#we sort of know there were at least two simili factions
randomnameless · 1 year
About the nabatean language post...
I've always thought nabateans and agarthans had their own language which were forgotten by the rest of Fodlan.
Is it not tragic that the only ones who can understand you are your mortal enemies?
That's why I'm so upset at Fodlan world building - we have those two civilisations warring by proxy during an era where they're supposed to be gone, but bar two chapters we lit don't give a fig about them!
I imagine during the Shambala raid, while Seteth was fighting on the front lines, Rhea was the one who read "Viskam maintenance room" on a door, and directed the army to go there to pull a switch - ditto for Thales who told Supreme Leader the word/how to spot the "Golem activation button" in the Holy Tomb if she needed to desactivate them when Flamey and Metodey would be pillaging Nabatean tombs.
(being older, maybe Seteth knows more "agarthan" than Rhea, but would have thought the room identified as "freezer" would just be a normal freezer, and not the Nemesis'n'Dudes resting place!)
I still like the idea of humans knowing some bits of Nabatean language through old scriptures of the Church of Seiros when Agarthans never shared their culture with anyone else, from an era where Seiros wanted to share Nabatean language and thought she could, one day, live with humans without hairdye - to the modern CoS completely dropping it, showing how Rhea is closer to the Agarthan mindset, humans and Nabateans cannot coexist/cohabit in Fodlan (but maybe that'll change when Sothis will return) - Agarthans believe they don't need to share their culture with beasts, and refuse to cohabit/coexist with them.
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