#we’re already the minority can’t we be haters in peace
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babygoestozspace · 2 years ago
I have consistently seen more thinkpieces about “it’s okay to just not like Cory and America” than I’ve seen thinkpieces moralizing dislike.
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greenishbucket · 5 years ago
good vibez only
Perhaps it’s not in like, the festive spirit or whatever, but Dex refuses to feel shame in reactivating and skimming through his array of dating apps the second his flight gets delayed.
nursey/dex, tindering in an airport au, 1.6k. For @ellienchanted! thanks for the help with this and happy new year :D on ao3
Perhaps it’s not in like, the festive spirit or whatever, but Dex refuses to feel shame in reactivating and skimming through his array of dating apps the second his flight back to New York gets delayed. What else is he going to do? Read a book? Talk to the people around him? Not likely.
And like, he’s just maybe been feeling slightly more desperately alone than usual, after the holiday period spent with family. His parents were his parents and even his shithead brother had been lovey-dovey with his admittedly very nice girlfriend, not to even mention the bloodbath that was social media.
It’s only midday on New Year’s Eve, but Dex can sense in his old-man bones that it’s already ramping back up again after a few days of quiet after Christmas. Picturesque, loving content as far as a guy can scroll, most likely.
Not that Dex is bitter. He has friends, has love in his life and shit. He’s on his way home to show his face at Ford's party, after all. Except the plan is to prove he didn’t die en route, get smashed as efficiently as possible, then probably get kissed platonically by six people at midnight because his friends are like that, before ultimately heading home alone and passing out alone.
Dex is, in short, just acutely fucking aware of his singleness right now.
In the heart sense and in the dick sense, unfortunately. Whatever. He’s got a few boring hours stretching ahead of him; even if he doesn’t match with or message any of the many dudes he can swipe through, at least a good twenty percent of them are hot enough to pause for a whole second.
One guy, after some fifteen minutes of mindless, semi-horny swiping, warrants more time than that.
He has a tattoo. It wraps around his very nice bicep and Dex’s mouth goes dry. His name is Derek, and he has a couple shirtless pics, a hockey one, a few ones Dex figures are trying to convey culture – museums and art and like, sweeping landscapes – and ends it with a meme.
Which is like. It’s kind of funny, and this dude is super hot, but really? But also he is so, so hot. In like, a hot way, and in a beautiful way, so Dex can at least entertain the idea of their boning. Then Dex reads Derek’s bio:
‘what i want is what i’ve always wanted. what i want is to be changed.’ im pretty and my meat is huge. good vibez only, no haters ✌️
Dex doesn’t smile a little. He doesn’t. He definitely just rolls his eyes hard and swipes left. That quote. He doesn’t have the patience, not even for someone that looks like that.
“Ouch,” says a voice from over his shoulder. “Hard no for that one?”
Because of course, because his flight is delayed and the drive to the airport had been shit anyway, because of course – it’s the dude. He’s not just nearby, he’s literally right there. Derek. Sitting in the row of seats backed up against Dex’s, twisted round to watch over Dex’s shoulder in a flagrant disregard of like, normal fucking behaviour, and somehow even hotter in the gross airport lighting. He’s doing some kind of smirk thing that Dex isn’t into at all.
His voice is like– It’s nice. Dude has a nice voice.
And of course, instinctively, result of being a grumpy fuck since birth and years in the big city, Dex’s immediate response is, “Fuck off, asshole.” Then, back up instinct, result of his mom’s loving care and years in a small town, he adds, “Shit, sorry, that was- I didn’t mean- um.”
Derek’s smirk solidifies. Something natural rather than an expression he’s holding there, not that Dex would’ve recognised it wasn’t completely assured and legit until then. “No worries, man. It’s chill. Sexy pic with the lobster, though.”
Nursey absolutely, completely, fucking two thousand percent should not have said anything. He’d almost be surprised at himself, watching this whole thing happen out of body, except this is the least surprising behaviour from him ever. Like he’s ever been able to let a minor hurt pass without poking at it until it’s something unbearable and he has to nope out like that’d been his plan all along.
Whatever. It’s chill. He’s got this. They’re in an airport, so Nursey can nope out whenever he likes, and more effectively than usual. It’s going to be fun.
“Excuse me?” says Will.
Will, who Nursey had first noticed for his massive ears and exhausted vibes, then absently clocked as attractive, and then clocked some minutes later as the same dude whose profile he’d just come across. Will who Nursey had just swiped right on, though not before screencapping his profile and sending it to Chowder, captioned ‘a straight???’
Like. Okay. Nursey doesn’t want to stereotype, or whatever, tries really hard not to, but when a dude sees a bio like I'm Will. I like hockey and lobster-fishing and good beer. We should get to know each other? He's not proud of it but questions start arising.
“Sexy pic with the lobster,” Nursey repeats. It had been, honestly, in a kind of weird display-of-masculinity way that Nursey doesn’t want to unpack right then but definitely would with some weed.
“Thank you?” says Will. A pause. “Are you making fun of me?”
“No,” Nursey replies honestly. But that feels like some kind of defeat, because this guy is cute and freckly and like, certainly has hands, but he also just dismissed Nursey’s careful construction of self while Nursey watched, so he continues, “I mean, I’m a vegetarian? So I kind of do disagree with the concept of trapping and killing an innocent animal for your own consumption, or whatever.”
Will snorts. “Of course.”
Nursey’s stomach sinks. He should’ve known. Pretty eyes or not, it wasn’t going to be fun with a guy who is a self-proclaimed hockey and good beer fan. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” says Will.
Nursey doesn’t want to get into a full-blown argument in the middle of an airport, so he lets it drop. But he also doesn’t want to sit here in awkward silence or have to get up and haul all his shit over to somewhere else. “So, while we're both sitting here, any pointers for improvement?” he asks instead.
“For my profile, dude. Gotta up my game, clearly.”
"Self-improvement is my new year's resolution," Nursey replies easily, only half-lying; it's been his new year's resolution for like, five years straight, whatever. "I'll start: you need a better bio, or just scrap the whole thing. You're just about cute enough to pull it off, but it does you zero favours, dude. Bland as fuck."
Will goes pale, then red, then says, "What the fuck? Who asked?" Nursey waits, unsure if he should keep pushing or if he's maybe crossed a line, and after a long moment or two Will sighs. “Okay, fine, I hate doing description things and I'm shit at it. But yours also sucks. You could try with less of the pretentious quote shit, for one thing.”
“Less Mary Szybist?” Nursey asks, only having to up his aghastness a little. “Mine does not suck. I’m trying to convey an inner sensitivity, bro. Poetry is a window to the soul.”
Will frowns. “I thought that was eyes.”
His frown is cute. Shit. “First, a little thing called poetic license? Second, you said I was pretentious.”
“It’s Shakespeare,” Will says, unimpressed. “You didn’t do Shakespeare in high school?”
“Sure,” Nursey agrees, “but clearly it didn’t stick,” which is a lie. “Haiku, though. That’s the good shit.”
“In my bio. It’s a haiku, five-seven-five syllables?”
Will visibly goes through Nursey’s bio, mouthing out the words, which, hey. It left an impression, at least. “That’s not five-seven-five,” he says.
“I’m pretty and my / meat is huge. Chill vibez only / no haters. Peace sign,” Nursey recites easily, clapping the syllables out like they taught in elementary school.
Will snorts out a laugh and can’t quite seem to reign his face back into looking unimpressed. Nursey smiles back and can’t quite reign that in either. The bitterness from watching Will swipe past him seeps almost entirely away at last, Nursey finally able to unfold his arm from around his stomach; Will’s shoulders come down from around his ears, too.
“Um. I did actually like your photos,” he says after a moment, almost hesitant, those same ears flaming. “Like, a lot."
"Ditto," says Nursey, as casual as he can. Will is pretty great in pics, if unfortunately blind to his angles, and even better plus assholeish irl, which is a beauty of a combination.
"But you’re cheating your syllables with that peace sign bit, pretty sure,” Will adds.
Nursey rolls his eyes, ignores the warm glow. Not a straight, definitely. And Will thinks his pics are good, at least, which is a success of sorts. He doesn't know what flight Will is getting, but his own back to NYC has been delayed by a few hours, so maybe he should try and shoot his shot one last time.
He chucks his stuff over to Will's side of the chair-row, then hauls himself over. Pulls his sweater back down. Fuck this twisting around in his seat nonsense.
Will blinks, face pink. "Hi," he says, a little hoarse.
“I think you mean bye. I said no haters, didn't I?”
Will laughs again, full and warm this time. “Fuck off, asshole,” he says, and this time Nursey laughs with him.
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andthebandbeginstoplay · 8 years ago
It’s Inauguration Day 2017 and I’m mad. 
I’m mad that America is so broken that someone completely unqualified, dishonest, unaware, and detached from the American public can step into our highest position. I’m mad that there is gross inequality and injustice in the world, and that we have ushered in an administration that will intensify this injustice and inequality. I’m mad that the progress we worked hard for over the past 8 years is already being dismantled. 
I’m mad that “United” has been reduced to only a title, no longer a description. I’m mad that we have a broken system that has silenced the popular vote and distributed power unequally amongst states. 
I’m mad that so many leaders are sitting down and letting this happen. I’m mad that I don’t have someone to look to who to represent my views and values. I’m mad that my anger, sadness, and frustration is echoed in the words of my peers, but there is no one in the public eye giving us a voice. Sure, people know we’re here. We’re “millenials.” We’re “hipsters.” We’re “kids.” We’re “liberals.” We are turning out to protest in thousands, but who is pulling for us within the current framework?! Where is our representation? Who is our voice? How do we stand up for ourselves and each other?!
I am mad, but I am also exhausted and scared, and this unrest has only just begun. I have to start somewhere, so here I am with basic principles we need to hold up as we walk (or are dragged) into this new era. 
1 - Be aware, but not reactionary. In the words of Virginia Woolf “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” This is not the time to hide your head and close your eyes. This is not the time bury yourself in other things. This is not the time to procrastinate. This is not the time for excuses. Many people who I love and respect took today to curl up, ignore reality, and embrace denial. Although it’s understandable, we can’t live like that. Keep your eyes open. Know what the Trump administration is saying and learn what to expect. However, we have our own agenda. Trump can delete climate change, civil rights, and healthcare from the White House website, but that does not delete them from our hearts and minds. He will not dictate the conversation. We can’t get caught up in what he says because you can be sure as hell that he isn’t. He is saying things to gain power. He is saying things so people will react to them. The American people are the President’s boss. We hired him and he answers to us. Not the other way around. 
2 - Do something, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Do not be discouraged by fear of the critics, because there will be critics. No matter what you say or do someone will say that you are doing it wrong, someone will say you could do it better, and someone will say it’s not good enough. Fuck them. Fuck them and their empty instruction because you have done something that they have not, therefore you are already doing great. Some critics will be people who you respect and admire. Listen to their advice, but don’t let them stop you. Don’t let their rejection scare you. Negative feedback doesn’t make people “haters,” but it can be distracting and discouraging. Action is better than inaction. Messing up is ok. You just need to do something. Anything. Do not be idle. Do not waste time trying to be perfect. Just do things.
3 - Speak up. Whose voices are we listening to and why are we listening to those voices? Whose voices are we raising up?? The voices we amplify are the voices that lead us. Speak up for yourself, listen to voices of people who have been silenced in the past and then raise those voices, support those voices, and encourage those voices. Stop talking over women. Start reading books by minorities. If you are in a privileged position stop taking discussions about inequality as a personal attack -- quietly deal with the discomfort of your guilt and then realize that maybe, just maybe, this isn’t about you. Start listening to people who no one has listened to and tell other people to listen to them, too. Don’t discredit other’s experiences because they do not match yours, and if someone else tries to discredit your experiences because they haven’t heard them before that just means that you need to keep talking. Make. Your. Voice. Heard.
This is what I have for today. And as for tomorrow? We march. I love you guys.
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rfhusnik · 5 years ago
I’m A Salesman
Written By:  Gerald Selas
  I want to admit something here. This first paragraph of this piece was the last one I wrote for it. And in the next paragraph, which was originally the first of this writing, I think you’ll begin to learn why I’ve added this introduction. I’ve done it simply because I want to stress a couple of points and I don’t know where else to do so within this composition. First, let’s respect rather than defund our police. They care about us. They keep us safe. Yes, sometimes like everyone else they make mistakes, but in their field of endeavor outlandish mistakes can’t be tolerated. And second, in my opinion all this “group” business is detrimental to all lives in America and across the world. We’re born as individuals, we should live as individuals. Sometimes however it seems we think we need to live the lives of others as well as our own.    
Let me apologize in advance for what I’m guessing will be a rather choppy and unstructured prose piece. Like all Americans I’m very concerned at this current time. In my opinion our nation faces three great immediate challenges: one, the coronavirus, two, warranted peaceful protests, and three, unwarranted violence disguised as protest.
I’m a salesman. And I never was very good at composition. But I have two “special problems” in regard to what’s taking place in America today. I’m sure everyone has their own opinions and fears concerning the current pandemic and violence. I have two which are especially bothersome to me. They both concern the upheaval sparked in our society by the gross police over-reaction toward someone who’d apparently committed a minor offense. And like everyone else, I’m also fearful of the pandemic, but this current writing will express two wishes I have concerning our present state of societal unrest. Again, my apologies to anyone who reads this written piece to its end. I’m not much at writing. I’m a salesman, and, I believe, a great example of the so-called “common man”.
I’m sure you know by now that “the city” has a new mayor. Well, he contacted me a few days ago and asked if I’d write what he called “a common man’s take” on the current situation in The United States. He said he’d read about my brief appearance in Joseph Same’s “The Same Tapes” book, and therefore knew that at least for a while I’d been both a salesman and someone with a minor drinking problem. I told him I was still in sales, but had stopped drinking alcohol completely. I also said I’d undertake his task. Thus, what follows now is my so-called “take”.
Despite the claim of equality as an ultimate goal, there really are two other, and in my opinion, far more important desired outcomes sought by those now imposing fear, chaos, and anarchy across America. And the first of those is a seemingly universal effect which is always present in every questionable search for societal change. A struggle begins when a certain individual or group is singled out as having been the target of some sort of mistreatment. The apparent offenders are then lambasted in almost all the current media formats, and are promoted as haters of all such people who don’t happen to be white and male. But what is lost in this mirage which is then presented as clarity, is that the oldest hatred and abuse known to mankind is being promoted again, i.e. the working middle class of every particular nation is evil, and although its members do the work which keeps all societies functioning, those people are, as some have called them, deplorable.
And the second sought for result in any form of societal unrest is most likely a scenario which is not even understood by most of those engaged in that unrest. It’s the attempt to somehow pit the two extreme wings (left versus right – communism versus fascism) of the political spectrum against each other in the sick hope that eventually some sort of national or even worldwide conflict will emerge from their engagement against each other. And if we could take the time to learn from history rather than attempt to downplay or rewrite it, perhaps we’d realize that the same scenario which sparked World War Two (far left versus far right) could occur here in the United States. But truthfully, it’s been only within a few hundred years that radical isms have been given names; before that we could make a case that the same scenarios which led to WWII were present in societies then, but were disguised by various dictators, tyrants, monarchists who sought to further evil rather than good, and sometimes even figures from outside the realm of politics who gained control of certain nations for a while.
Nonetheless, we can rest assured, all mortals who once lived, or who live still within time’s scope, carried or carry their actions and non-actions with them as crosses to bear as they navigated or still do navigate through the years granted them by a force so powerful it’s time’s only inhibitor. And as history has unfolded, many controllers, and many organizers and reorganizers have vied for the conscience of the moment. And they’ve had a lot of answers for problems which most often have faded away with time’s passing, or else have been found out as not having been as significant as had first been believed. Thus the challenge for mortals in regard to time has always been the search for appropriate and safe actions and reactions in response to changes wrought by its passage.
So, as we speak of the current situation of time in America we must admit that rioters can shout and threaten. And they can tear down statues of people who long ago lived according to the social mores of their time. But nonetheless, time always wins in all disputes. And it wins because it features fleeting lifetimes lived temporally. And fleeting temporal lifetimes end quickly, and then enter the realm of the eternal.
And frankly, if we wish to live as best we can temporally, then we dare not defund or eliminate police forces! It seems incomprehensible that in this day and age some individuals would actually prefer to have a society in which all types of lawlessness could thrive.
I would urge anyone who thinks our nation will be better off without police to try to envision what such a scenario would entail. Rapists, murderers, thieves, and all types of lawbreakers would have a free hand to terrorize everyone – everywhere. And for victims of crimes, it would come as a shock when they called their police department only to find it had been eliminated in an effort to appease certain radicals who themselves might someday need police protection.
But certainly police officers can be trained better than they are currently. And certainly we can expect that police will treat all Americans with respect, and grant them all the rights afforded them under the law; but then we must also hope that all Americans will likewise afford the police the respect they deserve. And let’s not forget that many police officers have already been hurt or killed in violence tied to the recent mistake made by one of their own.
But now I have a very simple, yet sincere favor which I’m going to ask of the National Football League. I know it’s something which will involve a lot of money. Yes, it will involve a lot of money to people who already have a lot of money; or at least who should have a lot of it unless, as someone I once knew used to say, “money burns a hole in their pockets.”
As a show of respect for, and in solidarity with America’s middle class which has been the unfortunate recipient of massive condemnation hurled at it by various groups, politicians, current and former professional athletes, and haters of civil liberty, I think the NFL should cancel the 2020 season. Now of course there’s another very real reason why this action could be taken, i.e. the national pandemic; but frankly, I fear professional sports, and especially professional football are fanning the flames of racial anxiety in this nation. I know that I for one am not going to enjoy being told by a bunch of twenty or thirty something millionaires what a rotten and disgusting individual I am simply because I was born white. And also, when we single out one racial group for acknowledgement via song prior to the beginning of a game, we short change all other ethnicities in the nation, and mock the “inclusiveness” which many are now trying to say is needed between all racial and ethnic groups in America. I think the NFL needs to give some serious thought to the non-field problems it’s now become so much involved in, otherwise, in 2020 professional football may be playing with fire rather than with game balls.  
And, maybe the NFL will also face a crisis in regard to the names of its teams. Certainly certain ethnic groups will not wish to be offended by various monikers. And, who knows, down the road perhaps animal rights groups will also protest the teams named as animals and birds. And all of this will take place while the United States of America, guided by leftist politicians, will use the fact that its populace is comprised of diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds as a reason for division and racism, rather than for the melding together of one great American people.    
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democratsunited-blog · 7 years ago
Cortez and Waters: The New Faces of the Ignorant and Intolerant Democratic Party
Cortez and Waters: The New Faces of the Ignorant and Intolerant Democratic Party
Bernie Sanders was just the start. Recent events have shown the American public how ignorance, intolerance, and hatred now dominate the former party of FDR & JFK. No one exemplifies this “new” Democratic party better than Maxine Waters and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. For a clear example of intolerance and hate look no further than Maxine Waters. Back in January of 2018, Maxine Waters appeared on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes” to comment on the allegation that President Trump called some Third World nations “s***hole countries.”
As is typical of the “new” Democratic party, Maxine Waters had no interest in a spirited debate or discussion of the facts. Instead, she went on a hate-filled tirade, with Trump-loathing guest-host Joy Reid watching and agreeing. Honestly, this is not the first or last time she has made a fool out of herself. More on that in a minute.
Here is just a small excerpt of Waters’ tirade: “I have called him what I know him to be for a long time. Remember when I called him a scumbag. I’ve called him a racist, deplorable, despicable, adding to what others are calling him—a moron, ignorant, on and on and on,” she said.
“The United States of America is being represented by the most despicable human being that could possibly ever walk the earth,” she continued.
I ask you this: Can you imagine a world in which any Republican could have made those comments against Barack Obama, and lived?
Wait, it gets better. In June of 2018, Waters followed up her performance with even more hate and intolerance. As reported by Real Clear Politics: “If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” Waters said. “Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants…who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep! No peace, no sleep!’”
Waters drones on: “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Folks, this should scare the hell out of you. Consider that her extreme, unethical, and potentially illegal comments (incitement to riot) come less than a year after a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder several Republican lawmakers during a congressional baseball practice. The gunman shot Republican Rep. Steve Scalise several times during the attack, nearly killing him.
Democrats should be toning down the rhetoric and vitriol, not calling for incitements to riot. Who is the party of hate now?
Further, an August 2, 2018 story titled “Maxine Waters Slammed with FEC Complaint After Reportedly Funneling $750,000 to Daughter” broke, placing Congresswoman Waters under the Federal Election Commission lens. Writing for LifeZette, Fred Lucas reported, “Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, one of the most outspoken members of the anti-Trump resistance in Congress, is facing fresh questions about a long-standing controversy regarding how her campaign raises money and how those funds have flowed to her daughter,” Karen Waters, “or her public relations firm Progressive Connections, for help producing them.” I look forward to the FEC connecting the dots and following the money, and seeing how it all shakes out.
Then there is avowed Socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the true face of the ignorant. Ronald Reagan said it best: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” Just take a look at her excruciating-to-watch interview on PBS‘s “Firing Line,” for portrayed proof of that statement.
(Credit: Facebook/Larry Schweikart)
During the interview, Ocasio-Cortez was asked to explain and expand on a comment she had made referencing Israel as an “occupation” force in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After taking a moment to gather her “thoughts,” she said the following: “I am not the expert at geopolitics on this issue,” she said with a laugh. “I am a firm believer in finding a two-state solution on this issue, and I’m happy to sit down with leaders on both of these, for me, I just look at things through a human-rights lens, and I may not use the right words. I know this is a very intense issue.”
Now I am sure I am not the only one that is confused. Why? An op-ed piece by the Washington Examiner titled, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talks About the ‘Occupation of Palestine’ but She Doesn’t Know What That Means” explains it well. The Examiner article began, “Even with her degree in international relations, the lack of knowledge beyond buzz-words should not be surprising.”
On August 3, 2018, FrontPageMag.com reporter Daniel Greenfield wrote, “Don’t make too much of teenagers and their political views. That’s usually solid advice. Because at that age they change a lot. And these days the twenties are often the new teens. So it’s not too surprising that the left’s new socialist role model had a bunch of different views. And probably still will. Because as her interviews make clear, she doesn’t really know anything. And just has the millennial skill to position her brand, but there’s nothing underneath.” Not mincing words at all.
Greenfield expounded on Ocasio-Cortez’s seeming philosophies ebbing and flowing like the tides of the moment, saying: “I suspect that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez largely parrots whatever views are on her radar. In college, she drifted into a more sensible academic niche and echoed those views. Then she drifted into activism and parroted their views. As her “Firing Line” interview made very clear, she doesn’t know anything, can’t explain her views and is just an overgrown teen who got elected to the House.”
On a side note, this is a screaming wake-up call about the current status of our education system and what exactly our kids are “learning” in college. I wrote an article about this months ago, on how our institutions of higher learning have been hijacked by the left and are in fact “indoctrination” centers. It is the corruption of our youth through political ideology indoctrination, not education…and Ocasio-Cortez is the poster child.
The article continues, “Ocasio-Cortez also touched on comments she made in May when she called the Israeli military action confronting protesters trying to breach the Israel-Gaza Strip a ‘massacre’ and that ‘no state or entity is absolved of mass shootings of protesters.’”
She continued, “There is no justification. Palestinian people deserve basic human dignity, as anyone else,” adding, “The lens through which I saw this incident [at the Israel–Gaza border], as an activist, as an organizer, I just look at that incident…just as an incident, and to me, it would just be completely unacceptable if that happened on our shores.”
While her words might evoke an emotional reaction (the objective), one must ask the question: Exactly what kind of “lens” are you looking through? Not once during her interview did she mention the almost daily rocket attacks being fired on Israeli communities where women, children, and the elderly reside. Where is your outrage, Ms. Cortez? What about the waves of hostile Palestinians who constantly attempt to breach security fences along the border, or the incessant terrorist attacks by the Palestinians? Again, I ask: Where is your moral outrage now, Ms. Cortez?
It would seem to me that her lens has a filter on it; it is a filter I hope most Americans vote against. While she may be ignorant she is certainly not stupid. After all, she was able to beat a 10-term incumbent by 15 points, whose funds were, by some estimates, 15 times greater than hers. Here is how she did it.
She lied.
Did she or did she not claim that she was raised in the Bronx and came from “humble” roots? According to a scathing report by the Daily Mail, you grew up in a very wealthy suburb north of New York City where homes routinely sell for $900,000 or more.
And as reported by Inquisitr, “…even though Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed to be a daughter of a ‘small businessman,’ and a mother who ‘cleaned houses,’ her father, Sergio Ocasio-Roman, was born in New York City and was a prominent architect, having founded the firm Kirschenbaum & Ocasio-Roman Architects, PC. According to its Manta listing, the company boasted an annual revenue of $500,000 per year.”
But it goes further than that. The district she “elected” to represent was not her own. Why did she choose New York’s 14th Congressional District? Because it was a “sure thing.”
You see, New York’s 14th district is an area with a “minority majority” and that majority is Hispanic; she played them like a fiddle with her lies.
New York’s 14th district is unique and not at all representative of most congressional districts around the country. According to the Census Bureau, it breaks down demographically as 22 percent white, 50 percent Hispanic, 9 percent black and 16 percent Asian. In addition, 45.8 percent in this district are foreign-born, and 67.8 percent report that they speak a language other than English at home.
So, she makes the rounds, speaking in their native language, appealing to the Hispanics who control, by some estimates, 50 percent of the vote. It’s not rocket science. She hustled everybody.
So there you have it folks, the “new” Democratic party. A party of intolerant haters and the woefully ignorant. I don’t know which one scares me more.
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