#we're working on getting their remaining habitat to be labelled as protected but it's not going well
untitledducklett · 1 year
why does your absol eat metal?
Good question!
He's a Vanitian Absol, a critically endangered variant of Absol native to the Vanitas region (it disbanded about 2k years ago when it merged with greater Kalos through a political marriage). Vanitas was entirely locked in by mountains and was poor in just about everything except metal. The original population of Absol somehow got trapped there around 100,000 years ago (likely a cave-in blocking off the only way back to main Kalos) and had to adapt to the new conditions. As with most Vanitian Pokemon they developed the ability to consume metal to supplement their diet.
One can squeak by for a short amount of time on iron-rich foods, but in order for your Vanitian Pokemon to thrive they do require regular amounts of ore. Regular metal can also work since ore is hard to get and expensive these days if you don't know where to get it.
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