#we've been waiting 2199 days!
sometimesrosy · 7 years
Rosy, I am in hell. All 4 of my shows are on hiatus. I barely have any content. Release me from this nightmare
Baby, I can’t. I mean, I got my DCtv stuff back, but frankly I’m not as thrilled with it as I was before. Supergirl is flat. I’m tired of the whole drama with conflict in Team Arrow. Flash is okay but jail is making me roll my eyes and I’m still waiting for Barry Allen to go back and fix our fucked up timeline. I mean first we lost Baby Sara and now we have Prez Rump. Fix it barry.
I’ve been reading more, trying to get back to reading novels (it really freaks me out that I can’t focus on reading novels anymore) and bingewatching The 100 and Haven. I should catch up on all the netflix shows I’ve missed or haven’t finished like Sense8 or Stranger Things or Westworld. Oh that’s HBO. I think I dvrd it. 
I’ve also been writing more and working on my personal work. I mean, I’ve finished two novels since we went on break. One first draft and one final. And as soon as I finish my last chapter on Into Eden, I will have finished my third novel, this time Bellarke. Actually that whole novel will have been written in hiatus. It’s shorter. I only did half the novel of the first one and A serious revision of the final draft one. DAMN that’s a lot of writing. HOly COW, see what hiatus does to us?  
You gotta fill your time with new stuff. If you lost your show hobby, pick up a new one. Hobby or shows. 
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aadmelioraa · 6 years
We've all been wondering what Bellamy is gonna do during the reunion, but what do you think Clarke is gonna do?!?!?!?
Oh my god I am crying just thinking about it. 
My poor baby, who’s been missing her family for 6 long years, who survived another apocalypse despite all odds, who hasn’t had a break since she was sent to the ground to die for the crime of loving her father and believing (like he did) the best of her people, who’s finally had time and space to recover from several lifetimes of trauma, who’s been starved for the affection of her loved ones, who never for one day out of 2199 days lost hope that she’d see Bellamy again despite the fact that an additional year had passed since the earth became survivable again…
Clarke Motherfuckin Griffin is the strongest woman to ever grace the planet but I’ve had it up to here *gestures wildly above my head* with her being cut off and separated from her loved ones every damn season. She’s finally going to reunite with her soulmate and her family and I’m going to lose my mind no matter how it happens. I hope that she has a moment to be held and supported like she hasn’t for the entirety of the time jump. I want her to know she’s not alone, that she belongs again, that she’s loved. 
She’s been waiting so long, and inevitably imagined the reunion playing out hundreds if not thousands of ways (sounds familiar…), but when it actually happens she’s going to know for sure it’s real, that it’s her Bellamy. No hallucination could be so imperfectly perfect. 
She might not have time or opportunity to react dramatically, but the second she knows he’s back all those things left unsaid between them will bloom with the hope in her chest and the look on her face is going to flat out murder me. 
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
O hair anon. No I know, I agree with you. But we had gotten this convo back after SDCC haha and I had explained you why I think we had much more of O than the rest and well I still stand by this opinion since nothing changes since then :P We will get a promo mid-December and probably some interviews through November if they do like last year. So we should know more about everybody in what 2 to 4 weeks maybe? :)
Not soon enough, imo.
I’m done with hiatus.
Six years is long enough.
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
Rosyyy apparently S5 will start on April 24th....I didn't expect it to be that late :((
Yep. It’s pretty late. 
But they are airing it on tuesdays after Flash, which means their highest rated show, in it’s final episodes of the season, will be leading into The 100. That means they are trying to get the Flash audience to stick around to watch The 100. This is good news. They don’t do that for a show they are planning to cancel. They do that for a show that they want to have a BIGGER audience because they are optimistic.
AND Antonio Negret said that it will be worth the wait. IDK. He’s been pretty positive about Bellarke so that makes me happy.
Patience is not a bad thing. It’s a while to wait, but at least we know.
And Tiffany says that “the embargo lifts” at 9am. Is that the embargo that kept people from talking about season 5? I don’t know. 
1.an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.“an embargo on grain sales”
Are we going to start getting more then? Is spoiler police relaxing its hold on The 100 materials? IDK. I don’t understand the ins and outs of hollywood, but it definitely seems like it’s coming from the CW not JR. 
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
thanks rosy for keep this fandom hopeful, because honestly sometimes i just want to give up on bellarke, i know everyone says slowburns are slow but this specifically is so frustrating and had a lot of all is lost moments or the obstacles like echo are so real that seems ,maybe it's over they changed their minds, but they not, it's happening but the waiting for it is been a rollercoaster now up now down and we've been gaslighting then when it's in front of us and real is hard to believe.
I can’t give you guys hope. I’ve tried. To me, there’s all the hope in the world. Bright as day. To me, we’ve got a canon Bellarke love story which is not being rushed, and has become perhaps the secondary story of the whole show after the next big bad. Like. They think Bellarke is SO important, that they are taking it step by step. 
Yeah, sure it’s slowburn, but it’s actively moving forward into the canonically romantic territory with classic romantic tropes like “the love triangle” and “jealous of the other girl,” and “bratty little sister teasing them about their gurrrlfriend.” We’ve got “everyone can see it.” We’ve got intimate touches. We’ve got “the lover’s slap,” we’ve got those 2199 radio calls. It also has Bellamy’s feelings for Clarke being named as “love,” and made explicitly romantic, which means IT CANNOT BE PLATONIC because platonic EXCLUDES romantic. It might still be ‘non romantic’ in how they behave to each other, but both Clarke and Bellamy have been called out for their feelings for each other and they are not platonic feelings. Clarke was confronted by his girlfriend and HER ex-girlfriend, ABOUT her feelings for him, to which she declared, “I always cared for him,” and when she found out he was alive, everything changed, and L told her not to make the same mistake by betraying her canon love. And Clarke agreed, sending Echo to save Bellamy, specifically, WITH Madi. 
The all is lost moment was when Bellamy betrayed Clarke to save her life and she left him behind to die. That was the all is lost moment. Echo’s part in that was actually to make Bellamy face that he loved Clarke like a girlfriend with Octavia, and to make Clarke face that she loved Bellamy like she loved Lxa, and she was in danger of repeating the trauma of what Lxa did to her. SO, the “obstacle” of B/E has actually, even in season 5 where so many people think Bellarke has been proved to be dead, served TO CALL ROMANTIC BELLARKE INTO REALITY. 
Essentially it was, “I love Echo,” “Maybe, but you also love Clarke.” And Bellamy is unable to deny it.
And for Clarke, it was “Bellamy loves Echo, so that means my feelings for him can never happen, because he doesn’t love me, he loves her.”
I mean. That’s what FANDOM is feeling right? So okay. MAYBE.
Maybe that’s why everyone thinks it dead. Because Clarke, our POV character thinks it’s dead.
BUT. Clarke does not know something. That Bellamy poisoned Clarke SPECIFICALLY for Clarke. Because that was how they saved Clarke. And that Clarke was, indeed, another traitor who he loved. And Bellamy made sure not to tell her when she assumed he poisoned Octavia for HIS FAMILY, who, when listed, did not include HER.
CLARKE believes Bellamy doesn’t love her. Has ANOTHER family that doesn’t include her. Was NOT living with her in his mind for 6 years and 7 days. That he betrayed her by putting Madi in danger. And that he poisoned Octavia only for that other family. ALL OF THOSE THINGS ARE INCORRECT.
Bellamy loves Clarke. She is part of his family. He was living with her in his mind (and heart) for 6 years and 7 days and never forgot her. He kept Madi safe the entire time, even though he gave her the flame. He did it FOR HER. 
If Clarke thinks that she can never have Bellamy because he doesn’t love her, he loves Echo and has another family, and WE know that Bellamy DOES love her and has never forgotten Clarke and has lived with her in his heart, even though he thought she was dead, then it goes to reason, in a love story, that the obstacle of Bellamy not loving Clarke, but loving Echo instead is not actually the death of Bellarke, but actually the thing that actually makes them face how they feel about each other and their need to do something about it. 
So look. The narrative is a rollercoaster, but the thing about a rollecoaster is that it is a PLANNED ride. This Bellarke train is NOT off the tracks. The ups and downs are PART of the story. The story is STILL Bellarke. And it is now, canonically romantic, not platonic at all… just not consummated or confessed to each other.
Okay. So. I can’t give you hope. I’ve been going over this story since the season started. But the fandom watched thinking that B/E meant the death of Bellarke so that’s all they saw.
I watched it thinking B/E was a NARRATIVE TOOL TO MAKE BELLARKE HAPPEN. And I was fed like nobody’s business. There is SO MUCH EVIDENCE onscreen of romantic Bellarke.
But no one wanted to listen to ME. So I don’t want to tell you to listen to me. 
I want you to look for yourself.
Because that’s the thing about canon. The CANON doesn’t change. If someone says “bellarke is dead,” and you watch it and only see b/e endgame, then that’s what you see, but if I tell you “bellarke is actively happening in a love triangle,” and you watch it honestly looking to see if that is there… then guess what you are going to see???? You ARE going to see romantic love triangle c/b/e. Because it’s there. B/E is there too. No doubt. Because it’s real and it is a real obstacle. IF someone told you that obstacle means it’s over, that might be the takeaway you get.
SO. I’m going to ask you to let go of your belief or fear or anxiety that Bellarke is dead and the fandom is right and we’re being baited and instead. I want you to go FULL ON SHIP GOGGLES. 
Watch season 5 again, and this time, watch it for signs of Bellarke. Of how they think of each other for 6 years. Of how the memory helps them survive. Of the stories they tell of each other. Of their reunion. Of what they say about each other. Of what is shown on screen. The way they look at each other. Of what ISN’T said. Of how B/E and Bellarke can’t actually exist in the same place, because if they did, they would need to b dealt with. Just LOOK for the bellarke. Remember that Clarke thinks it’s impossible because of B/E and Bellamy is confused because the woman he loves has just come back from the dead and he also loves Echo.
JUST. Watch the show again, and this time don’t watch it as if it were killing Bellarke, but allowing Bellarke to rise from all the weight of five seasons and 6 years.
Watch it again. Bellarke is honestly and truly, canonically THERE. 
That’s where your hope is.
Ignore the fandom completely. Their issues are not really about canon at all. 
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