#we went to an asian supermarket today and they had kimchi there but no
lenreli · 7 months
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Have been craving, specifically, making kimchi, which finally gets satisfied today!!
Crunchy and spicy and yummy. Just what I wanted! 👌🏼👌🏼
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 36: The Time The Bangtan Got Drunk
Co-written with @jiminieblush
Recommended Song: That’s My Jam by B.A.P
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
Food shopping and Timberlands, what more could the day bring?
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  7143
Length: 36/?
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With the album release happening soon, you were pretty surprised to find Jungkook outside your door with Namjoon and Jin in tow. Without an explanation, you were convinced to change out of your pyjamas and into warmer clothes; the weather was getting progressively colder as winter was drawing nearer. The three men entertained Miri while you bundled up and slipped on a pair of tired looking boots.
"Where are we going?"
Jungkook scratched behind Miri's ear, gushing over her cuteness with Namjoon. You were glad those two had patched things up.
"Shopping. I was thinking just food but it looks like you need boots too."
You looked down at the scuffed up toes of your boots and frowned at the peeling leather. "I've been saving up for a pair of Timberlands like yours, Kookie."
There was a groan from Jin as he rolled his eyes. "Of course Jungkook's girlfriend is also into Timbs."
Your nose scrunched as you scowled. "They're sturdy and good for winter! They also provide great ankle support."
Jungkook turned his attention away from Miri. "I’ll buy you a pair- an early birthday present."
You caught Namjoon nodding out of the corner of your eye. "There's a hole in your right sole. That'll be no good if it rains."
A glance at the bottom of your foot confirmed that there was indeed a hole in the heel, a stone wedged inside. You bent down and picked the stone out before glancing at Jungkook.
"You've already spent so much money on me."
He gave Miri one final pat before straightening up and making his way over to you. He wrapped the ends of your scarf around his fists and gave them a gentle tug.
"I'm buying my Jagi a birthday present even if you refuse."
You pouted. "You don't have to buy me expensive presents. I appreciate sentimental value over monetary value."
He smiled and pecked you on the forehead. "I'll get you a matching pair, a couples item."
Jin clearing his throat made you step away from each other, and you went about checking you had everything ready to shop.
Namjoon held your front door open, and you slipped your hand into Jungkook's as you walked down to the car. Idle chit chat happened between Jin and Namjoon as they discussed the upcoming comeback. Though they made sure not to go into too much detail as you had told them you didn't want it spoiled for you. You were still an ARMY, after all. Jungkook hummed quietly to himself, a small smile on his lips.
You squeezed his fingers to get his attention. "You seem happy."
He shrugged. "I am happy. Tired... But happy."
Down in the underground car park, Jin and Namjoon climbed into the front seats while Jungkook opened the backdoor for you.
"Well... after shopping maybe you and I can curl up and have a hot chocolate."
He beamed at you. "Can I sleep over too?"
You ran a mental check of the following day's schedule. The only thing that came to mind was an online lecture. But that wasn't until late afternoon.
"Sure. As long as you remember to pick up your pjs."
"I'll buy some bottoms while we're out."
You smiled and buckled yourself in. Jin started up the car and Namjoon connected his phone up to the stereo via Bluetooth, sparking a conversation between him and Jungkook about the artist which was playing. It was great to see they had patched things up, especially with Jungkook getting his own studio. Namjoon had always been someone Jungkook looked up to and admired so maybe Namjoon would take him under his wing and guide him.
Before you knew it, Jin was turning off a main road and into what seemed to be a more residential area of the city. Skyscrapers lingered a few miles away but for the most part you were surrounded by low rise businesses and housing.
He pulled into a supermarket car park and cut the engine.
"Alright everyone, masks and hats."
You looked around a little surprised, having forgotten that as idols they probably needed to disguise themselves when doing everyday stuff. Jungkook's somewhat carefree attitude towards your public outings had become the norm to you which meant you didn’t have either item. But you were once again surprised when Jungkook pulled out two of each. He slipped on a black beanie and handed a red one to you. Coincidentally, it matched your scarf.
You took one of the black masks and hooked it over your ears before pulling the hat on. You made a mental note to find the kitten mask Jungkook had given you many months ago.
"It’s sad we have to hide your pretty face, Jagi."
You shrugged. "I'm more upset I can't see yours."
You could just make out the signs of his bunny grin as his nose and cheeks crinkled.
"Okay, okay, split it up love birds. We got shit to do." Namjoon said, turning to face you, one hand grasping the back of Jin's seat.
Jungkook chuckled before settling back into his seat.
Jin looked to the leader. "What's the plan?"
Namjoon scratched his cheek in thought. "Y/N, you and Jungkook get the groceries for your apartment. Hyung and I will shop for the dorm."
You nodded, opening the door to hop out, swiftly followed by Jungkook and his hyungs. They fixed their masks into place and you began towards the entrance.
You took your phone out when inside and opened up the start of a shopping list you'd been compiling over the past few days.
"This is going to be expensive isn't it?"
Jungkook just silently patted you on the shoulder in consolation. You glanced behind you and pointed to the trolleys.
"That shall be needed."
Jungkook went over to get one and skid back over to you. "Hop in."
He pouted like a toddler denied of sweets. "Please~ Jagi."
You shook your head. He wasn't going to get you to sit in the trolley again like he had when you got the re-decoration supplies. He sagged against the trolley handle but didn't push you any further.
You looked down at the list then at the signs above the aisles. "First thing: milk."
He perked up. "You should get banana milk. It's cheaper than regular milk."
"I'm here to fuel my addiction not yours,” You mumbled, starting off away from the entrance.
He made a noise of complaint but followed along behind you until you reached the dairy aisle. You picked up your preferred choice of milk and quickly converted Korean won into British pounds.
"Jesus Christ! 2 pints of milk here costs the same as 4 back home!"
He pulled a face as if to say 'I told you so' and grabbed a carton of soy and banana milk.
"These are the cheapest. I suggest banana cause it tastes better."
You looked between the both of them and took the banana milk from his hand, placing it in the trolley with the regular milk.
"I'm willing to give the banana milk a try, but for today I'm still buying my normal milk."
He put the soy milk back on the shelf and turned to you with a cheeky grin. "Soon you will join me in the banana milk loving ways."
You scoffed. "I doubt it. It's full fat or nothing for me, baby."
You saw his eyes widen at the pet-name and you smirked beneath your mask. That reaction was priceless.
"Jagi, what's next?"
You looked back down at your list. Maybe you should've picked up these items as you passed them looking for the milk...
"I want to try and make my own Kimchi so the spice doesn't kill me."
Jungkook looked at you fondly, probably remembering your first trip to Korea. Your own mind went back to your near-death experience at the dinner table in the dorm.
"We don't want that to happen do we? I'll lead the way."
You followed along beside him through the store until he turned down the spice aisle. He slowed down to eye-up the shelves and shelves of product. You watched as he reached up and plucked a small, resealable bag of chilli flakes off the shelf.
"This should last you a while as you won't need much... at least to meet your taste requirements."
He smirked as you crossed your arms childishly. "It’s not my fault I grew up eating bland food."
He placed the packet in the trolley. "I'm sure after a while your taste buds will grow accustomed to it."
You grumbled to yourself as he led you down more aisles, picking up baechu cabbage, asian chives, spring onions, daikon radish and other necessities. He then led you to an aisle full of containers.
"These are what you make kimchi in nowadays. It used to be in earthenware pots but they're heavy and breakable. Though some still use them."
You put a few in the trolley. "Anything else you think I need?"
"Fish sauce though you could use a light soy sauce instead. And most normally have a small bit of meat or fish included."
You screwed your face up despite your mask hiding it from view. You added the bottle of soy sauce to the growing pile in the trolley.
"Definitely no meat for me."
Jungkook nodded to your phone, "Anything else you need?"
"Just some uh... feminine things..."
"Oh..." His hand went to the back of his neck as it usually did when he felt awkward. "I don't know where they are..."
You thanked god that your mask was covering your blush.
"Looks like we're going on a mini adventure... though you don't have to come into the aisle with me. I know it makes some guys...awkward."
He shifted on his feet but shook his head. "No, no. It's fine. You're my Jagi. I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn't know about those...things."
You were shocked to say the least. "O-oh! Yeah... true..."
The two of you looked at each other before looking away. He turned to grab the trolley. "Come on then..."
"It'll probably be near the shampoo section."
He wandered away and you followed behind, checking down every aisle until you recognised the colourful boxes and packets on the shelves.
"BunBun, wait! You walked past."
He skidded to a stop and spun in a circle, coming back over to you.
You gulped as you led him down the aisle. You had never bought or even mentioned feminine products around men before, only having heard through friends that the men in their lives didn’t care much or wanted anything to do with the ‘grossness’ of feminine hygiene. It seemed Jungkook was awkward, but willing to accept that fact of life.
You'd stopped to scan the wall of products to decipher what you needed. You were very much aware of Jungkook fidgeting, picking at the string of his mask.
"I'll try to be as fast as possible."
"D-d-don't worry about it. Take as long as you need."
Your need to translate the Korean slowed you down but you soon found what you needed among the large selection of choices. You went on your tiptoes to grab them but only succeeded in pushing them further away towards the back of the shelf. Fuck. You were too short. Typical. You let out a grunt of frustration but a hand on your shoulder and a warm body pressing against your back startled you.
"I've got it, Kitten."
Jungkook reached up and grabbed the packet with ease.    
"Just one?"
"Two please." You always liked back ups.
He got another and tossed them into the trolley, mumbling to himself something too low for your ears.
"What was that?"
His head whipped around. "Hm? Oh, nothing. I'm singing."
You narrowed your eyes but didn't push it.
"Is that all you needed?"
You checked your list.
"Just a few more bits and bobs."
Jungkook gave your hand a gentle tug as he sped up towards the lit up store front. You glanced behind at Namjoon and Jin who were too busy chatting to notice you advancing.
"BunBun, slow down." You giggled when he picked up the pace.
He immediately slowed. "Sorry. I'm just excited."
"I'm just getting a pair of shoes."
He let out a scandalised gasp, eyes blowing wide.
"Just buying a pair of shoes? We're getting your first pair of Timbs."
You rolled your eyes with a giggle.
"How long have you wanted to do this?"
"Since I knew I loved you."
"Yeah right."
"Are you doubting me? I never lie about anything to do with Timberlands."
You gasped in mock shock, a hand to your heart.
"What about me?!"
He glanced around before quickly lowering his mask and pressing a kiss to your cheek before fixing the mask back in place.
"Or you, Kitten."
Your brief exchange gave Namjoon and Jin enough time to catch up.
"I wonder if the store staff are going to recognise you Jungkookie. You're a regular customer after all." Namjoon joked, nudging the youngest with his elbow.
Jungkook turned to you. "I'll introduce you, Jagi. They might give you discount if you go in again without me."
"And here I thought you did most of your shopping online."
He shrugged. "I usually do. But for Timbs I make the exception."
He sent you a wink and pushed open the door to the store. A member of male member of staff looked towards the entrance as you walked through and beamed.
"Jungkook-ssi! Nice to see you again! And you brought company!"
The staff member nodded to Namjoon and Jin who raised a hand in a wave. Jungkook gave your hand a light squeeze.
"This is my Jagi, Y/N."
They awed. "Aren't you both just adorable. What brings our best customer here today?"
Jungkook pointed down to your worn out boots. "I refuse to let her walk around in those abominations any longer."
You shuffled in the trusty boots.
The staff sighed. "So what are we thinking? Classic tan...black...something colourful and exciting?"
Jungkook pulled down his mask. "I was thinking maybe she could have a pair that matches mine."
"That still leaves a lot of options." They laughed as they gestured for you to follow them. He led you over to the back wall where every height and shade of Timberland boot was on display.
"How about a pair that matches your classic tan pair?"
Jungkook shook his head.
"What about a matching silver pair?"
"I was thinking about getting her a black pair. They'll go with most of her clothes."
The staff member turned to you, a black pair in one hand and the tan in the other.
"What do you want?"
You took a moment to think.
"Black. They'll go well with the 3 dresses I own and everything else."
The staff put the tan shoe back and asked for your size before disappearing out the back to find a pair. Meanwhile, the four of you wandered around the store. You giggled as Jungkook practically bunny bounced from display to display. Namjoon admonished him for behaving childishly in public.
"But Oppa, look at him.” You spoke up, watching Jungkook with a goofy smile on your own face. “He looks like such a baby. Those overalls, the glasses and that striped sweater!"
Namjoon chuckled. "He does look like an oversized toddler."
Jungkook turned and stuck his tongue out at his leader. His beanie making him look even more like a toddler.
"My baby boy."
Jungkook spluttered and Namjoon smirked.
"Aw, hear that Jungkookie? Your noona says you're her baby boy."
You smothered a giggle as Jungkook pulled his mask back up but not quick enough to hide his reddening cheeks. The staff member returned with a box to the sound of Jin and Namjoon's laughter. Your own cackles spilled out at the staff member’s confused expression.
"She's definitely the one for you Jungkook-ssi."
Your boyfriend walked back over and wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"She is… Jagi sit down and try them on."
You did as he said, feeling rather self-conscious about how worn out your beloved boots looked. They were about to go into retirement. The staff handed you the Timbs and you slipped them on, standing up and stomping to make sure your foot was thoroughly inside. You wiggled your toes and paced around the store until eventually giving the staff member a thumbs up.
"Glad you like them, will you be wearing them out of the store?"
You nodded.
"Okay. If you could come up to the till please so we can get those paid for."
You hesitated for a moment. "How much will they be exactly?"
"Those are 247,500₩, miss."
Blood drained from your face as your brain did the maths. £170 for a pair of boots?! You looked up when you felt a hand against your lower back. Jungkook stepped forward already holding his wallet.
"I'm paying."
The staff member gave you a smile and nodded to the till point. Jungkook went to follow him when you grabbed his wrist.
"Kookie… they're too much."
He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I don't mind, Kitten. Let me spoil you."
You pouted but let him walk away to pay and sat down with a huff.
The seat dipped next to you. "He said they're an early birthday present, Y/N." Jin said with a smile. "It's rude not to accept gifts from others."
"But he's already spent so much money on me. My two trips here, my moving here, all my signed merch and lets not forget my allowance is a portion of his earnings."
He rest a hand on your shoulder. "He's doing it because he loves you and wants you to be happy."
You sighed. You didn't need all the gifts and presents to be happy. You could understand the move. But all the rest was unnecessary.
"I feel so guilty about him spending so much on me. I wish I could repay him..."
Namjoon sat down on the other side of you. "Our Kookie isn't that good at expressing his emotions with words so he does it with actions instead. Your love, affection and reassurance is more than enough repayment in his eyes."
You looked between the two of them then down at your new boots.
"Thanks...I guess I'm not used to such generosity. I'm so grateful...for everything."
The two nodded in understanding but stayed quiet when they noticed Jungkook returning.
"All paid for! We can head back now."
Handing over your shopping bags to Jungkook, you dug around in your bag for your keys. You made a small noise of victory when you found them and shoved them into the lock. Twisting the key, you heard the lock click and turned the handle to swing the door open. You were met by a chorus of "Surprise!" causing your little group except Jin to jump in shock.
"Holy shit!" You shouted in reply before spotting a familiar but out of place face amongst Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok. Chubs.
She stepped around Taehyung and practically skipped towards you with a grin.
"Hi~" She opened her arms for a hug and you walked into her embrace.
"H-how...what the fuck are you doing here?!"
"I'm here for your house warming... and for Jungkook-oppa and Namjoon-oppa's birthday party."
You turned to Jungkook for an explanation but he looked as confused as you felt.
"Surprise!...again." Shouted Taehyung and Jimin.
Jin ushered Jungkook and Namjoon into the apartment, shutting the door behind him.
"We felt bad that we never celebrated your birthdays properly due to comeback preparations. Yoongi suggested we throw one big party before the album release."
Jungkook still looked confused. "But we did celebrate my birthday."
Taehyung shook his head. "No, you celebrated your birthday. You didn't give us a chance to."
"And you said how you regretted not throwing a housewarming party for Y/N." Jimin added.
Hoseok continued where Jimin left off. "So Yoongi-hyung suggested we throw one big party. Jimin got Chubs’ KaKaoID off Jungkook's phone while he was asleep and had Jin-hyung translate the messages back and forth."
You looked to Chubs who had turned a light shade of pink.
"I wondered why you never replied to my messages last night."
She shrugged. "Sorry...I didn't have Wi-Fi on the flight."
From the corner of your eye you noticed Jungkook smile before heading off into the kitchen with your bags of shopping. Jin followed him while Namjoon went over to take a seat with the other members, leaving you and Chubs to talk.
"Thank you for coming all the way here. You must be exhausted."
She waved you off and explained how she'd slept a bit on the flight and in the car when Jimin and Yoongi picked her up.
You glanced aside at Jimin who was laughing at something Namjoon had said.
"I'm surprised you're as chill as you are stood in the same room as your bias."
"Trust me, I'm freaking out on the inside. Is this how you felt when you first came to Korea?"
You nodded. "Definitely. I thought I was dreaming."
Chubs sighed and glanced over her shoulder at the members spread out across the living room as if they owned the place. "You're the only thing stopping me from pinching myself right now."
"I think your lack of fluency in Korean would be another indicator that this isn't a dream."
Her already pink cheeks darkened a shade. "Oh god...I got lost in the airport 'cause I misread a sign. It was so embarrassing."
You laughed and patted her on the back in sympathy before confusion set in.
"Didn't they pick you up?"
She nodded pressing the palms of her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment. "This was on my way to baggage claim."
You started to laugh. "On your way to baggage claim? You just follow the crowd of people from your flight!"
"I don't even know what happened. I just got lost and had to be escorted to the baggage claim and was ten minutes late meeting them. I feel so embarrassed."
It couldn't be helped, more laughter bubbled out of you only interrupted by Jungkook wrapping his arm around your waist, obviously done in the kitchen. You caught sight of Jin also walking back into the living room.
"Guess what I found in there?"
He raised a bottle of peach flavoured makgeolli.
You grinned. "Is there more?"
He nodded and turned to Chubs. "Do you want one too, or do you already have a drink?"
She cleared her throat. "Uhm, no. That would be nice thank you."
The three of you went into the kitchen to find yourself drinks. You realised Jungkook had put most of the food away but left a bag in the corner away from the rest. You snuck a look inside and quickly put it in your bedroom. You didn't need the members looking for food and finding your feminine products instead. Upon entering your bedroom, you saw a ball of white fluff curled up on your bed. Miri. So that's where she was. You would have to bring in her food and water later.
You had to wonder where the alcohol came from, though that was answered when you walked back into the kitchen.
"We went into the corner store for snacks then Yoongi-oppa waltzed up to us with a basket full of alcohol... Is he the reason you're not allowed to through many parties?" Chubs asked as she looked through the fridge.
Jungkook got three glasses down from a cupboard and placed them on the worktop.
"Uhm, he's part of the reason..."
"Only part? What's the rest of the reason?" You asked, looking over Chubs' shoulder. Your eyes widened at the sight of a whole shelf packed with bottles of alcohol. Jesus, they planned to drink a lot.
You heard him hum. "We, uh, we've had noise complaints. Some of us can get a bit...loud."
Your stomach dropped, you didn't want any noise complaints...you’d just moved in!
"Maybe we should keep the alcohol to a minimum..."
Chubs hummed in agreement and closed the fridge. The two of you turned back to Jungkook who held out two glasses of the peachy drink.
"We've learnt our lesson. We'll be fine."
You side eyed him, somewhat doubting what he said but took the glass from him nonetheless. Chubs also accepted the drink and you both took a sip.
"Oo, it's fruity!" Chubs stated.
You took another sip, a little uncertain about the taste. Jungkook was watching you, eyes sparkling in amusement.
"Do you like it?"
"It tastes... nice..."
His face lit up in a smile, chuckles causing his shoulders to shake.
"I wonder if it cannibalism for a peach to drink a peach flavoured beverage."
You broke out into a fit of coughs which only made Jungkook smirk. Chubs shook her head while patting you on the back, seemingly unfazed.
"K-Kookie!" You choked out. "I-I'm not-t a p-peach!"
He raised a brow. "That's what you think. You don't have my view."
Your jaw dropped, momentarily stunned.
Chubs giggled. "Did you drink some of the makgeolli before asking us to try it?"
He made a pinching gesture to show he'd had a little. "I sipped it. Surprisingly, I've never had this before either."
You face palmed. One sip changed his behaviour already. You were about to reprimand him when the other members came barging in, locating the other bottles of alcohol effortlessly. Even Namjoon and Jin seemed to know where some were. Once everyone had a drink, you all began back into the living room.
Jin caught your arm just as you were about to leave the kitchen.
"Can I bring food into the living room? I thought I'd ask incase you were worried about us making a mess."
You could tell he was the hyung; when he wasn't messing around he was very responsible for the group.
"Uh, yeah sure. Just... be careful. I don't want stains on my carpet."
He nodded and proceeded to look through your cupboards. You noticed that some of the things him and Namjoon had bought for 'the dorm' were in there. Jin must've used the cover of shopping for the dorm to make Namjoon less suspicious too since the party was also for his birthday.
"Do you need any help?" He waved you off so you left him to it and joined the others in the living room.
Music blared as laughter filled the air. Jimin had collapsed over the arm of the sofa as Taehyung hugged your fake potted plant, calling it his wife. Namjoon was trying to talk to a drowsy Yoongi about the meaning of life. And Jungkook... Jungkook was clinging to you while you wiggled in his arms as his hands ran over the exposed skin of your stomach.
"You're so soft. How are you so soft?"
Giggles bubbled out of you uncontrollably whenever he touched a particularly sensitive patch of skin.
A giggle from a tipsy Chubs caught your attention. It seemed like Hoseok was trying to start a dance off with her. Though there was a language barrier, he was somewhat successful in getting his message across. Jungkook turned to look in the same direction, a smirk appearing as he looked back to you. He let go of you and wobbled before climbing onto your coffee table.
"Kookie, what are you-"
You were cut off by a loud whoop from Hoseok who grabbed the TV remote and turned up the volume of the Beyonce song playing on the music channel.
"Oh my god..."
You stared transfixed as Jungkook began to... twerk in front of you. His jiggling booty directly in your line of sight. His childish laughter was a clear sign that he was enjoying himself. You couldn't believe your eyes. There was your cute and dorky boyfriend, dressed in a striped sweater and denim overalls, shaking what his mama gave him like there's no tomorrow.
"Woo~ Go Jungkookie!" Taehyung yelled from his spot in the corner which only encouraged Jungkook to stop his booty shaking to swing his arms above his head as he spun around to face you.
"Kitten~ you should have a go!"
"But it's my birthday party!" Jungkook pouted.
"It's my house warming!"
He pushed his bottom lip out even further and made grabby hands towards you. He was an absolute baby. Your Baby Boy.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Jimin began to chant from the sofa. He reached over and pushed against your shoulder. "Goo~"
Jungkook continued with his grabby hands and you couldn't help but give in. Once on the table with him, you noticed Chubs slipping into an empty spot next to Jimin.
The smile that had slipped on your lips disappeared the second you felt a pair of hands on your hips making you sway in time with the beat.
"Jagi~ dance with me."
"I-I don't dance."
"She's lying!"
Your head snapped around to see Jin shaking his head at you. "You danced at BigHit with us so you can dance now!"
"Is this not your kind of song Jagi?"
Jungkook reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. The music on the TV stopped as YouTube came up. He must have connected his phone to your TV. His fingers danced over his keyboard for a second as he thought of a song before quickly typing in 'Black Out' by VIXX.
There was a cheer from someone, you didn't care to see who as the song began to play. A funky beat started and you felt your hips rocking to it of their own accord. Fuck. That boy knew you too well. Speaking of, his face nestled into your neck and you could practically feel his smile.
"Who knew you liked such a... sensual song, Kitten."
One of your hands found its way to the back of his neck and lightly pinched at his skin.
"Don't push it." You mumbled. "I'm only dancing because I can't say no to how adorable you look right now."
"Adorable? I'd rather you call me handsome but I'll take what I can get."
"You are absolutely adorkable."
He huffed in amusement, placing a kiss on your neck that had you squeaking in shock. He raised his head to giggle. A little tipsy yourself, you couldn't help but smile.
"Yah! Loverbirds! We're waiting for a show!" Namjoon shouted.
Your cheeks became heated as you shot a glare at Chubs. Jungkook's hands on your waist coaxed you into swaying with him. Your cheeks became even more heated as the chorus kicked in and the lyrics 'I'm thinking your body' rang out clearly through the room. Words couldn't explain how embarrassed you were, and if you weren't as tipsy as you were you wouldn't have even stepped foot on the coffee table to begin with. Your phone vibrating in your pocket temporarily distracted you, though you kept rocking. It was a Vlive notification. BTS had gone live? You tapped on it only to be greeted to the sight of yourself and Jungkook dancing on the table.
"You're broadcasting this?!"
Taehyung laughed, plant hugged to him with one arm while his other hand held up his phone. Jungkook stole a look at your phone before turning so you were facing away from Taehyung.
"How many people are watching?"
There was a pause. "Ten thousand- wait...thirty thousand."
Thirty fucking thousand ARMYs were watching you pressed up against Jungkook.
"Hyung!" Jungkook turned you around and pressed your face into his neck to try and hide you. "This isn't how I wanted ARMY to meet my Jagi."
The two of you stopped dancing and you heard the volume of the music decrease as the sound of voices grew louder.
You lifted your head to see Namjoon get out of his seat and head over to Taehyung.
"Make it front facing. Make it front facing." There was a pause, presumably switching the camera, "ARMY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!"
With Namjoon occupying the Vlive audience, you grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him off the coffee table. You fell onto the sofa next to Chubs who was giggling into her glass of drink.
"I hate you lot."
Jungkook once again wrapped an arm around you, his other hand stroking through your hair. That must've been an effect of drinking, he wasn't normally so... handsy. You snuggled against his chest, wanting to make yourself as small as possible so that if the phone was turned back to you they wouldn't see you.
Chubs groaned and pushed you back when your wiggling caused her to shove up against Jimin. Jimin gave her a shy smile while you mumbled out an apology.
"Yah! It's Jungkook's birthday party too... And Y/N's house warming!" Jin shouted, walking out of the kitchen with yet more snacks.
Jin placed the food on the coffee table and squished himself between Namjoon and Taehyung to greet the audience.
"Y/N, ARMY say they wanna see you!"
"They just saw me dancing against Jungkook." You mumbled, "I'm too embarrassed."
Jimin took Taehyung's phone and passed it to Hoseok who knelt down in front of you and Jungkook.
"Our Y/N-ie is shy~ And Jungkookie is hiding her face. I think he doesn't want to share her."
Jungkook's arms tightened around your frame and you felt his chin come to rest on the top of your head.
"She's my Jagi. No one can have her."
"ARMY aren't going to steal her." Jimin said before downing the last of his drink.
You felt Jungkook press a kiss to the top of your head and you giggled into his chest, still not wanting to show your face to however many fans watching.
"They can't steal her because I'm here to protect her."
There was an 'aw, cute' from beside you and you stuck your foot out to nudge Chubs.
"What was that Kookie? You just spoke in English."
"I said I'm here to protect her so she can't be stolen."
This time you were met with a chorus of 'aw's from the members.
"Look at the comments! ARMY really want to meet her officially."
A beat of silence.
"My Jagi has bad anxiety though... I don't want to force her." His voice had taken a childish tone, definitely pouting. He was your baby.
With a deep breath you raised your head and shifted so you weren't tucked into Jungkook's side but leaning against him.
Hoseok gave a small cheer and angled the phone so more of you was in it.
"Say hi to ARMY!"
"H-hi... hello. I'm Y-Y-Y/N.”
Hoseok made a noise of amazement when the comment section began to fly up the screen. Your stomach twisted anxiously as you managed to catch sight of your name in a few of the comments.
Jungkook leant forward. "Waaah~ They're all so excited to finally meet you! Even Japanese fans!"
Japanese fans?
"Really? Oyasuminasai minna-san (Good evening everyone)."
The room went silent as everyone turned to stare at you.
"You can speak Japanese?!" Jungkook's eyes were wide, sparkling with amazement.
"A bit... I'm still learning."
"Jagi! We can learn together!"
You grinned at him and nodded, momentarily forgetting about the audience watching you talk. "That sounds like fun BunBun!"
"How much do you know?"
"Not a lot..."
A shit eating grin appeared on his face. "I guess I'll be the teacher this time... Until you catch up with me."
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "But you were my teacher when I was learning Korean."
"Oh... oh yeah!"
You laughed. He must have forgotten due to drinking. A whine from across the room drew you attention away from Jungkook.
"Hyung~ Gimme my phone~ I wanna talk to ARMY." Taehyung had since led down on the floor, but still had an arm curled around the plant pot. He really loved that plant.
A few bottles of Soju later and Taehyung was hugging the toilet as well as the plant, having dragged the thing with him across the apartment. Yoongi was asleep in the bathtub for some reason. Namjoon was asleep with his head in Jin's lap and Hoseok was collapsed in the hallway, one hand outstretched towards the door. A finger was pressed to your lips when you giggled at the sight of a sleeping Chubs slumped against Jimin’s shoulder, a bag of open snacks crushed between them.
"Jagi~ Shush." Jungkook whispered as you headed towards your bedroom.
"But whhhy~? We can... we can take pictures of them!"
He twisted the handle and swung the door to your room open. You both awed at the sight of Miri still asleep on the bed, Jungkook entered the room first to move her off. You giggled again and leapt onto your bed, bouncing for a second at the impact. Turning onto your back, you made grabby hands at Jungkook.
"Come here KooKoo. Your Jagi wants you to join her."
He shut the door before crawling onto the bed. You let out a groan when he collapsed on top of you, wiggling to get comfy.
"Mmm, I love you~ So so much. I hope you had fun today."
He nuzzled into your neck, making a content noise while you huffed.
"Move. Need. Air."
"No~" He whined. "Wanna cuddle."
You managed to sneak a hand between your bodies and push against his shoulder. His drunken state made rolling him over easier than expected and then it was your turn to collapse on top of him.
He was such a whiny baby. But he was your baby. The whining was kinda cute though.
You shifted to rest your head in his neck, mirroring his previous position. His hands were warm on your lower back having sneaked beneath your t-shirt to trace patterns on your skin.
"Did you enjoy your party too, Baby?"
He nodded. "Of course, you, Bangtan and ARMY were there!"
He pecked you on the lips. You pulled away with a smile and booped your nose against his.
"Your friends...they're funny...what if Tae-oppa runs away with my plant?"
He shook his head. "KooKoo will chase him down. And they're your friends too."
"I know, but they were your friends first."
Another peck. "Doesn't matter. We share them now."
"So you can share them but not me?!"
"I don't love them the same way I love you."
Your lips spread into a goofy smile which he mirrored, eyes scrunching up as his nose wrinkled.
"I love you too my adorkable BunBun."
This time you leant up and pressed a kiss to his lips, lingering longer than a mere peck. Your lips moved to his cheek as you took a breath before lightly kissing his nose. Giggles bubbled out of him as you continued to litter kisses across his skin, pulling back every few pecks just to see his eyes sparkle in amusement. Then your lips found his again, moving at a leisurely pace, enjoying the sensation. It had been so long since you felt like you could share this side of you with someone. That you could trust someone enough.
Your mind was a little fuzzy due to the alcohol, but you remembered a mental note you'd made while making out in his studio. You slipped a hand into his hair and gave the short strands a gentle tug. A moan slipped past his lips and you relished in the sound. It was music to your ears. You wanted to hear more of that sound, the sound that sent your heart into a flurry. Made your thoughts blurry. Some part of you, a part you buried out of fear of others, sparked up in the back of your mind. A part of you that had missed the physical intimacy. You hadn't wanted to seclude and hide yourself from those you loved but... but you had to keep yourself safe. Jungkook was a miraculous respite from that paranoia. You made a small noise of protest when he broke the kiss to catch his breath.
Wanting to hang onto the moment for a touch longer, you began littering kisses across his cheek and jaw. You gave his hair another, but slightly harder, tug so his head was at an angle that gave you better access to his neck.
Beautiful. Just as beautiful as you thought it would be. You nipped harshly at a particularly sensitive area, teasing more delicious moans from him. This wasn't like you though. Sober you wouldn't be so hasty or careless. But you weren't sober in that moment.
"J-jagi, we... we need to stop. We're drunk."
You hummed but didn't pull away.
You pressed one final kiss to his neck before raising your head with a pout.
"But I don't wanna."
He ran his fingers through your hair, taking a deep breath.
"We're drunk. If you were sober we wouldn't be doing this... We both need to be sober and ready before we go any further..." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I want to keep you safe and happy."
"But I am."
"No. No you're not. You're vulnerable. We both are."
You held his gaze for a few seconds until you felt yourself start to get lost in those deep brown eyes of his. You shook yourself out of it. He was right. You were drunk.
"I... I'm sorry. God I'm sorry. I-I keep ending up in these situations. I'm such an idiot-"
"It's not your fault. It is never your fault." He shifted to cradle your head to his chest. "You are never to blame for the actions of others. If people can't control themselves around those who are vulnerable then they are less than people. Now let's sleep. I'm sobering up."
The two of you moved to lie beneath the duvet, pulling it right up beneath your chins to stay warm.
"You talk too much when drunk." You mumbled.
You felt his chuckle rumble in his chest. "You're pouty when drunk."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not!"
"Look at you being adorable."
He'd lightly pinched your cheeks and jiggled them, making him burst into giggles.
You pushed his hands away. "I'm not adorable! I'm a badass!"
"I would be convinced if it weren't for your slight slur."
You slapped his chest and turned away from him. "Fuck you. I'm going to sleep."
You huffed and used the light streaming in through your open curtains to find your Kookie bear. You clutched him to your chest and buried your nose into his fur.
Jungkook wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you back against him.
"Goodnight, Yeobo.”
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List Of Chinese Side Dishes
However today with in-laws being doctors this is something that we all have a good laugh over. Like Joyce, I went ahead and used a sweet chili dipping sauce that I had in my pantry, but I have included the recipe for Diana Henry's homemade chili dipping sauce below. As a sauce or drizzle, Asian butter combines oriental flavors with favorite main dishes. It is easy to find chicken curry ingredients in Asian grocery stores or large general stores. But, there are a number of other recipes that can be simply made without using high-priced ingredients. So I spent last week developing recipes for the Super Food Ideas feature (which comes out in early February – I’ll share more about that when the issue is released!). Flight leaves Taipei at 3.55PM, so we still had a few hours to spare in the morning which we spent eating and doing last minute shopping at Ximending. Chopping the leaves is easier if you roll them up first and then slice across them. This step is required to make juicing the ginger easier.
In this free video cooking class, learn how to make a traditional pot sticker soup and a Ginger slaw dish. An entree is obviously bigger than a side dish or appetizer so if you are serving a vegetable entree it needs to be satisfying. Sauces that complement this vegetable dish are curry, Szechuan or garlic and sesame stir-fry. Cakes taste great when Fresh Fruits are used and popular chooses are Bananas, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, amongst others. The Southeast Asian food is a great fusion of flavors, which are obtained from many different parts of Asia and the world. It is not that spices are only used in Indian and Asian cuisine. While you can easily obtain ready mixed spices in most supermarkets or Asian speciality shops these days, you get a fresher, more authentic taste when you mix your own. Getting an ideal and comfy Asian cruise isn’t tough. I am always a fan of Asian flavors, and I’m always looking for different proteins to use for dinner besides chicken and beef.
While all of the above look AMAZING, I’m thinking that we’re missing a little green. St. Stephens Green is the heart and soul south of the river, and really buzzes at lunchtime in Dublin, while the up until recently well kept secret of the Iveagh Gardens is now widely known as one of Dublin’s gems. Learn how to make braised pork with green salsa in a slow cooker for dinner in this fast how-to video. Traditional kimchi can take several days to make. If you can't find falooda sev or just want to make your own noodles, here is a recipe for the noodles on food blog Shital's-Kitchen. This ice cream-like dessert is dense and creamy, creating a frothier falooda more like a milkshake. And like halo-halo, you can even add a scoop of ice cream on top of it. Alternative here are my top ten. Having said that, some men and women are deprived of this due to the fact they cannot take pleasure in what they cook particularly those that are on a diet, or a bodybuilder who is preparing himself for a competition.
Indian sweets are so versatile that confectioanry such as 'mithai' and 'jalebi' are boxed as gifts at auspicious occasions as well as served as dessert items. Even though seafoods is typical in Thai food prep, visitors will even get meals made from ground beef, pork and chicken as well. The cloth might occasionally need to be pulled tight again if 1t begins to sag, otherwise the batter will form a pool and be too thick. You also need some salt for flavoring and the nori seaweed which will serve as the covering or plaster of the ball of rice. Note: Brown rice was used but white rice will work just fine. In America you will find a Chinese restaurant in every US City because the food is versatile and affordable. Food with less salt or no salt is being preferred across the world by people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Now is the perfect time to take a long breather. Keep your marinating time to 30 minutes or less, and you'll reap the benefits of a marinade without sacrificing quality.
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