#wears a human skinsuit and is possibly a flesh eating monster x just a fucking guy
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kittzuxp · 1 year ago
Look at this.
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"make sure not to smile too wide, for humans are easily frightened"
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>Gets him a bday present
>smiles wide
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
howdy hey mothertruckers it’s me ya boi corrupteddoodles
so, my mootie pootie oomf @thatfrogperson posted something like this earlier and since we share One Single Braincell i wrote something similar to it.
once again, it’s about the boys from My Strange Roommate
look at him and tell me that man isn’t in love with his roommate
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like thatfrogpersons fic, the two have names
Adam- The inhuman roommate
Oliver- the human roommate
here’s the fic, enjoy:
It was a word Adam never really understood. He wasn’t human. He never was, and he never will be. His species was designed to stalk, maim and kill.
So why did he feel the way he did?
Adam had been watching this human for a while now. Under the guise of being his roommate. Oliver. Adam noticed how his heart- well, not really a heart, per se. It was more of a void- got faster when Oliver was in the room.
Oliver was a law student. He usually came home incredibly late, often crashing on the couch and falling asleep. Adam usually left him there, feeling nothing. But lately, he had picked Oliver up, and carried him to his room, feeing an odd sense of care, deep in his chest.
Adam didn’t understand what he felt. When it first started, he pushed it down, hoping it would go away.
It never did.
Despite the many, many chances he had, Adam couldn’t bring himself to kill Oliver. All he wanted to do was hug him. Protect him. Care for him.
Is this how “love” was supposed to feel?
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gracieblood · 1 year ago
“someone did dm me on instagram to tell me that you guys had named the characters from that series adam and oliver… which are some GAYASS names.” — ashur gharavi, 2024
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emeraldishappy · 1 year ago
F### This is my new favorite OTP
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
To be human (or worse, prey)
My strange roommate fic!!! (I've never writen fanfiction before lmk what you think [be nice about it though pls])
I have felt quite different lately, a feeling I was once familiar with has taken a new shape.
I live with a man, a human man, one I should’ve eaten a while ago at that. As I walk past my roommates bedroom I resist my hunger, ‘can’t eat him yet’ I thought. I go over my pre-established reasonings for keeping myself in this less than savory situation.
I need to integrate into this society somehow, my roommate is my only frame of reference for human normalcy really. As much as it’d be easier to just eat him now, I cannot understand these people on my own. Clearly there's much to learn if I ever want to move on from merely hunting forest creatures. That's not to mention the payoff, after a long week of pretending to feel things I can't, there is nothing better than fresh meat.
As always I have made it back from “work” right before dusk, and in the same way I am preparing food that I cannot eat. Though my roommate never assigned me this task, it's a necessary part of my contribution. I’ve found humans like it when you make yourself useful, and he doesn’t have the time to do this for himself.
Maneuvering this vessel is more difficult than I thought it’d be. Humans make it look so easy, moving fluidly with every action while I find myself fumbling over every little articulation. They expect you to move even when it’s unnecessary. Apparently not taking part in their hand gestures and arbitrary body language is frowned upon.
Searing pans and mixing bowls rest at the bottom of the sink. I heard his car as it pulled into the driveway, and the lock’s click as he unlocked the door. He greets me at the entrance with a small wave and a polite smile, but only polite. How passive. He still treats me as though I am a stranger. I set his plate in front of his usual seat at the dining table.
He takes his seat and I take mine right across from him and stare as I always do, though I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts. I’ve heard him on the phone, he aspires to get a job he knows is out of reach for him. He listens to music in his room when he gets ready, he says it motivates him. He cares when other people get hurt, even though it doesn’t affect him. All things that I’m constantly reminded are normal amongst people, yet completely foreign to me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t–
“Hey, are you alright?”
He spoke uneasily.
“You’ve been staring for.. a while now.” Yes I’ve heard of this, staring is considered rude isn’t it? He looks at me pensively, like he's trying to figure me out. It’s the same look he’s been giving me since I cooked and served him his cat last week.
I don’t understand this reaction, why would he raise such a creature if not to be eaten, perhaps he was saving it for one of those special occasions. You know how they are, humans and their special occasions.
“I’m going to watch this new movie, over on the couch,” he says.
Why is he telling me this?
“... if you’d like to join me maybe.”
Oh. This is quite unexpected, maybe I misunderstood our standing. He shifts around, seemingly getting more and more uncomfortable the longer the silence stretches on.
“I’ll uh- I will be in the living room.”
I didn’t think this far ahead honestly, I thought I would’ve eaten him by now. This offer is one I would expect of an acquaintance. Are he and I acquainted?
He’s already gotten comfortable in the living room by the time I come in. “Oh! You actually came,” He wasn’t really expecting me to take him up on his offer was he? He makes room for me to sit near him on the pillow adorned couch, more for decoration than comfort. “I mean, I’m glad. Come sit!”
I sit next to him, awkward movements every step of the way, this place is one I usually only experience in passing. There was never any reason to be in here other than to enter the kitchen. I believe I’ve spent more of my time in his room than here. Admittedly I sometimes watch him at night, controlling my gluttony is no easy feat. At least I can take solace in knowing when this is all over snuffing him out will be no issue. Besides, It's his fault for leaving his door unlocked.
I sit with my hands clasped in my lap. I never know where to put those things.
With a few clicks of the remote he’s signed into some kind of account, playing some kind of film. I am technically looking at the screen but I pay no attention. I can’t while he’s here, just across the couch yet still much too close. I watch him from my peripheral vision, only about fifteen minutes in and he seems to be entranced. It's fascinating how invested he is in this.
Maybe I can settle down a little as well.
I don’t really know when but eventually I found myself invested in the movie on screen as well, and that came with a new-found serenity. Caught in a fictional world, I think for the first time I wasn’t hyper aware of my surroundings or the people in them. Just for a moment I didn’t feel the need to stalk or hunt and it wasn’t life or death. Only for a moment though.
My roommate clears his throat, the unexpected noise was jarring to me in the state I was in. I nearly forgot he was even there.
“The movie’s almost over already, huh?” he said. He’s closer than I remember him being, it would seem we got closer as we adjusted to more comfortable positions on the couch. I don’t like that.
“This is weird isn’t it?” I have no gauge for what’s ‘weird’ and what's ‘normal’ here, but I’ll go along with it.
“Me asking you to hang out with me out of the blue like this I mean. I just had a long day and-” He sighs, sounding quite dejected. It’s not like I have anything else left to do here. it's
“None of my friends have picked up the phone either, I really appreciate you, you know, being here and all that.” I watch the corners of his lips tug into a frown, muscles I haven’t quite learned to use yet, as he runs his fingers through his hair. I scoot just a bit closer, there's this look in his eyes. Something sad, vulnerable even. I try my best to soften my demeanor, to present as something that's not a threat. It does not come naturally.
He looks away, glancing back at the screen, unsure of himself I’d presume. Maybe I can be of comfort. I place my hand on his where it rests on the couch, I try to remain non threatening. This contact feels deeply strange, I can feel every inch of his warm skin from the tip of my fingers to the end of my palm. He might agree given the look on his face. He looks me up and down with widened eyes, is this not how you comfort?
The serenity I felt is long gone but something different has taken hold of me. It's a familiar feeling, quickened heartbeat, amplified senses, adrenaline pumping through me, but how can I, in fight or flight, feel so still. “Oh.. wow. I didn’t-” Hesitance laces his voice. “I didn’t take you for a very touchy person.”
I’m stuck being acutely aware of every little twitch of his hand and every little thing he does yet unable to do anything about it. Something’s changed.
My heart pumps in my chest, there's heat running up my face, a feeling rising in me with every second our skin remains touching. Something must be seriously wrong because as visceral as this feeling is I cannot for the life of me pull away. I can’t help but feel my very life is on the line as he reciprocates my touch and interlocks our fingers.
I feel so though I am suffocating as if something is gripping my heart and lungs, the air is heavy. The silence is deafening, every sensation overwhelming but with my muscles locked in place there's no end in sight. Why does he have to look at me like that, like there's always something he’s leaving unsaid.
And the hints of curiosity in his voice like he wants to know more, he thinks I don’t notice. And why does any of it have to bother me so much? Why does he have to make me care? Maybe I’m becoming weak.
What started in a moment ends just as quickly as his hand slips out of mine. I am already growing cold without his touch. “Again, thank you for being here. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He doesn’t sound so sad anymore at least. My heart is no longer pounding against my chest so hard, though I’m still left to my thoughts, and ultimately I am left feeling empty.
I’d want him to come back and make me whole again if it wasn’t for the horrible feelings that came with. But it's no matter, it shouldn’t be long before he falls asleep and he never locks his bedroom door.
I'm by no means serious about the ship but i think its neat tbh, also nonhuman characters are so real to me so theres that
Hope you enjoyed X3
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
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weirdguy yaoi saturday
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
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Y’know, it’s strange. I’ve lived with him for a little under a year now, and yet…I’ve never noticed how pretty he is.
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corrupteddoodles · 11 months ago
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
hey people who enjoy My Strange Roommate as much as me and enjoy the Homosexuals™️ in the series
come get your food
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
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babe wake up it’s weirdguy yaoi saturday
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
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wielderofthechainsaw · 1 year ago
Im gonna write fanfiction about them now haha jk unless?
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corrupteddoodles · 1 year ago
i enjoy the energy you put into this reblog
howdy hey mothertruckers it’s me ya boi corrupteddoodles
so, my mootie pootie oomf @thatfrogperson posted something like this earlier and since we share One Single Braincell i wrote something similar to it.
once again, it’s about the boys from My Strange Roommate
look at him and tell me that man isn’t in love with his roommate
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like thatfrogpersons fic, the two have names
Adam- The inhuman roommate
Oliver- the human roommate
here’s the fic, enjoy:
It was a word Adam never really understood. He wasn’t human. He never was, and he never will be. His species was designed to stalk, maim and kill.
So why did he feel the way he did?
Adam had been watching this human for a while now. Under the guise of being his roommate. Oliver. Adam noticed how his heart- well, not really a heart, per se. It was more of a void- got faster when Oliver was in the room.
Oliver was a law student. He usually came home incredibly late, often crashing on the couch and falling asleep. Adam usually left him there, feeling nothing. But lately, he had picked Oliver up, and carried him to his room, feeing an odd sense of care, deep in his chest.
Adam didn’t understand what he felt. When it first started, he pushed it down, hoping it would go away.
It never did.
Despite the many, many chances he had, Adam couldn’t bring himself to kill Oliver. All he wanted to do was hug him. Protect him. Care for him.
Is this how “love” was supposed to feel?
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