#we should have never reconcilled after highschool tbh
staarknaked · 6 years
Sometimes, you have to look at somebody who was once your friend and ask yourself, am I really going to miss anything if I cut you out of my life? And when the answer is "no" you get to think back to when it started to go that way and think, wow I put up with this bullshit for a stupid amount of time.
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mirioho · 2 years
Hey, knb anon here, I finished reading all replace plus today and I wanna thank you for the link! And also I wanna ask you, what's your favorite chapter of replace plus? And I need to talk about the parallels between Aomine when he told Kuroko "there's no unnecessary player" and when Kagami told Kuroko "there's no such thing as a useless effort" it made me really emotional but also sad because Aomine really did change a lot :( and that chapter where Himuro and Kagami go on an adventure made me wanna ask you cause I often thought about this headcanon: if Kagami and Himuro were to fight again (after reconciling the first time), what do you think they would fight about? Tbh maybe it's my bias showing, but I think at some point, Himuro's jealousy toward Kagami will definitely drive a wedge between them like even if he can suppress it for some time I think those kind of feelings never truly leave so imo that's probably in relation to what they would argue about but I wanna hear your take on this
Hi hi knb anon :D it was no problem!! My favorite chapter or I should say chapters would be the Seirin training camp at the mountain where they had to do a test of courage. I'm a big fan of horror so to see knb mixed with that was super fun and interesting to read. Kiyoshi especially was so fun to see more of in the Seirin chapters tbh. He's always so hilarious I love him afsgsjdhdj
Aaaaaa aomine and kagami in general parallel each other a lot. It's even stated that kagami reminds momoi and kuroko of how aomine used to be. But also it really is tragic how aomine used to be the one encouraging kuroko wholeheartedly and openly to then discarding him as his shadow and partner. For kuroko, aomine had inspired and supported him continuously, believing in him from the start, so to lose someone like that without being able to do anything for so long must've hurt so bad. I do think kagami would've ended up the same way if he and aomine switched places tbh. They're so alike especially when it comes to basketball and how they feel towards it. I mean we even start off the series with kagami also searching and hoping for exciting opponents much like aomine because so far he hasn't been all that impressed with Japanese basketball. I do think he's not as arrogant as aomine simply because while their experiences so far had been similar they were different enough that kagami doesn't go around believing he is the best but instead goes around wanting to become the best.
Ooo as for this tbh I wanna believe in Himuro's maturity so I don't think his jealousy would drive them apart like it did the first time. But i do agree it would come up again and cause some disturbances in their relationship here and there. Not in big ways though since I think Himuro has accepted the difference in ability between himself and Kagami. Having challenged him properly and losing to him properly has settled that. However since they are still young and sibling-like rivals I can imagine that even if he's accepted it it would still frustrate him from time to time. Which would lead to some conflict for sure but I'd like to believe they'd handle it a lot better. They're brothers for life in my eyes so I think there will come a point where Himuro moves past the jealousy completely. But during highschool I think he'll channel that frustration he feels from time to time into training and practicing
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