#we've been going to that same Chinese restaurant for many many a years
fictionalred · 1 year
Went to my fave Chinese restaurant and had a drink at the Irish pub to cheer me up :)
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lantur · 4 months
I was pretty stressed last Saturday because I was feeling mentally burned out and exhausted and had to work for part of the day, representing my organization at an event and making a presentation :/ It ended up going well, I met some nice people, and got an interesting idea for my next work project. The rest of the day was wonderful - Derek and I played board games and went out for dinner at our favorite neighborhood Chinese restaurant. ❤️ We've been eating out a lot less over the last six months or so, just like once a month, so it was a special treat.
Sunday was a great day. I had a fun morning workout and went to a horror play at Theater Mu. I love them - they're the largest Asian American theater company in the Midwest and their shows are always so well written and acted. I'm really happy to have been able to attend more plays over the last six months or so. Living in a place with so many local theater companies is my favorite part of living in the Twin Cities.
I also made a new recipe for dinner that night that turned out super well - hot honey crispy baked salmon bowls with broccoli. :)
I have been limping and crawling through this work week. Work has been overwhelming for almost a month straight. I'm grateful to have a leadership role, but it's challenging and exhausting to not just work on my own solo projects and to-do list items, but to lead and support others every time they have a problem or need something, which is often.
This week also became challenging because my mom reached out to me on Tuesday night (a day after my last post on here where I said that I was sure I hadn't heard the last from her yet, ironically) and told me she was planning on moving to India later this year. I had to handle that conversation in a more polite way than "don't let the door hit you on your way out." Talking to her, as always, brought up a lot of negative feelings. She said she wants to see me before she leaves, but I held off on committing to that - partly because of the reason below.
On a more positive note, I had my long awaited appointment with my new OB-GYN yesterday :) I really like her. She's experienced, she's from the same culture as I am, and she left me feeling with a sense of knowledge and optimism about this whole pre-conception and conception process. I'm going to go off the pill when my current pill pack is over at the end of March and then start tracking my cycle to see what it is like, if/when I ovulate, etc. I have PCOS, so the question of whether I ovulate naturally is yet to be determined. I've been on the pill for my entire adult life and during my teenage years to treat PCOS, so I'm curious and a bit nervous to see what happens when I'm off it. I'm curious and excited to see if/when I could conceive this year.
I'm writing this while I wait at the airport for my flight to Tokyo. This trip snuck up on me after I booked it. As recently as last week, I thought that my trip was 3 weeks away - even though I theoretically knew it started on March 7. Then I realized March 7 was next Thursday and not 3 weeks away. 🤦🏾‍♀️
I'm really excited to have this time for myself. I push myself really hard at work, at home, and with personal development goals. I enjoy what I do. I like grocery shopping and cooking, I like working out, I like studying Spanish every day. I even like my job, most of the time. But sometimes it just feels exhausting to juggle it all, and it's so nice to take time where I'm not doing anything for anyone else but myself. :) It feels especially timely because I hope to start my master's in social work program in September, and I hope to possibly be growing the family by then too!
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ear-worthy · 2 years
Freakonomics Podcast Explores The Data On Hybrid Work
 The seismic changes forced upon us due to COVID has produced more permanent consequences than most people want to believe.
For example, restaurants has expanded their outside footprint. One of the most visible and lasting changes has been the success of working from home. As companies were forced to set up employees to work at home, there was nail-biting among shareholders that worker productivity could dip substantially. 
Yet, the productivity of work from home employees was, in many cases, higher than when those same employees worked at the office.
In the new episode of Freakonomics Radio, host Stephen Dubner investigates "The Unintended Consequences of Working from Home." In the midst of a contentious debate, Dubner talks to economists about what the data actually show.
One economist, for instance, explains his four key findings from a study analyzing remote work at a Chinese travel agency:
"Employees were dramatically happier being allowed to work from home two days a week. You can see this in surveys. Maybe more convincingly, you see it in quit rates. They fell by a third."
"It changed the structure of hours. Folks that were working from home worked on average a couple of hours less a week on their home days but made up for it on other days, on the weekends."
"They end up sending many more messages to coworkers. Now, the fact that they’re messaging people more on their work-from-home days is hardly surprising. They’re not in the office. What was striking is even on days in the office, they were significantly more likely to message people."
"Productivity went up a bit. It wasn’t enormous. It was less in some ways than we expected."
Another economist's findings about a potential "urban doom loop" in cities. "We're estimating a decline in value of 45 percent in the short run for a New York City office space, and 39 percent in more of a long-term perspective… [An 'urban doom loop'] is a concern about the functioning of cities when one of those linchpins of value has been taken away. "The basic chain of events that we're worried about is, as city governments have more constrained budgets, as they're faced with declining revenue, they're going to have to either raise taxes or cut services. We've already seen over the last couple of years a lot of challenges in providing city services in areas like education or policing. So cities are going to have to make difficult choices about whether to cut back on those essential services or, on the other hand, raise taxes on residents. "Whichever way you choose leads to the potential of some of these people leaving the city, thereby lowering the tax base further. We've seen some episodes of this historically. Cities like Detroit, cities like New York in the 1970s and '80s, had a little bit of this destructive spiral going on."
The episode also explores Freakonomics Radio Network and producing partner SiriusXM's own hybrid work experience, and asks perhaps the biggest macro question: How will remote and hybrid work affect the future of work itself?
Listen to "The Unintended Consequences of Working from Home" at freakonomics.com (there's a transcript there, too) or wherever you get podcasts. 
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Summary: Where you got a panic attack while attending a lecture at University and Harry's out of reach.
Warning: Angst, ah! yes no worries you'll get fluff in the end.
P.S: 𝐖𝐞'𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲'𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲.
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Snuggled into cosy sheets, sweater paws wrapped around a cuppa, the strands of your dark hair tickling the nape of your neck and a sheepish smile of yours crawled against the rim happy while you scrolled through your Instagram feed seeing a short video of Harry singing Landslide on karaoke with his best pal at their get-together.
You and Harry were bestfriends, you met him at a vintage shop in basement where they sell old vintage tees. Despite of knowing who he was you fought with him cheekily over a same 'Pink Floyd's.' T-shirt at that time you guys decided to share it, he'd come to take it from you after every three days a week.
Two years of bestfriendship from you taking him to local south asian and chinese restaurants, to dragging him to yearly fair demanding him to win a bunny for you, to going on a competition for free pizzas only ending up loosing because you were litreally about to go sick, dancing like a maniac at the low price arcade at your university's backstreet, to him dragging you to his friends get-togethers which are quite fun they are super chill but your anxiousness is a little bitch she pops out of nowhere but Harry doesn't mind at all.
Now you're here. Being his lover for an year. He confessed his love for you when he was high on shrooms and you laughed it off tucking him to sleep at his place because he always used to say he 'loves you.' but that was in friends typa way until at the Christmas time while you were having fun for real at Jeff's house with Harry crowded by his mates that one of the Jeff's friends approached you and Oh dear lord' from even so far Harry's sight was dagger to a prey and was hot on his heels, if he would have been a cartoon character red smoke could have seen through his ears.
"Pet?" His brows kinked together as he squeezed you to a corner and he pulled at his bottom lip when your attention was on that guy waving you good-bye, "what Harry?" You asked him nonchalantly peering him through your down gaze.
It was enough to pinch his nerves and Amy one of his girl friend smirked watching the scenario when he was taking both of you to rooftop. With folded forearms you smiled with a certain mischief at the clear jealousy of him ripping through his every action, "jus' wanna protect ye', kiddo." He paced back to you sighing with a painful clench in his chest. He wanted to spill out but why the hell it was so difficult.
"Huh?" Your eyes widened like a deer under the moonlight at his obvious incoherence and he hissed pulling at his roots so you retorted calmly, "relax he was just a guy graduated in the same degree as me." You wanted him to confess his feeling out to you, at many occasions you guys joked about marrying eachother if you both fail to find your perfect partner. Like when you got all sentimental seeing Jeff's first baby at the hospital, getting a baby fever wanting one bubba right that time and Harry joked if any consequences he would help you put a baby in you and trust me nobody in the room laughed, they had deadpaned faces, they all know you guys have crossed the borderline but are playing blind.
His friends have inner jokes for you and Harry, their famous four bets on when Harry will ask you out, his first love confession to you, him proposing you and what your first born would be. Half of them lost more money than they could have imagined in a group of seven, Amy was smirking with full heart because she was praying maybe this time she'll win the bet.
"He looked like he drank 'is arse off." You rolled your eyes at his anxious quip wrapping your cardigan closer to your chest muttering under your breath and Harry's head snapped from your feet to your face, he knew it was ending point of his act "Harry he was completely sober."
He still remained firm at his ground pouting as his curled fingers brushed your elbows to bring you closer, "...but he's still a guy, ye' know.." You wanted to laugh at his face at his silly comment but instead arched your brow sternly.
"So. You aren't?" His heart-shaped lips bubbled around his words but you cut him off, "because if I remember last time you had a dick in between your legs." At this he strewned his lip inside not to chuckle how cute dirty words sounds coming out of your lips.
You frowned feeling cold when he pulled back from you turning his back to you to take a deep breath and his eyes were darker than before from frustration when he turned to face you.
"'Kay fuck. I love you, that's it. happy? I love you and don't wanna loose ye' to anyone!" You knew it coming but not like a bullet so it hit you like one freezing your breath into cold dense air, "you do?" You were at loss of words padding towards him for reassurance as if you're his little girl.
When you were inches away from him He noded without any hesitation saturating even that distance, "yes. I do. Since we've met, since you've invaded all of mind and heart." He wrapped you in his warm conforting arms humming when he snoggled his cheek against your hair.
You playfully scowled at him, "well didn't do that on purpose." Your naughtiness of that moment vanished into air when he asked you sincerely breath tasting you, "can I kiss ye' sweet girl?" Your single nod and his lips were on yours into a deep open mouthed passionate kiss, like how lovers kiss.
His cold finger-tips brushed the under shell of your earlobes earning a shuddering moan and you slipped your hands into the front pockets of his trousers.
Your own icy hands causing him to buck his hips into yours and the sensual touch made you both a whimpering mess. Tongues caressing, lips swiping, teeth nibbling and noses brushing as you kissed until your lips froze to mist.
"Cold?" You admired his after tenderness, lips magenta from heavy makeout session and he twirled a loose errand of your hair around his shiny jewl clad finger kissing your forehead and taking your hands in his bringing them closer to his lips to blow out his warmth to them.
But, there was another pair of eyes watching you astonished and somewhat gasping in awement. Amy, she came to call you guys. Then she rushed back downstairs doing a little prance and all of the people watched her in confusion.
"Ten, ten bucks each. C'mon bitches Harry said I love you to y/n!" Everyone squealed happily at her enthusiastic announcement only groaning at the end when she made a grabby hand, "I won. Now gimme my money."
Even though they all knew they acted like nothing happened respecting your guys descion of whenever you'd like to share your relationship to them, both you and Harry couldn't hold longer.
Your affection it's not new you've been affectionate to eachother since the very start, but this one have meaning and feelings, deep sensations. Hand grazes, knee touches, teasing glances, innocent bantering as if you could rip each others clothes right infront of them, closeness and quite fuck visits in their washrooms were getting obvious day by day and you ended up telling them getting showered in blessings in return.
Right now, with a shake of your head you went past through your boyfriend's antics going through Instagram stories. Your brows furrowed together in curiosity when you came through a post that had a large 'sensite content.' written on it.
This's what happens when curiously takes best of you. You end up doing things you regret time after and this's what happened to you.
"My god!" You clamped your palm over your mouth, eyes widening in horror and nerves crippling in fear. The gor video full of cruelness and blood infront of you making your body shudder.
𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡! 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡! 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑦/𝑛!!!!
Your mind screamed at you to just move past it but your eyes remained numbed to same video and your heart's weeping for the poor women in the video but you're rigid in your sheets with the cup of tea shaking with the shudder of your fear.
Then the consciousness hit you like a train and you snapped out of it quickly shutting your phone throwing it carelessly on the sheets, putting the porcelain cup with a shivering hand onto nightstand.
You shrinked into your sheets trying to calm your breaths. Bolting shut your eyes you shrugged and shook your head many times to get rid of the same image circling in your mind like a demon trying to haunt you.
You stopped breathing without realizing arm over your forehead as you stared the ceiling, lip sucked into your mouth and talking to yourself you tried to concentrate on something else.
You're feeling it coming. It's collecting in the form of bile in your throat and when you were talking with yourself. Your stupid obnoxious brain played your voice ten times faster and it echoed inside your own fleshy bones like a broken record in the barren house of devil.
You're hating it. You inhaled an audible gasp of loud horrific breath shoting up from your sleeping position throwing your duvet to ground ready to run away, you're trying to run away from yourself from your bloody damn thoughts.
You want Harry. He knows about your anxiety and panic attacks. You had your fair amount of panic attacks in his presence, but he always managed to bring you back to him. He used to make you practice breathing patterns and techniques on how to escape from your own subspace.
The first time you got it infront of him was when everyone protested that you should stay for sometime more but it was already two in the morning and you had an exam in the next morning it was just for him that you went along, but you were kinda angry on your own self for taking risks for just a friendship. Then it came into a black pitch waves of suffocation in his car while he was driving you back home, he was unaware of your condition and practically cried when he couldn't bring you back to him.
That night he slept in your bed for the first time. He wanted to stay closer to you in any case, you were sad that you made him worried for no-reason but he shushed you with infinite forehead kisses, he whisper yelled at you full of concern if he might be suffocating you but you giggled a "no." kissing his cheeks getting cosy in his embrace eyes drooping to sleep. He used to sing lullaby to you when you were having it bad particular nights.
Now, he wasn't here and you thought of calling him many times but decided against it only being your own helper. Taking a deep breath, you sang his lullaby to yourself, not letting tears to fall and reminisced all of the lovely memories of you together. Your kisses. Your laughs. Your cuddles. Your lovemaking. Your cooking failures together.
With all of these memories you were back in your bed closing your eyes only hearing Harry's soft affectionate rasps in your ears.
In the morning you have long forgotten that even the video existed. You were surprisingly fresh walking to your university's building in long strides, greeting everyone and anyone.
Harry just woke up from his lazy slumber. Making an orange juice for himself, his head heavy and he's in no mood to look at his phone. Grabbing his journal and putting on his rings, a special copper one that you gifted him on his ring finger smiling at it like a foolish fucker and pecking it shyly remembering you.
"Heyyy. H!" When he entered studio everyone greeted him joyfully and he hugged them all handing breakfast to each one of them he bought after standing in a queue for half an hour, "how's y/n?" Sarah asked chewing her bagel sitting behind the drums and the seed of distress sprouted in his stomach that he hasn't asked his bubby if she slept good lastnight? What she had in breakfast? If her day's going well.
There's this certain instinction that's making him restless but he can't quite put a finger on it.
"She's good. Gets a lill cranky if I win form 'er at the '10 phase' uno game." He chuckled with a hint of love under his tone his previous thoughts of checking onto you again slipping from his mind.
Plugging his phone to charger he rushed back to his favourite spot quickly taking his journal and pencil to scribble something.
It's your English lecture. The day went well. But now it's not. You're zoning out knowing how boring the lecture sounds.
You stared the way you drew your pencil into unstopping circles at the corner of page and your head was a dark vacant space when the way you acted last night flashed in your mind then the reason behind it, that damn video.
The video displaying like a reel in your mind again as if you're there experiencing it with your body. You twitched, and closing your eyes you snapped your head to side several times when the cold sweat broke at the back of your neck and shudder ran down your spine.
When you snapped for the tenth time in row a hand came squeezing yours, "you okay?" You slowly looked up at the guy sitting beside you as the professor's voice billowed further from you.
You just stared him numbly, tears making your sight blurry. Your breath hitching in your lungs and you can feel it clawing at you like a demon. To avoid getting made fun of yourself you stood up leaving your things and rushed for the door, when a hand came wrapping around your wrist in a tight grip.
"Where are you going miss? This's not acceptable." Your karen professor's voice sliced through your ears and your lungs are tightening with each passing second, everything spinning around you and all you're thinking's if you'd make it alive through this dark box of suffocation.
"S-sorry...I-I have to go—" You tried to stutter in between your broken breaths and she scowled burning her grip into your wrist. Your cheeks numb as you didn't feel tears slipping down to the valley of your breasts, "tell me the reason and I'll let you." Your head fell back at that and you bolted your eyes shut as tight as possible. Then when you tried to inhale you couldn't and everyone around hooed loudly watching you in shock as you tried to escape her with weak crying attempts.
"Let me go!" You shrieked. With wide eyes she let you and you fell to ground painfully hard. It was coming. You sobbed out harshly but it went silent at the end and you bunched your shirt atop your heart when your vision went pitch black, whole body shaking and you forgot even if the oxygen existed.
It's consuming you. Everything around you moving in slow motion. Their shouts for you like a sleepy mumble and it's just Harry's lullaby melodic in the pocket of your heart but it's cold and deserted with nothing but claustrophobia shoving you brutally into darkness where nobody could hear you crying.
You act like a lioness ready to kill anybody while you're having a panic attack and when some hand came to help you. You screamed and growled swatting them away "Don't fuckin' touch me!—" even though your ears are buzzing and you gasped loudly to get some air but it's not helping. God help me, please. You prayed.
Your classmate went through your emergency phone numbers finding Harry's at the top and it ringed sitting in the other room from him.
Then he dialed another one. It was studio's landline, Harry has filled that number without your knowledge and well it helped.
"Harry?" The drums came to halt, the guitar was stopped mid shrivel and Harry's high note fell to ground when the receptionist came with a cordless phone.
"A phone for you from y/n university—" It was enough to smack his breath away and he scurried to his feet taking the phone hastily from her hold, controlling his voice to not yell at the person in his own anxiousness.
He tucked it beneath his ear taking the car keys and his phone out of instinct because when it's you he's always on alarm. What he heard from other side made his knees jello and ribs to knock in two, "fuck. Yeh. 'M comin' jus' yeah, make her breath gently....." He tried to instruct your classmate.
He cursed himself. Not giving two fucks if he broke every speed limit. His knuckles going white and he repeated a mantra of "breath baby. m' sweet sweet girl jus' breath." but he was just saying this to himself because you wasn't in his arms and he wasn't calming you, he's blaming all this on himself.
He didn't even parked his car. Striding inside the lobby and asking for you. After fifteen minutes of no breathing as you were about to hit the deep end you inhaled loudly filling your lungs with proper oxygen causing your eyes to go bloodshot and everyone sighed in relief.
Your classmate took you to University's healthcare room so someone guided Harry there. You had your knees tucked close to your chest, head resting on them to block any light as you whimpered with innocent small hiccups.
Your heart beat racing. Head hurting and chest aching from the after effect.
Harry had to get support of door's frame when his eyes fell over you. Over his Angel that was shrinked pitifully like she's scared of world crying on her own.
The sheets of stretcher rustled under his weight as he slowly and gently wrapped his arms around her, "baby..." He cooed on the verge of tears and she didn't had to look up to know he's here, his scent was enough to relax her mind.
Her parted lips moist over the crook of his neck as she sobbed into him. He tenderly rocked her, running his hand soothingly at her back, kissing her head and her nose wiping her tears "'m so sorry, my baby. my life. 'M so sorry."
You fisted his shirt, face smashed into his chest to avoid the world while embracing your own world, your Harry as he walked both of you to his car carrying your stuff too with him. He helped you sit inside the car rounding to the driver seat and he leaned to kiss your forehead, glossy eyelids and a peck to your lips never letting his concern divert from you as he drove home.
He made you comfortable into your bed, wrapping his forearms around your tummy and soothing your arms down to tranquil your heartbeats.
He knows it's hard for you to talk so he didn't tried to get words out of you. He just wants to be there for you, physically, spiritually, mentally. He's all yours.
After long hour you spoke voice barely above a whisper, "t-they all are gonna think 'm weird." Harry felt something jabbing his sides at her statement and he cradled her chin intensely looking her in eyes.
"No angel. I promise you they wouldn't. See how your classmate called me the very moment you weren't responding? They all genuinely cared for yer', y/n" He stroked the apple of her cheeks and she sighed waveringly new tears glistening at her eyelids.
"Thought I wasn't gonna see you ever again." Her words hit him like death and at that moment he realized they're more than just best friends, just lovers, they are soulmates and Harry would be devastated without her.
His music. His fashion. His cheekiness. His softness. His humbleness will all be gone because he's so dependent on her for everything.
She frowned lightly when Harry hugged her close to his heart, his cheek stuffed into the crook of her neck and when his wet lips rumbled with a sob she pulled him back from shoulders cupping his cheeks.
"Harry? Hey, bambi eyed. Baby look at me." You sniffled wiping your every tear and he refused to look at you sobbing hoarsely, squeezing you to feel you for his dear life.
"Don't say somethin' like that. I wouldn't be able to live without ye'." He muttered silent tears soaking her neck collecting at the dip of her collarbones. She played with his curls smooching his cheeks cooing at him, "'m here baby. in your arms. 'm fine, we're fine." She gave him an eskimo kiss when he finally pulled back. Eyes fluttering as she took a deep breath feeling her lungs nutritioning after so long.
"Did you forgot your promise of making me your babies momma or I've to make you remember?" She tried to light up the mood and he just chuckled kissing her lips, when he stood up she pouted making grabby hands at him.
"Hold me?" She asked innocently. Harry ducked down brushing her hair and kissing her head, "gonna run a bath for us sweet angel."
Interlacing your fingers he guided you to your bathroom. Rose candle's flame flickered a shadow onto mauve tiles as the water had pink waves, the scent is so him and it calmed your nerves down.
He undressed you with soft movements, planting a kiss to your shoulder when you were complete naked infront of him. Settling inside the porcelain tub he took your hand helping you inside, making you sit in between his legs.
Your back to his chest. Head resting on his shoulder and his breath fanning your cheeks. It's nothing sexual. Just you two relaxing your nerves.
He coiled his hands over your tummy, running his thumb in careless patterns near your belly button as the water droplets dropped from his curl atop your breasts.
Exhaustion taking over you. Your eyes drooping and you've no idea when he took you out changing you into his clothes and into bed slipping under covers with you.
"'M always gonna be there for ye', whatever it will take my soul to." His whispers caused your lips to curl in a smile and you hummed snuggling your face into his arm scooping you to him.
A/N: I know it's very excruciating for people going through this difficulty, we don't have Harry physically in our lives but he has helped us alot. I feel you and I believe you. It's okay after every hardship there's a moment of happiness personally created for you. All the love!
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rajesshor-blog · 5 years
Business from dream.
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Youth empowerment is an attitudinal, structural, and cultural system whereby young humans benefit the capability, authority, and business enterprise to make decisions and put into effect exchange in their very own lives and the lives of other human beings, which includes adolescents and adults. Youngster’s empowerment is frequently addressed as a gateway to intergenerational fairness, civic engagement and democracy building. And these forms of youth empowerment are existing around us. Now I would like to share a story which is another example of youth empowerment.
At the age of their education, they were the entrepreneurs. Doing business in the restaurant. They started very short, later they were owned four restaurants. Not only that, the responsibility of about 60 young people is also on their shoulders. I am talking about the popularity of the coffee shop 'Coffee Time' in Mirpur, the twin brothers Saiful Islam and Mahtab Islam. Besides Tanvir Ahmed as co-entrepreneur.
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One night in winter, two brothers sat with me in the coffee time. In the story tell them to be their entrepreneurs, dreams are about It is said that the coffee time starts at a range of 35 square fts. At the same time, they have a little kitchen. From there, today's Coffee Time is a big restaurant. The two brothers' hard work and dreams were behind this success. Today, the 'Coffee Time' is very popular for the people of Mirpur people.
When asked about the story of entrepreneurship to the two brothers, they said, 'then we had our last study (both graduated from North South University). Everyone was in the last semester. Many people were busy looking for a job. We used to chat and I thought, there should be something that will be chatting, then the income will also come. What is that job? We started 'coffee time' on that semester. The year was 2014. Four branches of coffee time are now in Mirpur and Uttara in just 4 years.
In connection with the name of coffee time, two brothers said, 'We used to chat. I'll start the business. Then different names came to our head. We liked the names of coffee garage, caffeine or coffee-related names. These names came to mind. Here's the 'Coffee Time'. The name also has a meaning. We actually think at the age of 'student', where good coffee is available at low prices, where a little chat can be given. From that thinking we kept this name.
In the beginning, talking about the inexperience of this business, he mentioned, we did not know how to order the first. (It was originally a pilot project). The plan was, if people like our recipes, then we will grow the coffee shop. Truly people liked! In one and a half month we took coffee time to a bigger extent. Afterwards, to bring some desserts, we brought Brownie, Lava cakes, cupcakes. This way the menu continues to grow. We also added Mexican Foods, various types of barbecue, naan, set mills. And the last addition to the coffee time is Pizza. Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Afghan food is also available in the coffee time.
Why did you come to the head of the entrepreneur?
One thing was always on our head, if the coffee was offered at low prices, then everyone will take it. We've been watching for a long time since we've been chatting with tea stalls, sharing stories, eating food. When we started in 2014, Mirpur did not have a very good restaurant, there was no good coffee shop. Together, this chat, from the story's place, such a plan. The first day of our start was so crowded that we were struggling to cope with the buyers. When we got a lot of orders, we used mic. I would say the order number through the mic. The buyers came. We've just left that mic. The canteen flavors of our coffee shop are still there. Canteen is a flavor always trying to keep in coffee time.
Do not find a job now, give jobs. How is the matter?
The matter is very happy. At first, we saw our coffee house got wet. There are many people coming. At that time, five people under my cover used to work. That means we can run five families. Now, 'Coffee Time' is a family of 60 members.
Why does the restaurant business stay?
Because I liked to chat. From that chat, the student situation came to mind and I saw the restaurant business too much with us. (It's actually they got from the family, their father has been doing a restaurant business in South Africa for a long time). Another topic, here people can chat, it can be communicated. Our contact was good. There are many links, and it can be easily known. That's why I went to the business. We think there is no place for fun of people. Entertainment means now the restaurant is meant to be. See, there are crowds here after the evening. Our love has started here. This coffee time is a place for us to enjoy. The people of Mirpur have now loved the coffee time. The sample of which goes from evening to night nine.
We have a dream of a live kitchen, catering service, and a mega kitchen. Where everything can be found live. The 'live kitchen' is a very big place in the kitchen. Where the cooks will be preparing their favorite item in front of the customer. Everything will be arranged in front of customer. And we will cooperate with customers to cook themselves as well as cook.
Out of it?
The Great Food is a factory where people can get all kinds of food. Chinese, Japanese, Thai Where the Authentic Food There is a desire to start a food factory with these. I think the food delivery system should be more modern. However, there is no intention to launch such a service.
We are going to launch 'Free Home Delivery Service'. This service will be launched in the new year. First, it will start in Mirpur area. Then, wherever we have our branches, we will supply food. We will give free food delivery when ordering 300 taka.
Your suggestions for new entrepreneurs ...
Over the last four years, more than 100 restaurants were developed in Mirpur, after seeing our restaurant business. Not everyone could succeed. Because many people do not know what to do or what should they do in this area or how they manage all. What kind of food is going on in the market and people should take care of what they want to eat. You should give maximum importance to the customer. Must be honest and straightforward in your area or business. You have to provide Good service among your customer at the same time you should treat your customer as your guest. Customers will come again and again. To get into this business, you have to be a chef but in our social context male are terrified about cooking. In general, there is to know about cooking then you will able to manage it easily.
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wwoofing-japan · 7 years
On Wednesday night Hiroaki san and Hiromi san took me out to our last dinner together. We walked through the backyard and out to the street where a Chinese restaurant was. The first thing they asked me when I sat down was, "Do you drink?" I got a whiskey mixed with a oolong tea, and they got beers. We ordered potstickers, chicken karaage, shrimp dumplings, tomato eggs, and an iron pot of vegetables with gravy and crispy rice that sizzled and crackled. It was the first time we ate together without watching TV and talked. I learned that Hiromi san studied science education in college, and Hiroaki san environmental science. After college they did volunteer farm work in Africa, while many of Hiroaki san's classmates went to Brazil to start their own farms. Gabare, the name of their farm, means "farmer" in Ethiopian. In Africa, with frequent food shortage from droughts and civil war, nothing was wasted. Returning to Japan where only 0.5% of farms are organic, Hiroaki san started Gabare. Their home and farm has been in their family for over 300 years, and before Gabare was started, fertilizers and pesticides were used.
Hiroaki san said in America, farming is more like a business. "You could get rich with organic farming if you sold daikon at 10000 yen, but no one is going to buy a 10000 yen daikon." Then Hiromi san said, "If you only care about the money, organic farming doesn't work. You can only have what nature provides and know it is enough. We also do need money, of course..we both do and don't."
I asked if they think they will continue hosting wwoofers for a while, and Hiromi san turned to Hiroaki san. "I think so. Because I teach a class in the evenings, he gets lonely. He needs someone to eat with!"
And like every meal we've had together, I finished last. Hiromi san said, "We eat very fast, as you probably noticed. When I had twins, I had to feed them both at the same time, there was no time to feed myself! So I had to learn how to eat very fast."
On Thursday morning I said my goodbye to Hiromi san who was leaving to teach at the high school, but cooked me fried rice before she left. Then at one, Hiroaki san pulled the van up, I said goodbye to Ojichan and Obachan which consisted of smiling, "sayonara", and "arigatogozaimashita" repeatedly. I left their journal with my thank you note and some matcha cakes on the table, and Obachan saw me out the door. At the station, Hiroaki san said goodbye and good luck in his very reserved and respectful way. I really will miss our evenings eating dinner and watching tv together, but instead I just said goodbye and thank you.
And then I was off, to Nagatoro!
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Farewell, Ehara family
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