#weasleysandwheezes end of the year celebration
clovermunson · 4 years
Alright y’all since I’ve seen a bunch of other people doing this trend, I guess I’ll jump in on it too!
I present to you...
weasleysandwheezes’ end of the year/70 followers celebration!!
in honor of me somehow achieving 70 followers, and to have some positivity and even maybe a slight bit of humor after quite a shitty year, I decided to put together a little something for all of us to interact and have fun!
I’ll be accepting these asks until 11:59 PM CST on January 5th, 2021.
with that said, I wish you all a happy new year! 🎊🎈
topics under the cut!☺️
✨ CYM (cast your mutuals)
I’ll cast myself and a few mutuals as characters from a fictional universe of your choosing! (my two biggest fandoms are HP and Star Wars, but I’ll look into other fandoms as best I can!)
🌻 get to know me
I’ll answer with a random fact about myself or you can send in a question to get to know me! you can ask any question(s) you’d like to know about me, and I’ll answer all of them!
☀️this or that
send me two different things and make me choose between them!
🦋 talk/rant to me
I’ll listen to everything you have to say, and if you want, I’ll even try my best to give some advice/opinions!
❤️ headcanons
a headcanon from me about a character of your choosing! or you can reverse it and send me a ❤️ and your headcanon for a character and I’ll give my thoughts on it!
✏️character ratings
send me a character and I’ll rate them from 0-10, and give my reasons why!
🦁 assumptions
send in an assumption about me and I’ll tell you if it’s right or wrong!
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ardent-musings · 3 years
The Carmi Thea Tonks
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Birthday: January 12, 1980
Status: Halfblood!
Nationality: English
Personality Type: ENFP
Hair: Long curly blackish brown hair. Looks a bit red in the summer.
Eyes: Hooded hazel green eyes
Height: 5’2
Weight: 150
Build: Curvy with small hands and feet
Skin Tone: Pale olive toned skin, freckles everywhere and rosy cheeks.
Distinguishing Marks: Some scars from being so clumsy and one snake bite on her wrist.
Hometown: England’s hillside
Mother: Exiled Black sister, Andromeda. 
After she left the confines of the Black household, she reunited with her one true love, despite the threats she received from her family. 
Andromeda and Carmi have a great love for animals and potions; they spent most of their time in the gardens every summer. Throughout her time at Hogwarts, she would confide in her mum about being a Slytherin and how hard that dynamic can be. Her mother convinces her that her being a Slytherin isn’t anything wrong, but a part of her that she should embrace.
They are both headstrong, snarky yet sweet women. Both are unfathomably determined and know who they are.
Father: Ted Tonks and his daughter share a far softer bond than her and her mother. Since Carmi was born quite a few years behind Tonks, Ted found himself incredibly soft and protective over the baby girl They never grew out of that dynamic. 
The two of them are very cuddly and enjoy spending their mornings together. Ted would often start the day, him with his tea and her with her chocolate milk as they danced around the kitchen to The Beatles.
As she gets older, he rejoices in the fact that she still keeps her softness, regardless of how strong and blunt she becomes. His gentleness influences her in everything she does.
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House: Slytherin
Quidditch: Chaser & Captain
Clubs: Divination Club — Herbology Club — Dueling Club — Frog Choir
Best Class: Potions and Herbology 
Worst Class: History of Magic
Favorite Prof: Trelawney and Sprout
Least Favorite: Lockhart
Boggart: Bellatrix Lestrange in her Death Eater getup 
Riddikulus:  Bellatrix transforms into a jewelry box ballerina
Patronus: Giant toad
Patronus Memory: Dancing on top of her father’s feet with Tonks and her mother laughing in the kitchens when she was younger
Mirror of Erised: Herself in the greenhouse with a cauldron in front of her
Amortentia (She smells like) Roses — Wine — Sugarcane — Grapefruit
Smells (What she smells) Basil — Wool — Maple — Clary Sage
11-18: Student at Hogwarts
19- 21: She spends a few years at St. Mungos, working as an apprentice under some of the best healers in London. There she specializes in potion based healing.
22-45 : After her few years at St. Mungos, she is recruited to work as the healer at Hogwarts, working alongside Madam Pomfrey who needed a successor.
While at Hogwarts she becomes the new Head of Slytherin at the request of Slughorn.
During these years, Carmi also starts her jewelry, crystals, and aromatherapy candles and creams in her shop; right beside Mo and Kate’s shops.
Most at Ease When: She can spend free time with her friends and family, getting lost in the gardens and playing with the snakes.
Stressed When: Anyone tries to get her to admit something she’s not ready to
Priorities: The trio, Quidditch, potions, and Neville
Strength: Intuition — Wit — Compassionate — Self acceptance
Weakness: Fear of vulnerability— emotionally confused as hell
Color: Forest and sage green
Song: “Is Everybody Going Crazy?” by Nothing But Thieves
Food: Her father’s blueberry pancakes
Drink: Chocolate milk
Weather: Rainy summers
Book: “Advanced Potion-Making” by Libatius Borage
Expletives: “Bloody Mandrake Ass Bitch!”
Hobbies: Reading her classmate’s natal charts, Quidditch, making candles, potion making, and Frog Choir
Fashion: She has integrated some of Tonks’ old skirts and boots into her wardrobe, but other than that she prefers more floral designs and dresses with some edgy pieces. She also has a proclivity for piercings. 
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Carmi firsts meets the lovely Neville when he loses his toad, Trevor, during their first year. She helps him find the little guy, but his fear of anyone in green robes unnerves the young boy. However, when she helps him after he passes out from the Mandrake cries during their second year, the two of them are inseparable. Everyone knows they love each other, besides them. 
They do everything together, which includes going to the Yule Ball together and attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together. It takes them until 6th year to fully lift the blinders, but when they do, they have the most supportive love. 
The two of them end up wit two little girls (Alice May and Frankie Elise).
Morgan Black is not only one of Carmi’s best friends, but the two had been each other’s favorite cousin. When they were younger, they would have sleepovers along with Tonks, but since Morgan and Carmi were closer in age and went to Hogwarts together, they were a force to be reckoned with. Morgan and Carmi are each other’s confidants, but they will do things to push each other. Both would throw hands for each other.
Carmi and Kate became friends after the Ravenclaw had some choice words with Mr. Marcus Flint; their mutual hatred of the vapid boy made them instant friends. They share one brain cell and often finished each other’s sentences. Since Carmi is quite close with Professor Trelawney, she always finds herself around Kate which is a plus. 
Luna Lovegood and Carmi both have a mutual love for making jewelry, and the two of them will use their skills to sell House themed bracelets and earrings. They are also quite whimsical and silly; the two girls never cared what anyone ever thought, so many people found them strange.
Ginny and Carmi were friends since they were younger; Carmi had been to the Burrow a few times when she tagged along with Tonks whenever she visited Charlie. The two girls would often find themselves running through the fields near the house, digging in the dirt and flying around on their ratty old brooms.
Cedric Diggory was always a kind boy, and he had helped Carmi find her classroom when she got lost during her first year. They both connected over their love of Quidditch, even if they were on separate teams. Once he started dating Kate, Carmi rejoiced and celebrated for days, finding the two of them a perfect match.
Pansy Parkinson and Carmi are an odd match, but the two balanced each other quite well. They were both witty and a bit snarky, but Carmi made the girl kinder wile Pansy kept her up to date on all the Slytherin gossip.
Fred and George like to give her shit for being a Slytherin, but Kate and Mo and Carmi would bop them upside the head. Snarky boys, but they loved her, and she loved them.
Carmi and Hermione Granger often butt heads over wanting to be the best in the class. The two are also fiercely competitive over their grades, Hermione would be an anxious and furious student while Carmi was just observant and confident. But both wanted to be the best. 
Crabbe and Goyle for being bafoons.
Draco and Carmi have an estranged relationship since their mothers are feuding, but they never really care to spend time together. Sometimes they’ll exchange words but the family situation was just more awkward than anything.
Marcus Flint was always a sore in the girl’s side, never understanding the hint that she just wasn’t interested in him. But he was relentless. Thankfully Mo and Kate were always ready to attack him if need be, but Carmi often out him in his place.
Carmi would destroy Bellatrix Lestrange if given the chance over what she did to Neville’s parents. Not only did she make Carmi ashamed to share blood, but she hated how deeply she hurt the man she loved. She would destroy Auntie Bella if given the chance.
Carmi and Neville own very random animals for pets since Carmi can’t help but house every abandoned creature she sees. Some of their more obscure pets were a possum, a skunk, toads, snakes, and cats.
The trio still have sleepovers, even if their grown. 
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@kc-needs-coffee​ @weasleysandwheezes​
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clovermunson · 4 years
Cast your mutuals as the Weasley siblings! And congrats on your follower milestone :D - cursebreakerfarrier
thank you so much @farrradays ( @cursebreakerfarrier )! this is like the #1 contender for my favorite ask so far😂
Cast Your Mutuals: Weasley Family Edition
(these first two are blatantly obvious lmao but this is sort of a vibe-check post as well, just the vibes I get from y’all lovely mutuals!🥰)
myself as: George Weasley. 1/2 of the Chaotic Duo™️.
@rosievixen as: Fred Weasley. The other 1/2 of the Chaotic Duo™️, there’s no escaping our chaotic escapades😂
@that-ravenpuff-witch as: Molly Weasley. Erin gives me such mom-friend vibes and she’d literally be the perfect Molly, change my mind😂
@lizzieparkerhphm as: Ginny Weasley. Book Ginny though because book Ginny is 10000x better than movie Ginny.
@cursebreakerfarrier as: Bill Weasley. I get like the super cool older sibling vibes from them, so that’s why I was partial to casting them as Bill lol and also because I know they absolutely love Bill Weasley!
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clovermunson · 4 years
Cym supernatural
o o f okay so I’ve been off the supernatural bandwagon for a bit but I know what’s happened
Cast Your Mutuals: Supernatural Edition
myself as: Jo Harvelle
@cleverglitteryfoxtrot as: Charlie Bradbury
@danceworshipper as: Ruby
@carewyncromwell as: Ellen Harvelle
@that-ravenpuff-witch as: Claire Novak
@lizzieparkerhphm as: Meg Masters
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clovermunson · 4 years
I’m actually amazed this wasn’t one of the first cym requests lmao
but thank you!🥰
Cast Your Mutuals: Hogwarts Mystery Edition
myself as: okay, this was a toss-up between Charlie Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks. but ultimately, I have to say Charlie because my only coherent thought would be dragons if they were real😂
@cleverglitteryfoxtrot as: Tulip Karasu (you chaotic gremlin- you’re still my internet best friend though)
@that-ravenpuff-witch as: Penny Haywood (seriously, Erin is so nice and sweet to everyone- how do you do it?)
@catohphm as: Ben Copper
@lizzieparkerhphm as: Badeea Ali
@cursebreakerfarrier as: Chiara Lobosca
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clovermunson · 4 years
CYM Percy Jackson?
it’s been a good minute since I’ve been active with the Percy Jackson fandom, but oof I’ll give it a shot!
I’ll have to actually re-read all the books since I haven’t done that in ages😂
please note: I really had to stretch my brain to its limits to remember the characters lol
Cast Your Mutuals: Percy Jackson Edition
myself as: I really wanna say Bianca di Angelo or Clarisse La Rue judging by my personality but I’m not 100% sure.
@cleverglitteryfoxtrot as: Thalia Grace (punk vibes my guy)
@that-ravenpuff-witch ( @erinislands ) as: Annabeth Chase (y’all, Erin is so level-headed compared to the rest of us lmao)
@lizzieparkerhphm as: Zoë Nightshade
@catohphm as: Will Solace
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clovermunson · 4 years
✨ Cast Your Mutuals with Star Wars for the celebration ask? Also congratulations on the 70 followers, Skye!💙🤗🦅
Thanks Cato!
Cast Your Mutuals: Star Wars Edition
this is based off of personality traits that I’ve seen in my mutuals and based on interactions!
myself as: oof, I really wanna say Anakin Skywalker or Kylo Ren because I have really bad anger issues, but that’s too cliché😂 I guess I’d have to say I’m a really good mix of Leia Organa and Rey, but I may be a little more Rey because I’m a “act first, ask questions later” type.
@rosievixen as: hmm...as much as I wanna say BB-8 because just like Rey is with BB-8, I’d actually kill someone for Rosie, I won’t say BB-8 because that’s biased😂 but I also wanna say Poe Dameron because slightly reckless and chaotic vibes?? I dunno man, this one’s a tough call lol take your pick on this one my guy
@catohphm as: C-3PO. While Threepio isn’t exactly everyone’s favorite character, he’s helpful in quite a few situations! His vast knowledge on a multitude of things gets his friends out of some sticky situations!
@lizzieparkerhphm as: hmm...for some reason I really wanna say Padmé Amidala? I just get really strong Padmé vibes from them, I really can’t lie. I guess because they’re really such a nice and peaceful person, just like Padmé.
@nightrhea-hphm as: (for the angst purposes lmao), Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Naz is really just a lil angsty bean but then sometimes, sometimes, they can have some fluffy content and thoughts and that’s what redeems them😂
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clovermunson · 4 years
CYM! ✨
don’t worry Rosie, I know you mean for this to be for HP😂
this is done more as a general vibe I get from my mutuals
Cast Your Mutuals: Harry Potter Edition
myself as: George Weasley. It’s funny because I did this test and George was like a 94% match to my personality😂
@rosievixen as: Fred Weasley. What is one chaotic soul without the other, really? What is George without Fred? Now that’s a thought I don’t wanna think about. And I refuse to think about it. Fred did NOT die, change my mind.
@lizzieparkerhphm as: Fleur Delacour. Mostly because of their demeanor, like the vibe I get is “I don’t care, I do this because I like it, not because you like it” and that’s just so much like Fleur to me, tbh. Fleur gets so much hate and she really doesn’t deserve it.
@catohphm as: Ron Weasley. I say Ron because while Ron comes off as a very scared soul, he still has a pretty decent amount of bravery and will always stand with his friends. Though most see him as an “inconvenience” or get fed up with him throughout the series, he’s proven himself to be loyal to those he loves.
@nightrhea-hphm as: Remus Lupin. two words: lovely bean. Remus is just a great character and even though Remus is a bit angsty and rough around the edges, he’s just this big sweetheart that everyone loves.
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clovermunson · 4 years
CYM Disney
okay so I love Disney, let’s just get that out of the way😂
Cast Your Mutuals: Disney Edition
myself as: okay this is so hard because I have the attitude to be Megara or Jasmine (y’all my attitude is- o o f) or maybe Pocahontas. But I could also be Bagheera from the Jungle Book because I’m so done with everything lmao
@cleverglitteryfoxtrot as: Merida
@cursebreakerfarrier as: Nani Pelekai
@that-ravenpuff-witch as: Belle
@danceworshipper as: Alice
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clovermunson · 4 years
✏️ for my favorite Slytherins? (Draco, Pansy, and Blaise)
thank you!🥰
Character Ratings
Draco Malfoy:
okay I’m gonna be generous and give him a solid 5/10.
he’s a well-written character, and could’ve had a good redemption arc, but just his entire personality is just...no. he’s the stereotypical entitled white boy😂
Pansy Parkinson
oof, I really, really don’t like Pansy. for what exact reason, I have no clue.
she’s just not my cup of tea and her mentality of “I’m better than everyone” is just...ugh.
Blaise Zabini
my absolute favorite Slytherin.
only because there was so much untapped potential with him and they should’ve given us more background than what we got on Blaise.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Peace out 2020 🥳😝
Bill Weasley or Charlie Weasley?
McGonagall or Flitwick?
Ginny or Luna?
BB8 or Baby Yoda?
Pizza or Pasta?
Christmas or Halloween?
— that-ravenpuff-witch
I agree, peace out 2020 because this year has sucked😂
but thank you for sending in an ask!🥰
This Or That:
Bill Weasley or Charlie Weasley?
oh...oh no...oh noooo...
okay um...
No Charlie.
No Bill.
oh my god
okay final answer...Charlie😣 that hurt so much to choose between them, ngl but I chose Charlie because I could literally talk with him about dragons for hours on end.
McGonagall or Flitwick?
this appeals to my Gryffinclaw nature lmao
but, McGonagall is really my favorite professor, so how could I not choose her?
Ginny or Luna?
this really can go either way, because I like book Ginny but I don’t really care much for movie Ginny. I love both book and movie Luna.
oof, okay so...I have to say, based on the books alone, Ginny. But movie-wise, I’d choose Luna.
BB-8 or Baby Yoda?
I love both so much but I have to say BB-8 just because I love the droids so much.
Pizza or Pasta?
another one where I love both😂 typically I eat more pasta, but if someone puts an extra large pepperoni pizza in front of me, I will absolutely devour it on my own😂 I have to say pasta though.
Christmas or Halloween?
I love both holidays, but Halloween has always been my favorite.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Hey! could i get a ✏️ for your end of year celebration? character is ummmm draco malfoy, if you've done him already, then luna lovegood!
Hello, thank you for sending in an ask!🥰
Draco was already answered here, but I’d love to give a rating to Luna!
Character Rating
Luna Lovegood
how can I not give Luna a 10/10? she’s literally my baby and I love her to bits😂 she’s such an individualist and really couldn’t care less what others think of her, and honestly? I wish I was more like that.
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clovermunson · 4 years
❤️ bless us with some mom!Roxie headcanons, I beg you
also, congratulations on your 70 followers, you deserve it 💖
- lizzieparkerhphm
thank you so much!!🥰
I have no idea how in the hell 70 people wanted to follow my chaotic dumbass😂
mom!Roxie headcanons, you say??👀👀
mom!Roxie Headcanons:
Roxie really is a “Tiger mom”. She knows her children are very capable, even if sometimes they don’t act as such. She’s not too overbearing though, she always knows not to push her kids too much.
mom!Roxie can be slightly irritable at times, though never truly unpleasant. She has to put up with three kids who are all roughly the same age and Gabriel, who could blame her?😂
the mom that’s literally always baking homemade treats? That’s Roxie. baking is one of her hobbies and whenever the kids ask, she’s already making a batch of cookies.
at first, she’s utterly terrified of being a mom because she doesn’t know how she’ll handle it. it’s really a rush of emotions for her and it takes her actually giving birth to realize “I’ve got this.”
Roxie’s such a well put-together mom, tbh. she knows where everything is, and exactly where to find something if it’s been misplaced, and it never fails to amaze the kids when she instantly finds something they lost.
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clovermunson · 4 years
❤️ for Roxie?
thank you for sending in an ask!☺️
Headcanon for Roxie:
she’s a true do-it-yourself type. she has certain ways that she likes things to be done, and while she truly appreciates the effort of anyone else doing something for her such as some rearranging or cleaning, she ends up having to move a few things back to where they originally were.
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clovermunson · 4 years
❤️ I want headcanons pleeeeaseee, i need more Willa and Bill headcanons in my life...
thank you!🥰
we could all use a little more Bill and Willa in our lives, honestly😌
Bill and Willa Headcanons
General (applies throughout the relationship)
Bill is so protective of Willa. another guy looks at her for a millisecond too long? not on Bill’s watch.
Willa is the one who’s better at cooking/baking. Bill can make the more basic stuff like grilled cheese and some breakfast foods, but that’s about it.
Bill tells a lot, and I mean a lot of horrible puns, and Willa will groan about it but she secretly loves them.
both of their top love languages are physical touch/words of affirmation.
During Hogwarts:
people wondered a lot how a girl like Willa ended up with a guy like Bill. it bothered Willa for a few months until Bill got her out of her shell about it.
despite the time they split near the end of Willa’s 6th Year (Bill’s 7th), neither of them dated anyone else after the split. Bill focused on being a Cursebreaker and Willa focused on her upcoming duties as Head Girl and a peer tutor.
after all the rumors died down at the start of their relationship, they kinda became that couple that everyone “looked up to”, and had the relationship that they wanted their relationships to be like.
After Hogwarts
after Willa’s departure from Hogwarts, she became an Auror while Bill was still a Cursebreaker. they’d gotten back together a little bit before Willa left Hogwarts, and though two different occupations sort of put a strain on their relationship, they made it work.
before getting married (the two were married on May 15th, 1995), they had their first child together, a son, born on January 30th, 1993, named Benjamin “Benji” Arthur Weasley. Benji looked like a perfect little carbon copy of Bill, and Willa was upset about it😂
Bill is the more lenient parent, and Willa verges on “tiger-mom” territory, but she’s not extremely overbearing with her kids’ achievements.
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