#we were planning our next evil run when they announced the dark urge updates fur the next patch so were waiting for that 😻
davepetea Β· 1 month
so our current video game cawnundrum is this
were purrobably nearly done with inquisition but we wanna play it through again after (this time as short as pawssible) but romance a diffurrent cawmpawnion and play all their story relevant stuff. but k33p mostly the same party all the way through. Just to s33 what they say. then if we play it again ch00se diffurrent p33ps etc mew get the idea
the characters are mewsually purretty inclawnsequential aside from their party banter and random cawmments. but thats what we live fur
this time we were an elf mage and romanced dorian beclaws hes a sweetheart
we were owlriginally pawlanning on romancing iron bull but we cawldnt resist babygirl so we were gonna repawlay and romance him next time
but NOW were thinking maybe we cawld try romancing solas? just fur the lols? we kinda hated him befur but weve b33n taking him and cole on some missions and hes grrown on us (also we nevfur got to the elfy stuff befur so weve gotten to know him more)
now the purroblem with this is that ideally mew n33d at least one member of each class or mew get rekd or cawnt do some stuff
so solas fur the support mage and cole fur the dps rogue wondpurrful done soarted
but what about our inquisitor? we suck cat anythwing melee beclaws mew have to catually move the character around while trying to whack things and hit buttons fur skills. so that leaves. again. mage. or archer rogue. but we cawlso really love varric. and so does cole. solas and varric are like his dads. but we CAWNNOT have 3 rogues and a mage or 2 mages and 2 rogues
luckily mew can control the cawmpawnions so we may end up rolling warrior but just switching to solas or varric fur most fighting. which will be mildly annoywing but nothing like having to catually MOVE the characters. gross 😹
but also? it f33ls right to romance him as a mage? maybe thats just beclaws hes a mage. hm. but also an elf mage inquisitor is the keepers first so maybe thats... bad? ugh brain hurts
maybe he n33ds a strong suppurrtive lady warrior to purrotect him and help him not be such a grrumpy jerk. yeah
which just leaves that one spot fur whoever might be interesting to the place or quest story wise
the iron bull playthrough if we ever get there? we were thinking of siding with the templars (beclaws we hate that option we love mages in this house. so well never do that otherwise) and taking at least bull and sera everywhere. we might n33d to catually use vivienne in that playthrough beclaws narratively she might be the only mage not t00 mad at us 😹😹
this is our daily struggle mew are welcome
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