#we saw THREE!!!!! one of which I got to CATCH!!!!! i'm so sexy and cool.
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ratcandy · 6 months ago
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manic-wentz · 4 years ago
Can I Help You Groom Them
Pairing: Destiel
Warnings: Gay sex, blow job, Dean not getting any, wing!kink, friends to lovers
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I couldn't stop watching Cas. I didn't know what it was about him that was making me feel this way, but the concentration on his face was amazing.
"Hey, Cas?" I asked softly.
He looked at me with those huge innocent eyes that he has and I swear I almost moaned. "Yes, Dean?"
"What are you thinking about?"
"I haven't groomed my wings in a few months and I was considering doing it now but I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
I thought about that. "It wouldn't make me uncomfortable. I actually want to see them."
He looked astonished. "Would you really?"
"Okay. I'll have to remove some of my clothing. Would that make you uncomfortable, Dean?"
Keep it cool, Winchester. "No, of course not, Cas."
He locks eyes with me, seemingly making sure that I meant that. But of course I did. He was Castiel.
And so our own personal angel, took off his trench coat, tie, and dress shirt, leaving his surprisingly muscular chest. I wasn't really expecting that.
The focused look on his face returned and within seconds a pair of beautiful black wings sprang into existence. I was rendered speechless.
Cas looked concerned. "Are you okay, Dean?"
I mentally shook myself. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm fine. I was just a bit awestruck by them. They're beautiful, Cas." I hesitated. "Uh... can I help you groom them?"
Cas once again looked astonished. "You would really like to help me?"
"Why does that surprise you?"
"I just wasn't expecting you to see them the way you do, I suppose." He looked at me and smiled. "We should go to my room, though." I didn't question this.
When we got in he sat down on his bed, and I clambered up to sit behind him.
"Will you teach what I need to do to groom them?" I asked
His smile returned. "Of course."
He took my hand and lead it to the feathers at the top of one of his wings and let me go just before I touched it.
"Just use your fingers to comb through the feathers and straighten them out."
I nodded, even though he couldn't see me because he had already turned back around. I lightly brushed my hand across the top of his right wing, just trying to see if they were as soft as they looked. I barely had a second to comprehend that they were before I heard Cas groan. I immediately became concerned.
"You okay, Cas? Am I hurting you?"
"You are fine, Dean. They're just a little sensitive is all. You may continue if you wish."
And so I began to rake my fingers through them, but it didn't take long for me to notice that Cas was groaning again. At this point I had decided that I would simply trust him to tell me if i was hurting him.
I stopped. "Yeah, Cas?"
"Your fingers are too dry. There is a gland at the base of each wing that should be secreting oil to help you groom them."
"Okay." I felt around for them and found them, and as he had said, they were definitely leaking. I gathered up some of the oil and began to apply it to his wings, but then he did something I wasn't expecting. He moaned. Loudly. I only paused for a second, then decided that playing it off would be the best move in this situation. I continued applying the oil, and I could tell that something was happening in his head, but I didn't want to stop.
Once I got to the downy feathers at the base, he gave a particularly loud moan and whirled around faster than any mere mortal could. I must have looked shocked, because I saw regret flood his face.
"I'm so sorry, Dean. I've just never let anyone else groom them before, and it's giving me these feelings. It doesn't feel the same as whenever I do it."
"Is it bad?" I asked tentatively.
He smiled again. "No, it's not, Dean. It feels really good."
I began my work on the second wing after he had turned back around.
"So, you said it feels good," I started. He nodded his agreement. "Feels good how?"
For a second I thought I had crossed a line because he didn't say anything. Just as I was about to apologize, he spoke.
"Look down, Dean."
I was confused. "Down where?"
In his profile, I saw him blush. "My pants, Dean."
I looked down and saw the obvious strain in his dress pants. I was surprised. I didn't I would ever be able to do anything that would turn on the angel.
"Do you want me to help you with that, Cas?"
He stopped moving for a second. "I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with."
I almost laughed. "That wouldn't make me uncomfortable, Cas. Just let me finish this wing."
He nodded, and after I had finished to Cas's satisfaction, he turned around to face me. I had about half a second to comprehend this before he roughly pressed his lips to mine. I was surprised for that exact same amount of time before I kissed him back. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip, wordlessly asking for his permission to enter. He granted it. I got the feeling he wasn't very familiar with the idea of gay sex. I flipped him over on his bed so I was on top. I could feel him hardening against me, but I wanted to see just how turned on I could get him, since I had wanted this since I first saw him.
And so, the first thing I did was slide my tongue against his. I felt him groan into the kiss as I began to explore every corner of his mouth with my tongue. But that wasn't all I had planned to get him worked up. Continuing my work in his mouth, I also reached behind him and gave the feather a slight, experimental tug. It seemed to have the desired effect on him, because he pulled back to mewl a bit while he bit my lower lip. I couldn't stop the slight moan that escaped me at the feeling of it.
He started to unbutton my flannel, and I helped him with the last few buttons. I shrugged out of it once we finished unbuttoning it. He didn't even pause to think before he pulled my undershirt over my head. I decided that I rather enjoyed Cas when he let go a bit.
It astonished it me a bit when we fought to get the others pants off first. Finally, Cas used his grace to remove every other article of clothing between us, never breaking the kiss that we had restarted at some point after he had gotten my shirt off. I could feel his hardness against my thigh, and I ran my hand down his chest to grip it in my hand and slowly stroke it. I pulled back to see his face while I did this, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. His head was tilted back against the duvet and I couldn't stop myself from shuffling down to settle my head between his legs.
He looked down at me with a slack jaw, but he threw his head back again when I ran my tongue over his slit. The moan he let out then was borderline pornographic, and he crossed that line when I groaned against him in response to the first one.
I adored the look on his face when I teased him, but I couldn't wait to see it when I made him cum.
And so, I decided that I would. At first. I only took the tip in my mouth. I gave one hard suck and reached around to tangle my fingers in his feathers. He moaned so loud that he practically screamed. I had to pull off for a second so that I could bite his thigh. Once I was sure that I wouldn't bite his dick, I jumped back up to take him in all the way until I could feel him at the back of my throat.
At that point, he was squirming around so much that I had to hold him down by his waist. I kept running my fingers through the softness of his feathers, because I couldn't get enough of the feeling of it, and it seemed like he couldn't either. He wasn't even moaning anymore, he was just gasping a lot, like he was feeling too much and he couldn't catch his breath. Occasionally, he would let out a whine, but that was only if I gave a particularly hard suck.
I could feel his legs shaking, and I knew he was close. There was one more thing I wanted him to do before he got to that point. I pulled off.
His head shot up to look at me.
"What is it, Dean?"
I cracked my best shit-eating grin. "You close, Cas?" Like I didn't already know.
"Yes, Dean," he practically growled at me.
"You wanna cum, Cas?" I purred at him.
He just glared at me.
"Use your words."
He did growl this time.
"Yes, Dean."
I hummed against his inner thigh.
"Beg for it."
His breath hitched in his throat, all of his anger disappearing.
My smirk grew deeper. "You heard me. Beg for it."
He let out a little whine. "Please, Dean. Please, finish this."
I chuckled darkly. "Little more, Cas. Come on, I know you can do it.
He let out a louder whine. "Please, Dean." I tugged on some of his feathers, causing him to damn near scream. "Ugh. Please, Dean, PLEASE!" That's more like it, I thought to myself.
"Oh, and, uh, one more thing, Cas."
He whimpered.
"Look at me when you cum." I locked eyes with him to let him know that I was serious. He nodded frantically.
As I went back to where I was, sucking off a desperate sounding Cas, I reached back behind him to begin stroking his feathers again, making his hands shoot to my hair and these sexy, wanton noises to leave his mouth, not even meaning to let me know how close he was. I watched his head drop back against the duvet again, but I had my rules. I untangled one of my hands from his feathers to tap on his stomach to get his eyes back on mine. They seemed more blue than usual, but that was probably because his pupils were practically pinpoints from how close he was. They were glassy, but they could still see me and comprehend everything I was doing, that much I could tell. With his eyes back on me, I returned my hands to his feathers, tugging hard to get him over the edge as fast as I could.
When he came, it was glorious. His eyes widened, his mouth went slack, he barely managed to keep his eyes on me, but he did, he was alternating between panting, whining, and moaning my name. His seed shot down my throat in a total of three bursts, after which he pushed me off of him and let his head fall back as he dealt with the aftershocks. I crawled up to him to kiss his forehead and actually, literally pass out before he was even done, because blow jobs make me exhausted. Can't say I regret it though. I'm glad Cas let me help him groom.
Tag list: @fanddoms4love @draco-slytherin-malfoy @lucifers-golden-bitch-apparently (u don't HAVE to reblog dude.)
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babygirlkiki1016 · 5 years ago
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Dead in the water
Me and Dean sat on the edge of the bed like two teenagers in trouble as Sam was pacing the room, trying to think on what he should say. Finally he stops and looks at the both of us with his arms crossed.
"So let me get this straight, you tell her you wanna wait till she's eighteen but then you decide screw it?"
"....Sammy-" Dean begins to say but Sam cuts him off.
"Dean if your gonna be with her then you can't have sex till she's eighteen."
"Your ove- wait...what? So hold on your ok with this?"
"Yeah, I mean it was gonna happen sooner or later. It's hard for you to stay away from a beautiful lady anyways." I blushed at Sam's comment.
"Well that's new." Dean mutters and he grabs a lock of my hair, making me look over at him.
"Your hair it's pink and purple."
"So two emotions at once? I'm guessing pink is love....and purple is fear. So your nervous and feeling loved at the same time!" Sam grabs his laptop and begins taking even more notes.
"Aren't you guys afraid if me?....I mean this isn't normal, don't you guys think I'm a monster or something?" I wondered, was I a monster? Is this what happened to me years ago? Is this what dad was talking about, about how he didn't trust John because...something happened to me?
"Well you certainly have powers, but you can't control it besides you don't know what's going on."
"And you haven't killed anyone." Dean adds.
"But why is this happening now? When I was at home none of this was happening....maybe I should call dad..."
"No, we can't risk him finding us, the next time you call him he'll probably be ready....and I don't want you to go..." Dean admits, while scooting closer, I could tell he wanted to kiss me.
"You two get a room! Wait no, don't do that." Sam laughs, "Alright love birds we need to get back to the subject at hand." He starts researching about the case we're working on, Dean was still staring at me. "Dean!" Sam yells, catching his attention. "Day dream later, work now, you need to take Y/n to get a few things."
"Like what?" He asked.
"Tattoo, gun that kind of stuff, if she's gonna be a hunter then she needs to have the supplies."
"W-Wait what tattoo?" I stutter and Dean points to the pentagram on his chest.
"It's so we don't get possessed, don't worry I'll be there with you."
"Ok, and a gun? I mean why not just use the ones we already have in the back of the impala?"
"Cause you need your own, one that you can carry with you at all times." Dean gets up, puts his shirt back on then grabs the keys to baby. "C'mon we'll get you prepared while Sam does his nerdy thing." I chuckle and follow after him, while grabbing his hand to hold it. He didn't even question it, he pulled me in and kissed my lips, making me yearn for more. Sadly the kiss didn't last long, if we stood there any longer Sam probably would've come out. When we got in the car, the whole drive to the tattoo parlor we were jamming out to eye of the tiger. Which I was still humming it while I was sitting in the chair getting the pentagram on my (wherever you decide to put it.)
"That's a pretty good spot." Dean commented, as he sat next to me.
"Thank you." I grinned, he smiled but it slowly faltered over time, making me grab his hand, squeezing it. "You ok?" I asked worriedly.
"...What happened at the motel can't happen again." He didn't even look at me it was like he was ashamed, did he regret what we did?
"Why not?" He didn't answer, I grabbed his chin and made him face me. Sighing he scoots closer as he lowers his voice.
"Your seventeen Y/n...."
"So? We only have (how many months until you birthday.) I'm technically eighteen already."
"One I don't wanna get arrested and two, we met about about three weeks ago. Don't you think we're moving a little to fast?"
"According to Sam you bone a girl on every case, or at least try to, and your saying it's a little to fast?"
"Good point, but....I just want you to be sure this-" He points to himself, as if himself was a problem. "-is what you want."
"....You are what I want, if you weren't I wouldn't have kissed you. Although if you wanna wait....I respect your decision." That made him smile, he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, now I believe your tattoo is done." I looked down at it, it was sexy as hell. After we payed for it, we went on the road again. When we crossed over the bridge I asked Dean if we could stop to see the lake and look at the sunset. Hesitantly he agreed and pulled over, I got out excitedly. The lake was a dark blue mixed in with pink and orange from the sun, it made me sad to think it was gonna be gone soon.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Not as beautiful as you." Dean flirted making me blush as he pulled me closer by the waist. He started to lean in, those rough lips covering my soft ones.
"I thought we couldn't do this again."
"I meant almost having sex, kisses are something we can definitely do." He smirked and leaned back in again, and as his lips brushed against mine his phone rang. Angrily he sighed and answer it, it was probably Sam.
"What? No we're not!" The look on his face made me giggle as he looked over at me. He started moving his hand, pretending it was Sam who talks to much. "We'll be there in twenty minutes Sam, we still gotta get a gun. Sam, Sammy we're fine....alright we'll be there as soon as we can. Mhm ok bye."
"He's certainly a talker huh?"
"It's a nightmare on how much he can talk...now where were we? Oh yeah I remember." He pulled me back to his side. "Might as well steal as many kisses I can get before we head back to the kiss police." He smirked and smashed his lips against mine once more as his arms wrapped around me. This time it wasn't just a normal kiss, I fought for dominance, my tongue asking for entry. Biting his lip he pulled back, "Y/n keep doing that and I just might say screw it again.." As he said that he slipped from my grasp. "No I promised myself I can wait...c'mon let's get back to Sam." Sighing in disappointment I got back in the car, I guess he's really serious about this.
"I found something." Sam says as we sit next to him. "So there's the three drowning victims this year."
"Any before that?" I wondered.
"Uh, yeah." Sam has a browser window open to The Lake Manitoc Tribune. "DROWNING TAINTS ICE FISHING FESTIVAL." It says, he clicks, and another browser window comes up, again The Tribune: 12-YEAR-OLD Girl DROWNS IN LAKE, Second drowning in 6 months at Lake Manitoc. "Damn, so six more spread out over the past thirty-five years. Those bodies were never recovered either. If there is something out there, it's picking up its pace."
"So, what, we got a lake monster on a binge?" Dean jokes as he grabs a beer, he hands the both of us one.
"Dean no." Sam tries to take it away from me.
"Aww c'mon Sammy one beer won't hurt." Dean winks at me, both of the boys stare at me as I take a sip without any reaction. "See what'd I say? She's fine."
"So this whole lake monster theory." I try getting them back on track. "It, it just bugs me."
"Why?" Sam looks at me in confusion.
"Loch Ness, Lake Champlain, there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, almost nothing." Sam looks at the Tribune homepage once more.
"Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it." Sam states as he scrolls to the comments section of an article, I point to one.
"Wait, Barr, Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" I remember that name, I thought, it's so familiar. Sam reads from the page.
"Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam clicks a link, opening a new page. "LOCAL Man IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT." The picture loads and it shows a police officer with Lucas. "Christopher Barr was Andrea's husband, Lucas's father. Apparently he took Lucas out swimming. Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned. Two hours before the kid got rescued." Sam clicks the picture for a better look, then scratches his head. "Maybe we have an eyewitness after all."
"That kid must be so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over....." I felt bad, but so far Lucas is our only lead, hopefully he'll help us. We headed to the park planning to talk to Lucas who was our only witness. Kids are laughing and playing as Andrea sits on a bench and watches her kid. Who is at another bench coloring and playing with toy soldiers.
"Can we join you?" Sam asks and Andrea looks up.
"I'm here with my son." She says as I spot Lucas and so does Dean.
"Oh. Mind if we say hi?" Dean asks, and he lightly grabs my arm signaling for me to come with.
"Why are you bringing me with you?"
"Cause of he doesn't talk, then hopefully you can convince him." We approach Lucas, who's drawing a picture.
"How's it going?" Dean kneels down next to the bench where Lucas is coloring, when Lucas doesn't even look up, Dean picks up one of the toy soldiers.
"Oh, I used to love these things." Dean imitates guns and explosions, I chuckle as he tosses the toy soldier down.
"I think crayons is more his thing Dean. That's cool, besides I like to draw myself, including painting." I noticed that he has a pile of drawings on the bench. Dean takes a look, the top one is of a big black swirl, the second one is of a red bicycle.
"Hey, these are pretty good. You mind if we sit and draw with you for a while?" Dean asks, he picks up a crayon. "I'm not so bad myself."
"Oh really?" I ask.
"Yea I'm a pretty good artist."
"Mhm...we'll see." I grab a crayon and a piece of paper, and start drawing. "Can you draw a bird?"
"Oh so this is a competition? Your on."
Dean sits on the bench, picks up a pad of paper, and starts drawing. "You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something." Dean says to Lucas. "You don't think anyone will listen to you, or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake...hm?" I say, Dean sighs. "Okay, no problem. This is for you." Dean holds out to Lucas the picture he drew, it's stick figures. "This is my family." Dean points at each person in turn. "That's my dad. That's my mom. That's my geek brother, and that's me, then a little birdy in the sky-" Dean stops talking as he sees my drawing, which was a lot more detailed than his.
"I thought you could draw Dean." I giggle.
"All right, so I'm a sucky artist...." Dean waits for any sign from Lucas, hoping he would chime in but nothing. "Well see you around, Lucas." Dean heads back to Sam and Andrea, I smile, he seems really good with kids, I thought.
"Here." I place my drawing next to Lucas. "You can keep it...just know of you need anything, I'm here." Him still not responding, I make my way to the others.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since his dad's accident." I hear Andrea say.
"Yeah, we heard. Sorry." Dean says softly.
"What are the Doctors saying?" I ask.
"That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress." She explains.
"That can't be easy. For either of you." Sam intervenes.
"We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot. It's just...when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw..."
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with." Dean smiles and looks over at me, making me roll my eyes.
"You know, he used to have such life. He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish-" Andrea goes silent as Lucas walks up, carrying a picture.
"Hey sweetie, you ok?" I kneel and smile, he hands me the picture. "Thank you..." It's a picture of the Carlton house....
Me and Dean are inside the motel room, I'm sitting at the table and Dean is sitting on a bed. Sam went to the library to get some books so we were alone.
"Y/n? Here." Dean suddenly speaks, he pats the seat next to him. I slowly walk over and sit next to him.
"You ok?"
"Yeah...About earlier, on the bridge...."
"It's not that I don't want to I do trust me I do...."
"Don't apologize, it's ok I understand..." He glances over at me, his eyes showed a little bit of lust. We both started to lean, this feels wrong, I thought, but yet so right. We've only known each other for a few weeks, yet I wanted him more as his lips brushed against mine. Our lips connect, making me scoot closer but Dean pulls back again.
"We can't..." Yet he kisses me again muttering over and over one more. I slipped onto his lap, straddling him while pulling closer. Before we could possibly go any farther Sam opens the door and comes in as we quickly seperate.
"So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie." He says, unaware of what was going on.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, Sam sits across from me and Dean.
"I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead."
"He drowned?" Dean asks.
"Yep. In the sink."
"What the hell? So you're right, this isn't a creature. We're dealing with something else."
"Yeah, but what?"
"I don't know. Water wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water...water that comes from the same source."
"The lake, that's the source." I chime in. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months so whatever this thing is, it's running out of time."
"And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere." Sam says as Dean stands up.
"This is gonna happen again soon. And we do know one other thing for sure. We know this has got something to do with Bill Carlton."
"Yeah, it took both his kids." Dean growls.
"I've been asking around. Lucas's dad, Chris, is Bill Carlton's godson."
"Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit."
We left to go to the Carlton house a s spotted Bill sitting on the bench on the dock. Sam speaks "Mr. Carlton?" He looks up, wondering who we are
"We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
"We're from the, the Department-" Bill cuts Dean off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today."
"Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there? Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death-we think there might be a connection to you or your family." I explain.
"My children are gone. It's...it's worse than dying. Go away. Please." Realizing we weren't gonna get any where we decide to head back to the car.
"What do you guys think?" Sam ask.
"I think the poor guy's been through hell. I also think he's not telling us something." Dean guesses, Sam leans on the Impala.
"So now what?" I ask, Dean goes still "What is it?"
"Huh...." Dean is looking at the Carlton house. "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something. Y/n do you have the picture Lucas gave to you?" I nod and pull it out, the picture Lucas brought him, which is of the Carlton house.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." Andrea says, we decided to give Lucas another visit hoping he'd talk to us.
"We just need to talk to him. Just for a few minutes." I plead.
"He won't say anything. What good's it gonna do?"
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's happening out there." Sam explained.
"My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all."
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean looks at her, hoping she'll say yes. Silently she agrees leads us into Lucas room with Sam and Andrea behind us, he's coloring, toy soldiers standing around him. We enter and Dean crouches down by Lucas. "Hey, Lucas. You remember us?" I notice Lucas has drawn two more pictures of a red bicycle. "You know, I, uh, I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, we need your help again." Lucas is drawing a person in water. Dean opens the house picture and puts it down in front of Lucas.
"How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." He ignores Dean and keeps coloring. I slowly walk over and sit down in front of him. "You're scared. It's okay. I understand." Dean told him. "See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom...I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom-I know she wants me to be brave. Cause she taught me to be brave. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too...its ok if you don't want to, but I really need your help." Lucas drops his crayon and looks up at Dean then at me. He hands me a picture of a white church, a yellow house, and a boy with a blue baseball cap and red bicycle in front of a wooden fence.
"Thanks, Lucas." I smile, which he returns making me fill with happiness. After we left Andrea's house the three of us are standing infront of the Impala, Sam examining the church picture.
"Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died." Dean speaks.
"There are cases-going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Sam groans.
"It's all part of the process." I chime in. "Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?"
"You mean magically?" Dean asked, confused.
"Yeah, I mean he might be connected but he doesn't even know...but what does the church have to do with this?"
"I don't know, but the only problem is there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone." Sam looks at the picture. "See this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here."
"Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart." Dean comments.
"Well what about the church we passed by when we drove into town?" I wondered  which the boys thought it wouldn't hurt. So we drove to the white church shaped like the one in Lucas's picture. There's a yellow house next to the church and a wooden fence near the house. When we got to the door, I knocked and a woman answered. We told her we were FBI, at first she was hesitant but eventually let's us in.
"Im sorry to mother you ma'am, but does a little boy live here, by chance? He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle." I ask.
"No Ms, Not for a very long time. Peter's been gone for thirty-five years now." She sighs, and I notice a picture of Peter on the side table. "The police never-I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." Sam points out to Dean a number of toy soldiers on a table. Just like the ones at Luca's house, I thought, so I was right. "Losing him-you know, it's...it's worse than dying." She explained, however I felt someone staring at me, it was Dean. When we make eye contact he looks away, cheeks burning.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asks.
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up." Sweeny answers, I start to walk around and pick a picture off the mirror. There are two boys in the picture, one Peter with a bicycle. I read the back of the picture, the words made my eyes go wide. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, nineteen seventy." I mutter, after the visit with Mrs. Sweeny, we decide to go talk to Bill again. "Mr. Carlton?" Sam calls out as we walk up to the house, we hear an engine roar. We run around the house to see Bill going out on the lake in his boat. "Hey, check it out." Dean says, pointimg towards the lake. We start to run to the end of the dock, yelling. "Mr. Carlton! You need to come back! Come out of the water! Turn the boat around!"
He ignores us and keeps going, the boat was to far out, all I could see was the water rising up, making Bill's boat flip over.
After the accident me, Sam, Dean, and Jake walk in the door of the police station. Andrea looks over, "Sam, Y/n, Dean." She stands up, putting the bag and a container on her chair. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"So now you're on a first-name basis." Jake says. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you dinner."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't really have the time."
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?"
"Right now we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home." Lucas looks up and whines, looking stricken. He jumps up and grabs my arm, pulling and tugging.
"Lucas, hey, what is it?" I kneel down, it was like he was trying to get a message to me but couldn't form the words. "Lucas?"
"Lucas." Andrea calls.
"Lucas, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, Lucas, it's okay. It's okay." I say and was about to comfort him when Andrea pulls him away from me and leads him outside. He doesn't look away from me however. Jake throws down his jacket and goes into his office. The three of us follow behind. "Okay, just so I'm clear, you see...something attack Bill's boat, sending Bill-who is a very good swimmer, by the way-into the drink, and you never see him again?" Jake summarizes, Dean glances at me.
"Yeah, that about sums it up." Dean mutters.
"And I'm supposed to believe this, even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake? And what you're describing is impossible? And you're not really Wildlife Service." Dean looks surprised. "That's right, I checked. Department's never heard of you three."
"See, now, we can explain that."
"Enough. Please. The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bill's neighbors saw him steering out that boat just before you did. So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance. Or, we can chalk this all up to a bad day, you get into your car, you put this town in your rearview mirror, and you don't ever darken my doorstep again."
"Door number two sounds good." Sam says but I was about to protest.
"That's the one I'd pick." After that we left, packed our stuff an left. I was pissed, there is something happening here and we're just gonna leave? The three of us are in the Impala, waiting at a traffic light. A sign says I-43 North to Milwaukee is to the left. The light turns green, but the Impala doesn't move, after a few seconds Dean turns right.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thats what I'm wondering to. Dean, this job, I think it's over." Sam tells him.
"I'm not so sure." Dean says.
"If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest."
"All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt?"
"Deans gotta point, I don't think this is over either." I agree.
"But why would you think that?" Sam questioned.
"Because Lucas was really scared."
"That's what this is about?" Sam groans.
"I just don't want to leave this town until I know the kid's okay." Dean agrees.
"Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?" Sam chuckles and Dean glances at Sam.
"Shut up."
We arrived back at the Barr's and stood out there for at least a good five minutes.
"Are you sure about this? It's pretty late." Sam asks us, Dean rings the doorbell. At that moment, Lucas opens the door, desperately afraid.
"Lucas? Lucas!" I yell but he takes off. We follow him to the hallway, water is pouring out from under the bathroom door and down the stairs. Lucas starts pounding on the bathroom door again. Dean pushes him over to Sam and I kick in the door. Lucas grabs Dean and me, so Sam runs into the bathroom and sticks his arms in the tub, trying to pull Andrea out. She is pulled back under, and Sam is struggling, so I run over and help him out. The force is strong but not strong enough, we keep pulling until Andrea is all the way out. As soon as she's out she starts coughing up water, later Andrea is sitting in the living room, dry and wearing comfortable clothing.
"Can you tell me?" Sam asks, who is sitting next to me.
"No." She answers. Dean and I were looking through notebooks on bookshelves, to see if anything that is happening would relate to the situation.
"It doesn't make any sense." She starts crying. "I'm going crazy." She puts her face in her hands.
"No, you're not. Tell me what happened. Everything." Sam pleads.
"I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice."
"What did it say?"
"It said...it said 'come play with me'. What's happening?" Dean pulls out a scrapbook that says "Jake - 12 years old" and opens it, flipping pages. He closes it again, nudges me and we go over to Sam. He puts the book down in front of Andrea, open to a picture of Explorer Troop 37. "Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?"
"What? Um, no. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about twelve in these pictures." She moves her finger over to another picture of Jake as a child, he is standing next to Peter. Dean looks at Sam, then me.
"Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the Sheriff."
"Bill and the Sheriff-they were both involved with Peter." I muttered
"What about Chris? My dad-what are you talking about?" She asks, I look over to Lucas. "Lucas?" I call, he is staring out the window.
"Lucas, what is it?" Dean asks, Lucas opens the door and walks outside. We all follow him, he look determined.
"Lucas, honey?" Andrea calls as he stops and looks at the ground, then at Dean. "You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" Dean says and Andrea pulls Lucas back to the house. Dean and Sam presumably fetch shovels from the Impala, before they start digging. After five minutes later I hold out my hand.
"Here Sam, I'll take over, why don't you go inside?" He nods and heads inside after handing me the shovel, so now it's just me and Dean. It was silent for a little while, until I spoke. "So, we gonna talk about it?" Dean glances at me.
"About what?"
"...The kiss, that Sam sort of ruined." He laughs.
"Well uh...what is there to talk about?" He stops, making me stop as I walk over to him, lightly placing my hand on his. "Dean I...Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why kiss me? I mean do you...love me? Or is this just a fling." He goes silent for a second, but speaks.
"I don't know what I feel...however when I'm with you I'm happy..." I smile, I make him happy, I thought. "Y/n...I know your seventeen, but I want to be with you. So will you be my girlfriend?" Quickly I nod which makes a flower bloom on his features. He slams his lips against mine. He drops the shovel and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Sam clears his throat while laughing silently and we pull away, both of our cheeks red. "Am I interrupting?" I chuckle and we go back to digging as awkwardness fills the air. My shovel clanks against something, and me and Dean dig with our hands, pulling out a red bicycle.
"Peter's bike." I whisper.
"Who are you?" Jake growls from behind us, pointing a gun.
"Put the gun down, Jake." I tell him.
"How did you know that was there?"
"What happened? You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike? You can't bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried."
"I don't know what the hell your talking about."
"You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell I'm talking about." Just then Andrea runs up yelling. "Dad!"
"And now you got one seriously pissed-off spirit." Dean mentions.
"It's gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them. And it's gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's gonna take you, and it's not gonna stop until it does." I tell Jake, he scoffs.
"Yeah, and how do you know that?"
"Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton." Sam explains.
"Listen to yourselves, all of you. You're insane."
"I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of us. But if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust. Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake." Dean begs.
"Dad, is any of this true?" Andrea asks, voice shaking.
"No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous."
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me." Jake does. "Tell me you-you didn't kill anyone." He looks away in shame. "Oh my God." 
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned. We let the body go, and it sank." Jake tells us and Dean glances at Sam. "Oh, Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost? It's not rational."
"All right, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake, as far as we can, right now." Dean warns, but Andrea turns her head and spots Lucas going down to the lake, she gasps. We turn to what she's looking at, "Lucas!" I yell and I run up to the dock. Lucas is leaning over the side, reaching for a toy soldier in the water. "Lucas!" Dean yells.
"Lucas! Baby, stay where you are" Andrea yells. A hand comes up and pulls Lucas into the water. The adults have reached the edge of the lake. Jake stops as Peter's head is visible, Jake recognizes him. We keep running to the end of the dock.
"Oh my God!" Andrea yells. She takes off her jacket to jump in.
"Andrea, stay there!" I say and I jump in, I could hear Andrea trying to get to Lucas.
"We'll get him! Just stay on the dock!" Sam pleads. I could see Lucas at the bottom and I swim down there to get him. He was being dragged down, I swim faster, what I didn't understand is Lucas was let go and started floating upwards. Did the ghost just let him go? That doesn't matter, I grab Lucas and swim back to the surface. I emerge while holding Lucas, who isn't moving.
The three of us walk out of the motel, Dean opens his car door and Sam tosses a duffel in.
"Look, we're not gonna save everybody." Sam says, he was referring to Jake who died to save Lucas.
"I know." Dean sighs.
"Sam, Dean." Andrea walks up with Lucas. "Hey." Me and Dean say at the same time. "We're glad we caught you. We just, um, we made you lunch for the road." Lucas is carrying a tray of sandwiches.
"Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself."
"Can I give it to them now?" Lucas excitedly asks.
"Of course." Andrea smiles and kisses his head.
"Come on, Lucas, let's load this into the car." Dean says.
"How you holding up?" I ask Andrea.
"It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" I sigh. "Andrea, I'm sorry, if I knew-" She silences me and shakes her head.
"You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that." I smile as Dean walks up to me with Lucas.
"All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time."
"Zeppelin rules!" Lucas laughs.
"That's right. Up high." Dean holds his hand up for a high-five. Lucas obliges, grinning.
"You take care of your mom, okay?"
"All right." The both of them leave, Dean smiles and gives me a peck on the lips, then goes around the car.
"Sam, move your ass. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road."
"Yeah yeah ok." Sam chuckled as we all got in, continuing with our adventure.
The New Hunter Masterlist
@samsgirl93 @nani-gram @eliwinchester99
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years ago
I was complaining about his pictures.. I didn't like them... Not that he's not beautiful.. I just didnt like h pictures...
People say alot about "me not being there"
But his pictures... He's not there..
I've told him before...
This I watched a thousand times when he first posted it... I didn't know why or why i heard him say id taught him that on date night on accident or that it had hit me in the head..
It felt like only two of us had been there... But with the sound it made it feel like a bunch... Which made me think may Be it was a busy night or maybe we went with a group
By the time he had posted it, i had known he was in my life... But only for a short time...
So I didn't know what he meant. I thought I should message and ask him...
But I didn't. I wanted to tell myself to try.
But i didn't. I just wanted to keep watching.
At first, my reaction was the same as tonight, what a dork. Like REALLY. What a complete dork. No one think he's any thing but annoying and total dork 2 year old too hyper annoying child.
Then i watch it again. And again. And again.
And i see him. When he walks off camera. That's where he is.
It would have made sense to write him since he only appeared off camera.
But i had only seen him once.
What if he was damaged like me? I already knew i was too damaged for myself...
And so I would mess him up.... Because I always do.. I can't hold a relationship. Like never.
I get too impatient. Too angry. Too Me.
I decided to just be glad i saw him. Maybe it didn't make any difference to him and probably I'd forget in all reality. So then in the end it wouldn't make a difference if I saw him...
Now would it?
And so if I wrote him and I was too damaged then i would ruin it all. I always did. Always too much pressure on someone. Me or them.
I wasn't ready.
And I tell you. It's true. The one day I decided to try. He blocked me.
He really did. I just use another account cause fuck that shit, you're not gonna stand in my way Alex Laughlin with that giant phone in your pocket. Unblock me when you're ready. I'll just stalk you not so silently on social media.
Now we'll see about that date night we had...
Michael Jackson asked us to check on the people we sent home. He said he wanted to join the CIA and they checked and watched but he wanted to see if it were all true. Since we knew who we sent home, we should go. So we all four went.
Saint Luches and Jesse Tony went dressed like homeless beggars to see if they'd catch up with a kidnapper or protector.
And we went on a date night to a local putt-putt mini golf.
Alex was freaking out because it was an hour and a half and we hadn't seen them walk by yet. So he had us in the corner nearest where they were supposed to walk up at. He sat on a bench "not even a page" he checked his beeper.
We both knew they were in danger and they were gonna get jacked up. We knew. The plan was they were to get kidnapped. Find the kidnappers hide outs and make sure our girl's were at home, had beem delivered by the CIA. Alex didn't want to be kidnapped. He couldn't handle that. So he went with me. We never went out on date night.
"Give me your ball. You're not ruining date night"
"What? Excuse me? Our friends could be dead and you're worried about you, yourself?"
"Neither one are dead. I would know" i stacked two balls and he threw his hands up in the air. God he could be so annoying in public. I never knew. He is sitting there looking so sexy and doesn't even know. Maybe i should tell him! Strike One. Right. Then I'll get in trouble. Besides didn't I already show him with a blow job in the car? But no all he had to do was worry. That was all. Did he compliant my dress? Strike Two. Yes he did. Of course he did. He Always did. But could he tell the difference between one dress and another?
"Can you tell three difference between me and a suit? The different ones I wear?"
I looked up at him. Yeah. Of course I could. This one was blue with jeans in case he had to run. Tomorrow was black which I preferred with black jeans, again. I looked down at the ground but i was still watching him and the street from the corner of my eye. No one was coming. Not good.
He threw his hands up "not again! Not--!" He stood and pulled at his leg "these ones are blue!"
"I know that honey! I just meant--"
"Why are you whiney?"
"Just stuff."
I felt him lean backwards on me, back to back, slide down and end face up between my legs.
"Get on. Hurry before someone sees" I looked down between my legs at him. His bright blue jeans were undone
"But you're not out yet and you don't like me being on top!"
"Look again"
"Oh you're out already?! But some one could see!"
"You better hide it" i looked down the street. "They're not coming you're right they've been kidnapped. Saint Luches was already. Jesse is still waiting. Mark told me and he told me I better take care of you. Come on! Its getting cold! You're gonna freeze my thing off of me!"
"But Mark shouldn't I lay down?"
"Lets do the proper thing and lay your coat down under her. These guys in this van behind her have been watching her and you." Said Mark
"Lead the way babe! This New Orleans thing aint bad at all when you're with someone who knows how to have fun!"
"I can't ... I can't get it up ... I can't do it when some kidnappers are sitting here watching me! Now they know my face!!"
"Well they can get to know my pussy." He was looking up and i could hear a car "what? Its Jesse isn't it? What was he pointing down at?"
"Time? What? Idk!!"
"He said meet me here. He knows what to do this time and he is gonna attack the kidnappers and take the van. Quick baby get up. Someone is coming. Baby! Look at me"
"Im watching Jesse"
"I can't see. Babe. I feel the ground vibrations. You gotta get up. Babe. Honey please. Babe he's coming to you" he had no idea a kidnapper from the van was coming and the on side he had me pinned down in. I could see his shadow. I didn't know if he was using chloroform and how fast he was. He thought i was talking about Jesse in the van. No. I was talking about the people at our feet!! Not our heads.
"Why don't you trust me i can see just fine!" He looked down at me and kissed my lips and saw the shadow i saw. He looked up. There was 7 kidnappers surrounding us. He still hadn't entered me and had his Dick in his hand. But he was over me so they couldn't see. He looked me in the eyes. Slide your knee up. So I did. Carefully and zip. Then he was up in a milisecond, climbing off me, grabbing the club and swinging. What do i do? "Tuck and Roll!!"
I did away from them, the same direction he had went "Go!! Don't run!!"
He meant hide. He was fighting for the club it seemed.. One was watching and 2 were down and 2 were fighting him and one was nearby to jump in.
"You can't catch me!!!!" I ran toward him. Zig
Zag! "Hey!! You wanna piece of me?!?! I got a pretty pussy!!" I smiled and pulled at the hem of my skirt and twisted my hips back and forth.
The guy fighting him for the club.. He was sickest. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't know what a human was anymore. It was so long since he had been one. Surrounded by evil so long that's all he knew and has become.
Dam if he hadn't distracted me just enough... First i felt a light touch on my ankle, "me" "no, that's enough she can only have me dammit" my arm was grabbed roughly. I felt i was in a horror film and i was the one to die. The man sized thing had a death grip on me and blacked out teeth and a look on his eyes that passed psycho. I was scared. I checked Laughlin. He was just watching keeping cool twirling the golf club like a baton. I could hear Luches saying I said help me and Laughlin saying I said run.
"Let GO!" I yanked my arm. I spun around, bent my knees. There was 4. Shit, all eyes on me! Its time! Go! I ran toward the one i expected to grab me But didn't. Past him fast, jog past Laughlin in heels. I know he liked it. I was in heels. Extra special sauce. Slow jog so he could enjoy. Larger outer rim and super fast towards the kick. I slammed myself into the chain link fence. Ducked down a bit and tight squeeze -- heels to the side. Stand in the middle. I completed a full circle. Dodged behind the storage shed. I only had 6 inches. My ass bent the fence so i could sit a bit, taking pressure off my knees because I put my feet in toe facing toe. I was too desperate to think that step. Man I was scared
"Stay in the middle. He will come and get you. Man look at my baby I'm so proud" I heard my real mom. The one that gave birth to me.
"Mom! I'm scared! There's too many! Is he gonna be alright?"
"Mark will help he will be fine."
"Okay I'll just wait then" I looked down at my nails and picked at the cuticles.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. It was grotesque. I flinched.
"Don't you want me?" He asked leaning his head in as far as he could between the fence and shed.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. At least he looked somewhat human. He was probably the Boss. He was the one i expected to grab me. Instead he just stands around while everyone else does the work.
"They're too high to know what they're doing. They'll be alright"
"Mom my heart!"
"Every thing is alright you just need to caaalllm through it" I felt relief
I just need to look at the normal one. That will be okay..
"Are you kidnapped?"
I heard the chain link behind me I looked and he was trying to move in behind the shed. I whimpered.
"Yeah. You are young, too, I expect. I think i know your boyfriend. He work in New York City?"
I gasped "you are kidnapped! What are you doing?!!"
"They made me do it. Said if i didn't they would kill my whole family. So i pretend to be the lookout hoping someone will catch me, them, they pay me good too. Your other friend is in the van"
Alex appeared
"No!!!" I gasped and put my hand in my face as he knocked out the innocent kid "just go get the other--"
"What am I doing?"
"Kill that thing over there"
"What baby? Let's get you out of there" he leaned over to assist
"Oh my God! Watch out!" I saw the shadow loom near him
"Huh? I already hit this one! Just go the other way babe! It'll be alright"
"Oh my God. I hope so!"
"It will just do what you need to" i heard my mom's voice. "He's over here"
"I know" I was so scared to look around the corner and see the eyes of herion on the face of a psycho but I had to, I know Alex was just holding him off. Pretending to fight. I could tell.
"Now run!" My mom said
"Okay!" I was whining "to the van! I know! Right in front of me!" I felt confident. I got past the fence into the lot "oh no! There's two!"
"Just get in! That is what i was trying to tell you!" Mom said
"Okay... I... I... Okay come on door open for me!" It did it smelled like oily car parts "saint Lcuha?"
Okay get in. What? Did he say no? I could smell his cologne. I was in such a panic. My heart was failing me so bad
"Why are you putting your seat belt on for? He wants thou to drive and Don't duck"
Who? Saint Luches? I looked up and saw Alex.
"I'm hoping that other one is empty. I took the keys. Idk why. Now let's find Jesse"
It took 3 weeks to clean up New Orleans. The CIA there went bad. They said they would let people return home but if any one was on the street they were free game. The mini golf was abandoned. Gate ripped off. Cars in the parking lot but no one was there. We got the club and balls our self.
I had to go to the emergency room 4 times because of chronic heart failure.
One time All i could do was bend over and put pressure on my heart but it was too bad. Alex held my hand as he drove. He drove to the hospital, covered in kidnapper blood. Saint Luches had to carry me in. I was already gone.
They said it was heart attacks. Nurses said it was miracles. 3 heart attacks within 10 days. Massive heart failure. Dead for 9 hours one time. About t pronounce me dead but had to wait on a lawyer from NYC. A miracle they said. But I felt like shit.
Only 6 of us against 294 kidnappers, 2/3 were CIA/FBI
No one went to school or work. Only fully loaded adult vans went to stores and not many shelves had food.
The Evil was great in that town. Just East of New Orleans.
Only 294 took down thousands.
Only 6 if us it took to save them all.
We did the same thing every time. 2 homeless/hungry street walkers, sometimes prostituting.
Or 3 if I couldn't go because I was too sick, around my kryptonite heroin and kidnappers.
2 Michael Jackson and T at movie theaters, gas stations, wherever normal went. Sometimes I went with them. Sat in the back seat. Lincoln Continental. Tinted windows. Back seat window slant for privacy. They would lock the doors. I would unlock T's he would use the key or she would open. Sometimes I did both. That's when we knew I was feeling better. I had to unlock 2 doors all day at least 4 days without missing a stop without a reason. Or I had to stay in the car. I got paid. Really sick days I laid down and slept. She would go in through his side door or stay in and sit with me.
9 times I unlocked the door for a kidnapper. I was usually reading a novella. Id see a shadow, think it was her or sometimes Michael. Just unlock it auto matic ally.
The first time I ran screaming from the car when a zombie got in. And collapsed 20 feet away. I felt dumb. I tried to keep my eyes open. To see whose feet i could hear but i was dead.
T telling Michael "2 days after her 3rd massive heart attack and what's she out doing? Exercising. What the doctor say to do? Not that! You not dead yet? We're taking you to the hospital anyway. This will be no fun. Im not taking the fall for that. What was she doing anyway? Unlocking the door for that that thing. I don't blame her I would taken off running screaming too if that thing came near me. What she call them? zombie? Dam things are scary looking. And she opened the door for the scariest. Bet he could smell her sweet pussy like that other one did that scared her so bad. Said he reminded her of her dad that day when she called the police on him but worse. She said she only told me that cause she said I'm a girl and pretty and her mom was giving her a pretty hard time About it and she wondered she should be scared or not, it was pretty dam bad Michael. She had this look in her eyes that i never seen before. She's asleep now. Wuss. Wuss. But it was bad Michael im telling you. That look in her eyes. Shes never had it, it was terror. Complete terror. Wuss. Wake up wuss. She told me to call her that. Might make her angry i don't care about her feelings. Make her wanna fight me. Im her cousin. I could do that. Wuss. Wuss. She's too weak. She can't. She wants to though. She's awake, i told your secret you wanna fight me? She said no. Don't tell them other two boys tho. I already told Jess. She said i could because he's independent like her but the other two seem to rely on her and she don't want them to know. She said Jesse would know what to do and protect them for her. But if they knew how scared she was They would go berserk. But she said they would start fighting how to take care of her. She said it was good you were here tho. You could take leadership over her and they would let you. They want her safe and out of the way the most part thats what she said. Wuss. Get back in your body. I ain't putting up with that shit, she said at the hospital. Theres something happening up a head. She can't see laying down. Van! Kidnappers! She said that is the one the boys are in. She said to follow. Who is in? Oh Jesse and Alex. Saint Luches always goes alone. But Alex won't. Oh he will now? She said he knew something was wrong so he jumped in too. They're trying to figure out what. Or what to do, what is. Oh they don't know what is wrong with her. Get back in Yoir body and sit up. She said no. She's too weak just tell the boys to shove her against the window. You know they won't. They will have a dam heart attack. Sit up! You see this. She's waving her arm at and it goes up 6 inches then thump. She can't do shit. Wuss. She's just a wuss. I'm just unlocking the door for them So they can get in faster. She had a heart attack. She said collapsed she's trying but she has no rhythm. Just rub her hands and legs and feet that's what the doctor said to do. No she's been shaking her head although slightly and nodding. Nodding is clearer but she's only moving near millimeters. Aren't ya? Look! She smiled! She's lethargic. No don't try to move! Just lay there let them help your blood flow to your heart and brain"
Jesse had got in at my head. Alex at my feet. They just slid under my body. When we got Saint Luches, Jesse slid to the middle and bent me up in his lap then laid me down gently into Saint Luches lap.
Of all the people in the car, Saint Luches put his seat belt on.
Boy been thrown in the back of vans with no seats much less belts for weeks!!. Dam boy. I laughed and it killed me..at least I died laughing, i thought. Instead of of terror.
I had to stay over night. Total 9 days in the hospital. For 3 massive coronary and medium to severe heart attack, that wasnt too bad.
Im glad they diagnosed me. My mother said it was a panic attack. I told her I was sure glad she wasn't a nurse! She laughed.
She didn't die laughing, though, she was already dead.
She was right though... She wanted to become a nurse because of my heart condition. It's actually backwards when I was born. Its turned 3/4 of the way backwards now...
Apparently there's extra long tubes so it could turn all the way.
Love is the only cure. My work here isn't done.
Balls to the walls, kids.
So after that... Well the night i got out of the hospital.. My blood pressure dropped from stress, from remembering the last time i had been in the car, so T had to climb over the seat and help the blood flow to my limbs
So after that Alex decided I couldn't ride alone.
So then when i saw a shadow go to the window 2 days after my 4th trip to the hospital after 4 insane heart attacks, and everyone left me in the car alone because there was 7 vans I just unlocked the door
I wasn't really reading. I was trying but really i wss just looking at the book, listening. So when the kidnapper got in, I leaned all the way back in the seat so my head was far as possible. It exposed my chest so if he wanted to perv on my boobs there was nothing I can do. But it was better than being attacked in my spine or head. So i tried to hold the hardcover book to protect me.
I opened my car door to signal a problem.
"Don't move. Stay in the car"
I shut the door. "What is this? I think the seat belt went out" open the door. Slam. "No shit. I really did it this time" open door Slam. "Now the buckle.." Open door Slam. I saw Alex perk on the 3rd. "Now just one more..." Open door. Slam. I heard him. "I'm coming Baby" "got it. Finally" "uhhh sir? I didn't see you in here before. Did you get in the wrong car? Because I don't know yo--"
I realized if he didn't turn around then may be it was better. If I didn't see his face, I had a feeling I wanted to But I didn't know if it was curiosity or instinct. He had a hood up so when he turned his head it wasn't enough.
"Hey... Uhm.. Did you want to get something to eat? One of my friends has lots of money. Did you see her? You're in her seat. You might want to scoot over towards the middle" Alex had came and he had cracked his door open to hear. I knew we needed to find out our situation. And Alex was there. I wouldn't get So scared. If I saw a shadow behind I would just scream and point. This guy wasn't turning around for nothing. He wouldn't see me point out his friends. Of course the shadows were going the wrong direction. But if i could see i could scream, that would make my point clear. I opened up my book to steady my heart. It wzs begining to race and I had to steady it in the beginning. Just think about Alex getting in the car being safe i said to myself.
"Yeah buddy. You may just want to scoot over. Hey did you want to drive or anything? You can the car is already on." Alex climbed in the car. Shut and locked the door and began to mess with his seatbelt
"Where is the girl with the money?"
"Oh they're not coming" Alex looked at me like why did you say that for?
Idk sounded good to me. They were criminals. All criminals wanted money. I was pretty sure he wasn't going anywhere.
"But i took the money. See? I got a hunny" he pulled out a dollar bill from my purse in the floor.
"This is a one!! I need to make me some money!!" He slid over to the driver side
He doesn't even sound human i worried. Alex said he didn't look like he had any eyes.
He put the car in drive
"Alex! No!"
Alex dust busted him anyway, jumped over the seat and put it in park
"He left his clothes?!"
"Yeah. Sit up here with me"
"No I don't want too. Too much strength. Action. Movement. I can't even read. Did you know? Too much strength"
"I had a feeling. But you're smart enough to slam the door to alert me. Put your seat belt on. There you go that's nice. Thank you bunny"
He was driving around the vans looking for our friends. He turned the corner and so many shadows. He parked. They seemed to get bigger.
"Oh no! Alex! Alex!" Then I just literally screamed and covered my head, he reached back and locked my door. Moving slow and still.
"They're just buildings now. You can look"
"Oh no Alex. One just got in the car! He's sitting behind you! Alex! No! Please don't touch me! Alex! Shoot it!"
He tried to climb up the back window. Like the one the day before had when I was just with Michael and T. He laid there mimicking me. And dangling his arm off the back of the back dash. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't know if it was because i had been dead and it was Mark and my brain wasn't working proper cause the blood so i couldn't recognize. T turned around to check on me a lot and Mike checked the review mirror a lot. I knew he was driving but surely he could see if something was dangerous... But his eyes didn't acknowledge. Neither did hers.
"Your mom said i could!" He sounded hurt. In 2020 that attitude pisses me off and i kill things dead immediately, "we were in the morgue! And we were listening!! They said. They said you were scared! And we knew we couldn't kill the Queen! So i didnt turn around! And i was shot! Shot twice!"
Alex looked at me questioningly. "I don't know? If my mom said it's for a reason. I saw him yesterday and didn't tell no one"
"Thats not what i meant and i think i know that. You do, too. You're hiding something from me. Why are you sacred? Why did you let him in the car?" He said as he climbed over the seat. The last question was angry.
"Idk. You're beautiful do you know that? I love you"
"You make me want to fuck you! But I need to know what you're hiding from me, i know you do it sometimes and you haven't said one word about not working and sitting in a car being a door unlocker and you can kill, too"
"I know i can. Its just temporary until i feel better. Your eyes are so beautiful. Lets cuddle"
"Don't make me do this to you. I can't cuddle and you're sick and i know the truth"
"Oh that's okay just put your arm on the back of rhe seat and ill snuggle with you"
"No. I'm being patient with you. Don't look like i just slapped you."
"You did. Not my face but my heart"
"Fine. Lean against me"
"Take your shirt off"
"No I'm not doing that right now, honey"
"Your pants?"
"I would like to say yes but in your condition that's exerting too much pressure on your tonsils"
"What's wrong with T? She hasn't moved since you brought me over here"
"We don't know. Michael is trying to find the answer"
"You just need to shoot her. Here" i reached for the gun on his thigh near his knee
"No!!!!" He snatched it away.
"She won't die! She's not evil"
No way he was like no way
"Babe trust. Look see me. See her? She needs help. She's not like me. She can't move. Whatever hurt her is not her heart. She would have fallen over."
"Let me ask Mike"
"No let me just shoot her"
"You let one alien in the car and you want to kill our friend?!"
"I've let two."
"Oh well! And!" He was losing it.
"She's my cousin!. Trust. I know her. Something that has her is evil. Remember the clothes in the front seat? You shoved them out the door. So her. It must be alien. It must also be evil alien to do that to her. What if there's like a truck to come run her over so they can take her body. Im going to go stand next to her so i can see"
"No baby I'll just ... Ill just try it. But you owe me the truth why you're scared of aliens."
"Did they kill Mike? They killed Mark"
"No he's in a vacant house using the phone takinf9to the alien agency. Are you ready?"
"Yes. Please hurry. Just fire the dam thing already! Ill do it myself!! Ow that's hot"
"I told you I would do it and I did it. Now you owe me the truth"
"i can't im busy"
"You're not doing anything!"
"Im waiting for... She's awake!! Run!! Please hurry!! Hurry!! Let her in!!"
"What's going on!!!!!"
She ran and jumped in. Moments later a big blue worker uhaul type truck plowed into the car.
"The glass didn't shatter this is good. Now we have to kill them. Hurry! No don't get out! Through the window!"
"No one's driving. What if no one is driving? I didn't see anyone-- why is the truck doors opening!!?? No one was anywhere ne--"
I saw them climbing across the hood of the car. To get in. They could just get in. Especially through glass. I started screaming like a toddler. Then yelling "just shoot it!"
"What? Get down!".
Covering my own ears screaming like a toddler, my heart exploding, i sat in the floor board facing the seat. My back against T's seat. Screaming. "Just shoot them! They're every where!! Theres since many!! They're all gonna die!!" I scream like a toddler again.
T is saying over and over to stop screaming.
Alex is losing his mind and fluctuating between adoring and wanting to kill me.
"Just fucking stop it for Jesus sakes!!" He grabs my arm to pull my hand off my ear.
"Are they done? All dead i mean?" I Sat in the seat
"Jesus Christ my babe! Look you screamed so loud you woke the dead, here he comes"
I cover my ears and start screaming again.
"Jesus Christ who woke the kid?".
Alex gets in my face "That's not what i meant!! Okay?!?! Look!! Babe!! Please!! Just look!! Out the window!!"
I grab his hand and cover my eyes and turn to the window
"Jesus Christ. Do you see what she just did!?"
I lift his little finger. Drop it, Thwn his ring but I still can't see so I lift his middle finger and i can see Michael walking towards us
"Really baby?"
"Im not a baby. Im a babe."
"Well you scream like one!" T is excited to see her man "I'm over here!!!!!" She waves to him.
"No don't open the door. Just don't, you don't want her to scream do you?"
"Well how is he supposed to get in?"
"He can get in. He's family. When i scream it feels good"
"Michael is looking at the clothes. She shot me! I'm over here. Her mom told me she would. She said I'm not evil. I'm good and it won't hurt me But protect me."
"Yeah and my mom told me to scream. She said i used to do it when I was little"
"Not to wake the dead"
"Not like we lived next to the cemetery. Besides maybe they think my singing is beautiful and they want to listen more so they come closer and my singing brings them to life because im magical."
T forgot she could move and Michael was sure she was dead. Couldn't figure out how there was skid marks where she was if they had wanted to use her body. Didn't realize she had already moved. Finally she opened her car door and stood. Me yelling did nothing. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. His head swiveled. He dropped all these papers.a briefcase and ran to the car "oh my honey! I thought you were dead! I was sure of it! I didn't want to go home. Just wait where you died until you returned." He said into her hair all muffled.
"I told you. Love" i say
"Goddamit Youre sexy" she said
"See? All about Love!"
"But how did you get to move? Get to life or whatever did happen?"
"They shot me"
His face went crazy rage "YOU SHOT MY DAM WIFE!?!"
"See?!? I told you! Love!"
"Im gonna fucking kill you!!" He literally threw ber into the door and tried to get to Alex and strangle him
"Or may be not!"
Long story short. She spanked him. He got woke. I went to get the papers he dropped and he abandoned me in the parking lot.
"Yeah what the fuck!" I gathered them up "yeah you're a real stupid ass. Im glad it got hit. I felt pretty bad for you for a minute even though you tried to kill Alex. Now i don't know how i feel. Yeah!! Mad!!!! Leave the abandoned orpahan alone in the parking lot with alien ghosts with a heart condition! 3 massive heart attacks and a really fucking bad one!!! I can have a stroke any minu-- oh my God. I need to calm down im going to die. Im gonna die. Mom i don't know how to breathe I'm gonna choke to death. Mom! Help!! Somebody?!?!" I fell. It was all dramatic and beautiful.
Alex got out of the car that screeched down the street and picked me up "is this what heaven is like?"
"You wish. You've really got some explaining to do"
"This is so romantic! This is so sweet!!" Everything was pink and blue and not the colors they were supposed to be "is the street a river? Is this good?"
Alex walked around to the other side of the car after dropping me off.
"Oh my God!!! Sabrina!! Oh my God! No stop the car! Are you bleeding?! No! You're turning pink! Armageddon wants you back. No don't go we need you to much. Sit baxk. We will pretend we are ina limo"
"Hes not even in the car"
"Then who wss driving? He was in the seat. The world keeps changing too many colors, the people. I need to eat by the way"
"Sabrina what happened to you by the way? Why did you fall? You were all covered in blood out your nose, eyes. Ears, wrists. Then you turned pink like you lived on Armageddon. And the colors you explain are Armageddon but nothing we saw changed but not on you. Not in the air. Nothing."
"They want me back. They want me back. We will have a meeting tonight. I stayed here?"
"Then all will be fine. Lift up your shirt. No him."
"Why do you Keep telling me to do that?"
"To keep rhythm with your heart. My mom told me that's how she kept me alive. That and with screaming. My dad couldn't do it. That's why they always took me to the bar. That's what she said. She said you could do it for me since Mark isn't here. And just about any Earthling or human as long as it's not Jupiter"
I fell asleep. I woke at the hotel restaurant parking lot
"I'm back!!! I went to Armageddon and they said they're a bunch of douche bag bastards and want to take over the Earth and asked what I thought. I said no. They said they believed it was temporary!!"
Michael turned around. He was an alien. Alex was. Everyone was. I laid back in the seat and started screaming and kicking while they tried to eatmy soul.
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ashhdaniellee95 · 6 years ago
Will You Marry Me? × Antonio Dawson
|DECEMBER 09 • Antonio's POV|
"I've thought about this for a very long time, because I really like, well love this woman that I've been dating for about 2 1/2 years, and I thinks it's time I find a ring for her. One of her friends told me her ring size and now I'm going to each jewelery store to find the right ring. I've looked at a handful of stores, but nothing pops out, so I go on to the next one and hope something catches my eye."
He walks in, and a jeweler welcomes him to the store and asks what brings him in. He tells him he's looking for a ring for his girlfriend and that he going to propose on Christmas but he has to find the right one first.
So the jeweler, whose name is Ghephrey, shows Antonio a few rings that would look nice on her finger, but nothing that stands out to him, so they keep looking.
They look at every single ring they have and Antonio tells the man which ones to hold on to because one of them might be a winner.
As Antonio looks at rings over again, he gets a call, and pulls it from his pocket to see who it was; his girlfriend. So he told the jeweler man to be quiet cause doesn't want her find out, then answers. "Hey baby. What's up?" She smiles. "Oh nothing, just having lunch with Hannah," {Hannah was her cousin, he remembered}, "Oh, how's that's going?" She swallowed a piece of food before she spoke.
"Good. They're talking about having a family soon." He smiles. "Oh that's good. How is she doing?" "She's good, she's in the bathroom, so I thought I'd call you for a few minutes while she's in there." He smiles, "Well that was thoughtful." "Yeah, I tend to think a lot about you." "I'm glad." "Yeah." He hears her take a bite of something she was eating, then swallows. "She just got back from the bathroom, so I'll call you later baby. I love you." He smiles, "I love you too." As they hung up, the thought in the back of his mind says 'she has no idea'.
His thoughts come back in play, as he continues to look for the perfect ring for his perfect girlfriend.
|DECEMBER 09 • Annaleigh POV|
After lunch with Hannah, I leave and go to Mom's for a couple of hours and sit and talk about nothing, but mainly about Antonio. My mom really loves Antonio, says he's the best thing that's happened to me. I agree, and we continue talking.
About another two hours later, I leave and head home. Me and Antonio moved in a few months ago after he asked me to. And I of course said yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to move in with their best friend.
Anyways, I get home and pull of my shoes at the door, and put my keys in the bowl with 'keys' in my handwriting (cause it was neater), and my stuff on the kitchen counter, then lay down on the couch for a little while.
When I wake up (about an hour or so later), I hear the door being quietly shut, and very little quiet movement. I guess he saw me asleep and didn't wanna wake me up. Nice.
It got quiet for a few minutes not knowing what he was doing, but I was too tired to get up and find out.
I lay there a little longer, till I feel two hands carefully pick my head up, sit down, then carefully place my head on a pillow. I smile at that. And without opening my eyes, I say hello. "Hi, baby. It's good to see you." I hear him chuckle, "Yeah, I know. It's good to see you too. How long have you been home for?" I open my eyes to look into his. "Not long, bout an hour or so. Why? What's up?" He smiles. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to spend as much time with you before I have to go back to work tomorrow." "Well, you can do that by grabbing us a beer and a few snacks while I get a movie started. But it's your choice where you want to watch it." He smiles. "See, that right there is why I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." She comes to him with a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Let's watch it in our bedroom. More comfortable." She smiled. "Okay. Just meet me in there with the stuff." He nods his head as she walks upstairs to their shared bedroom and gets the movie(s) setup.
As she makes the bed fluffier and got a movie started, he comes in with four beers and a bunch of snacks (sour patch kids, Sour Skittles, cookies, tortilla chips and dips), and he puts it on the table at the end of their bed.
They each grab a beer and a snack and then get settled for the movie.
About two and half, three hours later, the movie ends and she's asleep. He quietly moves away from her warm body to take the stuff down to the kitchen.
After he finishes putting everything away, he looks at his watch for the time; 09:15pm. He goes back into the shared master bedroom and sees she's still asleep, so he grabs a pen and piece of paper and writes her a quick note, and grabs some clothes to get a shower, then head's into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, she wakes up to an empty room, but to hear the shower running. She looks on either side of the bed on the night stands for a note, and sure enough, on her side was a note, in his cute but little messy handwriting: 'hey baby, I'm in the shower. i'll be out in a little bit. love you.' and at the end of the note, was a heart and a kissy face.
She smiled to herself and thought about something, before she herself grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.
Once she got in there, she stripped herself naked, then whistled. His head perked out from the curtain, "I see you got my note." She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, I did. And I wanted to join you. So you can, you know get a good night sleep, since you have to be in early." He laughed to himself and smiled. "You were always the spontaneous one." "Yeah. So can I join you? I'll be sure to give you a wild ride." Without hesitation, he pulled her into the shower with him and they started making out under the water.
He made a trail down her neck and whispered something dirty in her ear, that made her giggle and shiver at the same time. He leaves a bruise on her neck and tells her to jump and wrap her legs around him, and she complies and does as told.
Once she wraps her legs around his torso, he enters her slowly with passion, and they start making love, right there in the shower, against the opposite side of the shower door.
Things started to get hot and heavy as he pounds into her, making her clench around him, screaming and crying his name out with intensity, "Ahh, Antonio!!", "Mmhmm, right there, right there!", and "yesss, just like that, oh my God." were other things that she purposely and spontaneously spit out from her mouth as he pounds into her, harder and faster than before.
It was like that for an hour, back and forth, the dirtiest of things he said in her ear to make her scream more and more to make her clench more and more, that made her cum and have orgasms, faster and harder, that eventually made them both cum at the same time, her cuming and orgasming all over his cock, and his hot salty cum, pouring and spewing all inside of her, making her head fall back, her toes curl, and her back arch up to it's absolute maximum height.
That was the reason she loved him for who he was, because he was good at sex, wherever the placed they deemed good enough so they wouldn't get caught in public.
After they calmed down, their bodies touching each other, and their heart beating rapidly, they went at it again, wanting to feel all that goodness they felt when they hit their high, when he hit her g-spot that made her rapidly scream his name from the top of her lungs, rolling off her lips so smooth and melty like it was butter.
It was more intense, the way he snapped his hips into her vagina, back and forth, the way she screamed for mercy every time he pushed his turso up inside her making her want more, the way he was leaving bruises and hickies everywhere his lips and mouth went, and everytime she pulled his hair at the nape of his neck from the orgasms he made her have each time, making them both succumbing to each other, made it sweet and loving, but yet at the same time, sexy and hot and passionate between the both of them.
He came inside her once more, before kissing the top of her head, then kissing her lips sweetly.
She slowly got off him, and they both stood under the shower head to feel the warmth of the water running down their heated bodies, from the amazing sex session they just had.
They let their bodies cool down before helping each other wash and rinse their bodies then one by one getting out and drying off, then clothing themselves.
After they had finished all of that, it was close to 11 o'clock at night, and they decided to head to bed.
|Annaleigh's POV|
A couple weeks had passed, the sex sessions between Antonio and me, getting better and better with each passing time.
It was now 11:43pm on Christmas Eve, and she still had no idea what was going to happen at midnight, which was less than 20 minutes away.
All of Antonio's and Anna's friends and family had shown up, each one bringing something when they came and showed up at the front door.
It was a tradition, getting together a few hours before Christmas, to celebrate friends and family coming together. I guess that's why he wanted a big house, so he could have big tables to fit in the big house (4 bed, 4 baths, very high ceilings). The celebration started off with a toast, to Antonio and I, letting everyone come over to our home this time, instead of us and others going separately to his friends and families houses, and the same to me.
After the toast, they got started by saying grace, then go down the food line, one by one everyone pilling their plates with food.
After everyone ate, they passed presents around each person the present was for.
His parents gave me, I mean us, some more stuff for the kitchen, and some things for the bedrooms and bathrooms. A few of his friends gave him a few boxes of condoms. Nobody knew though, just me and him and the friend(s) that gave them to him.
His sister gave us something for us to enjoy when were alone, and also his and hers cups and placemats for the bathroom.
And hour before midnight, half of the party left (his parents and sister, my parents and brothers), and it was just our friends. His daughter and son wanted to stay at a friend's house, so he let them, so it can just be us adults tonight.
We chatted and talked among ourselves, about different things, the men obviously talking about sex, and the women talking about God knows what, until I hear Antonio from across the room, wanting everyone's attention, and asking for me to come stand beside him. I walk up to him and give him a hug, and he returns the hug, but with also a kiss on my lips.
"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate Christmas with us, and to be able to make it at such a late time in the day," he looks down at his watch, "and I want to say thank you to Anna, for being my rock, for being there for me when I was down, and I think a lot about you, and um, I wanted to ask you a question," he grabs something from under the tree that's behind us, and unwrap it to reveal a small black velvet box, and my mind goes ballistic and wild, knowing what he's about to do. "I felt that it would be good to do this in front of our friends," he stands in front of me and drops down to one knee and asks, "Annaleigh Browers, will you marry me and be my wife, forever??" I smile so hard, I can barely contain myself, and blurt out, "yes! Yes yes yes, a million times yes!! Oh my God." My hands starts shaking, as he takes the ring out from the box, and slips it onto my left ring finger. He jumps up and hugs me and spins me around as everyone around claps and wolf whistles. {ring}
We celebrated and talked more, until we all went to bed, Antonio letting them stay the night, since it was past 1 o'clock in the morning.
When Antonio and I went to bed, we celebrated our engagement, the only way we knew how; sex all night long. And I'm pretty sure our friends heards us and started laughing their asses off.
He made me orgasm so many times, I clenched around him, all of my body felt the intensity of my orgasms, and his body also felt the intensity of his orgasms too, we came undone together, feeling everything ten times better than a few weeks ago. He really is putting the meaning to 'great in bed' to a whole new level. 👅
And I guess it looks like I have to get ready for a wedding soon. And maybe, just maybe, a family too. 🙏😄👰🤵⛪👩‍❤️‍👨🥂🍾💍🍼👶🤰
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silver-wields-a-pen · 6 years ago
Illthdar High: An au fan fiction
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Tuesday Afternoon
Nyima checked her watch as she hurried down the side-walk. She kept her head down, ignoring the occasional call out from passing creeps. A familiar voice made her glance up. Is that the janitor? She shuddered and pulled her long, dark hair over part of her face in an attempt to hide. She had roughly half an hour before she had to be at Vyxen’s, which gave her plenty of time to drop off the mail for her mom and then pop into the nearby GameStop to see if the new Final Fantasy game was in stock. Her mother didn't let her preorder it and the last time she’d checked they were all sold out. It was a soul crushing experience. She almost threw herself on the floor in a fit of misery. Only the thought of being looked at by everyone stopped her. If it's not here today, I really will scream. The lie made her giggle.
Ten minutes later and her letters were safely in the mailbox and a wall of games were in front of her. She bounced on her toes with excitement. It's here! It's here! I can play it! Yay! Tunnel vision got her across the store in record time, but not without gracelessly crashing into someone on the way. “I’m so sorry!” Panic swept her game-induced euphoria to the side. “I’m so, so sorry!” She repeated, crouching down to grab the game the other person dropped. 
“Uh, um.. no. No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
The strangled voice was too familiar for Nyima not to realize who it belonged to. She froze and went cherry red. Oh my god, no no no way, not him! Anyone but him! Let me die! This was the worst thing that could happen and it took every ounce of bravery not to just drop the game and run out of the store.
She stayed frozen in place, fingers curled around the game box. She stared so hard at the pair of sneakers at the edge of her vision she could draw them with her eyes closed. The tension was so thick she thought she'd drown in it and she wished she could.
“You can’t drown in feelings, they’re not substantial. Same for evaporating, so stop thinking it.” She could hear Rae’s voice in her head, speaking too much logic for her liking. “Can't stay on the floor either. They'll close eventually.”
You're not my friend anymore. Mustering all the courage she could scrape together, Nyima stood up. She left her gaze on the floor until she forced herself to look up. Jingyi was wearing a gaming t-shirt and a Pokemon beanie. He looks so cute. “Hi, Jingyi,” she mumbled, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. He's so cute, he's super cute! Look at that cute smile and the way his hair looks perfectly messy and his eyes are so kind and warm and I RAN RIGHT INTO HIM! I'M SUCH A LOSER! She was so mortified she could die.
So could he. Jingyi was used to people running into him, so he didn't mind until he saw who it was. He thought he’d have a stroke when she mumbled apologies, so he kept a hand solidly on his inhaler in his pocket just in case. He took a deep breath, trying to commit the flowery scent of her shampoo to memory because he’d probably never be this close to her again. Or maybe he would. This was a good chance to talk to her. Richard told him to seize opportunities when they came his way and this was as good an opportunity as he would ever get. Yes! I’m going to talk to her. Decision made, he straightened up and smiled until his cheeks ached. “You play games?” He rolled his eyes at himself. Smooth move, dork. Of course she plays games. Why would she be in here if she didn’t?
“Yeah,” Nyima replied. Her voice was soft and her eyes darted around, looking at everything but him. Her face tinted pink and if he wasn’t already stupidly head over heels for her, he would be now. “You too?”
“Yeah,” he responded. Silence overtook them again.
“Oh! Here.” She pressed his game back into his hands and made to leave.
Fearing he was losing his first real chance to talk to his dream girl, Jingyi blurted out the first thing he could think of that wasn’t about how beautiful she was. “Have you ever played?” He gestured to the Mortal Kombat game in his hands.
“No.” Nyima stopped mid-stride and turned back to face him, keeping her eye line level with his chin. Her hands fiddled with the cuffs of her cardigan. “Is it good?”
“Yeah,” he said for the second time. He chuckled, awkward, and she looked up at him. They both smiled. “You should try it sometime. My favorite character is Sub Zero, he can control ice––”
“Like Shiva!” Nyima perked up a little. She held up the game box in her hands although it didn't have a picture of the character she meant on it. “Shiva from Final Fantasy, I mean. She's really cool.” She giggled like a nerd at her pun. “I couldn't be like that; I hate being cold.” She shut up when she realized she was rambling, wary of looking like a bigger idiot than she already had.
Jingyi laughed. She's so cute. “I don’t like the cold either,” he confessed, his formerly inexistent confidence sparked to life when the corners of her lips rose. “Shiva sounds like a cool character, no pun intended. Her and Sub Zero would probably make an awesome team. M-may––” he stuttered as his courage fled the shop. No, come back! I need you! Shit. “Erm, maybe if you want, we could, like, maybe play together sometime? You could show me Final Fantasy and I’ll show you Mortal Kombat?”
Nyima squeaked. It sounded like a date. She scuffed her shoe against the floor and tugged on her cardigan.
“Ok,” Jingyi said, deflating after guessing she was about to say no.
Nyima sucked in a breath and looked up at him. She opened her mouth and whispered, “Yes, please.”
Jingyi nodded, dejected. “I figured a girl as pretty as you would––” His brain caught up to her reply and he looked at her, incredulous. “Seriously?”
Nyima was tense and nervous as a rabbit seen by a lurcher. She jerked her head in a yes, clutched her game to her chest and ran towards the tills calling in a squeaky voice, “Text me!”
Zercey was so done with today’s practice and it just began. First, she had to deal with yelling at the JV squad members who showed up late. Their captain was still out sick and the assistant captain wasn’t even good at pretending to be mean. I mean, really, a good captain has to be good at both cheering and leading. This isn’t a Miss Congeniality contest. That mess dealt with, she had to focus on her own squad to make sure they had their routine down for the pep rally and game that weekend. They had a big week ahead of them, and if the last few practices were any indication, they’d be preparing until the last possible second. Today they were in the gym as their coaches decided it was best to separate them from the distraction that was the football team.
Zercey got in formation for the beginning of their halftime routine. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two... She counted along in her head as she lost herself in the sound of the groups' shoes squeaking on the floor in time to the music playing. She concentrated on making her movements precise, locked elbows, light feet. Left hurkie, toe touch… She knew her jumps were good and could see out of the corner of her eye that the rest of the squad was hitting the tempo as well. Round off, back handspring. She used the momentum at the end of her flip to propel herself higher up and back, hands above her head and legs tucked, so that her ending position was the setup for the first stunt. As one, her bases gave a slight pulse down and then she shot up, their arms extended fully overhead as she grabbed her leg with one hand and blew a kiss to the audience with the other. That was where she belonged: high above the crowd, center stage, with all eyes on her. Her confidence sufficiently boosted, she got into the groove, moving more from muscle memory than conscious effort. As she let her mind wander, she thought about Lerki. Damn that beautiful jerk! Why did he insist on messing with her and sending stupid mixed messages? He ignored her almost all day after his teasing in English class, and she found him flirting with every person with a B cup or bigger every time she saw him.
But, when she was leaving the gym after a late practice, there he was, waiting for her in the parking lot. 
“Hey,” he said in that annoyingly sexy voice of his. She huffed and tried to walk by him, but he caught her wrist and spun her around. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Oh? I thought you might have been waiting on one of those bimbo underclassmen,” Zercey snapped, yanking her wrist out of Lerki’s grasp and walking away, nose in the air. If he thinks he can just flirt with anyone right in front of my face, and then come back as if nothing happened, he's got another thing coming.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” Lerki cooed, catching up and snaking an arm around her waist. “Come on, sweetness, come hang out with me. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ll even drive you home.” He smiled suggestively and Zercey felt her resolve crumbling.
“Fine,” she agreed. And that was how she got an awesome new bracelet and lose an equally awesome bra in his car. It was a good night. She was still a little giddy when she walked into school this morning, remembering how warm his hands had been when he teasingly trailed his fingers along her thighs. That giddy feeling persisted all the way up until she saw him chatting up another freshman in the hallway. He was lucky she didn’t punch him right there and in front of everyone. 
The music ended, and the squad walked over to their coach and choreographer. When she was in school, her team won Regionals three years in a row and Nationals twice. She was even more competitive than many of the girls on the team, and Zercey could tell by the thin line of her mouth that whatever notes she had for them, they wouldn't be good.
“We showcase this routine in four days and you all still don’t have the timing right,” she began, disapproval ringing in her voice. “The first tumbling pass is beyond sloppy. Curran, I only saw four back handsprings, what happened to the fifth? And do you care to tell me why your full became a tuck?” Zercey had to bite her tongue to keep from yelling at him right alongside her. Curran knew better than to switch up any of the flips this late in the game. At least he had the decency to hang his head and look sorry. She continued giving notes to the rest of the group, addressing Zercey last.
“Stay focused. Halfway through and your eyes look dead. I don’t care what else is happening around you. As a flyer, and as captain, there is no excuse for half-baked facials. Charm the crowd or else I’ll change the stunt groups.” Addressing the team at large she said, “I’ve seen enough of the dance, line up for the cheer.”
Dismissed, the squad walked back onto the floor, mentally preparing themselves for the hard work ahead of them.
Inwardly cursing Lerki for being the reason for getting reamed out, Zercey took a deep breath as she found her starting position. 
“Are you going to go to the dance on Saturday?” Raemina asked all of a sudden. She was sitting on Vyxen’s bed, splitting her concentration between completing flashcards they would need for their study session and watching Vyxen agonize over where to put the book she’d just finished on the shelves.
“Probably not,” Vyxen responded offhanded, grey eyes scanning her shelves for the sixth time. This book was the fourth in a set, but it was a different color than all the others. It would bother her not to keep the set together, but it would also bother her to ruin the color system she had in place. “Do you think it would look weird if I bought a cover for it so the color would match all the others?”
“I don’t think anyone but you cares what your bookshelf looks like.” Rae tried not to be amused, but she’d never seen a teenager so bothered by book colors before. “You will give yourself grey hairs if you keep that up.”
“No one would notice.” Vyxen struck a pose and dramatically flipped her platinum colored hair over her shoulder mimicking a gesture she’d seen Scyanatha do in the hallway. She placed the book down on her desk, resolving to go ahead and buy the cover before she shelved it, so that way everything would be in order. She made to return to the bed to help with flashcards, one knee pressing into her floral mint and coral bedspread, when she heard someone flying up the stairs.
A second later Nyima busted into her room, out of breath and looking panicked. “I think I have a date with Jingyi,” she wheezed as she bent over to catch her breath.
“What!?” Raemina jumped off the bed so fast she tripped. She grabbed Nyima by the wrist and dragged her over to the bed, jaw dropping lower and lower as Nyima told them the story of what happened in the video game store. “Are you serious!? This is amazing!” She hugged her until Nyima said she couldn't breathe.
“You’re really going to go to his house?” Vyxen was less ecstatic than Rae, but only because her mind was preoccupied by all the things two teens could get up to at someone’s house and it was threatening to make her faint. “Are his parents going to be there?”
“Hopefully not!” Raemina was giddy with excitement and a little jealous. Mostly she was happy. Nyima was the first of the three of them to get a date; this was a huge deal! “Maybe you guys will make-out!” She pressed on, ignoring how both Nyima and Vyxen flustered at the suggestion. “Do you think he’ll ask you to the dance? We’ll all have to go then, it will be amazing. We could go dress shopping and––”
“How's Rhys doing?” Nyima asked Vyxen, desperate to change the subject. She bounced off the bed and away from Rae’s grasp to inspect the chubby black goldfish lazily swimming around the large tank Vyxen kept beside her desk. “Is he still sick? He looks like he’s doing better. I researched what could cause it, I think it might impress the interviewer when I apply for veterinarian school for me to know about fish. Few people would care about things like that.” She trailed a fingertip across the glass and watched in amusement as Rhys followed it.
“No one cares about the fish!” Raemina noticed the attempt to change the subject and she wasn’t having it.
“I care about the fish…” Vyxen grumbled, pouting when her fish followed Nyima’s hand. Rhys never did that for her.
“Ok, whatever, we all care about the fish and he’s fine. Guys! This is serious. We have to go to the dance now, we have to.” If she could get them to agree she could ask Rhovan to be her date! This was perfect!
Nyima and Vyxen shook their heads. “I don’t really want t––”
“Vyxen, you’re going,” Raemina informed her, refusing to even let her suggest that she wasn’t. “It’ll be great, come on! We can get cute dresses, Nyima can dance with Jingyi and we’ll get to see that awesome new DJ! It’ll be so much fun! And––” Rae tried to persuade, dancing across the room to Vyxen’s computer to bring up Youtube. “Touch,’ by Little Mix poured from the speakers “––we can all dance together! We’ll show the Barbie club that they’re not the only ones with moves.”
“I don’t want to show them anything,” Nyima muttered under her breath. She tried to avoid Scyanatha and her friends and she’d like to keep doing that until she graduated and never had to see them again.
“Come on! I know you two know the moves!” Rae rocked her hips all the way down to the ground and popped her tiny butt out to the best of her capability, sending a wink over her shoulder.
Vyxen and Nyima giggled, rolling their eyes but joining in. Rae was too stubborn to let them off easy. Soon the room was full of pop music, laughter, and dance moves no one would expect from three perpetually shy and nervous girls. Butts were dropping to the floor, thighs were spreading wide and hair was being flipped every which way. They’d watched the music video enough at sleep overs to be able to follow the moves fairly well.
They were on one of the best parts of the song, all with their hands in the air and their hips thrusting forward, when a wolf whistle followed by the sound of clapping and loud laughter from the doorway caused them all to freeze in place.
Salem leant in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face, and Date and Rhovan were right beside him.
“Salem!” Cheeks burning, Vyxen stormed over to the door, screaming, “Get the fuck out!” She slammed it in his laughing face.
“I’m quite disappointed in you two,” Principal Chiyoko tutted from behind her desk. “Not only is smoking very damaging to your health, but we strictly prohibit such behaviour on school property.” She shook her head as she talked, desperately searching for a way to connect with the two students in front of her, who seemed to ignore her good advice at every turn.
Rhoe grumbled, arms folded tight against her chest and legs splayed in front of her. Cowan sat beside her looking bored. They were used to Ms. Chiyoko’s lectures. They'd received one at least once a week since school started. She tried everything: appealing to their good natures, suggesting they join a club so they could take up new hobbies and make friends, even going so far as to halfheartedly threaten to pull their parents in for a meeting. Unfortunately, she found it difficult making her soft and light voice sound firm. It was a challenge to get people to take her seriously.
“I’m afraid that this puts me in a rather difficult position. I can let you off with a warning this time, but if this happens again, you must serve an in-school suspension.” 
“What? That’s fucking bullshit! What kind of fucking joke is this shit?!” Rhoe let out a string of expletives.
Principal Chiyoko blinked, startled. “Now, young lady, I won’t have anyone speaking like that in my office.” She fixed the two with the sternest look she could muster. “For that outburst, young lady, I’m giving  you both a detention! You’ve dragged your friend down with you, doesn’t that make you feel bad?”
“No,” Rhoe replied bluntly.
Cowan snickered beside her.
Mrs. Chiyoko looked devastated, shrinking into her too-big yellow suit jacket and mumbling for the two of them to see the assistant principal, Ms. Queline for their detention slips.
Queline shot the two a scathing look when they exited the office. They were there every day, but no matter how many times Cowan and Rhoe got in trouble, they still caused mischief. Delinquents, the both of them, Ms. Queline thought savagely. If it were up to her, detentions would be a much more serious matter. What kids these days needed was a strong hand, none of this mollycoddling parents liked to do with them. Kids needed to learn respect even if that meant the hard way.  And they would use detention for something useful, like deep-cleaning the science labs; something where they worked with their hands and really thought about the consequences of their actions, not just another hour and a half of falling asleep and doing homework in a classroom. She sighed as she finished writing up their detention slips. “If I see you in here one more time before the end of the semester, you’ll be spending the entirety of your in-school suspension scraping gum off the desks and scrubbing this school from top to bottom, do you understand me?” She snapped, throwing the two slips of paper at them and ordering them to get out of her sight.
Detention used to be all in one room, but ever since someone found a used condom under a desk, Principal Chiyoko decided the best idea was to split it between two genders. So Rhoe stalked off to one room and Cowan walked into the other room, only to see Xyl and another underclassman whose name he didn’t know.
“What’re you in here for?” Cowan asked Xyl as he took the desk next to him. Better being stuck with someone he knew than spend the next ninety minutes in boredom. 
“Got caught passing notes.” It was true. In class earlier that day, he had tried to slip Date a piece of paper for some new Khrome ideas, but the idiot wasn’t paying attention, so they stuck him in detention when they were supposed to be having band practice.
Cowan nodded sagely. “Yeah, that’ll happen.” 
“What are you in for?” Xyl echoed, eager to keep the conversation going. It wasn’t often that he got to talk to Cowan without Rhoe there to scoff and roll her eyes at him while he did it.
“Your sister forgot to check the area before we lit up and Uwe busted us.”
Xyl nodded by way of agreement, but couldn’t think of anything else to say. He wasn’t really a people person, most of the time he just tried to stay out of the way and focus on things he enjoyed, like his band or… The band!
“Oh hey, are you going to the talent show on Friday?” he tried to phrase the question as casually as he could so that Cowan wouldn’t think he was trying too hard. 
“Uhh… I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“Oh.” They lapsed into silence once more.
“Are you?” Cowan finally said.
Xyl lost the thread. “Am I what?”
“Are you going to the talent show thing?”
“Oh, that.” He tried to act casual. “Yeah, my band will be playing there. It’ll be all right, I guess.” He linked his hands behind his head and tipped back in his seat, then overbalanced.
Cowan grabbed Xyl's chair to stop him toppling over. “Right, I forgot your sister said you had a band.”
Xyl cringed. He could only imagine what Rhoe had said about Khrome.
Cowan seemed to read his thoughts when he responded, “She seemed to think you all make more noise than you do music.”
“Well, actually we’re more punk than we are a noise band,” Xyl replied, not getting the joke. Cowan’s blank stare told Xyl he didn’t know what he was talking about. “Never mind,” he said lamely.
Mr. Bracken, who had the misfortune of supervising the boys’ detention today, finally looked up from his desk and reminded the students they should be doing homework and that there was no need to talk.
“Hey, I was planning to give Rhoe a ride home after this. If you wait with me, you can get a ride too,” Cowan whispered when Mr.Bracken’s attention became focused entirely on his book again.
“I’m actually heading to my friend’s house after this...” Xyl never wished he had a good reason to get out of band practice more. He might have done it anyway, but he’d never hear the end of it if he ditched practice with a show so close.
Cowan shrugged. “That’s cool. I can drop you off there too. Where does he live?”
“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?” Mr. Bracken’s voice rang out sharply in the quiet room and put an end to any further conversation.
“Remind me to never let you talk me into anything ever again,” Rhoe said to Cowan as the three of them emerged from their assigned classrooms. “Mr. Phanuel’s easily amused, and I had to spend the last ninety minutes listening to him and Miu go back and forth in a burping war. I have never been so close to killing someone in my life.” She stalked down the hall, radiating anger as she went and leaving the two boys to fall into step behind her. “And what the fuck are you doing here?” she growled when she noticed Xyl following.
“I offered to give him a ride,” Cowan answered, ignoring the exaggerated sigh that burst out of Rhoe's mouth. You would think Imogen, Rhoe and Xyl would be close considering they were triplets, but he’d never seen a set of siblings that disliked each other more.
“Whatever,” Rhoe snapped. “Just drop him off quick cause I don’t want to look at him.”
“WHOO! GO BABY!” Scyanatha's heels clacked as she jumped up and down and clapped when she saw Seth make a good move in the football game. She didn’t know or care much about sports, but she had bothered to learn enough about this game to know when her man was doing well so she could cheer him on properly. She clapped for a minute longer before dropping to sit beside Imogen on the bleachers.
The same set, interestingly enough, that Imogen made out under with Salem both yesterday and today. Luckily Scy didn’t know this, otherwise Imogen would no longer be sitting next to her if she did.
“Back to what we were talking about, you have to come shopping with us tomorrow Imo, I won’t take no for an answer. That new boutique I’ve been talking about for a month is finally open. Seth’s gonna buy the three of us any dress we want and if you’re worried about that stupid project for English, don’t be. Seth already has people lined up to write it for us.” Scy informed Imogen in a tone of voice that said Imo was going shopping tomorrow whether she liked it or not.
Imogen sighed as Scyanatha flicked open her mirror to reapply the lipstick that wore off when she ‘kissed Seth good luck’ for a full twenty minutes in the locker room before the game started. It’s not that she didn’t want to go shopping – she’d never turn down a chance to get free stuff from Seth – it’s that she planned to meet up with Salem. She’d spent the last month stealing moments with him. A full afternoon with no interruptions left her jittery and excited.
Scy snapped her mirror shut and turned to look at Imogen seriously and she knew then and there that she’d have no choice but to cancel on Salem. “Ok fine, you convinced me. I’ll ditch my study session and come shopping with you.”  
“Fabulous.” Scy turned to her left where a pretty, but entirely brainless lackey sat. “Oh,” she said, as if just remembering the girl was there, “you can come too, dear. Seth can buy you a dress as long as you let me pick it.” The girl was basically a servant, but on occasion Scy treated her and a few other lessers to keep them in line. And since she bought their clothes she could guarantee none of them looked better than her.
“Of course!” Laura was quick to agree, vibrating with happiness she’d been acknowledged. She didn’t often get invited to the shopping trips the other three girls went on and so this was a big deal. “You can totes pick my dress Scy, you have such good fashion sense. I’ve never even owned or worn a dress, so I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Scy swept her gaze down to the pale yellow dress Laura had on. “Uh-huh.” She didn’t comment further, turning away from the airhead, planning to continue ignoring her until she needed something again.
Imogen snickered, unable to feel bad for the idiot. She opened her phone, sending a brief text to Salem to let him know that she wouldn’t make it to their not-a-date tomorrow. She then spent the rest of practice splitting her attention between finalizing plans for the homecoming dance and listening to Scyanatha talk about her new shoes and how she and Seth better end up as Homecoming King and Queen or else she was going to sue to school.
Laura nodded like a dog and chirped in agreement.
Practice ended an hour later and Zercey came strolling out of the gym in six inch heels, head held high with Lerki following close behind her, trying to talk to her.
Scy and Imogen rolled their eyes at the same time.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Imogen commented as she gathered up her bag. “Lerki is only flirting with people to make her jealous and it works every time.”
“Zercey needs to learn how to control her man. Oh hey, you guys should come spend the night at my house tomorrow. We can get our dresses after school and I’ll give you two a crash course in dealing with boys. It’ll be embarrassing if those two don’t go to the dance together.” Scy knew Zercey liked Lerki, and she wanted to help her friend, but she also had an aesthetic going. Zercey was the cheer captain,  Lerki was the quarterback of the football team, they had to be together. Every movie said so, and Scy liked the look the two of them gave their group, so they better get their act together. “Oh, and you,” Scyanatha added to Imogen, making her way down the bleachers to meet Seth while Laura gathered her things for her. “You need a date for the dance. There are two hot football players that Seth says are single, pick one and I’ll make it happen.”
Imogen panicked. What sort of excuse could she come up with to get Scy off her back? She liked none of the football players that was true enough. Especially since they were all more concerned with beating the pulp out of other dudes than they were in having a conversation. But that wouldn’t be reason enough for Scyanatha. “I don’t know if that’ll work,” she said, trying to come up with a good justification for turning down her offer. “It’s just that I’m probably gonna be helping with the preparation and clean up, so a guy would just get in the way.”
Scyanatha pouted. “You’re no fun anymore.”
Seth saved Imogen by coming over and enveloping Scyanatha in a big, sweaty hug.
“Ew! Babe, don’t be gross!” she squealed, playfully slapping him on the arm. He smiled and kissed her.
Imogen was used to their excessive PDA, but was still thankful that Zercey finally caught up to their group in that moment. “Hey Zerce, how was practice?” Imogen was eager to have something to look at besides Scy and Seth sucking face. 
“Great!” she said in that voice that meant she was lying, and probably for Lerki’s benefit if Imogen had to guess.
Lerki caught up, passing them all to walk backwards in front of Zercey. “Are you still mad at me? That hurts my feelings,” he appealed, trying to make her look at him.
She refused and instead turned her attention to Imogen. “What’s up with you? Are you coming shopping tomorrow?” Zercey shook her hand out of Lerki’s grasp when he tried to touch her but otherwise did not indicate she knew he was there.
“Yep,” Imogen affirmed, not looking forward to it but knowing she had to go all the same. Shopping for formal events was a nightmare with Scy because she wanted them to look a certain way and their opinions meant nothing. It was a free dress though, so she couldn’t complain too much. “What color dress are you going for?” she asked, though they both already knew that it didn’t matter and they’d get whatever color that made Scyanatha’s dress stand out.
“I don’t care about the color.” Zercey yanked open the door to Seth’s pristine silver Mercedes and tossed her bag in. She usually caught a ride with Lerki but clearly that wasn’t happening today, which meant that Laura would be forced to ride with him instead.  “I just know my dress needs to be short and hot because I need a new boyfriend.” She slid into the car and slammed the door shut before Lerki had time to respond.
“If she puts a scratch on that door, you’re paying for it,” Seth informed Lerki, clapping him on the back before sliding into the driver’s seat with Scy, Imogen and Zercey and driving down the road.
This annoyed Lerki and he resigned himself to spending the rest of the night texting and sucking up to Zercey until she forgave him instead of doing something better like making her lose another bra. He slammed his own car door shut and drove off, moving much faster than what the speed limit advised and already thinking about what sort of present he would have to buy to make her talk to him again.
Poor Laura, meanwhile, stood forgotten in the parking lot. “It’s ok,” she chirped to no one, fishing around in her pocket for her cell phone. “I can find my own way home.”
Salem stumbled into his room and threw himself onto his deep red bedspread, laughing hysterically. He would never, ever, forget how red the nerdettes’ faces were when they realized their little show had an audience. He wished he’d had a camera to capture the moment. “That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.” He finally stopped laughing and crawled to sit on the edge of his bed while Date collapsed onto one end of an old black couch and Rhovan kicked the door shut before joining him there.
“I don’t know if you’re one to talk about ridiculous things when you’re carrying around a flask of Hawaiian Punch, wearing glittery makeup and claiming to be a child of the night,” Rhovan reminded him and cast a pointed look at the various vampire posters on the dark grey walls and the vampire novels lining the bookshelf to drive home his point.
“It’s an aesthetic,” Salem defended, “and the girls love it. That’s why I get panties thrown at me when we play shows.”
“I have never seen you get anything resembling underwear get thrown at you.” Date didn’t notice a lot of things, but he was sure he would have noticed that.
“You need to pay more attention then.” Salem ended the discussion there before they could call his bluff.
“Speaking of underwear…” Rhovan would never get the image of purple, lace panties out of his head now that he’d had a glimpse of them when Raemina’s plaid skirt hiked up during her dance. “Rae had nice ones, is she single?” He’d always thought she was kind of cute but he’d never paid much attention to her. She was a smarty-pants. He wasn’t. They lived in different worlds and all that jazz. He would have never thought she was the type to pull off ‘sexy’ and she’d just proved him wrong.
“Ew, please do not.” Salem pulled a disgusted face. He hadn’t seen or wanted to see any of the nerdettes’ underwear and couldn’t imagine why anyone would. “I do not need another one of you guys drooling over those brats.”
“Another?” Rhovan questioned, though his voice sounded far-away as if his thoughts were still down the hall and behind the door with a glittery green ‘V’ on it. He wondered if Rae had a date to the dance yet and if she’d consider going with him. He also wondered if all her underwear was lace, but he had to abandon that train of thought because it was sending all of his blood south.  
“Yeah, this idiot,” Salem waved his hand towards Date with a scowl, “has been creeping on my sister for months. You know that song where he mentions a ‘moon haired muse’ GUESS WHO THAT IS?”
“I’m not creeping,” Date corrected, flicking his black hair out of his eyes. He didn’t deny the accusation that the girl in his song was Vyxen.
“Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to jam out on my bass when you’re singing about banging my sister?” Salem shuddered.
“Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to appear in public with you when you’re wearing fake vampire teeth?” Date challenged in his usual, bored tone of voice.
“IT’S. AN. AESTHETIC.” Salem slapped his knee to emphasise his point.
“Sure it is.”
The conversation amused Rhovan and he would have egged it on if they didn’t have bigger fish to fry. “Xyl is in detention, so we’re already losing time here, we need to focus if we’re going to get a set together for the talent show.”
Salem held his hands up and said, “I will play any song you want except ‘Ravage my Heart’ or any other song that mentions my sister. I’m not doing it. This is school and everyone will know who we’re talking about.” They probably wouldn’t know as Vyxen wasn’t popular or interesting, but Salem wasn’t going to take any chances. Imogen would be there, and he didn’t need her to think he was any weirder than she already did.
It was this scene that Xyl walked into when he finally arrived at the house. Rhovan and Salem were arguing about which songs to play and Date was in the middle, ignoring them both and scribbling furiously in his notebook. “What the heck is going on here?”
“You missed an awesome dance show.” Salem read the text from Imogen, eyes sweeping over her blunt cancelling of their plans tomorrow and recognized a chance to make himself feel better when he saw one. He said the words ‘dance party’ especially loudly so Vyxen and her friends would hear it.
“How did you get here so fast?” Rhovan asked, checking his watch to see that detention had ended barely fifteen minutes ago.
“My sister’s friend dropped me off.” Xyl dumped his bag on the floor and flopped onto Salem’s bed, trying and failing not to think about how nice Cowan had been and how much hotter he was up close.
“Oh yeah?” Salem tried to wrench his head around as casually as possible to look out the window, hoping to see a glimpse of Imogen in whatever friend’s car she’d came in.
“Yeah, he was nice. Rhoe was mad about it though, so I’m sure I’ll be hearing about that when I get home.” It wasn’t a conversation he was looking forward to. “Do you think I can crash over here tonight?”
“Sure.” Salem sighed in disappointment, turning his head away from the window when he realized that Xyl hadn’t been talking about the sister he was interested in.
“All right, now that everyone knows where everyone else will sleep, can we please talk about the set list? In case you somehow didn’t remember, we have a show in three days,” Rhovan practically shouted. It was days like these when he felt like he was the only one who took their band seriously.
“Hold that thought, I’m starving. Do you guys have money for pizza?” Xyl asked, prompting a great shuffling as everyone dug into their pockets to pull out their wallets and discussed what toppings to get.
Rhovan could have screamed.
Back home, in the safety of her own room, Nyima let out a deep breath to steady herself. She waited all of ten seconds after Vyxen slammed the door before she ran from the house after the humiliating episode with Salem and his friends. Today is so embarrassing! I should've stayed in bed! Her phone pinged with a text and she clutched her chest. Jingyi? Oh, poop. Why did I say text me?! WHY?! She inched her phone out of her pocket and sighed with relief when she saw it was just her friends group chat.
Glitteraffia: Sorry again about my dumbass bro. U ok?
Shiva fan 212: Yeah. It's okay. If I had a brother like that, I'd apologise all the time too.
Glitteraffia: LOL
Moon Princess: But, seriously, you guys, we should definitely get pretty dresses and go 2 the dance.
Glitteraffia: Rae, ur sitting 2 feet away.
Moon Princess: You keep ignoring me.
Moon Princess: Come on, Nyima. I bet Jingyi can dance.
Shiva fan 212: I can't.
Moon Princess: LIES! I saw you!
Shiva fan 212: Vyxen, get her.
Glitteraffia: Idkulik him and he likes u and it'd be cute af and pretty dresses.
Shiva fan 212: Traitor.
Shiva fan 212: Ok, fine. When things go Carrie it's your fault.
Glitteraffia: Carrie's awesome and they deserved it.
Glitteraffia: Scy would totally deserve it.
Moon Princess: She would.
Shiva fan 212: Lol ok.
Moon Princess: YES! VICTORY! After school 2moro!
Nyima put the phone down and sighed. She didn’t know why she agreed to it. She hated the mall; there was always too many people there, and crowds made her nervous. Maybe my mom will say no. She wasn't optimistic. Her mother was a free spirit. First Jingyi and then this? If she weren’t such a dedicated student, she’d consider skipping school tomorrow to avoid reality. The only redeeming part of the day was getting her new computer game, and she’d be breaking it open right now if she didn’t still have homework to do. Looking at the beautiful cover art beneath the plastic wrap, Nyima let out a sigh and then turned to her assignments, wondering somewhere between math and English if Jingyi was already playing his new game and maybe he’d tell her about it tomorrow.
By @guardians-of-las-vyxen & @yogiwithabook
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Not to be weird, because I obviously don't mind if so, but are you wearing my clothes in your latest insta pics or have I lost my mind? Rio: Oh my God, sorry! Shoulda said before putting that up Rio: casual single white female situation Rio: I was in London and I had to stop by yours to avoid a real walk of shame... whole 'nother story, assumed it'd be alright 'cos you know, you weren't using 'em? Shipped back fully dry cleaned, swear down Rio: Not to drop him in it but shamelessly will, Buster said it'd probably be alright too lol Nancy: Well we have the brunette and redhead thing going on, already. Just don't murder me like Nancy: It's more than okay. They look great on you and they are just sitting there Nancy: Keep them if you want Nancy: I'd rather you than one of Buster's 'guests' Nancy: Did you talk to him? Rio: Last time I check, no feelings of murderous jealousy towards you Rio: Even if you do have a killer clothes collection Rio: You're too sweet! I'm nowhere near statuesque enough to rock it for serious but it was fun playing dressup, not gonna lie Rio: A little bit, yeah, as much as you can with him Rio: Has he reached out to you yet? Nancy: We should go shopping then. I'm not flooded with other offers or compliments right now Nancy: He did try but I didn't answer the call. I didn't know what to say, you know Nancy: Do I want to know what he said about me, if anything? Rio: Absolutely, always up for a style update Rio: and I promise to stay away for the red box dye Rio: Rihanna 2010 I ain't Rio: That's fair, I remember he mentioned that too Rio: He said a lot of things, some of 'em stupid which don't bear repeating but I could tell he was worried about you, checking you were okay, like Nancy: Oh god Nancy: I should've answered I just couldn't Nancy: I've already broken my own heart there's no handling if he decided to do it for me too Nancy: It was like I already hear what he was going to say Rio: No one is judgding you for not Rio: He's been guility of being unavailable for less Rio: You're more than entitled to take your time with this Rio: Let him cool down too, I put him right where I could but Rio: He's stubborn Nancy: And he thinks I'm as cringey as everyone at school does, right? Nancy: I knew it Nancy: I can't blame him really Rio: But that's nothing you don't know, you feel the embarrassment, I don't get why people think they're being clever pointing out as if its not your first hand experience Rio: He asked if you were coming back Rio: which he clearly wants, even if he's not gonna outright say that Nancy: I thought he might be on my side since he always goes after what he wants Nancy: Maybe he is though, if he does want me home Rio: Yeah, there's definitely hypocrisy otherwise Rio: I'm not gonna commit him to either side from a conversation relayed but I don't think talking to him soon will make it any worse Rio: Hoping he said all the dumb shit he needed to me instead, like Nancy: Was he such a prick to you? I'm sorry Nancy: I can't go back until those girls are far away at uni Nancy: Do you think we could convince him to come here? Team effort to get a visit? Rio: Not all bad Rio: and nothing I can't handle Rio: Yeah, reckon I might've met some of them last night Rio: and I feel you Rio: Worth a shot, I threw it out there that maybe if he came it'd make your 'rents coming less of a shitshow Rio: try and hold him to it Nancy: The ringleader is Chloe, with an accent over the e. You'd remember her if you did Nancy: It wouldn't surprise me if she was still hanging around him and his friends, she always did fancy him Nancy: Okay. I'll try Rio: Oh my God, her?! Rio: If she gave me daggers any harder I woulda been bleeding Rio: Such an unlikely candidate, no offence Chlo hun but total Rio: always the girls with the least going for them, honestly Nancy: That's her specialty Nancy: What's it say about me that I used to think we were actually friends once Rio: She looks like she can play nice when she wants to Rio: with your Brother, like you said Rio: Ugh Nancy: Yeah. She didn't want to play nice after I came out but she did a convincing enough job before Rio: Bet she thought you were in love with her and everything? Rio: What a cliche mean girl Nancy: Oh she went one better and told everyone I made a move of her, which even I wouldn't Rio: Oh, don't flatter yourself Rio: What a cow! Yeah, she's not changed at all then, obviously I avoided her best I could but she was way too happy about my drama Nancy: Like I know what I did with Sian was bad but Nancy: Please, I do have some standards Nancy: What happened with you? I didn't even ask. What a cow I am Rio: Yeah, she's not a catch, whatever way you're swinging, sorry to be a bitch but you were first gurl and that's always gonna be a turn-off Rio: Oh nah, nothing major, well, it was very dramatic but over it whilst it was happening so I'm not bothered Rio: Curtis went with me and then decided to get all huffy and try and make me leave early 'cos I was 'dancing too sexy' or whatever Rio: when I wouldn't he literally left me there, considering he drove us over, he had the hotel key Rio: Cue mad rush trying to find a place to crash and a way back Rio: Safe to say he's chucked Nancy: Oh my god! There's no words for how out of order that is. What an utter prick! Nancy: Buster better have offered you my bed Nancy: I'll kill him if he never Rio: Oh yeah, he did Rio: Offered to pay the way back but I thought that was too far Rio: Between taking your bed and clothes, like, need to at least try and sort half of it myself, like! Nancy: At least he's not a total prick himself ALL the time Nancy: Remembering some of how he was raised now Nancy: Are you in London rn still? Rio: Yeah, I'd say we can give him that Rio: Will go to his head but what you gonna do Rio: I am Rio: Toying with staying for a bit but I'll defs get in more shit for doing that for going with Curtis in the first place so Rio: Should probs get the soonest flight back now Nancy: My bed and wardrobe are yours if you are staying Nancy: Did you see my mum and dad? Nancy: While we're mentioning being in lots of shit, like Rio: I appreciate it, Nance Rio: I did my best to avoid then, and succeeded, thankfully, not really the vibe I'm looking to give out to the olders like Rio: Buster didn't seem keen to talk to them either, so they may very well be on the warpath towards Dubo and you...Soz to confirm Nancy: Care to teach me some of your ways before they end my life? I'd REALLY appreciate it tbh Nancy: Fantastic. That sounds accurate Rio: Umm, get them drunk and they'll be sleeping as you sneak about like Anne Frank? Rio: ORRRRR, whilst they're mid-air, come back to London, ha Nancy: Get mum REALLY angry Nancy: Nice subtle nod to my gayness with the Anne Frank ref though Nancy: And you're definitely onto something with getting dad a drink Rio: Say you're coming to rescue me, I can be FAR more dramatic about this breakup than I'm really feeling Rio: edge of fucking tower bridge like Rio: of course, all bisexuals are upheld in the highest esteem in my household Rio: especially brave little jewish girls Nancy: Good plan, if I can be this dramatic about a non-break up then we can make this believable I'm sure Nancy: Take the heroics from my brother too, always great Nancy: I see the bed and clothes gesture and I raise you Rio: Everyone loves a bit of sibling rivalry put to use Rio: get us both off the hook in one fell swoop Rio: Only flaw in the plan is Chloe with the accent Rio: Going to have to work on that so she's outta the way by the time you get here Nancy: I'd suggest taking her to the bridge and pushing her off but I don't need to go to prison Rio: If you thought the gay jokes were bad now Nancy: Exactly Nancy: And nobody needs a rebound that badly, least of all me Rio: They say some people go to Prison for the roof over their head and three meals a day Rio: wonder if anyone has ever gone in purely for the pussay Nancy: As a vegetarian I feel I'd have to Nancy: If only casual sex was my thing. Wouldn't have got here Rio: Yeah, it ain't for everyone Rio: at least you didn't get to fuck her, THEN catch feelings Rio: that'd be even shittier like and what happens to so many girls in our year when they do the 'casual' thing Rio: no wonder they're being salty little bitches about it Nancy: But that way it wouldn't have been all in my head Nancy: Maybe they have a point, I don't know Rio: It wouldn't make this bit any easier Rio: the actual heartbreak shit Rio: the people being cunts, less so Rio: but they'll find any reason, someone else will be the target next week, like Nancy: I know you're right Nancy: And I don't want her life ruined so Rio: Yeah, but you gotta think about you and your life too Rio: She's fine Nancy: Don't rub it in, please Nancy: I feel like my life's over Rio: I know sweets Rio: but it ain't Rio: you'll just keep going Nancy: I know I will, but I don't want to. Like I know she couldn't love me but I still want her too Nancy: It hurts Rio: Its going to Rio: for a while yet Rio: revel in it Rio: how unfair it feels Rio: 'cos its not a sexuality thing, if you were straight or she was gay or whatever the fuck, when you feel like you love someone and they just don't back Rio: that's gonna hurt regardless of the how you got there Rio: its not just because she was a teacher, everyone's been there, like Rio: Promise Nancy: I wish everyone saw this how you do Nancy: You're the best Nancy: June too but he doesn't get this bit yet Nancy: Though he can appreciate the wonders this will do for my art Rio: Gotta suffer, might as well get paid for it Rio: or A's Rio: at the very least Rio: I don't know, Junior is so guarded, I wonder if he ever will, not that I wish that bit on him but you've gotta go through it so its better to get it over with really Nancy: Especially because my Irish grades are gonna take a dive Nancy: I think he will Nancy: He just needs the right one to fall for Nancy: I appreciate how that sounds coming from me rn but Rio: Oh the awkwardness of that first lesson back is gonna be Rio: I'll deffo come Home by then Rio: I hope so, I know he's not happy hiding who he is, so I don't think he's content being alone forever, like, either Nancy: Oh god please do. I'll need all the help I can get Nancy: He won't be. He's a catch. I keep telling him Rio: Pretty sure push it any harder and I'm being dragged back by my hair lmao Rio: Totally, he just needs to get a lil confidence Rio: Not a complete personality change but just enough to give him that push Nancy: We're working on it Rio: Yay! Shame we can't be real speedy about it, get him getting a man to distract all the attention from you like Nancy: That's okay I wouldn't wish it on him Nancy: I can handle it. Sort of Rio: Yeah you can Rio: You've got this Nancy: So our brother keeps saying. But he makes it we because he's everything Nancy: *your Rio: Y'all are cuties Nancy: If you could use your influence on my brother to make him bearable I'll be your best friend Rio: I definitely cannot make promises there Rio: He goes out of his way to be un Rio: but he's alright really, I think lol Nancy: I'll have to take your word on that Nancy: Until I talk to him myself Rio: Let me know how it all works out like Nancy: Definitely
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