#we'll find someone else fr
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chappellrroan · 5 months ago
i am bleeding like i haven't bled in ages
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
I hope this is an okay thing to ask for but could you do headcanons of Alastor with female reader on her- time of the month?? (Kinda wondering what to be like for him with all the blood ya know???) 🙇🏻‍♀️ please, thank you!
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being nasty, canon cannibalism mentioned, menstruation(wish I got a TW for that in real life fr)
Description: ☝️⬆️
Can literally smell it coming before you even have a chance to check your calendar
He's like a fucking shark, smelling you from miles away
Maybe it's his affection for you but you're the one person he reacts this way to, he's fine around anyone else on their period
If you forget then he's not going to remind you because he likes waking up to the smell of your blood
Don't worry though he'll take care of the sheets and your clothes, he's got you bby girl
Tbh Alastor is practically starving whenever your period starts, the coppery smell making his mouth water constantly
He's sipping tea and you walk by?? Oops, the cup is crushed in his hands and he's sitting there with tea and broken glass all over him
He wants to devour you all the time
Definitely just finds opportunities to bite you and draw blood so he can stave off his desires
Don't worry it feels good
Eats at Cannibal Town more often
Other than that, he tends to pamper you when you're on your period
You're craving something??? Don't worry, Husk or Niffty will go get it for you! He'll snuggle you while you wait
Wait actually that looks kinda good give him a bite
Fuck off
He steals a bite anyways, forcing you to feed him a little nibble
Thank you love
You're experiencing cramps?? Do you want him to massage the area for you? You want a hot water bottle? He's got you
You just want to cuddle and be held? He can spare some time for that, just let him close the door first
Bby please he has a reputation to uphold
Loves when you have mood swings and snap at the others, encourages your anger
He's a shit stirrer
He literally just likes poking the bear and pointing you in his current victim's direction
"My dear, I thought you knew that Angel ate your sweets..."
As long as it's not directed at him
If you turn your anger on him then his ears fold back and he finds an excuse to run off
"I'm sorry my dear but Charlie is calling for me! We'll have to continue this conversation for another time!"
"Alastor, Y/N is looking for you-"
If your mood changes to sadness and you start crying then he panics and freezes up
Makes awkward grabby motions at you then stops
He hates seeing you upset but he's an asshole and doesn't know what to do, doesn't want to make it worse
Idk if he's ever made a genuine attempt to make someone he cares about feel better
Alastor doesn't want to be the reason you're crying
Will just ask you what he can do to make it better, gripping your chin so that you have to look at him
He's serious
Whatever you ask of him he'll do it and he'll do it himself, no sending someone in his place and no fuss
Is visibly relieved once you're calm again, rubbing your back and letting out a sigh
Alastor is as attentive as he can bring himself to be when you're on your period, but you still have to put up with a lot of his shit
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I hope this is what you were asking for 🥺
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musicalfan78 · 2 months ago
Every saga in a mf78 nutshell (pt 4)
pt 1, Pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
*a few moments later, Odysseus is standing the island they were on*
Eurylochus: Uhhh...ody? I know that we've been dealing with Poseidon and all the shit we're going through but...I have a confession to make. And if I don't say this I'll-
Odysseus: Not now..im still grieving the deaths of our crew..
Eurylochus: But-but-
Odysseus: Just..go and check around if this island is okay with the rest of the crew.
Eurylochus: ....alright.
Eurylochus: *walks off*
(A few hours later)
Eurylochus: *is running back, with bruises and scratches: C..CAP...CAPTAIN..CAPTAIN!
Odysseus: The fuck? What happened to you?! And where's the rest of the guys?
Eurylochus: We..just saw a dangerous beast, something that we'd be weak to...A threat!
Odysseus: What was the threat?!
Eurylochus: A LITERAL WOMAN!
Odysseus: .....I beg your fucking pardon?
Eurylochus: No! She literally had our men in with, the greatest thing..
Circe: Hey boyyys! I got gold and foood!
Crew: *all running into the palace*
Eurylochus: GUYS?!
*End of flashback*
Eurylochus: And then she turned them into pigs.
Odysseus: Well we gotta save them then!
Eurylochus: She's a damn witch! You can't risk your life again!
Odysseus: Well, ill find a way! Ill be back soon!
Odysseus: If I'm going to defeat a witch...I might need something..
Hermes: Ody...
Odysseus: Perhaps magic or..
Hermes: Ody..!
Odysseus: A strong ability...no, maybe-
Hermes, flying down with Apollo's harp as he plays from it: ODYSSEUSSSSS! I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAA!
Odysseus: HERMES! Wait where'd you get that harp from?
Hermes: Oh don't mind that! *throws the harp back to apollo*
Hermes: I've been hearing how you wanna defeat circe! I shall help you with this! THIS FLOWER!
Odysseus: Uhh, what?
Hermes: Eat it and you'll have the energy to have strongest of powers again circe dawling! I call it, holy MOLY!
Odysseus: Oh damn, thanks! *he eats the holy moly*
Hermes: Dont thank me! You'll need the best, okay BYEEEE
*Hermes flies away while using his signature laugh*
Circe: Why are you asking me that? I didn't harm a thing! -_-
Odysseus: You turned them into pigs, dummy.
Circe: Well, you seem too smart to fall for my tricks, you will now die by my chimera and power..
Odysseus: NOT SO FAST.. I actually ate a flower that is stronger than you, so I will be spared.
Circe: That is too impossible to believe! I bet Hermes gave that to you didn't he?
Odysseus: Uhh, yeah. But that's not the point, just let my men go and we'll be fine.
Circe: No.
Odysseus: ...BITCH-
Odysseus: I won. Accept defeat.
Circe: Hold on...just...before you..do anything else, why don't we...get a little comfortable 😏
Odysseus: Huh?
Circe: Lust. Don't you want to break yourself free?
*Circe backs Odysseus up, until he bumps into her bed*
Odysseus: I do but..not-
Circe: Not what? C'mon..just once..
*a knife appears in her hand as its behind Odysseus, but-*
Hamilton: HEY!
Circe: Fuck-
Odysseus: Anywho, I just really gotta get hooome! Please! Its because of the god Poseidon-
Circe: Say no more. I do know a prophet that can help you.
Circe: In the underworld :)
Circe: Ill release your men though.
Odysseus: YEAAAAAAH!
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akarisandraws · 1 year ago
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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canolaaoil · 2 years ago
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To all my best friends, only twelve leagues and one text message away
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1. Dearly Departed, Brockhampton. // 2. The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion. // 3. unsent project. // 4. I am in Eskew. // 5. His dark materials. // 6. Where did you go? Hishaam Siddiqui. // 7. parts in motion, Vera Much. // 8. Your Name Engraved, Herein. 9. Hmu, spacegirl GEMMY.
Description follows
[ID: song lyrics reading, "What's the point of havin' a best friend if you / end up losin' him?" end ID]
[[ID: a photograph in the style of an early digital camera of two teenage girls cuddling under blankets on a couch watching something on a computer. end ID]
[ID: a poem reading, "Life changes fast. / Life changes in the instant. / You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends. end ID]
[ID: a fuzzy photograph in the style of an early digital camera of three people huddled around a fridge. All of the people have brown hair, glowing golden from the lighting and only one of their faces is turned toward the camera. end ID]
[ID: a text entry on a pink background reading, "To: Harry I / i've written 43 / poems about you. / come back and i / won't have to write anymore. / -asle" end ID]
[ID: a photograph in the style of an early digital camera of a couple in a photobooth with only their feet and legs visible behind the curtain. one is sitting on the other's lap. ]
[ID: text reading, "The problem is, my love, is that I can't sustain the fact of your death. / I can convince myself that it's true, force myself to picture your rotting, ruined face dumped in a mass grave somewhere out in the world... / ...and then my phone buzzes and I'm still expecting an unexpected message from you, telling me what corner of the globe you've holed up in, the foods you're eating, the card-players you're outwitting." end ID]
[ID: a photograph of two people in an aquarium, shot from behind. they stand in front of a large window showing a tank of water and seaweed. the two pose as if dancing grandiosely with no one else around. end ID]
[ID: a paragraph reading, "And it was comforting to think she and Will had another thing in common. She wondered if there would ever come an hour in her life when she didn't think of him- didn't speak to him in her head, didn't relive every moment they'd been together, didn't long for his voice and his hands and his love. She had never dreamed of what it would feel like to love someone so much; of all the things that astonished her in her adventures, that was what astonished her the most. She thought the tenderness it left in her heart was like a bruise that would never go away, but she would cherish it forever." end ID]
[ID: a photograph from behind of a group of people walking together down a city street. two of the people have their arms around each other shoulders. another two link arms. the image is slightly blurry. end ID]
[ID: a couplet reading, "One day I woke up and we no longer spoke the / same language. I haven't heard from you since." end ID]
[ID: a photograph of two people, focused on one in the foreground. A young woman looks lovingly towards something out of frame, her face resting on the meat of her hand. In the background a man looks away towards another subject. The lighting is dreamy and yellow. end ID]
[ID: lyrics reading, "Show me it all / Tell me what's wrong / You got your hard drive stolen / Your phone's been broken / Play me a song off of mine / Show me it all / Show me a rise / Show me a fall / Pay me no mind / Paint me in gold / I don't mean to pry, but give me a call" end ID]
[ID: a gif from the movie 'Your Name Engraved Herein' of Birdy and A-han riding a motorbike through the streets at night. Both smile widely as they breeze along, Birdy sitting behind A-han with his shirt off over his head, yelling happily. End ID]
[ID: lyrics reading, "They say everything has reason / Life fluctuates like seasons / And maybe someday soon we'll both find our reason / But bitch you're still the bro / Never letting go / Of the friendship bracelets we made when we were twelve // I'll be waiting by my phone / For you to hit me up / For you to hit me up / Hit me hit me up" end ID]
[ID: a photograph of a plaque on an outside wall reading, "LIFE HAPPENS BUT I STILL CARE FOR YOU. I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL." end ID]
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subspaceanonymous · 22 days ago
✅ manipulated
✅ has killed someone
❌ sane
So I'll be so fr....I've NEVER written fics for either of these charscters so they're probably hella ooc. heh.
double also....uh this is hella short.
It was normal for Two Time to be ostracized from the group. Not many within the group of survivors understood Two Time and it wasn't hard to doubt that Two Time didn't understand themself. Remaining in the corner of the cabin, they would hear the door open as well as the sound of voices clamoring. Two more robotic voices and one that didn't know of the term “volume down”. Two Time perked their head up and turned around upon the scent of rotting flesh, fully expecting a corpse but instead saw some strange person standing at the doorway, shaking off the water from the rain outside like a dog. “None of you can predict the weather?!” The pink demon would scold the two robots.
“The rain was not on the forecast, Creator.” One of the robots would sheepishly respond. The demon would scoff.
“Thanks to this rain, we'll never make it back to Blackrock! What do I pay you for?”
“You don't pay us, Creator.”
“Oh, right. I should start paying you.”
Two Time noticed them and with a smile, they greeted the trio. In the least ominous possible. “You'll never make it out of here.” They say from the window towards the group. This catches the attention of the demon. Subspace T. Mine was the name of this demon. Notorious in the Blackrock faction. At least, in his universe. Two Time was well aware that this is another person who didn't belong here and has now befallen the same fate of everyone else here. They wonder how long it will take him to notice. Subspace scoffs.
“And who are you to say that I can't?”
“Everyone here has tried to escape. It's never worked. You've crossed the path and now, you'll never escape.” Two Time grinned, waiting patiently for their reaction. They have done this once before. They were one of the first here, the other being Noob. They've greeted everyone who comes here like this. Everyone reacts the same. With fear, worry, disbelief, and caution. They expect the same reaction from Subspace – which is why their smile falters slightly when hearing the laughter that erupted from Subspace.
“What a ridiculous idea! Nothing can contain Subspace T Mine! None of you are aware of the power I hold! Muahahaha!” The Biografts behind him would join in with monotone and lame laughter. Two Time stared at the laughing demon and found it admirable in some way. There was at least some optimism before he experiences the inevitable dream crushing reality.
“Do you really doubt this place?” Two Time tilts their head curiously.
“Why wouldn't I? It's a dumb forest!”
“Not just any dumb forest.”
“What kind of dumb forest then?”
“The kind you'd find in fairytales! Like the Wizard of Oz!” Two Time would say with a cheeky grin. Subspace stared at the other.
“This is no time for games! Once the rain lets up, we are going back to Blackrock in the morning!” Subspace demands, claiming his spot on the empty couch. Two Time would keep their smile as they waved towards Subspace.
“Goodnight then. You will need it.”
“Quiet!” Subspace demanded. The Biografts would stand at guard around the couch, keeping a close eye on Two Time specifically. Two Time didn't feel as if messing with the random demon in their sleep would be good enough of a time waster, anyway. From what they could tell, Subspace wasn't any kind of worthy sacrifice. Instead, they turned around and returned to looking out the window. They watched the rain fall. They watched and waited for the next time calls for their life to be put on the line again.
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janus-cadet · 1 year ago
Tarot Project - N°34
That man is far too precious to comprehend. I was certainly not expecting to get a new fav out of that season, that's for sure. And so, he had to go on the tarot project.
Have O.B, just a little guy, as the Page of Cups!
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(feat Miss Minutes, who may or may not try to kill them all again 🤷🏻‍♂️)
Explanation under the cut, for the braves who can bare it!
The Page of Cups is a card all about creativity and intuition- as the Pages often are. The unexpected appearance of the fish, popping out of the cup he holds, signifies that creative inspiration often comes out of the blue and only when you are open to it. What, a Loki person appearing out of nowhere and complaining about time slipping? Wow! You guess time slipping is possible at the TVA. You just have to be ready to accept it.
Therefore, obviously, the fish became a Loki.
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(I mean. They can be an alligator. Why not a fish. They became a fish in the myths, after all. Careful with this one: it might stab you. With fish bones.)
Upright, the card suggests a new idea or opportunity has come to you out of the blue. New people, in your workshop! How long has it been? Even more, how long since the last time you left the damn place? Sure, you now have the great opportunity to try and fix an overloading loom, but also to ~make new friends~. How lucky! Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. Will you snap up this new idea and turn it into something, or will you let someone else bring it to fruition? It is up to you!
The Page of Cups invites you to have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything – including a fish popping its head out of a cup (or a random guy sort of appearing in front of you to tell you that you're not just a failed writer named Doug, but a agent of a time police of some sort named O.B. Sure, makes perfect sens! There is no flaws in that logic). It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. Be ready to dream the impossible dream, and explore the magic of your fullest potential, even if it seems out of reach, because yes, it was a science-fiction problem. The Page of Cups is asking you to embrace your inner child and believe that anything is possible. You can fix anything!!
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(but perhaps you should not fix murderous, rogue A.I clock, O.B. Come on. See, she's already looking at you weirdly.)
Reversed, the card may indicate that you tend to work alone. Perhaps you want it that way, feeling better where you can keep your ideas to yourself without having to justify them to other's judgemental stares; perhaps you just go with the flow and assume that's what you're meant to be. Don't let yourself be forgotten in an old basement for centuries: go out, try to reach out, to find other people who are safe to share your ideas with! Don't wait for a random analyst to take the wrong turn and show up for like, five seconds, every four centuries.
With the Page of Cups reversed, you may feel called to pursue a new creative project (hey, by the way, the temporal Loom is going Boom! You will fix it, right?), but you doubt whether you can really make it work. Your inner critic may be on over-drive, and you can feel ashamed to share your work with others. You shouldn't. That lovely Loom Model was perfect and Victor would never have judge you for that. And that little guy in the suit did look like a Mobius, or a Loki, depending on the perspective. Listen your intuition, and your creative mind: if the problem can be solve, then, you will.
If not, just ask your little glowing green fish to become a tree.
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And that's it for today! I really hope we'll see more of O.B in the MCU, later on. I would watch anything with that man in it, even the worst movies. In fact, let's put Ke Huy Quan in like- everything. That man is a sunshine and a very talented actor, fr.
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jrwi-transgender-swag · 2 years ago
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"gestures at him wildly look at him man " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "Well he's a pirate and that's already very trans coded. He bases his personality and general vibe off people he looks up to which is giving gender envy. The only way Chip could ever be cis to me is if he was the token cishet but he's neither so like… Trans boyy (my words are failing me but you get it)" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "literally the transest guy of all time (loser edition). tits out tuesday. man with tits monday. like. transgender moment real " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "He was picked up by pirates at a young age pre-pueberty. He then spent most of his childhood in a gang. This kid was so malnourished everyone just assumed he was a guy and he went with it since his puberty was so fucked. My transmasc agender king" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "fucking look at him. most transgender motherfucker to ever exist. we'll never know what his actual name was because he was named based on his first home, the black rose pirates ship. his tattoos go over his top surgery scars" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he’s just . he just kinda is yknow" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
Jay Ferin
"I mean.. just look at her" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she has a lot of transgirl swag and i love her. jay ferin forever" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "the transest ever. i swear" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she is a TRANS ALLEGORY YOUR HONOUR. LOOK AT HER. TRANSGENDER SWAG." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag "She's so trans coded. I mean, she runs away from her family who expect her to be one thing (navy) and she joins a group where she tests what it's like to be something else (a pirate) but then reverts when her dad shows up. She pretends it meant nothing but then Chip shows her that it's okay to change and to act against her family. So she's living her best trans girl life. Also she has bird imagery which is very trans coded of her. And she was named after her dad so like… Just saying" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "jay jay okg jay. her entire story is so fucking trans coded. i literally can’t oo her wholeee story is so trans coded. like??? she runs away from home and doesn’t tell her family shes joining pirates bc it’s the exact thing they would disapprove of. she first joins them to scope them out and learn their secrets but as time goes longer she realizes these people love her and she loves them and she is a pirate LIKE THEM. and her father appears and literally disowns her for being a pirates like holy shit. and she tries to spare her friends by going back to life where she would be in misery. and and she finds drey, a pirate like her and someone close to her who was also kicked to the curb and she finds comfort in someone like her. and she has to deal with the idea that her dead sister might hate her if Ayva knew jay was a pirate like???? but she’s so dress and happy now and she wouldn’t trade it for the world DO YOU HEAR ME???? becoming a pirate is how jay discovers HERSELF and who she WANTS TO BE!!!! i can’t she is so trans coded i literally can’t. she was so alone but notre she had ppl who UNDERSTAND HER!!!!! also tgirl failgirl swag." - Submitted For Transfem Swag "HER WHOLE STORY COULD BE A ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS FR. her father hates pirates, pirating for her has been freedom and helped her seen a new perspective, she gets wings, her journey is og just being a "spy" and then becoming a pirate and sensing the "freedom" in it !! and loving it and being accepeted just as she is her dad even makes a comment abt her being a pirate in 53. shes sooo transcoded ^_^^^^^^^^ to me i love her jay ferin sweep - Submitted For Transfem + Secret Fourth Swag
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away-ward · 10 months ago
im sorry for this rant KO, but why on earth is the bonus content for nightfall is the start of the horsemen? Like omfg. I really dont need it to exist because i like the mystery of them. Why can't we just have a willemmy bonus 😭 i'm so fucking upset. I initially wanted to pre-order the paperback but thinking about that whole alex drama in BC, i didn't, thank the lord for that! But i was still hoping for a willemmy bonus or maybe a will or emmy's back story, but we're getting to see Damon, A-FUCKING-GAIN? How many fucking bonus do we have to see him??! Fuck, i'm so upset, idk who to rant this with because i don't talk about this series to anybody irl.
Excerpt from PD's insta:
🥲 ngl, i'm so sick of damon's appearance, at this point not only his character wasn't my fav, pd over-pushing him makes me really hate him now. "He's the enforcer" ughhhh, and when did this branding ever came up in the devil's night series? I only remember this point being discussed here on your blog of your meta about damon's character and his implicit role in their friend group and family. Istg i really never saw his role being discussed and branded like this anywhere, so the only place it could happen was in the private chat's of their pendragon fb group or between PD and their editor/most trusted beta readers. Istg the pettier side of me feels like some of PD's fb group fans saw your discussion posts here with other anons and told on PD, then they got inspired by you ideas about "his role" in the family. Which in theory, i don't see much wrong from it, but truly, where did this role establishment and branding came from? And ofc in PD's fashion, they had to rebrand Damon's role to be positive and borderline inspiring 🙄
and fuck, who cares about logic right? Definitely not PD when they kept on writing A and meaning B in their stories, but kept on being pissed off when readers understood it as A. 🤡
at this point, i'm not even excited anymore for this bonus content. I genuinely thought something good will come out of it, but with their opinion of willemmy a few weeks ago, and now with this. Idk. But I just know and fully sure now that PD just wanted to avoid the alex-aydin-will-emmy qna discussion extra materials, because they knew they fucked that one up, and many readers hated it, and so they probably want to just bury that shit and move past it. So of course, we'll never gonna get a willemmy bonus content. Ugh. I can't fault them for wanting to move on, but for someone who wnats to move on so bad and ignore the uncomfy parts of their own mistake in writing, they sure as hell is still be talking and hinting at this series from time to time especially for their most fav characters 🙄
but fr KO, it really left a sour taste in my mouth when an author behaves like this. Penelope Douglas is just so, ugh, idk. At this point ideky i'm still hoping for them to be better tbh when they've always been known to be problematic, like they're always just so disappointing. I need to detach my feelings for books i like to read with their authors, because i'm just gonna end up upset like this. But it's so hard!!! Especially when they're indies and you like some parts of the things they put out, and can't always find it anywhere else. Ughhh. i heard that series by Monty Jay was giving DN, so i might check it out, and i really hope it's better.
+ when you get a reach of the bonus materials, will you be sharing them here and share your thoughts and opinions about them? I'm a big yapper and i just wanna yap with somebody about it frfr.
Hey. Oh man, I feel your pain.
I really dont need it to exist because i like the mystery of them. Why can't we just have a willemmy bonus
Ohh, I wish I was with you on this but I’m actually excited about it. As someone who wants to understand these characters better, and who absolutely goes bonkers over character origin stories, this is right up my alley. I never expected any kind of Willemmy scene, so maybe I’m not as disappointed as I would be otherwise.
From what I heard, there are some willemmy scenes in this origin story though! So not all hope is lost (although I don’t know how it’s supposed to make sense, since I’ve also heard that this starts during their freshmen year and Emmy’s a year younger so… but whatever. I’m just happy for the moments!)
I am so sorry that this isn’t what you wanted!
Istg the pettier side of me feels like some of PD's fb group fans saw your discussion posts here with other anons and told on PD, then they got inspired by you ideas about "his role" in the family. Which in theory, i don't see much wrong from it, but truly, where did this role establishment and branding came from?
As much as this idea tickles me, the fact is that this was probably written months ago, and I only really had that discussion with in the past few weeks. More than likely, we were just picking up on something PD was implying the entire time.
But I just know and fully sure now that PD just wanted to avoid the alex-aydin-will-emmy qna discussion extra materials, because they knew they fucked that one up, and many readers hated it, and so they probably want to just bury that shit and move past it.
I’m still holding out of that pinterest board and discussion questions (though, it may be a lost cause). It just seems so stupid that they’d withhold those two things since they’re so minor compared to the bonus scene.
they sure as hell is still be talking and hinting at this series from time to time especially for their most fav characters
Coming from a writer’s perspective, it’s hard to let your favs go. Long after the other characters stop “speaking” to you, your favs come back. You still see them doing stuff. And PD is proud of the series, so of course they’re not going to bury it.
But yes, I agree that the fandom has been pretty loud about wanting some more willemmy content for some closure, and it shouldn’t be this hard to sit and think about the characters and deliver something, just to be kind to your readers and fans. I can’t say why PD is so resistant to it, but that’s for them to know.
i heard that series by Monty Jay was giving DN, so i might check it out, and i really hope it's better.
I had to look it up, and I’m assuming you’re speaking about the hollow boys? I haven’t read it, but if you do get around to it, I hope you enjoy it.
Regarding PD, I hardly ever look into the background of an author or give them a second thought. I also have never had the desire to contact an author, or do meet and greets or anything, that’s just me. So, I’ve never had the issue of needing to detach a work from an author, but I can see the struggle.
+ when you get a reach of the bonus materials, will you be sharing them here and share your thoughts and opinions about them? I'm a big yapper and i just wanna yap with somebody about it frfr.
I absolutely will share my thoughts, of course! I might do a reading react, or just a summary of my thoughts, whatever feels right. Again, I feel for your frustration and disappointment. The let down is never easy, but you'll read better books in the future. This isn't the last of it for you. So look forward to finding your next favorite read.
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breathe2-fr · 8 months ago
Field of Dreams (pt 1)
Note: I decided to make a lore thread! So if you'd rather read my lore on the FR site, you can follow the ping list I have on this thread! https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3347947
Once I have some lore posts down, I'm going to reorganize my blog to make finding everything easier. I don't plan to write everything in chronological order so I'll have the order lined out with links to individual stories.
The dragons were born of the Wind, and in their very core, that's what they were - no matter where that wind takes them.
Spelldancer was just a fae hatchling when she discovered her unique power to shift planes. All she need to is close her eyes, like she was planning to go to sleep, and she could feel a power unfold itself inside her. Allow it to, and it would transport her to another plane. She named this place the Dream Realm. When it first started happening, she thought she was actually sleeping; but after some time, she realized this was something different. Something more.
"It must be a gift from Windsinger," Baerka would whisper when she would question herself. "He's gifted you with this power, and your pure heart allows you to share it with others. That's why he chose you, he knew you were the right one to wield it."
Neither of them really knew where it came from. In her early days, once Spelldancer learned to control it, before she had any idea it was special, she would use it to protect herself. She grew up an orphan, and having the power to instantly blip out of sight was very useful to hide away from predators.
Neither of them had ever spoken to Windsinger, though they would sometimes spot him passing by: the Wind Deity would not hide himself and, when passing through his territory, could easily be seen flying high in the atmosphere above - far higher than the pair had ever gone. Spelldancer would sometimes say they should just go talk to him, but the distance between them was far greater than she realized.
"I know it looks like he's moving slow. But he's massive. The speed he's traveling at is immense." Baerka's sleepy eyes sometimes gave off the impression that he was naive, but what Spelldancer admired about him most was actually his intelligence. "We'll never catch him, we'd already have to be in the air if we had any hope of him noticing us."
"But… how will we speak to him? Surely someone must."
"Maybe we'll find someone who knows someday."
The Dream Realm was very much like a lucid dream; anything was possible. When Spelldancer thought about it, she realized it may not actually be a dream, but a plane heavy with magic; so heavy that raw magic would drip off your palms like water. Thoughts quickly take tangible form, and without great mental control, your surroundings could turn to chaos in an instant. More than once, Spelldancer would escape danger only to immediately recreate it in her Dream. She realized she needed great mental fortitude to pause her mind and simply exist in the ocean of magic.
Spelldancer never saw anyone else in the Dream Realm, until she brought Baerka there.
Baerka was a tundra. When Spelldancer first met him, she thought he was an ugly thing, not even realizing he was a dragon like her. Fur? A muzzle? He looked closer to a beast. It wasn't until she saw his great wings that she paused. But for Baerka, it was love at first sight. He wasn't sure what fascinated him with her, but she was beautiful. He, like her, had been alone since his hatchling days. Unlike her, not having an escape act to slip away from danger, he learned to protect himself through fang and claw.
But Baerka couldn't Dream Shift. She tried explaining it to him, but he seemed confused by the idea. She tried to teach him to do it, but when demonstrating, would simply send herself there. When she returned, he shrugged and laughed. "No no, I can't turn invisible."
"I'm not turning invisible!" But the specifics didn't matter to Baerka. Whatever this was, he couldn't do it.
It didn't take long for the two to fall in love. They stayed together over the coming years, maturing into adulthood together. They nested in the open grass plains, in a lone tree that stood defiantly, with a large hollow at the bottom of the trunk. Baerka dug into the earth beneath the trunk for more space, but Spelldancer often found herself perched in the branches instead, and often sailed away into the wind without realizing it, lost in thought. Baerka would track her down, "waking" her with a gentle smile painted on his face.
With time, some answers came, from the establishment of their own clan.
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bluestarjay · 2 months ago
Ugh, guys, it's been almost a MONTH since I've posted last,,, apologies to anyone who cares? Anyways, ummm, idk what to say tbh,,, I got some really cool stuff for Christmas!! I got a vintage Biyomon clock and some Alice in Wonderland stuff and a bunch of other awesome things. I'm also going to be getting a whole bunch of digimon books soon, and I'm so excited!!! Ok but fr I actually do wanna make a post bc I'm writing my first long-form fic rn and I'm kinda scared bc I'm not very good at writing but I've had the idea in my head for so long I need to get it out. It's an mha time travel fic in which s6 'vigilante' deku gets hit with a quirk, and the vestiges let him know he's gotta go back in time and hes just like wtf bc they decided he was gonna stop afo from finding shigaraki but oopsies he's actually going back all the way to like Yoichi's time!! It's technically a modern AU or wtv bc the vestiges all have SUCH specific vibes that match certain decades, so I created an entire timeline for this shit omg. So basically, it takes place in 2025, so he goes back to the late 1940s, then the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s and then finally to ~2009 to save shigaraki. Throughout each decade, he has to find the user of that era, who then has to guide him to the "portal" that will take him into the next like era. I read another fic once in which he was finding the vestiges and like following them through a little sparkling glow kinda thing, and that's basically what it's gonna be in my fic lolol. The inspiration is largely from Alice Through the Looking Glass as well as Howl's Moving Castle and Coraline. Its basically like hes getting to know each vestige in their own time, and its really familial and sweet. I also wanted to focus on the bond between the vestiges themselves and not just with Izuku. There are sooo many headcanons for them, too. I'm not sure if I'll do a ship between izuku and someone else, but we'll see how it goes. Maybe Shinsou or Todoroki. Anyways byebye
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yamatossideboob · 3 months ago
ONE PIECE 1133 Spoilers!
This week's gotchas:
'previously on One Piece' (sounds of utter carnage and trauma) COME ABOARD AND BRING ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG
man that old bag is diagnosing Robin as autistic with gusto.
(i'm autistic i can make these jokes. also Robin is autistic fr jsyk)
I'm not even going to go into that panel of her at the cliff's edge bc thinking about it too much will destroy me for the day
or that drawing Ohara panel if you're a true OP head you already know
everyone's together again 🥺🥺🥺
I'm glad we got a mention of Big Mom... the world ticks onwards
ofc Saul is a teacher now... the most noble of professions
"STOP!! THIS IS ROBIN'S MOMENT!!" ty Nami the stage is set, the players gathered let's all weep together now
Tumblr media
the OP readership 2 or 3 chapters ago lmfao
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I've been waiting to gush about this for like 24 hours omfg This is just so perfect, I can't believe how good Oda got us here. A downside of weekly reading for so long (5 and a half years for me!) is that bits and pieces and details get forgotten. like fucking Saul pulling this trick in Robin's flashback nearly 20 years ago in real publication lol. HE RUSED US!!!
I'm genuinely tearing up lads.... two people who loved each other so much, separated under such cruel circumstances, reunited after such a long time...
"Bet ya can't believe I made it huh?!" okay Oda we got our peak don't milk it now pal
BLESS YOU FOR BEING ALIVE ROBIN!!! BLESS YOU FOR SURVIVING!!! FUCKING SAY IT KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robin emotional moments just hit harder than anything else. It's honestly incredible, the power of narrative restraint. Robin as a character means so much to me... I really feel like I cherish her character with so much others who've been made to feel like they're better off dead, only to be reminded irrefutably just how much our loved ones care about us. That's part of what makes being a One Piece fan so special... that undeniable sentiment that someone somewhere wants us in this world. It's a lifesaver sometimes.
I love that Luffy is just beaming while nearly everyone else is bawlinggggggggg except for stoic Fish Papa and Mosshead, truly a spectrum of emotions
and yeah Saul is another dead cowarded out of but FUCK IT its worth it this time nakama
Anyway, we have that mysterious hatted figure otw, and Loki getting all Machiavelli down below... the wheel turns my friends, and we'll find out what direction in 2 weeks. Stay safe, stay warm (or cool in the southern hemisphere) and we'll meet back here then 💪✖️
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thescribblings · 1 year ago
Just some random lil fun facts about my peepaw au, since i can
1, his tail isn't natural whasoever. He spent too much time in radioactive areas and boom! Lil nub tail popped up one day! (No, he didn't notice it until someone pointed it out, and yes, it can retract, but it's uncomfortable after a while, lol)
2, it's called 'slightly feral future leo for a reason, i just haven't explored it properly yet so i don't have many explanations atm '•>• (except that he has 'mission mode', it's basically ptsd but with extra ✨️spice✨️)
3, this man is like, really fuckin active (living my dreams fr) one of his favorite things to do when he isn't lounging on the couch is run! And boy, does he run, he was a lil too eager to get back to it when his abdomen was healing, and luckily nothing bad really happened, but he did get an earful from everyone else
4, contrary to most, my peepaw doesn't have a lot of self depricating thoughts! They're there, but they don't run the show, y'know?
5, like i mentioned in the post about his prosthetic, he's really fuckin heavy (200-250ish kg or 440-550ish lbs), and for good reason! On top of the heavy ass shell attached to him, the undeniable fact that he's mainly made of muscle and built like a damn tank and his prosthetic, i decided to make him 7'4, 223,5cm. What can i say? Tall idiots scratch an itch in my brain
6, he has zero sleep schedule, you will find him awake at the most random of hours, in the most random of places (sometimes he's up for days, but we'll get into that in the future) you'll also find him sleeping in random ass spots, on a light fixture in donnie's lab? Yep. In a corner, crammed between pipes? Yessir. In the middle of the floor? Obviously. Literally in the fuckin closet? Yes. Turtle brain go brrr
7, onto one of my favorites, i personally believe (as illogical as it may be) that rumbling vs churring has to do with size to some extent, the smaller turtles can rumble but they have to think about it, the bigger turtles do it on instinct, make sense? Lemme tell you, this man can sound like a fuckin engine sometimes, mikey loves it ofc. oh, and he makes more turtle noises than the others lol, part of the whole 'feral' thing
8, he's very interested in unicorns still, once a leo, always a leo. But he's also very interested in fashion, and mainly different clothes that look good, are comfortable, AND that he can kick someone's ass in, so he mainly wears loose clothing, and despite the choking hazard, often wears his scarf! I just don't know how to draw it yet, lol (and yes, present leo did get him a unicorn onesie, he loved it)
Oh! And he does usually wear a prosthetic arm, i just havent designed one yet lol (and I'm enjoying not having to draw 2 arms)
Thank you for reading my ramblings!
Have nice day
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scribblestatic · 1 year ago
Owah, that was a lot of actual writing. Time to get back to some drabbling, I think, on this baby boy chubby Izuku.
Or maybe I'll just continue writing fr, we'll see.
Izuku suits up in some exercise clothes for the practical. He wears a long-sleeved, thin shirt made with some sort of synthetic blend. He also has long pants which are thicker to keep him warm, but flexible for movement. To supplement his outfit, he wears protective gloves, elbow pads, and knee pads as well, a first-aid kit strapped to his side, something he'd learned to carry around while handling sharp glass and metal.
Fighting is something he's still not completely sure about doing, but he has to put in his all. He can do that at least.
Looking around at the others, they all seem so confident. Many of them have equipment specifically specialized to their quirks. It's pretty fascinating, and had Izuku not been entirely too nervous, he probably would've started murmuring about it.
But for now, the anxiety was too strong, so he kept his mouth shut, simply glancing around.
As he does, he sees the girl from before! The one who kept him from falling! She has her eyes closed, and she's fanning herself.
He never did get the chance to thank her for before, so he cautiously starts heading over.
But Izuku startles when a hand clasps onto his shoulder.
He finches at the touch, turning around and seeing the tall, buff guy from before. He gives Izuku a stern look, his angled brows frowning.
"You... That girl seems to be trying to concentrate. Are you trying to disturb her at such a serious time? Are you taking this entrance exam to disturb everyone else?"
"Then, why bother someone who is clearly trying to focus? From the time you came here, you've been nothing but a disturbance to others."
His heart pangs, and the words he'd heard from others start to weigh on him again. His fingers curl into his shirt as he looks down, fighting the urge to cry.
"I...I'm really...uhm. I'm really n-not here to...disturb anyone. I'm...sorry."
The guy sighs, then he stands up straight, crossing his arms.
"Listen. Right now, this is a time for people serious on becoming heroes to focus on the task at hand."
"I-I know. I'm sorry."
He continues to lecture Izuku, who can't help but keep looking down, finding it progressively harder to not start crying. Whispers filter over from the nearby applicants, some of whom notice him from when he almost fell and when he started murmuring during the introduction. They quickly begin to discount him, considering themselves lucky to be in the same practical exam stage as he is.
Ahh...daggomit. He really can't help it.
Izuku sniffles, turning his face away from the larger crowd. But someone still mentions, laughing lightly, that he's started to cry.
That only makes things worse, tears building up in his eyes and flowing down from his lashes as he tries to rub them away.
"I-I'm really sorry," he says softly, bowing again toward the buff teen. "I'm sorry."
"...Well. As long as you understand."
Izuku doesn't see the conflicted expression on the stranger's face. His previous righteous anger was shifting into concern. After all, he didn't think he was doing anything to prompt tears from the other boy. However, since he had been a bother, he didn't really want to comfort him, so he instead walked away, leaving the soft boy to try to styme his tears alone.
Everyone looked up, Present Mic grinning down at them.
"There's no countdown in real fights! Get movin'~!"
Immediately, the kid start rushing into the area, prepared to fight pointer robots. Trailing behind them, Izuku follows, tears still wetting his cheeks.
The speedsters quickly leave the others behind, getting deeper into false city faster. Those who could fly take to the skies, going to look for potential enemies. But others, like Izuku, had to rely on their regular speed.
And Izuku, unlike others, ran slower. The distance between them grew, but he kept going, his pace and breathing steady.
As he ran, suddenly, something burst through a wall. A one-point robot, ready to attack!
He wasn't really used to fighting quite yet, but he'd watched videos online. Still, fighting a big robot was something he had no reference for. Quickly, his eyes start darting along the machine's body, trying to find a weak point he can try to attack. He's worked with a lot of metal by this point--he might not be a professional, but he's better at identifying weak spots than most.
But his evaluation all goes out the window the instant a gleaming light beam shoots through the robot's body.
Down a nearby road, the laser user calls out in a fancy, high-class voice, "Thanks for distracting it~!"
Izuku looks over to see a blond with long lashes who moves his arms flamboyantly.
"We made a great team! However, I don't think we'll be crossing paths again~ Adieu~!"
With a flourish, the boy runs off to find another robot to destroy, leaving Izuku with the wreckage.
He knows exactly what that boy means. He thinks that he'll pass and Izuku won't, so they'll not see each other's faces again.
However, instead of getting angry, Izuku can't help but think it can't be helped he would think that way. Nothing he's done so far would do well to prove him wrong. Izuku can't fault the flamboyant young man for his assertion, so he feels no anger at all, only dissatisfaction with himself for not being better.
Izuku picks up bits and bobs from the destroyed robot, then continues his running pace further into the area.
--- --- ---
As the teachers watch the exam, of course, they keep their eyes on promising kids who could become their future students. Iida's little brother is already a show-out success with his fast acting and strong kicks. For an underdog, the girl with what appeared to be some sort of gravity or float quirk was doing quite well, considering she wasn't physically strong. She was likely a diamond in the rough.
Other kids, despite their eagerness, ended up getting hurt or knocking themselves out of the running. One such kid ended up twisting their ankle, overstressing their quirk, and a one-pointer arrived to attack.
Of course, they wouldn't have the robots attack the kids while downed. Still, it would try to appear as though it would attack. After all, there was another part to the exam.
Just as it seemed there was no hope for the downed kid but to be spared last minute--
--another kid rammed themselves into its side. They seemed to have fashioned something of a shield out of destroyed robot parts.
At first, the robot prepared to fight, but then, the kid backed up and turned the shield to its edge. With it pinned near a building, they put their foot on part of it's body and drove the metal shield through its torso with both hands. The robot glitched, then shut off, wires inside its body pinched and cut.
"Oh, isn't it our quirkless hero applicant?" one of them says.
Izuku huffs as he backs off from the robot he downed, tugging the makeshift shield made from dented metal and thick cords back around his body. But instead of running off, he quickly approaches the downed student.
They talk back and forth a bit, but when the kid stands and tries to head off, they almost fall back to their knees. Their ankle is turning a rather red color.
It seems to take some convincing, but eventually, the kid seems to give up on resisting. Izuku quickly picks up the person and finds a quiet spot to keep them.
Some of the teachers hum, impressed. They'd set up unmarked safe zones, areas where the robots wouldn't approach. Despite there being a 10 minute time limit, Izuku was one of only a few who recognized that safe zones existed. While other kids avoided those areas, seeking danger zones, Izuku pointedly took the injured person to it.
He opened his first aid kit and took out a crush faux ice pack, instructing the kid to put it on their ankle and keep it cool. Then, he rushed off, looking for...
Other injured kids.
He seemed to have given up on trying to find a villain to fight. Instead, he focused on rescue efforts, only occasionally using his weight and shield for defensive and offensive measures. But if Izuku could flee while carrying someone, he would, often leading the pointer robot to actively fighting kids as a decoy.
With two minutes left, Izuku had set up a small group of seven injured and exhausted applicants.
There's only about two minutes left. With that in mind, they press a button.
They watch as a great rumbling spreads out across the area, dust kicked up by the release of something huge. A moment later, the zero-pointer rises up, hauling its great weight toward smaller streets, prepared to "decimate" the young hero prospects.
The reaction is immediate. Kids start fleeing as soon as one of the robot's hands crush part of the top of a building. Up above, Present Mic calls out that less than two minutes remain in the exam.
Izuku, who had been looking for any other injured person to carry away, is knocked over by a fleeing person. He falls back onto his butt, hiding his face from the dust and dirt kicked up at him. Several people pass him by without a second glance. Even Iida's kid brother looks at him briefly before speeding away.
Once he gets his bearings, he turns over, stumbling onto his hand and knees and prepares to run.
But then, he hears a voice behind him.
"Ahh, that's gotta hurt," a teacher mutters.
The girl with the floaty quirk has her leg pinned under debris. Shocked and disoriented by pain, she only focuses on futily trying to pull herself out from under the heavy concrete and rebar.
Of course, she won't get crushed. The zero-pointer would stop before doing something like that. U.A. didn't have a habit of killing kids trying to be a hero at their school.
But in such an adrenaline-filled scenario, it wasn't likely the kids would know that, or would think about it.
Judging from the way Izuku's face, the underside of his eyes still red from crying earlier, twists in utter panic, he's blindsided, just as anyone would be.
However, unlike the others, who fled in the sight of indominable power, Izuku turns tail quickly, sprinting as fast as he can to get to the girl.
He's not very fast, no. Not as fast as some of the others would've been. In fact, by the time he reaches the girl, they're both surrounded by dust kicked up by the zero-pointer rumbling above them.
Izuku rushes to where her leg's pinned. He looks over the pile quickly, squinting in the clouds. He finds the heaviest slab of concrete amongst the many around her, testing it to see if others will slip once it's moved. Confirming it won't, the girl's voice a buzz in his ears...
She's telling him to run.
Instead, he breathes in through his nose, his lungs itching from the smoke.
Then out.
His muscles push outward, flexing under his protective layers of fat. He breathes in through his nose, and blows out from between his lips, his back muscles bulging and straining. He has his knees bent, and his hold on the chunk of concrete is strong.
He grits his teeth, starting to pick it up. He's not sure how heavy it is, but it takes a good amount of his ability. Sweat builds on his brow quickly, neck straining.
"P-lea...se...make this...float?"
He manages to get it up enough for her to pull her leg free. But there's no telling if she can stand. He looks back at her, breathing out his mouth quickly. It's incredibly heavy. Had it not been for other rubble, her ankle and foot could've been crushed.
"Float it, please!!"
It's the loudest he's spoken since the day started, his lungs burning.
The girl quickly does so, and immediately, her face turns a startlingly pale shade, and her hand clamps over her mouth.
With the weight gone, Izuku moves away from her. Then, he starts spinning around, holding onto the concrete as tightly as possible. He feels his fingertips bleed under his gloves.
He shouts, letting go of the concrete as it sails toward the shadow of the zero-pointer. Then, Izuku rushes over, picking the girl up and running away.
"Release!" he calls out.
And she does, feebly pressing her fingers together.
With the momentum Izuku sent it flying, now added with the renewed weight, the large concrete chunk became a cannonball.
It slams into the robot's chest. Much like a watermelon at high speeds breaking through a car door, the concrete crushes the very metal that had formed it into a chunk.
The sudden impact has the robot leaning back, wires cut and bent out of shape. Izuku and the girl didn't know it, but his aim was impeccable. It slammed into a pertinent part of the machine, setting off a chain reaction up the zero-pointer's torso.
Only after parts of it fell off, collapsing in flames, does Izuku manage to make it out of the large dust cloud with the girl in his arms. They both turned somewhat brown from the mess, and Izuku quickly runs her toward the safe zone.
He isn't very fast, no. And he isn't fast enough to get there before the girl, completely spent, throws up on him.
But he was the only one who went back for her.
--- --- ---
By the time Recovery Girl arrives a few moments later, everyone has settled down. Their adrenaline slowly eases into calmness, and they talk amongst each other about how they think they did.
"Oh, who are those guys over there?"
When they look over, they see the small crowd of people Izuku had gathered during the exam. The girl who puked on him apologizes profusely as he tentatively pulls off his over shirt, leaving him in a short-sleeved undershirt he was wearing. But as soon as his shirt is off, he's back caring for her as though the nurse hasn't already arrived.
"I, uhm, I think I have...bandages. To brace your ankle. Let's, uhm...may I do that?" he asks, his voice soft again.
"You don't have to do all of that!" the girl cries out, waving her hands at him placatingly. "Seriously! You've done more than enough!"
The others in the group, especially the ones previously begrudging about his help, chime in. Though, they seem mistaken. Instead of complimenting Izuku for helping them, they talk about how cool it was for the girl to throw the rock at the robot.
"H-Huh? W-Well, I mean, I didn't throw it! He did! I just made it float!"
"But he wouldn't have been able to pick it up without you, right?"
"No, he picked it up, mostly, it was just--"
"You got rid of the gravity on it, yeah? That was super cool! And timing it just right to hit it!!"
The girl, Ochako, doesn't understand why they're so bent on complimenting her. While she appreciates it, she feels it's ignoring the one who actually saved her in the end... The boy who gives her ridiculously cute hamster eyes, like he's waiting for her to say yes to having her ankle wrapped and supported.
He doesn't try to correct them at all. Instead, he even nods when they call her cool!
"I...uhm...wouldn't have been able to throw it without your help." He smiles. It's wobbly and a bit watery, eyes irritated from the dust earlier. "Your quirk is really strong, and you can use it well. I'd be surprised if you didn't get in."
"Alright, seems there's a small crowd of injured kids here, huh?" Recovery Girl asks, approaching steadily with her cane. "Here, here, who needs a kiss?"
Izuku stands up then, approaching the pro hero with his fingers worrying each other.
"The guy in the red shirt, uhm, he was knocked out when I first found him, so he could have a concussion. And the one in the red and the girl in black, pink, and white...their ankles look pretty bad. The rest mostly have scratches or exhausted their quirks."
"Oh my! What a nice young man, taking care of them... Though, I think you should take care of yourself first."
Izuku then realizes he can feel something on his upper lip. He blinks, rubbing at it, trying to get it to go away. But instead, red smears onto his fingers, and he blinks, surprised.
"Seems you might have burst a vein from overexertion yourself." She curls her finger at him, so he bends down, his bloody nose still bleeding lazily. "But just to make sure nothing else is going on--"
She kisses him on the forehead, and his body gleams.
It's only then that some of the people closer to him realize exactly how injured he really was.
Bruises and cuts on his arms begin healing over. One on his back that extended up his neck was also recovering. His legs tremble under his own weight as his eyes turned from irritated and red to clear, a wave of involuntary tears washing the dust out. He gasps, his hands on his knees to keep holding himself up.
"The healing process tends to tire people out, so feel free to take a seat. Alright?"
"Now then, let's take care of the rest of you."
Ochako watches as Izuku lowers himself to the ground unsteadily. Then, he sighs, but overall, he doesn't seem as exhausted as some of the others who received the kiss are.
When she gets her kiss and immediately feels like she's stayed up for 28 hours, she feels immensely jealous of whatever kind of energy kept that soft boy going.
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hello A3! fandom, congrats on having the biggest number of unique ships submitted! (unique=non-repeated ship) out of all the ships submitted, soba and i have decided to shortlist fuyupoly and EITHER bansaku OR tasutsumu, as per a previous post where we said we'll be allowing a maximum of 2 ships per fandom into the tournament. both bansaku and tasutsumu have 3 submissions each and strong propaganda, hence this preliminary poll to decide which one will be in the tournament
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also if bansaku wins, let us know if you guys want that pic to be their pic or you guys want the act 11 CG where banri and sakuya go on a date to watch the hyakka troupe show (fake blood warning)
propoganda for both ships are under the cut!
-mod deli 🎀
Submission 1:
Tough dude getting flustered at literal angel makes happy chemical go brrrrrr
Submission 3:
words cannot express how much i love bansaku. they are so. okay hold on. they met in high school. they're in the same year but different classes. they officially become friends when they join mankai company. at least one mod is a3 liker so i'll skip those details i'm sure you know. they are so. everything. here is the list of things that has happened in canon. like literally in canon.
- they go thrift shopping together. banri gets sakuya clothes since he's got more expendable income.
- they're major theater nerds they both love the stage so much
- sakuya forgot his workbook so he went to borrow banri's and "thanks, banri-kun!"
- they went to go watch hyakka troupe play together... there's a whole cg... i can't believe they go on dates fr (delusional)
banri was struggling with finding a purpose in life, versus sakuya who always dreamed of veing an actor. and i think that. god i'm so delusional but like. banri's always a little sarcastic and unserious but with sakuya he's always kind even though he's still a tease. and the. they bring out different sides to each other you know. with banri, sakuya allows himself to be taken care of and doted over, but also just be a 19 year old teen. normal life . yknow.
they are so friends to lovers ever because they are such good friends to each other and it's always at the core of their relationship. yknow like even if they didn't get together romantically they still push each other to be better and to want more. but they just Want to be together and i think that makes a lot of difference. choosing to be with someone. it's very unconditional and lowkey, their relationship, so choosing it is somehow Something Significant, if that makes sense.
they're so adorable. banri's a very physical person i think. so it's very easy to just imagine him with his arm over sakuya's shoulders or hugging sakuya from behind. and sakuya always thinks of banri and gets him little gifts and "i thought of you"s and they're so adorable. sometimes banri will pick sakuya up from work and sometimes sakuya will stop by amabi and i think they make time for each other.
also one last thing that isn't necessarily friends to lovers coded but i feel is very important about their relationship is how like. you know at the start banri is this delinquent asshole with no plans in life and sakuya is a little good boy who's responsible and a little silly. so i think it's really important that banri is the one who continues on to college, while sakuya goes straight to working. (at a kindergarten he is so cute i love him) because like. you know. first impressions aren't everything. what's good for you may not be good for someone else. we can all still grow more in the end. and i just. man i'm so emo over these two.
(Mod note: The 2nd bansaku submission didn't have any propaganda)
Submission 1:
(exploding) sorry if this is badly written i am walking rn . Mods know the series but A3 is about stage actors.
TasuTsumu are literally the friends to lovers ever. They're childhood friends, even. They did everything together. They've acted together since elementary school. but then (VINE BOOM) thry both try out for a prestigious acting troupe called GODza... but only Tasuku makes it in (sad horn sounds) Tsumugi lost a ton of confidence after not making it and kinda ghosted Tasuku and ran away from his problems </3 he originally had given up, but missed the stage so he tried out again at the Mankai Company (troupe all of the characters are in). Of course, as fate has it, Tasuku had just left GODza after their... unsavory business tactics, but the troupe had blacklisted him from becoming an actor at any other high end troupes in the area, leaving him to go to the Mankai Company. And of course times 2, he and Tsumugi try out for the same troupe. Tasuku is less than pleased with seeing Tsumugi's face after he just disappeared before, and things between them are tense, especially when Tasuku gets fed up with Tsumugi's lack of confidence after he becomes the troupe's leader. But!! Fate wants them to get along (and be together) and Tsumugi finds this cursed doll that traps them in a time loop of the same day. They're stuck until they resolve their issues. Nothing like a good ol divine intervention to get two friends to lovers back together. tldr Tsumugi owns up to his insecurities to Tasuku and works to overcome it. In the process, while performing their play in an act off (if they end up in the competition ill actually essay about it) Tsumugi feels that his acting is inferior once again and totally bombs a show. Tasuku finally works around his own regrets of not reaching out before when Tsumugi had "quit," telling him how much he loves and envies Tsumugi's acting, and apologizes to Tsumugi. Then boom they pull off an incredibly gay play about angels and become lovers (not canon but Trust me).
please let me write properly about them and put them in i love my blorbos <3 they were made for this tournament
Submission 2:
absolute best friends in childhood who had a very impactful falling out, but managed to resolve things. nowadays they're in a theatre troupe together where their troupe is quite literally married.
Submission 3:
2. Their introductory arc was literally a whole divorce-reunion arc. They divorced because Tsumugi failed an audition into the God Squad theatre troupe while Tasuku got in which was a blow to Tsumugi's confidence as an actor and he ran away and Tasuku was mad at him for that. It was literally so bad that the game had to break its slice-of-life genre to introduce a doll that traps people in a timeloop until they're able to make up, and they (and another guy who's kinda a cryptid) are the only ones aware that the day keeps repeating
3. After one of their shows, Tsumugi overhears some audience members criticising him and comparing him to Tasuku, which leads to him changing his acting style in the next show which completes bombs their show. Out of shame, Tsumugi runs away, and it takes Tasuku some hesitating before chasing after him and finally telling him how he REALLY feels -- that he was guilty for not being able to do anything to help Tsumugi when he failed that audition years ago and ran away, and that he admires Tsumugi's acting for what it is. The anime makes this scene even gayer by having them meet on a bridge in the snow and Tasuku holding an umbrella over Tsumugi's head as he pours his heart out to Tsumugi
4. Tsumugi regains his confidence after hearing that, and they finally FINALLY 100% reconcile
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lightyearssurrogatedaddy · 1 year ago
Should I make a New Year's appreciation post too? Cus I saw someone else do it.
Idkkk this year was pretty wack, I met God for five seconds, met God again, improved my art, bawled like a baby, had sixteen sexuality awakenings before I decided to go unlabeled, and met some pretty incredible people that I plan on canibalistically consuming.
Started last year hating myself and crying, started this year feeling grumpy but that's prolly just because I woke up early today. I learned this terrible, terrible fact that I'm allowed to be loved and I spear fought that for a good few months ngl.
Learned that being cringe is awesome
Learned how to write
Learned that people are more terrifying than what I previously anticipated but that just makes me love them even more
I know the meaning of life (no I don't) (I've scraped it up to "fuck around and find out" and I suggest it as s tier advice) (actually no I don't)
Learned how to make a boiled potato (singular)
Life's pretty cool I didn't expect this at all. It threw me a curveball at half time and I got all my teeth knocked out. It's been a weird experience so far, I think I, did that thing, yk that thing humans do, yeah I think I shed a few cells and grew a little bit. Whoa. Crazy.
I learned that in hindsight this post doesn't really matter, but that's not gunna stop ME from giving a smooch to everyone I love. They like, changed the way I exist. I don't remember feeling this loved and thought of before, it's eerie, really eerie.
Learned how to like myself even a tiny bit, because of all of you. I owe you a lot.
(am I allowed to tag people?) (Sorry I'm still borderline new at this) (I don't wanna bother anyone with my silliness) (maybe I'll just say your names instead of tagging you and hope it magically summons you) (or maybe I won't)
@crunchontoast (for yk, everything. If I even attempt to write it all out we'll be here for days. Summing it up feels inadequate but I realize that I don't have to explain anything in a post to strangers online. Cus you already know and that's awesome)
@karineverse (for being a real one and listening to me ramble. Helping me figure out shapes for characters. You're a silly sills)
@fl0w3rg0at (for being one of my besties for almost three years at this point, I think. Whoa yeah. And for sticking with me through all my crappy phases)
I'm feeling awkward I hate emotions (‼️‼️‼️)
My Mom (thank you mom. ✨How did you survive me✨)
My Cousin (for getting me Hollow Knight for Christmas. And also for texting me once per year) (a real one fr)
My Cat (for giving me snuggles when I most needed it)
I wanna tag Tacol0ser can I tag Tacol0ser? Anyways (for being the silly guy in my Ao3 comments section and giving me bursts of confidence. You're cool)
My Bestie Since 1st Grade (for being like a sister to me, our lives are pretty rough and I'm glad we have each other. Let's hold hands and go downtown for pizza again)
Oh sorry did you expect more people? My b most of them are off Tumblr. Anyways I tried tell me when to delete this cus my nerves are getting the best of me.
Ah wait and thanks for Tumblr for giving me a shitton of new memes to bother folks with.
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