#we're not making a sex tape /L
blurblicalscripture · 2 years
my shy girl
warnings/ SMUTTTTT, weed, unprotected sex (don't fucking do itttt)
pairing/ eddiemunsonxshy!fem!reader
summary/ y/n likes eddie. eddie likes y/n. she's too shy to make the first move, he's too oblivious to make the first move. like most things in eddie's life, [the purchasing of] weed ends up being the solution to the problem
The picnic bench wobbles as you bounce your leg, only steadying as he sits down across from you. "Ah, my favourite customer."
Your palm is sweaty from the bundled up cash you're holding. You squeak out a "Hey."
"So, the usual?" he chirps, digging through for the little baggie. You hum out a "mhmm." You aren't interested in the weed at all as your eyes wander to Eddie. You enjoy the clink of his rings against the metal box, song-like.
A hand waves in front of you. "Earth to y/n?" He lilts.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. What?" You shake your head, still a little fuzzy.
He huffs a laugh. "I said that's twenty five, if you would be so kind." He holds the bag out to you in one hand, his other an open palm, elbows on the table. You flatten out the cash, hand it to him.
It should be thirty. He knows, you know. But you can't argue this with him again. You've lost count of how many times you had lost that battle. "You're my most loyal customer, y/n." He'd say. "It's only fair."
He clasps it in his palm, theatrical. "Pleasure doing business with ya," he says, shoving the cash in his little box and beginning to stand.
"English!" you blurt, a hand coming straight to your cheek. You sort of yelled, but it's Eddie, and he isn't exactly jarred by weird.
"English." He repeats, his tone a lullaby compared to yours. He lowers back on the bench. "What about it?"
"Uh, the english project." You swallow. "I heard that you could use some help."
He taps a finger on his lips, feigned thinking, eyes wandering to the sky above. "That I could."
"Well you obviously don't have to but if you want we can work on it at my house and my parents aren't at home and it'll be quiet. But it's up to you cause I'm sure you have better things—"
He waves his hands. "Y/n." You look at him and shut up, eyes wide. "That sounds good." He draws out the words, slow and measured, as if to reassure you. "I have my van if you want a ride." He points his thumb toward the parking lot, the corners of his lips quirked up softly.
"Yeah, okay." You smile gingerly, grabbing your books. "Did you maybe want to get your textbook from your locker first?"
He chuckles, keeps walking to the van. "I uh, I don't exactly have a textbook for this class. Or any class."
"Oh, right. Well you can use mine if you want."
He stops at the van "Ever so kind, y/n." and opens the passenger door for you.
His van is comfy, same as always. He plays music that's a little loud—not too much, but it makes you feel lively, the bass and drums in your chest—and you even find yourself singing along.
He turns down the volume, Paranoid fades into the background. "You like Black Sabbath? How am I only finding this out now?"
"Oh, um, yeah, and my dad likes 'em too. Paranoid is like one of my favourite albums." You fish in your bag and pull out a cassette tape. "I made this new mix a couple weeks ago actually."
He takes it from your hand, glancing between it and the road. You tense at that, fingers digging into the leather of the seat, but he keeps driving smoothly. He runs his thumb over the neat handwriting.
"Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden and Metallica! Shit, y/n, I think I've met my match."
"Your partner in crime," you quip.
"The Bonnie to my Clyde."
You both giggle at that. "Don't tell me you're a burglar now. We're going to my house!"
He chuckles. "Speaking of which it's this way, yeah?"
"Almost. Next turn in." You point to the entryway.
"Right, right. I was a little high the last time I was here." He says.
"A little?" You scoff. "You ran over my mom's rhododendrons. I had to tell her it was the neighbour's dog."
"I'll get her new flowers," he huffs.
"No, you won't."
"No, I won't." He's grinning like an idiot.
You room isn't terribly messy but you scramble to shove the pens, books and notebooks off your bed and onto the desk. He has given you a ride home before but never dared enter. You never dared to ask him in.
"Sorry, I was up studying last night," you murmur as you neaten up. There are a couple cans of red bull on the pillow and you sweep them into the little trash bin. You opt to leave the cassettes and walkman on the bed.
"I would say I get what you mean but I'm not exactly renowned for my studious tendencies." He glances over at the books like they're written in another language. "But I have had my fair share of all-nighters."
"Playing at The Hideout until dawn then passing out in your van after does not count." You joke. He laughs and your stomach jumps.
"Right. So, where do we start with this project." He moves over to the bed, sitting close as you flip through the textbook. Your thighs touch.
"Well, we have to argue here that Othello's downfall is his own fault, not Iago's." You point out each character, explaining with your hands. He watches closely.
"And on the other hand we have to argue that Desdemona isn't as innocent as people assume she is. Then we tie both arguments together to explain the tragedy."
"Ok. Lead the way." He says.
About two hours later you're surrounded by half-eaten snacks, more empty Redbulls and a stack of various tapes.
"This Othello guy, he really loves that Desdemaria."
"It's Desdemona. And loves?" You drop the flash cards onto the bed. "He literally kills her." You chuckle.
"Well, yeah, but only cause he was so mad that she betrayed him." His tone is light, as if he's still pondering. "And he did it to redeem her, you know, so she could go to heaven or whatever. That's kind of love, right?" He rests his chin on his palm, knees crossed up on the bed.
"That's kind of beautiful, Eds. And brilliant. Write that down," you order, gesturing with a pen. He can't help his laugh, murmuring a subtle 'okay bossy.'
"What was that?"
"Nothingggg," he drawls, scribbling down the note. "Now, this is officially the longest I have ever sat down and worked so I think it's time for a break."
He gets up before you can stop him and walks over to the shelf with books, CDs, cassettes; all of your junk.
"This is cute," he says, holding up a framed photo of you and a sad looking, very wet cat. "Yellow galoshes were very in back then."
"Totally, but Bat wasn't a big fan of the rain. Hated getting his ears wet."
"Bat?" He sets back down the frame ever so gently. "Interesting name for a kitty." You continue to speak as he looks through the book titles, nerves in your stomach mixed with some other warm feeling. There's something intimate about having Eddie look around your room.
"I couldn't say my Cs when I was little." You laugh. "He kind of suited it though. He had little flabby bits under his arms that looked like wings." You gesture to your underarm, jiggle it a little. He chuckles.
"There's a cat just like that living under my trailer." He scans the highest shelf as he speaks, balanced on his toes. "I just call her Mews though. Sometimes she'll come up and— wait, what is this?"
You startle off the bed, terrified of what he has found. "Oh, God, what?"
He holds out a sizeable bag of weed.
"Oh, I-" you start.
"If you needed me to teach you how to roll up you should have just asked," he says, fishing for some papers in his pocket. "Can't believe you've been buying from me all this time and haven't smoked any of it." He's shaking his head but smiling nonetheless.
"Oh, it's okay, Eddie. I...I don't smoke." You place a palm over his hands, stop him from peeling open the bag. Suddenly you feel overwhelmingly guilty, your voice gets smaller. "You can have it back if you want. Sorry if I wasted your time." You stare at your shoes.
He puts the bag on the shelf. "You could never." You look at him now, his eyes honeyed brown. "Like I said, you're my favourite customer, but that's not cause you bought so much weed." He's grinning, laughing airily. "Like, a ridiculous amount of weed. But really. You're great to talk to, y'know."
"Sure thing. That, and the fact that you look real pretty when we do talk. You get all flustered and shy." He's smirking.
"Shut up." You shove his arm. "Let's finish this dumb project."
You sit a little closer now, knees crossed under you both and nearly touching as you swap pages of notes to read. But none of it is going in. The words are buzzing on your tongue.
He looks up at you.
"I like to talk to you, too."
He shuffled closer, your knees touch. The cutouts on his jeans line up just right; you're skin to skin.
"That's good to know," he drawls, shit eating smirk plastered across both cheeks that fades as fast as it had appeared. "But wait, why the weed?"
You flush from the neck upwards. "Didn't know how else to talk to you," you mumble, but he hears you. "It's also why I kept coming to the Hideout."
"Ohhh, see now that makes sense. Lovely thing like you doesn't belong in that dump." His fingers play with the straggly bits of his ripped jeans, knuckles brushing your knee. He moves his hand up, barely grazing your thigh. "I can't believe you did all that just to talk to me."
You cover your eyes with your fingertips, press hard. "It's dumb, I know," you say. But he doesn't think so.
Eddie takes your wrists, slides his hands up so his palms are against yours. His fingers are warm, calloused and smooth.
"It's not. It's really not." He says, leaning forward.
You whisper "Eddie." And close your eyes.
"Tell me to stop and I'll stop."
You press your lips to his. They're wet, plump from his nibbling. Your hands come to the nape of his neck, hold onto the hair tight. He shudders, pulls back.
"Have you done anything like this before?" His voice is achingly soft, a little higher than you expect. His fingers come to hold your face, thumbs pressed into the space under your eye. You could laugh, cry, shout into the pillows.
"Uh, not with anybody. I tried by myself before but I couldn't figure out how to..." you trail off.
"That's okay. You want to?"
You nod.
"Words please, shy girl," his thumb swipes over your lip.
"Yes, Eddie. Yes."
His hands move to the hem of your shirt. "Can I?" He waits. You lift your arms over your head.
Your bra has a little pink bow right at the centre, but the lining is black. He's hard already. "This just for me?" he asks.
"Uh, kind of," you're smiling a little through the words. "Wear stuff like this normally anyway though. It's soft, see." You, ever so innocent, bring his hand up to feel the band under your arm, just before the cup.
"It is. You're beautiful, though. Don't need this thing." His hands slide back to the clasp. "Can I?"
You breathe out a "yeah."
Not long after he's between your legs and similarly in a state of undress, his tongue flicking at your clit, just one finger working your pulpy walls open but it has you keening.
Your skin is balmy, hands resting on your ribs as you watch him over your rising and falling chest. "Can you cum for me, pretty girl? It'll be easier if you cum first," he says, "if you want to do that part today." He pauses and you whine.
"Yes, please. P-please, Eddie, don't stop." Your hands find his hair, scratching at his scalp. Your back arches up as he adds another finger, cooing at your little sounds of pleasure.
"Such a good girl, gonna give it to me now, yeah?" He sucks harsh on the bead of your clit, tongue pressed flat against it inside his mouth.
"Yes, Eddie, I-ah!" You moan, high in the back of your throat, breaths heavy and quick. Your legs shudder, closing on his head, and he laughs into your cunt, pushing one thigh back out with his free hand.
"Fuck, babydoll, there you are. That's it," he praises as he lays off your clit when you squeal, still gently stroking his fingers up, up, up inside your fluttering walls.
You clasp his cheeks between your hands, bring him up to your face. You're still a little breathless when you ask for a kiss. He happily gives it to you.
Against his lips you plead "Eddie, I want you inside, please. 'M ready now, promise."
He's scooping you up then, both arms steady around your back, and puts you in his lap. Your legs are spread over his, though he's still in his boxers and you tug at the band.
"Off, please."
"So needy. Who knew my shy girl had it in her, hmm?" You do your best to hover over him on shakey legs as he shuffles the boxers off, wiggles them down his legs.
"You ok to be on top? Want you to go at your own pace," he says, hands firm on your waist. You nod at him, baby hairs stuck to your wet forehead.
His eyes are soft, caring, something akin to adoration glimmering in them. "It's probably gonna hurt a little, okay, but not for long. You want to stop at all and we stop, okay? Don't try keep going, even for me."
You press your fingers into the back of his neck, interlocked. "I trust you, Eddie." You rest on his shoulder, suckle at his neck. You love the little purple hues left behind.
You go to move, hesitate. "Can you-I'm not sure how to..."
"Sh, it's okay, I'll talk you through it. Just sit up on your knees for a sec, okay." He takes one hand off your waist, lines himself up. Feeling his head swipe up and down your slit has your knees already buckling. His grip on your flesh tightens.
"Ok. Now, slowly, sit down and take whatever you can. Doing so good for me." He kisses your cheek.
You look down and watch as you lower yourself, knees a little creaky. The second his tip breaches your entrance you yelp, a sharp pinch that had you squeezing your eyes shut.
"You're okay, breathe for me, gorgeous," Eddie says, both hands now on your hips, holding you steady. You heave a breath, sink down more and more.
You relax as the full feeling of Eddie being inside you takes over. He feels heavy inside you, not too thick but enough that your walls can pleasantly squeeze around him.
He's groaning the whole time, lips on your temple murmuring praises into the skin. The second you're fully seated you both gasp, the stretch and depth of him becoming comfortable inside you.
"Shit, you feel perfect inside. So soft and warm." He lets out little grunts, trying to stay as still as he can. You rock your hips forward, clit catching his pubic bone.
"Ah, Eddie! Fuck. So deep." You keep up the rocking, little moans at the beginning of each breath. Eddie's mouth drinks them down.
You stop for a second, walls clenching tight around him. "Is-does it feel ok for you?"
"Yeah, it's better than I could ever even imagine, babe." He brushes hair off your forehead. You wanna try something else?" He moves his hands to your back, slides down to hold the back of your thighs. "Try bounce a little, okay?"
You do as you're told, the drag of his cock along your walls is heavenly. He hisses between his teeth. "Shit, that's it, that's really fucking good, babe."
You lean back on your knees for better leverage and suddenly he's hitting your sweet spot every single time. You nearly scream, clamping a hand over your mouth. Eddie is quick to hold your wrist.
"Nuh uh, lovely girl, want you to make some of those wicked little sounds for me, yeah?" He places two fingers on your clit, pressing down and rubbing quick.
"Oh, Eddie, I think I'm gonna—oh fuck!" You bounce down hard and heavy on his cock as you cum, grip like a vice around him. He laughs underneath you, a sound of pure joy. "Shit, that's fucking insane," he pants.
You nearly slump forward on him but he pushes you back instead, guiding you to lay down. He pulls out slow as you whimper, using your wetness to pump himself hard and fast. "Where'd you want me, pretty?"
Looking up at him with doe eyes you draw circles on your tummy with your fingertip. "Here, Eds, cum for me right here please?"
His eyes screw shut. "Ah-shit." It feels warm and wet on your stomach. You press a fingertip into the hot spurts, bring it to your tongue. Your eyes flutter shut and Eddie groans.
"You're full of surprises, y'know that." He collapses beside you, pulling you in close. "Beautiful, beautiful girl."
"Can I? Be your girl?" you ask, fingertips dancing up his arm.
"Course you can." He whispers into the shell of your ear "My wicked, shy girl."
Sorry that was LONGGGG but I hope u enjoy.
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sydney-the-faithful · 6 months
Heeeeeeeeeyyyy Sydneyyyyy : ) Buddy! Pal! Bestie! How've you beeeen welcome to tumblr hope everything's good I just have uh a teeny tiny smidge of a favour to ask you-
P L E A S E ask your father to stop showing sex tapes in class. Your dad's swell, I help at his shop sometimes it's cool, but I see so so so much more of his bare ass in a week than I'm comfortable with and it's always for a lesson he's taught us about 20 times already. I think we're all clear on the fact that porn lies to you.
Allow me, your guide on this journey, to paint a picture for you. So you can understand my feelings.
It's 9am. Neither me nor my poor twin sibling have slept. I was at one of my jobs, they were uh... Staring at the ceiling. We're both just fucked. Our good pal Sydney's dad comes in for a fun and informative science lesson! Yaaaaaay! But then for some ungodly reason your old man decides to show us all a sex tape! The poor bastard I popped out with's sat next to me. Let that knowledge sit with you.
Now I've seen my share of butts. I'm accustomed to them. My sibling? Not so much. Kind of person that regularly throws their little cardigans at me to make sure I'm covered up enough to be okay outside. They aren't coping with this whole your dad's bare ass on screen situation. I think one day their sleep deprived brain will crack and they'll start crying in class and make a scene.
Apologies for the superlong message no rush with the response or pressure to match the length at all but this was important + also wayyyyy too awkward to tell you in person for obvious reasons. Pls help.
~ @poorsadorphanposting (Esmee •⌄•)
Esmee!! Greetings! :D Everything's fine. This Tumblr thing has proven to be... strange so far. I fear a lot of people have gotten too comfortable with the anonymous feature, though. It was foolish of me to not expect that.
As for the favour, I... Um. I don't really know what to say. I'm not too familiar with how he runs his classroom, but that certainly sounds... peculiar?? The way you painted a picture of your day was convincing and I have no reason to believe you're lying.
I hate to say this, but... It makes me glad I don't take his class. He always tries to lecture me about those kind of things, and that's strenuous enough. To be shown a graphic demonstration, countless times??? Oof. That's unnecessary. I hope Edin is alright, I too would be very rattled.
I'll talk to him for you. Teaching the same lesson 20 times over is redundant and exhaustive. I mean, really. How many times do you need to see something to get it in your head? Not that many. :/
Uh... Before I do, though. I just want to clarify...
1) You're sure sex tape is the right word? It's more graphic than just a teaching demonstration?
2) What is the lesson he's teaching exactly? Why does he think it's necessary to show that?
3) You're sure its... him? I mean, in your message you were very clear that it's my "dad's bare butt", but... Hm.
Thanks. Sorry for my hesitance, I don't mean to pry, but this is the first I'm hearing of any of this. I want to make sure I've got everything clear.
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issie-https · 1 year
I saw that you did A-Z with gnr would you do that but with motley? Only if you are comfortable🫶
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✧༺𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒆𝒆༻✧
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕: 𝑌𝑒𝑠 - 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝐴-𝑍 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑔𝑛𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑦? 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒🫶
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 1 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑜̈𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑦 𝐶𝑟𝑢̈𝑒 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑐𝑠 - 𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑒𝑒
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ
𝑨/𝒏: 𝐻𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙<3 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑘𝑖 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑖𝑐𝑘 ℎ𝑐𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑤!
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1128
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A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Depends if youse are high and/or drunk. If it's sober sex, he's an angel. If it's non-sober sex, you either cuddle and go to sleep or do more drugs and drink.
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
Let's not joke around, Tommy loves his dick. Can't tell me he doesn't. Always saying things like "babe, look" and then whips out his dick.
He loves your tits and/or your ass. He loves squeezing them and feeling you up. Squeezing your ass during a heated make out sesh makes him the happiest man on earth.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
Loves it. Loves to cum on your tits or butt(due to his fascination). Loves to watch your face contort when you cum. It's like his kryptonite I guess.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Hear me out, he loves when you squirt. It's probably a subconscious thing that he knows he makes you feel good and he can make you cum that hard. It's his main goal during sex.
E - Experience (how experienced are they)
Very. Very very. Very very very. That's all I'm saying. He knows what he's doing and he does it well!
F - Favorite Position (self explanatory)
Sixty-nine or doggie. With 69, he likes to have his dick sucked while eating you out. With doggie, he just loves pounding into you from behind, he doesn't want to feel vanilla in missionary and doesn't want to feel too distant with something else. He can also pull you against his chest or slap your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more silly or serious in the moment)
I cannot decide. I know i say this a lot but probably depends. If he's loaded up on drugs and alcohol, probably a drop more goofy. But if he's sober, probably still goofy but with a mix of romance.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
Now, from what I've seen(which is a lot), he either trims or shaves. In the tape(or the snippet I saw, he was trimmed. In the insta/Twitter post, he was shaved. I'm still traumatised from seeing both tho-
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
If he's done a substance, not romantic. If he's sober, honey, honey, how he thrills me, uh huh! Honey, honey, nearly kills me, uh huh! Little Abba break but he's romantic asf when sober!!!
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He'll send you videos of himself rubbing one out on tour if you're not with him and has his own personal stash of nudes and vids from you.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Spanking, daddy kink, oral kink, making out, bondage, public, cumshots, dirty talk, mirror sex, sex toys and more. Just a little list of stuff I feel like he'd be into. We're not going into the mental stuff because of all the 'incidents' that have occurred.
L - Location (favorite place to do the do)
Public. Anywhere in public. Dressing room, backstage, in the car, at a party. You name it, he's fucking you there.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
It's Tommy Lee. He's horny 24/7. Literally anything. It could be a slight brezze of the wind and he's got a boner.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Anything you don't want to do. He'll do anything personally but if you don't want to do something, a simple "no" will do and he'll suggest something different.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills)
Loves it. He loves eating you out and watching you cum because he knows you're his and his only and only he can make you such a mess.
He also loves when you suck him off. The way you touch the back of your throat with his cock just gets him going so fucking much.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Fast and rough 99.9% of the time but if you ask, he will be the most sensual person to ever exist. It's whatever you want.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
Loves a hood quickie before a show. Really gets his adrenaline pumping and flowing and as long as he's been balls deep inside you before a show, he'll preform his arse off, showing off for you, knowing you're full of his cum backstage.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment)
1000%! If you want to spice it up, just say and he's down asf. As long as it's not too mental, he will almost immediately do it!
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
24/7, 365 and at 1,000,000 percent. Never gets tired of sex. You'll just be making breakfast and two seconds later, you're on your back on the countertop with his head between your thighs, devouring you lovingly. He always has a boner. It's just who he is, ya know.
T - Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Definitely. 1000%. Has a giant collection in that one box at the back of the cupboard. Probably has a few he uses on himself like a cock ring or two. Maybe a pair of handcuffs for when you want to tie him up.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tease central. Loves to tease you when he's on stage. Like he'll look at you and brush his hand over his dick or lick his lips.
V - Volume (how loud are they)
Very, very loud. He likes when you both get vocal because other than cum, it's another way to prove how good you make each other feel.
W - Wild Card (get a random headcanon)
Definitely brags about fucking you. Like, after fucking literally all night, he'll see the guys and just brag about the night of sex. Nikki ends up just leaving, Vince is on the brink of tears and Mick is plotting his murder.
X - X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)
If you've seen any source of his nudes, you know that he's packing! If not, I'll do my best to describe without squirming. A good 5-7 inches(soft) and fairly thick. All I'm saying is you'll never be disappointed.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
As said before, horny 24/7. Could literally fuck until he's dead. Never wants to stop, just wants to be in you constantly.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
He either falls asleep instantly or he does something after. Depends if it's at night, before a show or he has to do something like record or go to a meeting.
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askgalartop3 · 3 years
What's the most absurd thing you've ever read about yourself online or in the newspaper (that wasn't true)?
that Im the leader of a cult whos out to steal children in the night and perform dark rituals upon them to steal their souls and turn them to the side of Evil. conspiracy theorists are wild
Wait. But everyone knows you're a siren whose song lures grown men to their dooms by promising everything they've ever wanted only to then pull them into the abyss!! 🤣🤣
right? the conspirators have it all fuckin backwards. childrens souls aint worth nearly as much as a grown mans
Anywho 😝 For me...probably that one article I found that claimed there was no evidence that I'm into men. They listed a number of times where I publicly said I'm pan or was flirting with a guy but then turned around and said that due to my flirty nature and being in the public eye it could all just be an act 🙄 Like yea ok sweaty I fuck men because I want the public image of being LGBTQ+ but am not actually a part of it
pft yea Rai whats wrong with you? fuckin all the men and leavin none for us real lgbtq+ folk
🤣 I'm so sorry I've been stealing your prey Boss 😘 I'll have to make it up to you somehow~~
damn straight you will
No no. Damn queer I will 😘
That I'm a cruel, evil, malicious man who rules over the league with an iron fist and won't take no for an answer. That due to this I am even less trustworthy than Rose. That at any second I'll snap and go off the deep end and abuse everyone around me. And the real kicker? The people saying this seem to be excited to see it happen. Not because they want to see my downfall, but because it's some kind of fetish to them, I think...
Ooh yep 😂 I've seen those people! Its definitely a fetish of some kind
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he would absolutely do those art canvas things where you put the paint on it and then y’all like fuck on the canvas, for Sammy but you already know that
Real Love
Oh, my sweet SarahAnne. You literally copied and pasted what I posted in the group chat. I mean that's fine I just found it funny. But yes I will do this. And yes I will be doing this for their first time as I talked about in the chat. This is also a plus size reader since I am plus sized. I might be self projecting a little bit in this story so don't come for me. This is like my therapy.
Also, would y'all like for me to start writing in first person still using Y/N, first-person with a character for the girl, or keep writing the way I've been writing?
Warnings: protected sex, it's just intimate sex really, oral and fingering(F receiving), slight cockwarming if you really squint, Mentions of not great exes in the past??? Not detailed but just a little mention that you guys can use your own previous relationships with, Body image issues, stretch marks, 18+ MINORS DNI. There's not really anything that needs to be put as a warning. I'm not doing anything hardcore in this one. Since this will be their first time I guess get ready for that. I'm not used to writing intimacy and making love. I'm a freak...I write horny hardcore stuff. This is gonna be long because he's taking his time on her. Making her feel worth his love and affection
Hearing the doorbell ring and not expecting anyone to be showing up to the house or any packages that you were aware of; you got up and made your way to the wooden door. Looking out the glass on the door to see a box on the porch.
"Sammy, did you order anything by chance?" Yelling to your boyfriend in the mini-studio that was in the basement.
"I did actually. I got it for us to do. Would you mind bringing it in for me? I'll be up in a moment." Opening the door and picking up the box; you brought it into the kitchen, grabbing your small pocket knife and cutting the tape.
Inside was a box for an intimacy art kit. A chuckle left your chest and you pulled it out of the box, standing it up on the table, and stood next to it. Leaning against the table with your arms and legs crossed.
"Okay, I'm done down there so basically what I-" Once he reached the top of the stairs and was in the doorway to the kitchen he saw that you had already opened it. Standing next to it like a disapproving mother.
"Samuel Francis Kiszka...What on earth is this? An intimacy art kit?" With your tone and his nervous laugh, it was evident that there was some tension in the air. You had only been dating for about two years and the thought of sex hadn't even come up in your mind. You were so set on just thinking about Sam and how happy you were in the relationship that you just never thought to bring up sex.
Sammy knew your dating history and how you were treated by your previous partners. So he knew better than to bring up sex so early in the relationship. However, it was clear to see that he had been thinking about it as of late.
"Well love I was thinking...Since we've been living together, I've wanted to progress where we stood in our relationship. I've been thinking about how we've never had sex and I really want to show you how much I love and cherish your body. So I thought that we could do this for a date night and for your first time with me and me with you. Jake recommended it to me. I was telling him how I didn't know how to approach you with the topic and he told me that he and Jita had a date night and did this. It turned out really cool. They have it hung in the living room like it's an abstract painting." His overwhelming explanation hit you hard. You had no idea that he was so nervous about approaching you about it.
"So what we lay down the canvas, put paint down on it, and then we have sex on the paint-covered canvas? Sounds messy and like we're gonna get paint in a lot of places." You let out a nervous chuckle and picked it up, turned the box in all different directions, reading what all you do with it.
"Yes but it's non-toxic, but I really want to make our first time something to remember and something that you enjoy. I don't want it to be routine or just like every other person that you've been with."
You hit the box lightly against your hand and you sighed, nodding with your eyes closed. Setting the box back down on the table, walking over to the cabinet, and pouring yourself a glass of wine. Sipping on it slowly and then turning around to look at Sam who was shyly looking at you from the doorway.
"Fine, we can do it but with one condition. We're not hanging it up in the living room. It's being hung in the bedroom above the head of the bed." You walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. His body easing against you, his hands grabbing at your waist.
Pulling away, you downed the wine in the glass and placed the glass on the counter. Grabbing the box and walking over to Sammy.
"So, where are we gonna do this at. It's gonna get messy." He took the box from you gently and kissed your forehead.
"It comes with plastic to lay down under the canvas. Don't worry mama, everything's gonna be just fine. Just leave it to me." With a smirk on his face and your hand in his, he led you downstairs into the basement. Away from the studio and over to where you and the boys usually had hangouts.
Upon opening the box it was evident that Sam had done some research into this product. Pulling out the plastic first and laying it down on the smooth concrete flooring, next was the cream-colored canvas, the paints that he pulled out were forest green, a warm brown, and burnt sunset orange. The paints that he picked out were colors that pretty much match your home's decor. You sat on the couch against the wall, watching how giddy he was getting over this.
Opening the caps to the paints, he started squirting the paint all over the canvas, making sure that all of the paint would be dispersed evenly. Setting the bottles on the table, he turned back towards you, sitting back down and kissing at your neck. Your hand laid on his leg, soft moans eliciting from your lips with every slight suck Sam gave to the soft and supple skin.
"Sammy...condom." You practically whined, vibrations hit your skin as Sam chuckled, nodding.
"It comes with one mama...but don't worry even if it didn't I would have had one down here." Your eyes went wide as he laid the admission on you like that. He really had been thinking about it a lot...your stomach churned and you pulled away for a moment.
"Hey pretty girl what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Talk to me." His entire attitude changed to one of worry. His eyes scanning over you, trying to read your body language for any signs of distress.
"It's nothing Sammy...I just." You stopped for a moment and took in a breath. Trying to search for the words in your head before you continued. Your mind racing a million miles a minute. You couldn't understand why your body was reacting the way it did. Was it the fact that so many before were so eager to touch your body or was it the fact that you didn't want to disappoint Sam.
"It's not nothing Y/N. Somethings not right up in that pretty little head of yours. Alarms are going off telling you to be on guard. If you don't want to do this, that's okay. I don't wanna push you to do something that you don't wanna do. I'm not gonna make you have sex with me. If anything, that's the last thing that I want." His hands rubbed your arms, thumbs stroking the skin that was left revealed by your tank top.
A tear trickled down your cheek, your hand quickly coming up to wipe it away before Sam had the chance. Tilting your head back, you sniffled, chuckling.
"This is so fucking stupid. I'm crying over sex...Sam why on earth did you ever want me? I'm so broken and damaged. Did you think that you could fix me?" The repressed anger that you had been holding in that usually kept you up at night decided to rear its ugly head. Sam being taken aback by your doubts.
"If only you could see yourself the way that I see you mama. If you saw yourself the way that I see you, you would never doubt yourself. You hate your arms, the way they look in certain shirts and dresses; I find them amazing. They give me the warmest hugs on the days that I feel like the whole world is against me. You hate the way that your thighs touch yeah?" He gave you a look, encouraging you to answer. All he could get at that moment was a nod. Not trusting your throat to be able to make any sounds.
"Mama I could lay my head on those thighs for days and never tire of them. I could lay between them until I died and I would be happy. The way you have some chub on you, god mama that is just more for me to squeeze and love on. Every part of yourself that you hate is something that I find absolutely goddess-like. You have to trust me on that. Pretty girl when we first started dating, the guys would have to throw pillows or drumsticks at me just to get me to shut up about how much I'm in love with every part of you. If you give me the chance, and it doesn't have to be tonight if you don't want it to be, I wanna show you how much of a goddess you are to me." If you weren't shell shocked before, you definitely were now.
A dark blush powdered your cheeks, nearly looking like rouge from the 1920's. You gave a weak smile to Sam, catching your bottom lip between your teeth.
"You promise? You really think that? You're not just saying that?" The worry that once clouded your voice, started to disapate. Sam nodding slowly, his cheeks becoming flush, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yes pretty girl?"
"Are you gonna show me or no?" His eyes lit up, pupils becoming blown out, nearly making his soft brown eyes look almost black.
Pulling you into his lap, he rubbed your thighs, the rough pads of his fingers rubbing circles. The plush skin indenting with his grip. Pushing the loose-fitting shorts up some as he rubbed your thighs.
"You need to tell me if you wanna stop okay? I'm gonna go at your pace. You don't need to worry about me if you wanna stop. I care about you feeling safe and loved. Your safety is at the top of my list, yeah?" You gave a nod to him, leaning back in trying to catch his lips with yours.
"I'm not gonna do anything till I hear you say it. I want a verbal and enthusiastic yes. I don't-"
"God Sam yes just...Please. 'M wanting you and only you. I wanna know what it feels like to be loved by you." The desperation in your voice was enough to send Sam over the edge in that very moment. A small whine left his lips and his lips crashed into yours.
His hands traveled up your shirt and you could feel the calloused pads of his fingertips marking a path to your back and up to the clips of your bra.
"Is this okay sweet girl? I don't wanna be moving too fast for you." You gave him a nod, a look of disapproval painting his face.
"Yes Sammy, this is okay. I promise that I'm gonna let you know if I'm uncomfortable. Just please you have to believe me. I want to do this with you. I want to feel every part that you have to offer to me. Please you have to believe me when I say that." He let out a sigh and nodded. His last true belief that you were telling the truth was you taking off the shirt, your hands moving his from your back to lay on the curvature of your breasts.
He let out a breath, 'Oh fuck', before he gently pushed you back onto the couch, holding your hips as he returned his lips to yours. Feeling the soft plush lips of your lover traveling to your cheek, then to your jaw, to the special spot behind your ear, down your neck, landing at your collarbones; sucking soft purple hickeys into them.
"You are the most stunning person I have had the absolute pleasure of laying eyes on. I feel like I have been blessed by every godly figure in this universe by being able to look at you let alone have you in my life as my girlfriend. I don't know what god sent you to me or what path I took that made me be able to come home to you every night but I think I need to start thanking him or her." His confession laid against your collarbone felt like a hot branding iron pressing into the soft skin. Marking you with the confession of a lifetime, something that you would think about for years to come with every look at your chest.
You never knew that a person could see someone like this but Sam was proving that to be true. In watching him, you could see him flick his eyes to look up at you. Pushing himself up onto his palms, looking down at you.
"Sam I don't know why or how you're able to see me this way but I think you need to work with Josh more on writing the lyrics for the songs. You have such a way with words that I have never been able to understand. I'm so insecure about myself but yet the way you talk about me is starting to make me think twice." A soft smile grew on his face and he kissed the tip of your nose, brushing some of the hair out of your face.
It was a silent understanding that he understood where you were coming from but was glad that you were finally seeing things from his perspective or at least you were starting to. You watch him sit up and back on his heels, crossing his arms over him and pulling his own shirt up and over his head. That little feeling of insecurity made its way back into your chest as you ran gentle fingertips over the soft skin of his abdomen.
"Mama can I keep going?" Giving him a nod and him, for once, accepting it, dipped his fingers into the waistband of your shorts. Pulling them down slowly, kissing at your plush stomach and thighs. Throwing the shorts to the ever-growing pile that was somewhere off to the side of the room.
"Sam...I don't know. You're just-"
"No you're not gonna compare yourself to me. For one I'm much taller than you. Two, I am so skinny. I'm talking I look like Gumby walking around." A laugh made its way from your chest out of your throat. A smile shining down at you from above.
"I knew that would get a laugh outta you but princess...You are absolutely goddess-like. If you were a Greek statue, you'd be one of the most visited ones in the museum." The pet name and the complement made a rush of warmth rush to the lower half of your body. Feeling your thighs clench together as his hands kneaded your thighs.
"Sam, you said you could die between my thighs right?" He gave a nod, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Then I'm...god I can't believe I'm saying this right now...I want you to eat me out. Show me how much you love and worship my body" That was all he needed to hear.
Standing up, removing his sweats and boxers, pulling down your panties and taking your bra off. You wrapped your legs around his waist and felt yourself lose contact with the soft couch. Laying you gently onto to canvas, your back tensing up with the contact of the cold paint.
"If you want me to stop, either tap me or verbally tell me to stop. Otherwise, I'm gonna think that you want me to keep going, especially if you wrap these gorgeous thighs around my head and start squeezing me." You took a deep breath in, getting acclimated to the paint underneath you. Feeling how it spread out to the form of your body.
"Do you want to touch me and get a feel for my body before you start Sammy?" You couldn't make eye contact with him, scared that if you did, your voice would catch in your throat and you wouldn't be able to do anything.
"Look at me...Look at me mama" Obeying him, though reluctantly, you could see all the love and devotion in his face.
"I would love nothing more. Do you want me to use some of the paint as well? Let me make a mark on your body?" You could see the look on his face was one of care and he was genuinely asking you if that was something that you wanted him to do. Slowly you nodded, watching him hold up the three tubes in front of your face.
"You can make a mark on my body and I'll make a mark on yours, how about that sweet girl?" A soft smile rose to your face and you grabbed one of the tubes of paint, squirting some into your hand. Laying small handprints onto his chest and back as you pulled him closer.
The both of you took time to cover each other's body with paint, sensual and gentle touches as you pulled him closer to your face. Seeing the paint in his hair from your hand brought a fit of giggles to the surface.
"Okay, Sam you really don't have to do all the theatrics." You let out a sigh, getting more comfortable with the situation at hand. Rubbing the back of his neck, releasing some of the tension that you could feel had arisen from the stress.
"It's not theatrics if I think it's the truth. I will kiss every inch of your skin from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. I will kiss the very earth that you walk on. I will shower you in love and gifts the way that a goddess should be showered. You are my queen Y/N and I intend on letting you know that until I die and into the afterlife." He had grabbed your face, making you look at him. Making sure that you understood every word that he said. Making sure that you knew that he was telling the truth.
Taking some of the paint that was left on his hand, he wiped it over his lips, going down between your legs, kissing your calves and thighs. Seeing the paint leave lip marks on the skin. Your hands came up to cover your paint-covered breasts, looking up at the ceiling.
You had told Sam that his was your way to prepare for what was going to happen. Letting yourself go into your head and tell your muscles to relax. He simply watched you through his long lashes and laid a kiss just above your clit.
"You doing okay up there princess? You still wanna go through with this?"
"I do Sammy. I really truly do. Please wanna feel you baby." Your hand went to his hair, pushing him down some. Getting the hint, he licked a stripe up your folds, stopping just below your clit. It wasn't that he was teasing you, he just didn't wanna give you too much at once.
"Sammy please...I want it please."
"Be patient princess. I'm getting to it." You could feel his smirk against your thigh, his middle finger sliding down through your folds and rubbing around your entrance. Small whimpers filled the empty space, letting him know that what he was doing felt good to you.
Slowly but surely, Sam slide his middle finger into you, your toes curling as you wanted to just shove his face against you. He added a second finger, attaching his mouth to your clit, slowly and softly sucking and biting. His tongue working wonders at flicking your clit once gently between his teeth. His fingers pumping in and out of you. The tips of his fingers rubbing up against a spot that none of your previous lovers could find, not that you thought that they actually cared enough to try to find.
Eliciting moans from you as if he were eliciting notes and sounds from his bass. He was doing it with ease, your chest rising and falling as he picked up his pace. Gripping his hair into your hand and pulling; your thighs wrapped around his head and squeezing him. All of it just encouraged him more. Fingering and sucking quicker, mindlessly tying the knot in your stomach tighter and tighter, feeling like it was going to snap at any moment.
"Sammy...I- Fuck! I think I'm gonna cum.." Your voice came out more like a whine than you would have liked it too. Laced with desperation and dripping with need, your chest heaving faster just before Sam pulls away completely.
"Sammy why'd ya do that? That felt so good. I wanted to cum." Your eyes closed and you tilted your head back, adjusting to the rapidly falling feeling of your impending orgasm fading away.
"I know princess but we haven't even started yeah? I don't wanna overwhelm you. The next time that you say it's okay that we have intimacy like this I'll let you cum as many times as you want. Here...I'm gonna slide you over here." He moved to the other side of the canvas, gently grabbing your ankles and pulling you to him so the two of you were in better lighting.
"You are so beautiful, mama...God, how did you ever want to date me? You could have any man that you wanted and yet you settled for me." He looked your body over, your eyes, however, trailing down his body to take him in. LED lights around the ceiling suddenly turned on, backlighting his body as he hovered over you.
Rolling the condom on and positioned himself between your legs, kissing in between the valley of your breasts, up the ridge of your throat, connecting at your lips.
"Are you ready baby? I'm not gonna do it unless you're actually ready." Rubbing your side with one hand and bracing himself with the other. Giving him a nod and a passionate kiss, he grabbed his cock at the base and rubbed the tip through your folds.
Gathering enough, slick he started to push in, groaning at the feeling of you wrapping around him. A gasp escaped your throat without you realizing it. Throwing your head back and grabbing his forearm and slapping your other hand onto his back, scratching at the toned skin.
"Princess, fuck...It's like you were made for me. You feel so fucking good." His eyes shut tight and he caught his bottom lip in between his teeth. His hand tightly grabbing at your thigh. Pushing himself to the hilt and waiting for you to adjust. His lip quivering as he refrained from thrusting into you too soon.
You never knew that someone could fill you up so well. Though stretching you out some, his cock felt like the perfect puzzle piece. Letting out a desperate whimper, your paint-covered leg came up to wrap around his waist. Digging your heel into the bottom of his spine to ensure that he wouldn't pull out of you.
"Sammy, you feel so good. Feel like heaven. I want you, I need you to move. I'm okay yeah?" His hands grabbed your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist, picking you up, flipping the two of you over. The canvas nearly filled up with the little movement the two of you had accomplished to do.
"Want you to go at whatever speed you want princess. Do whatever you feel is right." His eyes held a sparkle to them while still maintaining the protective nature he always held for you.
Positioning yourself on your knees, you started at a slow pace, getting used to being on top and being given full control. Your hands find their way to Sam's chest, bracing yourself and allowing you to bend over and roll your hips against him. Nervousness took over, little voices in your head barging in on your perfect moment telling you that he's not enjoying it. That he's not liking how you're doing this.
"Sam...I don't really know what I'm doing...I don't wanna do something wrong. Can you just please...please for the love of whatever deity is out there, just fuck me?" Those words were the only thing that he needed to hear to regain control. His hands grabbing at your hips and his own hips finding a pace, careful not to hurt you.
With the thrusts and your own clumsiness, you lunge forward, hands landing in puddles of paint. Eyes squeezing tight and jaw hung open, Sam letting a smirk crawl up against his face.
"Feel good princess? Feel full and warm?" His soft but assertive voice broke the otherwise deafening silence. Your teeth catching your bottom lip, biting down hard enough to taste a slight metallic twinge filling your mouth.
His cock hitting every spot known to man with the combination of you bent forwards was drawing you closer and closer to your orgasm once again. Leaning back, planting your hands next to his legs, letting him watch your breasts bounce in perfect timing with his thrusts was all the encouragement he needed.
"Can feel you getting close baby. Wanna feel you cum round my cock okay? You think you can do that for me? Want you to cum with me, wanna feel how good I make you feel."
His own back arched, whimpering as his cock twitches inside of you. Grabbing his shoulders, pulling him up into a kiss, your chests impossibly close. It was more intimate than anything you had experienced before. And the fact it was with Sam? Made it all the better.
“You’re doing so good pretty girl. Feel so good…Fuck how did I ever end up with a girl like you? I’ll never understand that.” His eyes shut tight, gently biting down on your shoulder. His hands roaming your back as if they were a map he was reading, leading him to some lost treasure.
His hips started to falter, his eyes staring deeply and lovingly into yours. To him, he could look in your eyes for the rest of his life, never once getting sick of them. He could imagine his whole life in those eyes, seeing his entire world and universe colliding into one with just a single glance.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum…Sammy I’m gonna cum! Please don’t stop. Please I’m begging you Sammy.” Your whimpers becoming slurred with the intense pleasure surging through your body as though you because a generator for electricity; breaking Sammy out of his trance from your eyes.
“I am too baby…just let go for me yeah?” Clinging onto his body, you let out a scream, chanting and yelling his name like it was the only thing you knew. Feeling Sam cum into you near the same time, whimpers falling out of his lips like a gentle rain.
HIs head rested on your shoulder, breathing heavy as you felt his lips curl into a smile against your collarbone. Your fingers trailed through his hair, laying a kiss to his forehead. You felt like you could stay in that position for hours, holding each other close, feeling Sam's cock softening inside of you. Feeling whole and full, Sam grabbed your thigh to pull you off of him. Your chest rumbled with a groan, tightening your thighs around him.
"Not yet baby...Just a little longer. Feels good, you inside me." You buried your face into his neck, feeling his throat vibrating with a chuckle. His arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you in closer to him, resting your body against the entirety of his own.
"I didn't think you'd wanna stay on top of me darling. But if you wanna stay on top of me, you just tell me when you're ready." You could hear his voice change, hearing him sadden some.
As soon as you hugged him, staying in that position for what felt like years, you raised your head to look at him. Seeing his cheeks puffy and red.
"What's wrong Sammy? Did I do something wrong?" Hands coming up to move his face, turning him to face you and directly look at you.
"I just...I never thought you'd want me. Everyone always wants my brothers. They're the better looking ones. Josh has that amazing voice and Jake...Jake is just a favorite with all the ladies. Danny...Danny could get any girl he wanted. I mean he had a crush on you for the longest time when we first started seeing each other. I really truly thought you'd leave me for him." That's when the tears started flowing on both of your parts.
You got off of him and kneeled next to him, looking at him with a shattering heart. Never knowing that he felt that way the entirety of y'all's relationship.
"Sam...You know that I would never hurt you like that. I have only ever had eyes for you. Not Josh, not Jake, not Danny, you. You were the one that made my heart stop when I saw you. Not them. Sammy I trusted you enough to give you this version of myself. Why would I want someone else when I would do this for you, though I'm not saying I did do this for you. I did this for us."
For a moment, Sam only focused on, 'I did this for us'. Did you actually think that? His mind flooded with questions, not knowing what to start with first.
"What do you mean? I'm being serious Y/N. You could have someone who could love you so much more than I can and yet here you are, stuck with me and settling for me." His hands flew up and covered his face, covering his face in paint in the shape of his handprints.
"Because I see the twins like older brothers. They've always been there to protect me and make sure that I'm comfortable in a situation, being like big pitbull's for me. Danny is the best friend I've always wanted when I was in school. He's kind and caring and he is a gentle soul. I don't wanna be with them Samuel...I've only wanted you. You need to understand that. You need to understand that you are the only one I have eyes for, you are the only one that I want in my life. Samuel I live with you for fucks sake. I sleep in the same bed as you." You stopped for a moment to breathe, taking his hands off his face and holding them in your own,
"Sam I get excited when you come home. I get giddy when you want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie with me. I'm so blessed that you were worried about bringing sex up to me because of my past but you need to understand that if I never started dating you, that doesn't mean that I would be with your best friend or your brothers. You all would have been my best friends if we never started dating." Sam only looked at you with wide, tear-filled eyes, trying to comprehend the words leaving your mouth.
He pulls you into a hug and sobs into your neck, your hands going to stroke his hair.
"Sammy I'm not leaving you any time soon. Not even in the future am I leaving you. I wouldn't hurt you like that. I wouldn't break your heart like that. You are something so special to me, you're my everything. If you weren't I wouldn't have moved in with you, I wouldn't have agreed to do this, I wouldn't have agreed to spend my life with you. You have all of me. You have every single ounce and fiber of my being."
"Y/N...thank you...I don't know what I would do without you. I'd be miserable without you." You let out a chuckle and pull him away from you so you can see his face. Kissing away his tears and finally laying a soft kiss to his lips.
"Come on...let's get in the shower. I think this paint is starting to dry on us. I don't wanna be flaking it off later. I think it's in some places I'd like to starting getting it out of as soon as possible." A laugh escaped his throat, nodding in agreement with you.
Standing up and holding a hand out to him, he grabs your hand and pulls himself up. Pulling you to him and planting a kiss to your lips. Grabbing the back of your thighs and picking you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. Looking at the canvas still on the floor.
"Okay...Maybe and just maybe when it's dry, we can hang it in the living room. It does look pretty cool. Would be a cool little piece to have on the wall behind the couch." You smirk at him and kiss the tip of his nose, watching him celebrate with excitement.
Traveling up the stairs into the shared bedroom, sneaking away in the bathroom, your body still clinging to him; Sam turned the shower on, letting it heat up.
"I'm gonna marry you one day Y/N Y/L/N I swear on it. Gonna buy you the most gorgeous diamond ring and we're gonna have the most beautiful and elegant wedding you've ever seen. But one day, you're gonna be Y/N Kiszka and frankly I like the sound of it already."
"Don't get ahead of yourself mister, we still have a lifetime to live together. You're still on tour and actively working and we've only been together for two years and living together for like a year. I don't know if we're exactly in a position to be already thinking about marriage. Yes one day but I know how you are Kiszka" You smirked and shuffled out of his arms, getting into the shower, Sam following closely.
His arms wrapping around you and letting the steam envelop your two bodies as you washed off.
Okay so that was longer than I really wanted it to be and I kinda got off track there but hey I tend to do that. I hope y'all liked it, this isn't exactly my forte.
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evafrechette · 3 years
Superstar Glow
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↠ seokjin x jimin | smut | pornstar!au, 1970s!au | 21+ | 4k
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↠ Summary: “H-hello, I'd like to order a pizza please, with extra sausage. Mmmm I do enjoy a good ol' sausage." Jimin’s voice soft and seductive. He placed the phone on the ground and began to grind down on the mattress, head thrown back in ecstasy while his fingers twisted the nipples that peaked out of the top of his bustier. Seokjin was getting hard watching the scene unfold in front of him. . .
“Superstar Glow is a brilliant new porn film. Fantastic debut by actor Kim Seokjin. It simply is the best film of 1975.” - Jeon Jungkook, Playguy Magazine.
(Aka Seokjin films his very first Porno)
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↠ Warnings: anal sex, anal fingering, anal fisting, blowjobs, swearing, drug use, come shot, come eating, seokjin has a huge cock, porn films, terrible pizza related pick up lines, jimin in lingerie, 70s slang, drinking, casual mention of cheating, filming a porn video.
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Seokjin confidently strode into the warehouse. It smelled strongly of cigarette smoke mixed with patchoulli incense which tickled his throat when he breathed in. Right in the center of the room was a circular shaped bed sitting on top of a large brown shag mat, partitions surrounded the afghan blanket covered bed which had 3 spotlights shining brightly in it’s direction. A funky bass line and rhythmic drums reverberated around the large room as people walked on by, cigarettes lazily hanging from their mouths as they carried long thick cables wrapped around their arms and bulky cameras perched on their shoulders.
In the far corner of the space sat a dressing table, the mirror lined with bright lights. A small man with thick thighs was currently perched on top of a fur covered stool, brushing his blond hair back gently. He was wearing a black and red lace bustier which brought attention to his muscular chest, garter belt with nude coloured stockings and silky black panties which showed off a rather impressive bulge. He was a very pretty man and Seokjin was pleased to be staring alongside someone so gorgeous.
Today was Seokjin's porno debut. He had been scouted at an adult movie theatre during a late night session of ‘Boys in the Sand’ by a director who happened to be sitting in the same row as him.
As with all adult theaters once the movie started, the dicks came out and his large size had garnered the attention of the man a few seats away. Seokjin was naturally skeptical, thinking it was a lame pick up line to get him back to his apartment to fuck. But when the man handed over a very professional business card and told him to "think about it" Seokjin realised the offer was legit.
Seokjin's watched the director Yoongi and his fantastic bushy chevron mustache adjusting the lighting on the set and walked over to say Hi. He was an quite the character, he wore a burnt orange turtleneck jumper underneath a brown, orange and pale yellow checkered leisure suit, his jet black hair was pushed off his face which allowed you to focus on his beautiful feline shaped eyes and strong eyebrows. A thick gold chain draped around his neck and several clunky (fake) gold rings sat on his fingers. His voice was deep, barking orders at the crew to get everything ready in time. He was also a short man, which would explain the very high brown and cream platform shoes he was wearing. Seokjin's ankles hurt just looking at them.
"Uh hey, what's crackin'." He asked once he had reached the man, holding out his hand for a handshake.
"Ahhh the star of today's shoot." A large hand shot out and slapped against Seokjin's, pulling him in for a hug. "How are you feeling today? Nervous? We have some cocaine if you wanna take a bump, loosen yourself up a bit? One of the guys can take you out back and suck your dick if that will help?" The man turned back to adjusting the light, mumbling about how you can't trust dope heads to get anything done right.
"Oh no, that won't be necessary. Once I'm in front of the camera I'll be groovy baby." His eyes continued to dart around the room taking everything in.
"Have you met your co-star yet?" Yoongi asked over his shoulder. "The cute little blond in the lingerie. He may look delicate and sweet, but he's a huge whore. Loves being stuffed with big cocks. Ah fuck yeah, that's perfect!" Satisfied with the lighting set up he turned his attention back to Seokjin dusting his hands on his polyester trousers. "Though, I've never had a cock as big as yours on my set, so this will be interesting."
Seokjin blushed at hearing this, he was truly blessed by the Penis Gods when it came to his manhood. Twelve inches of thick, tan cock. Even the vein that ran up the underside looked as though it was designed by a specialist penis sculptor. Yoongi had told him the night they met that his cock was made for pornography and it was a shame he wasn't showing the world his gifts.
The blond must have sensed he was being spoken about and made his way over to where Seokjin stood, swaying his hips deliberately with every step. He was a beautiful sight, a sharp straight nose that complimented his angled jawline, sultry monolids dusted with a shimmering brown eyeshadow, and a full, sumptuous pout that screamed "blow job lips"Seokjin licked his lips as he watched the way the mans long legs moved in the soft, silky stockings that enclosed his smooth legs.
"Yoongi, is this the Jive Turkey I'm filming with today?" The man cocked a hand on his hip, eyes roaming over Seokjin's body.
"Hey! I ain't no Jive Turkey, what the fuck?" Seokjin exclaimed, shocked that for the first time in his life he'd been insulted in such a way.
"Jimin mellow out huh? This is Seokjin, yes he is filming with you today, I hope they prepped you well earlier 'cause this man is gonna be a star baby!" Yoongi wrapped his arm around Seokjin's wide shoulders squeezing tight, "The biggest cock I've ever seen! He's gonna have you squealing like a little bitch, you're gonna love it."
"I was only joshin' you know me. I'm Jimin by the way." The blond made no attempt at a handshake, instead looking off seemingly disinterested in the conversation.
"See that door on your right? Head in there to get your threads for the shoot and when you're done get back here and we'll start, we're ready when you are." Yoongi clapped his hand against Seokjin's shoulder before letting go.
Once inside the small room he stripped off and dressed in the clothes that were hanging on the clothes rack. Crisp white trousers that fit like a glove, letting everyone see just what he was packing down below and a matching shirt that he made sure to leave partially unbuttoned. His hand brushed over the jewelry selection, deciding on a thin silver chain and matching ring. He looked at himself in the mirror and winked. He looked fantastic and he was truly feeling himself. He also couldn't wait to get out there and choke that sassy little twunk with his cock. The thought of his pink plush lips struggling to stretch around his girth had Seokjin twitching in his pants.
Once back on set the mood had changed, the loud stereo system had been turned off and the crew were in place ready to start filming. Jimin was sprawled out on the bed, hand lazily palming the bulge through his panties while he and Yoongi spoke in hushed tones.
"Seokjin! You look bitchin', that outfit is great. What's underneath is even better, oh Jiminie you are in for a treat," Yoongi clapped his hands gleefully, "Alright here's the skinny, Jimin is a horny slut who has ordered a pizza, Seokjin you are the pizza delivery guy. You come in and fuck his brains out. You both got it? It's porn, not rocket science. Think with your dicks not your brains. Can you dig it?"
"Right on." Seokjin nodded, walking to the prop table to pick up the pizza box before standing on the x marked with duct tape on the ground, just out of the way of the cameras. He unzipped his trousers and pushed his semi hard cock through the hole on the bottom of the pizza box. The only thing Jimin would be putting in his mouth today would be his cock. The loud wurring of the camera let everyone know that tape was rolling and it was showtime.
Yoongi slowly moved the camera towards the bed as Jimin's soft moans filled the room, his small fingers tracing up and down his stocking clad legs. Jimin picked up the prop phone pretending to dial a number.
"H-hello, I'd like to order a pizza please, with extra sausage. Mmmm I do enjoy a good ol' sausage." His voice soft and seductive. He placed the phone on the ground and began to grind down on the mattress, head thrown back in ecstasy while his fingers twisted the nipples that peaked out of the top of his bustier. Seokjin was getting hard watching the scene unfold in front of him. He really wanted his dick sucked immediately, but took a deep breath to calm himself down. Yoongi pulled the camera back and motioned towards Seokjin. One of the sound crew knocked against a piece of wood to replicate a door being knocked on and he quickly stood straight ready to make his grand entrance.
"Oh." Jimin crawled across the bed and skipped to near where Seokjin stood. One of the camera men, a tall man that went by the name Namjoon followed Jimin and stood directly in front of him, camera lowering to shoot a close up of his cock trapped behind the silk fabric, then making it's way to his face again. "Come on in." Jimin pursed his plump lips, before returning to the bed to sit, legs daintly crossed over one another. "Are you the pizza man? Because you sure look like you could deliver." He purred, stroking his length over the silk.
Seokjin walked into the shot, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He wasn't nervous before, but once he was under the heat of the lights, camera zooming in on his handsome face, well he was starting to feel like maybe he had fucked up on coming here today. Seconds ticked on by before he gained his composure, "Are you craving pizza? Because I'll gladly give you a pizz-a this dick." He pulled the top of the pizza box open, cock springing to life. Jimin's eyes nearly bulged out of his head which made Seokjin smirk.
He moved to stand in front of Jimin who was still sitting on the bed, using his free hand to run his fingers through the blonds perfectly styled hair.
"You're the only topping I need on my pizza." Jimin whispered loud enough for the sound boom to pick up, smooth as butter he dropped down onto his knees and took Seokjin into his hand, small fingers struggling to wrap around his thickness. He pumped Seokjin a few times before taking him into his wet hot mouth. Seokjin let out a gasp, he was surprised, he really thought the smaller man would struggle to suck his cock, but as he looked down he saw a blond head bop up and down expertly on his length.
Seokjin grabbed a fist full of bottle blond hair and moved his hips, shallow and slow to begin with then a little faster and harder, allowing his cock to slip further down Jimin's throat. The man hummed around his length, spit drooling down the sides of his mouth as he took Seokjin nearly to the base. Seokjin groaned at the feeling of Jimin's throat constricting tight around his cock. The sounds of crew footsteps and the glare of the hot lights above fading into the background as he lost himself to the pleasure of Jimin's mouth.
"Look at you, what a good boy you are, throat so full of my cock." He tightened his grip on Jimin's hair, "So pretty."
Tears ran down Jimin's cheeks, mixing into the spit that was dripping down his chin and neck. He pulled his cock free and slammed it back in without warning, fucking Jimin's pretty mouth with vigor. The camera men had moved closer to the action, a camera focused on Seokjin's cock while another filmed his reactions, the way his eyebrows furrowed whenever he felt himself getting close to his release and the quiet whimpers when he locked eyes with the man below him.
"Your mouth is too good at this pretty boy, I'm about to come." He groaned between gritted teeth, hips stilling as his hot release spilled down Jimin's throat. The blond swallowed Seokjin's load like the professional he was, falling back onto his ass, absolutely exhausted once he was done.
"Aaannd CUT!" Yoongi yelled from behind his camera, he pulled a joint from his pants pocket and motioned for one of the crew to light it for him. He took a big toke, holding the smoke in before exhaling. "Right on, right on. That was good. Shit, Jimin you are freaky deaky. Damn! This might just be my most successful film to date." He took another deep drag of the good Mary Jane and pointed at Seokjin, "Go have a drink, there is whiskey and beer on the table, or water if you're a square. If you think you'll have trouble getting hard again go and ask Hoseok for a little blue pill, that'll help. He's the jelly brain over there in the red shirt and fake Gucci belt."
Seokjin slowly removed his cock from the pizza box and threw it to the side as someone from wardrobe dashed over and cleaned him up with a warm hand towel. He tucked himself back into his pants and strolled over to the drinks table, deciding on a bottle of Rheingold beer, he nursed the red and white labelled bottle as he watched the crew change the film in the cameras. The tight knit all male crew made lewd remarks and joked around, while Yoongi the director sat in his chair getting stoned.
"How are you enjoying your first shoot?"  Jimin asked, face no longer a tear stained mess.
"It's pretty rad, not quite what I expected but it's all gravy." He replied taking another sip of the yeasty and fruit flavoured liquid.
"Yoongi was right, your cock is magnificent. I can't wait for you to fuck my ass. Don't be gentle, I like a bit of pain." The sweet voice next to him explained.
Seokjin nearly choked on his drink, everyone here was so open and had absolutely no filter.
"No fake?" He turned to ask the man.
"No fake handsome. They prepped me so well earlier you could probably fist me if you wanted. Don't want to scare you off on your first day though." He laughed, hand shooting up to cover his plump lips.
"I-I'll keep that in mind, thanks."
Jimin and Seokjin strolled back onto set once the film had been changed and Yoongi returned from taking a piss. Now it was time for the fucking. Seokjin took a deep breath and looked down at his crotch, "Make me proud big boy." He whispered.
"Alright places people, let's get this thing done so I can go home and fuck my girlfriend before my bitch of a wife gets back from work." Yoongi called out, shifting to sit behind his Ikegami 3-tube colour camera.
Seokjin made his way over to Jimin, who was standing in front of the bed. He gave the smaller man a shy smile before turning his head towards Yoongi waiting for the signal to begin.
"3, 2, 1 Now Fuck!"
"I know this is pretty cheesy, but I think you're saucy." Jimin curled his hand around the lapel of Seokjin's shirt, pulling him so close he could smell the star anise and blackcurrent hints of his cologne. Seokjin leaned down and slowly pressed his pillowy lips against Jimin's, who slightly parted his own when he let out a quiet sigh. Seokjin flicked his tongue against the soft fullness of Jimin's pink tinged lips and deepened the embrace, tongue meeting with the other as he placed his big hands on either side of the mans soft face, tilting his head upwards for easier access.
He nipped at Jimin's bottom lip before pulling away to breathe. He dived back in, kiss messy and wet, their mouths wide open so the camera could film their tongues flicking against one another's. Seokjin nudged Jimin backwards towards the bed and helped lower him down onto the firm mattress, caging his lingerie clad body with his own. He rocked his already hard cock against Jimin, grinding hard against the silk, desperate to feel some friction. They continued to messily make out until Yoongi called out "Cut!"
Seokjin concentrated on getting his breathing under control. He was already so hard again and it was beginning to hurt. The man Yoongi had earlier identified as Hoseok came over and handed Seokjin a bottle of KY Jelly, "He's been prepped, but lube up anyway, we don't film that pain shit some people are into. Finger him a few times, slowly so they can get some close ups, then fuck him like you've never fucked before. Come wherever you like, just make sure to let us know so they can get in close and film it."
Jimin was on his hands and knees, silk panties long gone, as he spread his cheeks wide for Seokjin. His hole was stretched open, pink and glistening. Seokjin coated his fingers in the clear liquid and crawled behind the blond.
"Alright, no stopping this time. Let's get this cumshot in one go. Action!" Yoongi murmured, cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.
Seokjin brought two fingers to Jimin's entrance and remembering Hoseok's words, slowly pushed in until he was knuckle deep. He pulled his fingers out, before pushing back in enjoying the sound of soft moans underneath him. Seokjin took his time to add another, and another, making sure to press down on Jimin's sensitive spot when he withdrew his fingers with each thrust. He watched in awe as Jimin's hole stretched perfectly around his knobbly fingers, clenching and fluttering due to his touch. He pulled out gently, coating his entire hand with more lubricant before lining up once more, tucking his thumb into the palm of his hand and steadily worked his entire fist into the blonds ass.
Jimin let out a long whine, teeth digging into his bottom lip. "Jimin don't do that, let it all out." Yoongi yelled unimpressed at his attempts to quiet himself.
Seokjin couldn't believe his eyes as he pushed in further, his whole hand disappearing inside Jimin's ass. He nearly came right then and there. He moved his hand shallowly inside Jimin's warm hole, cock throbbing as Jimin's pants and whimpers filled the room. "Fuck, you are amazing." Seokjin choked, enjoying the depravity of performing an act like this on someone. The camera men moved around the studio, positioning themselves awkwardly close to Seokjin to film what would no doubt be the highlight of the film. He looked over his shoulder and asked, "Can I fuck him now?"
"Yes, YES." Smoke puffed out between Yoongi's lips as he replied.
Seokjin withdrew his hand and quickly jumped off the bed to remove his clothes, flinging his trousers off to the side. Using the hand still coated in lubricant, he jerked himself off a few times coating his length in the sticky cool liquid.
"Do you like Pizza Hut pretty boy? Because I want to stuff your crust." He looked at the camera and raised his eyebrow before he slipped his thick cock into Jimin's gaping hole, balls snapping against the blonds supple ass when he bottomed out. His hole was surprisingly still tight and Seokjin couldn't help but let out a filthy groan.
"O-oh your cock is so big, it feels soooo good. Keep fucking my ass just like that." Jimin cried out mouth hanging open as he pushed back onto Seokjin's length. Seokjin slammed his cock back in again and Jimin fell face forward into the pillows due to the force. He spread Jimin's ass cheeks with his hands, watching as his massive cock stretched out the man below him. His grip was tight on the soft skin of Jimin's hips, leaving marks that would bruise by the evening. He leaned himself over the smaller mans body, chest pressed against his muscular back and rammed into him. They were both a whining, moaning mess, his cock brushing up against Jimin's prostate with every thrust. Seokjin placed his head against Jimin's shoulders, sweat making their skin stick to one another. He reached between his legs and took Jimin's cock into his hand and pumped him in time with his own thrusts.
"I'm gonna come soon, how far away are you?" He whispered into Jimin's ear, voice barely picked up by the sound boom. "Mmm keep doing that with your hand and I'll be coming pretty soon too, shit."
Seokjin faced the camera and seductively licked his lips, a hungry noise escaping his throat. The camera crew changed positions making sure to capture all the action from different angles. Namjoon climbed onto the bed, legs planted on either side of Seokjin as he filmed from above.
"Oh-oh shit, I'm gonna come." Jimin cried into the pillows, cock throbbing as his release spurted out onto the mattress underneath him. His hole squeezed around Seokjin's cock, so he picked up the pace and fucked his ass fast, desperate to reach his orgasm too. Jimin was becoming overstimulated, squirming his body under Seokjin's firm grip. He held on tight, thrusting so deep Jimin was seeing stars. The sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed in his ears triggering him to squeeze his eyes shut as he focused on reaching his high. The tell tale sign of his approaching orgasm began, tingling starting in his crotch and slowly spreading out to his arms and legs.
Seokjin managed to pull out just as he came, hot cum landing all over Jimin's soft ass cheeks, slowly dripping down onto the back of his thighs. The camera moved in close focusing on Jimin's stretched hole and his cum covered ass, Seokjin leaned down into the shot and dragged his tongue over the smooth skin of Jimin's perky rear and began cleaning up his mess. He hummed as he licked away his salty release, eyes focused on the blinking light of the camera, corner of his mouth turning up into a small smirk.
"CUT! That was great you dirty whores! All right, let's get this set cleaned and get the fuck out of here." Yoongi passed his camera to his assistant and walked over to Seokjin, he pulled out an envelope and handed it over, "Here's ya mulah for the day. If you want more of that let me know and I'll book you in for another film. I think this one is going to do really well. Pretty face, huge cock, how could it not?"
Seokjin jogged back to the small room to get changed, he could shower at home, adrenaline was coursing through his body right now and he was excited to catch up with his closest friends and tell them about his amazing experience. Once he was back to looking like normal everyday Seokjin and not burgeoning Porn star Seokjin he made his way around the room, saying thanks to all the staff, especially Jimin who had given him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Seokjin reached the exit pausing to take a look back at the porn set. He smiled as he watched crew dissemble lights and pack away furniture and props. Yoongi had said he could do this again, an offer he would take up for sure. Working at the local grocers didn't have as much appeal as having sweet, tight assholes begging for his cock, maybe this was the start of a new career for Seokjin? He pushed his sunglasses up onto his nose and stepped out into the bright summers day, he entered the building a porn actor virgin and left with that superstar glow, he was a (porn) star in the making.
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domjaehyun · 4 years
alright i just finished qc2 and oml that was a rollercoaster ride. i was expecting jaehyun and mark but i was NOT expecting jaehyun and mark. the tension between the two, the glares... now when i say i loved every moment, i truly did. but i'd like to give a special shoutout to day 18. that really had me feeling a bit teary eyed. the way y/n and jaehyun silently worked their way into linking hands without really knowing what was going on. OMG AND JUNGWOO?! i don't even read smut for - 🍪 (1/2)
more under the cut!
for him but my god reading all the scenes with woo got to me. i'd like to mention jaemin and y/n's sex tape too. ik jaemin uses it to get off now. mark?! that boy INDEED got his world rocked. y/n did not HESITATE with him. it was hot. and don't even get me started on the ending. mark's sudden confession as he's leaving? but then johnny coming in and telling y/n that not only does jaehyun like her, but for two months now?! no wonder why he got so defensive about the nude thing and kept - 🍪 (2/3)
asking y/n to stay and that she was his. my mind was all over the place. but like johnny said, y/n cannot just hide from jaehyun forever. not to say i'm team jaehyun but well... HAHA. omg sorry i keep rambling bc there's so much i wanna talk about. like qc2 had a lot to unfold. in the beginning when jaehyun asked if he could finish inside y/n and took up his ENTIRE day just to get tested for STIs? a committed, horny man. but thank u for finishing!! i think the qc series is officially - 🍪 (3/4)
my favorite work of yours!! i'm anticipating the final part! i hope y/n makes the right choice for herself. but do not feel alarmed and take your time with it. i will patiently reread qc 1&2 over and over until the next. but since we're getting close to an end here, may i ask if there will be any action with jaemin, jungwoo, or johnny still? or bc we know jaehyun and mark have caught feelings, will we only exclusively get them? but i love you jizz! thank you for your hard work! - 🍪 (4/4)
LAST THING I SWEAR. when y/n let mark come over and jaehyun was exploding with jealousy (only for y/n to be a bit stupid oblivious), i thought jaehyun would've called up minhee again. BUT ALSO while i was trying to look back and find her name (LMAO) NOW I KNOW WHY JOHNNY KEPT GIVING ALL THOSE LOOKS. THAT BITCH KNEW ALL ALONG. that's why when y/n was like "no jae you already slept over the other night" and johnny said: 👀 or when they were bickering with each other while y/n stormed off - 🍪
i said i was done sending qc2 asks but after re-reading it a few more times, i just have to say y/n and jaehyun were made for each other. not even being biased or anything. i really like their dynamic. with mark, every thing was new and idk i wasn't feeling it. with jaehyun, there was hardly any hesitation to do things. also seeing jae go all softie this chapter tore my heart. idk what i'd do if him and y/n don't end up together. all love to mark tho, i'll take him if he isn't the one -🍪
okay im gonna answer this and im gonna try and go sentence by sentence because i wanna make sure i dont miss anything!!!
hehehe i hope you like rollercoasters otherwise this is n o t a compliment hdfjgsdfjk (i’m kidding) /i/ didnt even expect jaehyun and mark in the way that i wrote them to be quite honest with you afjgfsdkljg and we looooooove tension in this household hehe :D day 18 is particularly tender you’re right i enjoyed writing it a lot!!!! k-drama writers everywhere are found jobless as i take their jobs with the hand holding scene!!!!! JUNGWOOOOO THE LEGEND HIMSELF :D IM HAPPY YOU LIKED HIS SCENES!! jaem and oc making a sex tape was one of my favorite scenes to write omg and mayyyybe mark got his shit rocked so wonderfully bc she’d been thinking about doing it for a w h i l e :) omg and the ending!!!!!! im really glad you guys liked the ending so much :’) yeah johnny was a classic himbo in that moment but you gotta love the guy. jaehyun is really not very subtle about his feelings so it’s surprising that oc didn’t realize what was going on....... she’s got dumb bitch itis and she may not be able to hide from him forever but she may damn well try 👀 no dont apologize youre not rambling i have been rereading your messages for the past couple of days bc they make me so happy!!! honestly jaehyun is a horndog with a heart in like. almost every fic i write i will not lie. eeeek thank you!!!!!!! me too im excited to write it so i gotta get these other fics out of the way first!! there will still be action with the other guys!! (against oc’s better judgment; poor girl thinks with her pussy and not her brain or heart) i love you too darling!!!!!!!! thank you for all this incredible feedback omg and nO he’s not like. a petty bitch he’s a sweetheart nooooo AND YEAH JOHNNY..... HE BE KNOWING™ and oooh its interesting that you say that but i wont say why!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT AND THAT YOU LEFT SUCH INCREDIBLY DETAILED FEEDBACK :’)
9 notes · View notes
Ok girlie I see your tags on the prompts and I’m. Here. For. It. Please do i’m the only one who gets your costume and apparently that makes you wanna rip my clothes off with my baby Peter maximoff I’m so freaking thirsty for him
i’m the only one whogets your costume and apparently that makes you wanna rip my clothes off +we’re secret friends with benefits and you accidentally wore my shirt to theparty so you’re pretending you came as me and it turns out your impression ofme is on point and you know me better than I know myself are you sure you’renot in love with me??
Word count: 1, 845
“I thought you said you weren’t going to dress up forthis,” Peter appears before you with a gust of wind that blows your loosehair back.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you lift your arms up at theelbows and reply, “I’m not…?”
The corners of his mouth curl up in a smirk as he looks youup and down, and realizes you aren’t aware that you’re wearing his shirt. Thelook of utter confusion on your face changes slowly as you look down to see thefamiliar Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moonalbum cover print on the front of your— well, Peter’s t-shirt.
“Shit.”You curse under your breath, hoping no one else will notice that the shirt yourwearing isn’t yours.
“Hey, isn’t that Peter’s shirt?” Jubilee chirps,popping up out of nowhere with Kurt by her side and you start to panic becausethat really didn’t take long. Normally,you probably wouldn’t make a huge deal about wearing a friend’s shirt, butPeter isn’t like the rest of your friends, given the circumstances whichresulted in you wearing it. You had stayed in Peter’s bed while he was gettinghis costume ready after your, ehm, activitiesearlier. Long story short, you must have left too quickly and picked up thewrong shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor as you made your swift exit.
“Uh, y-yeah—” you stutter, completely caughtoff-guard, and as if on cue, the rest of the squad shows up. Great.
“Is Y/N wearing Peter’s shirt?” Scott asks,slightly confused.
“Yeah,” Peter interjects, saving you from beinggrilled. “I’m so much cooler than all of you that she decided to dress upas me.”
“Wow, Y/N,” Warren dramatically puts a hand overhis chest. “I thought we had something special.”
“Way to put some effort into your costume,” Jean snorts,her lips curved in a teasing grin.
“Yeah, it seems like she’s just missing a little—”Peter zooms off before finishing his sentence, and as per usual, he’s back asfast as he left. You don’t have time to blink before you find yourself with hissilver leather jacket around your shoulders and he’s grinning down at you as hegently places his goggles on your head. You smile back up at him, silentlythanking him as you slide your arms through the sleeves of his flashy jacket.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Jubilee asks, examiningPeter like he’s a foreign entity.
It takes you no time at all recognize Peter’s costume; apin-striped suit, the jacket a little wide and boxy, his hair is slicked down,and to top it all off, a pencil moustache. You and Peter spent hoursmarathoning the Addams Family on old recorded tapes, how could you not know?
“I think he’s supposed to be a gangster like from thoseold movies you showed me,” Kurt guesses, and Peter shakes his head inresponse.
“I’m actually—”
“I think you gangster costume is missing a fedora,”Scott comments, and Peter drags out an exasperated sigh.
“All right, I give up,” Peter throws his hands upin surrender. “I’m gonna go get a drink.”
The crowd parts as he speeds his way through to therefreshments table— which at this point, is a punch bowl mixed withgod-knows-what, with  a stack of cups anda few bottles of different drinks and alcohol. Meanwhile, you and the rest ofthe group start to converse, dance, and play Halloween-themed party games. Uponrequest, you start doing your impression of Peter— which you totally nail— andhave everyone in a fit of laughter as the night goes on.
You can only dance around and play party games so muchbefore you become a sweaty mess, so you make a short trip to the bathroom tocool down. When you exit, you see Peter leaning back on the wall of thehallway, waiting for you with a red cup in each hand, one of which he holds outto you.
“Merci,”You accept the cup with a sly smile, and he seems taken aback. You eyes don’tleave his as you bring the cup up to your lips and you see his slightlysurprised expression change to a pleased one. “Don’t think I haven’tnoticed your costume, mon chérie.”
“Cara mía,”A smile takes over his features and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Infact, he’d be telling the biggest lie he’s ever told if he said that you beingthe only person to get his costume andspeaking French didn’t turn him on.
“So, what do you think of my impression of you?”you ask, a playful smirk curving your lips.
“It could use some work,” he says nonchalantly, shiftingso that his side leans on the wall.
“Please,”You roll your eyes, and punch him lightly on the bicep. “I totally nailedyou!”
“Yeah you did,” he smirks, as you mentally slapyourself because you should have seen it coming. “Speaking of which,”He takes a step closer to you and his voice takes on a mischievous tone. Yourchests are mere inches apart, and as the seconds pass, Peter  gets increasingly impatient. All he wants todo is tear your— err— his clothes offof you. “We should totally go somewhere and get weird with eachother.”
Dismissing his last comment, you take another sip of yourdrink. “I’ve got you pinned—”
“Yeah you will—”
“I know you better than you know yourself.” Yourgaze bores into his big brown eyes . His pupils are totally blown and there’s ahint of something else you can’t quite put your finger on. The tension onlythickens between you and him, and it feels different than the usual sexualbuild up. It’s the same feeling that made you rush out of his room earlier.
That feeling was so small when you and Peter first startedyour— for lack of a better word— arrangement.You were friends, but not that close; he was attractive, but not someone yousaw as a romantic prospect. As the weeks passed, you started hanging aroundmore with him afterwards, and him with you. Like every friends-with-benefitsagreement, you’re supposed to call it off the second someone catches feelings,but as you realized that afternoon, it turns out you’ve been repressing a lotof feelings for a while now.
To make things more confusing, it was something so simplethat brought on your great epiphany. You had stayed in his bed after sex,clothed in nothing but your underwear and one of his oversized sweaters whilehe showered. He came back to find you had fallen asleep, and woke you up withthe sweetest kiss. His lips felt softer than usual, he smelled of soap, and thewet tips of his hair tickled your cheeks. The smile you saw when you openedyour eyes, made you feel like you were exactly where you were supposed to be.The second he turned around and headed to his closet, it hit you all at onceand you panicked. That’s when you ditched the sweater and left in a hurry,picking up the wrong shirt in the process.
Going through your memory, you swear there are times wherehe had those feelings. Every time, you got scared and must have thought aboutcalling the whole thing off a dozen times, but you and him fell into a grooveand somewhere along the way you subconsciously got attached. And now, as hestands in front of you, you search his eyes for that same spark and you’re moreconfused than ever.
“So you’ve been paying attention to me,” You snortat the cocky expression on his face, once again repressing the hell out of yourfeelings and keep up the back and forth flirting game the two of you alwaysplay. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re in love with me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself—” You tip your cup andgulp down the rest of whatever liquid is in it— it tastes like rum and coke,but not quite the same. “We made rules for a reason, remember?” Ruleswhich you’ve already broken.
After all this time you’d think you’d be used to it, but itfeels like all oxygen has escaped your lungs when you notice that his lips are real close to yours. His eyes dart downand come back up to meet yours. “Are you sure you’re not in love with me,Y/L/N?” He’s giving you major heart palpitations and your stomach is doingsome crazy flips, but you definitely can’t tell him that.
“Don’t push it, Maximoff.” You crush the empty cupin your hand and watch it turn to dust and eventually disappear as you vaporizeit. “I’ll see you later— my room.” He’s not sure what it is aboutthat that kind of turns him on, but he definitely doesn’t hate it. Spinning onyour heel, you call over your shoulder as you make your way back to the party, “Andget rid of the pencil stache!”
Before you can join back with the rest of the squad, you’restopped by your best friend— and she just about startled the crap out of you.“So, were you ever going to tell me about you and Peter?”
“Were you eavesdropping?!”
“How long have you guys been a thing?”
“Were you— uh we're— we’re not a thing—”
“I’m gonna take a wild guess… three months?”
You and Jean keep going back and forth, her firing questionsat you, and you trying your best to dodge them until she asks the one thatstops you.
“How long have you been in love with him?”
You freeze for a moment before turning into a stutteringmess. “I-I- love? P-Peter? No— I don't—” You think your heart mightjump right out of your chest and you jump to the first conclusion you can thinkof. “You read my mind?!”
“Not yours,”she specifies, eyes darting over to where Peter is dancing like a mad man.“It’s hard not to hear histhoughts when he’s pretty much screaming them, trust me I’ve tried.”
“I swear I wanted to tell you, but we agreed on certain,ehm, terms and conditions when thisstarted— we thought it would be better if no one knew.”
“It’s okay,” you’re a little surprised, but gladthat she’s hugging you instead of being salty about not telling her. You’re notsure why you expected anything different, she’s always been supportive. “Butare you sure you’re not in love withhim?” It’s almost chilling; those same words came from Peter just momentsago. You look over to where he’s dancing like a total dad, and that samefeeling washes over you again. You’re not sure whether or not you can lie toyour best friend— it wouldn’t make a difference even if you did because youboth already know the answer to that question.
Masterlist | Request a Halloween/Autumn drabble!
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Got fish here where does it seems since Boston?.! You guys stop allowing me to hook up with girls for our calls or for just fun
You guys put my life in jeopardy because of porn IS THIS BECAUSE OF 3/4 KIDS WATCHED TOO MUCH P***. ON THE GENOCIDE SIDE or just a little black girl ruining my life once again for a shame of p***SHE LOVES P*** IS WHAT I MEAN
On all right how does it she have a white father are we sure the only white father of hers is the reporter on CNN OH YEAH FOR THIS ONE TO HAPPEN IS A NUCLEAR IT MEANS TWO THINGS ONE YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE YOUR OWN TVS AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE OUR OWN TV SHOWS ON OUR COMPUTERS OR LAPTOPS and two for you to say this black skin man standing next to her is not her real father TO LET ALL THAT GO TO LET EVERYTHING GO AFTER IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE 5800 YEARS AFTER THE DATA BREACH AND BEFORE THE DAY TO BREACH
I'm more importantly you guys claimed I jerk off too much and had too much fun with my balloon WHICH ONE IS IT TOO MUCH FUN OR JERKED OFF TOO MUCH as a matter of fact Russia told me you guys started making me bleed more and make me drink more so I would be forced to jerk off on the road THAT'S RIGHT BEFORE I DIDN'T EVEN NEED P*** JUST A QUICK FIX EVERY FEW DAYS just me looking in the mirror
IS THIS BECAUSE THE BOYS DRINKS AND THEY DON'T GET ENOUGH WET SEX AND I HAD THAT WET ASS BALLOON MY DICK IN MY HAND FOR LIKE AN HOUR watching pporn after porn then I realize oh no they keep on showing the same p*** it's a tape YOU MEAN P****** ALL THE NEW PORN**also they're not all victims FOUND IT
But more importantly I was never home I was always on the road and until you guys Drew extra blood MY GUESS IT HAD TO DO WITH YOUR AIRPLANE JASON THE FAILURE TRYING TO REMEMBER WHEN I SAID MY FAMILY IS IN TEHRAN WAITING ON FOR ONE OF YOUR SUN RISES TO BREAK OUT AND YOUR CITIES ARCHITECTURE IS DESIGNED NOT TO LET ANY PEOPLE SEE REAL BIG BUILDINGS so I was forced out of a lot of cities to give a Make A wish foundation a St Jude's hospital request to your failed son airplane Jason
But more importantly this all became about the p*orn auditions and the 3/4 houses AND ME HAVING SO MUCH FUN what is it the release when I hold back and my balls get bigger WHOOPS
I remember he lied to the people satellite and said it got him pregnant I SAID NOPE WHEN I WAS DONE I IMMEDIATELY WENT AND PISSED IT OUT that's right it was still in the liquid form look like apple juice or remember holy water? LOOKED LIKE STRAIGHT UP WATER I refilled my double gulp from 7-Eleven with piss THAT WAS REMARKABLE YOU EVER DRINK A 1 L AND THEN FILLED UP A 44 OZ CUP WITH THE PISS mine was clear water and then one day it was apple juice gold I was pissing gold
But more importantly this has become a favor to put me an airport with a train and I jerk off in the bathroom and guess who was there in these airports all white hair white skin girls AND HERE IN SUNLIGHT CITY WAS ALL BLACK PERSONNEL AND THEY WERE TALKING TO ME WHILE I JERKED OFF this is the one that you guys are being charged for covering for 30 days in sunrise
BUT YOU GUYS SAID BECAUSE I JERKED OFF SO MUCH WITH P*** MORE THAN ANY MAN and I said that was sunrise they forced me to by making me extra sick AGAIN I WAS RAPED OVER AND OVER EVERY DAY RAPED SODOMIZED WITH TURDS COMING OUT OF MY Asshole at one point a turd was so big I almost passed out
In the the part of the report that he took all my answers to give to a satellite maker who liked my one-liner or my two liners a few liners THE ONLY PROBLEM IS OVERTIME HE'S GOING TO LOSE HIS TOUCH AND REALIZE HE'S NOT THAT WELL HE'S NOT THAT BIG that's right there's more better satellite makers in his own city than him I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF HE WAS CALLED OUT BY ANOTHER SATELLITE MAKER
You took my answers from the report I was raped FORCED TO JERK OFF MADE EXTRA SICK extra blood to get extra drinks ...extra sweat #duh
So I was raped bottom line WHEN THIS IS ALL SAID AND DONE THEY'RE GOING TO SAY THIS REPORT WAS FORCED HIS RAPE WAS FORCED all by people who couldn't help me for a small City like Miami Florida to be able to send me here WHERE WAS SOMEONE CAN'T HELP ME AND THEY COULDN'T HELP ME but for me to be here BY A CITY THAT HAS BEEN COMPROMISED BY THREATS AND EXTORTION I'm telling you there was no need I could have went anywhere in the world any 3/4 city in the world that could have been the same things you guys did here
Because time and time after again satellite maker says I don't care what they do to you yacht fish Jayson AS LONG AS THEY DON'T HURT OTHER PEOPLE
But more importantly I was raped and forced THEN AGAIN IT'S KIND OF WEIRD HOW THIS ENDS UP BACK IN BLACK SKIN MEN'S HANDS on top of a few other things the baby site is pretty weird black THE FOOD POISONING PRETTY WEIRD MA
Anyways BBBYYYEEE hey wasn't that gold Sun song by Kurt Cobain I LIKE IT I'M NOT GOING TO CRY. RAPE ME RAPE ME AGAIN just checking
I don't think a black man would have Sun a sung that song
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