximations primarily based upon third social gathering submissions to Indeed. Among them is a Beverly Hills house on Tower Lane that he sold for $6 million — then bought once more a month later for 1,000,000 dollars extra.
src="https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1_nikYoT_n2-jZ3trKPXL_qx_Eelz3uN1" width="640" height="480">
Beverly Hills Real Estate Agents
As a ten-year-outdated boy, I couldn't wait to get the Sunday times so I may circle all the Open Homes I needed my parents to take me to. I would often trip my bike and go to open houses by myself the place surprised and gracious Realtors would present me round.
After arriving in http://www.beverlyhills.org/ Los Angeles and previous to turning into a profitable actual property agent and referred to within the media because the Realtor to the Stars”, I lived in my automotive on Venice Beach, showering at night time on the beach and brushing my enamel in water fountains. You may have to join an Envoy membership for $19 monthly, then pay an extra service price for grocery supply. From there, his career took off and he's develop into certainly one of Beverly Hills' preeminent energy brokers. No matter your style and elegance, she will guide you patiently, carefully and expertly via the beautiful homes on the market Beverly Hills offers—you'll not be dissatisfied. Josh has sold over $2,000,000,000 price of property and is a high realtor at some of the prestigious actual property firms in the United States. In recent months, Fortunate's has adopted Jurgensen's instance and begun offering house delivery service to shoppers. You'll work together with a excessive-volume of consumers in a quick-paced surroundings guaranteeing that each one of their grocery purchasing needs had been met. Million Greenback Listing follows the lives of three of Los Angeles' hottest, young, and aggressive actual estate magnates as they make a fortune selling multi-million dollar properties in the most unique neighborhoods- Hollywood, Malibu and Beverly Hills. Followers on the page instantly started researching who Houston was and discovered she worked for the Sam Actual Group in Beverly Hills. The Metro Wilshire/La Brea Customer Middle positioned at 5301 Wilshire Boulevard (at La Brea Boulevard) is the closest workplace to Beverly Hills. Accolades and awards include PRIME a hundred of Agents in Southern California, Worldwide President's Premier Award, and High 1% Internationally of over 167,000 Coldwell Banker brokers. Just some months after having son Theodore , the shares up at a Hollywood grocery retailer in an elegant army surplus-style jacket over a skirt and sandals. My favourite areas to work in are Beverly Hills which includes Trousdale Estates and The Hollywood Hills which incorporates The Chook Streets and The Sunset Strip. The heaps in High Ridge Estates sit high on the hillside opposite of Terra Vista at almost the identical elevation providing spectacular views of Beverly https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Beverly-Hills_CA/ Hills Florida. Also situated in Beverly Hills is the group of Laurel Ridge perched high on the central ridge part of Citrus County. The idea behind Postmates is straightforward: Place an order on the web site or app and a Postmates supply person will purchase it for you and ship it to your property.
0 notes
hotelsmarket · 6 years
Crystal Investment Property Brokers the Sale of Super 8 - Port Angeles, Washington
Crystal Investment Property, LLC, ('CIP') a member of Hotel Brokers International, announced the successful sale of the Super 8 in Port Angeles, Washington. CIP, a licensed Washington brokerage, represented the Seller and Buyer in the sale. Joseph P. Kennedy, President of CIP, worked closely with the Seller and Buyer, as well as the parties’ other professionals, to negotiate a mutually acceptable sale. The final sale price is confidential. Located at the gateway to the spectacular Olympic Peninsula and the Puget Sound, just a short distance from the booming urban heart of Seattle, WA, the Super 8 in Port Angeles, Washington is superbly positioned to serve a diverse clientele in a year-round resort market. Sited on a large lot with expansive truck and RV parking, the Super 8 offers 63 spacious and well-appointed rooms in a well maintained interior corridor building. The property is fully staffed and turn-key for the new owner. Joseph Kennedy, President of CIP said, “The Super 8 in Port Angeles is a terrific and well-kept property with excellent proximity to major metro Seattle as well as the resort destinations of the Olympic Peninsula, Victoria BC, and the Puget Sound. We had a high degree of interest and multiple back up offers on the property. We are pleased to have found an owner who will maintain the strong performance and reputation the Seller has built over his tenure of ownership.” About Crystal Investment Property, LLC Crystal Investment Property, a premiere hospitality investment advisory and brokerage company located in the Pacific Northwest, maintains the most cutting-edge technological, online and social media presence as well as a full range of traditional and web-based marketing reaching local, regional, national and international clientele. The firm’s core services of hospitality asset acquisition/disposition are supported by innovative and creative solutions to maintain position as the most active and successful hotel broker in the region. Crystal Investment Property represents the full spectrum of hospitality real estate owners and their experience covers all hospitality assets types, including: full service hotels, boutique hotels, select service hotels, limited service hotels, as well as development projects, and leasehold transactions.  Crystal Investment Property may be accessed online at www.crystalip.com. About Hotel Brokers International Founded in 1959, Hotel Brokers International members lead the industry in hotel real estate sales.  HBI hotel brokerage specialists have successfully negotiated more than 10,000 hotel real estate transactions and consistently account for the largest share of all select-service and economy hotel sales in the United States.  The organization’s database currently comprises more than 100 property listings and the HBI website attracts site visitors from around the world.  Founder and host of the popular Hotel Investor’s Marketplace Webcast, HBI also developed the Certified Hotel Broker professional designation program.  In addition to hospitality real estate advisory services, HBI offers affiliate membership to professionals in allied fields, including franchising, lending, appraisals and investment services.  For more information about HBI’s hotel listings or to become a broker or affiliate member, visit www.hbihotels.com. For more information contact: Joseph P. Kennedy, President Crystal Investment Property, LLC Portland, Oregon 503.530.1316 [email protected] Glenda J. Webb, Managing Director Hotel Brokers International Kansas City, Missouri 816.505.4315 [email protected] Logos, product and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Request Information from this organization Please click the link below to request more information from the organization or company featured in this article.
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filtration-products · 7 years
Developments in wastewater purification – Filtration + Separation
Polymer-based spherical adsorbents (Saratech) for drinking water and wastewater procedure.The Saratech adsorbents demonstrate large purity, reduced ash written content and negligible dust development.
Just one corporation has made an adsorbent substance that could give various benefits around typical AC.
The offer of clean up drinking water is not only vital, but also formidable. Hunting to the foreseeable future, only managing drinking water is not heading to be adequate. However, creating drinking water in large high-quality although saving means, well being and the ecosystem is a problem.
The polymer-based spherical AC, witnessed in Figure 1, derives from a synthetic useful resource, ensuring a reliable and reproducible high-quality. Blücher‘s patented production process creates an adjustable pore process, large pore volumes and inner surfaces of up to 2,100 m²/g. The inner floor of only a couple grams is equal to the floor of a football stadium of 10,000 m². Its chemical resistance, hydrophobic floor and bacterial-inhibiting results supply further benefits in drinking water and liquid procedure. These traits enable the application of Saratech adsorbents in many application fields. Unwanted substances can be removed from drinking water as properly as beneficial substances can be recovered.
The most generally made use of programs are the removal of micro pollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals and pesticides), polar natural substances, volatile natural compounds (VOC) or overall natural carbon (TOC) traces, chlorine and disinfection by-products as properly as radionuclides like Cesium, Strontium and Iodine. Saratech adsorbents are also made use of in the recovery and enrichment of substances (e.g. caffeine) and in analytical determinations.
To gain an understanding of how Saratech adsorbents provide in drinking water purification, the adhering to sections existing a nearer glance into picked jobs.
Wastewater procedure from pharmaceutical productions
In the pharmaceutical field a wide array of products and varying market calls for require versatile production processes. For switching processes, regular and extensive cleansing of vessels and gear are required, creating large amounts of contaminated drinking water and large disposal charges for the maker.
Lately, Blücher realized a undertaking in cooperation with a pharmaceutical maker at a production site in Germany to reduce these disposal charges. The maker makes use of a cleansing-in-put (CIP) operation to rinse the vessels and gear soon after each individual batch or soon after process and products alterations. The wastewater from the CIP operation is contaminated with tensides and pharmaceutical residues in varying amounts and with varying concentrations. Owing to the manufacturer’s self-imposed obligations, the wastewater is not unveiled into a municipal wastewater plant, as these contaminants can bring about well being and environmental hazards. In earlier periods, massive streams of wastewater ended up thus incinerated, primary to an intensive energy demand from customers and large disposal charges. In the collaborative undertaking by the pharmaceutical maker and Blücher, a sustainable alternative to reduce the hazards and the charges concerned was uncovered.
In the initially phase of the undertaking, Blücher executed a pilot plant on the production site and investigated the adsorption of tensides and pharmaceutical residues from the CIP wastewater. The pilot plant consisted of an ultrafiltration membrane followed by an adsorptive procedure move with Saratech adsorbents. On top of that to pharmaceutical residues, essential sum parameters like TOC, CSB and AOX ended up monitored by sampling evaluation. Two styles of Saratech adsorbents ended up analyzed one of them was picked owing to greater efficiency.
The AOX curve shows a typical breakthrough process, exceeding the AOX restrict value soon after 1.2 m³/kg (restrict concentration: 1,000 mg/L). The CSB and TOC curves fluctuate, the CSB curve exceeds the restrict value soon after around .7 m³/kg (restrict concentration: 1,400 mg/L). For TOC, no specific restrict value exists nonetheless, the TOC is proportional to the CSB. The TOC curve is the initially to demonstrate the breakthrough of all curves, and for that reason, implies the require to trade the adsorbents. As the sampling evaluation is a time- and cost-consuming treatment, an on the web TOC measuring process was mounted to consistently observe the concentration and that’s why, sign-up a breakthrough.
The pilot plant successfully taken care of far more than 300 m³ wastewater remaining contamination concentrations beneath restrict values. Calculations on disposal charges discovered savings of up to 20%. These success paved the way for the scale-up of the wastewater procedure with the use of Saratech adsorbents.Since spring 2017, the 2nd phase of the undertaking has been operating. A full-scale wastewater procedure plant on site is in operation and treats 1 m³ wastewater for every day that is subsequently unveiled into the municipal wastewater procedure. The adsorption success from the pilot plant trials could successfully be transferred to the full-scale application.  
Blücher accompanied the pharmaceutical maker through the entire undertaking, from start right up until these days like engineering, execution of pilot trials, full-scale set up and help and upkeep with adsorbent alterations and continuous checking and evaluation of information. The reduction of the disposal charges working with Blücher’s alternative, creates a ‘win-win’ problem for equally functions.  
UPW for the electronics semiconductor field
Other than wastewater purification, the adsorbents are applied in the era of ultra-pure drinking water (UPW). Lots of products and processes require drinking water in a high-quality that exceeds consuming drinking water high-quality. By definition, UPW incorporates only H2O-molecules as properly as H³O+ and OH- ions in equilibrium. In the electronics semiconductor field, the growing miniaturization obliges UPW for production processes. This troubles a drinking water purification sprucing system that does not only give fantastic adsorption efficiency but also guarantees no abrasion or dissolution of substance into the taken care of drinking water. The Saratech adsorbents satisfy these standards, combining the reputable removal of natural traces from drinking water with the mechanical stability and the absence of drinking water extractable substances.  
This 2nd undertaking was executed alongside one another with a primary contractor and took put at a semiconductor production facility. Blücher was ready to satisfy the strict necessities for UPW production by utilizing its adsorbents in the process. The primary problem was reducing TOC concentration from 250 ppb to incredibly reduced concentration (
At the beginning of the project, Blücher selected adequate adsorbents and executed static batch experiments for the process design. The following diagram (Figure 3) presents the results of the experiments. The loading of TOC on the adsorbent material is plotted against increasing inlet concentrations for different material types. Except for Saratech type 4, all adsorbent materials show continuously increasing loadings for increasing inlet concentrations therefore, type 4 was excluded from further investigations. While the competing product and Saratech type 1 show similar behavior, type 2 and 3 show significantly higher loadings and therefore, better performance for the removal of TOC from water.
Since 2017, a full-scale water treatment plant for the purification of UPW-recyclate using the adsorbents is running, meeting the quality requirements (
  The post Developments in wastewater purification – Filtration + Separation appeared first on Filtration Products.
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