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sounds-right · 1 year ago
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Midance e Convention Deejay 2023, il 3 e 4 novembre ’23 a Milano e ad Arese
Il 3 e 4 novembre prossimi a Milano e ad Arese l'appuntamento b2b della musica elettronica, del djing, del clubbing e della discografia indipendente
Midance e Convention Deejay tornano ufficialmente nei giorni 3 e 4 novembre 2023 a Milano presso il Loolapaloosa (Corso Como, 15 - https://www.loolapaloosamilano.com/) e ad Arese presso Kong Location (Viale delle Industrie, 15/1 - https://konglocation.it/it/kong)con un doppio appuntamento.
Produttori musicali, discografici, musicisti, dj, promoter si incontreranno per sviluppare attività in presenza e in streaming. Il sodalizio solennizza l'evento italiano b2b, ormai anche in versione itinerante dopo le date di Ibiza di questa estate.
Midance e Convention Deejay si focalizzano anche in questa occasione sullo stato di salute del comparto che include i live, dai concerti ai festival sino alle discoteche. Midance, giunto al sua 21esima edizione, affronterà attraverso diverse tematiche la produzione musicale, il placement, la promozione e lo scouting.
Convention Deejay verterà sulle nuove tecnologie con interventi ad hoc. Tra i partner di questa edizione F.I.P.I. e Big Biz.
Midance e Convention Deejay saranno trasmessi in diretta attraverso il link https://www.midance.it/live/
Il programma
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ LoolaPaloosa Media Party 2023"
Venerdì 3 novembre 2023, Milano
17,30 – "Donne dj, la consacrazione ", Ire Dreamer, Giulia Regain, Karol Diac, Elena Tanz e Georgia Mos.
18,30 - "Sindacato del Suono in diretta". In collegamento Dankann, in presenza Riccardo Sada e Mitch B.
19,00 - "Club Culture: libri, docufilm e tanto altro", in presenza Riccardo Sada e Gianluca Rossi (Giangy).
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ Kong Location 2023"
Sabato 4 novembre 2023, Arese (MI)
17,30 – "Diritti e doveri 3.0", la registrazione dei propri lavori digitali, la paternità del lavoro e l'evoluzione delle licenze di copyright con Sebastian Zdrojewski di Rights Chain.
18,30 - "Il campionamento" con l'Avv. Giorgio Tramacere, Tony Corizia, Cino e Carloalberto Cavallotti.
19,30 - "SILS Time - La Discoteca oggi", parla il Presidente del Sindacato Lavoratori dello Spettacolo Filippo Regis e Ale Big Mama. Il punto sul settore dei live.
20,00 – "Basstronautz Live Showcase"
23,30 - Gran finale con la IEMBI 2023, Italian Music Business Influencer (www.midance.it/iembi/), classifica basata sulle votazioni dei lettori del periodico Danceland, della piattaforma b2b Hyper Hyper e della community di Midance Italy Wondersquad (www.facebook.com/groups/149723781717383).
00,00 – Proclamazione del vincitore della IEMBI 2023.
Durante i due giorni
Coffee Break: feedback produzioni con Midance
Pure training: formazione musicale ed endorsing con Convention Deejay
DinnerTime: tavoli di lavoro
A supporto della manifestazione ci saranno media partner come Radio WOW, Radio Emotions, Goody Music Radio, Danceland Magazine, Hyper Hyper, TrafficJam e Sindacato del Suono.
Tra i partner ufficiali, ANPAD (Associazione Nazionale Produttori Autori Deejay) e WeAreEntertainment.
Tra i partner tecnici, BigBiz Hub (www.bigbizstudio.com/hub/), realtà focalizzata sulla produzione musicale sviluppata in molti anni di lavoro e vicina alle nuove tecnologie digitali.
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tarditardi · 1 year ago
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Midance e Convention Deejay 2023, il 3 e 4 novembre ’23 a Milano e ad Arese
Il 3 e 4 novembre prossimi a Milano e ad Arese l'appuntamento b2b della musica elettronica, del djing, del clubbing e della discografia indipendente
Midance e Convention Deejay tornano ufficialmente nei giorni 3 e 4 novembre 2023 a Milano presso il Loolapaloosa (Corso Como, 15 - https://www.loolapaloosamilano.com/) e ad Arese presso Kong Location (Viale delle Industrie, 15/1 - https://konglocation.it/it/kong)con un doppio appuntamento.
Produttori musicali, discografici, musicisti, dj, promoter si incontreranno per sviluppare attività in presenza e in streaming. Il sodalizio solennizza l'evento italiano b2b, ormai anche in versione itinerante dopo le date di Ibiza di questa estate.
Midance e Convention Deejay si focalizzano anche in questa occasione sullo stato di salute del comparto che include i live, dai concerti ai festival sino alle discoteche. Midance, giunto al sua 21esima edizione, affronterà attraverso diverse tematiche la produzione musicale, il placement, la promozione e lo scouting.
Convention Deejay verterà sulle nuove tecnologie con interventi ad hoc. Tra i partner di questa edizione F.I.P.I. e Big Biz.
Midance e Convention Deejay saranno trasmessi in diretta attraverso il link https://www.midance.it/live/
Il programma
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ LoolaPaloosa Media Party 2023"
Venerdì 3 novembre 2023, Milano
17,30 – "Donne dj, la consacrazione ", Ire Dreamer, Giulia Regain, Karol Diac, Elena Tanz e Georgia Mos.
18,30 - "Sindacato del Suono in diretta". In collegamento Dankann, in presenza Riccardo Sada e Mitch B.
19,00 - "Club Culture: libri, docufilm e tanto altro", in presenza Riccardo Sada e Gianluca Rossi (Giangy).
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ Kong Location 2023"
Sabato 4 novembre 2023, Arese (MI)
17,30 – "Diritti e doveri 3.0", la registrazione dei propri lavori digitali, la paternità del lavoro e l'evoluzione delle licenze di copyright con Sebastian Zdrojewski di Rights Chain.
18,30 - "Il campionamento" con l'Avv. Giorgio Tramacere, Tony Corizia, Cino e Carloalberto Cavallotti.
19,30 - "SILS Time - La Discoteca oggi", parla il Presidente del Sindacato Lavoratori dello Spettacolo Filippo Regis e Ale Big Mama. Il punto sul settore dei live.
20,00 – "Basstronautz Live Showcase"
23,30 - Gran finale con la IEMBI 2023, Italian Music Business Influencer (www.midance.it/iembi/), classifica basata sulle votazioni dei lettori del periodico Danceland, della piattaforma b2b Hyper Hyper e della community di Midance Italy Wondersquad (www.facebook.com/groups/149723781717383).
00,00 – Proclamazione del vincitore della IEMBI 2023.
Durante i due giorni
Coffee Break: feedback produzioni con Midance
Pure training: formazione musicale ed endorsing con Convention Deejay
DinnerTime: tavoli di lavoro
A supporto della manifestazione ci saranno media partner come Radio WOW, Radio Emotions, Goody Music Radio, Danceland Magazine, Hyper Hyper, TrafficJam e Sindacato del Suono.
Tra i partner ufficiali, ANPAD (Associazione Nazionale Produttori Autori Deejay) e WeAreEntertainment.
Tra i partner tecnici, BigBiz Hub (www.bigbizstudio.com/hub/), realtà focalizzata sulla produzione musicale sviluppata in molti anni di lavoro e vicina alle nuove tecnologie digitali.
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djs-party-edm-italia · 1 year ago
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Midance e Convention Deejay 2023, il 3 e 4 novembre ’23 a Milano e ad Arese
Il 3 e 4 novembre prossimi a Milano e ad Arese l'appuntamento b2b della musica elettronica, del djing, del clubbing e della discografia indipendente
Midance e Convention Deejay tornano ufficialmente nei giorni 3 e 4 novembre 2023 a Milano presso il Loolapaloosa (Corso Como, 15 - https://www.loolapaloosamilano.com/) e ad Arese presso Kong Location (Viale delle Industrie, 15/1 - https://konglocation.it/it/kong)con un doppio appuntamento.
Produttori musicali, discografici, musicisti, dj, promoter si incontreranno per sviluppare attività in presenza e in streaming. Il sodalizio solennizza l'evento italiano b2b, ormai anche in versione itinerante dopo le date di Ibiza di questa estate.
Midance e Convention Deejay si focalizzano anche in questa occasione sullo stato di salute del comparto che include i live, dai concerti ai festival sino alle discoteche. Midance, giunto al sua 21esima edizione, affronterà attraverso diverse tematiche la produzione musicale, il placement, la promozione e lo scouting.
Convention Deejay verterà sulle nuove tecnologie con interventi ad hoc. Tra i partner di questa edizione F.I.P.I. e Big Biz.
Midance e Convention Deejay saranno trasmessi in diretta attraverso il link https://www.midance.it/live/
Il programma
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ LoolaPaloosa Media Party 2023"
Venerdì 3 novembre 2023, Milano
17,30 – "Donne dj, la consacrazione ", Ire Dreamer, Giulia Regain, Karol Diac, Elena Tanz e Georgia Mos.
18,30 - "Sindacato del Suono in diretta". In collegamento Dankann, in presenza Riccardo Sada e Mitch B.
19,00 - "Club Culture: libri, docufilm e tanto altro", in presenza Riccardo Sada e Gianluca Rossi (Giangy).
"Midance e Convention Deejay @ Kong Location 2023"
Sabato 4 novembre 2023, Arese (MI)
17,30 – "Diritti e doveri 3.0", la registrazione dei propri lavori digitali, la paternità del lavoro e l'evoluzione delle licenze di copyright con Sebastian Zdrojewski di Rights Chain.
18,30 - "Il campionamento" con l'Avv. Giorgio Tramacere, Tony Corizia, Cino e Carloalberto Cavallotti.
19,30 - "SILS Time - La Discoteca oggi", parla il Presidente del Sindacato Lavoratori dello Spettacolo Filippo Regis e Ale Big Mama. Il punto sul settore dei live.
20,00 – "Basstronautz Live Showcase"
23,30 - Gran finale con la IEMBI 2023, Italian Music Business Influencer (www.midance.it/iembi/), classifica basata sulle votazioni dei lettori del periodico Danceland, della piattaforma b2b Hyper Hyper e della community di Midance Italy Wondersquad (www.facebook.com/groups/149723781717383).
00,00 – Proclamazione del vincitore della IEMBI 2023.
Durante i due giorni
Coffee Break: feedback produzioni con Midance
Pure training: formazione musicale ed endorsing con Convention Deejay
DinnerTime: tavoli di lavoro
A supporto della manifestazione ci saranno media partner come Radio WOW, Radio Emotions, Goody Music Radio, Danceland Magazine, Hyper Hyper, TrafficJam e Sindacato del Suono.
Tra i partner ufficiali, ANPAD (Associazione Nazionale Produttori Autori Deejay) e WeAreEntertainment.
Tra i partner tecnici, BigBiz Hub (www.bigbizstudio.com/hub/), realtà focalizzata sulla produzione musicale sviluppata in molti anni di lavoro e vicina alle nuove tecnologie digitali.
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dartaarifa · 6 years ago
meet bongo zozo our big supporter #Tanzania #dartaarifa #weareentertainment #afcon2019 (at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLIa5mAtTR/?igshid=lyk1g1rnirev
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gor-d · 4 years ago
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My profile will be lit in all red for the Next 7 days. I stand in solidarity with the rest of my brothers and sisters in the event/entertainment industry who are out of work due to no fault of our own. Most of us have spent our lives getting to the point to where we can make a living doing what we love to do. The ole "just get a job" doesn't really work here. We have spent years building our businesses from the ground up. Time, money, more time, more money, and constant grinding has brought us here. If we fail it should be because WE caused the failure and not because we are forced to be shut down without any sort of assistance. This is our passion. This is our dream. The Dream is to do what you love for a living. We have accomplished that, and will continue to make smiles for those that need a smile the most... all of us! Feel free to join in. #WeMakeEvents #WeAreEvents #CodeRedRestart #saveourstages #WeAreEntertainment https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtzOm-Hrj3/?igshid=126rwy9d1cw9f
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japharii · 7 years ago
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#EvenThoughWhatWeDoisWrong We still hustle when the sun come up , crack a 40 when the sun go down #issaColdWinter #SickWitted18 #Focus18 #BackWithaVengeance #SickWittedEnt #WeAREentertainment
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donnarocker · 7 years ago
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Another #perfectknight out supporting our fabulous #VegasGoldenKnights Soooo very #VegasBorn #vgk #GoKnightsGo #VegasBorn #weareentertainment #seasonticketholders #deserttough love you the most-ess #chancethemascot #getyourgoalon my love & support to #mattstoner #4 plus major, major props to the team & @BillFoleyHockey 🏒🖤💛🖤💛 (at T-Mobile Arena)
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tanjanica · 5 years ago
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Do y’all ever attend an epic event then later think about it and wish you were there this very moment? That’s me right now! LOL The 2019 Taste of Freedom food tasting held by the @bhamcivilrights and powered by @ipushfoodie was such a great event that I’m already looking forward to next year! Some of Birmingham’s top chefs presented us with the absolute, most amazing food! @kjselegantpastries’s pecan cobbler and honey cornbread sweetened our pallets to pure satisfaction! @1918catering’s spread of smoked turkey, pulled pork, and black eyed peas was seasoned to pleased! And although this was a tasting, they didn’t hold back on proportions! @chefclaytonfs served the most amazing moonshine lemonade (Lawd!!) and gumbo. @eugeneshotchicken never disappoints with his chicken tenders, waffles, and fried okra! @simoneskitchenatl’s Mac and cheese and yams were absolutely everything! and last, but definitely not least @thepreservarybham brought the vegan spread! their african beet soup and wonton collards!!! let me tell you all about the wonton collards; i can eat that every day!! no lie! i swear i felt like they all collaborated on their menus because everything came together perfectly. in addition to the food @slimrobb kept the crowd hyped as well as the live sweet sounds of @_cereus and the D.A.M band. @weareentertainment @djeromesmedley and @liveprepnation made sure to capture every smile, dance move, and bite! and let’s not forget the our live and hype hosts @iam.cortneb and @_jettlee! my fellow and beautiful iPush Foodie @joellregal, the 1st lady of iPush @aquillaipushharris, and many many others were all in attendance. like i said...epic!! if you didn’t attend this year, be sure to follow @ipushfoodie to stay up to date on next year’s event!! . . . 📷: @djeromesmedley https://www.instagram.com/p/B5N8uvrBjZ4/?igshid=as03g3wpiak0
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move-rosso17 · 8 years ago
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いろんな方々と繋がるのは楽しい!嬉しい!ものまね芸人さんと会う機会に!! Physical comedian meets Impressionist (comedian) !! #岩佐麻里子 と#桑田ます似 #clown #physicalcomedian and #impressionist #weareentertainer #entertainer #entertainment #showbiz (at Warossroad Cafe(ワロスロード・カフェ))
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Pete Carroll and the Seahawks aren’t happy with the NFL’s leaping ban
The Seahawks feel they shouldn’t be punished just because they were the only ones who did it well.
Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll isn’t happy with the NFL’s recent ban on players leaping over the line of scrimmage to block field goals and extra points.
In recent years, this has been a special teams staple for the Seahawks, but Carroll said the NFL didn’t show clips of the plays the Seahawks made when presenting the proposed change.
"Well, the examples that they showed us were the really bad examples," Carroll said via ESPN’s Sheil Kapadia. "They didn't show the examples of how pretty it is when a guy leaps over with great body control and makes the play and all.”
The Seahawks have been great at making it look pretty, and have executed the safest displays of the leap.
Kam Chancellor did it multiple times against the Carolina Panthers in the 2015 postseason. Bobby Wagner did it as well during the 2016 season against the Arizona Cardinals.
All 32 teams, including the Seahawks, voted in favor of the ban. Carroll said he understood that if the NFL showed their clips, their case to ban the play wouldn’t have been as strong.
“Guys were landing on their head and falling all over each other. It was a mess when we looked at it, so I couldn't vote against it the way it was going because they really did have examples that looked dangerous.”
Carroll is disappointed with the measure in part because it was a rare display of what made players like Chancellor and Wagner stand out.
“It was really just an opportunity to accentuate some of the special qualities of some of our guys, and Kam and Bobby were phenomenal at it.”
Players on the Seahawks weren’t happy about the new rule either. Chancellor took to Twitter to express his disapproval:
No Fun League... How can you entertain if you are governed by people who never broke a bone before? #TheyDontUnderstand #NFL
— The Enforcer (@Kam_Chancellor) March 28, 2017
He doubled down on Instagram, with a photo of one his leaps against Carolina:
1.Helmet To Helmet (Accidentally) ❌ 2.Leaping The Line ❌ 3. What's next??????? #itssohardtosaygoodbye #TheKidsLoveIt #WeAreEntertainers #wheresthefanappreciation
A post shared by Kameron Chancellor (@bambamkam) on Mar 30, 2017 at 6:31am PDT
Michael Bennett felt that the change wasn’t instituted for safety reasons, but because the coaches didn’t like how they were turning points in many games.
“Most of the NFL games are decided by one point, unless you’re playing the Jaguars or something, then it’s decided by 50,” Bennett said in an entertaining appearance on FOX Sports. “The one point, blocking that, it makes a big difference.”
Despite the ban, Wagner doesn’t seem too fazed:
We are creative. We will find another way http://pic.twitter.com/p04yNBzDk5
— Bobby Wagner (@Bwagz54) March 28, 2017
The Seahawks have been known to push the rules to the limit since Carroll’s arrival (and know them better than everyone else), but this was something that was well within the rules.
The main argument for the banning of the play was player safety. That’s something everybody can get behind, but it’s also easy to see why the Seahawks might be frustrated with it, when they always did it so well.
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dartaarifa · 6 years ago
*Moments * Let's get vibe with #kondeboy ..try to copy a dancing style of #chibudangote 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #partydance #diamondplatnumz #harmonize #kondeboy #mrflavour #dartaarifa #weareentertainment #worlwide #memes (at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
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dartaarifa · 6 years ago
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Memories #rihanna #chrisbrownofficial #tupac #michaeljackson R. I. P legends #dartaarifa #weareentertainment https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGEG4Hhiix/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=who4tv7u157e
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dartaarifa · 7 years ago
Je Unamkumbuka AMINI...!! Tazama Hapa☝.. @amini #Dartaarifa #dar #weareentertainment #j
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dartaarifa · 7 years ago
#trending Rapper #Offset kutoka kundi la muziki Marekani #migos Amzawadia gari jamaa ambaye alisaidia kuokoa maisha yake kwenye ajali ya gari aliyopata rappa huyo. Jamaa alikuwa akitembea kwa miguu kuelekea kazini pindi ambapo #Offset anapata ajali na akamsaidia kujiokoa. #Dartaarifa #weareentertainment (at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
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dartaarifa · 7 years ago
Msanii @tidmnyama amefunguka juu ya ujio wa album yake mpya.. #coment #likes #Dartaarifa #weareentertainment (at Dodoma, Tanzania)
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