#we threw out the spaghetti bc i didn't know the other jar was there
lunapwrites · 2 years
today has been weird both in good ways and in not good ways.
but for your daily pro tip: if you eat pasta somewhat regularly and do not always finish all the sauce the first time, just... make yourself a little bowl of leftovers with the remainder and don't leave the jar in the fridge. because the jar goes to jar purgatory and suddenly you have two identical jars in the fridge and you KNOW you just put one in yesterday but the other is weeks old and while your partner knows which is which (because he moved it) neither of you can be sure which one you actually grabbed and you just end up having to throw the spaghetti in the trash because literally why did you not throw out the other jar when you saw it babe. jesus christ.
anyway yeah just save yourself the headache and uh don't do that. or write dates on them. consistently.
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