#we will get NEW charah content
tellmeourstoryy · 3 years
So we’re all in agreement that Chuck is leaving Prime so it can go to HBO Max and they can start making movies like they do with Psych? Okay good.
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davidcarner · 6 years
Pros and Cons Ch 11, In Vino Veritas, Perhaps
A/N: Huge thanks to Zettel who helped me get this chapter and the next one straight. This fic has been a fight but I really enjoy it. You know that old phrase darkest before the dawn….it gets dark folks, but it's me, it's Charah…Get ready….I give you Pros and Cons Ch 11, In Vino Veritas, Perhaps
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck, and alcohol will make you say things you never would otherwise.
"The email contains four different dates and locations," Bryce began. After their session in the kitchen, the team got together with Beckman to begin to plan the operation. Sarah gave Chuck a wink, and he smiled. He wasn't sure where this thing with them was going, but they were FINALLY going to get the chance to figure it out. "The first is in Milan, it's next week."
"And what are we going to be doing there?" Chuck asked. "We'll stick out like a sore thumb."
"Not when we three ladies unveil our new line of clothing we won't be," Zondra said.
"Three?" Chuck asked.
"Sarah is the third," Zondra said. "Since she's new, we'll be the ones being questioned by reporters and you two are the perfect couple to go out and look for whatever it is we're trying to find."
"Sofia Stepanova has suspected ties to the Ring," Beckman said. "You two go as a couple and scout things out, you may find something, you may find nothing. If you do, and can retrieve the artifact you will return it to the NSA."
"No," Chuck said.
"What?" Casey said spinning.
"No," Chuck said, confidently. "If we do this, no matter how far we get into this mission, or if it brings down this Ring, Jack Burton, or whatever alias he's convicted under is freed from prison. That is my price to agreeing to meet Jill Roberts."
"Chuck," Sarah began.
"No, Sarah, WE'VE been though too much," he began, taking her hands. "To do this without some kind of guarantee…." He trailed off, shaking his head. "Sarah, I don't like doing it at all, but Casey would probably shoot me if I don't go through with it."
"In the leg," Casey grumbled. "I mean it wouldn't be fatal."
"Thank you, Casey, I know what that means," Chuck replied sincerely.
"Mr. Bartowski, can you sell this cover of you two being a couple?" Beckman asked. "It would require you to share a room and show affection toward each other." Chuck looked at Sarah.
"I think I could be forced to do it," Sarah said winking. Casey rolled his eyes.
"Forced? Would it be so bad?" Chuck asked, grinning.
"I could suffer through it," Sarah replied, with a coy grin on her face.
"Me too," Chuck replied.
"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE CAN WE STOP WITH THE LADYFEELINGS!" Casey yelled. Everyone was taken aback. "We get it, you two are crazy about each other, we have a mission, you can dip your chocolate into her peanut butter later!"
"Did someone forget to give Casey his meds?" Carina asked. Beckman was trying to hold back a laugh.
"One last thing, it would probably be best if Miss Roberts thought you were a couple as well," Beckman said. Sarah smiled.
"That would probably upset her and keep her off her toes," Sarah replied. Beckman nodded. "I like the way you think." With that, Beckman signed off.
Sarah lifted up the pizza box lid, and then let it drop back down. She was full. She sighed contently and leaned back into Chuck. He grinned and held her close. They were watching a Marvel movie she had missed while in jail. It was fine, but she didn't have the heart to tell him she could care less about it and only wanted his arms around her. It was ending, and Chuck was looking worried. He had told her she could watch any movie she wanted, so she went into his digital account and searched. She came upon the Thin Man series of movies and started the first one.
"I didn't know you knew these," Chuck said, grinning. She bounced a shoulder, with a grin of her own.
"I like the classics, what can I say," she said. "Plus I just love the attitude of them, the playfulness, the silliness, how they are in things together, as a couple." She gave him a look at that, and he grinned. They were in it together. They watched in silence for a few minutes, and she shifted, thinking about tomorrow and being bothered by it. "You know she's going to say something about us tomorrow." Chuck didn't say anything and began to gnaw on his bottom lip. He glanced quickly at her and then back to the TV. "What?"
"I think it will really piss her off if she thinks we are together," Chuck said.
"Aren't we?" Sarah asked. Chuck turned to her. "Do you want to be?"
"I do, but the whole cover thing, it makes things complicated." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Hear me out, please?" She nodded for him to go on. "You're working for me, and if things go bad, will you still be comfortable living here, and," Sarah leaned in and kissed him soundly. She pulled away, studying his face.
"So we go at a pace we're comfortable with," she said. "But we're. Together." She said, gently poking him with each word for emphasis. Chuck grinned and nodded.
"Yeah, together," Chuck said. He quickly put a fist over his mouth, trying to hide a yawn.
"It's okay, Bartowski," she said, leaning against him. "I know you're not used to pulling all nighters since I went away. We've barely had 8 hours sleep the last three days."
"I've pulled plenty," Chuck retorted. "I just usually slept more than three or four hours afterward." She scooted away from him, and patted her lap. He grinned. "Really?" She just smiled. Chuck stretched out on the couch, his head in her lap. She played with his hair and soon she heard the sounds of his breathing, knowing he was asleep. She smiled and continued to play with his hair, realizing she had been happier the last few days more than she had been in her entire life.
"Clandestine Fashions, can it be more on the nose?" Bryce asked. Carina shrugged.
"We're two former government agents, it's a joke," Carina said, grinning. "What do you think?" Bryce slipped his arm around her as she snuggled against him.
"I like," he admitted. "I had an idea."
"No," she said laughing. "Casey is not going as Zondra's boyfriend."
"How did you know I was going to ask that?" Bryce asked. She moved close to him and grinned.
"It was the only person left," Carina answered. "Now that you've got Chuck and Sarah hooked up, you're on to your next project."
"Oh, I'm not sure that one's done," Bryce said as he leaned in and kissed her. Carina melted in to him. He pulled away slightly. "I really don't want to talk about them anymore."
"I really don't want to talk," Carina answered, and they didn't.
Chuck awoke and looked around. It took him a second but he realized his head was in Sarah's lap and she was asleep. He glanced at the clock and saw it 3:00 AM. He sat up, and looked at her. Her head had fallen over to the side and she looked peaceful, but he was sure she would have neck pain in the morning if she didn't already. He scooted over next to her.
"Sarah," he whispered.
"Yah," she mumbled.
"Sarah, you need to go to bed," he said softly, his breath hitting her ear. He watched her body shiver. "Sarah you need to go to bed."
"Take me to bed, Chuck," she replied, breathily. Chuck's eyes about popped out of his head. "Please, Chuck."
"I'm going to take you to your bed for sleep," he said. He helped her stand, led her to her room, and tried to get her in bed.
"Can't sleep in the clothes," she mumbled. "Get them off." He wasn't sure what to do and in a minute she began to do it herself. Chuck turned to give her privacy. He got hit in the back of the head with a bra, the straps coming around his neck.
"Oh, boy," he squeaked out.
"Put me in bed, Chuck," she whined. Chuck slowly turned saw she was wearing her tee shirt still. He arms were out to hold him, eyes shut, asleep on her feet. He gently got her into bed and tucked her in, and backed out of the room, scared to wake her. He got to his room, changed for bed, and slipped under the covers. It was thirty seconds later he felt the covers lift, and felt her scoot in beside him. She started to lay down, stopped, and slugged him in the arm.
"OW! What was that for?"
"We're together, Chuck," she said, grumpily, snuggling against him. "You said." She was frowning as she snuggled, but Chuck couldn't help but grin. "I'm mad at you."
"I'm sorry," he said softly.
"Don't do it again," she replied, and he heard her soft breathing seconds later.
"Sarah, what the hell are you doing to me?" he asked. He drifted off to sleep seconds later.
Chuck sat in the meeting room. Carina and Bryce were already there. Sarah had pulled Carina to the side and whispered something to her. The two had taken off, and Carina had returned. Before she left, Sarah told him to trust her, and go with anything she said. The four had met in Chuck's office before the meeting, Bryce was just sure that Jill was going to play everything as close to the vest as possible, and anything they could do to get her off her game would be beneficial to the company and the operation. Chuck was concerned about everyone going to Milan, but Bryce stressed the whole team had to be close, especially if they were dealing as something as big as the Ring appeared to be.
Chuck checked his watch again, Jill was ten minutes late. He had said Jill would be at least fifteen minutes late, and Bryce though twenty. Jill wanted them on their heels. She wanted the artifact, or someone in the organization did and Chuck was determined to make it as hard on them as humanly possible. The doors opened and Jill and her uncle Bernie walked in. Chuck noticed there was no lawyer. A quick glance and eye contact with Bryce told him that he had noticed the exact same thing. The three members of Bartowski Solutions stood and shook hands with Bernie and Jill. Jill lingered by Chuck.
"Chuck," Jill said, smiling. "It's so good to see you. I was afraid after the other night I had ruined your evening."
"Oh, no," Chuck replied. Crania was standing nearby.
"Oh, those two didn't get to sleep until after the sun was up," Carina said. Jill's eyes widened. Chuck started to say something but saw Bryce's head make the slightest shake of no. He had to say something. He couldn't do that to Sarah. She deserved….his thoughts trailed off as Sarah entered the conference room with the biggest smile on her face. Her hair was down, slightly curled and had a bounce to it as she walked. She was wearing blue jeans, black boots, and a Empire's Most Wanted Star Wars Tee shirt. He was stunned. She walked right up to him, grabbed his tie, and pulled him in for a kiss that made him forget where he was. She pulled away just slightly while his brain attempted to reboot.
"I am so sorry for being late," Sarah said, the softest, most loving smile he had ever seen. "Why didn't you wake me before you left." He saw it in her eyes, go with it. He swallowed and looked around nervously.
"Well, ahem, you looked so peaceful laying there, and you hadn't slept much all night," he said, shrugging. The grin on her face turned into a smirk.
"Either you start waking me up, or I'll have to set my alarm, this is my job," she replied. "Sorry about having to borrow the tee shirt. I just got here and Carina was making some alterations to my outfit, so I haven't had a chance to change." Chuck gave it a look, and Sarah thought she might explode the way he was looking at her.
"You look much better in it than I do anyway," Chuck replied. Neither had noticed Jill storm over to the other side of the table. She was sitting in her chair, pouting.
"We do have a business to run, if you two don't mind," Jill spat. Sarah winked at Chuck and took a seat beside his. Chuck sat down and slowly straightened his tie. He sat there with a grin of the cat that had eaten the canary. Jill stared daggers at the two, and Sarah staring right at Jill reached over and took Chuck's hand into hers. "I will give you 5% of the reward money if you can find the artifact." Sarah scoffed.
"You must think they're idiots," she retorted. "Fifteen percent plus expenses." Jill stared daggers at Sarah.
"Three percent," Jill said, crossing her arms. Sarah turned to Chuck.
"There's an Indian restaurant I've heard good things about, do you think we could have dinner there tonight?" Sarah asked him.
"Feel like some Chicken Tikka Masala?" he asked.
"What are you two doing?" Jill spat out, furious. Sarah turned back to her.
"Since you aren't making real offers I thought I'd see if my boyfriend wanted to try a new restaurant I heard about," Sarah replied. Jill stared at her. She looked over at Bernie who nodded.
"Fine, send the paperwork via currier," Jill said, as she flung her chair backwards and left.
"Good doing business with you," Bernie said. Bryce and Carina held in their laughter until they left.
"That was amazing you two," Bryce said. "That was some of the best acting I've ever seen."
"Who said it was acting?" Sarah said, bouncing her shoulder and leaving. "I'm going to go change." Chuck waved to her as she left, a huge smile on his face. He turned to the other two who had knowing grins on their faces.
"We're together," he said as if to explain everything.
"It's about damn time," Bryce said.
Chuck sat back in his chair in his office. He had finished the newest upgrades to the security system they had been working on. Anna had caught a hole in the software, and Chuck was furious with himself. The past few weeks had been hard on him, hell the past few years had been hard on him, and now he knew there was no good reason, it had been in his head. He and Ellie had talked that afternoon, and she finally got him to see what Jill had done to him. Her making him last in everything and because he was so scared to be alone he took it. He though no one else would have him, but he found out he was wrong. He had been an idiot, and it was all because he was scared he would be alone.
Which led him to the current mess he had on his hands with their newest product. The closer then Sam, now Sarah, was to getting out of prison, the more he couldn't concentrate on work. He slept less thinking about her and could there ever be anything between them, not that he could let it. She was Bryce's girl, but he kept insisting that she wasn't. Then he thought he was out of her league, and she wasn't interested in him like that. Add in a few jobs to help out authorities with the kidnapping rings they were busting….sleep had been scarce. Once she got to his house, the first few nights he slept like a baby. Craziness had affected his sleep for a few nights, but since Sarah had made him sleep with her, he was beginning to feel more rested. He was in the best shape he had been in for a while and now they were flying out tomorrow afternoon, and it was all because he listened, instead of what his head was telling him.
The office was effectively closed until they returned, with Skip handling anything that came in. Anything important enough would be forwarded to Chuck and Bryce. The CAT Squad had decided to hit the club tonight to celebrate and even though it was a Monday, he knew they were having a great time. He looked at the clock. It was past 2 am. He should probably go, Sarah would be home soon and wondering where he was. He was just finishing up when he heard giggling in the exterior office. Chuck opened the door to find Sarah about to open his door while the other four were in her office, all of them clearly had been drinking.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Chuck asked. Sarah looked at him.
"Why are you here and not in bed waiting for me?" She asked. Chuck wasn't sure how to respond, but amusement covered his face. She furrowed an eyebrow. "Wait, that's not entirely right."
"Yeah, you forgot why isn't he naked waiting for you in bed," Carina said. Sarah giggled.
"Who is driving you?" Chuck asked. The door opened and Chuck saw Casey, looking irritated.
"I thought I told you four to stay in the SUV?" Casey said. He looked over and saw Chuck. "You get her home, I'll take care of them." He began to round up the other four.
"Sarah," Ellie said. "Be gentle with him, it's been awhile for him." Chuck put his hand in face.
"What if he doesn't like it that way?" Sarah asked with a wicked grin. Ellie high-fived her.
"Christ, Bartowski," Casey grumbled. "I deserve a raise for that."
"I'm her brother, so how do you think I feel?" Casey managed to get everyone back in the SUV and take off. "Let's get you home." Sarah was trying to kiss him, and he was trying to be gentlemanly, and get her home, that and he was afraid she hurt herself with her current coordination levels.
"What's the rush, you're not going to try anything anyway," Sarah said, disappointed.
"What?" Chuck asked. Sarah turned to him.
"You won't do anything, because you're Chuck, and that's why you don't want to, because I'm not good like you, I'm not good enough for you, and all I want is for you to love me," she said, and walked out of the building with her shoulders slumped. Chuck stood there, speechless.
She didn't remember much. She remembered getting roused out of bed, her bed, without Chuck in it. She remembered getting on the plane, and Chuck helping her to her seat. She remembered getting in a car to go to the hotel, and being put to bed in the hotel, but she woke up, alone. She remembered Chuck had given her pain killers a couple of times, and she remembered there was a mixture of a look on his face of concern, probably for how bad her head hurt, and something else. She hoped he wasn't looking that way because of her. She looked over at the night stand and saw a note that had been propped. It said he was downstairs at the bar. She got up, fixed her hair, grabbed a piece of fruit and ate it as she rode down the elevator. She saw Chuck at a table, and she sat down across from him. He was drunk, very, very drunk. She knew him, he didn't do this unless something was really bothering him.
"Alright, Chuck, what's wrong?" she asked.
"Do you remember that night we met?" Chuck asked, a slur to his words. "Do you remember how you and Bryce joked about Jill giving me just enough sex to keep me in line." She nodded her head and Chuck continued. "We never had sex again after that night." Tears were falling down his face. "I couldn't anymore, because I was in love, Sarah. I was in love and it wasn't with Jill. I was emotionally cheating on Jill, and I felt guilty, but part of me didn't care. I thought that was the worst I could ever feel. Then I saw you and Bryce together and I thought that was as bad as I could ever feel. Then you were arrested, and I really thought that was as bad as I could ever feel." Sarah took his hands in hers.
"Then what's wrong, why are you like this, we're together." Chuck shook his head.
"I say all that because I found out I could feel worse," Chuck said. "Last night you told me you don't think I love you. I've loved you sometime after you stole our fries and sometime before you told me you were more of a physical threat than I was. You were sad last night because you don't think I love you. How can I not love you? How do I tell you that I've loved you for so long, and all I've done is hurt you? I hurt you both you and Bryce ended up comforting each other." Sarah had nearly lost it emotionally up until the last sentence he uttered, and then, then she lost it. She slapped her hand on the table, making him jump.
"Enough of this bullshit!" she snapped. Chuck's eyes got wide. "Chuck Bartowski, Bryce and I did what we did, but if I EVER hear you imply one more time it's your fault, we are going to have serious problems, Mister."
"But," he began.
"NO. BUTS." She said softly but intensely. The look in her eyes told him she wasn't playing. "You are the best man I know. I know what your parents did and how it affected you. Ellie explained it all, but you do not get to blame Bryce and my mistake on yourself. You aren't that foolish. You aren't that dense. You are scared to blame us because you're scared I'll run away. Chuck, I'm here." She took his hand and looked into his eyes. "Chuck, I'm not leaving you, you'll have to run me off. I'm done playing this game, we're together. Now admit it."
"Admit what?" Chuck asked. She stared at him.
"Admit you're mad and hurt at what we did," she said. "Quit carrying it around because all you do is let it fester, all you do is ignore it, no one, and I mean no one, Chuck Bartowski, is that good a guy." Tears fell down his face.
"I loved you, but I had no right to you," Chuck said. Sarah nodded.
"Chuck, I made a huge mistake and I can't apologize enough," she said, sitting back and running her hand through her hair. "Sometimes I wonder, did we do it just to get even, because we weren't stupid. No, you and I weren't together. I told you about Jill." She shook her head and looked away. "I told you about Jill and all I wanted to do was comfort you. To show you there was someone better out there, and you pushed me away, and some of my insecurities bubbled up."
"And Bryce is just a horn dog?" Chuck asked, a wavy grin-frown on his face. Sarah shook her head.
"Chuck, do you know how many women went out with him, wishing they were with you?" she asked. He looked up at her. "Chuck, we did something monumentally stupid, and if you hated both of us forever we'd both understand, but you can't say it was your fault."
"I was so envious of both of you," he said softly. She nodded, tears in her eyes. "I wanted to be yours so badly. I wanted you to want me, and I wasn't worthy."
"You are, Chuck, you are," she said. He closed his eyes and bent his head down. "You okay?"
"I think I might be sick," he admitted. She got him up, took care of his tab and got him back to the room. He wasn't sick, but as she got him into bed she realized she didn't want this moment to pass. "I love you," he said softly. She smiled at him, wondering if he had been thinking the same thing she had been.
"How about you say it to me in the morning when you're sober, Champ," she said. He nodded. "Hey, I love you." He grinned, shut his eyes, and was out like a light.
"We're in love," she said softly. She laid her face on his chest and made a decision. In the morning they were done with this dance. She smiled at what that might mean.
A/N: Don't you worry kids, they'll be okay. Promise. I mean really okay *REALLY* Next time. Scout's Honor. The next chapter's name is It's About Time!…Charahkids, premedicate….Hoped you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Take Care
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leonfrancisblog · 4 years
Global Fly Ash Market Trends, Growth, Opportunities, Market Size Forecast to 2027|Key Competitors Aggregate Industries, Ashtech (India) Pvt. Ltd., Boral Limited, Cemex S.A.B. De C.V., Charah LLC, Waste Management (Flyashdirect), Lafarge
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Fly ash market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market is growing at a CAGR of 5.7% in the above-mentioned forecast period. Flue ash is also known as pulverized fuel ash, and flue gases from coal-fired power plants are delivered to the chimney by an electrostatic precipitator or other particulate filtration device and it is a very fine powder with spherical particles, less than 50 microns. Fly ash is a fine powder that is rich in alumina and/or silica. Growing demand from the construction industry worldwide is a major factor in the global fly ash market. In addition, rapid urbanization is another aspect of the market growth, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The adoption of applications such as agriculture and water treatment is another aspect of global market growth.
Fly ash is produced when combining coal to generate electricity. Demand for fly ash is growing in Portland cement and concrete, bricks and blocks, road construction and agricultural activities, which is expected to be one of the market’s major drivers. The harmful properties of fly ash in market abstinence are detrimental and hinder market growth. This fly ash market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on Data Bridge Market Research fly ash market contact us for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Global Fly Ash Market, By Type (Class F and Class C), Application (Portland Cement & Concrete, Bricks & Blocks, Road Construction, Agriculture, Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia- Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East & Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027 Fly ash market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to fly ash market. 
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Global Fly Ash Market Country Level Analysis:
Fly ash market is analyzed and market size insights and trends are provided by country, product and end use as referenced above.
The country section of the fly ash market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data. The countries covered in the fly ash market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America. Asia Pacific dominates the fly ash market. The Asia-Pacific market has the largest share of the global fly ash market in terms of revenue and is expected to maintain its dominance over the forecast period. Growing demand from the construction industry and the presence of many coal-fired powers stations in countries such as China and India are the main reasons for the growth of the Asia-Pacific fly ash market. The growing population in the region is putting pressure on existing infrastructure and this will require additional development of rail networks, residential buildings and roadways. There is a need to invest in additional infrastructure to reduce the existing infrastructure gap in the existing and existing sector and hence dominates the market in forecast period.
Global Fly Ash Market Scope and Market Size:
Fly ash market is segmented on the basis of type and application. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyze meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.
Based on type, the fly ash market is segmented into class F and class C Based on application, the fly ash market is segmented into Portland cement & concrete, bricks & blocks, road construction, agriculture and others. Others segment is segmented into mining, chemicals, water treatment, flowable fills, structural fills, waste management.
The major players covered in the fly ash market report are Aggregate Industries, Ashtech (India) Pvt. Ltd., Boral Limited, Cemex S.A.B. De C.V., Charah LLC, Waste Management (Flyashdirect), Lafarge, Salt River Materials Group, Separation Technologies LLC, Hi-Tech FlyAsh (India) Private Limited, National Minerals Corporation and Titan America LLC. Among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available:
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customized to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analyzed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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davidcarner · 7 years
Chuck vs The Jump
For @angelgurl0 and @neighbours-kid 
A/N: This came from a Tumblr challenge to write a fan fic The way you said "I love you." #34 was chosen by two readers, Before we jump. I give you Chuck vs The Jump.
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck.
"Sarah, I was wrong, I can't do this," Chuck said as he looked over the cliff at the water swirling in the pond below.
"Chuck, don't say that," Sarah replied, looking a little worried.
"No, not this," Chuck said, pointing between the two of them. "Sarah, never this."
It had been two months, Chuck would have called them the two longest months of his life but the six weeks Sarah had lost her memory may have felt longer because then…then there was no hope. There was only Chuck trying to figure out how to save his wife that didn't even know she was married to him, and frankly didn't care. But she had a mission to stop Quinn that Chuck had gotten her to let him help. She relented and he joined and he began to do what he had done for three years, Operation Infiltration by Nerd. It was a slow, arduous process, but he had succeeded. He had overcome his own insecurities, heart-warmed a "cold-blooded killer" (he didn't agree with that description of her) and married the love of his life, and then Quinn happened.
Quinn thought he had erased everything from the previous five years, however for all the memories you can erase from the mind, you can never erase the memories of the heart. Chuck had known where she would be when she said good-bye…admittedly it took Morgan reminding him of them. Morgan, the guy who had never thought he wasn't good enough for her, who basically set up their first date, the guy who had married them, had again been the biggest Charah fan ™ (Morgan's trademark pending). He went to the beach and told her their story. They laughed, they cried, and Chuck, knowing he was heartwarming her again, told her their bearded friend's thought. That one kiss, one magical kiss could return the memories. She told him to kiss her, and he did. It was magical, it was full of promise, of desire, but the most important thing there was a touch of love, and hope.
It hadn't worked quite the way Morgan thought. As they returned to Echo Park and Morgan celebrated, Chuck gently told him the kiss didn't work. They were both shocked, when Sarah grabbed Morgan, hugged him for all he was worth and thanked him for believing in her, in Chuck, and in them. She moved in, Chuck moved to the spare bedroom, and they slowly began to try to figure out how to fix the mess they were in. Ellie came back from Chicago and began to run tests. Chuck…well, he had his own plans.
She had agreed to stay and to give it time, real time. They had agreed to take it slow, but after a few days, Chuck knew that wasn't happening. Sarah was different than five years ago. Just seeing the memories of herself, seeing how different her life was, the life she could have that she always wanted, had already opened her heart and kept down the walls she had built. Chuck told her the second night about Molly and Emma, and the tears that fell down her face told Chuck, somewhere deep inside, she was in there, and he was going to find her, because they both knew, even if she couldn't admit it right now, that they were each other's home.
They visited with Emma and Molly the next day and while no memories came back, when Emma told Sarah everything Chuck had done, she walked over and hugged him, kissed him on the check, and whispered, "Thank you," in his ear. When he whispered back, "You're welcome," into her ear, he felt her shiver. She pulled away, and looked into his eyes. Chuck couldn't help but grin, seeing the look on her face. She was there, his Sarah, the one that gave him that look. That look that was just for him and no one else. Chuck knew it was a matter of when, and not if. He didn't know if the memories would ever return, but he knew it didn't matter, and he began to treat each day as just that, a new day.
When he asked what she wanted to do the next morning, she told him it didn't matter, to let him take her wherever. They hopped in the car and he took her down to San Diego. They checked into a hotel (separate beds) and they went to the pier to enjoy the beauty and sunset. They talked about everything. They observed people, had fun, and laughed. Chuck told her stories, not of them, but of his past, that he didn't think he had ever told. He told her things his friends did, he answered any questions she had, and at the end of the day, they both had a smile on their face. That night Chuck laid in his bed after Sarah came out of the shower. She crawled up beside him and hugged him. She scooted into him like she had done so many times in the past, and he just held her, stroking her hair, while they chatted softly, but mostly enjoyed each other's company.
The next morning found them in the same position, having fallen asleep that way. Sarah woke first and wondered where the panic was. Where was the fear she should have, because there was none, and what was there, was absolute content. When he opened his eyes and saw her looking at him, he knew Operation Heart Warmed was proceeding better than he could ever hope. She told him she didn't think it was fair that he didn't get to sleep in his own room at home. He asked her if she wanted to switch and she shyly shook her head, and suggested maybe he should be in there with her. He replied that would probably be best since he had the Intersect and needed to be protected still. She gave him a smile, got up, went to the bathroom door, looked at him, and told him she would protect him, Intersect or no.
They got ready, but before they left, a tentative hand stopped him. She handed him her engagement and wedding ring and asked him if he would help her put them on. He asked her if she was sure, and she looked right in his eye, and said she was. He slid them on, one after the other, and held her hand for a second afterwards. He looked her in the eye, and told her he loved her. He told her she needed to know that, and he didn't expect anything. She moved her hands around him, and told him, she wasn't going anywhere, and pulled him in for a kiss. Chuck thought if he had forgotten any memories he would have remembered all of them.
They spent that day at SeaWorld, and the next at the Zoo. They looked, and acted like a young married couple just enjoying each other's company. The night after SeaWorld, Sarah got into bed with Chuck and asked him about birth control. He sputtered and stammered, taken completely off guard with that one. He told her about their talk about kids and what steps they had taken. She nodded, never said a word, opened the nightstand drawer and tossed him a box, smirking. Chuck asked if she was sure. She never answered, but her attacking him after made it pretty clear. They headed back home the morning after the Zoo, and Sarah told him she had an amazing time, she just wished she could remember going there before. Chuck grinned and told her that was the first time they had ever gone there. She whipped her head around, and a slow grin started to grow.
She asked him why, and he said they needed to know they could make all the memories they wanted they just needed to be together. Sarah smiled, leaned back in her seat, and watched the miles pass by, as happy as he could ever remember herself being. When they got home, she pulled him into the bedroom, and asked him to help her unpack. They did…eventually.
The trip to Hawaii was their version of a second honeymoon, and when Sarah had found the waterfall that could be dove off of, she had done everything short of seduction to get Chuck to agree. He had, until he saw the fall itself, and his fear took over.
"Chuck," she said, wrapping her arms around him, looking in his eye, and watching him melt. "Do you trust me?" she asked. He grinned.
"On three," she said, still holding him. "One, two, I love you, Chuck, three." They jumped together.
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