#wear the goddamn underpants eve
silvermuffins · 3 years
NieR:Automata: Cat stop eating my pretzels
For the record, individual post titles basically never have anything much to do with actual post content. Now then.
see ya twobee get yer own moose
okay we will come back to this another time actually
i must go my people need me
i will still be taking another break for pasta before long
uh oh my ps4 seems to be having a problem of some sort
u ok buddy?
it...lost power, somehow, at some point?
what the fuck happened??
guess we'll see what we need to do, i don't think i lost anything much....didn't exactly do much last time
looks like i lost my adventures in moose-riding
ah well onward toward the amusement park
was there a cutscene here before?
treasures with different shapes????
i dont have tons to say rn bc, you know, i already did this part
.....i might kill the tank this time just to get it in my intel,,,,
i know they're just having a good time but like, they'll respawn, right?
and they're past the dude who warns dangerous and broken so it's IC, right?
yeah 9S even says "let's take it out"
time to ride the coaster
simone time
i aam very bad at hacking
"I want your eyes to look upon me alone"
this is...backstory?
blue stone. brilliant blue. BLUE THUMP--
(jokes only amber will get)
machines can vomit?
i guess eve's were going full carnivore (....machino...vore....????) on the Resistance last run
simone just wants senpai to notice her
madness mantra
uh oh
and so i scream
god, 2B acts emotionless but is so eager to save her companions
i do wonder what's with the pile of TVs in the basement
! my first fisty weapons!
to the machine village!
i seem to recall my game likes to crash on the way to the village so let's save before we get out of the park's save bubble
okay that bit with the sending parts and supplies up HAS to be foreshadowing SOMETHING....but what???
was this flash of white here before?
eve eating an apple.
oh my god
adam raising his brother to wear underpants
not what i expected!
just talks to Pascal off the bat
yup, nobody wants to fight
i need to go see about pasta
nop no noodles yet
what i remember is that now....it is SIDEQUEST HELL!
i do not like how this machine mama talks about her son
i already feel bad about this
oh....okay i feel better now
it's okay kiddo, communication IS hard
ah looks like i might have to restart the sidequests i didn't finish before...
that'll be a pain
noodles should be ready very soon....letty hungy letty wamt meal
penne with vodka sauce if anyone's curious
(nobody is)
okay actually it's apparently four-cheese sauce
which is weird because it tastes like it needs cheese
anyway i do appreciate getting to know the different Operators a little...
also it's kinda weird just how little the androids know about humans isn't it?
the machines almost seem to understand more about humans and how people live
though i guess the androids probably got all kinds of propaganda
especially yorha
adam and eve, the first people. WHAT IF the machine wars are separated by like...earth being populated, and whether it's machines or humans switches between every war?
what if the cyclical implications are because these wars always play out the same?
listen i'd believe weirder shit at this point
i am also not convinced that this 9S playthrough i'm doing is the "same" playthrough as got me to ending A
like. hear me out. same shit but it's *fucking happened before*, exactly the same almost, and this either takes place *before* playthrough 1 started or after it ended
and for some reason 2B remembers shit across cycles but has to pretend she doesn't
repeatedly attempts platforming my way to chests
OKAY now let's beat up daddy servo and see if he's done yet
i feel weird about papa serves us having a head in his crotch now
"taste the forbidden fruits" or "go hungry" i LOVE how sassy the options in this game are
anyway im level 45 let's fuck him up
of a random and unspecified god
nice i already have his shit
nice star wars reference
seriously though, he's gonna have me come at him AGAIN???
next time might be the last....i hope so im getting sick of him
huh the same message from humanity.....i think that's a recording folks
i think the humans are dead
where my white moose buddy at
not here :(
oh fuck i accidentally killed a moose with fall damage
wait but....there's a chest back there, why can't i get to it....
gimme a few levels and i'll be back, papa servo....but i see there's another sidequest in the village?
there's one out in the desert...
there's another in what looks to be the amusement park's castle?
you know what i'm gonna blast ahead to when i get fast travel, actually
wait what's this "novel" thing in my intel...oooh is that Simone's text?
picture books, too...
rams moose into another moose
nearly fell down the chasm....by which i mean i did but only a little, i found my way back up
....uh? moose dude? you okay? u chillin'?
he's just kinda right at the VERY EDGE of the waterfall like his model is hanging half off the cliff
im gonna leave him be
oh goddammit is the quest that kiddo locked himself in again?
aww he's got a crush
that was easy
there goes the neighborhood!
oh boy LOTS of sidequests on the map now! so like i said imma go get fast travel then do a lot of these
i think i get fast travel once i go see adam and eve again?
wait there were only the wormy ones down here before....
but now there's one of the big ones that 9S became at the end of ending A
is this about to deviate?
apparently not
also imma go to the flooded city early to see about that one couple
50,000G? Is that all?
tis but a pittance
uhhh i just got an exchange of dialogue between 9S and Pod that i dooooon't think I have context for.....
there's "anothere of those machines" and he's like "i guess it's going to attack me" and his pod says something about this type of machine specifically seeking out androids for revenge....
fuck i'm bad at hacking
but you have to kill the big one first and then the little one, right?
9S refuses to not target the little one! i want to hack the big one!
okay NOW we can work on the little one
that machine's dying speech hits hard...
dafuq, the music?
okay there's no giant standing wrecked fish machine here
i AM gonna try to platform over to those chests i saw before before i go
okay i got over there
Legion? with a capital L?
anyway let's get down into the cave!
woohoo the latest locked chest had a crapton of good shit!
...i think it's been a while since i saved, actually. i should do that. but i'm already down the hole, how do i get out to go save?
i guess i don't!
to the alien mothership!
okay, i remember fighting Eve as 2B. I didn't realize it was two 1v1s, that's pretty cool. And I'm thinking about how Adam's the one who fucks 9S up and mmmmmmboy.
ALRIGHT we have to go to the Bunker to progress plot but it's time for sidequest hell!
oh the kid's a hikikomori again
oh. he just wants to play with 9S doesn't he....
first one i've done in one go, of his quests. am i getting better at this?
he's....giving up on not being a shut-in
oh my god i guess....if he wants to make the best possible lock......good for him ig?
and his mother is proud of him for this
im jealous
quest from pascal!
wait weren't these questions part of the main plot....im confused....
oh well
the machines other than adam and eve only ever seem to discuss living together with androids, never humans?
do they know something
whoops i missed a question but i got the quest
the fuck is numismatics
the weird machine's very smart, as expected
okay the opera house sidequest isn't available yet ig
next, the tower
machine's thoughts.....
don't love that i killed philosophybot but ok
oh i found another
pain because it can't find meaning in its existence....and now 9S is questioning....
oh this MUST be another one
....so that's why they were always in high places....
and 9S was starting to be affected by getting in their heads
okay so what we have left is....serve me daddy, racing star, something in the resistance base, the wandering couple, something in the desert? and oh something in the one building Engels smashed through, too. and whatever the fuck is in the opera house.
i do not want to do the race we're ignoring him til later
there is a resistance member who recognizes 2B
all i can think of is how Anemone called 2B "Number 2" at first meeting....same thing she called A2
oh no....this is going to be feelsy isn't it. the life log.
oh no....she was murdered by another Resistance member?
fuck this woman murdered her friend didn't she
lady i think "the bastard who murdered [your] friend" might...turn out to be you....
am i going to sidequest another resistance member into committing suicide
2b wtf? "i know she's pretty but"
what happened to emotions are prohibited
what happened to playing unflappable
ohhh this is the photographs quest again, okay
because i couldn't reach the destination out in the desert
i can't upgrade both the phoenix sword and the engine blade bc they need the same components and i only have enough for one....
gotta be the engine blade then. gotta support my boy noctis.
wtf 2B
what is your PROBLEM
time to check the desert then, i've got three goals out thattaway
maybe i'll be allowed to get to the photo site?
fuck yes, boar in the desert, that will make traversal less of a pain
piggy won't go that far....hum. i'll see if i can press onward on foot after i accept this sidequest.
okay i can get SO CLOSE to the destination for the desert photo, but i can't seem to get through the sandstorm, i think i'm getting redirected around it...
i got through!
f i s h i n g
ugh all im fucking catching are killifish
it's gonna be fucking hard to ever get back here
would be nice if there were an access point out here....
oh great. hunting down ALL the old world shit. fun times, love quests that don't make the end goal clear....
i gave up and used a guide just for this one quest and even WITH one it was awful
im probably not done
i did find a new weapon though!
nation here lived under an absurd number of laws
mask is for a woman
nation was wiped out suddenly, because of a king passing...
9S is rightfully baffled by westerns
i am so glad for that fuckin mars rocket beacon giving me a gd landmark i can see from anywhere
idk if there's anything else out in the desert....like, past the sandstorms....shit to find? new areas??? idk presumably something will direct me
or i'll beat the game and look it up
lets get out of the fuckin desert
oh no....the poor wandering couple....
swindled by someone they thought would help them
okay i now have two goals in the park ruins so that's next
oh neat i already have the memory alloy she needs
oh my god that's cute, pascal
wait why close his eyes isn't he blindfolded?????
oh no....running away together being too perilous, or forgetting their feelings....
i have to do it????
oh my god
lady i....think that's cruelty???
that does not seem healthy
okay THAT is DEFINITELY not healthy
i.....i think we are stopping here for the night
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