#we stan grumpy regulus
iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches
i have 0 ideas and 0 motivation so hopefully writing this will help
In other news I have my first softball game on monday so yay I'll lyk how it goes, our team is pretty good so I'm confident we'll do well but you never know 🤷‍♀️
I can't remember if I've written something like this before but if I have here it is again (and yes I'll write something including the girls soon I promise)
So yeah enjoy
James had easily snuck into the slytherin common room even though he didn't necessarily need to sneak in because Regulus has given him the password, but he enjoyed the thrill of sneaking around unseen.
He crept up into the familiar dorm room that belonged to Regulus and his mates but stopped when he heard raised voices.
"..eah I tried banging shit around! No it didn't work!" He heard Barty yelling at presumably Evan.
James grinned, immediately recognizing what situation they were yelling about. He slipped the invisibility cloak off and jogged up the stairs, knocking twice before entering.
"What do you want- oh, hey James." Evan waved from the bathroom, a toothbrush stuck in his mouth.
"Hey Evan, Barty." James nodded. They hadn't meant for Barty and Evan to know about his and Regulus' relationship but had inevitably gotten caught and confessed.
Even though they hadn't planned for the two to know, it benefitted them alot with the two trouble makers knowing. One they were excellent at keeping secrets (especially from Sirius), two they could tell James the password if he needed it or be a distraction so he could slip in through the door.
Three it made James job of getting in and not waking the other two a whole lot easier because if someone was coming in at 12 am they knew it was James going over to Regulus' bed, probably to fuck.
"Is he still not awake?" James motioned to the lump that was Regulus, laying in his bed.
"Yes." Both Evan and Barty said, James snickered.
"Have you tried-"
"Before you ask anything, yes. We've tried everything." Barty sighed. "We've tried banging, we've tried threats, we've tried litterly dragging his arse out of bed but he just crawled back in." Evan nodded in the background.
"He knows he's gonna be late, right?" James smirked when the other two nodded again.
"If he doesn't I'm gonna kill him." Barty snarled.
"How could he not? We've practically screamed it at him for the past half an hour." Evan grumbled.
James thought for a moment. A story about Regulus that Sirius had told him a while ago popped into his head.
"Don't worry about him, I got it." James answered them after a minute or two of silence. The other two exchanged incredulous looks before shrugging.
"Alright mate, it's your funeral." Barty patted him on the shoulder. "Good luck." They chuckled before walking out, not wanting to be late to class themselves. It was already too late for breakfast which Regulus wasn't going to be pleased about. James swore Regulus was deadly before he'd had his coffee.
"Rise and shine, love." James said in a sing-song voice. "You're gonna be late for class if you don't get up now." The only reply he got was some grumbles from Regulus but no movement whatsoever.
James crawled into his bed, cuddling on top of him which was kind of defeating the purpose of getting him out of bed but James couldn't not take the offer to snuggle with him. Cuddly Regulus was a rare sight to see.
"If I ask nicely will you get up?" James practically pleaded. Regulus shook his head no, his messy hair fluffing up even more as he did. "Alright, you asked for this."
James moved his hands to squeeze Regulus' sides, a sharp squeal forcing its way out of his sleepy boyfriend. Reggie's hands immediately flew down to grab James' wrists and pull them away from his torso. Regulus squirmed away from James but didnt get far since James was laying on top of him.
"Do I hear some giggles?" James teased once he heard Regulus give in and let out some muffled giggles. He switched his tactic, not swirling fingers into his sides and belly which seemed to be getting more laughter and squirms out of him.
"Jahahames, st-stohop!" Regulus squeaked. James gasped in mock surprise.
"He's alive! Honestly, I thought I was just tickling a dead body for a second there."
"Just sto- James tHE RIBS ARE OFF LIMITS!" Regulus laughed into his pillow, his feet now kicking behind James as well. He pinched up and down Regulus' ribs, a sweet spot on James as well.
"Will you get up and out of bed if I stop?" James murmured into Regulus' ear as teasingly as he could.
"Yehehes!" He instantly stopped, rolling off of Regulus and standing up.
"I'm glad you said yes," James said as he watched grumpy Regulus look for his uniform, each piece of it scattered around the room, "because you've got ten minutes to get ready and be in transfiguration." He grinned at Regulus' shocked look before walking out with a wave.
"See you there!" He laughed.
Hope you liked
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aidanchaser · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Everyone Lives AU
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