#we need spider merlin asap
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*i forgot he’s british
Every once in a while I remember that Tom Holland is a BBC Merlin fan and get the overwhelming urge to tweet at him asking for his thoughts
#we need spider merlin asap#spider merlin protecting prince arthur of uk#bbc merlin#tom holland#mainly did he cry at the ending and also did he ship merthur the masses would like to know thomas#and by the masses i mean me#merlin#merlin bbc#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bbc#merlin emrys
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Second Claims Open!
Hello! Second claims are now open and fanworkers are free to claim as many stories as they are reasonably sure they can finish! The previous claims post has been locked for new comments again, to keep things more organized. For second claims, fanworkers can claim as many stories as they want, however, please do not take on more than you are reasonably certain you can finish to avoid leaving any authors or stories hanging! Each story can be claimed one additional time for this round, with a total of 2 claims including the first round of claiming. Stories are guaranteed only one fanworker each. We cannot guarantee that every single story will get a second fanworker. Please be understanding of this! Second claims will close Sunday March, September 15th 23:59 PDT, when all fanworker sign-ups will be closed. How to Make Multiple Claims:
Stories are claimed on a first come, first served basis.
Comment here or email [email protected] with the number and title all the stories you want to claim. If you ask for three stories, you may be assigned all three, except in the case where another fanworker has requested the same story before you. Example: 6 The Smoke in Your Eyes - 9 To Lie and Wait --Will be assigned both stories. Example: 6 The Smoke in Your Eyes - 9 To Lie and Wait - 13 Untitled -- “6 The Smoke in Your Eyes” and “ 9 To Lie and Wait” have already been claimed, will be assigned only “13 Untitled”.
If you are claiming using OpenID, anonymous commenting, or using a friend to comment for you, please list the username that was used in the fanworker sign-up, so we can quickly get matching emails out to both the authors and fanworkers quickly! Example: Username: LuciferxDamien Story claims: 6 The Smoke in Your Eyes - 9 To Lie and Wait - 13 Untitled Can work on only 2 stories.
If you are a fanworker that successfully claims a story and have not signed up, here is the post to do that! We need for all fanworkers to sign up, so that we can get their email addresses to use for author/fanworker matching.
A matching email will go out to both the fanworker and the author containing each other’s contact information after a claim is successful. These emails will be sent no later than March 16th. If you don't get this match up email, please get in contact with us ASAP so that fanworkers and authors can get to work quickly! Stories are guaranteed only one fanworker each. We cannot guarantee that every single story will get a second fanworker. Please be understanding of this! 20k Big Bang Summaries 1 Title: untitled Word Count: 22,000 Genre: romance/drama Fandom: Spider-man (Tom Holland Films), MCU Characters/Pairings: Peter Parker/Michelle Jones Warnings: graphic violence, major character death (May Parker), kidnapping, sixteen year olds have consenting sex with sixteen year olds Rating: NC-17 Summary: After May dies, Pepper and Tony adopt Peter and make a family. Peter and MJ start dating. Over the course of six months, Peter has a number of firsts (being kidnapped, having sex, fighting HYDRA, killing weird monsters alongside Captain America) . Peter gets used to being rich, having Pepper and Tony as his parents. There's lots of talking and feeling and crying and more talking. Also making out. This story takes place after Spider-man Homecoming and is set in New York City. 2 Title: Magic Binds Us Word Count: 23k Genre: Action/Adventure, Fluff, Romance, Magic, Soulmates Fandom: Merlin/Torchwood/MCU Characters/Pairings: Morgana Pendragon/Phil Coulson, Morgana Pendragon/Gwaine, Morgana Pendragon/Loki/Thor, Phil Coulson/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Ianto Jones/James 'Bucky' Barnes Warnings: Past Character Death, Alternate Timelines, Mind Control, Divorce but still friends, Poly Relationships Rating: PG-13 Summary: Morgana was unsure as to why she was given a second chance at life but this time she planned on doing it right. Love that she had been denied was now hers, but of all those who held her heart she loved none as much as the man she had her son with ex-husband, Phil Coulson. Neither Morgana nor Merlin saw the sign until it was too late; the destruction Earth has nearly faced several times has summoned its ultimate protectors, dragons. Earth is unprepared for the sheer wrath and destruction that follows and must ban together in order to survive after all this is not learning how to defeat the dragons this is learning how to survive them and live with them. While dealing with getting her ex-husband with his two soulmates Morgana doesn't see that her soulmates are Loki and Thor who have their own issues to work through. 3 Title: Having Faith (working title) Word Count: 16k Genre: Angst with a bit of fluff Fandom: Arrow Characters/Pairings: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Warnings: abandonment, serious injury, trauma Rating: PG Summary: Alternate timeline to Season 7 Felicity is head of Smoak Tech and Oliver is the Mayor of Star City. They just find out Felicity is pregnant when she's in a car accident. Oliver has to make decisions about her and the baby. He goes with his heart and has faith that all will work out in the end. Three months later Felicity wakes up and doesn't remember anything since Cooper's funeral. She's surprised that she's pregnant and to find a wedding ring on her hand. But she remembers Oliver. There are secrets that come out and advice from others along the way as Oliver and Felicity work together to get back her memory and plan for a child that may have been affected by the drugs she was given in her coma. 4 Title: Untitled Word Count: 16k Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom: Dark Angel Characters/Pairings: Max/Alec Warnings: None Rating: NC-17 ... a few sexy scenes between the main characters. Summary: Sequel to Moments of Clarity from the 2017 Het Big Bang. Direct callbacks to previous events. Newly reunited, Max and Alec travel cross country, rediscovering their love for each other. They mark each city with gold stars, until they finally reach San Francisco. The short visit turns into something more sinister, with trouble finding them once again. As they try to navigate the underbelly of the city, Max and Alec realize that loving each other is the easy part. Staying together is a bitch. They've already overcome so much. Will they make it through this new adventure? This story is dedicated to all the wonderful fans who always wanted Max and Alec to find each other. 5 Title: The Seduction Word Count: +-20k Genre: Romance Fandom: Harry Potter Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Warnings: None Rating: M Summary: Blaise Zabini is in love. Only, the object of his affections is unaware of this because Granger keeps cockblocking him. Will Zabini be able to convince his dear friend Draco Malfoy to distract Granger long enough for him to woo Bianca? Will this whole plan bite him in the arse? I’m guessing it probably will, but let’s grab some popcorn and see how it plays out. 10k LittleBang Summaries 6 Title: Untitled Word Count: 12k Genre: Historical Romance Fandom: Road to Avonlea Characters/Pairings: Felicity King/Gus Pike Warnings: None Rating: PG Summary: Felicity King and Gus Pike exchange letters throughout their engagement while he is sailing to Jamaica to uncover the truth about his past and parentage and she is going to medical school. When word comes to her that Gus has died at sea, Felicity sets out to find him, believing he is still alive. This story is told entirely through letters, but the settings involve ocean voyages, Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Jamaica, and Charleston, South Carolina. The year is 1909-1910. If you have any questions or concerns, here is the Page-A-Mod Post. You can also contact the mods at [email protected] or by messaging LuciferxDamien or JesterLady on the HetBigBang Discord Server. from Het Big Bang https://ift.tt/2vbyZDn via IFTTT
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Story Claiming Instructions and Summaries
(Story claiming via comments will only be available for the LiveJournal version of this summary post. The DreamWidth summary post will not be unlocked. It is purely for reference. There are instructions for claiming on LiveJournal or by email further down. Please read everything!) Hello everyone! There are some really great stories up for claiming this year! The deadline has passed and no more rough drafts will be accepted, so here are the summary previews! The actual story claiming will begin on Saturday, March 7th at 12 Noon PST. We will be posting both the 10k LittleBang summaries and the 20k BigBang summaries at the same time, due to having less than 10 summaries total submitted. 20k BigBang stories still need to be claimed first! Authors, please look this post over to make sure your summary and information is correct! If anything is missing or wrong, please PM or email us ASAP, so we can get it fixed right away!!! If you are on the HetBang Discord server, that is also an excellent way to get in contact with us quickly. You will notice that all usernames have been removed. That is because this is a blind claiming. Please do not tell your fanworker friends who are participating which story number is yours; the idea of a blind claim is to create a collaborative atmosphere. If your fanworker friends know the premise of your story and claim it, that's fine! We don't want hurt feelings due to a story being claimed by someone else, however, as stories are claimed on a first come, first served basis. All 20k BigBang stories are guaranteed at least one fanwork. In the event of a pinch hit being needed, we mods will take care of it. However, if you are a fanworker that would be willing to take a last minute pinch and can create art fairly quickly (you would most likely only have a few days to finish the art piece, please keep this in mind), send us an email and we will keep you in mind! All 10k LittleBang stories are not guaranteed a fanwork. We will do our best to get all stories a fanworker but cannot 100% guarantee a fanwork for the LittleBang stories. Fanworks come in many different forms! Traditional art, digital art, manips, vids, and fanmixes (with cover art) are all great. After matching is done, talk with your fanworker and see what their skills are! Fanworkers, you must create at least one fanwork per story you claim. You are free and welcome to do more than one fanwork per story you claim, of course! Just make sure that you can finish fanworks for all of the stories you claim, in the event you claim more than one story. There are two different ways to claim a story. The first way is to leave a comment on this post, after claims open, and there are a few ways to do this: comment with a LiveJournal account, login with OpenID to comment, or have a friend with an LJ account or use anonymous commenting and leave your username you signed up with and the story numbers and titles you are claiming. (If your username differs on your LJ/DW or OpenID account from the username you used to sign-up, please leave the username that was used to sign-up so we can get matching emails out quickly!) The second way to claim a story is by emailing us at [email protected], and listing the story numbers and titles you are claiming. We will do our best to match timestamps so that the first fanworker to claim a story gets it. If you are going to claim via email, do not send your claim choices until after the claiming period has been announced. Email claims that do not follow this rule and come before claiming begins will be disregarded. During this preview period, fanworkers have the chance to thoroughly look over all the summaries and decide which ones they would be able to create art for. Claiming is done on a first come, first served basis, so it's a good idea to take advantage of this preview window and take note of which stories you want to claim. This way, you won't need to scramble to read summaries and get your claims in, you'll already have an idea of what you want to work on! Try to determine at least 3 fics you can work on, so you can list your top 3 choices. If there are only 2 stories you would like to work on, this is fine as well, but do try to decide on more than one story to work on. If you are a fanworker that wants to claim multiple stories, you can make note of more than 3 stories to claim, once second claims open up. For first claims, only one story may be claimed per fanworker. When second claims open up on Sunday at around 3PM PDT, the amount of stories a fanworker can claim is unlimited, however, do not claim more than you are sure you can finish! Fanworker guidelines can be found right here. If you’re interested in signing up as a fanworker, fill out the form below: Fanworker Sign-Ups Right Here! How to Claim a Story:
Stories are claimed on a first come, first served basis. If you can, look over the comments to see if the story you want has already been claimed and then make different choices. (This is why it's handy to take a careful look during the preview period and choose several stories you'd be comfortable to work on!)
Comment here or email me with your top 3 choices, in the order that you want them, stating the number of the summary and the title. Example: 6 The Smoke in Your Eyes - 9 To Lie and Wait - 13 Untitled
If you are claiming using OpenID, anonymous commenting, or using a friend to comment for you, please list the username that was used in the fanworker sign-up, so we can quickly get matching emails out to both the authors and fanworkers quickly! Example: Username: LuciferxDamien Story claims: 6 The Smoke in Your Eyes - 9 To Lie and Wait - 13 Untitled
In the event your first choice is already claimed, we will go down your list and assign you your second or third choice. Please do not choose stories you're not sure you can create art for. It's not fair to the authors!
After you make a story claim, we will let you know which story number and title you were successful on, via either the comment you left on this post, or by replying to the email you sent. This could take a few hours, so please be patient!
If you are a fanworker that successfully claims a story and have not signed up, here is the post to do that! We need for all fanworkers to sign up, so that we can get their email addresses to use for author/fanworker matching.
A matching email will go out to both the fanworker and the author containing each other’s contact information after a claim is successful. We plan to start sending these emails out Sunday morning. You should receive this email no later than 72 hours after we have confirmed the claim. If you don't get this match up email, please get in contact with us ASAP so that fanworkers and authors can get to work quickly!
Second claims will open Sunday, March 8th at about 3PM PDT. If all stories have been claimed by this time, all stories will be open for second claiming. If there are still a few stories that need to be claimed, they must be claimed before stories will open up for a second fanworker claim. All 20k BigBang stories are guaranteed one fanworker only. If stories go up for second claims, they are not guaranteed more than one fanworker. 20k Big Bang Summaries 1 Title: untitled Word Count: 22,000 Genre: romance/drama Fandom: Spider-man (Tom Holland Films), MCU Characters/Pairings: Peter Parker/Michelle Jones Warnings: graphic violence, major character death (May Parker), kidnapping, sixteen year olds have consenting sex with sixteen year olds Rating: NC-17 Summary: After May dies, Pepper and Tony adopt Peter and make a family. Peter and MJ start dating. Over the course of six months, Peter has a number of firsts (being kidnapped, having sex, fighting HYDRA, killing weird monsters alongside Captain America) . Peter gets used to being rich, having Pepper and Tony as his parents. There's lots of talking and feeling and crying and more talking. Also making out. This story takes place after Spider-man Homecoming and is set in New York City. 2 Title: Magic Binds Us Word Count: 23k Genre: Action/Adventure, Fluff, Romance, Magic, Soulmates Fandom: Merlin/Torchwood/MCU Characters/Pairings: Morgana Pendragon/Phil Coulson, Morgana Pendragon/Gwaine, Morgana Pendragon/Loki/Thor, Phil Coulson/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Ianto Jones/James 'Bucky' Barnes Warnings: Past Character Death, Alternate Timelines, Mind Control, Divorce but still friends, Poly Relationships Rating: PG-13 Summary: Morgana was unsure as to why she was given a second chance at life but this time she planned on doing it right. Love that she had been denied was now hers, but of all those who held her heart she loved none as much as the man she had her son with ex-husband, Phil Coulson. Neither Morgana nor Merlin saw the sign until it was too late; the destruction Earth has nearly faced several times has summoned its ultimate protectors, dragons. Earth is unprepared for the sheer wrath and destruction that follows and must ban together in order to survive after all this is not learning how to defeat the dragons this is learning how to survive them and live with them. While dealing with getting her ex-husband with his two soulmates Morgana doesn't see that her soulmates are Loki and Thor who have their own issues to work through. 3 Title: Having Faith (working title) Word Count: 16k Genre: Angst with a bit of fluff Fandom: Arrow Characters/Pairings: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Warnings: abandonment, serious injury, trauma Rating: PG Summary: Alternate timeline to Season 7 Felicity is head of Smoak Tech and Oliver is the Mayor of Star City. They just find out Felicity is pregnant when she's in a car accident. Oliver has to make decisions about her and the baby. He goes with his heart and has faith that all will work out in the end. Three months later Felicity wakes up and doesn't remember anything since Cooper's funeral. She's surprised that she's pregnant and to find a wedding ring on her hand. But she remembers Oliver. There are secrets that come out and advice from others along the way as Oliver and Felicity work together to get back her memory and plan for a child that may have been affected by the drugs she was given in her coma. 4 Title: Untitled Word Count: 16k Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom: Dark Angel Characters/Pairings: Max/Alec Warnings: None Rating: NC-17 ... a few sexy scenes between the main characters. Summary: Sequel to Moments of Clarity from the 2017 Het Big Bang. Direct callbacks to previous events. Newly reunited, Max and Alec travel cross country, rediscovering their love for each other. They mark each city with gold stars, until they finally reach San Francisco. The short visit turns into something more sinister, with trouble finding them once again. As they try to navigate the underbelly of the city, Max and Alec realize that loving each other is the easy part. Staying together is a bitch. They've already overcome so much. Will they make it through this new adventure? This story is dedicated to all the wonderful fans who always wanted Max and Alec to find each other. 5 Title: The Seduction Word Count: +-20k Genre: Romance Fandom: Harry Potter Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Warnings: None Rating: M Summary: Blaise Zabini is in love. Only, the object of his affections is unaware of this because Granger keeps cockblocking him. Will Zabini be able to convince his dear friend Draco Malfoy to distract Granger long enough for him to woo Bianca? Will this whole plan bite him in the arse? I’m guessing it probably will, but let’s grab some popcorn and see how it plays out. 10k LittleBang Summaries 6 Title: Untitled Word Count: 12k Genre: Historical Romance Fandom: Road to Avonlea Characters/Pairings: Felicity King/Gus Pike Warnings: None Rating: PG Summary: Felicity King and Gus Pike exchange letters throughout their engagement while he is sailing to Jamaica to uncover the truth about his past and parentage and she is going to medical school. When word comes to her that Gus has died at sea, Felicity sets out to find him, believing he is still alive. This story is told entirely through letters, but the settings involve ocean voyages, Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Jamaica, and Charleston, South Carolina. The year is 1909-1910. If you have any questions or concerns, here is the Page-A-Mod Post. You can also contact the mods at [email protected] or by messaging LuciferxDamien or JesterLady on the HetBigBang Discord Server. from Het Big Bang https://ift.tt/2Ipwiku via IFTTT
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