#we were both kinda going through something and now we're trying to figure out how to what went wrong and how to fix it
noradurstig · 3 months
trying to save the vibes this sunday by sleeping late, doing yoga, having breakfast on the balcony, chilling on the couch watching tennis and now seeing a movie in the expensive balcony seats that i've never given a shot before. I'm gonna feel okay no matter what it takes lmao
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whirlybirbs · 6 months
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( MASTERPOST   |   AO3  |    SPOTIFY ) summary: torn from time yet again, it's thursday. six months pass. while you grapple with a newfound uncanny ability to premeditate, loki grapples with the fact he's slipping back into his old self without you. enter brad wolfe. now playing:  a whole lots gonna change by weyes blood word count: 3.3k pairing: loki / f!reader, established in from the void, with love tags: enemies to friends to lovers, soulmates, we-are-in-love-in-the-future but how did that even happen, angst & comfort, redemption arc, lots of time travel, loki season 2 (2020) spoilers a/n: finally, they return in "beyond the void". i can't thank everyone enough for the unending enthusiasm for this little project of mine. it's fitting to have the first chapter release with an eclipse. this is for all of you :) the beautiful gif for this chapter is from this set by @tomshiddles.
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There's a long stretch of silence between Darcy Lewis and Jane Foster. 
In the liminal stretch of the apartment building's hall, there's little sound except the loud drone of some horribly, desperately sad song beyond the door of Unit 1131. The two women share a long look with one another, and then Darcy gestures urgently to the door.
"Go ahead," she nudges her colleague. 
"What?" Jane asks in a harsh whisper, "No, you knock." 
"You were the one that said we needed to do an intervention—" Darcy argues back in an equally low tone.
"Oh, so now this is on me?" Jane fires back, "She's our friend—"
"Our friend who has been babbling nonsense about things that have not happened and has been seriously obsessing with that Low-key dude—" Darcy rushes out, bringing her face closer to Jane's, "I don't even know what we're walking into here!"
Jane inhales. She pinches her brow. With a long rub of her face, she exhales. Then, she knocks.
She gives Darcy a 'happy?' look before stepping back and crossing her arms.
Almost immediately, the music stops. There's the sound of a shuffle. A meow. And then, the door opens only wide enough that one exhausted eye can peak through the chained gap.
"Heeeeeeeeeey, girl!" Darcy chides, waggling her hands in the air, "Surprise!"
On the other side of the door, your heart clenches. 
It feels a little bit like a cruel joke, y'know?
All that wishing, begging, clawing to go home and — well... you are. You're home. You've been home. For six months, you've been home in New York City. You're back in that little studio apartment, with Sigurd, with your research, with your doctorate. 
You try your best to give both Darcy and Jane a smile, but it comes out mangled and exhausted and not quite right. You've been crying. Sort of par for the course these days.
"Oh, uh... Hi guys."
Sigurd meows.
"You got a sec?" Jane asks, raising a folder in her hands, "We, uh... Erik gave us some new anomaly data to look over and we figured... you're the one for the job! Y'know? It's... kinda... your thing... have you been crying?"
Your eyes dart between them both. You wet your lips.
"No. Nooo, no. It's..." your mouth hangs open as you search for a reason, "...Allergies."
There's a beat of embarrassing silence, and then Darcy moves fast as lightning. She wriggles her arm through the gap and unlocks the chain — almost as if this is definitely something she's mastered before — before pushing her way through the doorway of your apartment. Jane follows close behind, and Sigard squawks as he scurries away from underfoot. 
The infiltration is almost immediately regretted because... woah. 
Like, big woah.
Darcy has seen crazy. Like, she has an Uncle on her Dad's side who is totally in on the whole "they're coming for our thoughts" thing and does not leave the house without at least six layers of Great Value tinfoil stuffed under his baseball cap. She knows crazy. She works for Erik Selvig. 
But this?
This is, like, soooooo above her pay grade. 
Jane's jaw is slack. The folder is immediately forgotten on the kitchen island in favor of the wall-to-wall documentation of... whatever the hell this was. 
LOKI MISSING? in the center of it all, with string and equations and runes and news articles and tabloid pages. There's an alarming amount of photos of the God in question pinned up beside ramblings on... Time? And... Quantum mechanics...? 
There's another loooooong stretch of silence. And then, Darcy and Jane both turn slowly to look at you pressed against the door.
You swallow.
Your face is set in horror.
"It's not what it looks like—"
"Uh, dude, it totally is what it looks like—" Darcy starts, stepping closer to the board and pointing a black, manicured finger at a paparazzi photo of Loki being carted off from the now-Avengers Tower, "What's with all the Loki paraphernalia?! Need I post a lil' throwback Thursday to when he tried to kill us all?"
You wince. "You wouldn't understand—"
Then, it happens.
The same thing you've experienced dozens upon dozens of times these last six months happens again: A rush of chatter in your mind, a cacophony of whispers that claw at your thoughts and flood them with has-beens and will-be's. A million things all at once, a little bit of everything from all of time, and then— one thread. One thread that stands out against them all. 
"Jane, don't."
Across the room, Jane's fingers pause on the contact number for that pretty S.H.I.E.L.D. agent they've met once or twice now — the one who is managing the Asgardian anomaly cases. With Loki missing, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been desperate to track him down. If this is a lead... If you know where he is...
Jane's face freezes.
Her brows knit.
Your face is split in panic. "I know you think calling Agent Hill is the right thing to do, but—"
"...How did you know I was...?" Jane's voice falls off, her eyes searching your face.
Your voice splinters as you step forward. "If you call Agent Hill, she is going to section our entire division within the week. Thor will be exiled from Earth on conspiracy four days later. We will sit in a cell for five years until they decide we have nothing to do with Loki's disappearance from Asgard."
Darcy's eyes bounce between you and Jane.
"Why are you saying all that like you know it's going to happen?" Jane asks slowly, putting her phone down and closing the gap between you. "Doc, what's going on?"
Your eyes flicker with fear. 
And then exhaustion. The walls you've built to keep this away from the others crumble with one worried look from Darcy, and you crumple against the kitchen counter. 
Your voice is far away.
"It all started that Thursday."
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You thought it would be better now that someone knows. 
Truth be told it might be more trouble than it's worth if not to soothe the burden of secrecy — because Darcy keeps treating you like a Magic 8 Ball that, when shaken, is going to spit out readings on the future. 
It isn't that easy. I mean, if it was, you would have definitely done everything in your power to avoid the commute traffic this morning. 
You don't know why it happens. Or how. You have a theory it has something to do with Alioth, but... without any sort of control, there's no way of knowing. All you know is that in those moments, you're presented with a weave of potential sequences. And in those moments, you can choose to act. Or not. 
So far, acting seems to be the best course of action. 
But, yea, no. No fortune-cookie-level stuff. No crystal ball, no tarot cards. Just... weird time-whispers. And a migraine that seems to never go away. And dreams. Really vivid dreams. Dreams that happen? And dreams that don't.
If it was a horoscope sort of thing, maybe you wouldn't have missed your morning bus after waiting in line at that coffee shop three blocks down. They always make your coffee a little too bitter, but the girl behind the counter is an NYU grad student you recognized from a mechanical engineering lecture you sat in on three months ago. You've got a soft spot for her. She's always nice to that guy in the baseball cap who seems unhoused. 
You hope it all works out for her in the end. 
But, Christ this coffee is bitter. 
You buzz into Stark Labs at 9:37 am, and you're setting your stuff down at R&D by 9:43 am. 
Bruce Banner looks up briefly from his work to slide you a welcoming smile. You return it gently as you settle down on your stool and reacclimate yourself to last week's work. 
Mondays, man.
Tony is, as always, later than anyone else. His entrance is followed by the usual boisterous chatter meant as a morale booster. More often than not it's a genius-level comedy routine built on absolutely torturing Dr. Banner. You opt, more often than not, to refuse to enable the bad behavior. 
Any laughter is buried deep into these readings from the Tesseract. 
And so this has been home for the last four months. 
Avengers Tower. R&D. Erik Selvig's Research Team. Theoretical Physics and Quantum Mechanics. Day in, day out.
No TVA, no TemPads, no Sylvie, no Mobius, no Capybaras. 
...No Loki.
But, plenty of whispers. 
It rocks you out of your focus, iced latte halfway to your lips as you're rooted in this little pocket of voices and threads and whisps of time. There's a thousand, then a hundred, then one. 
Your voice is soft.
"Bruce, try the equation again."
From across the room, Tony's voice dies down and Bruce's eyes rise to meet yours. He points to himself, with a questioning raise of the brows.
You nod, then continue to take a sip of your coffee.
And so Bruce does. Wordlessly. And, after a minute, he looks up with a grin.
"So it was right."
"Woulda never known if Iron Dick over here didn't shut up for one second."
Tony's grin is bigger than Bruce's as he meanders over to your lab table and throws an arm around your shoulder. He squeezes you gently. You avoid his eye contact — and in doing so, you miss the momentary grace of concern. 
(Tony has known you for a few months now. He knows you adequately enough to gauge that your triple-shot espresso should have been a sextuple. The bags beneath your eyes are dark. There's an edge there. Something jumpy. You're exhausted.)
"Now, that was mean."
"You're torturing him," you fire back lightly, non-the-wiser to his scrutiny. 
"It's called exposure therapy—" Tony croons, leaning back and thumbing through some of the notes on your desk. You allow it. 
Good. Still sharp. Still better than anyone else at what you do. 
"Exposure to workplace terrorism?" You rib back with one cocked brow, "No offense, Bruce, but I like you better not green. Okay, Tony?"
"None taken!" Dr. Banner calls lightly from across the room. He's working on the second part of that equation now. 
"Sure, sure, alright, Doc," Tony heads your words, raising both hands and stepping back, "I guess someone hates fun."
"Absolutely," you say blankly, chewing your straw; you point at him, "No laughter."
"None," Tony waggles a finger.
"Not a peep," you remark causally as you spin in your stool and snag your pen from the drawer behind you. 
"Any news on the other green guy we hate?" Bruce asks slowly, eyes bouncing between you and Stark. 
Your blood goes a little cold. Just like always. It's hard not to react — especially when that other green guy is all you think about day and night.
You wordlessly shake your head. You shrug. Bruce turns to Stark. Tony is hunched over his bench. His words are a bit muffled by the soldering project he's turned his attention to. 
"None. According to Thor he just up and poofed. He was in the middle of atoning before the Buckingham of Asgard and... just warped on out."
So you've heard.
"Hill has been working every lead she can but... the Asgardians are a little touchy-feely on the whole 'earthlings in the domain of the Gods' thing."
"Understandable," you mutter absently.
Tony sits up. "Only time will tell."
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Unit 1131. 
It wasn't before all this... It was full to the brim with contentment. It was comfort, it was bliss. It was indulgent mornings slept beneath the covers and bright music in the kitchen. Cheap wine from the liquor shop on the corner and homemade meals. It was "I finally made it". 
Now, it's none of that.
Because he's out there — and you know that you don't belong here anymore.
You drop your bag by the door. 
Your boots follow in a trail. 
Sigurd mews expectantly, and you scoop him wordlessly into your arms as you weave through the chaos of papers and books. Your carpet is hidden beneath a layer of obsession masquerading as research.
But, there's one thing that pulls you back in each time.
It's that photo. 
The one Darcy had pointed at earlier.
Loki is being carted off from the now-Avengers Tower. He's looking back at something, and his expression is broken.
It's you.
You know he's pleading with Thor at that moment through a muzzle, desperate to call your name. He's looking at you, being whisked away by S.H.I.E.L.D. as they clear the area, and your voice is silenced by grief. 
You wish you had called out to him then — told him you'd find him again. 
Regret is a hell of a thing.
Grief, too. 
How do you mourn something you never really had? Not here, not in this timeline. 
So you stand there, in the dim lights of your apartment, staring at the photo. And you cry. Just like every night, for the last six months.
In your desk, that magical little daisy made of grass waits.
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If they find Sylvie, they find you.
That's the mission.
Mobius M. Mobius thinks it's funny — back then, man if only he would have known that lil' hunch of his was right. Maybe a part of him did. And... Now? Things are different. I mean, everything is different. The TVA is different. 
Loki is different.
They say to be loved is to be changed an' all that. 
The first thing out of Loki's mouth was your name when Mobius finally saw him again — and then a word vomit of panic, induced by the death of He Who Remains and... time-slippage as OB called it. Lotsa moving parts. Lots to keep track of. But, ultimately, they're in a better spot than they were yesterday. 
1.) Loki is no longer falling through the metaphorical cracks in time. 
2.) Mobius did not get toasted alive when standing before The Loom.
3.) He never, ever, ever has to do that again.
And now!
They're in London. 
1977, huh. Zaniac. 
If they find Sylvie, they find you.
...Unless you find him first.
Loki isn't exactly thrilled. 
No, Loki knows better than to get his hopes up. Sylvie isn't here. He already told Mobius that. It's too safe. It's a damned movie premiere. There are no radiation burns, no falling stars, and no rampant gunfire. It's too quiet. 
It's a movie premiere and you're out there, somewhere, alone. You're... you're lost. He can't protect you here. He can't protect anything. You... You're all he has and you're gone. 
And he's here, wasting his damn time. 
Brad Wolfe is about to waste more of his time. 
Loki's gaze is sharp. His strides are long, and as they approach the fray, the God stands amongst the tallest of guests. He cuts a mean profile. It's times like these that Mobius remembers he is a God.
(It's times like these that Mobius can also see the ever-increasing edge in his partner-in-time. It's a little... worrisome. But understandable. I mean, rip a God's soulmate from his hands and see what happens, right?)
"So, he's an actor now?" Loki comments off-handedly, his irritation grating his heartstrings in a way that reminds him of who he was before all this. He hates it. But, he's angry. He will get you back. Without you...
Without you, he doesn't know what he'll do.
"Or he's undercover."
As they weave, Loki's brows knot in distrust. "Looks pretty real to me."
It smells like cigarettes and perfume, and the flashbulbs bite sharply into Loki's peripherals. The raven-haired trickster winces, tucking his hands into his slacks. 
On the red carpet, X-5 moves from interview to interview. Occasionally his laughter rises above the clamor. Each time, Loki's nostrils flare and he rolls his eyes. 
It's when he reaches the end of the line that Mobius moves in. 
"Will there be a Zaniac Two?" 
The look on Brad's face says enough for Mobius to know there's more going on here than just an undercover bit. Brad's laugh, as equally pained as his smile, just cements the fact. 
"Mobius! Woah!" A clap on the shoulder, a big hug. "I used to work with this guy!"
Still a show. Still a weasel trying to survive on his little slice of time. 
"We're going to need to catch up," he begins, backing up slowly, "You know, why don't we chat after the show?"
"How about now, maybe?" Mobius counters just as Brad turns on his heel and comes face to face with Loki. 
The God sneers.
"Woah. Okay, ha, whole gangs here!" he chirps, "Isn't that... great? Wow. I mean, you look — you look great, Loki."
"Why thank you, Brad."
Brad's eyes are manic, and he's searching the crowd quickly — no doubt looking for an exit. Then, they catch something. When Brad claps his hands together and pats them on both Loki and Mobius' shoulders, the two TVA agents pause.
"Everything alright?" Loki asks, head tilting in faux concern.
"Everything is great, actually, because when I was here," he begins, words quick and anxious as he tries to weave some sort of story, "I met a mutual friend!"
"Sylvie?" Mobius asks tightly.
"No, no, uh, better—"
Loki's jaw tightens. Enough of this. "We have some mutual friends back at the TVA who would like a word, as well—"
"Doc!" calls Brad after finally finding her in the sea of people, turning on his heel and calling out over his shoulder, "I got people I need you to meet!"
And just like that, it's like Loki's whole world splits wide open again.
In the fray of photographers and journalists, in the fray of drinks and the haze of smoke, there's you. You're smiling at Brad, positively beaming. You're bright as a star and Gods, there's no one in the room when you step forward with a laugh.
Your dress is green. Your hair is different.
There's a beauty mark on your left cheek. His version of you has a scar that lies there. A mistimed gift from Sylvie before their period on Lamentis. 
"Doc, these are some of my friends from work," Brad points, his hand falling along your waist in a way that makes Loki's blood boil; the ex-TVA Hunter leans close to your cheek, "They're the real deal."
You laugh into your drink, then extend your hand to Mobius. He's trying his best to hide his growing dread. "It's a pleasure."
Mobius takes it and shakes it gently. "And how do you have the pleasure of knowing our starlet, Brad?"
Damn it. He's losing Loki in real time here.
"Doc here did all the practical effects on set for Zaniac," Brad's eyes connect with Loki's — but the God is focused on only you... Her. Until Wolfe digs in with a low murmur meant to do just what it does, "She's a real wiz with her hands."
The God's face snaps. He will kill Brad, he decides. But, then this other-you moves to offer her hand and he can't help but melt. 
His fingers are trembling when he touches her skin. 
"Have we met before?" comes the soft lilt of her voice — this Variant's eyes are brown. They search Loki's face for a shred of recognition but all that's there between the two of them is raw attraction. A law of time and space unhindered by meddling hands. No matter where, no matter when, you will find one another.
Loki's mouth is dry. Your lipstick shade is a dark rogue. He thinks about that kiss back in the Void. He's stuck there, with your hand in his, when Brad bolts.
Her face contorts in confusion. She pulls away. But, Loki lingers. 
He has to... He...
He needs you back. 
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storiesofsvu · 15 days
Decadent Desires Ch 21
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings; language, minor alcohol, minor anxiety/worry but it's all fluff otherwise. 3k. Wow. We're finally here. It lowkey feels super surreal. The passage of time is wild and I don't remember when I started writing this fic, though I know I had a lot of it written before I started posting so that likely makes it seem longer. When it all comes down to it, this is one of my favourite fics that I've written. I'm proud of it. I'm incredibly thankful to everyone who's been reading it, reblogging and commenting, you are all wonderful and amazing. Stay tuned for plenty more one shots and lots of fun with our favourite characters in the future! Don't wanna miss a fic? Sign up for taglist here! Liked the story? Send me a ko-fi!
Now that you’ve finished the fic please feel free to head into my inbox & leave a legit honest review!! It helps me know what y’all like, what you didn’t like & how to improve future writing both here & elsewhere! 😘🩷
To say that Emily’s mind was not focused over the next twenty four hours would have been an understatement. She knew that dinner was occupying her thoughts, trying to think of the best way to get her words out without fumbling all over them or saying the wrong thing. She almost considered practicing by writing them down, having a speech ready to go if she forgot what she was supposed to be saying. She started to wonder if that alone was enough, if words would be strong enough to win you over or if she needed to stop for flowers, dessert or even something fancier on the way over to your place.
She thought she was doing a decent job of keeping it under wraps while at work until Tara asked what break in the case her and DiNozzo had discovered. When Emily’s brow furrowed the other woman pointed out Tony had been in her office for nearly an hour, the two of them involved in a deep conversation and she could only assume they’d discovered something. Emily’s cheeks burned as she bluffed the best reasoning she could think of before excusing herself back to her office. While the case had been the original reason Tony popped into her office, she’d roped him in to staying, saying he was the king of all movies and tropes, wondering if maybe now was the time for some grand gesture.
He'd shot that idea down, which is why she was pulling up to your place empty handed except for a bottle of wine. The biggest grand gesture she was planning was to greet you with a kiss neither of you would be able to forget. Her heart thudded against her rib cage as she waited for the elevator, letting out a breath in an attempt to relax herself the best she could, a kiss was a kiss, the worst thing that could happen was that you wouldn’t read into it the way she did.
You swung the door open, a soft smile on your cheeks as you stepped back to let her into your apartment. Her hand quickly found your waist but any and all plans she had immediately fell out the window at the hesitancy and anxiety wafting off you and vibrating through the air. She could tell your shoulders were tensed, and you didn’t melt into her embrace the way you normally did, so she settled for a kiss on the cheek as per your usual greeting, following you into the kitchen as she passed off the bottle of wine.
“I’ve got a white open if you want to start with that?” You offered, tucking the bottle she’d brought into the fridge and she nodded.
“Yeah, that’s perfect.” She smiled softly at you, watching you pull down a glass to fill for her, adding in a couple of ice cubes just as she liked it.
“How’s the case?” You asked, picking up your own wine as you leant against the island across from her, “Tony mentioned it was still pretty dead ended, I was kinda surprised you had time to make it tonight.”
“It’s a case.” She shrugged, “there’s only so much we can do right now. Figured it was best to let everyone have the night off, come back clear headed tomorrow.”
As her eyes swept through the kitchen she felt her own anxiety beginning to settle into her bones, her heart still strumming faster than usual in her chest. You had made the plan to stay in for dinner, so she wasn’t confused over your very casual attire of pyjama shorts and a cardigan, but aside from the wine bottle, there was no sign of intending to host tonight.
“Bummer.” You let out a sigh as you took a sip of wine, catching the way Emily nearly jumped at the sound of your voice, her jaw tightening and you were quick to finish you sentence, “about the case! Not that you had time to come over. That’s good, I’m glad. I just uh..” you let out an awkward laugh she wasn’t used to hearing, “didn’t want to make it sound like I was happy there was some psycho killer still out there.”
It was Emily’s turn to chuckle, taking another large sip of her drink, “no, I get it, it’s a tricky line to walk…”
Her accidentally chosen words hung heavily in the air, weighing down on both of you as you let out a quiet hum, staring over her shoulder, your wine glass in front of your face. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest so heavily you were almost certain Emily could hear it or at least could see the way the pulse point in your neck was jumping. It was part of the reason you’d pulled away so quickly at the front door, you didn’t want her to be able to feel it, or your clammy hands, she didn’t need to know you were nervous.
“Hey…” you were almost certain your voice cracked, “I uh, wanted to talk to you about something.”
Her face shot up, trying to control the expression written across it when she finally caught your eye, “oh, yeah. Me too, but you first.”
You downed the rest of your wine, your glass likely hitting the island with a little too much velocity as the words tumbled out of your mouth before you could take a second thought. “I think we should end the arrangement.”
Emily felt her heart drop into her stomach, the butterflies that were once there crushed into a churning of bile as she swallowed. This certainly wasn’t what she had expected, she thought she’d read the situation right, followed Tony’s advice that was supposed to lead her in the right direction. Then she felt incredibly stupid, she read body language and people for a living when she’d known them for all of two seconds. Yet she’d spent incredibly intimate and personal hours with you and still didn’t manage to get the right vibe.
“Oh…I, okay.” She placed the half full glass of wine, her eyes not totally focused on anything before she scooped up her bag, “I’ll uh… get out of your hair then.”
You’d caught the way her face fell ever so briefly before she managed to mask it, your heart squeezing in your chest as you darted around the island, managing to catch her wrist in your hand.
“No! Emily, please, no.” You tugged her back to you and when she finally did focus on you there was an evident shimmer of tears threatening to spill into her eyes, “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.” You let out a shaky laugh, tripping over your words you were speaking so quickly, “well, I guess it is what I meant, but not how I meant it.”
“You… want to rewrite the contract?” She asked hesitantly and you felt the heat creeping up your cheeks.
“More like I was thinking about ripping up the contract…”
There was a moment of relief washing through Emily that you could feel sparking through your body as she let out a breath. Her gaze was still pouring into you and the entire room suddenly felt too hot, causing you to shove up the sleeves of your cardigan, making sure they were settled above your elbows before undoing a couple of buttons to give you a little cool room to breathe. Emily’s eyes darted over your body as her mind continued to race.
“Listen, I.. god…” you shook your head with a laugh. Despite reciting what you wanted to say for hours, you were still totally flustered when it came to saying it to her face. It didn’t help that you suddenly noticed the way her eyes were flitting between your arms and your thighs. “What?”
She looked up, a curious expression on her face, “no blood drawn?”
“Huh?” Your brow furrowed, head titling in the adorable way Emily loved when you were utterly confused. When she was done shooting you heart eyes she suddenly realized her mistake, her tongue swiping out the corner of her mouth as she began to stutter over her words.
“Uh, just… last time you went out of town you had blood drawn.” She shrugged, “I guess I thought it was some kind of travel, germaphobe, don’t want to pick up a flu or something…” She trailed off, kicking herself for letting it slip out in the first place. Her eyes darted down to your thighs again before flicking up to your collarbone, tracing the line up your neck.
Your face relaxed, lips curving up into a small smile when you caught on to what she was doing, and what she really meant. “No…” You shook your head softly, reaching out to squeeze at her hand, “no blood drawn.”
You felt your chest swell, and Emily wanted nothing more than to kiss you to high heaven in that moment, never wanting to drop your hand no matter what the cost. Instead of getting her chance you spoke again, which, honestly, was probably for the best.
“God…” you laughed again, running a hand through your hair, “I really don’t know how to do this, I’ve never done it before.”
“Wait, what?” Her head tilted, “I thought you like, made a side hustle out of sugar babying.”
“No!” You laughed, “Oh my god I’ve done it once and that was like twenty years ago. We had a very specific end date written into the contract and knew nothing was ever going to come of it aside from my tuition.”
“But you’re so knowledgeable about the subject.” She pointed out, thinking back to how confidently you’d flown through the first few months of your relationship, how you always seemed to be a step or two ahead of her when it came to navigating your way through it.
“I’ve done my research?” You shrugged, “seen a lot of examples with Heather. Hell, with a good chunk of other politicians. Listen,” you squeezed at her hand again, pulling the focus back to the topic at hand, “I don’t know how to navigate it like this.” You gestured between the two of you, “I’m not good at it, I guess it’s another reason I’ve stayed so committed to the job… being committed to a person just kind of scares me. I’ve never felt safe enough to open up the way I needed to, never been relaxed around another person to just… let them into my life so comfortably. I don’t know why things happened so differently with you, so incredibly easily and I think that kinda freaks me out too, but I think that fear is more than worth it if it gives me the chance to be with you…really be with you. Because that’s all I really want.”
When she looked up from your joined hands Emily could hear her heart hammering between her ears, the butterflies from her stomach slowly creeping into her chest. You were fully opening yourself up to her, no matter how much it scared you and behind the hesitancy in your eyes she could see something else pouring out, something that she’d been seeing for weeks but was never ballsy enough to say something about.
“I’m hearing everything your saying and believe me I want to respond and I will, but can I do something first?” She asked.
“Uh… yeah, sure.” Your brow furrowed for a second, thinking that she had to take a call, that over your racing heartbeat you hadn’t been able to hear her phone vibrate.
Instead you were letting out a little squeak in surprise when Emily stepped toward you, her hands gently cupping your face as she brought her lips to yours. Your arms easily wound around her shoulders, pulling her body directly into yours so you could absolutely melt against her. You were instantly lost into the kiss, feeling like everything inside of you was exploding in the best way possible. Somehow the thundering in Emily’s chest was calming down as her lips moved against yours with ease, as if that was exactly where they were meant to be. The sweet smell of your shampoo invaded her nose, you invaded every single one of her senses and there was absolutely nothing else that she could ever possibly want.
Her tongue traced the seam of your lips and you easily parted them, wanting nothing more than to be able to fully taste her. Your had crept up the back of her neck, fingers gently toying with the roots of her hair, your thumb stroking at her skin. Her tongue explored your mouth, rolling against your own and she couldn’t help but let out a small groan into the kiss. When your fingers ever so slightly tugged on her hair she retaliated by nipping at your lower lip while her own curved up into a grin. A small laugh broke free from your mouth, neither of you pulling away as you relaxed deeper into each other, giggles and smiles prevalent through a series of smaller kisses until you couldn’t stop them.
Emily’s forehead rested against your own as she stole one more kiss, her hand cupping your chin, thumb tracing your lower lip and you couldn’t help but press a tender kiss to it.
“I know it can be scary…” she started, “it scares me too and honestly I’m not sure if I’m particularly great at it either. I’ve been trying to untangle my thoughts and emotions for weeks, maybe even longer and it’s been driving me insane. All that I really know is that I love spending time with you, I’m happier when you’re around, you make me laugh, you encourage me to be my best, I even sleep better with you next to me and I want so much more of all of that in my life. So…maybe we can figure it out together?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, a bright smile on your cheeks and a sparkle in your eye that absolutely made her weak in the knees, “I’d really like that.”
With another adorable giggle you surged closer to her, kissing her again, your hands tugging at the fabric of her shirt, pulling her impossibly close. You couldn’t get enough of each other and it made Emily laugh again between the kisses.
“Jeeze,” she shook her head, “I can’t believe DiNozzo was right.”
“DiNozzo?” You murmured; head full of butterflies as you stole another kiss. Though once his name was on your lips you were crashed back down to earth and you leant your torso away from her, “were you talking to Tony about our love life?!”
“Uh, maybe?” She winced, her cheeks tinging as she laughed, “I mean, it turned out he did give some pretty good advice.”
“Oh god.” You hung your head, “I am never going to hear the end of this.”
“At least it was worth it?” She suggested and you smiled across at her, pressing your lips to hers.
“It definitely was.”
Her hand caressed your cheek again as she leant in to kiss you, unable to help herself at this point and you weren’t about to deny her. Right as your lips met you jumped at the sound of the doorbell.
“You expecting someone?” She asked, her arm almost tightening around your waist as you laughed, swatting at her arm.
“It’s dinner.” You grabbed your wallet from the island, “did you really think I was going to cook after such a long day?”
Emily shook her head at the look in your eyes as you disappeared around the corner. Choosing to take the time you were dealing with the driver to collect your wine glasses from the island, refilling both before selecting cutlery and setting things up on the coffee table.
“Hope you’re okay with Indian,” you started, setting the bag down on the table as you tucked a leg under yourself on the couch, “I had a craving.”
“Cuisine doesn’t matter as long as I’m sharing it with you.” She replied and you felt your heart thud in your chest, your body melting at the look in her eyes as she gazed over at you.
“You fucking sap.” You teased, choosing to distract her from the misting of happy tears in your eyes by jumping into her lap, your lips meeting hers for another kiss.
Emily’s hands ghosted up your sides as yours settled on her face, thumbs stroking at her cheeks while your tongue explored her mouth. You let out a happy sigh into the kiss that she eagerly swallowed down, her entire being relaxing at the way you were melting into the embrace.
“What?” She asked softly, a smile on her face as she nudged your nose with hers.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, unable to control your own bright smile.
“Oh c’mon.” She prodded at your sides, earning a squeal from you, “don’t pull that crap anymore.”
You laughed, gazing down at her as your thumbs continued to soothe across her cheeks, “I just guess I’ve spent so long avoiding it and being scared that I never realized it could be this easy to fall in love...”
“You’re in love with me?” If it had been even a day earlier the question would have been filled with worry, but right now Emily asked it with a tease in her voice, because she already knew the answer. You didn’t need to say it, she could feel it, the warmth flowing through the room, wrapping itself around the two of you as you perched in her lap. She wasn’t scared to hear anything you had to say and she knew she felt the same way.
“Yeah…yeah I am.”
“Good.” Her hand gently wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you to her for another kiss, this one deeper and a little longer than the last. One that you could feel her emotion in, joy dancing deep through your veins as your heart began to strum in time with hers, “because I’ve been in love with you for weeks. I never thought we could end up like this when we started… but here we are.”
“Mmm.” You left a kiss on the tip of her nose, “and I wouldn’t have it any either way.”
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gravegroves · 4 months
Okay, little stream-of-consciousness-moment:
Billy, who's mind is like a steel trap, who isn't a scared little child, but a healthy, angry young adult. And the mindflayer doesn't even know what hit it. One second it's infiltrating grey matter, overtaking neural pathways and becoming one with this new vessel and the next second it's burning alive, it's crumbling and shrinking and screeching in agony as the human body does what is does best to foreign invaders: try to kill it.
I've always loved the posts on tumblr that explore how deeply weird humans would be to aliens. Our physiology, our mentality, when spoken of as animal traits they are all deeply disturbing. We're persistence predators. We're built to last. We can survive unimaginable horrors (and also die from the stupidest, most everyday things). Our main predator, is ourselves. A bite from a child can kill another human just from the bacteria alone if left untreated. Our bodies are designed to kill entities both within and without.
Humans are fucking terrifying.
So the mindflayer is so unprepared for an adult human who's been through too much shit already. Not just a tired little slip of a kid, but a healthy, entering-his-prime human and is eradicated with extreme prejudice by nothing more than a good immune system going into overdrive.
But it's too deeply imbeded, so the body again does what it can to protect itself, it encases it. Within the body, but separate. Calcified. Caged.
So here's Billy, who has a rather spotty memory of a car crash and feels like he has a head cold for a couple of days before he gets on with his life. Only weird shit keeps happening to him, now. Like that time he encounters a pack of dogs while out drinking by the quarry, except they look really fucked-up the closer they get, not like any dog Billy's ever seen before, and just as he's prepared for an attack from these things, they just walk up to him and sniff around a bit with their weird flower heads blooming and closing, but otherwise leaving him unharmed. And Billy's just this side of drunk where terrible ideas seem kinda brilliant and he tells the things to sit. And they do. Amazed, he tosses his beer bottle and tells them go fetch, and again, one does.
And then when it's time to go home Billy offhandedly tells them to get lost and they run off back into the woods, and when he wakes up in the morning it's easy to rationalise it away. Probably the beer had been rolling around in the car for too long and it went bad and fucked him up. Should just have thrown the whole sixpack out. Those were just regular dogs, for sure. Except the next day, when he's out behind the pool building trying to find a good spot to smoke, he steps onto soft soil or something and falls down into a weird ass tunnel and a bunch of those same monster dogs just appear out of nowhere and pile themselves on top of each other for him to be able to climb out. And a couple of days later when Neil smacks Billy around for being out late again, one of those dogs honest to God comes crashing through the living room window to shred Neil's leg up and leaves just as quickly at the first sign of panic from Billy.
And yeah okay, by this stage Billy's figuring out things are kinda fucky around Hawkins, and so it's just Billy having his own little side adventure in the background while the rest of the gang are running around Hawkins trying desperately to find the Mindflayer, not knowing that Billy unknowingly trapped it within himself and is just living his life, teaching these weirdly obedient alien dogs to do tricks because they keep helping him or seeking him out.
Anyway, upside down is doomed because their leader is literally trapped inside Billy and Billy is just teaching these dog-things to steal cigarettes from the gas station and volunteering for the closing shift at the pool because he can just get the dogs to bring the pool noodles back into the shed.
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Okay we see how Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass become Yanderes for reader what about Damian, Steph and Babs?
That question is exactly why I'm kind of debating on making a kinda "Part 2.5" sort of thing, and it would show how Tim and Damian got further roped into things like Bruce, Dick, Jason and Cass. Along with how Steph and Babs take the news of "heyyy, um. you know Y/n? yeah that one sibling of ours that's lived here for years that we've barely have like, 10 conversations with collectively? Yeah, that sibling. Uh, we just figured out they've basically been living an entire life without any of us knowing, and might've run away because we were barely involved in their life despite them making multiple attempts to have us be there. So, we kind of need your help to find them. Like. Now-"
Though honestly I'll just put the run down here, so-
Bruce kind of gave Damian the little push he needed before hopping on the train, kind of like what he did with Jason but a little different. With him finding Damian, and some questions being thrown around, before Damian just decides to help look for you.
Honestly I can imagine that Damian wasn't super serious about finding you or anything at first, and was more so just trying to help because Bruce and Dick were looking for you. Hence why he looks for Alfred first with the intention to get the search done and over with. Though, that does begin to change a little when he eventually stumbles upon your room and gets that small glimpse of all he's missed out on after having talked with Alfred.
The room itself doesn't necessarily get to Damian — not like it does with Bruce and Dick — but it's more of the contents of the room itself that get him started on the yandere path.
Honestly, how Damian and Tim begin to develop their more Yandere thoughts and feelings for the reader is through finding something in your room, leading them to find more stuff, and that eventually getting to the thought process of "i didn't know they did this... i would've liked to know about this before/share this thing with them." Which then leads to a more yandere-like mindset.
For Damian (since we're already on the topic of him), he finds that one art award that you got, and becomes curious. Eventually he finds the unfinished art pieces that Bruce had found earlier, and while he isn't impressed or anything at first, the more unfinished pieces he finds the more he kind of begins to see your potential, and that leads to his own thoughts on the matter. With him wishing he knew about how you liked to do art too, and that eventually leads to him thinking that he could've helped you refine your skill, and the both of you could've drawn or painted together.
What strengthens that mindset is when he gets his hands on a notebook that you had used to practice whatever you were struggling with, and left notes for yourself on how you could improve upon certain things as well. Maybe if Damian had known you were into art before, he could've helped you, and you both could've improved together. Refine each other's skills, and just be able to create together. Which Damian really begins to like the thought of. Especially as he sees how you improved the deeper into the notebook he gets.
So, he also sets out to find you, but with a more positive mindset and thought process.
Honestly, out of everyone, Damian is the least worried about you and your well-being. Not because he necessarily has faith in your abilities to stay alive in Gotham, while also potentially being by yourself, but rather he isn't focused on that part? Not as intensely as some of the others, anyway.
Besides, if you were to turn up dead, then he'd have the "you die, I kill you" mindset. You aren't allowed to be dead or 'missing' in his mind, and so you aren't until proven other wise — but even then he's going to need a lot of solid proof to even believe it.
Damian is just more focused on the "we have a common interest and I want to do this thing with them" part of learning that you're into art. Even if you aren't anymore, just knowing that it was something that you used to do is enough to get him jumping on the yandere train. You'll be doing art with him one way or another, and you can't do shit about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure his reasoning isn't a strong, but it's enough to get him started and to go looking for you with the others when they eventually start tearing Gotham apart in hopes to find you. Damian now has a sudden need for quality time and your his main target, sorry not sorry.
Tim on the other hand just sort of, stumbled upon your room, and thanks to Dick was very quickly roped into this mess (as mentioned in "Not Here").
He actually looks through the box with all of your more personal belongs first as Dick tries to call and text you like crazy, while also trying to figure out more stuff.
The first thing he minds is an mp3 player, which, again - as mentioned in "Not Here" held very early versions of songs you were working on at the time, along with some of the very first songs you ever wrote. Which, after listening to a few of them, is immediately a big fan. Though that ends up being both his downfall and how he begins to develop his more yandere tendencies.
Like Dick, you had tried to call and message him about certain performances and such you thought he'd like, and hoped he'd attend, but to no avail. It sucks even more for Tim now because if he had just given your music a chance just a little sooner, maybe things would've been different between the two of you. Maybe you wouldn't have left.
Not to mention that, since he now really loves your music - just knowing that he's wasted so many opportunities to hear more of it, and the completed, fully fleshed out versions of some the songs on the mp3 player makes him upset. He really feels the hit of neglecting you, and that hit only lands harder when he goes through that 'List/Progress' notebook that Bruce had seen earlier in "Not Here".
A notebook which does reveal a lot about you, and how you only did so many activities because you hoped that if anyone in the family was into one of the activities/hobbies you tried, then you'd be able to bond with them over it. Though look at where that got you. Countless awards hung on your walls, with a number of accomplishments to your name - and yet not once were you able to use them for their original purpose. Not once were you able to hold a full, long conversation with any of them about any of the things you've done.
It wasn't even your fault because you tried to put in the work, Tim could really see that now, but you just weren't given the chance to actually put it to good use.
Maybe that's why he ended up helping Dick as much as he did, and maybe that's why he took the time to download some of your songs before heading out to look for you. He wanted to feel closer to you then he really was, and wanted your music to be something shared between the two of you.
Tim wants to not only get closer to you, but to hear everything you've ever made music wise. A want which he fully intends on making a reality.
Stephenie and Barbara are a bit different, however. Since, as stated in "Not Here", both of them are informed of what's going on after everyone else but Damian and Alfred absolutely loses their minds over you not being in the Manor. Though, again, both take the news a bit differently.
Between the two, Steph easily feels the worst. So her motivations and actions — like Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim — are more out of guilt and regret. She already doesn't like the thought of her own neglect having caused you to keep so many things to yourself that you basically hid yourself away, but the idea of her — along with everyone else — having pushed you so far away that you ran away? That... doesn't make her feel good, to say the least.
Sure, she doesn't feel as bad as Bruce or Dick - who easily feel the worst because of their respective roles in the family, and them feeling like they failed to even be a semi-present figure in your life for you to recognize them as your Father and Older Brother (to which they are correct, but aren't aware of that yet) - but it's still enough for her to try and look for you too.
Kind of like Bruce when he was looking in the Manor, Stephanie doesn't know where to start looking, and that only worsens her regret.
I guess her development comes more with time? Since the more she and the others look, not only do her feelings grow, but she also learns more about you as everyone starts sharing information over the intercoms. Things they just found out about you — like how you spent your birthdays alone with Alfred and had waited for them each year until recently, how you made music, what kind of competitions and such you've participated in, who were your teachers, how majority of what you did wasn't even for yourself - but rather a chance that one of the many activities you did try out was something anyone of them were into, so that way you could actually have a conversation with them - and more. (Which may be shown later? Not in a official post/part to the series but perhaps in a sort of side thing that shows the mayhem going on. But who knows?)
Case and point, while they are all looking for you - Steph slowly becomes more yandere for the reader the more she learns about you and how her and the other's actions impacted you. Like some of the others, she wants to make it up to you, but isn't entirely sure how she'd even go about doing that. The more aware she becomes, the harder she falls.
Barbara on the other hand, I'd say, is more lowkey as of now when it comes to her development as a yandere?
I mean, Dick, while very much panicking, basically told her it was an emergency and he really needed her on the bat computer because he had to look for you. Which, in the same breath, gave a list of locations and possible teachers you might've had in the past (you can thank Tim for trying to figure all of that out) and if she could look into it.
It's safe to say that Barbara's introduction into the whole situation was very chaotic. An emotional, worried, and panicked Dick is never a good one, so that was fun to deal with while slowly drowning in confusion.
Eventually, she got the run down and was quick to help, but like Bruce, Cass, Damian, and Jason - she was more confused at the start.
Ouf of everyone, and maybe besides Jason, Barbara has had the least amount of interaction with you - and the room for possible interactions with you for her were much smaller anyway considering that you aren't a vigilante, and never intended to be. So, it only makes sense that one of the people you've easily had the least connection with, was the person who communicated and mainly interacted with the rest of the Batfam when they're doing vigilante work.
What didn't help is that she barely even saw you at events or even holiday gatherings and such the family would have, with you being so neglected that they just... failed to even notice you missing at the time. The day she was introduced to you was when you were first adopted, and that was basically both the first and last full interaction either of you have had with each other. Other than that, she would hear small comments about you sometimes from the others, but even then it wasn't much and those soon died out as one could've guessed.
Even when she was in the Manor, she might've caught a few glimpses of you, but nothing else - so the beginning of her fall into being a yandere is definitely much slowly and lowkey when compared to the others.
I feel as if this whole situation may encourage Babs to want to get to know you better? After all, your disappearance did cause the whole family to basically start a whole manhunt just to find you, so I feel as if that would be enough to get Barbara interested at the very least. Not to mention all of the things she's hearing about you from everyone - it would be nice to try and actually meet you, not just know about you.
In other words, I feel as if Barbara may develop more as a yandere in part 3, seeing as I can see her more yandere tendencies begin to develop once she actually 'meets' you. Y'know what I mean?
So tldr; Damian becomes a yandere for the reader by finding out they're into art/have done art in the past, and now has a deep need to bond with them.
Steph becomes a yandere through her guilt and regret, and like some of the others, want to make it up to the reader.
Babs, on the other hand, hasn't exactly become a yandere just yet, but will once she 'meets' the reader and see them for herself. As of right now, she's just curious, but we'll get there in part 3.
Also, this is unrelated to the ask, but I would like to point out how pretty much everyone in the Batfam thinks you ran away rather then you just leaving. Do what you will with this information for now :]
Anyways, I hoped that answered your question, even if I got a bit rambly! If there's anything else in particular anyone else would like to know, feel free to send in an ask!
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skzstannie · 9 months
"Do you want to start over?"
SKZ-> Bang Chan x Reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, exes to lovers wc: ~4,100 cw: arguments, mentions of alcohol and Chan's drunk, use of Y/N (soz, I tried not to), reader’s a university student
summary: a fun night out leads to a much needed confrontation
A/N: Hiii! Some romantic angst for today with Chan. I'm on break for the holidays, so expect lots of fics during the next few weeks!
Happy Scrolling! | Masterlist
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"We have got to get out more! This is so fun!" your friend yells over the loud music playing in the bar.
The time reads 12:30 A.M, and as much fun as this is, you can't deny the fact you're getting tired.
"For real, I could go all night!" another one of your friends says, her arms swinging over her head to the beat of the music.
Your eyes widen at that- all night?
"Come on Y/N, dance! You don't even look like you're having fun." They grab your arms, swaying you back and forth.
You let them have their fun for a few more songs, allowing your whole body to feel the music.
The time slips away from you, the rampant atmosphere providing you a distraction from your drowsiness. Your alcohol intake is definitely a factor, as well.
Your phone rings in your pocket, bringing you back to reality. You unlock it to reveal Changbin's name. You haven't heard from him, or any of your ex's other friends, since the breakup. Not that you were expecting to, but it's definitely strange for him to be calling you now.
Figuring it could be an emergency, you excuse yourself from the dance circle your friends have created and step outside to take the call.
"Hello?" you answer, your voice timid.
"Hello? Y/N?" you hear from the other side. He sounds a little out of breath, a hint of panic coming through.
"Yea, Changbin, is everything alright?" you question, your concern growing.
"Um, kinda? I don't know," he responds, sounding distracted. He sounds distant now, like he's pulled the phone away from his ear.
"Where are you? Do you need help?"
"Well, I'm with Chan. We're in the park, just off your university campus. He's refusing to go home until he sees you. He's pretty wasted right now, but I can't get him to come home, so I figured giving you a call was worth a shot."
Your breath hitches in your throat when you hear Chan's slurred words in the background. "Is-is that Y/N? Let me talk to her."
"No, Chan, just sit back down." You hear some shuffling from the other side before Changbin's voice becomes clearer again. "Hello? Are you still there?"
You debate hanging up. This was not supposed to happen tonight. Your friends brought you out to forget about him, not go and see him all desperate and drunk for you. Somewhere in the back of your tipsy mind, you know you want to see him, to touch him one more time.
Your breakup was sad for both you and Chan. You were the one who ended it. It was nothing Chan did; you were just far too stressed with everything you had going on, and you didn't feel like it was fair to Chan. He was always busy with producing, and if he wasn't producing, he was in meetings or hanging with the boys.
You always had class and work, and you felt like you were starting to neglect your studies. With you nearing the end of your degree, entering your senior year a few months prior, that was the last thing you needed.
So, for the sake of both of your education and futures, you broke it off. It was sudden, and you caught him completely off guard with it.
You remember how absolutely heartbroken he sounded, the sounds of his choked up words forever tattooed on your brain. "What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" He'd grabbed your hands, pulling them close to his chest. His heartbeat was erratic, similar to his breathing, and the tears welled in his eyes so fast you feared they'd spill over before you could even respond.
"I just think it's for the best," you had replied. You were cold and emotionless with it, trying to protect your own heart in the process of breaking his. You never did tell him why you were ending it. You were scared he'd call you ridiculous, saying that that's no reason to breakup, and that he could fix it.
That's not what you had wanted to hear at the time. You felt you were doing the right thing for both of you.
It had been months since then, and your heart never healed. You still loved him, but you were always too embarrassed to reach out. After all, it was your fault. You were the one who broke up with him, not the other way around.
You never heard from any of the other boys either. You knew they were a tight-knit group, so you assumed they hated you. You hated yourself too, in a way. You broke his heart into a million pieces and never even told him why.
You wanted him. You needed him, so so bad. You've been waiting for this moment for months. Sure, maybe you weren't expecting him to be completely wasted, but you couldn't let this opportunity slip. Your friends would be upset, probably tell you it was a bad idea and drag you home. That's why you weren't going to tell them the details.
"Where are you? I'm coming to get him." You hear Changbin's sigh of relief from the other side of the phone as he tells you exactly where they are.
You hang up and send a quick text to your friends who are no doubt still dancing up a storm inside the bar. You're brief with them, telling them something came up and you have to run home. You don't wait for their reply, hurrying off to hopefully fix the biggest mistake of your life.
~ ~ ~
"Y/N, thank God you came. He's been out of his mind for hours now," Changbin tells you as you walk up to them. You see Chan sitting on the park bench beside him, and his head whips up at the sound of your name.
Chan's eyes widen at the sight of you. He jumps up, stumbling a bit, but he's able to regain his balance. He's surprisingly quick in making his way over to you.
You can smell the alcohol on him from a few feet away, but you don't pay it any mind as he throws himself at you, his arms heavily hanging over your shoulders. "Y/N," he slurs, "You're here."
He sighs into your neck, his head leaning to rest on your shoulder. Your arms come up around his waist, holding him up. He's not putting all his weight on you, but you still struggle to keep him upright, his drunken state making it hard for him to stand straight.
You look to Changbin, your arms straining around Chan's body. "What should we do?" you ask him. You're not sure what the rest of Changbin's plan was. You come here to see him, then what? Take him home? Send them back on their way? You're not entirely sure which you'd prefer, to be honest.
"I wanna go home with you," Chan whines in response before Changbin has a chance.
"I don't know, Chan, I don't think-" Changbin is quick to cut you off.
"I'll help him to your place." He walks over to you guys, practically ripping Chan off you. He drapes one of Chan's arms over his shoulders, holding up most of his weight.
You stop and think for a moment.
What are you doing!? You can't bring your ex back home! Your tipsy, and he's absolutely wasted. Even if you were to ever reconcile, you certainly didn't want it to be under these circumstances.
"Changbin, I-"
"Nope, this is your mess, and you know you need to fix it." He starts to drag Chan in the direction of your apartment, Chan letting out incoherent babbles along the way.
You're still stood in the same spot, but you rush to catch up to them.
"Excuse me?" you let out in disbelief.
"You heard me," he sasses back, leaning forward to make eye contact with you around Chan's hanging head. "You know what you did wasn't right, and I know you regret it."
Your jaw drops. How did he know this?
"You can't just assume I've wanted to run back to him all this time," you rebut, draping Chan's other arm over your own shoulders to help him walk a little steadier.
"I'm not assuming anything. Your roommate told me. We know you've been just as much of a wreck as he has been."
You scoff but leave it at that. How could you argue when he knew? He knew that you've been struggling ever since, crying day and night. Embarrassment washes over your body, already planning out the conversation you'll have with your roommate about sharing your personal problems with your ex's best friends.
It's silent for a few minutes. You're nearing your complex now, the light from the streetlights dimming, transitioning into the light from your neighbors' porchlights.
"How much did she tell you?" You ask as the three of you approach your front door.
"Enough to know you need this just as much as he does."
~ ~ ~
You unlock your front door, Chan breaking free from Changbin's hold and stumbling into your apartment. You watch from the foyer as he trips over his own two feet, falling onto the couch. You allow your gaze to travel over to Changbin, assured that Chan will be staying in one spot for at least a few minutes.
"You ok?" he asks, his concern for you showing for the first time that night.
While your roommate never made it known to you, the boys had texted her just days after the breakup, asking what had happened. She had explained your side of things to them, and she made them promise not to tell Chan. She didn't want to meddle in your love life like that. As stupid as she thought you were being, it wasn't her place, or his friend's place, to tell him anything.
They agreed not to tell Chan anything, if and only if she agreed to keep them updated on you.
"I'm fine. Yea, this is fine," you rub your hands over your face, trying get rid of the tiredness surely covering your features.
"I'll text you guys tomorrow afternoon," he says, turning to head back to the front door. You follow him, seeing him out.
He steps outside, turning back around and catching the door before you can close it. "I know we sprung this on you, but don't stress out about it. Just do what feels right," and with that he turns and walks down the stairs, not waiting for your reply.
You slowly the close the door, allowing your back to slide down it. You sit on the floor, your elbows resting on your knees, palms holding your head up.
Your heart races knowing who waits for you in your living room. What do you say? Do you wait until morning to hash it out? That would probably be best, but what if he wants to talk about it now?
Heavy footsteps bring you out of your thoughts. Your eyes snap up from the ground, seeing Chan making his way towards you.
He clumsily settles himself in front of you, crossing his legs as he leans back on his arms, his palms resting flat on the floor behind him.
His eyes are glossed over from the alcohol, a lazy smile gracing his lips. "I've missed you."
Your heart flutters at that. You feel the familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and you're not entirely sure how to respond. With the exhaustion from your night's activities taking over your body, all you really want to do is go to sleep. Your mind is not in the right space to have a conversation with him right now.
"What do you want me to say, Chan?" you let out a breathy chuckle, your cheeks flushing pink. As tired as you are, his words still have an affect on you.
"Preferably that you've missed me, too."
"This isn't the right time to have this conversation. You're drunk, and I'm tipsy and exhausted. Let's go to bed, and I promise we'll talk about it in the morning," you tell him, rising to your feet. You reach a hand out to him, offering him help to stand.
His face morphs into a pout, and he holds out his pinky towards you from his spot on the floor. "Promise?" his voice wobbles, tears springing into his eyes. He'd always been an emotional drunk, his vulnerable side surfacing at the mere sight of alcohol.
Pinky promises had always been your thing when you were together. Until this day, neither of you had ever broken one. It was honestly a really important part of your relationship. Your plans would fall through sometimes, or somebody would forget to pick up dinner, but if you guys pinky promised, you knew you could fully trust them. Him remembering this in his drunken state does something to your insides, pulling on your heart strings a bit.
You hesitate, taking your lip in between your teeth, but eventually latch your pinky onto his.
"Pinky promise."
~ ~ ~
"Alright, here's a couple blankets and a pillow. The T.V. remote is right there, and I'll get you a glass of water and some ibuprofen for the morning. Anything else?" You set the bedding onto the couch, smoothing out the sheet you had laid there beforehand.
"Hmmm," he hums, bringing his finger up to his lips, portraying a very exaggerated thinking face. "Will you stay with me?" He tilts his head at you, patting the spot beside him.
"I will not. I will be sleeping in my own bed."
He pouts at that, and you quickly turn away, fearing you won't be able to hold strong if you look at him much longer.
You get ready for bed, making your way around your apartment turning all the lights off. You flip the lights out in the living room, the television providing a soft glow to it's surroundings.
"Goodnight Chan, sleep well." You wait a few seconds for a reply, but all you hear in return is his heavy breathing, small snores escaping his lips every now and again.
~ ~ ~
You're awakened from your slumber at the sound of your door creaking open. Your head jumps off your pillow, abruptly sitting up in bed.
You let your defenses down upon seeing Chan's face, slightly puffy with sleep.
"Do you need something?" you ask softly. You glance beside you at your alarm clock.
4:43 A.M. Way too early to get up.
He doesn't respond, the only noise in the room coming from the sounds of his socks shuffling against your soft carpet. He makes his way to the side of your bed, looking down at you sleepily.
"Chan, go back to bed. It's too early." You roll back over, too tired to play any games so early in the morning.
It's silent for a moment, and you almost allow yourself to fall back to sleep, but you jolt at the feeling of your bedding dipping behind you. Chan pushes up against your back, moving you further away from the edge of the bed.
He slides underneath the covers behind you, his strong arm coming up to wrap around your middle, pulling you closer to him.
He's incredibly warm, and you can't help but cuddle into him further, feeding off the heat his body is providing you.
He lets out a long sigh, his breath blowing up against the back of your head.
You lay there, stiff as a board. Your mind wanders to all the nights spent like this when you were together. How nice it always felt to lay in his arms, comforted and safe. You breathe deeply, inhaling his woodsy scent you've missed all those months.
His breathing has slowed and evened by this point, and you're sure he's fallen back asleep. You do the same just minutes later, unable to resist the invisible pull of your eyelids, shutting them and allowing you to fall asleep once again.
~ ~ ~
You're eyes open and you're met with the bright sunrays coming through your window, making you squint. You feel around behind, the warm body next to you nowhere to be seen, leaving nothing but the cold sheets in his place.
You jump out of bed, scared he may have run off early in the morning. Scrambling, you throw on a hoodie from your floor and hurry out your bedroom door, rushing towards the living room.
You stop in your tracks when you get there, seeing him sitting on your couch, legs crossed over each other on your coffee table.
You stand there another few moments, waiting for him to see you. He turns his body, "Are you just gonna stand there?" he asks, the teasing evident in his voice.
You don't know what to make of all this. He should hate you. He should've left as soon as he felt well enough this morning. You broke his heart for God's sake. You broke his heart into a million pieces, and never even tried to put them back together.
You slowly make your way over to him, sitting beside him on your couch, making sure to leave a safe amount of distance between the two of you.
"Sooo..." you start as he clears his throat. You both laugh, the awkward tension slowly melting.
"You go first," you tell him. You weren't really sure what you were going to say anyway.
"I apologize for last night. From making Changbin call you, to making you take me home, to getting in your bed in the middle of the night. I'm sorry if I crossed boundaries, I mean, I'm sure I did," he looks to you for assurance that it's ok if he keeps going.
You give him a small shoulder shrug. You don't know if he really did cross any boundaries. He obviously didn't make you take him home. If you really didn't want him here, you would've told Changbin yesterday. As persistent as he seemed last night, you know he wouldn't have pushed that hard if you were truly uncomfortable.
"It's ok. I answered the phone call, I brought you here, and I let you in my bed. This goes both ways, and if I wasn't comfortable with it, I wouldn't have let it happen."
His eyes soften at this, his shoulders releasing the visible tension he's been holding there all morning. "Ok, good." He hesitates for a moment, wringing his hands in his lap. "I guess, I just wanna know why, ya know? Why did you end things the way you did?" His eyes meet yours, and it's hard for you to decipher the emotion behind them. Anger, sadness, regret- you're not sure. You're pretty sure they're all present to some degree.
You pretend to think, although you know in your heart you don't have to. You know exactly why you ended; if only you'd let him in on it a little sooner, it probably would've saved him a lot of heartache.
"I was overwhelmed," you pause for a moment, and he nods his head, encouraging you to keep going. "I had so much going on, school was hectic, my job had my head all over the place, and I felt like what I had left to give you just wasn't enough."
He doesn't say anything for a few moments, his eyes glued to his hands. "You could've just talked to me about it. I would've understood, and we could've figured it out." His voice comes out weak, like I've struck a nerve that was never meant to be touched, let alone toyed with and tore.
"That was exactly what I was scared of. I really thought that what I was doing was what was best for both of us."
"You don't get to make that call, Y/N," his words come out strong, his eyes finally meeting yours. "I loved you, and I still love you," he scoffs, "Can you believe that? After all the hell you put me through, I still love you." He gets up from the couch and begins to lightly pace in front of the T.V.
He runs hands through his hair, brushing it back from his eyes. Tears well up in yours, and you quickly wipe them before they even get the chance to fall. You don't deserve to cry. You did this to him.
"I'm so sorry," you choke out. "I regret it. I regret it all. I can't imagine how much I hurt you, but I know I did, deeply. I want to make sure you know that it wasn't easy for me, either. I haven't been myself all these months. I stopped going to my classes, and last night was the first night I'd gone out in months."
He stops his pacing, standing right in front of you. He just stares, and your emotions run wild when you can't decipher how he's feeling.
"I'm so sorry," the tears you tried to keep at bay flow freely down your face now, "If I'd have known what it would do to both of us, I would never have done it. It was a stupid, spur of the moment decision, and I felt like I had control. If I had the control, everything would be ok," your words break through your sobs, "but it wasn't ok, and I'm so, so sorry!" Your hands cover your eyes, your head bowing to your knees to hide your grief-stricken face.
He still stands there, in the same spot, just staring. You're too overwhelmed by your own guilt to notice him moving closer to you at a feverish pace.
He rips your hands from your face, pulling your wrist until you're standing in front of him. He forcefully grabs your jaw, bringing his lips to yours. The kiss is short, but you've never known such passion could be passed on through a kiss.
All the pent up anxiety and guilt melts between the two of you, your emotions mixing together like sugar and water, dissolving between the two of you until they're one.
He pulls back, his breathing quick. "I've been wanting to do that for so long."
You look at him, shock prominent on your face. "How can you do this?"
His eyes widen, scared he's crossed the line yet again. "What?" he stutters.
"Why don't you hate me? I expected you to yell at me, maybe even call me a few names. Why are you standing in my living room kissing me like all this never happened?"
"I could never hate you," his fingers run along your jaw before settling softly on your cheek. "As much as I’ve wanted to these last few months, just to help myself get over you, I could never. I've been going crazy without you."
"How could you forgive me, just like that?" You're confusion seeps through your tone.
"Because you're perfect. We all make mistakes, and I've had months to deal with this one. Now, knowing why you did it makes it all the easier."
You still just stare at him, almost expecting him to say "Just kidding", laugh in your face, and run out the door.
But he doesn't. He's still standing in front of you, holding your face so gently that you can barely feel his calloused hand, his fingers gently caressing your cheek.
"I know this is a lot, and maybe I'm crazy, but do you want to start over?"
Your confusion becomes more evident, your brows furrowing lightly.
"Let's redo all our firsts. Our first date, our first kiss, our first 'I love you'. I'm willing to move past this if you are."
His eyes are filled with hope, sparkling in the light coming in from the window.
"I don't know Chan..." you trail off, "I'm not sure I can ever forgive myself. I hate what I did to you, and I've hated myself ever since because of it. I don't know how to come to terms with your forgiveness when I don't deserve it."
"We can work through it together. I will be there with you every step of the way. I promise, pinky promise," he's persistent, his pinky reaching out towards yours.
You stare at his hand, remembering how nicely your hands fit together. That's how everything feels with Chan. Your body has always fit perfectly with his, your personalities meshing like nothing you've ever experienced before.
"So what do you say?" your gaze raises until it meets his, and you realize you'll never be able to say no to those eyes. "Will you go on a date with me?" His smile widens, his pearly teeth on full display.
"I think- I think I'd like that a lot."
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
"so you're telling me that you helped them find all the eggs on the bus?" steve asked, arms folded across his chest.
"yes! they couldn't even reach a few of them. you hid them too high," eddie unwrapped another chocolate egg and shoved it in his mouth.
"yeah, the goal was to keep some hidden so we wouldn't have them bouncing off the walls while we're stuck on here for another six hours."
eddie stopped chewing his candy, looking over at their two daughters who were currently arguing over who got to keep the $1 bill and who got to keep the four quarters from one of the eggs.
"i thought the goal was to find them all?"
"yeah, eventually. all the obvious ones were for today and then tomorrow one of us would 'find' the last handful of them and give out the candy over the course of the day." steve snapped his fingers at the girls and gave them his 'you better chill out' look. "now they're all in a mood and probably want to run around, but can't."
"yeah, oh." steve sighed. he gestured to their son, who was too young to care about money, but definitely not too young to care about candy, shoving a handful of jelly beans in his mouth. "how do you plan on entertaining him?"
"he can play my guitar or something."
"and what do you suggest we do with the girls?"
"pawn them off on jeff and his wife on the next stop? they need practice anyways."
steve snorted. it wasn't a bad idea necessarily. but there was no way they'd be on their best behavior and steve wouldn't put anyone else through that.
"how about we stop for some food to help soak up some of that sugar?" steve suggested, knowing they still had about two hours before they were scheduled for a stop. bribing the driver would be pretty easy, especially if they let him pick where they went. "one of us can hide the rest of the candy while they're off the bus."
"fine, but they'll be mad when they get back."
"and they can stay mad," steve laughed. "but they can stay mad at you for it. i was the bad guy yesterday when i said no to ice cream. it's your turn."
eddie's jaw dropped. "but i'm never the bad guy!"
"yes, my point exactly." steve turned to grab bottles of water for the kids. maybe flushing it all out of their system would help. "i'm taking the title of cool dad for the day."
"robin would be so disappointed in you," eddie grumbled.
"robin's been trying to get me to loosen up for years. she'll be proud of me."
eddie wrapped his arms around steve, ignoring the sudden screech from their oldest daughter for another moment.
"i'm proud of you too. i can be the bad guy more often if you want."
"nah. i kinda like what we have." steve leaned in to kiss him quickly. "but i'm gonna soak it in today. might get a little worked up seeing you be the guy doling out discipline today, though."
"you're ridiculous. i discipline you plenty."
"dad! she took both of the dollars!"
"i found both of them!"
"actually, i found both of them," eddie said as he turned to the girls. "and if there's arguing, i get to keep them both."
the girls looked back at him with wide eyes, chocolate around their mouths, and sticky fingers from whatever taffy they'd gotten into first.
"but you already have all the money! you're an adult!"
steve covered his mouth to hide his laughter, turning to their son, who was a little too quiet for the amount of peeps he'd eaten an hour ago.
he wasn't at the table anymore.
"alright, maybe we'll both have to be the bad guys today," steve sighed. "luke! where'd you go?"
"how does he disappear on a moving bus?" eddie asked as he made his way to the couch to figure out the money situation with the girls.
it was their first, and probably last, easter on the tour bus. they normally spent all holidays at home.
but as steve tugged luke's legs from under steve and eddie's bed, giggling along with his three year old son, he couldn't help smiling at the chaos.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
Come Back to You | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Jungkook is going off to war but you can't let him go without telling him... Pairing: Reader x Soldier Jungkook Word Count: 670 because I cried the whole time and wanted to stop. Warning: Explicit language and angst :( a/n: Yeah no I didn't think I would cry as much as I did after seeing Jungkook's/the last BTS live until Jin comes back so yeah I figured I would channel some of that into writing really quick. Obviously written in one sitting and idk it's kinda shit but oh well lmao.
"Get out of here, just go"
"Please just let me explain" he begs chasing after me into my apartment building. "You had plenty of time to explain and instead you decide to tell me that you're leaving in the morning and you're not sure if you're coming back" I say getting even more upset. "How was I supposed to tell you when you kept ignoring my calls and messages and then when I finally got the chance to see you it would only be in places where we couldn't have private conversations" he explains. 
"Oh, so now it's my fault?" I question as I unlock my door and leave it open, still letting him in even though all I want to do is shut him out. "That's not what I meant" he says softly, closing it behind us and lowering his voice since he no longer has to chase after me. "Then what did you mean Jungkook? That you felt like you had no choice but to leave things left unsaid until there was no going back? Jungkook I love you" I yell, tears stinging my eyes, threatening to fall. "I love you too" he reciprocates. 
"No Jungkook, I'm in love with you" I say now with a softer voice as well, hating that he had to find out like this. "I know I've always said we're just friends and that's all that we were ever going to be but I can't keep saying that because I am suffocating" I admit, finally letting some tears fall and quickly wiping them away, mad and sad and embarrassed and heartbroken and a whole other range of emotion that a human could possibly go through in moments like this. 
"I've been in love with you for years and you've known that all this time. Why didn't you tell me when you realized that you felt the same way?" he says trying to take a step towards me but I in turn take a step back. "I didn't realize it until now. As much as I fucking hate to say it, you never know how much you love something until it's gone" I say, letting the tears fall freely, mad that I let myself be so immature, keeping all of these emotions inside of me for too long. 
"I won't be gone forever though" he says trying to take another step towards me and me again taking another step back. "Jungkook you're going off to war, you can't just say things like that" I let out, trying to keep my voice level. "People go off to war to serve and come back safely all the time. I don't think it'll be any different for me" he says, his voice soft and reassuring. 
"And what if you don't huh? What if this really is the last time I see you?" I say, getting frustrated with him all over again. "But it won't be" "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT" I yell, all of the anger and frustration built up inside of me bursting at the seams. Not caring about my want for space anymore he rushes over and pulls me in, almost crushing me from his tight embrace. "I don't want to lose you" I sob, my whole body losing it's strength as he guides both of us onto the floor and has me straddle him so he can hold me closer. 
"Shh, shhh" he soothes, tears of his own starting to fall, losing the strong resolve that he had tried to keep up for my sake. "I love you" I sob, hoping that this will somehow make a difference in the outcome. "I'll come home as soon as I can. I promise" he says running his hand along my back. "What if you can't make it back? What if they keep you there for years and you stop putting in the effort to come home?" I say, breaking even more if that's even possible.
"I will never stop trying to find a way to come back to you"  
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myunghology · 10 months
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࿐ i thought i had you figured out.
— ✦ leo tsukinaga x gn! reader. angst-ishh i don't know. it wasn't meant for angst but it's kinda sad. set before reader and leo graduates, readers family is mentioned to be living abroad; leo confesses to reader.
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“what about you? what are you planning to do in the future?” leo asks [name], a good distance between the two sitting on a bench; turning his head to look at them, only to see that they were looking at the moon while they were also looking for an answer.
the wind softly blows their hair, making the ginger look at them with awe, if anyone saw how he was looking at [name], they would instantly know that he had something for them.
“im.. im not sure yet.” they say hesitantly, still not turning their head back at the male, he smiles at the view of their side profile, but then he speaks up yet again. “you're beautiful, you know that, [name]?”
they scoff, but before they could even reply to leo's comment, he starts yet again. “can i say what i want us to be in our future?”
“go for it.” they say, finally turning back to leo, while he smiles, looking away from them. “don't look at me. it's embarrassing.” he says, right before clearing his throat.
“i know i can't force you to do anything, but even after we graduate, i want you to stay with me, by my side. i don't want us to go our seperate ways just because we graduated. you've seen me before when i was at my lowest, it's hard to be alone.
and no— im not trying to use that as blackmail to make you stay. honestly..? i guess it's to say it's uncool of me, or even shameless. i don't want you to feel like you have to be with me just because i asked you to, or because you're worried about me. you shouldn't have to stay just for that.
you could quit doing the shit you're doing here in yumenosaki if you want to take care of your family, since they live abroad. no one would criticize you for a choice like that.
but maybe i will admit that there's a small part of myself wanting you to stay, even if it's for a selfish reason. it's funny to say because we only met like what.. in our first year? but i got attached to you quickly. you and sena were one of the first people i got to be friends with.
but i guess you just stuck out to me. i love both you and sena— but yours is somewhat in a different way. i don't love you like a sibling, i don't love you like a friend, nor like parent or child, but it's true that i do love you.
it's funny, no? i caught feelings for you so easily. and now we're about to graduate.. and im only confessing now. we even adopted a cat together we found on the streets on our first year.
everytime i saw you a struck of inspiration came to me, it made me want to write everywhere, but knowing you'd get mad, i didn't. there was one thing i noticed they all had in common; that they were all love songs. embarrassing.. right?
im sorry this confession was so sudden. it's selfish and i don't want to get in the way of your future. but i just.. hope you know id wait for you, no matter how long it takes. that's just my pride talking though.
if you don't love me back, then it's fine. even if i look stupid for believing all of the signs you sent me, thinking that you liked me. but you can't blame me, right? you know im gullible.”
[name] starts to tear up, but then shakes their head, sighing and giving out a smile. “and i thought you had me figured out, leo. maybe you are stupid, but you're stupid for even doubting that i didn't like you— no, that's not the word. you're stupid to even doubt that i don't love you.”
they wipe the tears on their face while leo turns back to face them; “hey.. don't cry.” he laughs, wiping their tears off their face for them, while they start to laugh as well.
“how are you not in tears right now?” they ask through laughter, sniffling. “im just built different.” he shrugs it off, taken aback when [name] pulls him into a hug, burying their head in his neck.
the moon was silently shining down on the pair, illuminating their little moment.
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[ ©myunghology ; ok guys bye. *cries myself to sleep* ]
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tomatoswup · 1 year
phone calls
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summary: two old rotary phones begin the connection between two souls. One from the past and another from the future.
warnings: angst, literally angst, sad vash :(, hurt/comfort but its not the comfort you think it is. kinda more like an acceptance comfort
pairing:vash x reader
-inspired by the movie "The Lake House"
A/N: am i a fiend for writing angst? yes. do I like reading it? NOPE. wanted to get this out before I hustled on school work hehe. But fun fact this was originally longer but I rewrote and condensed it b/c I thought it was too long for just a one shot lost media typa beat. honestly i don't think i wrote this right but fuck it we ball. I recommend reading this with the saddest song you have bookmarked. Enjoy!~
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"Hmmm...Well you got some personality to you.” You mumbled, staring at the old red vintage rotary phone sitting in front of you. How did you come to achieve this old relic of time? Well in short terms, you liked to think about it like an equation.
Old attic + mischievous white cat = you adventuring to go find said cat and to your dismay, said cat scares the living ever hell out of you making you lose balance and fall backwards into endless towers of boxes.
Fun times right?
Those bruises weren't gonna be….
But that was the least of your problems at the moment. As expected, the rotary phone suddenly started to ring, shaking and clicking in itself, making you sigh in disappointment. Grabbing the phone, you yanked it up to your ear “Hey, yeah I don’t think this is gonna work.” You deadpanned “Now we know that we're always gonna be connected, what is this? The 5th time?"
"Damn and I thought you hanging up would’ve solved the problem. I don't think we could connect with anyone else though! I asked the farmer about it and he had no idea!" Chirped the male on the other side of the line.
Of course! It sounded like a normal conversation between two individuals but even Einstein himself would've been baffled at these circumstances. Imagine this, you find an old phone and you had been playfully talking into it until a voice actually responds without it being connected. Strange right? And no, you were sure you hadn't been seeing any strange figures on the sides of your vision.
Now here you were, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on alongside the man who had introduced himself as Vash The Stampede.
"21st century my ass, Google isn't doing shit!"
"Wait hold on now, did you just say 21st?"
"Yeah? Something wrong?"
"Uh well.. It's just that its actually the 32nd century."
You blink a few times "No, it's not. My calender literally says it's the 21st century. It's general knowledge."
"No I'm pretty sure its the 32nd century!" Vash snapped back.
Silence filled the air on both sides.
And thats how the unknown man from the future and you hit it off.
After this discovery, the two of you talked on the phone for a while, sharing things about each of your own time periods. And you slowly found yourself enjoying the conversations you would have with Vash who you soon found out, was pretty goofy in his own way, but kind. And unknowingly, Vash felt the same way.
What was an accidental and odd situation turned into practically an everyday thing for the both of you now.
After work, you always looked forwards to that red phone on your nightstand until one day, you decided to decorate it with cute little stickers because why not?
After all, it was fasinating to hear things about the future. Sometimes you'd laugh at the way Vash described it, like something out of an old wild west movie.
"It's all just desert! Really!" He groaned out as you chuckled, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you put books and CD's away on your bookshelf "At least you can make some cool sandcastles or something!"
"With what water?"
"Your tears." Snorting, you listen on as he whined through the receiver. "Hey but just imagine me helping you build them! Makes it hurt less."
Vash let out a exaggerating sigh "But seriously, it's not always sunny were you live?" He asked curiously.
"Nope!" You smiled, slipping one of your favorite books into place "It changes every so often really. Depending on the season." You hummed out, looking out the window to your right to see the drenching rain down with its spring showers.
"Sometimes it rains and sometimes it gets super cold. Other days it just gets too hot and if we're lucky, we get days with perfect temperatures. Its never the same but I guess that's the beauty to it here. Every day is a new sight no one could really get tired of. "
Or a new headache.
Vash stayed quiet on the line, and you imagined how he looked like deep in thought. Eyebrows furrowed, his supposed pointy blonde hair messily spread out across his pillow, and eyes as blue as the sky looking up at the ceiling in concentration.
…Okayyy that’s enough out of you.
He didn't say the eye part himself but you liked to ponder on the idea.
"That sounds beautiful.."
And to that, you smiled. "Yeah, it kinda is."
But something in your head made you stop and look down at the book you had in hand, unsure if you wanted to say anything.
"Hey Vash.."
"I'm sorry that I'm the only person you could really reach with this thing. I know you really wanted to talk to your friends.."
"Why are you apologizing? It's not everyday I talk to someone from the past! From even before No Mans Land!”
You sigh and slip the final book away to which Vash adds in one more sentence. "And even if you weren't, I like talking to you."
You scoff in good humor "You're lying blonde."
"NO I"M NOT!" Vash gasps out dramatically "Oh how you hurt me so!"
"Hardy har har." You chuckled, shoving a box of things you wanted stored away in the corner of your room. "At least I know I'm speaking to someone as beautiful as the nightsky!" He huffed out trying to sound manlier.
“Yeah? Now how could you tell that?"
"Because I know a pretty and kind soul when I hear it."
E-Excuse me?
Your face flushes red "Alright cowboy are you trying to soften me up?"
"Pftttttt nooooooo~"
Your conversations never ceased to end, and when talking to Vash about practically everything, it felt...comforting. To know there was someone to listen to your struggles, and listen to his own. It felt so intimate.
Sharing about your life on Earth, the things you do and him speaking about his own life and travels around his home planet.
One day, Vash and you had been talking for the night and he mentioned something that gave you a sense of familiarity.
A large project that's been reported on the news for more than a few months now so of course you caught onto that. You've watched their segment on TV before. Something about bringing life to other planets?
You knew the Earth was dying, scientists had announced that someday in the nearing future, the very sun that shone down on you, would destroy you. But did that really matter to you anymore?
The project had been accepting registrations for boarding their new ship incase it happened. Your sister got to register in time but you had been too late. All the slots were filled.
That was a very odd day to say the least.
But that didn't stop you from speaking to Vash.
"Vash, do you ever think you'll see me in the future?" You pondered one night as you were cuddled up in your blankets, the cold being unbearable this winter season.
"Well, I hope so. Sometimes it gets tiring speaking into a thing of metal and plastic hehe.." You could practically hear him playfully grin through the receiver.
You gripped the handle of the phone tight as tears threatened to leave the corner of your eyes.
"I hope I get to see you one day Vash.."
He went quiet for a moment.
"I do too.."
That night, you slept with the phone held to your chest as the fluttering feeling in your stomach never ceased. And you didn't want it to.
Vash had made it a routine to call you every night at exactly midnight to check in on how you were since he couldn't really do it in person either way. And every time he called, it felt as if he heard your voice for the first time all over again. The warmth in his chest made him smile when you answered the phone with the nervous pitch in your voice.
He found it theraputic to listen as you talked about your day, the normalicy and peace No Man's Land and that his own life had lacked.
Hanging out with friends, reading in libraries, and more.
How he loved it.. Hearing you speak so fondly, so excited, it felt refreshing to Vash.
You were full of life
And Vash wouldn’t trade it for anything.
With every time you spoke his name, he felt like melting into a puddle. He just wanted to hear you repeat his name over and over again, and no, he'll never get tired of it. He could spend an eternity laying in the dusty bed of the farmer’s home just listening to your voice. Listening to your worries, your hopes, and the momentary jokes you would tell him.
But as the days passed, after one full year and a half of the two of you speaking over the old rotary phone, you answered the phone one night with a change clear to Vash. You sounded so weak, so sickly and out of breath.
"Are you alright?" He asked, hearing loud shuffling and things falling on the other line.
"I-I'm fine!" You coughed out as Vash peeked out the old wooden window in the room he was staying in, spotting Wolfwood and the broadcasting girls waiting for him to join them.
"Are you sure?" He breathed out in honest concern, feeling his fingers fiddling with the hem of his sleeve.
"I'm fine Vash, seriously." Your voice weakly echoed through the receiver "Just a little sick, that's all.."
"Please make sure to get some rest okay? I'll ring you when I come back."
"I promise lov-" Vash caught himself, quickly shutting his mouth.
"Hm?" You hummed out in question.
"Sorry a fly got caught in my throat! Hahaha!" He played off before sighing.
"Take care of yourself, for me okay?"
"I will, I will.." Before Vash put the phone back onto the base, you said one more thing.
"Love you." And with that, the familiar ding of the phone receiver on the other line rang through Vash's ear, signifiying the end of the call.
And Vash was left in utter silence and awe. Love. Love you said. Him?
A fond expression instinctively grew on his face, yet the churning feeling in his stomach wasn't one of butterflies, but one of dread. He couldn't help but leave with the gut feeling that something was wrong.
When Vash returned back to his room and picked up the phone at the same time the two of you would call each other at every day, there was no reponse.
He called your name and no sound came out of the other end. So he put the phone back down onto the base and lifted it back up again to his ear as the same dread slowly seeped into his chest. The room was starting to feel a bit more heavier than usual.
"Hello?" He breathed out nervously as he felt his forehead start to sweat.
"Come on.." He muttered to himself worriedly. Maybe you weren't home in time and had gone to the doctor. Yeah, maybe that's the reason. So Vash left the phone alone for the night for the first time but the prodding feeling in his chest didn't leave.
He tried the next night.
No response.
Maybe you had stayed over your parents' for the day.
He kept the phone by him whilst he napped, waiting for the ring of the phone to wake him up like an alarm, but that didn't come.
He tried the next night, the next night, and continued for the next 3 months until finally.
One night, Vash just stared at the old red phone that hadn’t rung since that day, anticipating at least one final call, one last goodbye from you. Sitting on the bed side, he kept his eyes on the phone until finally Vash couldn’t hold it anymore and cried. Clear waters falling down his cheeks as he tightly held the phone to his chest in desperation.
Did you forget about him?
Did you find the love of your life and decided not to bother with him anymore?
'Come back.'
'Dont leave me please.'
'I love you."
'Please speak to me.'
The string of desparate thoughts ran through his mind as the burning sensation grew in his chest. He can't breathe. He gasped for air as his quiet wails filled the night.
Don't go.
The morning after Vash permanently left the farmer's residence. Of course, he took the phone along too, incase you ever decided to ring back but to Vash's dismay, it never did.
And Vash thought back to you, from time to time, stil wondering if you remembered about the red phone that sat in your room and the idiot blonde on the other side of it.
2 years had passed since that night, and both Vash and the gang found themselves in the city of Augusta for their annual merchant gathering, an event in which all the merchants from around the planet come and trade their valuables or tools in a big, single event.
Crowds of people flooded the streets as the stands were all surrounded to the brim. Vash had been walking beside Wolfwood, who was talking about some bounty hunters causing trouble around when something red caught his eye from an stand that they had walked past, causing Vash to stop in his tracks. Eyes widening in realization, he rushed over to the stall, leaving Wolfwood in the dust.
"H-Hey where are you going!?!" Wolfwood called out but Vash ignored him. His leather clothed hands slammed down on the stall table, the young man who managed the stall yelping in surprise.
"H-HOW CAN I HELP YOU?!" The man nervously shouted out as Vash reached over and picked up a very familiar red rotary phone "Where did you get this!?" He exclaimed in urgency. "How'd you get this!?"
"I-I-" The young man quickly cleared his throat and regained his composure at the sudden burst from the tall blonde-spiked haired man.
"It's a very old device! Back during the old days according to my great-grandmother!"
Vash looked down at the red phone, very dusty but he was able to make out the sticker decorations and doodles that were scattered around on it. Inspecting it more, he turned it around to the back and saw something melancholic.
"12:00 PM Midnight" was written on the back of the base with black marker. The time the two of you would call each other every night those years ago.
"Sorry, is.. is there anyone I could talk to about this?" Vash apologized, giving the young man a somber smile as he held the phone to himself, as if someone were going to rip it away from his grasp.
The man observed Vash for a moment, before nodding and giving Vash directions to his great-grandmother's home, right outside the border of Augusta.
"There you are!" Wolfwoods' voice rang out angrily behind him "The hell did you see now?!"
Vash turned to Wolfwood and simply gave him a smile "We're gonna be paying a visit."
It didn't take long to reach the old worn down home and greet the owner of the property, a small old lady to which surprised Wolfwood that she hadn't kicked the bucket yet.
Vash, of course, elbowed him in the rib for that one.
Seeing the phone in Vash's arms, the lady let out a small smile "My, I haven't seen that phone since I was a child..." She quickly showed Vash and Wolfwood inside, explaining how the phone came to be here.
"According to my grandfather, our lineage began with two sibilngs who were born and raised on Earth. When Earth neared its end, the daughter of the family was able to escape whilst the other sibling unknowingly stayed behind on Earth."
The old lady snapped her fingers to Wolfwood and waved him over "Be a dear for me and put this on the table."
Watching Wolfwood put a very old and deteriorating box on the table, the lady continued.
"Well, the sibling died before the daughter left Earth, so in attempt to preserve her family's memories, the daughter took some of her siblings' things, something to remember them by."
The old lady points to the phone in Vash's arm "That was one of them. And here-" The lady patted on side of the box "-are the things she was able to take with her. Check them out yourself." She softly motioned Vash to come closer with her frail, wrinkled hand.
Hesitating for just a second, he took slow and steady steps towards the box, biting the inside of his cheek in attempt to not just cry.
Damn, he sure felt like a cry baby these days.
Putting the phone down besides the box, Vash reached into the box and pulled out various things. Old shirts, CDs, a wallet, wired headphones, books, and something he never thought he'd ever see in fine print that made his breath hitch.
A colored photo I.D and on the side of it, your full name printed in black.
It was you.
These were your things, these shirts you've worn, the CDs you've listened to, the wallet you used in your day-to-day life, but he kept his eyes on the I.D.
Vash stared at your photo, the features you've described to him once were in his hands, proof of your existence.
He couldn't hold it anymore, how could he? Silent tears ran down his face as the small giggles he let out, turned into full on laughter.
He laughed and laughed whilst holding the I.D close to his heart.
You didn't purposely leave him.
You hadn’t meant to.
The same gracious laughter morphed into sobs as he grabbed everything he had taken out of the box, and enveloped them tightly into his arms.
This was the first time he was able to physically feel you, even if you weren't there yourself. He wished the smell of the favorite perfume you had gotten one day had still lingered onto your shirts, he wished he could've shared and listened to your favorite music alongside you. And he wished you were beside him, looking through all these things with him. He wanted to hear you reminsce your past and your present again.
Oh he wished.
Vash spent hours at the old ladies' home, looking and observing every single one of your belongings. There were some he remembered you talking to him about, and others he didn't recognize.
But it was time for him to leave and Vash knew it.
Looking up at the sky outside, he softly smiled, caressing the small compartment he had your I.D pocketed in.
"C'mon needle-noggin. Time to get your ass moving!" Wolfwood shouted ahead of him.
Letting out a large exhale, Vash muttered out a few words before running to catch up with the priest "Wait up!"
Behind him, two objects were left behind in the sand, placed neatly besides a metal nameplate.
The two red cherry rotary phones glistened in the sun, one filled with stickers and the other covered in dirt and scuff marks as your name plate, that had been cleaned of any dirt or scratches, continued to sit in peace as the windy breeze passed on by.
"I'll live on. For the both of us."
245 notes · View notes
sandboxscenes · 5 months
Familiarity in the Unfamiliar (Summer Festival Prompt - 2/2)
A/N: Based on Obon Festivals and Dances like this one here and here. Done in conjunction with @xianyoon and their summer festival prompt for EBG. (Part 1)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You take Lyney to a Summer Festival in Inazuma, and after introducing him to the festival, you propose a challenge to him.
Word Count: 1378
A Yagura.
That is how you introduced Lyney to the giant wooden tower erected in the center of the city. As you and Lyney sit down on the grass lawn and eat the Inazuman delicacies piled on your plates, you decide to take this time to explain more about the festival.
In between bites of piping hot Yakisoba noodles, you explain to Lyney that the Yagura is an important part of Obon festivals.
"It's like the main stage. People dance around it as a way to welcome their ancestors. From how my friends explained it me, they tell me that when they dance, it's like they feel their ancestors are right there with them."
Lyney ate another bite off of the Yakiniku skewer you held out to him. "Is it like a vision?"
"Not quite. Well, sorta. Those dances don't fill you with power per say, but you do feel something when you go out and dance. If I had to compare it to something, it's kinda like a prayer. That's how it feels to me."
You look at the people dancing around the Yagura. You quietly watch them as you hear the drums resound through the air.
Thump, Thump, Thump.
For those brief seconds, your heartbeat and the drums become one. Everyone dancing in the center of the Yagura seems to move in unison to the beat of the drum. In your head, you can count the beats of the song and remember its movements.
One, Two, Three, Four.
One, Two, Three, Four.
You thoughtfully look at Lyney as you take a bite of the Yakiniku skewer he holds out to you.
After you finish your bite, you smile. "Tell you what. When we're done here and after we rest, how about we try a song?"
Lyney's eyes widen. "Really? You won't even come on stage with me for any of my shows, but you'll dance here?"
You shoot Lyney a deadpan look. Both of you knew very well how stage shy you were when it came to public events with him. Unless he insisted on it, you preferred to spend your time watching his shows from the stage wings or from the audience. Despite how long you two have been dating, you immediately rejected him when he asked if you wanted to play a part in one of his tricks. You declined.
If you didn't have to stand in the spotlight, you wouldn't.
You shrugged. "I think it's because there's people to follow. And everyone here is doing the same dance, so as long as we follow along, we don't stick out."
"I see." Lyney takes a bite of the Yakisoba from your fork. "Do you remember the dances?"
"Not all, but there is one I want to do with you."
Lyney raised his eyebrow. "Which one?"
"It's called the Fukushima. It's a fast paced song that can sometimes last for fifteen minutes or more. They play it at Obon festivals, but the steps here are local. There's actually two variations here. I want you to do the fast version with me."
While you explained the Fukushima, Lyney listened intently. His eyes never left you. In the time it took for you to explain, he finished off his Yakiniku skewer. He washed his Yakiniku down with some water.
"So," Lyney said, a mischievous grin on his face, "what will you do if I can last? If I can do the dance for the fifteen plus minutes?"
"I'll buy you ice cream," you said.
Now it was your turn to be confused. "And what?"
"And I want you to kiss me and tell me that you love me."
Your eyes widened. You told him about the Fukushima partly because you were excited, but also because you really wanted him to do it with you. But as past experience has taught you, you figured that if you and him tried going for the whole fifteen minutes, both of you wouldn't be able to move the next day.
You felt your cheeks heat up once more. "Maybe let's just do whoever can last the longest. No bets or things like that."
"Why? You made the offer. And it would be heartless of me if I didn't accept your offer to dance."
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"So you don't want to dance with me?"
"I do! But…"
You looked towards the people dancing in the center. "But I want you to have a good time too."
Lyney winked at you. He pulled you into a hug. "Let's dance together then, okay?"
All you could do in his arms was nod.
After you finished eating, both of you sat and talked for an hour. Then, when you heard the telltale yells and drum beats coming from the Yagura, you and Lyney rushed over to the center like two excited children, hand in hand. You told Lyney that to do the fast Fukushima, you had to both stay in the center.
Surrounded by other people, neither of you could fully get a good look at the people in the center who were doing the steps correctly. As a result, the song began, it took a little while for both you and Lyney to get the steps down for the song. In your case, it had been years since you danced to it, so the quick steps got you twisted and messed up your timing. You ended up having to count the beats aloud so that your steps matched.
But both of you got the hang of it fairly quickly. Once you saw that Lyney got the steps, you decide him to show him another variation of one of the dance steps. Instead of clapping your hands together at the end, you would clap your hands with each other. The first time you did it, Lyney wasn't sure what you wanted to do. But after a couple of rounds of doing the steps, he understood. In the final step of the dance, he clapped your hands together with his, before doing it all over again.
As the song continued, you felt your legs, calves, and arms burning. It had been ages since you did something this strenuous. You looked over at Lyney and despite his perfect steps, you saw the sweat on his brow.
The song continued. It felt like you were doing these steps forever.
Then, suddenly, you heard the song start to speed up. Despite how tired you were, you perked up. You and Lyney were right there. It was the light at the end of the tunnel! If you and Lyney could last through the speed up, you will have succeeded.
Both of you pushed through, and finally, the song ended.
As people left the middle of the circle, it felt like you could finally breathe again. You didn't know how stressful it was trying to keep up with the steps of the dance, and your body felt like jelly. Everything was burning: your legs, your arms, and your lungs. You felt the heat radiating off you as the wind tried to wick away your sweat. You pinched the side of your waist as you tried to stand tall to catch your breath.
"So, we did it," said Lyney, smiling.
At first glance, it seemed like he wasn't as out of breath as you was. But when he got closer, you could see the exhaustion in his features. You could see the heavy sweat on his brow. You could see the tired look in his eyes. You could hear him panting.
Running on pure adrenaline, you held out your hand up for a high-five. Lyney obliged.
"We did," you smiled back. "We lasted for fifteen minutes! And you did really well for your first time too."
"It's a good thing we have a day off tomorrow too," Lyney said slowly.
"Yep." You nodded.
You gently place your hand under Lyney's chin and guide his gaze towards you. You leaned in and briefly placed a kiss on his lips. You hold his gaze, and look into his violet eyes, hoping that you can get your feelings across to him.
"Thank you for dancing with me and for bringing me to the festival tonight. I love you, Lyney. Now, let's go get some ice cream."
21 notes · View notes
you meet me in the dumpster behind the community art centre, elbow deep in cardboard packaging and ruined art supplies. your canvas tote bag hangs limp at your side, wondering whether i'm crazy and need help or whether i'm just your local weirdo every new york neighbourhood seems to have.
just the local weirdo you decide as i begin to separate the scraps of leftover metal not properly disposed off, stuffing them into one of the larger carboard boxes i grab as well.
"can i help you?" seems to stupid a question to ask. i obviously know what i'm doing, my hands moving with the flawless grace of someone who's been dumpster diving for many years now. but like, is this even legal? you don't know New York City Laws. I don't know New York City Laws. neither of us paid much attention in intro to law beside what was needed to pass.
in the end i'm the one who speaks first. i tend to do that, taking a hold of awkward situations when you didn't know what to say.
'are you just going to keep on standing there or ask me why the fuck i'm going through your trash?'
there's a flush coating your cheeks, high on your sharp jawbones (the surgeon had done a good job on the face masculinising surgery). you always lit up like the first cherry tomato on the vine whenever you felt embarrassed.
'i'm sorry. didn't mean to stare.'
's'alright. i'd stare at the rando going through the trash as well if i was in your place.'
'what are you doing going through the trash? there's so many better things you could be doing with your time.'
'that an offer, cowboy?'
i smirk as you realise how your words could be interpreted, the distress blooming along your face. you're reading this behind my back right now, i can tell, probably telling me that that was not what happened!
i decide to put you out of your misery. 'i know a good spanish restaurant nearby? if you're not too scared of the weird dumpster diving lady to figure out why i was dumpster diving?'
'sure,' you say. 'let me just text my friend in case you do turn out to be axe wielding murderer.'
i laugh, surprised at the little glimpse of your personality. i should've figured anyone who'd stop to check on the rando collecting trash in fucking new york could not have been normal themselves.
'you, oh i'm gonna like you.'
the next time we meet, it isn't an accident. you bring the coffee and i bring the bagels. we're at the harbour, the most fucking cliché date spot the two of us could think of.
we walk along, the manhatten skyline and setting sun framing you like a michelangelo painting. i'd compare you to something divine but i feel like that's overdone. also, tumblr doesn't think religious guilt hits as hard if it isn't christian and i'm both not christian and too sure of my gods to even bother trying to write it.
besides, there's something so grounded in domesticity, something divinity can never recreate. is it romantic if i say you looked like a stand mixer? or a blender! just solid i guess. dependable. beautiful in your simplicity. god i was so jealous about that, how you were so sure in who were. simple. don't know why people think that's an insult. i'd kill for something simple these days.
but no matter how complicated shit got you were there. just talking about your dogs (cassidy learned to roll over today. it took like half packet of dog treats but at least we're getting there!) or your colleagues at work (samantha's trying so hard to appear accepting it's kinda gotten transphobic. you know what i mean). dependable as a stand mixer.
i wouldn't say what we had was romantic exactly. sure, we fucked and made out like horny teenagers and did the groceries and you were practically living at my place by the time year was over, but we weren't romantic. not really.
i don't think i can feel romantic love. it's not coded into me. sometimes i feel like i can't feel love at all. did you know i didn't cry when my grandma died? it might have been because i was like 9 and she'd been dying since i was 6 (cancer's a fucking bitch) but i still didn't care. i feel guilty about it. have felt guilty about it since i figured out what death actually was and how you're usually supposed to react to it. what a fucking joke.
but like, i cared about you. i still do. i might not be able to differentiate between romantic love and platonic love, but i knew i cared about you. and you didn't mind. at least i hope you didn't mind.
i'm cold. i'm always cold in this city. guess i'm still a tropical girl at heart. you're born and brought up though, so you don't mind giving me your scarf, tying it around my neck like a bow.
'i feel like there's a noose around my neck. or that i'm a christmas present. either way i feel very objectified.'
'shut up -' you laugh, '- would you prefer freezing to death instead?'
'i mean, kinda?'
'you really need to sort out your priorities.'
i smirk. 'but i wouldn't be as interesting then. and isn't that we're living? to try to be the most annoying interesting motherfuckers alive?'
you look at me with that look in your eyes, like i'm some complicated puzzle that you're trying to figure out how to solve. you always had that look in your eyes when interacting with me, but at some point, it turned more into fond exasperation rather then genuine befuddlement.
i think that's when i started to love you.
i was gonna ask you to marry me.
can you imagine it? the two of us! married! i mean, we joked about it enough, how we should just tie the knot for the tax benefits (there aren't really that many benefits you get if you're married. but like it's the spirit of the thing).
you'd have said yes. i knew you would have. and you wouldn't have cared that i didn't love you the way our parents expected us to love. i loved you how i could and that was enough for you. thank you for that by the way, for thinking i was enough.
i don't believe in soulmates. you know that better than anyone. you were the one who was subject to all my rants on how i think its just not as romantic and how there's no angst or will they-won't they and how it's just a complete mockery of free will and how love is always more romantic if there's an active choice that's being made. i love you i love you you're the one i choose. i guess it makes sense considering my own experience with romance. i'd hate to be tied to someone just because some outside force thinks we should be together.
but like, i don't really have any other word to describe what you are to me. i think you're my other half, which sounds cheesy as all hell, but its true. you are. fuck if there isn't some sort of irony in that.
i don't think i can live without you. i don't know how i lived all those years without you. you slotted into my life like the final puzzlepiece that you find under the sofa after family gamenight. a little dented, a little dusty, but without you the picture's incomplete.
look, i don't know where i'm going with this. i guess what i'm trying to say is that you were there, for whatever reason, you were there. you pulled me out when i was drowning in that depressive haze and you baked chocolate muffins and you held my hands when they were cold. you were there.
and like, maybe that isn't fair on you. maybe i shouldn't have made you the single turning point around which my life revolved. but like, that's how it turned out and i guess we've got to make the best of it. you're the fucking sun and i'm drawn into orbit whenever i look at you.
obsessive, my therapist used to say, there's nothing in your life you think there's worth living for so you get obsessive over other people's lives.
well fuck her. what does she know?
i never liked hospital waiting rooms. though, to be fair, i've never been on the waiting side of them. asthma meant people were doing the waiting on me, not the other way around.
still, it's the principal of the thing. no one likes hospital waiting rooms. they're liminal spaces like you'd say. they exist the same way hotel rooms and airports exist. you're always on your way out, and if you're lucky, through the door.
i sneeze, a middle-aged mom holding her daughter closer to her and glaring at me. i can't be bothered to pretend to care. if you were here, you'd wrap your scarf around me in a bow like a christmas present.
my phone screen's about to die. i've been staring at it for the past hour, your last message blinking up at me through the screen.
hey i noticed that we're out of eggs could you go grab some?
i'd not written anything back, too busy pre-gaming with a friend who'd told me we should celebrate my finally buying a ring. you must have seen the unread sign and decided to go grab them yourself.
i can see you now, kissing cassidy on her furry forehead and petting tom as you pulled your shoes on. you probably wouldn't have left any food for them, thinking you'd just pop down to the asian grocery store the next block over and be back in time for the 8 p.m. showing of whatever you were watching on tv.
the funny thing is, it was my job to get the eggs, even before you sent that message. i'd just not cared enough been too busy to get around to doing it. i suppose in the end i was to you what judas was to christ. (guess we are doing the christian religious guilt comparison).
your death was so... mundane in the end. car crashes are a dime a dozen in new york. just another statistic to put on the national census. it doesn't feel over yet, doesn't feel like you're actually gone. the ring box is still in my pocket, warm from my body heat. it should've been on your finger.
your father's there at the funeral. i guess he got his head out of his ass for long enough to realise being a transphobic piece of shit was not reason enough to not attend his son's (you ever say that name in my presence again i will knock your fucking teeth out. he hasn't been that little girl in a long long time) funeral.
it's beautiful, sunflowers and baby's breath everywhere, just like that tattoo on your thigh. you fucking hated roses, couldn't stand the thought of them at our 'potential' wedding. i'm glad i could at least make sure they weren't present at your death.
i'm walking along the harbour now, two cups of coffee in the carrier in one hand and two bagels still in the packaging in the other. i find a bench to sit at, which is a miracle in and of itself in new york during summer vacation time. the pigeons get your bagel and the fishes your coffee.
you once said that you hoped i didn't turn out to be an axe murderer. i'm not. but you can't live in new york city as femme presenting person for as long as i have without having some method of protecting yourself. i just so also happened to like the manic pixie dream girl core aesthetic, my extensive collection of daggers testament to that fact (renfaires truly are amazing for finding things that would otherwise get you put on an fbi watchlist).
but like, bleeding out is so messy and takes so long and really just isn't that dignified at all. and besides, your scarf is tied around my neck and doesn't that sound so much more appealing. i've always known your's were the only hands i ever wanted to die from.
my fingers are shaking from the cold by the time i get home. cass and tom are taken care off, a single mother who needed a guard dog for the kids while she was at work and an old lady who wanted a cat as an companion because it was fucking lonely in the house all alone after the kids left. i've slipped a note underneath our neighbours' door, telling her to call the police and under no circumstances try and open our door. she's at work right now, and it should give me plenty of time to do what needs to be done. i just don't want her getting traumatised from seeing the body.
it's quiet. so quiet in the apartment tonight. you loved these kinds of nights. we'd curl up under the blankets with a movie on and hot chocolate to drink. you'd always have a chocolate moustache by the end of the first half and i'd lick it off your face while you pretended to find me disgusting.
the scarf's warm around my neck. i didn't think it was worth it to turn the heater on just to wrack up the bills. my parents have enough to worry about as is.
i never did end up telling you what i was going to do with the scrap metal i'd collected before we ended up on our impromptu first date. and by the time you moved in it was already installed.
i crafted a chandelier with it actually, your favourite part of the apartment. it's the only thing high enough to tie a scarf too.
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gunebuggieswriting · 1 year
̶Good Bad Habits Run In The Family: Chapter Ten
DPxDC Crossover, Jason Adopts Danny AU
[AO3] [FF.net] [Wattpad]
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"You're related to Red Robin?"
Jason kind of wished he could be re-buried at the moment, knowing he was going to have to explain a lot. He could only hope that Danny wouldn't freak out too much, or any of the other bats for that matter. He already knew Tim had linked him with Danny, and that he probably knew that Danny was the new meta, but the rest of them didn't know. Bruce would most likely be furious that Jason was hiding information about a pressing subject, or for that matter hiding an actual meta with him. Not like he cared what the older man thought.
Sighing deeply, his hands rubbing his face with new found stress, he looked at Danny. The teen's eyes were wide, holding both shock and a layer of fear, stirring the inside of Jason’s stomach. He didn't like the idea that Tim had done something to Danny to make him this on edge, right when he was finally starting to relax around Jason.
Deciding to stop dragging it out, and to put them both out of their misery, he leaned forward. "For one, you can't call him that in public, secret identity and all that."
Danny, after hearing Jason's voice, snapped back to reality, his eyes more focused and analytical towards Jason. The sharp eyes were tinted with a bit of green, like it was barely being restrained, unsettling Jason more the longer he looked. "That doesn't answer my question. I thought you two just worked together or something! Are you all related?" Danny's hands were moving frantically as he quickly spoke, showing how frazzled the situation has made him.
"Well, kinda, but not really?" Danny deadpanned at Jason, his answer not being really helpful. Jason grumbled a few curses, uncomfortable as he ran a hand through his hair, no doubt messing it up. "Most of us are adopted, so we're technically related, just not by blood."
Danny was staring at Jason with a critical expression, trying to process everything that the man just told him. Then it all seemed to suddenly click and Danny almost fell out of his chair from realization, jaw gaping with surprise, causing a few other customers turning towards him confused. "You're Jason Todd, aren't you? How did I not figure that out earlier?" Danny was leaning back in his chair, a hand over his mouth as he continued to think.
Jason was dumbfounded, as he already thought that Danny would've put two and two together. Surely he would recognize him from Bruce? Perhaps he was being too egotistical and not everybody immediately knew him like he thought. Years in the spotlight and constantly being headlines for news would do that to somebody. "Yeah? I honestly thought you already knew."
"No? Why would I? I don't keep up with all the Wayne drama, wait, does that mean Wes was right? There's no way that Bruce is-" Danny stopped himself before he finished his sentence, but both of his hands were in his hair and slightly tugging on them. "It makes so much more sense now."
Jason could tell he wasn’t the only one feeling overwhelmed, after all this is a lot of information to take in. That didn’t stop him from wanting to know Danny’s thoughts, surely him being acquainted with the Wayne's didn’t change anything, right? "First of all, who the hell is Wes and what does he know? Second of all, you need to shut the fuck up a little, we're in public. Third of all, what do you mean it all makes more sense?" Amy had come back with their food, placing them down in front of the two. She must have noticed the difference in atmosphere, not being nearly as laid-back as earlier, keeping quiet as she walked away, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever was happening.
Danny seemed somewhat anxious to talk now that he was the one being questioned. His hands released their grip on his hair and began to fiddle with his shirt. "Well, um, Wes is just somebody from my school, or the one I used to go to. He comes up with all kinds of conspiracy theories like that, nobody ever takes him seriously, so don't worry about him." Jason couldn't help but think to Benard and how that all went, and he frowned, knowing that he probably should worry about this Wes guy. Though Danny was clearly uncomfortable having to speak of his past, so he wouldn't push it for now.
"Alright, what about the whole making 'more sense' thing?" Jason pressed, wondering if Danny already had a suspicion of his relationship with the others, or if this somehow made his view of Jason different. He hoped not, he hated being looked at with a difference only because he was known as the "son of Bruce Wayne who died and came back".
Danny's hand, which seemed to not quit moving, began to scratch the back of his neck. He was biting his lip, nervous as he debated on what he should tell Jason. Hopefully he doesn't find what he says rude or upsetting, like it would for many others. "Well, it makes sense why you have such a powerful aura of death around you. I thought it was because of the whole crime lord thing and killing others, but now I know why it felt so much different from the others."
"Death aura? What do you mean by that?" Jason questioned, but he knew what Danny was referring to, he just wanted to ignore it. The swirls of discomfort were him, not another force, he was far past that. He knew he was. His vision was clear, and he would keep it like that. There was no pit other problem.
"The stories were true, weren't they? You died before, haven't you?" Danny asked Jason, with an air so nonchalant that it made Jason both curious and uncomfortable.
Jason didn't want to answer that, to be forced to remember and face a reality he wanted to keep buried with the rest of his past whenever he dug himself out, so he ignored it. Danny already knew what his answer would be anyways. Jason had a feeling that Danny knew all too well, and it only made those green specks in his eyes be that more concerning. "Is that 'death aura' how you knew it was Tim earlier, since apparently everybody's is different?"
Danny let the fact that Jason danced around his question go, understanding the way he didn't want to go into more details. Danny didn't like his past being explored either, so it was only fair. The teen took a bite of his fry, surprised that the green seasoned food was actually decent, before speaking. "Yeah, sorta. Usually most people have little to no hint of death on them. Though you bunch seem to all be affected one way or another. Red- Tim's is quite powerful and a lot different than yours. It seems he's killed quite a few people, even more so than the crime lord himself."
Jason was beginning to get used to how relaxed Danny talked about these things, as if being revived from the dead or killing people were something that came to no surprise. Though the thought of Tim having killed more people than him did take him back a little. He knew that Tim was a bit unhinged at times, but surely the replacement followed Bruce's strict "no killing" rule.
"So, about that family dinner?" Danny asked after he ate a few more of his fries, not liking how awkward the silence was getting. They were getting along so well a few minutes ago, and now it felt like they were right back in the warehouse that night that Jason dragged him there. Then after a few  of those tense seconds he continued. "And your adopted family?"
The man swallowed the bite of his burger, and then took a big gulp of his tea, his throat suddenly dry. He never really liked talking about the others, and them being referred to as "family" made him somewhat queasy, a rise of longing unnecessary emotions he wanted to block. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. Though it might make it easier to explain everything to them if you do." Jason saw how Danny's lips pulled into a small frown, quickly glancing away from the other, and he suddenly felt like he was pressuring him too much. "Of course, you still don't have to. We can sit this one out and chill in my apartment, maybe fix up your room some more."
Danny looked at Jason, his frown now more thoughtful. "Can you tell me more about them?"
"Huh? You mean the people who will be at the dinner?" Jason asked, a part of him surprisingly pleased at there being a chance Danny will want to go. It was either because he wanted to resolve the unavoidable drama that was bound to happen or because he was craving some more of Alfred’s food, perhaps both. It wasn't that he was wanting to introduce them to Danny, or try to make Danny feel more comfortable with them.
"Yeah, maybe if I already sorta know what to expect I might be okay with going." Danny explained, already half way done with his burger and still working on his pile of fries. It made sense to Jason, as he knows how overwhelming new situations and a huge group of people can be. Especially with Danny having been homeless before, there was a possibility that the prospect of being around more than well off people could cause insecurity. Jason knew that personally, having been there once. Danny may need time to warm up to the idea.
"I'm going to be honest, they're mainly idiots." Jason said past his burger, waving his hand, Danny letting out a small chuckle. "Although they can be a lot at times, they usually mean well. Except for Damian, that little brat is evil and he lets you know, so I'd be careful around him until he warms up to you. Kind of like a feral chihuahua really."
That caused Danny's growing smile to become a full on grin. "Wait, if all of you are- well y’know, does that mean he's…" Danny asked without finishing his words, but Jason understood nonetheless. He nodded, a confused look on his face, wondering why Damian being Robin would matter. "Man, I already like him. He's such a good kid."
The anti-hero almost choked on his food hearing the earnest way Danny had just complimented the small demon. After composing himself once more, he looked at the furrowed eyebrows on the teen's pale face. "Are we talking about the same kid here? Damian is literally the most violent one of us, he'd stab you over a cookie if he wanted it."
Danny tilted his head, but a smile formed on his face anyways. "He still means well. I mean, he's a kid, I know they can be a little feisty sometimes."
"I'm sure the highly trained 'kid' would love to hear that. I would never expect a knife in your shoulder by the end of the night." Jason replied sarcastically, balling up his trash, finally having eaten his food. Danny was still eating the last few of his fries, having stolen half of Jason's as well as they were talking. Not that the man minded, wanting Danny to eat as much as he wanted in order to gain some more meat on his thinned figure. He didn't like how sickly Danny had gotten to look after his time stuck in the warehouse and then on the streets, it made a worm of guilt work its way into Jason, knowing he should've done more. 
Danny, not knowing Jason's inner turmoil, laughed, showing a bit of those canines that seemed to have grown since last time. Jason didn't know if Danny could control that or not, so he chalked it up to the nonhuman part of the kid. "He likes me! Plus I can easily heal from any attacks, that is if I don't just plain out avoid them. Who knows, maybe we can rough house a little." Danny said with an easygoing smile, brushing off the threat without any doubts. Jason knew that the other had powers, but he felt like he may need to teach him about self preservation skills.
Then Jason remembered the best part about the dinners, and he knew that this would win the boy over. "Hey, you remember some of that food I fed you while you lived in the warehouse?"
Danny nodded, curious as to where this was going. "Yeah, it was pretty good. Definitely the best food I've had in a while."
Jason smirked, "Well, you'd get more of that food at the dinner. Alfred, the best cook in the world, always fixes everything. Now, imagine fresh food like that." Danny perked up at that, and Jason knew he had found the right bait. After all, it was what Alfred used to get him over there every weekend. It wasn't because he wanted to help cook, feeling like a kid again. "Sounds good, doesn't it? Who knows, maybe for being a guest he might give you an extra chocolate chip cookie. Trust me, they are to die for."
Danny smiled at the small joke, but his mind mainly focused on the promise of good food. Perhaps this dinner wouldn't be such a bad idea, plus, he would be able to see Robin again, or Damian in this case. He wonders if the short tween would act any differently out of the costume, or any of the others for that sake. He was nervous meeting Signal again, and the thought of Tim made him squirm, hating how the constant loom of being watched had felt days before. He could only hope that they wouldn't jump on him with too many questions as soon as he showed up.
After a few minutes of debating internally with himself, weighing the pros and cons, he came up with a decision. "I guess I'll go, but if anything happens I'm leaving."
Jason couldn't ask for any more, already surprised that Danny agreed at all. "Don't worry, I leave anytime they annoy me too much. They know not to fuck with me."
"You sure it's not just because you're a big baby and they don't want to upset you?" Danny asked, raising a teasing eyebrow as Jason's face erupted into red, stammering out some denial that sounded more like complaining.
"I am not a 'big baby', and I can easily pummel you and them. I can already imagine how well you're gonna get along with Dick, it's going to a fucking nightmare." Jason continued to grumble, glaring at Danny across from him, the teen laughing at his misery.
"I'm already starting to get excited for this dinner now. When are we going this weekend?" Danny finally asked after calming down from his giggle fit, which Jason had suffered through. He wanted to make the kid laugh more, to just let the other be a teen.
Jason smoothed out his disheveled hair with a few quick swipes of his hand, huffing a bit before he spoke. "This Saturday, so tomorrow."
Danny slightly freaked out, not expecting it to be so soon. Though he already told Jason he'd go, and he didn't want to back out now. The man may not show it, but he obviously wanted Danny to go with him. A small part of him also wanted to go, to have a chance to be normal again. "Alright, so what will we do for the rest of the day?"
Jason thought about it, and realized he didn't exactly have anything else planned. He shrugged, making the other boy roll his eyes. "What do you want to do?"
At first the raven haired boy seemed taken back, not expecting the question to be turned on him, as he had nothing in mind. He looked at Jason's relaxed posture, realizing that he meant it, that Danny could choose anything. He thought it over, coming to a simple conclusion, one he hoped the man wouldn't mind. "Can we just go back to the apartment? I kinda had enough for today…" It was true, Danny was ready for a nap after the meal and amount of things he did. He may have only spent a few weeks closed off from society, and then a week of being completely homeless, but it was enough for him to no longer feel comfortable in public. It wasn't because he felt like he didn't deserve this, this sense of normalcy in a life he ruined, or the many others he ruined as well.
"That's a good idea, I'll need a bit of rest before patrol later anyways." The anti-hero said, standing up and grabbing both of their trash to throw away, before walking to the door. Danny nodded while following along, being brought out of his thoughts, and he couldn't help but realize he sort of forgot that Jason was Red Hood. It wasn't because it was unbelievable, the two had the same build and attitude, but by how normal Jason was compared to Red Hood. Sure, Jason was the adopted son of a billionaire with a crazy back story, but other than that he was still another civilian. Adding in the whole vigilante stick made it that more surreal. Or too close to something more familiar to him.
Danny remembers whenever he used to do patrol, the insane amount of fights he'd get in, especially at night. He missed doing them sometimes, he really missed his friends. Danny realized that he had been silent for a few seconds longer than usual, Jason looking at him somewhat concerned. "I can always skip one, I know I could do with a bit of a vacation." He said, wanting to make sure that the younger boy would be fine on his own.
Danny quickly shook his head. "No, I'm fine!" The man looked unconvinced, so the other tried to put on a small smile. "Really! I was just thinking about how bizarre my life kind of is right now." The partial lie worked, Jason letting out a small huff of amusement.
"I bet, compared to how most people would react, you've been taking it all pretty well." Jason lightly nudged at Danny, who in turn tried and failed to push the bulky man.
After an annoyed huff Danny straightened back up to walk better, knowing how clumsy he could be. It was what started this all in the first place. "I kinda take things in stride, go with flow y’know." He did a wave with his hand, before thinking about how silly he probably looked and shoving his hand back in his pocket.
"I like that attitude, don't let life drag you down. You know people who have your back no matter what, why worry all the time?" Jason meant for it to be light hearted, maybe even encouraging to a degree, but Danny’s smile quickly faded from it. Before Jason could ask what was wrong, Danny looked away, his expression now carefully crafted to be blank. The older man felt terrible, not knowing what he said wrong. He knew he shouldn’t ever give advice, as he hasn't lived the best life, or try and take care of a teen for that matter.
Danny on the other hand was trying his hardest to not let his thoughts wander to those who he should've been there for, or the fact that he shouldn’t allow people close to him, to let them want to help him. The guilt he's been repressing came back full force, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep his rising tears at bay, cursing how emotional he could be from some simple good natured words. Though he couldn't help but feel as if he shouldn’t have 'gone with the flow'. If he thought things through, not have been so impulsive and selfish, then the others would still be here. He would be with his friends, his family, the town he loved but was forced to leave behind because of his mistakes.
It didn't even seem that he learned his lesson, doing everything he regretted all over again. He told himself that he wouldn't be so selfish ever again, and then he goes and decides to pull more innocent people into the mess that is his afterlife life. How could he be so laid-back, so careless, after everything that's happened?
"-kid? Hey, can you hear me?" Danny's haze was broken from the wave of Jason’s hand in front of him and voice.
"Huh? Sorry, kinda spaced out for a second. What is it?" Danny asked, nervously scratching at the back of his neck, keeping his head turned slightly away as he blinked back tears. 
"We made it back and you tried to keep on walking, so I called your name and you didn't answer." Yeah, Danny was so not getting out of this. "Are you okay?" The teen opened his mouth to make up another lie, hoping his luck would work a second time. Before he could get a word out, Jason raised a hand stopping him. "Actually, I know you're not, so don't say you are. I know you don't wanna talk about it, but know that I am here and I'm not leaving, no matter how stubborn you are to not realize that. You can't get rid of me kid, after all I always come back."
The tears began running down midway through Jason's small rant, and he was wiping at them furiously, though he finally turned back to Jason. He was clearly out of his element, not used to comforting, but it made Danny feel a bit better anyways. To hear the words made it somewhat easier to swallow, to put into reality as he forced his other thoughts back down. He wished he wouldn't cry as much, hating how it felt like he was only being a burden to the other.
Jason hesitated to take Danny's arm and lead him into the apartment so that he could cry more openly, not wanting to make the crying teen run away by the sudden touch. He did anyway, seeing how some people passing by were giving them weird looks, and he glared at a few before gently grabbing Danny's arm. He didn't expect for the other to latch onto him in turn, turning his head to sob into the outer part of his arm as he walked slowly to the door of the apartment.
As soon as they entered, Jason wrapped his arms around Danny. Danny didn't hug back, only slightly burying his face into the man's chest as he tried to calm himself down. He didn't want to cry now, ruining the good mood that they had built back up. He pushed himself away from Jason, yet some of him yearned to be hugged right now, to be told that it was going to be okay. He knew it would never be, and that he deserved that.
Danny sucked in a desperate gulp of air, sounding more like a hiccup than anything as he held his hands above his face, trying to hide it. "I'm- I'm just going to go take a nap." He barely stuttered out, not waiting for an answer as he quickly went to his room and shut the door. This left Jason there, his hand outreached to try and stop the upset teen, but not knowing if he should. This was something that he didn't know how to handle. When it came to comforting, he only knew the basics, such as reassurance and hugs. Complex emotions like this he couldn't handle, and it made him feel guilty that he couldn't actually help Danny through whatever he was going through, even though he promised he would.
The man sighed, slipping off his leather jacket as he wondered if he may have bit more than he could chew this time. He wouldn't ever give up on Danny, but he may not be what the teen needed at the moment. If only Alfred was here, he'd know what to do.
He wasn't though, leaving it all up to Jason, who couldn't do anything. He ran a hand through his hair, not caring if it got messed up as he walked over to his barely standing couch. He laid down on it, enjoying how his body sunk into the well worn cushions, pulling one of the small pillows he had to lay his head on. He wanted to help Danny, but he was somewhat overwhelmed himself, and he had a feeling that giving some space may be better anyways. He wasn't lying earlier either whenever he said he would like a nap, still planning to go out that night. Danny most likely wouldn't leave him room for the rest of the day, so Jason would just leave him a plate of food before he left to go on his patrol.
He'd make it a quick one tonight. His people wouldn't mind if he canceled one meeting and instead checked up on them, as there was no way he would be able to focus for too long anyways. Most of his thoughts would circle around Danny, like they have been for the last few weeks. His worry had eased after wrangling Danny into his apartment, but now it was worse with how sullen the boy looked earlier. He still didn't understand what he said or did to cause such a reaction, but he guessed that it could be anything, though it had to be related to whatever trauma Danny had gone through and that was enough. He wanted to apologize, but that could cause Danny to feel guilty for making Jason feel like he did something wrong.
He was beginning to get a headache from thinking so deeply about something he had little intelligence in, so he shut his eyes. He didn't  bother to take off his shirt with the small wet spot in it, the coldness of it a stark reminder to how he failed Danny was. It didn't really matter though, as no matter what he couldn't block out the quiet sniffles and sobs coming from the other room, or the countless thoughts running through his own head.
They might not make it to dinner tomorrow after all.
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sotwk · 1 year
Nanaaaaa, I have a TOTALLY random question…
when did you first realize you loved your husband?
it’s okay if you’d rather not answer, I’m just in a situation I’m kinda confused about and thought about you and how wise (and totally amazibeens you are) :)
Hello my darling Jordie! <3
That is a great question, but also a tough one! I am of the belief that there is no single moment where you have a magical epiphany in realizing you're in love. I think there just comes a point in the relationship where you stop to really consider your feelings for the person and your behavior around them, and then you realize the summation of it equates to love. Sorry if that sounds so mathematical! XD Love looks and manifests differently in people; that's why it's so hard to define!
As to my personal experiences with my husband, here are some details that might give you some insight:
We met through online dating but lived six hours away from each other, so we had a long-distance relationship for two years before we got engaged and then married. We've been married for 6 years now.
I found him very physically attractive, but what got me hooked on him was just how easy it was to talk to him about anything. Even when we were just exchanging messages online, we would never run out of things to chat about.
When we met in person about a month later, there was zero awkwardness. It was just like meeting up with an old friend. I just remember being so smitten by how charming and outgoing he was, and it was just so fun hanging out with him.
It didn't take us long to realize that we wanted to be with each other all the time, and even if we video-chatted for hours everyday, it still made us sad to be physically separated.
He was very determined to drive 6-7 hours to come and visit me for a few days, even though in those 2 years he had a ton of challenges with work/family that made it so difficult for him. He had to jump many extra barriers to keep our relationship going, which made it obvious that he loved me.
Eventually I started crying each time his/my visit was over. Seems kind of overdramatic, but my anxiety and depression would get triggered by just the thought of being apart. I think I was terrified of even the remote possibility of it being the last time I see him. You know those clichés about missing a piece of yourself when your other half leaves? Apparently they're true!
Looking back, I think I fell in love with him pretty quickly, and we both knew it, but we didn't verbally acknowledge/define it until about 5 months of dating. I'm convinced we're soulmates, and as soon as we found each other it was a done deal.
If you're going through a situation where you are trying to decide whether you are in love with someone (or vice versa), this is something that only you can figure out, but talking it over with a neutral party helps! I am always available to chat with you about it if you want to share more! <3 I wish you the best and all happiness in whatever you're going through.
Relationships can be hard! My Asks are always open for advice or venting. <3
Turned off the reblogs for this post since it contains more personal info than my usual posts. ;)
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I've been down in Florida for the last week-and-a-half or so visiting family. My cousin, who I was there to visit and I have always been not really close, but not distant either if that makes sense. We don't really talk, but there's no friction or anything between us if that makes sense. Anway, this was the first time we had seen each other for a couple years, so I was really looking forward to this visit. Everything was going normal until last Friday.
Her and her hubby have an underground pool, because, Florida. So naturally, being the frost-bitten Canadian that I am, I was taking advantage of the beautiful Florida weather and relaxing in the pool. I must have zoned out or something because all I remember was jumping when my cousin splashed me with water.
When I recovered, I was stunned to see her admittedly gorgeous figure and medium-sized, round boobs naked just a couple feet away from me.
"Ugh, did you forget something?" I said kinda breathless, not knowing where to look.
"Oh, you mean to cover these?" She said, grabbing and squeezing her hardened tits and moving closer to me until we were inches apart.
"Why don't you give them a feel?" She said, her voice dripping with seduction as I reluctantly reached up and groped her left breast. Her boob filling my hand perfectly.
I can't understate how conflicted I felt, now feeling up both her boobs, but what happened next completely blew me away. Now holding both of my cousin's tits, she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. Just a tiny peck, like she was trying to see how I would react - which was again, stunned - then, after a second or two, she gave me a full-on open-mouth kiss. One hand on the edge of the pool, the other sliding wrapping around my rock hard cock.
When we finally came up for air, she leaned in and whispered the three words I never would have thought I'd hear her say in a million years. "Fuck me Sean."
"Kelly, what the...are you serious? Wha-what about?" I asked, my eyes flicking towards her house.
"He's on the road, remember?" She replied, her hands now untying my swimming trunks.
"I-I mean, we-we're related, like we can't"
"Does it look like I care?" She said, pulling herself out of the water so that her entire body rubbed against me as she did so.
The smell of her lust as she slid her wet pussy against my face was enough to overrule my brain. I reached up and caught her by the waist as she was getting out of the water.
"Fuck this is wrong" I mumbled to myself just before yanking down her bikini bottom and gently pulling her back in the water a bit.
The sight of her sexy round naked ass and wet cunt made my cock twitch as I took a long, exploring taste of her delicious pussy. Pausing briefly to grab a handful of ass cheek before throughly eating her out.
"Fuh-mmmmm fuck me, Sean! Please fuck me" she moaned between waves of orgasm.
"Turn around" I instructed as I gave her ass a hard slap.
The feeling my cousin's body made as I slowly shoved my cock between her seam was unlike any other woman ove ever been with. So welcoming to all my 8 inches, tight, but not virgin, slick from her wetness, warm. I knew this was about to be the best sex of my life.
Much to my surprise (again), my cousin didn't hold back and began riding me hard and fast. Her lifetime of being a gifted athlete evident as she slid up and down my cock with ease and a crazed pace. Within a matter of minutes, I felt her body stiffen as the first moans of orgasm raced through her. My own orgasm following almost simultaneously, as my cock erupted shot after shot of cum deep inside my cousin's cunt.
There's more to this story, but I'll save that for later
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1114: Morning Text with GF (RWBY)
Ruby: So you n Pyrrha are gonna take some therapy sessions for mow on?
Oscar: Yep. And get this.
Oscar: Turns out that Ms. Goodwitch has been psychologist thus whole time
Ruby: No surprise there really
Ruby: She did had the side job of being academy psychologist on some occasions
Ruby: Which is kinda funny considering she used to scare the crap out of a lot of students with the death glare alone lol
Oscar: Kinda makes me glad I haven't gotten on her worse side yet
Ruby: Oh I wouldn't worry about that too much
Ruby: Can't imagine Mother Goodwitch ever being mad at her baby farmboi for long!~
Oscar: Yeah, unless I get involved with your antics.
Ruby let's out a loud, dramatic gasps before pouting and texting back.
Ruby: Excuuuuuse u!?
Ruby: I'll have u know that I have been a wonderful influence over the years
Oscar: Yeah, tell that to the ghost of Ozpin
Oscar: Last I checked, you were a real piece of work in the acemdey days lol
Ruby: Um correction! Yang was a real piece of work
Ruby: I had been nothing but an innocent, angel- 😇
Oscar: Sure you are, Rose. Sure you are.
Ruby: Oh forget it! This shouldn't even be about right now.
Ruby: What I REALLY wanna talk about is how you've gotten so lucky into having an aunt, two dads, and three moms in ur life
Ruby: U kno, besides being the the biggest sweetheart on the face of this planet~
Ruby: Also, Emerald too I guess
Oscar: Hey, you actually include her for something for once lol
Ruby: Yeah, yeah how nice of me. She's still on my "I Don't Trust" List.
Oscar: I know, but at least try to get along one another, even if it's for a tiny bit
Ruby: I try for u
Ruby: Just don't expect us to be the bestest friends 9r whatever, 'kay?
Ruby: I already have a lot of besties as it is and one of them is my sweetheart of a boyfriend 😘
Oscar: Best friend and Boyfriend? I'm already feel honored already~
Oscar: But to answer your question, I guess is as good as mines on thar one really lol
Oscar: I'm just happy to have them all in my life right now
Oscar: That includes you too, Ruby ;)
Ruby: D'awwwww!~ Now I'm feeling honored~
Ruby: And I'm really glad things are going well for you guys as of late, especially after all the hell we've all been through in the past.
Oscar: Thanks. I can say the same for you guys as well.
Oscar: Hang on. I have to take a call for a sec.
Ruby: At 8 in the morning?
Oscar: It's technically 8: 54 am right now, but yeah. BRB!
Oscar: (Quickly Answers the Call) Hello? Oscar's speaking.
Glynda: (On the Other Line) Good Morning, Oscar.
Oscar: Morning, mom- I-I mean! Ms.... Goodwitch.
Glynda: (Giggles Softly) Honestly~ There's no need for to be formal every time we talk to another. We agreed that I would take role of your mother figure and I really don't mind you treating me as such.
Oscar: ('Sigh') I know. Force of habits can do that to you sometimes. Anyways, how are you today?
Glynda: I'm doing well all things considered. How about you and the others?
Oscar: We're doing alright....for the most part.
Glynda: Oscar.....Your voice is sounding troubled right now. Is something the matter?
Oscar: It's.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Okay, so....try not to freak out or anything, but....Pyrrha and I had bad dreams last night.
Glynda: Oh no..... A-Are you two okay? What were you dreaming about if you don't mind me asking.
Oscar: We were dreaming about the past. And how unpleasant it truly was for both of us......... B-But don't worry! We were able keep each other company or the night along with Jaune, Ren, and Nora and everything went smoothly from there. Also, we gave it some thought and.....We figured it's about time we give your therapy sessions a try.
Glynda: You will? Truly?
Oscar: Yep. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Though, to be honest, I'm.....starting to get nervous about the whole thing.
Glynda: It's normal to feel anxious about taking part in this sort of ordeal. But I will do everything I can to make sure that our sessions would be more calming and less Intimidating.
Oscar: (Smiles Sheepishly) You really don't have to go out of your way to do that for me. Bur I appreciate it all the time.
Nora: (In the Kitchen) Is that Glynda on the phone!Phone!? Tell her we're making pancakes!!!!
Ren: And Good Morning!
Nora: Oh yeah and that too. MOOOOORNING!!~
Oscar: You heard that right-
Glynda: ('Sigh') I've heard it, yes. It's somewhat nice to see some things haven't changed.
Oscar: Was Nora always a troublemaker back at the acemdey?
Glynda: She wasn't as bad as Ms. Rose in comparison, but she is a close second. I swear, after all these years, she still goes around claiming she's queen of some castle or whatever.
Oscar: Yeah l, she tends to do that here. But anyways, do you wanna eat breakfast with us? I know you have busy schedule on your hands, but-
Glynda: Actually, I'm free for the rest of thr day.
Oscar: You don't say? If that's the case, why not spend the rest of the day with us? You are part of this family after all.
Glynda: And I'm very honored to be here~ In the meantime, I'll get myself ready. You make sure your queen doesn't try eating all the pancakes.
Oscar: I'm sure Ren has it covered from here.
Ren: Nora, I told you not to taste the batter!
Nora: And I told you that my tummy has no knowledge of being patient!
Oscar:........Hopefully. I'll be sure to tell the others that you're coming over.
Glynda: Very well. I'll see you in a few. I love you.
Oscar: I love you too, mom. Later.
As the call comes to an end, Oscar resume back to texting his girlfriend.
Oscar: I've returned!!
Ruby: Welcome back, stranger!~
Ruby: How's the calling session?
Oscar: Pretty good. Ms Goodwitch is coming over to our house for breakfast
Ruby: No way. She finally got herself a free day today?
Oscar: Yep. And she's gonna spend it with us for the rest of the day
Ruby: Awww~ Bet you're real excited about that now, huh?
Oscar: Yeah, it's been a while since we've hangout with one another, so there's no way i couldn't be anymore excited about it than I am now lol
Runy: Neat!
Ruby: Mind if I tag along with u guys? I'm free too~
Oscar: Sure, but try to behave yourself, yeah?
Oscar: We don't want your former professor to blow a casket over your troublemaking
Ruby: I am a good student damnit!
Ruby: I swear, you get involved in one measly food fight in the cafeteria abd you're suddenly labeled for life! It's blows! 😡
Oscar: Hey, that's what happens when you make history. Everyone will remember what you did no matter how hard you want them to forget.
Ruby: Uh huh.
Ruby: In the meantime, I'd better get myself ready to come to your house in a while
Ruby: Why don't you get yourself nice and handsome for me, will ya?
Oscar: Why? So you could kiss me all over?
Ruby: Damn right!~ :D
Ruby: ...........Or rather, I hope I could do that without getting caught by ur moms.....
Oscar: Is the great huntress Ruby Rose, getting scared of a couple of moms already?~
Ruby: NO!
Ruby: I just...
Ruby: Wanted to make a good impression on them is all.
Oscar: Lol right
Oscar: I wish you the best of luck with that, dear~
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