#we're going to pretend that I know what is and is not a hipaa violation
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi :) I read all of your prompts here and I really love them all! So I was thinking how about and hospital Thenamesh AU? You choose if both are doctors or one of them being a doc and the other one a patient!
Pretty sure you will write something great!
"Just look at them."
"You mean look at Gil."
"I bet when he does CPR their bones are just shattered."
Thena huffs, slapping down the tablet with her charts (that is exactly why they have shock absorbent cases). "Are you going to actually help with the incoming patients?--or would you prefer to stand around them and watch them save lives instead of participating?"
The various interns and a few nurses scurry to cover up their open appraisal of their colleagues. "S-Sorry, Doctor."
Thena just rolls her eyes at them. It's a phenomenon in the ER that the EMTs and paramedics are the desired dating pool for anyone looking. And unfortunately for Thena, her emergency room is the hub for such dating pools. "Tell me what we've got."
"Kid fell off his bike, has a pretty nasty lesion from it," she gets briefed, receiving the necessary information. "He'll live, but we told him to prepare himself mentally to get stitched up."
Thena looks up at Gil as he gives her the lowdown on her patient. Gil is such a softie at heart, and he absolutely has a weakness for kids. She smiles, "did you tell him he was coming to see the scariest trauma specialist in town?"
"Nope, but I did tell him my very good friend Thena would take extra good care of him," Gil beams right in the face of her cynicism and snark with upturned eyes and full cheeks. He leans down to whisper, "especially since one his dads has been panicking the whole way here?"
"I see," Thena nods with a sigh. She's not the best at dealing with those accompanying her patients; she's not exactly known for her bedside manner. "You've talked to them?"
"Tried," Gil shrugs, still walking with her as the young man gets taken down the hall and transferred from his stretcher to a proper bed. "You know how parents can be."
"Yes, I certainly do," Thena mutters, speaking quietly and quickly with Gil as she prepares to deal with her least favourite part of her job. She pulls on a pair of gloves, "but usually your charm is more effective at subduing them before they reach me."
"Maybe I'm losing my touch."
"I doubt it," she gives him a coy little smirk as she sits on her stool and wheels it over to the boy. "Hello, Jack. My name is Thena, I'll be stitching you up tonight."
The kid sniffles a little but nods, putting on a much braver face than one of his fathers.
"Where did that nice paramedic go?" the panicky one asks, his glasses moving on his face as he looks around.
"Gil has to brief the nurse's station on their run and release their equipment so it can be restocked for the next one," Thena answers straightforward as she starts her most basic examination of both Jack and his injury. "How did this happen, hm?"
"Riding around with those hooligans, that's how!"
"Dad," Jack sighs up at his anxious father. He looks at Thena again, "we were taking turns going down the big hill by the old library. I guess I hit a rock or something, and..."
"You know," Thena looks at Jack with the smile Gil tells her is more effective than she thinks it is, "it's a good thing you were wearing a helmet when this happened. Or I'd be stitching up...all this-"
Jack laughs away the rest of his tears as Thena motions to the general vicinity of his head.
"Okay," Thena looks at Jack as she picks up her scissors, "are you ready?"
Jack looks at his parents and their held hands before nodding.
"Sorry," Thena mutters as she cuts his pants at the knee.
"I never liked those jeans anyway."
"Phastos, please," one husband says to the other, who physically zips his lips.
Thena lets out a faint laugh as she knots her line and takes her sutures in hand. "Did Gil tell you about how things work?"
Jack nods, watching her with her hooked needle anxiously.
"Gil told me that he already applied the topical anaesthetic," Thena explains, although she remembers after the fact that she needs to use more everyday terminology. "The numbing cream is going to help with the pain, okay?"
"How's...this?" Thena asks, applying some very light pressure on the cleaned wound's edges.
Jack squirms, "it kind of stings a little, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be."
"It's okay to be scared," Thena says as she makes the first bite and anchors her monofillament. "But this is just going to ensure that your scrape here heals properly."
"Jack, how we doin'?" Gil asks as he rejoins them, leaning over Thena's shoulder as she works. "See?--didn't I tell you she's the coolest doctor in the place?"
"She's pretty cool," Jack concedes, less tense as he looks at Gil instead of at Thena sewing up his shin.
"Gilgamesh, I am trying to work," she says in a light tone, since they both know she could complete Jack's suturing with her eyes closed.
"It's been a quiet night," he shrugs, winking at Jack, who laughs. He looks at his fathers again, one of whom seems to appreciate his sense of humour (the other one is just trying to breathe). "Don't worry, Doctor Thena here is the best at what she does. I trust her with my life."
"Don't let him fool you," Thena murmurs as she throws her next knot, "most of the people I get in here already have the benefit of his care before they even see me. I quite literally couldn't do my job without him."
"Aw, honey," Gil jokes, blushing and pushing his hands into the pockets he's thrown on over his uniform. "You're embarrassing me in front of the patient."
"Was he like this in the ambulance?" Thena peeks up at Jack, who is still laughing at their interaction. She shakes her head, already done with her work. "He's all charming on the way here and then people get scared of me--makes me look bad."
"Come on," he nudges her with his fist within his hoodie pocket. The parents startle a little at the thought of him jostling her when she has a needle in their child's skin. But they also notice in this moment that she's already done and handing her needle back for disposal. "You couldn't look bad if you tried."
Thena rolls her eyes, although she's smiling--she can feel it. It really hurts her reputation of being the 'scary' ER doctor. She looks at Jack, "guess what?"
Thena holds up her hands, pulling off her gloves and throwing them away. "I've been done for five minutes already."
"Oh," Jack blinks down at his stitched up leg. He can barely even tell what happened, "whoa."
Gil nods at Jack and rests his pocket on Thena's shoulder, which she swats away gently, "best in the biz."
"Thank you, Doctor," the less nervous father expresses with a winsome smile, gripping his son's shoulder. "You've both made this a much more bearable experience for us."
"That's what he's for."
"That's why she's the best."
Gil and Thena both look at each other for the contrasting statements, although they share the same sentiment, in a way.
"I'll get your paperwork done and then I do believe you can head home," Thena smiles as she stands, her ponytail swinging as she does. She nods at the calmer husband, "your husband deserves to take it easy the rest of the night, I think."
The father smiles at her, "as does yours!"
Thena blushes. She honest-to-god blushes, her hands flailing around in front of her as she tries to form the words. "N-No, h-he's not--we're-"
"If only," Gil just laughs, heading back to the nurse's station with Thena's charts in hand (which he's really not supposed to be doing, but everyone knows that Thena and Gil kind of play it fast and loose with how much he's really allowed to hang around at her side).
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miseriathome · 25 days
Cool stuff that is happening at my work job (hospital)
I have been reporting upwards of 5 nursing units a day for HIPAA violations. There is no end in sight. I literally just copy/paste the event reports now. There are actual physical signs right above the trash cans that say "don't put PHI in the trash" and they still just fucking do it. What the actual shit is wrong with this place.
The hot goss is that a coworker was offered a role she applied for... and then the offer was withdrawn because our shift lead told management that said applicant has lupus and would be unable to perform the functions of the role. This is mega illegal, kids!
This is the same shift lead who argued against me about how women should be allowed to staff the [manual labor position]. I told her it was a Title VII violation, she lied that she would escalate my concern to management, I brought my concern upwards myself, and management agreed with me. Except the shift lead keeps unscheduling women staffs' training and was heard this week saying "I will not be bullied into forcing women to staff [manual labor position]." So I guess we're still doing the gender discrimination thing, huh?
I took a bunch of issues like this to HR four months ago. My associate advocate told me my manager was supposed to follow up with me. Every time I reported back that he still had not spoken with me, she reached back out to him. He still won't follow up with me.
But this same manager won't even show up to regularly recurring meetings that he owns the calendar events for. He will assure people day of that the meeting is still on, then ghost. I already told the HR person that he was unreliable, so idrk what to do at this point. Any time I do talk to him, he just tells me he doesn't know anything about the job I do, then makes excuses for why it's okay for the shift leads to be incompetent as shit.
Anyways, a lead for a different shift tried to bite my head off when I informed him that somebody from his shift didn't do their job and left a mess behind for my shift to clean up. He said "maybe it was me. Go to HR about it." So uhhh... I went to management about it. And they "addressed the behavioral issue" and now he won't acknowledge me when he walks past me. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, dipshit.
My own leads have somehow managed to staff me in my most loathed area for three months straight and I'm fucking mad about it. Even when it makes no sense to move me, I get moved. And it should be noted that this is the area that my leads famously refuse to learn for themselves and notoriously always try to screw over as much as possible. And my manager sure doesn't give a shit that I never get to take my lunch and constantly have to stay over, of course.
I don't think management actually has any power over the leads, though. Management will straight-up say "this is a high-priority, time-sensitive task that needs to be done and these are the people who need to be given the time to do it" and the leads (who make the schedule and endlessly tinker with it so they can pretend they're busy) will simply understaff those specific areas and not schedule the time that management requested. Somehow this is cool and beneficial for the department.
Reasons why I can't quit my job:
I require health insurance to live. I've been averaging 6 medical appointments a month for the past year.
Pure spite. It would be really hard to let me go in a way where I couldn't claim retaliation. Everyone must suffer me continuing to be extremely fucking in-the-right all the time. I am literally exemplary and no one can figure out how to argue that I'm in the wrong, because I'm fucking not. I'm both untouchable and insufferable.
Might give it a few weeks and then start filing (more) government complaints, idk. Pretty sure I'm going insane on a clinical level, so honestly who knows where this is going.
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