#we’re lacking in them as a fandom and thats disappointing
raptorfics · 5 years
Also, hope I’m not bothering you, but are you considering writing any Arin x reader smut in the future?
You’re not bothering me at all and yes, absolutely! I’ve had a bunch of ideas in my hiatus that i just need to actually write them lol
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I finally watched The Episode.
I have some feelings.
I am so so proud of Cas. I can't emphasize that enough.
I understand Dean's shock and lack of reaction. He's not the master of emotional honesty or emotions in general. It sucks that he couldn't give Cas what he deserved, but I understand.
I want so much to be happy with what we were given... because life has taught me thats it's already more than we're ever likely to get.
But I'm so tired of being given crumbs and being expected to sit happily in the corner and shut up.
Knowing Misha, and having him be the only person in this shit show that I trust at the moment, I'm holding onto a tiny shred of hope that this is all smoke and mirrors to make us really surprised when he comes back in the finale.
It's not ok.
It's just not.
This show... it's unprecedented. There are literally people who have grown up with these characters. We are ALLOWED to be emotionally invested. We are ALLOWED to want things for them... and for ourselves.
People sometimes throw around the terms "queerbaiting" and "kill your gays" loosely. But those are real things. Real, harmful, hurtful, damaging, fucked up things that so many of us have to deal with. It is so far beyond fucked up to culmimate over a decade of blatant queerbaiting by IMMEADIATELY killing the character that I don't even have words... and it's honestly not my job to educate anyone at this point. If you don't understand what this feels like, I can't make you understand. But if you know, you know.
My point is this.
Even if it's a ploy. Even if Cas comes back and they do genuinely confirm that Destiel is canon. Even if for ONCE they don't disappoint us by doing their cowardly, ambiguous, completely unoriginal and totally expected, plausible deniability bullshit. It is so fucking cruel to make a huge group of potentially vulnerable people sit around feeling THIS level of misery for the sake of a fucking cliffhanger.
I am proud.
I am happy.
I am heartbroken.
I am angry.
But mostly?
I am genuinely concerned for the people who have been treated with such blatant disregard.
And I am just so fucking sad that this may have single-handedly tainted the culmination of 15 fucking years of love and dedication to these characters, to this story, for myself and so many others.
And if you want to downplay these feelings? If you want to laugh and joke that it's just a show and not a big deal and boo hoo poor shipper fandom babies, ha ha ha...
Fuck you.
(EDIT: Please feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to. I might not be able to answer right away, but I am here and more than willing ❤)
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fandomfourever · 7 years
2017 Fic In Review
Thanks for tagging me @butterfliesandresistance
total number of completed stories: 6 – one was a collab with @butterfliesandresistance
total word count: 56, 566
fandoms written in: Gotham
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Eh, probably around what I expected. I was having trouble with fic ideas so I kind of figured it wouldn’t be much this year, lol.
what’s your own favorite story of the year? Spring Switch was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed collabing with @butterfliesandresistance  . If we’re talking solo fics, I’m pretty darn happy with The Future Was Just The Start.
did you take any writing risks this year? Mmm, I wouldn’t consider any of them risks per-say
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? Not particularly. Not beyond just hoping to have more ideas for fanfic I guess.
best story of the year? Again, I’d have to say Spring Switch and The Future Was Just the Start.
most popular story of the year? Spring Switch
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Uhh, I’m pretty happy with the turn out for most. But I suppose if I had to choose I’d say The Future Was Just the Start – because I’m greedy for kudos and comments lol
most fun story to write: Surprise, surprise it’s the same tie between Spring Switch and  The Future Was Just the Start
story with the single sexiest moment: We’ll Figure It Out for sure
sweetest story: Guess my answer ;)
“holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story: None of them are particularly crazy
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: Uhhh, I don’t think any of them really.
hardest story to write: Currently Love For The Holidays. I’ve been super struggling to finish it and I feel guilty about it :(
biggest disappointment: Eh, I’m not really disappointed in any of them really. Except maybe a little of We’ll Figure It Out because it was kind of rushed. Though I suppose in general I’m disappointed in how few fics I actually wrote.
biggest surprise: The lack of smut in my fics this year. Normally I can’t write a fic without some XD  
I’ll tag @kateera , @sunlitroom , and @emmageddon if they feel like doing this 
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moonotter · 7 years
A Quick Critique of Riverdale
I’m not hating on any ships within the show after finishing the first season I’m merely pointing out my own observations regarding them. Current focus is on the primary ships within the fandom
Beronica: Okay I was gonna say I was aware this was gonna be a queer baiting ship but there’s also the rather suggestive content within the comics. CW has made it clear this is not going to be a ship they’ll actually explore (note: I believe in at one of the cons it was Camila that said something along the lines of “we gave the fans a tease of it but thats just not our show”). In the first couple of episodes I could see how this could be interpreted as a ship by the screen-time and interactions between Betty and Veronica. Ideally if the show progressed it would be nice if the show went the Korra/Asami route, however, judging by the CW’s treatment of LGBT relationships, it currently seems unlikely.
Varchie: This is essentially a couple the show ends on by the end of Season One. The foreshadowing was definitely obvious throughout the season to where the writers were planning on having this ship cannon. By the end of the season the whole “lets keep this under wraps for a while and wait to tell everyone” was a really stupid albeit minor subplot since it was followed by the Jubilee performance that... really made it obvious they were into each other; I will add I agree with some critics that the performance came off as a knock-off HSM Troy-Gabriella, however this had some sort of relevancy? And wasn’t just a poorly planned play a la HSM1 (although it is a classic). However, the “foreshadowing” moments would’ve made more sense as them growing closer platonically due to the chemistry just...not being there. Of course many of their moments were rather sparse due to the characters being involved in other plot lines. Since they’ll remain a couple for a good chunk of Season 2 I’m assuming, it would make way more sense if they wrote their interactions more fluidly. There’s definitely potential with this ship but the writing could definitely improve and not completely bashing KJ’s acting, it has blatantly come off that Veronica is more into Archie than Archie is into her (not just because this would give into the Iconic Love Triangle). The interactions between the two at recent cons sort of give me hope but in at least one of the interviews they both came off as uninterested but I’m unsure of any prior knowledge that led to that. 
Bughead: Currently ignoring how this side of the fandom has allegedly acted out, since this is on the ship itself not the fans. Now Bughead has had the development that Varchie lacked in Season One. Therefore its easier to see how their feelings and interactions have developed. I’m not quite sure how Riverdale plans on presenting Jugheads comic-canon Asexuality after the finale but I sit with the argument that sexuality is fluid (and quite possibly the CW will gloss over this with previous queer-baiting); any allusions to his comic counter-part are more blatant with his interactions with Archie. The relationship is probably one of the healthier types I've seen presented in a teen-drama with how well their support of each other is. Now the finale made the blatant allusion to The Godfather (note: this was admitted by the writers) however I’m gonna say that the Jacket allowed the scene to definitely be its own. I'll admit a majority of their relationship does come off as slightly stale as much as the relationship makes sense, but I appreciate that their relationship is more plot focused. I’m curious to see how this relationship progresses into Season 2 especially with the addition of Vanessa Morgan. 
Archie/Betty: I'll admit I don’t actually know what the mash-name of this ship is so just putting the Classic naming system in. Now this is a ship I’ll admit I'm glad hasn’t happened. For clarity, the beginning made practical sense of Betty being the girl next door with an unrequited crush on Archie. However, despite the two of them being friends it did come off that it could be an unhealthy relationship should it have ever occurred that early in the series. Following his rejection, the allowing the two of them to friends was probably one of the better decisions made narratively. Now Archies relationship with Ms. Grundy at the same time could’ve influenced this, but early season Archie lacked more sense than later season Archie. The repeated Archie being disappointed by Jughead and Betty being happy with their relationship is admittedly a concern but we’re “talking about a teenage boy.” He had multiple chances to get with Betty, with or without Grundy’s influence, and frankly with how the writing has been with the two, the focus on Bughead makes more logical sense for the time being. With the ending of Season One allowing Archie to question his own relationship and his feelings for Betty clearly plays into the Iconic Love Triangle, however, this does make me question how the Core Four will go in the series and I do worry it could become toxic for Archie and Betty in its representation should they ever get together. Now I’ll acknowledge we’re currently only in Season One with few spoilers from early Season Two so I end my commentary on this ship.
Kevin/Joaquin: Rather underrated, unsure of the ship name. This is a rather minor ship but I figured I would comment on one of the shows more blatant non-het ships. The relationship could’ve been given more depth but Casey wasn’t at this time a Series Regular. Therefore the lack of focus on this relationship despite the plot point of Joaquin working with the Serpents for information and what not. The writers quite obviously floundered with this ship regarding their lack of screen time thus making it easier to slide in when necessary but not to the level that any Bughead or Varchie had. I wouldn’t bank against the writers bringing Joaquin back later in the series for the sake of Drama but it was an underdeveloped ship and hopefully they get better with their LGBT representation.
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aratanaruu · 6 years
my thoughts on KH3′s endgame
a lotta endgame stuff but there’s gonna be a lot of talk about general KH3 things too. Spoilers for KH3 (+ KHUx) and be warned, there’s going to be a lot of negativity. Ish.
don’t get me wrong I loved KH3 as a Kingdom Hearts game. As a standalone game. But as a finale to a saga? I’m feeling disappointed. Like, really disappointed but in some cases, not surprised. Loved the game. Wished there were more.
I think my biggest gripe was that there was no mid-point. Or no “hub” world. KH3 started off great! I loved what they did with the KH2.9. That was cheeky, real cheeky. Good stuffs. Going to Twilight Town + Olympus really set things up. Sora’s going to find a way to bring Roxas back. Mickeyriku is going to find a way to bring Aqua back. Kairi and Lea are training. I was so excited to see how things would develop. 
Then it turned into... well. Sora just. kinda forgot about Roxas for the rest of the game?? Like?? After Twilight Town, the game turned into a “go to this Disney world and fuck around. Then go to this Disney world and do the same thing with no plot relevance whatsoever.” There was no midpoint in the game where we were like oh yeah, there’s kinda an upcoming keyblade war.
I think that’s what made the endgame feel so rushed. Everything happened in the Keyblade Graveyard and beyond instead of being spaced out. Aqua’s back, hooray! And in the next ten minutes, Ven is back. Yay! And in the next five minutes, we’re at the final battle spot! Wait, what?
so i’m just gonna gloss over the whole timeline shenanigan stuff because my one brain cell is too tired to think about it rn.
I’ll talk about the individual scenes like Terranort + Xion/Roxas’ return + THE WAYFINDER TRIOS REUNION???? in separate posts cause i don’t feel like making this get long and they each deserve their own post.
but yeah anyways back to the ‘plot’. Sora forgot about Roxas? Sora did so little to actually... bring Roxas back. The keybearers just charged into the final battle without worry and the people who were supposed to come back kinda just... did. Like, Sora bringing Roxas back was emphasized so much in the trailers. And when Roxas finally does come back, he and Sora nod at each other and... that’s it? That’s all the character interaction we get?
To be fair, though, there were hardly any character interaction (coughvenandroxaslookingateachothercough). I think that’s what a lot of the fandom was looking forward to most. Ven seeing Lea? My boy made no remark on how things really have changed in the ten years he’s been asleep? He called Lea his friend (which was sweet) but that’s it? Aqua talks to Kairi sure. But Terra never once speaks to Riku, his apprentice? Terra and Riku never talk about how they both fell to darkness???? Roxas and Riku never talk things out???? Kairi and Namine??? oh thats another story. namine, sweetie, im so fucking sorry you got done so dirty sweetie i am so sorry
Everything felt rushed! Oh, the war’s starting. Oh, look, everyone’s back. (speaking of which, Xion, baby, I love you but how did you get here..?) Oh, look, Kairi’s dead. (yeah im. not gonna go there. i think the fandom’s got me covered regarding how kairi was done even dirtier in kh3.) 
Scala ad Caelum is fucking gorgeous. and there’s daybreak town and since im a slut for khux ofc i ascended when i saw it. Theme’s great. If only we got to listen to it for more than fifteen seconds. I’m with the party that believes Scala was supposed to be a playable, explorable world but was cut in development. smh
I think the ending was. Well. I loved everything to do with the Wayfinders??? LIKE??? Eraqus shows up!! And HUGS! HUGS GBSIHBGKHSB im’ losing my mind over this scene one month later like??? ERAQUS APOLOGIZES TO VEN AND AQUA and Terra’s so hesitant to approach Eraqus because he thinks he doesn’t deserve his Master’s love but Eraqus brings him into the grouphug KHGBSKHGBK and he tells Terra to “take care of the two” which shows that he trusts Terra!! He still trusts Terra!!! AGBAKHGBAKHGAB
sidenote: i can’t fuckning get over terra approaching xehanort and getting ready to fuck., him up. and aqua grabs his hand because she’s afraid not of terra but of losing him again and seeing hikm hurt but terra just looks at aqua with a gaze that asks her to trust him and she does so she lets go oh my gfucking god kh3 made terraqua canon without making it actually canon BL ES S my crops have been watered my skin is cleared my fucking depression is cured BLESS
so after xehanort gets away scotch-free from giving like, everyone PTSD, there’s a satisfying ending of Sora holding the x-blade and stuff like that but. Kairi?? Where’s Kairi?? Like, all the keybearers are here. All the trios (namine sweetie i still love you) are here. Except for Kairi. It’s just. Augh. 
I feel like things would have made a nice conclusion. Hell, things did make a nice conclusion! But then Kairi’s not there! It’s kinda like Nomura didn’t want the story to end. I was looking for a satisfying end to the saga but Nomura kept it going with an “oh yeah kairis kinda gone soras gonna look for her btw” while I’m just??? let it end?? endings are okay sometimes?? please//??
yeah and then sora’s like, fuckig dead or whatever. yeah im not happy about that from a writing standpoint. I want a closed ending! I want the Destiny Trio to have justice! I want them to be together like in KH2′s ending! But did Riku and Kairi even talk to each other once in KH3? It feels like the ending was just a giant set up towards the uh, secret ending.
yeah im currently playing ffxv right now. im in absolute love with the game. like, literal, absolute love. can’t stop thinking about it and making content for it. it’s great. i love it. 
verum rex.
oh boy.
When I first saw Verum Rex, I was like “this is kinda getting a little too meta but maybe it’s just another cheeky easter egg.” Then later, I was like holy shit wait Verum Rex is Latin for like, True King or something. That’s a little too-too meta.
...the secret ending. yeah. to me, it just seems like nomura is still salty over versus and i feel like that affected kh3 poorly. i know he stated in a recent interview that the two had no correlation but sure. okay. i believe you. 
bleahgkhsbg. I dunno. The Wayfinder Trio got done so much justice in the ending. Like, fucking Aqua and Terra adopt Ven and his cat/???? They live happily in the LoD??? Ven’s reunited with Chirithy?? More KHUx content??? Akusai got fuckign married and adopted 5 dumbass kids??
Destiny Trio got... shafted and fucked up. and versus is forcing itself into kh3 and. aaaaaa
once again. i love kh3 as a standalone kh game. I could rant about the positives (WAYFINDER TRIO?? HOW CUTE VEN LOOKS IN THE NEW ENGINE??? THE FUCKING MUSIC???) but ye. im here being negative woohoo
KH3 felt lacking to me. Wished there was more content. Pacing was horrendous for me. Ven is adorable. I’d die for the Wayfinder Trio. Ienzo is fucking adorable. I’m not fond of the ending.
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