#we played a lot of board games today & the beach was FULL of jellyfish
myokk · 12 days
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my angel…
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jojokoalajo-blog · 8 years
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New Years in Sydney Came down o Sydney for a few days which was a nice break but it was in the middle of a heat wave so it was hot as hell. I met Katie from back home in Manly with her family and went for a paddle board, swim and lunch which was lovely. It was so nice to see a face from home and to have a little catch up. We paddle boarded around manly harbour which was nice then walked down to Shelly beach for a bit of a swim. I have never seen Shelly beach so busy but the water was still really cold which was a bit of a shock so everyone was just standing around knee deep. That night we then met up with Fi and Craig for Thai food in parramatta. Lovely food and a nice catch up but strange thing no one sells alcohol there and there's no to very hard to find pubs there which was a bit of a disappointmen ha The next day was NYE in the day we made plans with Fi and Craig to meet up and the beach and go for a snorkel. We went to Gordon's bay which was a nice hidden bay/beach with not too many people. It was a popular spot for diving and snorkelling. I had a little be of drama when we first went out as I got stung by a jellyfish...inside my mouth! I went to put my snorkel mouthpiece in and something hurt the inside of my lips so I took it out thinking it was a bit of fishing line or something then stinging my hand too. It was only when my mouth started going numb and slightly swelling that I realised it was a jellyfish sting! Thankfully no one peed in my mouth and the sting just went away but lesson learnt ALWAYS CHECK YOUR MOUTHPIECE BEFORE PUTTING IT IN YOUR MOUTH! So apart from the blue bottle jellyfish that I nearly ate, we saw lots of rays and fish including some blue groupers and even a glimpse of a woobegong shark! I was a great way to end 2016 and from the beach we headed into town to assume position ready for the fireworks. We ended camped at Birchwood oval with a great view of the harbour bridge. After we had assumed glitter face, glow sticks and 101 sparklers we saw all the fireworks which were great the best part being the golden waterfall of firework coming off the bridge into the sea. It was a fantastic way to start off the year but the transport getting home after was just as horrendous as expected. Our final full day in Sydney started with a lazy morning followed by lots of food! We headed to our favourite chocolate cafe San churros and got what has to be the greatest chocolate cake in the world before we made it over to the Olympic park. The Olympic park was full of awesome looking cycle tracks which we've decided we are going to come back and do. But today we headed over to Newington park to play some disc golf ⛳️ This is a game that's in a lot of Aussie parks it uses a frisbee instead of golf balls and you have to throw the disc into bucket like things and try to do it in the least amount of throws. It was great fun but more difficult than imagined especially when you decide to throw it through trees and bushes losing it multiple times ha. Unfortunately I did not win as I was shit but I showed improvement and that's all that really matters right?... we then finally made our way home after a lot of walking to find that our airbnb host was making us dinner. He made us butter chicken curry and garlic nann bread. It was delicious and very sweet of him to do. It was then a movie night and bed before and early start the next day to make our way home.
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