#we're just gonna uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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dragonofeternal · 1 year ago
2 tag memes
I got tagged in two different memes this week! Yaaay~
Current things tag meme!
Tagged by @ghoul-misadventures
3 ships: Millionsummers, Vashwood, LeoJoker
Last song: "radio protector" by 65daysofstatic
Currently reading: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Currently watching: I don't really watch a lot of TV, but I have been on and off binging through the "how it's actually made" parody dub-overs by huggbees on youtube. I also want to check out Flanagan's "Fall of the House of Usher" but starting shows is hard for me XDD
Last movie: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh assuming that hours long youtube documentaries don't count, then I think the last thing I watched might have been the fucking FF7 Advent Children Director's Cut that we rewatched over the summer. (I feel like I've watched something since then but I can't. Remember. What it would have been. So. Yeah.)
Currently consuming: After binging through it in like 2 days, I am now more slowly replaying through Paranormasight
Currently craving: hot chocolate bc it's really cold and rainy here =A=
15 people 15 questions tag meme
tagged by @rosemirmir!
1. are you named after anyone? My first name is the name of my cut-throat great- (or was it great-great?) grandmother who earned the family fortune, and my middle name came from my mom's college roommate.
2. when was the last time you cried? Uhhhh... Like... a couple therapy sessions ago? I have a really good therapist, so we're working on a lot of shit, but unfortunately that means I cry somewhat frequently ><
3. do you have kids? Nope! Not really my scene, but more power to those who do.
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I did basketball on and off in elementary school, and my high school tried to get me to join the basketball team there too, but uhhh I wanted to do theatre more and I only had time to do one or the other. Not a "sport" but I'm gonna be taking an aerial silks class soon!
5. do you use sarcasm? Never. (yes)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? I don't. (I dunno? Height? I'll be honest and say I'm not the most observant about other people lol)
7. what’s your eye color? Blue~
8. scary movies or happy endings? That's a weird dichotomy to present XDDD I guess happy endings if we're talking movies, because I prefer horror in games, writing, comics, and audio mediums slightly more than movies.
9. any talents? Writing and acting spring to mind as two that are both "I've always been fairly talented in this" and "I have worked a lot to hone this skill."
10. where were you born? DC~
11. what are your hobbies Numerous. Uhhh, I write, I draw, I play video and tabletop games, I take walks, I enjoy watching anime and getting way too serious about it.....
12. do you have any pets? We have four cats at home! Two are technically "mine" and Killians, and two are technically Pat's, but yeah. They're good kitties
13. how tall are you? 5'9"
14. favorite subject in school? History! (Though I also honestly very much enjoyed Math bc it was one of the easiest to keep on top of homework and shit in lol)
15. dream job Honestly I'm really, really happy with my current job. It's not anything I necessarily would have expected being like HOMGORZ DREAM JOBBBBB but it's like? Really fulfilling and enjoyable? So uh. Admin for an LGBTQ Health Equity Center XDDD.
tagging @rosemirmir @ghoul-misadventures @arahith @onlines @clockworkspider @setsuntamew @ehyde @jacenbren @orcelito @xx-bluesummers-xx and whoever else feels inspired to do either of these in the most "seriously no pressure guys just do it if you feel like it" way XDD
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b3grim3d · 6 years ago
me, looking at the stuff i have on trivians: guess im redoing yall again
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 3 years ago
Watching Mr and Mrs Smith
Huh, they're being interviewed
I love her correcting him on how many years they've been together.😂
Uh-oh, if you're alone you're not safe.
Guess I'm dangerous *finger guns*
*explosions* "I'm Jane." "I'm John." 😂
FIREEEEE! Oh good, they're dancing. Annnnnnd They've had sex.
How did they get the sheet to start up like a dress? I could never do that.
Her missing on purpose with the gun game and then him getting them all, now her competitive side has come out
"Beginners luck." XD
I love her 😍
They're fine.
*Watching them drive in separate directions* You can go your own wayyyyyyyyy! Go your own wayyyy
Oh, I low-key thought that black haired dude was gonna show up and Jane was gonna kil him, since they showed him in the office scene before.
John probably thinks she's the perfect housewife 🙄
She fought a dude for curtains? Oh I wish I were a fly on the wall at the store to see that.😂
"If you don't like them we can take em back." "Okay, I don't like them." "You'll get used to them." I'm with her dude.
Her not turning the light off and then saying 5 more minutes, brings back memories of being a little kid sharing a room with my sister who liked to read with the light on until late😂
That therapist is not helpful.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's quite the ensemble to wear if she's dealing with someone who crashed a car. In a hotel room. And I suppose those handcuffs are because she's gonna arrest them?
John, I feel you lack subtlety.
Oh ok, not bad, but damn dude, those bros were just trying to play some games and you gotta be a party killer? Damn.
They really made her a dominatrix to kill her dude, but John got to play a game of poker to get his? Come on!
Oh my god, she's like an adult Nanny McPhee. I wanna purse like that.
Jane is me whenever I'm asked to hold a baby.
Damn, John really meant what he said about where he keeps his stuff.
I want that oven in my future kitchen. Fully equipped with those weapons.
Eddie listing the perks of living with his mom is so funny. 😂
FINALLY! We're getting to see some action of where they work!
"Oh look, more desert." Mood.
Ok damn, she's really doing quite awesome with her stakeout point.😂
John is very much an idot.
You definitely should not be allowed to buy those things.
Jane is pissed.
Why did I think Father was actually her dad calling cause he was worried?😂
He hid the knife only for her to come back with an even bigger one, he's panicking slightly.
She has another!
She is way better at being calmer than he is, he looks like a nervous mouse
She tried something new, I think he thinks she poisoned him XD
Oh no, the wine slipped!
Dude can't possibly catch up to her car
Hopefully he'll pay to have that fence fixed.
Annnnnnnnd he shot the windshield, that can not end well for him
Dude, do not run into the street to say it was an accident, thus putting yourself in the path of your angry wife.
Honestly? Can't even disagree with her decision to hit him with her car, dude has no self-preservation.
And he broke into the car, so she jumped out😂
Eddie, tho stupid, is hilarious.
Men are idiots.
Eddie has such a way of cheering a friend up.☺️
The garden party looks like fun
John really took a neighbor as a human shield
He's in the vents!
I want that gun thing, it could be fun
Oooooooo they like each other!
Eddie really is funny
He's sulking 😂
I mean I guess I would be too if I was him
Aw, she's crying a single tear
and he's there
They're at the place he proposed 😍
They're disarming each other while they dance, I want that
He tried to blow her up?!
Oh it's ok, she tried the same.
I ship them so hard.
She hit his car so she could get into the drive first 😂 Whata mood
And Jane's taken the house as her base😂
That poor house
The music 😂
"Who's your daddy now?" 😂
The neighbors at the door 😂
Oh shit, people are after them now
That is not good
Yeah John, why does she get the girl gun?
Much better
Yeah, steal the car from the Colemans!
I would react the same way as Jane if I found out the person I was married to was married before and didn't tell me
"What's her name and social security number?" "No, you're not gonna kill her." 😂
She hired a dude to pretend to be her dad omg
Also it's so funny that she never cooked anything 😂
Eddie getting rude about Jane and then her popping up😂
They're matching outfits tho *chef's kiss*
Oh John is feeling funny cause his wife's body count is way higher than his!
"Who are you people?!" I love that they're bickering and Benjamin is in the background 😂
John: "This is a really good store."
Jane: *glares*
They're adorable
She threw a knife and it hit him in the thigh 😂
The elevator music is so cheerful 😂
Oh shit, Jane fell from the celling!
They've both been shot!
I swear if this movie ends with them both dying I'm gonna be pissed.
Oh thank goodness, they're wearing bulletproof vests
Me: *singing* "When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be no no no no!"
Oh my god, they're in therapy again 😂
They redid the house, the poor neighbors 😂 bet they left the Smiths alone tho!
What a fantastic movie, was pretty worried it would be meh, but it was good!
And in conclusion, if I wasn't already thirsting for Angelina Jolie, I am now.
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blkmxrvel · 6 years ago
I have thoughts
Firstly, I just finished watching Room and I'm half way through Unicorn Store and this just solidifies the fact that Brianne Sidone Desaulniers AKA Brie top me daddy Larson deserves a fucking oscar. That one scene when Jack was wrapped in the *** got me omg shes such an icon I'm in love with her.
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SECONDLY, I was just thinking about the whole....Endgame, fighting thanks to reverse the snap and *sigh* idk mannnnn. I'm sure there were some fucking disgusting people that got dusted, and we're just gonna bring them back? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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There should be a selection thing iskssks like if you weren't totally horrible then you can come back but If you prided yourself on lies and hate and violence and disgusting-mess then stay put dude
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cheesytoucans · 6 years ago
Midori has not only Himari as an enemy in her class. The class rep is the straight-laced kind and has no time for Midori's bs. She's always on her case, constantly trying to keep her from setting fire (figuratively and literally) to the school, forcibly tutoring her in her worst subjects and making her do homework while completely ignoring her whining ("We're stage girls, we don't NEED math!", "I don't care, you're not getting out of this") & following her around. Midori HATES her their 1st year
The Class Rep agrees, after a few stipulations are added (she can veto 2 of Midori's schemes outside of class every week, if they could end up in bloodshed. And Midori's "fun days" couldn't involve anything with a serious risk of ending up in jail). They decide the day they have left after they split the week is no woman's land, where the status quo remained (Midori trying to sow chaos and Rep trying her best to stop her). Where is the fun in not being at each other's throat every now & then?
Time goes on, both hold up their end of the bargain. Midori gives everyone a break from hell on Earth, at the assigned times, Class Rep slowly learns to relax and even enjoy some of Midori's ideas and they're both caught in this weird friendship where they go to war once a week and try their damn best to take no prisoners (their classmates had running bets on the weekly, monthly and yearly winner), while Himari witnesses all of this silently. Before they know it it's their last year.
Graduation was nearing & M was acting out more than usual due to panic over the future. She didn't know how to ask for reassurance so she tried to get attention in all the wrong ways. So much so that one day Rep just grabs her face, looks her dead in the eye and says "You don't need to do this, I'll ALWAYS pay attention to you. And I'll stay with you. I care, a lot" & kisses her right on the lips. M's not only terrible at flirting with girls, she's terrible at noticing when she's dating already.
All of this is so fucking accurate because Midori would fucking turn around one day and be like “holy fucking shit, my mom was a class rep???? and now I’m dating a class rep????” and then just fucking curl up into a ball and be like “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I am my father’s child holy shit”
Junna would be fucking relieved though because I’m sure she’s been worrying this entire time about what kind of girl her disaster child is going to end up with and then one day Midori calls her up and is silent for a good 5 minutes until she finally whispers: “mom I think I have a girlfriend......” and Junna straight up has no idea how to respond, like she’s happy but also apprehensive, who is this girl going to be? “and I’m gonna say something mom but you have to promise to not tell papa” now Junna is actually worried, why shouldn’t she tell Nana? “........she’s kinda uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ well she’s the class rep” 
Junna is fucking thrilled, never been more happy in her life, immediately runs off to tell Nana that their baby finally picked a decent girl. Midori neglects to tell her that they’ve apparently been flirting for years and she’s just been too fucking dense to realize. Also I told you to not tell papa she’s going to make fun of me for years!!! 
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