#we're trying to get the house wheelchair ready and stuff...
quick-drawn · 1 year
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lmao i said i was gonna be here the other day —
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lilragekitten · 1 year
Personal rant time
Okay so mom died in 2021. We did the stuff we're supposed to do but conflicting info kept coming from the professionals and like everytime we turned around everything was harder and more complicated then was said or should've been.
For some reason, the house and her small amount in her bank acct, not her rrsps which my sis and I had already had transferred to us thank god bc that paid for her $10,000!!!! Taxes jfc. Had to go into probate. Luckily all her funeral arrangements had already been preplanned and prepaid and the lawyers said not to worry bc all their end had too Ha. Spoiler
So in April 2022 my last contact with law office was that it could be up to two years bc of back logs in court. Which yikes but fair. Fast forward to feb 2023 and my sis is impatient bc she wants the money from me buying her out of the house (which I've lived in since mom had gone into long term care in 2017) which I get it she wants her own place and with the inheritance and my half she'd have a nice chunk for a down payment.
Turns out they never started probate. 🥰🥲 so she lights a fire under them and suddenly it's rush rush rush. And then we get hit with a 6300$ bill. Lol. 5k to them and 1300 to the courts to process. Now in theory, I should've been able to access moms estate account, which shockingly juuuuuust had enough in it after LTC refund and a refund for a wheelchair. But for whatever reason couldn't. So I paid out of my own cash the 1300 and was liek yeah waiting until it's cleared then y'all can have your money. Which like...: you should give a discount?? Or even an apology. When I went in to sign paperwork and was like hey yeah so why didn't this happen last year the lawyer literally leaned back in his chair and threw his hands up and shrugged. Sir that is not a valid response. Christ.
Anyways. It's done. They're paid. Your girl owns half a house with her sister and currently trying to get a mortgage set up bc my bank won't give me one despite excellent credit, a 14,000$ down payment for a 70,000 mortgage. According to their stress test I couldn't afford the (at max end) 850 a month payments. Do they not realize a one bedroom in my town is now averaging 1300$ a month? Plus utilities Lol. Anyways.
So roomie and I are going to his bank and trying to set up through them. He'll be put down on the deed as well to help him out, but yeah. Trust me wasn't an easy decision bc this could come back to bite me in the ass, but ten plus years living together and a shit ton of trauma and shit I think we'll okay. He's ready to even sign documents saying if we do "break up" that he wants no part of the house bc it's mine. I literally helped my dad build it when I was 9. "Helped" haha. But I told him if he does help pay then at some point going forward he can build a garage and that sold him. Now to get rid of all the crap in here OMg. Please send good vibes going forward please.
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thispabulum-blog · 2 years
Old Business
What's the Tea? Tuesday
I had promised to tell you about how the date with Chex Mix went.
Background: He and I matched over the summer on OkCupid. He was super cute, roughly my age, seemed like fun. He messaged me first, asking what role I'd like him to play in our relationship. I'm not necessarily looking for someone to date both Cuddlebug and myself, but I won't say no to it. Our taste in guys doesn't overlap much, but we both thought he was super cute.
Chex Mix and I chatted occasionally over the next few months. He'd been very badly injured in an accident the previous year, and was still on a year-long stay in a rehab hospital when we started talking, so he was bored a lot of the time, stir-crazy, and ready to get out.
The issue that I had with him was that his messages, more often than not, were Very Adult.
It was difficult to carry on a PG conversation with him - though when we did, it was nice: books, gardening, cooking. I sympathized, because he'd been stuck in the hospital and unable to socialize for a long time. That's a lot of pent up energy.
And it wasn't just Very Adult, it was Highly Kinky stuff that was beyond anything I've ever been interested in, so it was all a bit much. These were not flirty, suggestive messages; they were explicit, hardcore content.
I put off meeting up with him in person because I wasn't entirely confident being around him - especially after what happened with Gingerbread.
The compromise came when Chex Mix started taking more of an interest in Cuddlebug, and he had a lot of ideas that sounded very cute and hot, and I like the idea of delivering cute boys to him. I figured it'd be easy enough to have a date with the three of us, and then I'd have an escape route if things weren't going well.
So we set a date. The plan was to go over to Chex Mix's house, play some board games, maybe watch something. Just get comfortable with each other and find out if there was any chemistry.
Cuddlebug and I got dressed up, made the confusing drive out to the super bougie neighborhood where Chex Mix lives with his grandma, and waited uncomfortably on the front porch in the dark for 10 - 15 minutes because we weren't 100% sure if we had the right house and Chex Mix wasn't answering his phone.
When we finally got inside, I was surprised to see that he was in a wheelchair. I knew he had mobility issues because of the accident, but he hadn't mentioned the chair (not that it's a problem, I just thought he would have brought it up at some point in several months of talking). We spent some time loving on his super cute dog, which is always a good buffer for allowing people to get comfortable with each other.
He was obviously nervous and trying very hard, which was sweet. He asked if we wanted something to drink, and we accepted, so he made us a protein smoothie. It was actually really good, though an odd choice. Then he laid out a bunch of food he'd made, chili con queso and open-face sandwiches. It was all really delicious; I've never gotten so spoiled on a date.
He had a bunch of board games laid out so that we had options to choose from, and I picked one that seemed fun and not too complicated.
This is where things started to get...less good.
Cuddlebug and I were trying to be fun and interesting. I asked if I could put on some music (I hate silence), and used the Bluetooth speaker I had brought with me for that purpose. We had gotten through a couple of songs when Chex Mix shouted out to his Google speaker to play something from one of his playlists, and the music started playing over mine. I made some passive-aggressive comment like "Oh okay, I guess we're done listening to my music" that Cuddlebug heard but Chex Mix either didn't hear or just ignored. (His Google speaker only played one song and then it was back to silence, so eventually I put my music back on without comment and he didn't seem to notice that either).
The board game wasn't bad (it would have been fun with more people, I think) but he kept holding it up - we'd be waiting on him to take an action or use his turn, but he'd be talking or petting the dog (I'm talking 5 - 10 minutes at a time). It was kind of annoying, and people not paying attention during board games is a pet peeve of mine. Not to mention, the only things he talked about were other board games and his injuries. It was like he just couldn't move past it.
Eventually I decided it would be best to redirect before I got too frustrated to continue being nice, and suggested that we go watch something in his room. I figured maybe he'd be more comfortable if he could lay down and didn't need to actively participate in doing something.
And with that we progressed to the cuddly part of the date, which is usually my favorite.
For the record, Cuddlebug and I are excellent at affection. We're goddamn world-class cuddlers - soft, cute, flirty little marshmallows.
But Chex Mix was having none of it. He just kept talking about board games and his injuries, stretching his bad arm. Cuddlebug was being very sweet, using his femme voice, and giving him every opportunity to make a move or let something happen, but it just...wasn't.
Admittedly, I got a little impatient. Cuddlebug gave up, and we switched places so that I was in the middle. I was a little more bold with Chex Mix, and he seemed to be enjoying kissing me, but was not receptive to Cuddlebug. Whenever I tried something, he gave me "I just need some space, I need time, I want to know you" until I admitted defeat. We left shortly thereafter, very confused, and complained the whole way home.
Cuddlebug wrote him off immediately; told me he wasn't willing to hang out with him again until/unless he loosened up. I wanted to take a slightly more diplomatic approach. The next day I sent Chex Mix a message, apologizing if we were too pushy or forward. He responded that there was no problem, he'd had a nice time with us.
And then I haven't heard from him since.
Clearly, he just wasn't ready. And I sympathize with that, I really do. It was such a conflicting set of emotions, because I know what it's like to have your hormones get ahead of what you're actually willing to do, but it also felt like I'd been misled. "Sexually catfished" is the term I used. It was the Fyre Fest of dates.
What did we learn?
This is one of the reasons why I don't like to talk sex with people before we spend time together. People often say a lot of stuff when there's distance, when there's a screen to hide behind. But then in person (or even with the possibility of meeting up), it's more vulnerable, and people feel like they can't/won't live up. It has happened to me many times - and I've been on both sides! In my experience, it's best to keep it in your pants until you've at least looked each other in the eye and had a conversation.
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Part 13
Misaki walked into Usagi's room with a huge grin on his face he was in a great mood, Usagi was coming home today, he was feeling great about his exams, he was just in a really good mood.
Aikawa: (Sitting on the couch, on her computer). Wow, what are you so happy about?
Misaki: (Walking over to the chair beside Usagi's bed). Uh, today's just a good day.
Usagi: Misaki, don't be so modest, he passed his exam with flying colors, (Looks up at Misaki grinning), and i'm so proud of him.
Misaki: (Blushes) Usagi. (Sits down, placing bag on the floor beside him). Thank you. (grabs Usagi's hand).
Takahiro: Misaki, Congrats on passing your exam.
Misaki: Thank you Takahiro.
Takahiro: And, I also want to apologize for being so upset about your relationship with Usagi-san, I didn't understand, but he explained everything to me.
Misaki: I thought I made it clear before.
Takahiro: Maybe you did, but I didn't want to listen.
Misaki: Well I appreciate you accepting our relationship.
Takahiro: I'm trying.
Usagi: Try harder.
Takahiro: Right, so do you think you guys are going to have kids?
Misaki: (Glances at Usagi and raises an eyebrow).
Usagi: (Shakes head), He asked me the same question.
Misaki: Takahiro, I think we should just focus on the fact that we just got engaged first. Plus Usagi doesn't like kids.
Usagi: (Gasps), that is so not true.
Misaki: Remember the last time we had to babysit Mahiro?
Usagi: I was nice to him.
Misaki: You're jealous of him because I had to watch him and couldn't hang out with you.
Usagi: If we had our own kids I wouldn't do that.
Misaki: I would need you to prove that first.
Aikawa: Wait, if you have kids can I be the surrogate?
Usagi: Sure!
Misaki: (Runs hands over face). Nobody's having kids! We just got engaged, and I still have to graduate.
Aikawa: And I have a date!
(They all look at her)
Aikawa: What?, I'm just trying to change the subject.
Misaki: Where are you going?
Aikawa: Um, I think IMI.
Usagi: Aw, That's where we always go. (Looks at Misaki with heart eyes). It can be expensive though.
Misaki: It's only expensive because you rent out the whole balcony!
Usagi: I just want us to have a nice time.
Misaki: I have a nice time when I'm with you no matter what.
Usagi: (Kisses Misaki's Knuckles), I know.
Misaki: (Grins), So you don't always have to try so hard love.
Usagi: I know, but I'm not done trying to impress you.
Misaki: (Blushes), Stop.
Rose: (walks in grinning with papers in her hand) Okay Akihiko, you are all set to go, someone will be up here with a wheelchair shortly to escort you out of the hospital so make sure you have all your stuff. I need to take your IVs out. (Walks over to Usagi and Unhooks everything attached to him). Okay, you're all set.
Usagi: YES I'M FREEEE (laughs)
Rose: (Nods and turns to Aikawa) And you, are you ready for our date?
Aikawa: Um, I can be I'm not dressed though, I know that place has a dress code.
Rose: That's okay, my place is close to here, you're about my size, we can change there.
Aikawa: (Blushes) Um, yeah sure. That works.
Rose: Okay, I have to go clock out, but i'll be back in about five minutes.
Aikawa: Yeah, O-okay.
Rose: (Winks at Aikawa and heads out)
Aikawa: (Rushes over to Misaki who is gathering Usagi's stuff.) Misaki, What do I! I'm so nervous I could puke, I've never been on a date before help me.
Misaki: We'll I'm glad you came to me, I know exactly what to do, I'm an expert.
Usagi: (Stifles a laugh).
Misaki: Don't listen to him. (Places Usagi's stuff in a bag).
Aikawa: No, I'm asking you because you were probably really nervous for your first date with Akihiko.
Miksai: Oh, yeah. I was.
Aikawa: And how did you handle it?
Misaki: (Blushes), Uh, Not very well if remember right.
Usagi: (stands up and walks over to Misaki wrapping his arms around him).
Misaki: Usagi, you should be resting.
Usagi: I've been resting enough, besides the doctor said I should be up and walking around. Aikawa, don't listen to him, yeah he was nervous on our first date, but he did fine.
Aikawa: What was it like?
Usagi: I picked him up from school.
Misaki: Embarrassing at the time, but super sweet looking back at it.
Usagi: We hung out at the beach, went to the movies, went shopping-
Misaki: He made me get a suit because of the dress code thing.
Usagi: He looked so cute in it because the suit was a little to big, but you know he always looks cute. (Kisses Misaki's Cheek).
Misaki: (Blushes) Usagi.
Usagi: It's true. Uh and then we went to dinner and that was really nice, except unfortunately that's where he met Isaka.
Misaki: Yeah, that was fun.
Aikawa: How did that go.
Usagi: He asked why I was dating Misaki after rejecting him many times. (scoffs)
Misaki: I didn't like that, it was embarrassing. He tried telling me stuff about Usagi's childhood like he knew I didn't know.
Usagi: Yea, it's okay we talked it on the ferris wheel.
Misaki: Yeah, it was beautiful.
Aikawa: Is that where the Idea for the ferris wheel scene came from?
Misaki: (Blushes) Kinda
Aikawa: So you!
Usagi: Not on the ferris wheel, at home.
Aikawa: Are you going to add an engagement to the series?
Usagi: No
Misaki: (Turns to face Usagi), Wait really?
Usagi: No, I feel like that would be way to personal.
Misaki: Usagi, (Reaches up, and brushes hair out of Usagi's eyes), You can write it if you want, only if you want to progress the fake story based on us along.
Usagi: (Grins) I'll think about it. But I already have four turned in.
Misaki: I know, I'm just letting you know that I'm okay with it.
Usagi: Thank you Misaki. (Leans down to kiss him.)
Misaki: (Pulls away) Usagi, I-
Usagi: (Smirks) Yeah, I know. We should get the rest of our things together.
Misaki: Yeah.
Takahiro: Um, do you guys need any help?
Misaki: No, you can go home.
Takahiro: Usagi-san?
Usagi: Go home, you have a family, we've been keeping you away from them long enough.
Takahiro: Are you sure?
Usagi: Yes, I have Misaki, I'm good..
Takahiro: Okay, see you Usagi-san, Misaki can I see you in the hall for a second?
Misaki: (Glaces at usagi) Uh, sure. (Follows Takahiro into the hall, leans against the wall). Whats up.
Takahiro: Look, Usag-
Misaki: Usagi can be stubborn? I know, He's fine. Go home to your family.
Takahiro: (Sighs), I'm having trouble letting go, my baby brother is growing up and has is own family.
Misaki: Yeah, Usagi's my family, and I have to take care of him, the doctor said it would only be about a week, he'll be okay, so if you don't mind, I have to go take care of my family, you should take care of yours. (Turns to leave).
Takahiro: Misaki, are we going to get pass this.
Misaki: (Turns head to face him) I don't know, you were the one who made me feel like crap the night we told you.
Takahiro: I- I don't remember that.
Misaki: I do, and i tried to forget, but you haven't made it easy.
(A few months ago, outside Takahiro's house. Usagi is holding Misaki's hand tightly, he can feel the nerves racing throughout his whole body).
Usagi: Misaki, we don't have to do this.
Misaki: We do, because I graduate in a few months, and if we don't tell him, I-I am afraid of what might happen if I have to move out.
Usagi: (Caresses Misaki's cheek) I'm never letting you go.
Misaki: (Smiles) I know, and I believe that our relationship is strong enough to get through anything, but I can't imagine not living with you. (Wraps his arms around Usagi).
Usagi: (Tightly holds Misaki) I know, I love you.
Misaki: (Tearly) I love you too.
Usagi: (Pulls away, wiping a tear away from Misaki's cheek), Okay, we need to composes ourselves and go in.
Misaki: (Nods), Yeah, you ready.
Usagi: Yep. (Knocks on door).
(After dinner the three of them sit on the couch sipping tea).
Misaki: So thanks for dinner.
Usagi: Yeah, it was great.
Takahiro: I'm glad you enjoyed, sorry Mahiro and Manami couldn't be here, she cooked dinner but then said something come up.
Usagi: Oh, that's okay, we actually have something we want to discusses.
Takahiro: (sighs, takes a sip of tea), I still think living together when Misaki graduates is a bad idea.
Misaki: I want to stay with him.
Takahiro: We had an agreement.
Misaki: I know, but I'm an adult, why can't I have say in this.
Takahiro: Why do you want to stay with him so badly?
Misaki: Because, (glaces at Usagi
who slightly nod), I- I- (Clears throat, starts to sweat), I'm in love with him, I love Usagi.
Takahiro: (Gasp, drops tea cup, it shatters). No, when did this happen? (Looks at Usagi), Do you know about this?
Usagi: (Looks at him like he's an idiot) Of course I know, I'm in love with him too. (Grabs Misaki's hand), Look Misaki and I have kinda been dating for four years.
Misaki: Usagi! (Runs thumb across his face) WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. usagi are you okay?
Usagi: (Nods), Yeah I'm okay.
Misaki: He didn't do anything to me, we're in love.
Usagi: Takahiro, calm down. It's not what you think.
Miksai: (Gasps), How could you say that? You know how hard it is for me to open up and get close to somebody, and Usagi is the first person i've ever let me walls down too, let alone fallen in love with, and you think this is a big joke, or that it's fake? Do you have any idea how hard this was to tell you that i've fallen in love with your best friend? Do you know how long we've wanted to tell you but couldn't, we thought you would be shocked but we didn't know you would react like this. (Stands up, heads to door) I want to go home. Usagi?
Usagi: Yeah, we should go. (Stands) I- I am so, sorry, but I'm so in love with your brother. Misaki means everything to me, and I would never hurt him.
Misaki: Usagi!
Usagi: Coming!
Takahiro: I don't remember that.
Misaki: Do you remember showing up at our house a few days later?
(A few months ago)
(Usagi and Misaki are at home on the couch watching TV, Misaki's head is resting in Usagi's lap, he's stroking Misaki's hair.
Misaki: Do you think he'll ever approve?
Usagi: I don't know, I'm sorry I ruined your relationship with him.
Misaki: (Scoffs) This was his fault, what about your relationship with him?
Usagi: As long as I have you, I don't care, I only want you Misaki.
(The doorbell rings, Usagi gets up to get it).
Usagi: Misaki, it's Takahiro, should I let him in?
Misaki: (Sighs) I think you should, we should probably talk.
(Takahiro enters, a gloomy aura surrounds him)
Takahiro: Can I talk to you guys?
(Misaki and Usagi sit on the couch nervously holding hands, Takahiro sits on the other couch, his arms crossed).
Misaki: Talk
Takahiro: I thought about it, I reacted awfully to you guys coming out to me, It must've been really hard.
Misaki: Yeah, it was.
Takahiro: I'm sorry for the way I acted, It's going to take some time for me to app- get used to this. I don't want this to ruin the relationship i have with you guys.
Misaki: It's going to take some time for me.
Usagi: Thank you for coming over, and telling us that.
Takahiro: Are we good?
Usagi: You accused me of forcing Misaki into this relationships.
Takahiro: We'll It's just I know how you can be.
Miskai: If i didn't want to be with him, I wouldn't be with him.
Usagi: He's right.
Takahiro: So this is an equal partnership?
Usagi, Misaki: Yes!
Takahiro: okay, we'll I am going to go, I still need time. Goodbye. (exits).
Misaki: He's never going to approve of us Usagi.
Usagi: (Pulls Misaki into a hug) Are you okay with that?
Misaki: I just want you.
Usagi: And I just want you.
Takahiro: I'm okay with it now, or at least i'm starting to be.
Misaki: (leans against the wall). So tell me why you made such a big deal, why did you hate the idea of us being together?
Takahiro: I guess, the idea of you growing up scared me, and when I saw that you found someone who could take care of you that wasn't me it scared me, Plus Usagi-san is my best friend and he's dating my little brother, that kinda bugged me. But then the way he talked about you a few hours ago, I finally realized that he truly loves you, like he's crazy about you. I didn't understand before, Misaki you seem so happy, I've never seem you that way, not since before our parents died. I'm really happy you've found someone who you feel this way about, and that this person feels the same way about you, no wonder Usagi-san can deal with you living with him.
Misaki: He makes me so fucking happy Takahiro.
Takahiro: I know that now. I'm sorry I was such an asshole about it.
Misaki: (Sighs) I accept your apology. (Steps forward to hug Takahiro).
Takahiro: (Hugs Misaki) I love you bro
Misaki: I love you too.
Takahiro: Look, i'm going to go spend time with my family, you should go take care of yours.
Misaki: Okay.
Takahiro: And, call me when you guys get home, and if you need anything.
Misaki: I will, I promise.(Walks back into Usagi's room)
Aikawa: we'll everything is packed up. (Aikawa smiles at Misaki and hands him his phone).
Usagi: If the stupid wheelchair was here we could go. (He groans and spins around on the reclining chair).
Misaki: Are you sure you got everything?
Usagi: Yes
Misaki: Really?
Aikawa: Yes, but you can check if it makes you feel better.
Misaki: (Checks around room, finds Usagi's charger and laptop charger).
Aikawa: Okay so we missed two things.
Misaki: Two important things.
Rose: (Walks in, flushed) sorry guys, I had to take of something.
Aikawa: Oh, that's okay. Ready to go? (Grabs her stuff)
Rose: Yeah. the discharge Nurse should be here soon, (Grabs Aikawa's hand). I'll see you guys later.
Usagi: Bye, thank you so much.
Misaki: (singsong) Have funnnn.
Aikawa: Thanks.
(The two girls walk out hand in hand grinning and Blushing).
Usagi: So, I want to leave.
Misaki: Relax Usagi, we can leave soon.
Usagi: (Whining) I wanna leave nowwww
Misaki: (Rolls his eyes, Places hands on Usagi's shoulders) How old are you?
Usagi: I'm thirty-two
Misaki: Oh, so you're not a two year old.
Usagi: Shut up!
(Discharge nurse walks in with wheelchair)
DN: Alright, sorry about that, are we all set to leave?
Usagi: (Jumps up) Yes!
Misaki: Babe, be careful.
Usagi: Sorry, I'm just happy, we get to go home!
Misaki: (Rolls eyes, grabs his bag and Usagi's double checks room, grabs the keys and heads out the door).
(Rose Holds a sleeveless red dress up to herself in front of her full length mirror, Eri Aikawa Nervously sits on the bed watching her, they have both showered, and have put their hair up in messy buns, their makeup is done naturally and now they were picking out dresses, they wore robes while deciding what to wear).
Rose: What do you think?
Eri : Well, the red really brings out your hazel eyes, and your olive skin.
Rose: Sooo
Eri: (Chuckles) Go with the red.
Rose: Okay, now shoes?
Eri: (Hops off bed) Oh, I saw these black knee high boots in your closet, pick those.
Rose: Oh perfect.
(Eri walks into Rose's closet, grabs the boots and hands them to her, Rose grabs them, takes off her robe revealing a matching lacy black lingerie set, Eri blushes).
Rose: Oh, I hope it's okay that I change front of you.
Eri: Oh (Blushes harder) Yeah no, it's fine.
Rose: (steps into dress) Hey, can you zip me up?
Eri: OH! Yeah sure. (Walks over to Rose and zips up her dress, her skin is warm, and flawless. Rose is stunning).
Rose: Eri?
Eri: Yeah?
Rose: (Smirks) Is everything okay?
Eri: Oh, (Takes hands off Rose's back) Yeah, sorry.
Rose: Okay, now for you, I think a blue dress.
Eri: Why?
Rose: (Brings hand up to Eri's face, runs thumb under her eye). You have these beautiful, grey blue eyes, a blue dress will really make them pop. I have the perfect dress. (Smiles, walks around Eri and goes into closet pulling out a high-low navy blue dress, it was sleeveless, and sparked. she looked around and found ankle high laced peep toe boots with a chunky heel.) Perfect. (She walked out of the closet, grinning) Okay, this will look perfect on you.
Eri: (Blushes, eyes wided) Uh, I don't think so.
Rose: Yes, take your robe off.
Eri: No, I don't have pretty underwear sets like you.
Rose: (Laughs) Eri, who cares, (Whispers) It's just us here, You're beautiful.
Eri: O-O-Okay. (Slides Robe off, revleing a black push-up bra and matching panties, Blushes).
Rose: See, You're Beautiful. Now, but this dress on. (Tosses dress at Eri).
Eri: Are you sure.
Rose: Eri, babe you are amazing, put it on now, or I will force it on you.
Eri: (Eyes grow wide) Okay, god. (Pulls dress on).
Rose: Here, i'll zip you up.
Eri: Okay.
Rose: (Jumps over to Eri, zips up her dress, placing hands on her shoulders) Look, (Turns her towards the mirror) You're a babe.
Eri: I do look good.
Rose: Yeah! see.
Eri: (Looks at phone, its seven-thirty) Crap, we need to put our shoes on and get out of here, don't we have reservations at eight?
Rose: Yeah, come on. (They pull their boots on and head out the door).
(Misaki and Usagi walk into their house, Misaki helping Usagi to the couch, he’d gotten sleepy on the ride home and Hardly made it up to their home).
Misaki: okay, just rest for a little while, and we can eat later.
Usagi: will you lay down with me?
Misaki: yeah?
Usagi: please, I know we weren’t in the hospital long, but I miss holding you in my arms.
Misaki: (smirks) yeah, but no funny business, your doctor said no sex for two weeks.
Usagi: I know, I know. I just want to cuddle.
Misaki: okay. (Grabs cover, walks over to Usagi and falls into his arms).
Usagi:(places chin on Misaki’s head, wraps arms tightly around him), this is nice.
Misaki: (wraps arms around Usagi’s arms, lacing his fingers through his). Yeah it is, I really missed being wrapped in your arms.
Usagi: I missed this too. (Yawns)
Misaki: (smiles and Closes his eyes, he was exhausted as well but wanted to make sure Usagi was okay, but he could tell by Usagi’s steady breathing that he was sleeping). *thinking* I wonder how Aikawa is doing on her date?
(Rose and Eri sit on the balcony overlooking the city of Tokyo, it was a beautiful evening and they were both filled with nerves, although Rose was better at hiding it).
Eri: Wow, it's so pretty here, this is the spot where Misaki and Akihiko always sit, although Akihiko always rents out this whole space, Misaki always complains, but I think he secretly likes it... what do you think we should eat? I was thinking we could share the grilled fish and sake? Or the steak and sake...
Rose: Eri,(Places hand on hers, causing her breath to slow), Relax, it's going to be okay. And the grilled fish sounds awesome.
Eri: Sorry, I don't know why i'm so nervous.
Rose: It's okay, so am I, i'm just really good at hiding it.
Eri: (Smirks)
(Waiter comes over and takes their order of grilled fish, with veggies and sake).
Rose: So, it seems like you really care about Akihiko and Misaki?
Eri: Yeah, they're like my best friends in the world, I love them, they're the closest thing to family I have.
Rose: What about your parents?
Eri: Eh, they I'm not really close with them?
Rose: What happened?
Eri: (Shrugs) We just had a falling out, they wouldn't help pay for university, they thought I should stay home and be a housewife, they had my future all planned out, down to an arranged marriage and I didn't want that.
Rose: I'm really sorry.
Eri: It is what it is, even though Akihiko drives me insane, especially when he doesn't meet his deadlines like his suppose to, he's always been there for me, and Misaki has been really good for Him, Isaka wants Misaki to be like Akihiko's assistant or whatever.
Rose: Won't that be a conflict of interest?
Eri: Akihiko is at his best when Misaki is around, we figure, the more Misaki is helping him the more books he can get out, plus there was this mangaka who really wanted Misaki, but we had to let him go, he was making them uncomfortable.
Rose: How?
Eri: Uh, stalking Misaki, he's completely in love with him and no matter how many times he turned him down he wouldn't listen, so we had to let him go, but turns out he had a better job offer at another company anyway, so i guess we did him a favor.
Rose: Misaki and Akihiko, are they okay?
Eri: Yeah, they've been through a lot but they always come out stronger.
Rose: Akihiko has to tell the public soon right, about him in Misaki?
Eri: That's what he wants.
(The waiter brings out their food, it looks amazing, they eat it and talk some more getting to know each other, Eri walks Rose back home, she ends up staying the night, they don't have sex, but fall asleep in each other's arms as quickly as they start falling in love.
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