#we stopped talking yeeeears ago but still
merryvrismas · 2 years
i don’t like being in your early 20s because someone you went to high school with will get married and your first reaction is “wtf they’re too young for that” and then you remember. 23 is a perfectly normal and acceptable age to get married
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andyet-here-we-are · 4 years
Happy birthday, sweetheart. May all of your dreams come true, and I wish you aaall the love and happiness in the world, all of which you deserve.
I feel so lucky to have you as my friend, @3tothe1​ . You’re the raddest person ever 💜 (btw, if there are any Bill Hader fans on my blog, they should follow her because her blog is rad just like her~)
I hope you like your first gift! ^^
…and I hope life gives you daffodils soon.
I love you so much.
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Richie The Daffodil by Moreid
Richie gives Eddie flowers more than twice a week, and at one point their home is one week away from looking like an actual garden. There are flowers EVERYWHERE, so Eddie tells his lover that he should stop giving him flowers.
Being the stubborn man he is, Richie doesn’t stop.
Words: 1,652  Chapters: 1/1 
Richie loves flowers.
He loves how beautiful they are, loves the way they smell, the way they brighten up the room, and more importantly: he loves giving Eddie flowers.
Eddie teases with Richie for it every time, because  “Flowers? Seriously? Since when you got that sappy?”
The truth is: he finds this really romantic and adorable. He blushes like crazy every time Richie shows up with flowers in his hands. That’s one of the reasons why the taller man keeps giving his boyfriend flowers, he loves to make him blush, and the way his eyes light up like a kid who is watching the fireworks for the first time.
But the thing is, Eddie is the one who takes care of them, and he cares about each of them because Richie gave them to him, dammit! He just can’t let them root, and even though sometimes he dry them in books, he can’t simply dry all of the flowers.
Richie gives him flowers more than twice a week, and at one point their home is one week away from looking like an actual garden. There are flowers EVERYWHERE, so Eddie tells his lover that he should stop giving him flowers.
Being the stubborn man he is, Richie doesn’t stop.
About a month later, Richie is away for a week because of his stand-up shows.
On the fifth day, when Richie calls Eddie -it’s Sunday and morning for him, but Eddie knows it’s almost midnight in where Richie is- Eddie answers the call as soon as he hears it.
It’s a video call, but the other man turns off his camera immediately before he can even get the chance to see him, and Eddie can’t help but worry. Because since when Richie turns off his camera when he is away?
“Why did you turn your camera off?” he asks, a little frown appears on his face. “And why you sound-”
“Didn’t want ya to catch me doing things that got me on Santa’s Naughty List, baby,” Richie jokes, because of fucking course he would try to brush off the fact that he sounds terrible.
“Richie, what happened?”
“Nothing. Just missing you.”
Eddie sighs before he says: “I know. I know you do. I miss you, too, baby. But you sound so… Off. So I’m asking you once again, what happened?”
Eddie thinks Richie will make a joke again instead of telling him what’s the problem, but Richie surprises him after a moment of silence as he says “It was so damn crowded today, and I couldn’t sleep well last night and it’s just- that’s so stupid, never mind me.”
“Can we just- like, not do this right now? Let’s talk about you.” Richie lets out a yawn, “Tell me about your day?”
Eddie doesn’t force him to talk, because he knows that he eventually will when he wants to talk about it, let it be ten minutes later or when he gets back home two days later. So he talks about his day -well, more like his morning- giving him all the details.
Eddie can wait.
About fifteen minutes later, the only thing that comes from the other end of the line is his boyfriend’s soft snores, and Eddie smiles to himself slightly. He doesn’t want to end the call, there’s a good chance Richie will have a restless sleep tonight, and even if Eddie can’t be next to him physically, his voice can be there at least, in case he has nightmares.
So, he keeps talking.
And if he says  "Fuck work, I’m staying home today,“  no one has to know.
At one point he finds himself in their living room, not really surprising when you consider that he’s the type of person who paces around like crazy when he is on the phone. Or when he is overthinking things. Once he realizes that he is pacing, he stops, then settles on one of the ridiculously comfortable black chairs that stands in front of their window.
"I never told you that, but… I named one of the flowers  ’Richie’.  That pretty daffodil you gave me two weeks ago,” he starts, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Sometimes, okay okay, more like every time  you are not around, I talk to it,” Eddie admits, “…it reminds me of you.”
“Do you know what they symbolize, Richie?” he asks, pausing as if Richie will answer at any second before he decides to continue again:
“They symbolize a new beginning. Rebirth. I wonder if you knew that when you got them. Probably you didn’t, though. Did you? There could be a flower which meant  'I hope you go to hell, dickface ’ for all I knew and you would still get it for me just because you thought it looked beautiful,” Eddie lets out a chuckle.
“Anyway. What I’m trying to say is… You, Richie Trashmouth Tozier, are my daffodil. You gave me a new beginning and, I feel like… I feel like after all these loveless, dull, meaningless years… I was born with you again.”
He doesn’t notice that the snores had come to a stop.
“Geez, Eds. And you say  I am  the sappy one,” There comes a gravelly voice, and one very sleepy, but also happy looking Richie greets him on his screen.
His first reaction is murmuring a soft  "fuck"  as if he is caught doing something wrong, which makes the taller man laugh.
“…how much of it did you hear, you sneaky bastard?” He asks after a moment, pink spreading through his cheeks down to his chest. Not only he is embarrassed because Richie probably heard all of it, but because after all these years, that laugh still does things to him.
He can swear that Richie’s laugh is the most wonderful sound in the whole world.
“Just a moment ago you were telling me that I was your daffodil, and now you are telling me that I’m a bastard. Wow, Eddie Spaghetti, you wound me.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“I thought you hated flowers,”
“I never said that I did.”
“Oh, you sure ‘bout that?  'Stop with the flowers, motherfucker. I hate these fuckin’ flowers, fucker!’ ” Richie imitates, “You were  literally  turning into a cute, midget version of Samuel L. Jackson whenever I gave you flowers.”
“I- Don’t talk like that in front of it. Flowers are affected by the way we talk,” he demands, and a wave of regret washes him over immediately after.
Richie will never let him live it down, will he?
“Now you’re just being a hypocrite. You are not exactly Mary Poppins either, ya know. And one more thing, I am affected by the way you talk to me either, but that doesn’t stop you from breaking my heart. Oh wait, I don’t have one.” Richie yawns:“ ’t was stolen from me yeeeears ago.”
“Go back to sleep, Rich,” Eddie tries, even though it’s not likely that he will listen.
“Sleep is for the weak,” claims the other man as he props himself up on his elbows on the hotel bed. “It’s overrated.”  
“Your sense of humor is overrated.”
“Ouch. That one hurt, Eds,” Richie brings one hand over his heart, feigning offense “that one hurt.”
“I’m not gonna apologize for speaking the obvious.”
“You’re the meanest robber ever. Remind me why I’m dating you again? I should seriously reconsider my choices.”
“Because you love me, dickwards. And no one can love you more than I do.”
That brings a smile on Richie’s face.
“Yeah, that’s also true.”
“Did you just say  'also’ ? So you  do  accept that your sense of humor is shit.”
“At least I have one. Can we maybe get back to the moment you were admitting your undying love for me?”
“Nope,” Eddie refuses, popping the 'p’ “that train is long gone.”
“Damn, I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”
“But we all know that keeping your mouth shut has never been one of your strong suits.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Richie laughs again. “Hey, Eds.”
“I can’t wait to meet little Richie.”
“You’re the one who gave it to me, you already met-”
“But it didn’t have a name back then! Now it’s not the same flower once it was. Its whooole life changed when you gave it that name.”
“Also,  little Richie ? Please don’t call it that. It sounds like you’re talking about your dick. I clearly remember you referring it like that. It was a traumatic experience for me.”
Richie chuckles at that before he defends himself: “It was just that one time! I call it  'Big Richie’  now, cause ever since you came back to my life-”
“Oh Jesus, I should have never answered your call,” Eddie complains again, running a hand over his face.
“You know you love me.”
“You’re lucky I do.”
“For real, though… I can’t wait to meet Richie The Daffodil.”
“I’m sure it can’t wait to meet you properly as well.”
They both don’t say a word for a while until Richie calls his lover’s name again, Eddie only hums in response, letting his features soften.
“You’re my daffodil, too,” Richie says softly, and Eddie smiles so brightly that his eyes nearly go missing as his dimples deepen. “It’s not fair that I’m not there to poke your beautiful, adorable dimples,” he then whines, pouting like a child. “Poke them for me.”
“Leave my poor dimples alone, you weirdo,” teases Eddie, still smiling widely. “Go to sleep, and maybe you can see me and my dimples in your dream if you’re lucky enough.”
“I am lucky enough, Eddie,” Richie whispers, “I am lucky enough.”
“We are lucky enough, my love” Eddie corrects him, “we are lucky enough.”
And despite everything they both have been gone through, they mean it.
Because it’s the truth.
Because life is not always kind.
It’s not always sweet.
But if you’re lucky enough;
It gives you daffodils.
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canyonemoon · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked before
i was tagged by my loves @finewalls​ @aliensyndrome​ @princeofyorkshire​ @onlyforthebravee​ (maybe more, again i’m sorry if i forgot to like your post)
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? had a pretty turqoise one, but it got lost:( now they’re both black
2. a food you never eat? tomato in fresh form, yuck
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? cold cold cold!
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? ehhhhhhh probably doing one of these tag games
5. what is your favourite candy bar? mars i think
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? like participated? yeah i was at the national championships in swimming when i was young
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? how much my mum scared me asfdfdgd
8. what is your favourite ice cream? not to quote the god awful  minions that i’m glad we as a society eradicated, but: banana banana banana banana
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? teaaaaa
10. do you like your wallet? oh yeah!! it’s like one of those fancy push up ones, where your cards are in this magnetic little case, it’s really neat
11. what was the last thing you ate? pancakes
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? noooo, resisted the temptation!
13. the last sporting event you watched? oooof that’s tough!! probably ice skating?
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? salty, and everyone who has other kind of flavoured popcorn are heathens
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? is a text message also whatsapp? i think text text message was my dad
16. ever go camping? wayyy too many times, a lot in sweden when i was younger, and then when we go on our annual kano trip, i hate it asfdgfhf
17. do you take vitamins? yeah, iron and multivitamins
18. do you go to church every sunday? no, my mum stopped trying to get us to go yeeeears ago
19. do you have a tan? not. at. all. asfdhdhd
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? if it’s well done! chinese!
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? the few times i drink soda, i just use a glass
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? usually black trousers, but i also do jeans, and tops/sweaters/blouses = alll the colours
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? ehhhhh sometimes, but i try to stay within the speed limit (especially if there’s someone behind me that wants me to drive faster and they can’t overtake me :))
24. what terrifies you? the thought of losing my family
25. look to your left, what do you see? window and window still
26. what chore do you hate? literally get cleaning the drain in the shower away from me yikes
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? how much i love it asfdgdgd
28. what’s your favourite soda? orange or lemon
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? don’t really go to fast food places, but have gone through the drive-thru on some lazy days asfdgd
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my mum
31. favourite cut of beef? i really don’t,,, know that much about beef to say asfdgdd
32. last song you listened to? song? still by niall horan i think
33. last book you read? a book for uni asfdgdh about early christianity
34. favourite day of the week? friday or sunday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? haven’t tried, already know i failed
36. how do you like your coffee? far away from me adfdgdh
37. favourite pair of shoes? some nike shoes i think
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? i was in such a good steam! went to bed at 22-23! and then quarantine hit, now it’s like 1 asfdgdg
39. at what time do you normally get up? depends entirely on the day and when my classes are, try to be up by 9-10 tho
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i love sunsets in the summer
41. how many blankets are on your bed? back at home, two i think?
42. describe your kitchen plates? like soft in the edges, square, mint green
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? yessss, cuba vodka!!! and rosé wine
44. do you play cards? yes! especially if i win otherwise i get really annoyed quickly
45. what colour is your car? well i don’t own one, but i did talk my parents into buying one (or well, i suggested a car i’d driven while learning to drive, and they ended up liking it too), and it’s dark blue
46. can you change a tire? i know the basics, but i’ve never done it without help from my dad so i wouldn’t be able to do it alone asfdgdh
47. what is your favourite state/province? like in the us?? ehhh don’t think denmark is big enough to have anything like you understand states and provinces in the us, but i love midtjylland (from west to east)
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? i worked as waitress, and headwaitress, at a fish restaurant for two years-ish, and i loved everyone there so much
49. how did you get your biggest scar? got a tattoo baby :D
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? made pancakes for my family!
i’m gonna tag @curlyhairedprince @haznlou @finelinee @tattooedlovers @kissyhl @vilounelle @proudlarents <3
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thisislizheather · 5 years
August Actions 2019
Words cannot express… the emotions going on inside me right now.
AUTUMN IS A FEW SHORT WEEKS AWAY. This is absolutely the start of the best time of the year because it’s basically autumn eve. That’s how I treat all of early September. Last year I went a little nuts in celebrating every single day of autumn and… I want to go even harder this year. I sort of winged it last year, but this year I’ve already started planning ways to celebrate the best time of the year. I have a problem. I know. But I’ve come to terms with that, so you should too. So let me tell you what went down last month so that we can fully move into the GREATEST, PUREST TIME OF YEAR.
I watched Why Do Fools Fall In Love on Netflix and jesus christ, the dog-being-thrown-out-the-window part? WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME. Will not watch again.
I love a good summer shark/alligator/dumb movie, so we obviously saw Crawl and it was very fun. The dog was the best part. (Are you seeing a pattern here? I’M NOT HARD TO PLEASE, HOLLYWOOD.)
I forced Maya to come to a sunflower farm with me and it was lovely. Why would a person with a bee allergy want to go to such a place? I’m not well.
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I rewatched my favourite John Ritter movie Stay Tuned because it’s just something everyone should do once in awhile. Such a weird, perfect movie.
I attempted to read Samantha Irby’s book We Are Never Meeting In Real Life and I just couldn’t get into it, so I stopped. It’s weird ‘cause I really enjoyed Meaty, so I don’t know what happened here. Maybe ‘cause it’s summer and I think I hate reading in the summer? Haven’t picked up a book in months that I wanted to read.
I do not need to be the one who tells you how good hazelnut Kit Kats are, but I guess that’s what I’m doing at the moment - SO GOOD.
I watched part of the new 90210 reboot and ughhhh. It’s awful. In every way. Also, Luke Perry JUST died. They couldn’t have postponed or cancelled this trash?
I watched the first season of Tuca & Bertie and it’s so, so crazy good. Absolutely love it. Thank you to Harmeet for making me watch! I was so skeptical at first, but it’s incredible. So many similarities to Broad City in its goodness.
I went to the CNE with my Mom for the first time is yeeeears and it was so nice.
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Above Photo: She did my braids, I can’t do nice braids on myself
Since Restaurant Week is always a big part of my life, I went to Park Avenue Summer for lunch earlier in the month and got the corn bread, corn gnocchi and corn creme brulee. YES, YOU’RE READING THAT RIGHT. Love a fucking cob. It was all very tasty, if not a little too corny (but that’s my fault, let’s be real). I also got the chicken and it was incredible. I’d love to be able to crisp a chicken skin as perfectly as they did.
Absolutely love this short piece about food and getting together with loved ones.
I got a Fanta Apple from the new section at Square One and holy shit, it was delicious.
I saw Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark with Layla and it was so good! I’ll have nightmares from this image.
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And now you will too!
I made this hot honey salmon and if salmon weren’t such a disgusting fish, this would be a killer recipe. (And if you actually enjoy salmon, this really is great.)
I finally watched the rest of the new Black Mirror episodes and I stand by my thoughts that the Striking Vipers one was the best one of the season. Smithereens was okay and all, I’ll always love a Topher Grace. The main actor (Andrew Scott) did a great job, too. And the Miley Cyrus one was just okay? I don’t understand why that’s the common favourite of the season. It’s average, at best.
Favourite thing I’ve bought this summer: this jumpsuit with lace from Zara. 
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before, but I love reading the (monthly?) Grub Street Diet columns from New York Magazine. They profile different (semi-known, sometimes-famous) people and what they eat in the span of a few days. I mostly love it for recommendations of good things to eat around New York, but also I love hearing about what people do for snacks and routine meals.
Someone buy me this Danny Meyer Chocolate Cream Pie. Please.
I watched all of On My Block on Netflix and it’s so, so good (thank you, Marla!). I’m an idiot for not watching it sooner. My favourite character is definitely Jamal, I love the florist with the gnomes, and the musical choices are phenomenal. Such a great show. If you haven’t seen it, I’d describe it as a modern day coming of age story set in South Central LA inspired by The Goonies. SO GOOD.
Did you know that eating tomatoes helps prevent colon cancer? Did not know. I’m forcing Nathan to eat them now, enough of this “I don’t like tomatoes” shit. Not standing for it anymore!
I went to two weddings this month, which were both beautiful. LOVE a wedding.
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I tried the seasonal tomato gelato at Il Laboratorio Del Gelato and it was rough. I did taste the corn gelato and that one was actually pretty good, I should’ve gotten that one. This was my first time here and my main thought: it has a horrifying interior. Like if Patrick Bateman ran an ice cream shop.
Lately I’ve started shopping more at small businesses and less at chains. Partially because these places will disappear if I keep doing what I’m doing and I hate that idea. So no more writing/drinking at Starbucks. No more books from Amazon. No more crazy cheap dish soap at Dollar General. No more plants from Home Depot. Enough of this shit!
Nathan and I celebrated our ten year anniversary and went to Vermont (again, haha) and I did a full post on it, so take a look over here if you like. While we were away, we did rewatch the first It (still great), Sleeping With The Enemy (always a favourite of mine) and The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (which is even better than we remembered, SUCH a good movie). Also, if you enjoy Instagram stories of vacations as much as I do, I posted our whole Vermont one on my Instagram. 
This sounds like a broken record, but I did Nathan’s podcast again! We talked about our relationship and why we think it works, etc. etc. Very self-indulgent stuff here, guys.
So you know how I tried and loved that chocolate dessert hummus a few months ago? TRADER JOE’S IS RIPPING IT OFF & has made their own version. For two dollars. Now look, I know companies get ripped off all the time by bigger corporations who steal the idea and make their own… but fuck. This fucking sucks. I first heard and tried dessert hummus because of seeing it on Shark Tank (the company is Delighted By Hummus) and I want to say that they invented the idea, but I can’t say for sure. I hate this.
Some things that I’m looking forward to this month: I’m SO excited to see It: Chapter Two, possibly planning out details for a trip to Salem, finishing up the last of the summer things to do list, I’ve gotta find something new and good to read, there are so many photos that I love from visiting my family/friends this summer so I might do a photo post solely of my favourite ones, finalizing my AUTUMN THINGS TO DO list, and I’d really love to pack away all of my summer clothes at some point this month to make room for the gazillion sweaters I’m waiting to wear.
If you’ve got any interest in reading last month’s roundup, go on over here!
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