#wear underarmor
221bshrlocked · 2 years
interesting indeed
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader
Words: 8901
Warnings: Tech wearing jeans. Female Masturbation. Tech watching reader masturbate so throw in a dash of accidental voyeurism. Consensual foreplay. Slightly rough manhandling, just like a little bit. Thigh riding because jeans! Dirty talk...or how I think Tech would sound if he were to talk you through riding him. Fingering. Squirting.
A/N: Not going to lie, this is a surprise even to me. Never thought I'd write for this cute nerd but I can't get over the fact that he's wearing jeans now so here you go. Also, this is totally in reference to this post because I wholeheartedly believe this is going to be a thing...if it isn't already. If Tech's character/vernacular doesn't seem right, do let me know how I can improve. Please and thank you.
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No one was commenting on it, not that they should of course. They were all adapting to sudden and quite terrifying changes, and this was not on the list of important things that should be talked about. If none of them discussed the change of color in their armors, which was probably one of the last things still connecting them to Crosshair, this was definitely not going to make it to the evening chat. But it was still strange though, and you weren’t sure how to handle it. 
It occurred to you after several rotations of simply being incapable of thinking of anything else why you were so hung up on it. On him. 
He looked good, really good. You always found him attractive, more so than the others if you were being honest. But now that he was out of the confines of his armor and those rather tight blacks beneath the heavy protective gear, you couldn’t help yourself, groaning and swearing beneath your breath any time he so much as walked past you to fix something or discuss the mission details, again, with Hunter. His form was still hidden from your eyes, with parts of the armor still covering his torso from your hungry gaze, but you could see him clearly now, at least his lower half.
Sith hells, his thighs were more muscular than you thought, and each time he stretched to fix a part of the ship out of reach, or even shifted in his seat, the holsters wrapped tightly around his thighs would tug against the fabric of his jeans and show you just how meaty and thick they are. 
Fuck, the jeans. That’s how you got into this current predicament. The day Tech started wearing those karking jeans was the day you cursed and thanked the maker for allowing such an invention to take place. He was tall, and you were always aware of how much shorter you were than him whenever he stood beside you or leaned down to show you whatever it was he wanted you to see on his holopad. You were so used to the plastoid armor that when you saw him walking out of his private room—eyes staring into the datapad, and hands clicking away as if he wasn’t wearing the most revealing fucking pair of pants to exist—you choked on your breath and had to walk away to avoid suspicion. Gods above, he somehow looked taller in those jeans than in his armor, and the knowledge that his slender form would now be available to your eyes all day every day made you sigh in irritation. It was already so difficult to attend to the tasks him and Echo handed you, and this just made it worse. So much worse. Then there was the matter of Echo and Hunter already teasing you about your little crush that everyone was aware of except him. It was enough as is, so you didn’t need to give them more ammo to use against you whenever he was around, even though he was oblivious to your longing gazes, and their irritating remarks. 
Almost on queue, the man walks past you and leans over the bar to grab a drink for himself. Your eyes roam down his tall, slender yet muscular form, stopping to appreciate how perfectly the jeans fit around his ass. You shake your head at the sight of him. It was so unfair for him to look this delicious in such a simple article of clothing. Did his butt always look so round and plump? Or were the jeans giving him all those “assets”? So far gone in your inappropriate thoughts, you don’t notice Hunter pulling up a seat next to you and leaning a little forward to follow your line of sight until he speaks. 
“Stare any harder and he might actually notice you checking him out this time.”
The rough sound of Hunter’s voice snaps you out of your haze and you flinch rather dramatically when the comment comes off louder than you’d like it to be, spilling half of your drink all over yourself and groaning in irritation when Hunter laughs at your obvious distress. You stand up and swipe across your shirt, only to run right into Tech as soon as you turn around to walk away from Hunter, in turn spilling both of your drinks over Tech’s armor and jeans. He hisses when the cold liquid runs down his clothes and you apologize profusely, grabbing both bottles and setting them down before looking for anything to hand him so he can dry himself.
You see Hunter from your periphery reaching out with something for you to take, and you narrow your eyes at him in warning as you snatch the towel from his hand and immediately pat down the sticky liquid on Tech’s armor. 
“Did you know it takes approximately 12 hours for the smell of spotchka to come off of plastoid? Unfortunately, the same cannot be said regarding the stains, which I believe will take much longer to be removed.” You sigh in relief as soon as Tech does the usual and goes on with whatever knowledge he knows about the predicament at hand. When you glance at Hunter though, you find him smirking at you, and you hate the eyebrow he raises at you as he sips from his drink and watches your flustered reaction.  
“I’m so sorry Tech, I was so distracted and- kriff,” you wipe at the chest armor to the best of your abilities, incapable of looking up at Tech out of fear of his reaction, or worse, your own. He swipes at the datapad several times, and you find it cute that he cares more about the technology on him than his attire, which he clearly stated would take a long time to thoroughly clean. 
“It is in your best interest to constantly be aware of your surroundings, Y/N, regardless of distractions. Having said that, what could possibly be distracting here? Wrecker and Omega are quiet, which is rather alarming now that I think of it. Echo is reading, and Hunter is,” he stops checking the holopad and looks up at Hunter, roaming his eyes across his brother’s presence before returning his attention to the task at hand again, “well, he’s doing nothing.”
“I- I was just thinking that…umm,” you trip over your words, unsure of how you were supposed to respond. When he doesn’t bother to ask you to finish your response, you shake your head and continue wiping his armor. 
“Funny you should mention your armor, Tech. She was just thinking about it.” Hunter says from behind you, making you turn around quickly and pout at him. He chuckles at your response, again, shrugging his shoulders at you when you mouth a few swears at him as you fiddle with the towel in your hand. 
“Whyever would you be thinking of my armor?” The question catches you off guard, and you look at Tech with wide eyes, parting your lips to try and offer him some reply that would get him to ignore you again. Before you do, however, Hunter beats you to it and provides another, equally-irritating, suggestion towards Tech, one that instantly sends your heart rate through the roof and makes you wish you were in the comfort of your bed. 
“Perhaps the lack thereof?” This time, you don’t bother looking at Hunter, knowing that he would only make things worse if you begged him to shut up again.
“We are not currently on a mission; naturally, there is no purpose for the remainder of the armor. However, now that we are no longer required to wear it all, I find myself more aware of the constraints it offered than before.” Tech gestures with his hand as he looks down at his form and presumably thinks of the several parts he was not currently wearing. You, on the other hand, can’t focus on anything, choosing to ignore everything he said except the word ‘constraints.’ 
“C-constraints?” You didn’t need to think of any type of constraints with relation to Tech, you really didn’t. But your mind decides to go off the rails, as it normally does whenever Tech is involved, and think of every naughty action the man can do to your body if he were to put you in constraints. Kriff, you would truly let him do anything he wanted with you, and you wouldn’t complain for a moment. You’d thank him for his attention, ask him what else he wanted to inflict upon you, and then beg him to put you out of your misery and do it already. 
Tech’s response doesn’t come immediately, and when you finally make eye contact with him, you find him staring intently at you, eyes shifting from your tense jaws to your tight neck to the rise and fall of your chest as your breathing increases by the second. You turn away from him, fidgeting with the towel for another moment before getting on your knees to get the lower part of the armor on his chest. As you continue to clean the plastoid on his body, you can’t help but let your gaze roam a little lower, but you get back to focusing on the armor again, unsure of what you would do if Tech were to notice you openly ogling his crotch. 
“Yes, there are several aspects of the Republic armor that hindered our movement. For example, it was difficult to remain seated for long periods of time. The plastoid dug into all the muscles of the body, thus making us more fatigued. Shoulder rotation was hindered at times due to the solidity of the back pieces, which, while advantageous during battle, were not useful on planets with more bodies of water, which required us to swim. Undoubtedly, the most unfortunate part of the armor was the codpiece. It made it near impossible for-” you were doing your best to focus on his ramblings, knowing that it would distract you from letting your mind run away with thoughts of touching him under more intimate circumstances. But as soon as he mentioned the codpiece, your brain went haywire and you started rubbing the damp spots on his inner thighs. Perhaps a part of you was aware of what you were doing, but you weren’t in-tune with the little bit of coherence still left in your neurons, already conjuring up the filthiest images involving yourself and the man above you. 
“Kriff,” he swears beneath his breath, instantly looking away from Hunter to your kneeling body as you begin to touch closer to where the blood was rushing down his form. 
“That will not be necessary, Y/N. I can- ahh,” he tries to stop you, he really does, but before he can reach out to your shoulders and grab your attention, your hand ascends up his thighs and makes a rather harsh pass across his crotch and the very visible tent in his jeans. Time stands still as soon as the sound of Tech’s moan hits your ears, and you widen your eyes in horror at what you’ve just done to him, in public, in front of his brother. You look up and notice a blush forming on his cheeks and neck, and you bite into your cheek when you see his hands shaking slightly while his chest expands rapidly with each short, harsh breath he takes. 
“Oh maker, I- I didn’t mean to…I was paying attention and- I have to go.” You throw the towel on the table and run out of Cid’s parlor, ignoring Tech as he calls your name along with what you were sure were Mando’a curses.
“Mesh’la wait!” Tech takes two steps towards you before he notices that you won’t listen to him, and he throws his head down in defeat as he makes his way back to Hunter, who is now joined by Echo. 
“Well that’s new,” Hunter comments, glancing at Echo with a grin on his face as he watches his brother fix his goggles and take the towel you were just holding. 
“It was a slip of the tongue, I-” He knows neither of his brothers will buy the excuse, he doesn’t if he were being honest with himself, but he wants to avoid whatever conversation he was sure was about to commence. 
“Hmm, sure it was. Bet you want to slip that tongue somewhere else.” Echo says, and if it weren’t for the fact that Tech was now thinking of every single twitch of your body language as you cleaned him up, he would have maybe decked him and walked away. But he was in no mood to fight, let alone argue with his brother. 
“Grow up, Echo. This is hardly the time to be crass.” He looks up at the two men in front of him, only to drop the irritated expression when he notices them staring at him with disbelief and annoyance in their eyes. 
“What?” He asks, grabbing the datapad from the table and shoving it back into his belt. 
“Go after her you di’kut.” Echo growls, shaking his head as soon as Tech frowns at him and begins to tell him why he shouldn’t. 
“She is clearly in distress, and I highly doubt the awkwardness of this moment will-”
“For kriff’s sake, Tech. Go. To. Her.” Hunter interrupts him before he can say anything else, and when Tech realizes that neither of them were planning on letting this go any time soon, he looks to the floor and shakes his head, grudgingly listening to them and heading out of the parlor. 
He almost reaches for the holopad as he walks to your place, but he stops himself before he turns it on, knowing that there was nothing on there that might help the situation now. He thinks back to what happened moments ago, recalling your reaction to the proximity between the both of you as well as Hunter’s responses. There was something missing in the whole ordeal, and if Tech didn’t know better, he’d think there was a meaning behind everything that was said. It’s moments like these that Tech understood he would have to read in between the lines, a task that he didn’t prefer attempting and was frankly not interested in. If you were dealing with a personal problem, one that you would rather share with Hunter than him, then Tech would respect that. Granted it made him uncomfortable, or perhaps annoyed was the right word here, but he wouldn’t dream of forcing you to tell him. 
But maker if he wasn’t still interested in your behavior. There was a clear shift in your body language when he walked over to your table, little gestures that changed rapidly when you began cleaning his armor and as soon as Hunter shared his thoughts on your reasons behind being distracted. 
Tech halts in his steps when he looks up and sees that he’s reached your place. He stares at the open windows and feels relieved when he sees that the lights are still on. Heading up the stairwell, he thinks over what he should say when you open the door. Should he mention the reason behind you leaving, or should he apologize for becoming erect when you were only trying to help? Should he tell you that he wasn’t bothered by your touch or should he explain why he was aroused to begin with? The last thought makes him stop in his tracks, and he meditates for a long while on why such an option would come forward in his mind to begin with. 
“Hmm, that is rather interesting.” Tech comments out loud before he continues his ascent to your place, and once he reaches the door to your apartment, he knocks on it and waits for you to answer it. When you don’t make an appearance, he knocks once again, his nerves beginning to get to him. As the silence of the night fills the stairwell, Tech decides to push in the combination to your door, only to find that you had left it unlocked upon your arrival. 
That is strange, you were always so careful on the Marauder. Surely you would be as careful when it came to your own home?
He walks in slowly and takes a quick look across the empty space, finding you nowhere in sight. Before he takes another step further, he hears the faint sound of your voice emitting from your room, whimpering and groaning as you cursed beneath your breath. 
“Oh fuck…fuck, ahhh-”
Tech is on high alert instantly, and he takes his blaster out without thinking twice, slowly approaching your room as quietly as he can so he doesn’t alert the intruder clearly present in your bedroom.
“Please…just, I can’t. I- need to…”
He hears you again, but this time, you’re almost sobbing quietly, your voice muffled by an object being held to your mouth. Perhaps the intruder was asking about him and his brothers, or maybe, just maybe, you had managed to get yourself caught up with the wrong people. His heart is beating loudly against his chest, and he fears whatever might happen if he were to barge in there right this moment to try and save you. 
“F-fuck…ah fuck, that’s- hmmm, please…so close.”
Taking the last few steps to your room, Tech inhales deeply, preparing himself for whatever may happen before looking through the slightly ajar door.
And then he stops breathing altogether. 
There was no intruder in your room, there wasn’t anyone as a matter of fact. You were the only one in there, and from the looks of it, you were not struggling at all, but rather, enjoying the privacy of the moment. 
Well, the privacy that was taken away from you now that he stood still at your doorway, incapable of turning away from the beautiful sight of your naked body as you touched yourself, face contorting between pain and pleasure the harder and faster you shoved your small fingers into your-
“Please, Tech…I need you. I need you so badly, just- oh maker, keep going…right there.”
If Tech wasn’t absolutely sure that your eyes were closed, that you were unaware of his presence, he would have thought you were asking him to join you. But you were both too far gone in ecstasy, with your eyes shut tightly the quicker your ministrations became, and completely ignorant to the standing figure at your doorway, with your face shoved into your pillows as you rolled your hips into your hand. 
“That is interesting indeed.”
Never in his life did he ever speak without intending to. Granted, he often spoke when he didn’t have to, definitely when his opinion wasn’t sought out, but he never accidentally blurted out anything. So, when you scream at the top of your lungs and drag the covers across your skin, Tech flinches and nearly slams his head against the bedroom door. 
He quickly pushes the blaster back into the holster on his belt before fixing his goggles, and for the first time since he can remember, he doesn’t know what to do. 
“Tech what- what the fuck are you doing here?” He glances at you briefly and as much as he hates to admit it, the sight of your heaving chest and your damp skin shoots all blood flow in his system downwards. He was sporting a semi when you were wiping him, but after the show he just witnessed, he doesn’t bother looking down to know if his hardness is visible. He knows it is, and when he notices you looking down, he groans to himself and immediately places his hands in front of him to hide his erection.  
“I- Hunter and Echo told me to find you.” An apology would be better, that Tech is sure of, but his mind is suddenly filled with the image of your desperate limbs and shaking muscles as you searched for release. And maker in heaven, he could not get the sight of you out of his mind’s eye, at all. 
“When you left, they suggested I come and find you. Technically, they swore at me and told me to speak with you. So…here I am.” Tech clears his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as you continue to glare at him. 
“Tech, I cannot stress this enough but what the actual fuck?” Your voice is growing in pitch, albeit a little hoarse from how harsh you were breathing moments ago, and Tech forgoes the apology and decides to ask you the obvious question. 
“Is there something wrong with your hearing, Y/N? I will happily look into that for you, or perhaps-”
Well, what he thought was the obvious question in this case. 
“Nothing is wrong with my hearing, genius. My question isn’t so you can repeat to me how your brothers fucking forced you into coming here when you didn’t want to. I’m asking about why you were standing there without announcing yourself…watching me while I- umm,” the rest of the sentence trails off, and Tech tilts his head to the side when your sudden outburst turns into nothing but an embarrassed shift of your fiery gaze away from him and towards your fingers.
You’re angry, that’s obvious enough for Tech to see. But he doesn’t understand what exactly is the source of your anger. Is it your misunderstanding that he didn’t want to seek you out, or that he was probably asking about something irrelevant to the situation at hand, or maybe it was because he was watching you without your consent? He sets all of that aside when you trip over your words and refuse to say what you were clearly doing. 
“Matsturbate?” He finishes the rest of your thought for you, and frowns instantly when you yell at him again. 
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, Y/N. It is completely natural to seek release when under an extraneous amount of stress. As a matter of fact, the numerous endorphins secreted within the brain and the central nervous system upon climax tend to-”
“Oh my sweet god Tech, please…please, just stop.” The exhausted tone of your voice snaps him out of his haze, and he quiets down when he looks up and sees you rubbing your forehead a little harder than you should. Kriff, he really doesn’t know what to say right now, and as the silence grows between the two of you, it occurs to Tech that maybe he should cross the bridge of awkwardness himself and coax you out of our shell. 
“I am confused. Not a moment ago, you were asking me to “keep going,” but now, you are requesting I stop?” It must be the right thing to say because that seems to get your attention rather quickly. Your eyes shoot to him not a second later, and Tech watches as understanding dawns on you, followed closely by shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Hmm, maybe this was the wrong thing to say then. 
“You…how long have you been standing there?”
“Not too long, but I did hear my name once, hence the outburst that, I presume, led to your discomfort.” You say nothing, and Tech refuses to break eye contact with you, wanting to see how your body and facial expressions react to his words. 
“I thought you had seen me, but your eyes were shut, making you completely oblivious to my presence. I- I was wondering, outloud as you know, why you could possibly call for me while you were masturbating but I-” His inner monologue is on his lips, the only way Tech knows how to process information that is shocking to him. He doesn’t mean to make you wince or shudder the longer he goes on, but as he stares at you now, with your naked thighs clenching tightly, and your lower lip pouting rather attractively to him, it finally hits him. 
There was only one meaning behind your actions. And the shift in your body language earlier in the parlor. And all those times you thought he didn’t hear you groan as he walked by you or whispered something to yourself when he leaned down to fix something. 
“You were fantasizing about me.” It’s not a question, more of a comment really, a very crude, straightforward, conclusive comment. The thought of being the one to bring out such a need from you makes him twitch in his pants, and he tilts his head to the side again as he roams his eyes across whatever skin available for him to see, watching as you throw your head down and hide behind your palms. 
“Ugh, fuck me.” You breathe out into the night air, shaking your head at the absurdity of this whole ordeal. 
“I cannot see how that could help the predicament we find ourselves in. But…if you believe that is the solution to our problem, I will oblige, rather enthusiastically as a matter of fact.” The response comes instantly, making you look up with wide eyes at the man currently standing at your door.
“W-what?” You can’t help but ask, wanting to be sure that you heard him right, that this wasn’t another one of your fantasies where he breaks through the door and fucks you into kingdom come. 
“Honestly, Y/N, there must be something wrong with your hearing if-”
“Tech.” You say his name once, urging him to stop for a moment and try to read your reaction to his words. 
“I am not too sure what you are asking about at the moment. Are you asking me to repeat myself or explain my words?” He takes two steps closer to you, hands still covering his crotch from your sight out of fear of you misunderstanding him, or worse, making you feel even more uncomfortable. 
“Explain please.” You request rather shyly, and if Tech wasn’t preoccupied with finding the right words to respond to you, he would comment on how beautiful and erotic the sound of your voice was to him right now.
“You just asked me to “fuck you,” rather vulgar if I may say so myself-”
“It was a form of expression…I- I didn’t ask you to…you know.”
“Semantics…regardless of how you intended those words, I said that I am unsure as to how that could help. However, seeing as you have yet to reach climax, the fault of which is mine, and I am more-than-willing to offer you my aid, I would happily follow your advice and do whatever it is you think would resolve our predicament.” He says matter-of-factly, and with each word he throws at you, you feel yourself growing wetter. His response is too technical to your liking, but something about the way he phrases those words, and how adamant he is on not minding one bit sleeping with you, makes you suddenly experience a similar sense of desperation to what you always feel whenever he’s around. 
“Assuming you forgive my untimely and inappropriate intrusion… and consent, of course.” He adds as he takes another step and looks around the room briefly before returning his focus on you again. 
“And you do?”
“Of course I do.” He furrows his eyebrows at you, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think he is close to calling you an idiot for asking such a question. It’s only a second later that you begin to understand why he’s behaving this way, or rather, answering you with such a direct response. 
“Why?” You ask, wanting to make sure that he was saying what you think he was. 
“Why do I consent to having sexual intercourse with you?” Tech asks, and you hate his need to repeat whatever question is asked of him, but you quickly remember that this situation was probably new to him, and his mind was returning to what is comfortable for him so he can process it thoroughly, and without misunderstanding. 
“Is it not obvious?”
“N-no. It isn’t.” You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that it was your return to meet him half-way. 
“I am attracted to you, have been since we first met. You are exceptional in what you do, quite intelligent for a regular human…and y-you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon.” His confession steals your breath away, and you stare at him in disbelief when your brain finally catches up with what he just revealed to you. 
You want to say so much to him. You want to thank the maker for his blunt demeanor because he finally put you out of your misery. You want to jump and scream at finally knowing what he thinks of you. You want to ask him why he’s never made a move on you since he’s shared your level of attraction for perhaps as long as you have. But none of those wants make it to the surface, and you swallow the lump in your throat when you finally decide how you want to break the silence washing over you. 
“Fuck me.”
“Is- is that a form of expression, or are you asking me to have sexual intercourse with you?” You’ve never heard him trip over his words this many times in one conversation before, let alone sound so reluctant when asking such a simple question. The thought of being the one who makes him nervous enough to stumble over such a simple question lights a deep heat in the pit of your stomach, and you don’t think over what you’re about to do, knowing you might backtrack quickly if the reality of your words and body language sets in. 
Taking in a deep breath, you drop the covers from around your body and kick them aside, revealing your nudity to Tech in hopes of driving your message across without yet another misunderstanding. 
“I am asking you to fuck me, Tech. Fuck me until I lose my voice. Fuck me until the only thing I can remember is your name. Fuck me until I can’t feel my legs from how hard you slam your thick cock into me. Fuck me until I feel you for days. Fuck me…until you cum so deep inside me that I feel you leaking out of me…and then fuck me some more.” You slowly get on your knees as you speak, lightly trailing your fingers across your breasts and down to your aching cunt, unable to hold back from smiling when you notice the blush adorning Tech’s cheeks move down to his neck. His hands are shaking lightly, and you crawl to the end of the bed without breaking his gaze, wanting him to see the depth of your hunger for him. 
“I see,” you thought he’d say more, but it makes sense that he isn’t inclined to be more talkative now. You wait for him to take the lead, not wanting him to feel the need to please you at his own expense. When he takes those last few steps towards you, you can’t help but lean forward into his space, wanting to feel overwhelmed by the heat of his body and the natural musk of his scent. Tech finally removes his hands from his crotch, but you don’t look down immediately, afraid he’d be embarrassed by your shamelessness. 
He stretches out his hand but stops midair, and you blink at him expectantly, unsure of why he wasn’t already touching you. 
“Mesh’la, may I touch you?” His voice is softer, and you make a mental note to ask him later what that word meant. You’ve heard it from him when you were making your escape, thinking that he was swearing at you, but as he whispers it to you now, with his eyes silently begging you to allow him to be near you, and his hands fidgeting and itching to extend a little further to trail across your damp skin, you realize it might mean something completely different. 
“Yes, please.”
As soon as he registers your response, he reaches out and cups your neck with one hand, slowly slithering his other arm around your waist and tugging you into his chest until there was no space in between the two of you. The cold of his plastoid makes you shiver, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, sighing his name with a whisper as he extends his fingers and rubs your lower lip with his thumb. 
“You are a marvelous creature,” Tech coos into your ear, teasing you with soft kisses across your heated cheeks, until he reaches the corner of your mouth, “and it would be my absolute pleasure to, as you put it so eloquently, fuck you until you lose your voice.” You nearly throw your head back but Tech grasps your chin and tilts it back to his mouth, looking one last time at the ecstasy etched on your features before sealing the night with the most breathtaking kiss. 
You’ve thought of this moment for so long, wondered how his lips would taste and feel against your own. You imagined him to be reluctant, unsure of what to do due to his lack of experience. But as Tech leans over you, once again reminding you of how much taller he is, you can’t really picture the kiss being different. He’s dominant, more so than you thought he’d be, swiping his fingers against the corner of your mouth until you part your lips for him. But he’s also gentle, a bit playful even, as he slips his tongue inside your mouth and gives you a taste of what you’ve begged him for. 
You melt against him, fisting your hands into the fabric of his shirt as he deepens the kiss and takes control of your body. It must please him, the way you cling onto him for dear life as he continues to steal your breath away, because he groans deeply into the kiss and dips his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck. You can’t help the pornographic moan that fills the space between you as soon as you feel him tug harshly on your hair, and you shut your eyes to enjoy the moment as Tech hums with satisfaction, immediately attacking your neck in hopes of ensuring he has your undivided attention. 
“Ah Tech-” You moan as he spreads his hand across your lower back before digging his fingers into your skin. 
“Tell me mesh’la, what were you thinking of when I rudely interrupted you?” You can hear the smirk in his question, and although you wish you can find the smugness irritating, you shiver at the tone of his voice and the touch of his hands as they grow more desperate and rough by the minute. 
“I w-was thinking of…of you.” You barely manage to say, vaguely feeling one of your arms release from underneath his hold. You stretch your arm down and grasp onto the edge of his jeans, gasping lightly as he rolls his hips against your inner thighs and gives you a taste of what you’ve been craving ever since you laid eyes on him. 
“I am well aware of that, sweet one. I want you to tell me the images your filthy mind conjured up as you touched yourself…with details if you please.” He pronounces the last word with a nip to your shoulder, making you shudder in response and try to grab onto his shoulder again so you don’t fall backwards. 
“I pictured y-you coming after me…after I left the cantina, and- ah ffuck-” You scream out as soon as he lowers his hand and squeezes your ass once before holding onto your waist again.
“Focus.” He warns with a light pull to your hair, and you open your eyes for a moment to look down at him, almost sobbing when you see how far dilated his pupils are as he trails kisses and nips down your chest. Tech narrows his eyes at you, not caring for how overwhelming he might be making you feel as he wraps his lips around one nipple and sucks harshly on it. 
“And pulling me into the alley, and- fuck please, I need to-”
“Do go on.” He orders again, this time with a little less patience in his tone. You want to know what he might do to you if you disobey him, but you figured he’d most likely wish to discuss your limits, and his own, before diving into that sort of relationship. 
“I’m sorry…I- I imagined you slamming me against the wall, and pushing one of your thighs in between my legs, so I can- so you would…” You should have known he would fixate on parts of your body when he recognizes how sensitive you are, but you never imagined him to be so consistent in his handling of you. But here he was, promising you indescribable pleasure while holding off from actually pushing you over the edge. 
“Hmm, I thought I noticed that earlier.” Tech raises his eyes to look at you, waiting until you meet his gaze before licking a stripe across your sternum. You try to grab his hair but he quickly grips your wrist tightly, twisting it slowly so he doesn’t hurt you as he brings it behind your back. He holds you against him then, expertly moving your body as he pleases so he can mark your skin with his lips. 
“Please…I’m so- kriff, I need you. You don’t have to…”
“As gratifying as it is to know you do not require me to prepare you any further, I will have to disappoint.” There’s something about hearing him string a proper coherent sentence that drives you mad with lust, and you hate how easy it is for him to make a complete mess of you. But you say nothing, wanting to give yourself to the sensations he was bringing upon your body. 
Then he lets go of you all of a sudden and steps away, leaving you dazed and confused as to why he stopped touching you and pulled from your body. 
“You must know by now that I seldom leave a job unfinished.” He claims matter-of-factly, fixing his goggles once before moving around your bed and standing near your pillow. He looks down at the state of your covers, then turns his attention to your damp, heaving chest as you try to gasp for air. Your confusion makes him twitch in his jeans, and he doesn’t bother to hide the shameless way he roams his gaze down your stomach to your wet folds. He stares at your thighs for longer than deemed appropriate, and hisses to himself as he fixes himself through the tight fabric of the jeans. You groan at the sight of him, gulping nervously when he leans down and removes his shoes, setting them aside neatly before doing the same with the heavy bag across his back. 
You watch in silence, not knowing what you should say in return. You don’t really understand what he meant by those words, and before you can ask him why he was stretching this out longer than necessary, he moves across your bed and moves all the pillows aside, perching himself up against the headboard of the bed and stretching his legs out until they almost touch your thighs. 
Tech doesn’t say anything else, and when you continue to remain immobile and silent, he raises a curious eyebrow at you before tapping his thighs twice.
“Well, would you rather stare at me all night long or come and take your pleasure from me?”
His question snaps you back to reality and you look down at his thighs when you notice his fingers tap quickly across his jeans, the mere sight of his impatience forcing you to move towards him. 
“Come on, little one. The night is filled with hidden pleasures, ones desperate to be revealed.” You’re certain you’ve never heard his voice sound so lewd and inviting before, and as you crawl to him again, you can’t help but maintain your gaze on his legs, breath hitching suddenly when he parts his thighs to make space for you in between them. As you settle yourself against him, Tech reaches for your hips and pulls you against his chest. 
“And here I thought the mere sight of me offering you what you desire would make you less shy.” He comments passively as you continue to keep your hands to yourself, something that clearly bothers him because within the blink of an eye, he’s putting your arms on his shoulders before slipping his hands down to take hold of your thighs. You call for him, a sound filled with surprise and desire, ones brought upon by the ease with which he continues to handle you. 
You can’t look at him, afraid of how your body will react if you saw the way he was already staring at you. But as you settle on top of him, straddling his thighs much to his content, you decide to throw all your anxiety out the window. Leaning down, you hover your lips across his own, waiting until he gives you a sign that he wanted to kiss you as well. He smiles at you then, raising your chin up so he can take a better look at you. You blink once as you finally meet his eyes, and you’re amazed by how much brighter the brown around his pupils appears now. You’re not sure if they’ve always been this lovely color or if the circumstances were making them even more beautiful, but you meditate on them briefly as you close the last bit of space between the two of you. 
Unlike the first kiss you shared with Tech, this one is much more controlled, softer and sweeter, allowing you a better chance to commit the feel of his lips to memory. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss, making you sigh against him and open your mouth so you could swallow his moans in turn. His hands knead your hips, sending a jolt of pleasure down your spine until you begin to move atop him. As one of his arms moves across your back to apply the slightest of pressure against you so you can move even closer to him, you wrap your arms tightly around his neck and break the kiss, gasping for air dramatically as he moves you back and forth against the tent on his jeans. 
“Fuck,” he swears against your neck, lightly nipping the skin of your jugular as grow more needy with your movement, rubbing your clit against the rough fabric of his jeans as you always imagined. 
“You feel so good Tech,” you moan breathlessly at him, chasing your long-abandoned orgasm with a newfound desperation, hoping that he can bring you there faster than your own hands. 
“This will not do,” Tech mutters to himself, once again pushing you around as he pleases until you’re only straddling one of his thighs. He brings you down harder on him, this time raising his thigh a little off the bed so you can ride him as you please. 
“Oh maker, ff-fuck.” You throw your head back, body shaking with excitement as Tech takes over and moves you against him, flexing his thigh muscles to the best of his abilities as he pushes you hard and fast against the damp material of his jeans. He looks down and feels his heart skip a beat when he sees the clear, wet patch adorning his clothes, squeezing your skin even tightly to ensure that this was, in fact, real.
“I- I can understand why you would call me that, but it is only me, sweet one. If you will reach climax whilst using my thighs, I would greatly appreciate it if you were to call for me…as- kriff, as you promised.” Tech is aware of the way he continues to trip over his words, and he looks up in time to see you smirking at him. He knows exactly why you are smiling so teasingly, and he files the information for later, mostly so he could ensure to have a response ready if and when you decide to jokingly provoke him. He can tell there is something on the tip of your tongue, and before you can retort with probably humorous sentiment, he brings you back and forth harshly against his jeans, licking his lips as you offer him the desired response in return. 
“Tech, I’m so close…please baby.” 
He groans then, his breathing growing more erratic as you continue to beg him to ease the fire settling in your stomach. He never thought he’d appreciate a submissive partner, let alone whispered pet names during such a moment, but he hisses as you continue to say those few words, his cock pushing painfully against the fly of his jeans the faster you ride him. 
Tech inhales deeply, the scent of your warm, wet cunt managing to distract him momentarily from the job at hand. He bites into his lower lip to regain some bit of control, and when he thinks he has a good grip on his desires, he wraps one arm around you before using his other hand to pull and push you against him. 
“You are awfully close, my dear. Perhaps if I were to assist,” he doesn’t elaborate any further, and it’s not long before you feel his expert fingers reaching down and slithering their way in between your cunt and his thigh. As soon as you look down at him, Tech is sure he will never get the image of you out of his mind. 
Glazed eyes. Wet lips. Flushed face. 
“You are positively sinful.” He claims as he leans up and takes your lips in a mindblowing kiss, swallowing your moans with ease as he shoves two of his long, thick fingers past your wet folds and curls them inside your walls. Had he given you a chance to break the kiss, you’re sure you would have been screaming his name until all of Ord Mantell who was making you come undone. 
But he doesn’t let go of you once, shoving his tongue into your mouth as he fucks you with his fingers while rubbing your clit with the palm of his hand. Your eyes are shut tightly, fingers digging into his neck as he shows you the stars with his tongue and his hand.
Tech remembers quickly what you promised him moments ago, and he does break the kiss then, wanting to hear you moan his name as he aided you through your orgasm. He tilts his head back to take a better look at you, and as he meets your eyes, he winks once at you before looking down to watch where he was disappearing inside of you. 
“Tech, I’m-” You can’t finish the thought, the feeling of his fingers consistently hitting your tight walls pushing you over the edge and forcing you to melt against him. 
“Come for me, Y/N.” He orders once, and if you had half a functioning brain cell, you would have asked him where he learned how to talk like that. But you don’t care enough, and you scream his name like a prayer as he continues to coax pleasure out of you. There is a vague sound filling the night air as he continues to finger-fuck you into another little high, and when you open your eyes and look at Tech, you find his own curious gaze zeroed in on where he was pleasuring you. 
But just as you follow his line of sight, he begins to slow down to a stop, making you shudder on top of him now that your body was being offered some respite. It’s only when he breaks the silence and fixes his goggles that you realize what you’d just done. 
“Fascinating!” He calls out as if it is the most normal comment to say after making you come the hardest you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. Tech doesn’t care to remove his fingers from you, and without a warning, he curls the tips of his two fingers once, watching with interest as your entire body jolts forward and your voice breaks in a rather pornographic moan. 
“The actions your body performs in response to the stimuli I deliver to it are most impressive, mesh’la.” You shouldn’t be surprised by him, and it’s endearing how careful he becomes as he slips his fingers out of you while soothing your back with the other hand. Once again, you’re about to respond to him with something snarky about where his priorities are, but you don’t find the words when you see him hold his fingers up and stare at them. 
“Interesting, I was well aware of how messy this act could be but I did not expect to be this-”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I could…I know how much you dislike stains and-”
“You misunderstand me, cyar’ika. I was merely attempting to inform you of how much I thoroughly enjoyed you drenching my hands and my clothes.” Tech interrupts your thoughts from running away from you, and you stare at him with wide eyes as his words finally settle in your mind. You weren’t sure how to deal with this new bit of information, because the last thing you ever expected to hear was Tech telling you that he enjoyed you squirting on him. You can already feel your chest tighten as his confession reignites the need you have for him, which is made even worse not a moment later as he raises his fingers to his face and wraps his lips around them. 
You forget how to breathe as Tech shuts his eyes and hums approvingly at what he’s tasting, the action and sound so lewd that you attempt to clench your thighs above him to relieve the growing pressure. 
“I must admit, the taste of you does not compare to my imagination.” Had you not known the man beneath you for so long, you would have thought he was doing this on purpose. But you knew Tech, and you were sure he was only speaking his inner monologue out loud as he always does. Whatever is next on his lips is interrupted when he looks down and watches as you not-so-subtly try to touch yourself again. 
“You are quite needy, aren’t you?” He takes his fingers out of his mouth and places his hand back on your body, roaming both his palms across your skin so he could feel the effect he was having on you. 
“Tech…I need you.” You beg shamelessly, leaning into him in an attempt to rile him up with another kiss. 
“I believe you sweetheart, but I do owe you an apology.” Tech nudges your nose with his own, smirking to himself when your expression changes into a pout and you furrow your eyebrows at him. He would tell you later that he absolutely adored the look on your face when you were confused, but he had another, more pressing matter at hand, and he did not want to drag this out any longer. 
“You wished to use my thighs to orgasm, but I- well, I became greedy and used my hands instead.” He kisses the corner of your mouth once, barely managing to hold back from shoving you beneath him and taking what he wanted from you in return. 
“Maker, I don’t care Tech…I just want you. I want you to fuck me, with your cock this time. Please, we can…we can do that later.” You reach down to his jeans, cupping him through the wet fabric in an attempt to get him to put you out of your misery and give you what you’ve longed for. But he’s much quicker than you, and he snaps his hand to your wrist immediately, dragging it away from his hard cock so he doesn’t get distracted by your touches. 
“Humor me, mesh’la. I desperately want to know if you can reach climax with such a simple action. You have taken what you wanted, and now I ask for this in return.” You know, as well as him, that he’s only doing this to torture you, that he’s only using his interest in experiments to disguise such his perverse need to make you suffer. 
“But I-” 
“If you do, I promise to give you my cock. Even better, I promise to fill you up all night long, until you are no longer begging for release but respite.” Tech breaks your train of thought, and he smirks down at you when he sees the gears shifting in your mind at his proposition. He didn’t need to read your mind to know that you’ve already agreed to his terms, and with one last quick peck on your lips, he releases your hands and rests his back against the headboard once more. 
You readjust on top of him, placing the palms of your hands on his chest to keep yourself up. 
“There’s a good girl.”
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Rainald was sure that he was alone in these woods and decided that he could finally get in some training while in a different world. This would be the best chance to see just how much magic he has, can use, and how potent it is. Disrobing down to his undergarments and putting his armor off to the side, he'd look at his staff for a moment. "Hmmm... I suppose it would be better to test without it... but leaving all my belongings off to the side does seem a bit risky... Bah, I'll just set a trap." With that, he went toward his belongings and put his staff down next to his other equipment before setting some orbs of elemental magic to hover around his stuff before standing away from it and beginning his training.
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kayvsworld · 9 months
i maintain that marvel was so so stupid for not having the avengers wear buyable avengers merch. like why would you not do this. they're superheroes in-universe. there's merch of them in-universe. have them wear their own (or each others) merch in the movies and then sell the merch. why are they wearing underarmor and extremely improbable multi-layer bullshit give them a captain america branded hoodie, sell this hoodie, call it a day,
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amatres · 1 year
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help me please
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sexhaver · 1 year
there was this kid at my high school on our cross country team who would always wear ratty punk band tshirts on runs instead of the usual underarmor/nothing and one time the legend wore a fucking Police Story tshirt. the super Christian kid* got so upset he almost started crying on the run lmfao
*broke up with his girlfriend because he had a dream where Jesus told him to
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
They're using Hob's apartment building for a high fashion photo shoot.
Hob is fascinated by all the hot men and women traipsing around various open spaces of his building. And he may have tried shooting his shot with one or two (or three or four) of them.
Hob is fine with getting shot down by snobby hotness, nothing beats failure, but a try. And then he's sooo glad he was shot down, because the hotest man Hob has ever seen just joined the models and Hob would do anything for a minute of his attention.
Hob does not want to be a creep; so he asks around about the new guy (and while he was shot down for dates, the other models still like Hob enough to talk to him). Hob learns that the new guy is Dream, one of the top models in the world -- Hob knew he recognized him.
While trying to think up a non-creepy approach, the universe does him a solid --- Hob and pretty boy get stuck in the building's old elevator. Hob just back from in gym in his teeny shorts and tits out underarmor (Hob would have preferred to have been dressed in his professor's togs, but with the way Dream is staring,,,,maybe he's winning).
Hob is charming as he can be......and gets a perhaps when he asks pretty boy out. 😍🤩
Omg such a great meet-cute! I love the fact that Dream is the one who ends up staring and starstruck <3
Hob’s tits just really are that good, and Dream deigns to spend time with him for the rest of the shoot. Hob brings proper coffee down from his apartment, plus biscuits (his instinct to feed all these gorgeous but skinny models is definitely showing). Dream sits quietly in between sets while Hob chats about his work and the article he's hoping to get published.
As the shoot comes to an end, Dream seems genuinely bummed that he won't get to hang out with Hob any more (or maybe it's the good coffee that he'll miss). Either way he follows Hob up to his apartment on the last day, lingering in the hallway like he can't quite make up his mind...
He looks at Hob’s chest in his compression shirt and seems to make up his mind.
They don't actually have a date until breakfast the next day. Hob makes scrambled eggs and coffee and pinches himself repeatedly because Dream is sitting at his breakfast bar wearing one of Hob’s larger tank tops and some very tiny briefs. Dream’s pink lips are swollen with kissing, and when Hob looks down at himself he'll see the huge hickey on his left tit. A bold reminder of last night.
He is so glad he tried with Dream. And VERY thankful for his boobs <3
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purkinje-effect · 4 months
Thinking again how it would feel infinitely more realistic if any given installment of Fallout included multiple Pip-Boy models. Like, 2000, 2000-VI, 3000, 3000-IV, etc etc. Why is there only one model type visible in a given installment? Design simplicity? Surely, like how some people have the newest iPhone, and others still have their fifteen year old Razr, different models could've gotten scavenged. One area ever only getting a single model distributed feels... so unrealistic in a hyper-capitalist setting.
More NPCs should also have one. I know they're supposed to be incredibly rare (and potentially difficult to refurb/restore) but that doesn't mean it's prohibitively impossible for a non-Vault Dweller to have one. Esp. when NPCs on multiple occasions will insinuate you must've killed someone for the one you're currently wearing, or at the very least, someone died for you to get it.
I really wish we could see someone with a jury-rigged refurb Pip-Boy that's held together with bubblegum and spite. Someone whose Pip-Boy only works if it's plugged into a terminal. People with a newer or older model than the one your character's been given at the beginning. Being offered more chances than just the Pimp-Boy to change which one you've got.
It's kind of disappointing that 76 doesn't have Pip-Boy skins that make them look like other models, or even plans that let you craft other models that you can skin. (My line of thinking with this is many things--e.g. the Secret Service Underarmor, Binoculars, Jetpacks, etc.--come in multiple colors/patterns, but instead of recoloring the base one, you craft a new one. The ATX recolors for the Ranger Outfit feels pertinent precedent too somehow, but I can't put a finger on it.)
Anyway. More Pip-Boy variation within a single game setting pls.
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antianakin · 8 months
I'm coming back to the armor destroying parties idea and exploring it a little bit more because it's obviously not JUST the clones doing it, but the Jedi too. If anybody hates their armor more than the clones, it's the Jedi, and maybe this whole thing sort-of STARTS with the Jedi.
The Jedi don't "hate" things obviously, but they recognize the armor a reminder of the kind of people they'd rather not have to be again, a darker period of their lives that they'd like to leave behind. But there's really nowhere to... put it, nothing they can DO with it that comes to mind immediately.
And maybe some of the Jedi mention this to the clones sort-of off-hand and the clones discuss it amongst themselves and they start coming up with the idea of armor destroying parties. The Jedi always wanted to encourage their individuality and their exploration of their own traditions and things like that and had happily taken part in painting armor before when they'd been invited. And the clones don't feel any need to keep their armor around these days, either. The designs were nice and important to them when the only things they could ever wear were the underarmor, the gray uniform, or the armor itself, and the armor was the only thing they could personalize to themselves. But these days they can just go get their own regular clothing, they can mix and match styles as they like, they can experiment if they want to, and showcase their individuality in a myriad more ways that are INFINITELY more comfortable than armor. So they need to figure out what to do with the armor themselves, and maybe if the CLONES start doing something with it and invite the Jedi to it, then the Jedi will be able to rationalize taking part as just more encouraging of the clones' self-expression.
Hence, armor-destroying parties. The padawans and younger knights get really into it. The older knights and masters figure out pretty quickly what the clones are trying to do for them, but hey, it works, they get rid of the armor and help raise morale for both their own people as well as the clones at the same time. That's practical enough.
And with each piece of armor that gets smashed into dust or sent to the incinerator, it feels like a little bit more darkness is lifted. Each literal crack in the armor is also a metaphorical one allowing more light through.
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puckthisshift · 5 months
make this bed get squeaky (1/1)
Read it on AO3
Summary: The Oilers win their series against the Flames and Leon feels like he deserves a reward. Showing up at Tkachuk’s house for a booty call feels like the natural next step.
AN: I blame @drartemysia most of all, and I guess the rest of the server for encouraging me. Enjoy your bondage smut y'all.
Leon doesn’t usually do this. He’s done it with a girl once or twice, and even got pegged when he was feeling particularly adventurous. But he’s never looked at a guy, a fellow hockey player, tying his laces and thought “fuck, I want him to do me like that”. 
And then he sees a random clip someone’s tagged him in. It’s clipped a bit awkwardly, which is the only reason why there’s a shot of Tkachuk pulling his laces tight, wearing Underarmor, and looking like some pissed-off knight from some television drama as he exerts all of his strength to make sure that his skates are laced as tightly as he needs. 
Instantly, Leon’s mouth goes dry. 
He’s never been tied up by someone strong enough to make him stay. 
Read the whole thing on AO3
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rederick-ignis · 4 months
hello :) thoughts on quickman? what kind of job do you think he would have If quickman was allowed to have one?
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I dont quite know when it comes to simple jobs just about anyone can have because the most obvious one would be delivery guy of sorts which is also so cute but i think he should be in sports of some kind so he can make it everyone elses problem always. also for fun ans enrichment . Sorry that one shot in battle & chase where his stupid little underarmor is white instead of the default black did something to me why is he so cutesies about it i haaate hiimmm he needs to wear a shitty NASCAR type jacket
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ninebaalart · 4 months
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Menat [Scarab Underarmor]
Juri has a spider themed fit that sort of acts as the first layer and this was originally going to be Menat wearing that, but then I thought it would be cool if it was a scarab
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angelicguy · 2 years
its so funny that dumb internet dudes will be like Why the hell do GIRLS get so much attention on TWITCH and TIKTOK. Yeah man I wonder why people are generally more excited to interact with attractive charismatic women and not someone named StevenWWEGuy that wears underarmor to restaurants
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darkvolt · 1 year
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settling on a design for her helmet, and the underarmor that’s hidden by the top coat/layers. Been 2 years now (2021), where I initially designed her. So I had to somewhat reverse engineering what she is supposed to be wearing, combined with fleeting memories.
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laf-outloud · 8 months
I really love the AKF shirts. Thank you for telling us to look over there (I'm not on the mailing list) The slogan Jared picked is great--he said at m&g that he wouldn't go forward on any campaign without "feeling" the message. And the one that just looks like the underarmor he wears all the time is peak comfort.
I mostly posted for the pictures of Jared, lol, but I'm glad to help!
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ahedderick · 6 months
It's got her back
Yesterday, when K was packing up to go back to college, she noted that her backpack was getting close to being worn out. Small, minor worn spots and broken bits, but they were adding up. We tried to remember how long she has HAD said backpack, and were startled to realize that she got it during her brief gymnastics phase - that lasted from ages 5-8 - so the UnderArmor backpack is around 12 years old. She used it for gymnastics, then school, then college. Wow. Now that's what I want when I buy an object. I want it to last so long that we're SHOCKED when it actually wears out.
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badteavee · 2 days
Sit With Us
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Tws / Cws : None
Genre : Fluff (?)
Word count : 1,063
Parings : Regina George and Rich Goranski / Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee , Vague Rich Goranski x Jake Dillinger
Ever since they started middle school , Veru and Mike never on the same social tier. Veru was typically treated how she always was at home , like the queen bee , she rose to popularity quick. Mike , on the other hand , wasn’t as easily accepted. Being home schooled all his life and his general not wanting to interact with anyone attitude meant that he was largely bullied or otherwise ignored.
That’s how it was up until their Sophomore year , Mike had stopped showing up at Veru’s house to bother her when their friends weren’t around a few weeks before the school year started , which she wouldn’t admit that she did anything but not care about that fact. It felt off but whatever , he still texted them at ungodly hours. He most likely got himself sick from being outside for more than a minute or something even more stupid. She wouldn’t put it past him. Unfortunately , he did show up at his usual time so they could drive them to school , but he looked a little different this year. Thankfully , he wasn’t wearing any of those ugly Underarmor shirts he owned , instead he wore a blue sleeveless shirt with an eye and his camo pants were actually normally colored this year. What a miracle. 
She gave him an unenthused stare while she grabbed their things , adjusting their outfit as she dragged him out of the house. “Why do you..” She couldn’t ask him why he looked cool , that’d be admitting that he was. “Why’s your hair pink.”
“Because I wanted it to be ?”
She slowed down their pace , turning and squinting at Mike. Where the hell is his lisp ? “.. It looks soo good.”
“Hey , the ladies will love it.”
They rolled their eyes , ‘the ladies’ haven’t loved anything he’s done since he was born. She threw her bag into the back of their car , “Get in the car.” and got in , Mike following suit. She took another glance at him before starting the car , he looked too weird like this. Not just the clothes , his posture was straighter , a green bandanna in place of the headphones he’s been wearing since they met , just weird. At least he didn’t look like a ten year old dressed him anymore.
They eventually pulled into Veru’s designated parking spot that she technically shouldn’t have yet , her stopping to adjust their makeup in the rear view mirror. Usually Mike would begrudgingly stay in the car with her and fuck around with his phone since there was no one to run off to and bother but this time he almost immediately go out , leaping over the car door to jog over to Jake. “Yo , Jakey D !” Veru almost stabbed themself in the eye with her mascara from how fast they turned their head to the boys direction. She watched , bewildered , as they dapped each other up like they’ve been friends forever. What the fuck happened over those weeks.
Whatever. Whatever , they were going to ditch him for Gretchen and Karen anyway. At least she wasn’t going to be bothered about every little thing she did. They put their makeup in her bag and got out to go meet up with her friends , now that they were finally pulling up , they tried to push how Mike was acting to the back of her head for now. This could be dealt with later.
Unfortunately , later meant Mike sitting with Jake at her lunch table. Damn. She inwardly huffed as they sat down next to Gretchen , who was way too excitedly questioning Mike and Jake. “Are you sure you’re not new ? I don’t remember you.”
“You just didn’t notice , nobody did.”
Karen butt in , “Are you a magician ?” She unfortunately sounded like she’d believe him if he said yes.
Veru cut him off before he could answer to ask her own question. “Mike , did you get rejected from your loser table ? Why are you here.”
“I hoped you wouldn’t mind , I wanted to invite my boy to eat with us.”
“I didn’t know you two were that.. close. Good for you.” She eyed the two , putting on that ‘ally !!’ Type smile.
“It’s not like that !” For whatever reason , Veru genuinely laughed at that , maybe she didn’t believe it or Mike was suddenly funny.
“Whatever you say , Michael.”
Actually , Veru found themself half stifling laughs at a lot of the things Mike said during lunch , everyone at the table seemed to agree he was funny. Mike was never this funny before. Not from what Veru remembers. But at least he was tolerable now.
At some point two geeks walked by , Veru never remembered their names , just the red hoodie and the awkward one always with the red hoodie. Mike suddenly turned , putting his leg out and tripping the awkward guy. She had to take a second to process what just happened , Mike just tripped a guy on purpose ? And he’s not getting his ass kicked ?? Either way , she couldn’t hold the snicker this time , joining her table in laughing at the poor guy , who’s already been hauled up and away by red hoodie.
The table spent the remaining time laughing the losers , watching the boys make competitions out of throwing trash and Karen occasionally asking Mike questions. Apparently , Mike now skateboarded and was best friends with Jake , who he only started talking to in those few weeks he was gone. So that’s who she was ditched for. Huh.
In the middle of their conversation , the lunch bell rang and the entire table sighed. Nobody wanted to go to their next class , almost all of them had the same math class with the worst teacher ever. They cleaned up and got their stuff together , Karen and Jake splitting off to go to their classes and leaving the rest to talk as they walked. Veru knew they didn’t have time but stopped Mike before they went into the classroom anyway , Ms. Smith can wait. “I don’t know what happened to you but you should totally sit with us. You actually qualify now.”
“You want me near y-“ Mike’s posture straightened a bit more as he cut himself off. “Yeah , cool.”
Veru took Mike’s hand , interlocking their index and pinky fingers in the handshake that they made when they were young. “You’re still weird.” They let go , both of them walking in to Mrs. Smith already yelling about lateness.
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