#we need a counter for how many times Kaiden sighs in this
boowhumps · 1 year
|Day 7 ~ Unsteady|
- Swearing
- Mention of Needles
As soon as I woke up I knew that today was not going to be a good day.
Waking up late was the first bad thing, since it caused me to miss breakfast.
I barely managed to make it to my first class on time, and then I remembered the quiz we had that day, so there's bad thing #2.
Bad thing #3 was forgetting a jacket when the weather forecast said it would rain.
And bad thing #4 was the migraine I had basically all day.
And as soon as the dreadful day was almost over, bad thing #5 began.
My migrane went away and was replaced with an unsteady feeling. Every step I took was wobbly. I felt really light-headed.
I still went around the house cleaning, cooking dinner, studying, yet this feeling wouldn't leave me.
Even once Kaiden got home hours later the feeling persisted.
"Hey.." Said Kaiden, his eyes studying me. "Are you alright? You look pale."
"Fine." I mumbled, even though I was clearly not fine. "You can go take a shower.. I'll clean up a bit."
I forced my body through cleaning up the kitchen even with the feeling that I was going to fall over.
Once the kitchen was clean I finally accepted that I wasn't ok in the slithtest, but by then it was too late.
As I walked into the living room to sit for a bit, everything started spinning like some weird fair ride.
My vision was blurred with black spots and my body went limp. I found that lost consciousness before I even hit the floor..
I slowly felt myself coming to my senses, my ears picking up the sound of a muffled voice.
"-can you hear me?"
I groan escaped my lips and I brought my arms up to cover my eyes.
Since when were the lights so damn.. bright?
"Oh thank god, I was about to call an ambulance." I heard Kaiden sigh in relief.
"Are you crazy..?" I groan. "The last thing I need is.. a bunch of needles in me as I lay in a hospital bed.."
"Yeah yeah.." He mumbles.
I open my eyes slightly to see his concerned face staring at me.
"Ok Karyme.. What the hell happened?" He asks.
I stare at him blanky.
He sighs into his hands like a disappointed father.
"What do you mean nothing.? Passing out is not nothing."
I blink my eyes at him.
"Nothin'.. serious.. I pass out all the time.."
He looks at me with a 'why are you like this?' look.
"Yes.. I know that, but you never pass out like this. Something's clearly wrong."
I groan again and shut my eyes.
"Calm down Grammy Nominee.."
A confused "eh" sound is all I hear before another loud sigh.
"Geez.. You really are out of it, huh?"
I cover my ears.
"Shut up.. Stop screaming.."
I earn yet another sigh from Kaiden.
"No one is screaming- you know what.. Just go back to sleep. It'll make you feel better."
I snort as his tone.
"Okay dad.."
He huffs in offence at my teasing.
"Call me dad again and we're gonna have issues."
I open my eyes to look at him and put my hand up to cover his mouth.
"Shhhhhh, I'm sleeping." I say as I close my eyes and uncover his mouth.
He sighs for the millionth time.
"Ugh.. What am I gonna do with you..?"
I find myself falling back asleep before I could give a snarky comeback.
Lucky lucky.
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Second Pregnancy Series #9: Guilt
29 weeks, or 7 and a half months, pregnant 
Author’s Note: So, this part is a little longer than usual because it’s about the guilt that many parents face during a second pregnancy. The guilt can range from trying to figure out to how to give an adequate amount of time and attention to all of the kids, to not wanting to take anything away from the firstborns, and everything in between. I hope you guys enjoy this part!
Kim Seokjin
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“Daddy! Daddy!” Kaiden shouted as Jin walked through the front door of the house, and Kaiden slid down from his spot on the couch next to you to run over to his daddy. 
“Hey Chinny,” Jin chuckled, catching Kaiden in his arms and lifting him to squeeze him in a hug. 
“Are you done with work today?” Kaiden asked excitedly. “Can you play with me now?”
“I can’t Chinny,” Jin told him. “I just came home to get something that I needed.”
“Oh. Can we play when you come home at dinner?” Kaiden wondered.
“I’m not gonna be home for dinner tonight Kade,” Jin said and you lifted an eyebrow at that. “I have to be at the studio with your uncles.”
“Oh, ok,” Kaiden murmured and you frowned lightly when you saw the pout on his face. Deciding to step into the situation, you stood up and walked over to them, setting your hand on Kaiden’s back.
“I’m sure Daddy will play with you when he can, right?” You said as you looked up at Jin, who nodded in agreement. “Here, come to Mommy,” you said as you held your arms out and Jin handed Kaiden over to you. Jin then sprinted off up the stairs towards your bedroom, and you squinted your eyes in confusion. 
“Here, why don’t you stay here and watch your cartoons ok?” You told Kaiden as you walked back over to the couch and set him down. He nodded softly, watching wordlessly as you turned them on for him. After making sure that he was watching, you climbed up the stairs and walked down the hallway to your bedroom. Once you got to the doorway, you peeked inside to see Jin sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. 
“Jin?” You called and when he lifted his head, your heart felt like it was going to break at seeing the tears streaming down his face. You walked over to him, sitting down on the bed next to him and setting your hand on his back. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I just feel like a terrible father,” he sniffled and you remained quiet as you let him continue. “I barely have time to play with my son as it is and now that we’re having another baby, all I can think about is how both Kaiden and them are probably gonna feel neglected because I’ll have to split the little bit of free time that I do get.”
“Jin, it’s understandable that you feel like this,” you told him. “But you’re an amazing father. Yeah ok, so Kade was sad when you told him that you had to get back to work but he also looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky. Don’t let this one bad day make you feel inadequate, because I promise you that you’re not.”
“You sure?” Jin wondered. “You sure that they both won’t grow up to hate my guts?” He asked and you giggled because you knew that he was feeling better since he was being over dramatic.
“I’m positive,” you nodded as you reached over to wipe his face for him. 
“God, what would I do without you?” He wondered out loud and you smiled before he kissed you softly. 
Min Yoongi 
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“Yoongs?” You whispered, reaching over and gently pushing his fringe off his forehead in hopes of waking him up. 
“Y/N-ah, I’m sleeping,” he mumbled, tightening the arm that he had around your middle and pulling you closer into his side. “You should be too.”
“I need to talk to you though,” you said. 
“Now? It can’t wait until in the morning?” He wondered.
“Well, it’s kind of been bothering me for a few days now,” you trailed off and Yoongi’s eyes popped open when he heard the shy tone in your voice. He moved his arm up so that it was underneath your head and he set his fingertips on your forehead, frowning slightly when he felt the frown lines there.
“What’s going through your head Min?” He asked you as he looked into your eyes.
“I’ve been feeling guilty,” you admitted and Yoongi furrowed his brows in confusion.
“For what?”
“For getting pregnant again,” you told him, making his eyes widen. “Lately, I’ve just been paying more attention to Kins and she has such a close bond with the both of us. I don’t want to lose that once Kamryn comes.”
“You won’t lose that Y/N-ah, you’re her mom,” Yoongi said.
“I know that rationally, but I can’t help but to think that Kins will feel like we’re just casting her to the wayside, you know? It’s always just been the three of us.”
“Oh baby,” he muttered, leaning over and pressing his lips to yours, kissing you gently for a few seconds before pulling away. “Kins loves you so much. Hell, even I’m chopped liver when it comes to her mommy. She won’t feel like we’re casting her to the side because we won’t let that happen, right?”
“Of course not,” you shook your head. 
“You’re fucking amazing when it comes to taking care of me and Kins, and you have been since the day that I met you and since the day that Kins was born. I’m more than sure that you’ll be just as amazing with Kam.”
“You really think so?” You asked softly and Yoongi nodded with a smile.
“I know so. And even on the off chance that I’m wrong, I’ll be right here to help you. So try not to worry about it, yeah?” He said and you nodded before leaning over to kiss him.
“I love you Yoongs,” you whispered.
“I love you more baby. Now, get some sleep Min,” he smirked. 
Kim Namjoon
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“Mommy, can I have a lollipop?” Mason asked for, what felt like, the thousandth time in the span of 20 minutes. 
“Mase, what did I say when you asked me the last time?” You asked him. 
“You said no,” he replied. 
“So the answer is still no,” you told him as you picked up the laundry basket before turning around and walking up the stairs. Mason, however, was right behind you, not one to give up easily.
“But why not?” He questioned as the two of you walked up the stairs.
“Because it’s too close to dinner and I don’t want you to ruin your appetite,” you explained to him as the two of you walked into your bedroom, where Namjoon was sitting on the bed.
“But it won’t! It’s tiny!” He exclaimed.
“Mason, the answer is no,” you told him as you set the basket on the bed and before rubbing your swollen bump softly.
“But Mommy!” He whined loudly with a stomp of his foot and you whipped around to face him, a scowl on your face,
“Mason Bailey, do not start whining,” You hissed and Namjoon’s eyes widened, because you rarely ever raised your voice at Mason so he decided to intervene. 
“Mase, why don’t you go to your room for a little while ok?” Namjoon suggested as he got up from the bed and Mason looked up at him with a pout.
“Am I in trouble?” He murmured and you automatically began to feel bad for how you lost your cool when you saw the look on his face. 
“I’ll come talk to you in a minute ok? Just go buddy,” Namjoon said and Mason nodded before turning and walking out of the room. Namjoon then turned to face you, confusion written all over his face. “Y/N, what was that?”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately said, tears starting to rush down your face and Namjoon automatically pulled you into his arms when he saw you crying.
“No Y/N-ah, don’t cry,” he muttered as he hugged you tightly.
“This pregnancy just has my hormones going crazy and he just kept asking after I already told him no multiple times and I just feel like shit because I can’t control it,” you hurriedly explained and Namjoon just shushed you, his heart aching at seeing how bad you felt. 
“No, it’s ok jagi. You didn’t mean it and I’m sure he knows that,” Namjoon assured you. 
“I’ve been so short tempered lately, and I don’t wanna make him feel bad for being himself just because I’m hormonal,” you sniffled. 
“Explain it to him then,” Namjoon told you. “You know he’ll understand what you’re trying to tell him.”
“You think?” 
“You know how smart he is,” Namjoon chuckled. “Try him.”
“You’re right,” you nodded, pulling away from the hug to take a deep breath to calm yourself down while Namjoon wiped your face free of tears. “Can you come with me while I go apologize to him?”
“Yeah, come on jagi,” he nodded, reaching down and grabbing your hand in his before leading you towards Mason’s bedroom. 
Jung Hoseok 
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“Daddy, don’t leave,” Lennox and Berkeley both said after Hobi as he moved to stand up from the couch in the living where the three of them had been watching a movie.
“Kiddos, I’ll be right back,” Hobi chuckled. “I’m only going to get us some snacks.”
“We come too,” Berkeley said firmly.
“No, you can both stay here and keep watching the movie. I’ll be right back,” Hobi told them.
“Promise?” Lennox pouted and Hobi furrowed his brow in confusion. 
“Of course Lenny. Why wouldn’t I come back?” Hobi wondered.
“You stay at BigHit a lot now,” Berkeley spoke up and Lennox nodded in agreement. Hobi sighed heavily before pulling setting his hands on top of both of their heads.
“Well, Daddy doesn’t have to go back to BigHit until tomorrow, ok? I’m all yours, I promise,” he told them and they both nodded in reply. Hobi then got up and walked into the kitchen, where you were indulging yourself in your latest pregnancy craving of pickles.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you Hobi?” You asked him, immediately noticing the frown on his face. 
“Have the kids said anything to you about me having to work more lately?” He questioned and you frowned lightly, shaking your head.
“Not anymore than they usually do. Why?”
“Because I was about to come get us some snacks to eat while we watch the movie and I said that I’d be right back and Lennox said ‘Promise?’. And when I asked why he’d say that, Berk said it’s because I’ve been at BigHit a lot lately,” he explained to you and your eyes widened. You put the jar of pickles in your hands on the counter and wiped your hands before stepping over to Hobi, setting your hands on his cheeks.
“Talk to me,” you murmured and he nodded, taking a second to get his thoughts together.
“I guess hearing them say that just scares me. Apparently, I’m not giving them all of the attention that they want or need and all I can think of is how we have Hendrix coming now and how the hell am I gonna give three kids what they need when I can’t even manage with two?” He said. 
“Hobi, you do give them what they need,” you told him. “It’s just that you’re their favorite person and they both love spending time with you. You go so above and beyond as their dad that they can’t help but to notice when you’re not here.”
“Really?” He asked wearily and you nodded with a soft smile, before leaning in and kissing his lips softly.
“Don’t you think for one second that you don’t give 110% to our kiddos every day, because you do,” you smiled. “And they love you so much for it and Hendrix will too.”
“Thank you Y/N-ah,” Hobi grinned, giving you another kiss. 
Park Jimin 
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You were sat on the back porch of your and Jimin’s house, watching with a smile as Jimin and Noah ran around the backyard together. Since today was one of Jimin’s days off, Noah was insistent on taking full advantage of his dad’s free time and you were more than relieved to have the extra pair of hands around.
“Daddy, come back!” Noah shouted as Jimin walked up the steps of the porch, making him stop and turn around to face Noah.
“I’m just gonna take a little break mini me,” he told him. “Why don’t you go play in your sandbox for a while?” He suggested and Noah nodded before skipping off towards it. Jimin came over and sat down on the bench next to you, and you giggled at him when he sighed tiredly.
“God, where does he get all of that energy from?” Jimin wondered as he looked over at you. “I’m exhausted.”
“He’s been saving it for you,” you told him with a smirk. “He’s definitely not that hyper when it’s just me and him.”
“Oh, so he’s just torturing me then? Good to know,” Jimin nodded and you laughed at him before looking back out to Noah, who was playing with his toys in the sandbox. “He’s getting so big now huh?” Jimin said when he saw you looking at Noah.
“Yeah,” you nodded, sniffling softly and Jimin’s eyes widened when he saw tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Jagi, why are you crying?” Jimin asked as he fully turned to face you, his hands coming up to hold your cheeks as he wiped your eyes. 
“I just don’t want him to feel like he has to grow up since we’re having another baby,” you confessed. “One of my favorite things about Noah is how innocent he is and I don’t want to ruin that for him.”
“Us having another baby isn’t gonna ruin that for him jagi,” Jimin assured you. “He’ll still be our baby too.”
“I know but I don’t want him to think that he has to stop being his little soft self since he’s not the youngest in the family anymore,” you said. 
“And that’s where we, as his parents, step in,” Jimin told you. “We know Noah the best so if we see him doing that, we can step in and explain to him that he can still be Noah, you know?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you said, reaching up and wiping your eyes while Jimin moved his hands down and grabbed your hands in his. 
“Trust me, mini me will be great,” he promised you. “His emotional intelligence is higher than the average three year old so he’ll be fine.”
“Thank you Jimin-ssi,” you smiled. 
“No problem baby,” Jimin replied, leaning over and kissing you firmly.  
Kim Taehyung
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“Come on Spence,” you said as you helped her stand up in the bathtub. You grabbed her pink, fluffy bath towel and opened it up before wrapping it around her little body. You then lifted her up and out of the tub, helping her dry herself off. 
“Are you gonna do my hair tonight Mommy?” Spencer asked and you smiled, nodding your head. 
“Of course Spence,” you replied. “I think Daddy is in your room so why don’t you go ask him to help you put your pajamas on and then bring me your hair stuff when you’re done?” 
“Ok!” She exclaimed and you patted her butt twice before she went rushing out of the bathroom and to her room. After letting the water out of the tub, you walked out of the bathroom and down the hall into you and Taehyung’s bedroom, collapsing onto the bed and laying on your back. You had taken a nap earlier in the day but this pregnancy definitely was tiring you out more than you remember that your pregnancy with Spencer had and you couldn’t help but to let your eyes flutter shut. 
“Mommy?” You heard Spencer whisper and you opened your eyes, not even realizing that you had drifted off to sleep. “I have my stuff.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Spence, but Mommy is really tired,” you told her with a small yawn. “Do you think we could skip your hair routine, just for tonight?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Spencer muttered and you immediately began to feel bad after seeing the look on her face. 
“I’ll do it in the morning before you go to school, alright? I promise,” you told her.
“Ok,” she nodded before turning around walking out of the room. You almost wanted to follow after her and tell her that you would do it, but your body just wouldn’t let you. That’s why you just continued to lay in bed, until Taehyung walked in a little while later.
“Hey, she off to bed?” You asked him.
“Yeah, she finally drifted off a few minutes ago,” he said as he climbed into the bed next to you. He then propped his head up on his hand as he used his other hand to lightly rub your bump. “She seemed a little sad that you didn’t do her hair tonight.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you groaned. “I felt so bad but I just get tired so easily now.”
“That’s understandable Y/N-ah,” he told you. “You did give her her bath and everything.”
“I know but she knows that I’m more tired because of Elijah and I don’t want her to feel like her routines have to change just because of him,” you admitted. 
“But they will change though,” he replied honestly. “We’re gonna have another newborn in the house now and it’ll take us a while to figure out to handle both of them together. We just have to make sure that we take the time to reassure Munchkin when it’s needed, that’s all.”
“And this is why you’re super dad,” you smiled, giggling when Taehyung leaned over and left a kiss on your nose. 
“Well, I definitely couldn’t be super dad without you by my side,” he said with a small smile. 
Jeon Jungkook
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“Good night Angel,” Jungkook said as he tucked Ava into her bed while you watched from the doorway.
“Daddy, my light,” Ava whined and Jungkook nodded as he leaned over and switched on her nightlight. 
“There’s your light so go to sleep now, ok?” Jungkook said and Ava nodded, a small giggle escaping her when Jungkook leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I love you Angel.”
“Love you Daddy,” she replied before looking over at you. “I love you too Mommy.”
“Love you too Ave,” you smiled as you walked over to her bed and leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Sweet dreams.” You and Jungkook both watched as she closed her eyes before tip toeing out of her bedroom and heading down the hall to your shared bedroom.
“God, I’m so happy that she’s asleep,” Jungkook groaned as he flopped face first onto your bed and you couldn’t help but to laugh as you sat down next to him. “Is it just me or does she get sassier every day?”
“No, she definitely does,” you nodded. 
“She’s taking after you,” he mumbled. 
“You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” you laughed and he just shrugged. The two of you continued to sit there silently until Jungkook suddenly flipped over, his eyes wide in realization.
“How the hell are we gonna handle the two of them once Aria’s born?” He wondered and you raised your eyebrows at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Ave can be a lot to handle, even though most of it is harmless but she’s still a lot. How are we gonna handle her and a newborn? And what if Aria is a hard baby just like Ave was? We barely made it through Ave’s first year alive,” he rushed out and you set your hand on his lips, silencing him.
“Kook, you’re ranting and you’re working yourself up,” you told him. “Calm down.”
“I’m trying but I cant help but to think about things like that,” he muttered lamely. 
“Kook, we’ll be fine,” you promised. “You’re right, we definitely struggled through Ave’s first year but we made it, didn’t we?”
“So we’ll be great with Aria too,” you smiled. “We have each other to lean on, and I’d say that you’re a pretty solid partner. Aren’t I?”
“Mm, I don’t know about all that,” he teased and you gasped playfully, smacking him in the shoulder afterwards. “I’m just kidding. You’re the only person that I would want to have help me deal with our bratty, sassy babies.”
“I feel like you’re shading me since you just said that Ava’s taking after me but I’m gonna ignore that,” you told him.
“I love you Y/N,” Jungkook said as he moved over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he laid his head in your lap.
“I love you more Kook,” you smiled, setting your hands in his hair and running your fingers through it. 
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roselukes · 6 years
Stay a Little Longer - Ch 3 - m.c.
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Previous Chapters
Summary: When Michael’s life is compromised, he seeks safety in the arms of the unfamiliar
Note: this particular chapter is dedicated to @mistletoemichael because she’s Michael’s biggest fan and one of my bestest friends and she’s going through some shit and she needed this chapter more than anyone else
Tag List: @sassy-asht0n @toofadedtofight @rosesarered516 @hoe4hemmo @heartbreakashton94 @calsfrontcurl @calumspeachy @dukehoods @holidayhood @wrappedaroundcal @mistletoemichael @plainwhiteluke @irwinkitten @hereforlukescruff @astroashtonio @catchinqcalum @irwinvalentines @kinglycalum @biggestslutforcalum @calumhampton @angelmikeyy @hotmessmichael @curlyhairedpopstars @meloncal @heavenlyhemminqs @24kcalum @calsjackets @boytoynamedcalum @alyssarester @ssophisticated-simplicityy @mycollectionofnuts @mysteriouslycali @calteahood @notoriouslyhood @ohhmuke @lukesflaredpants @slimthicccal @ghostofch
That following day, James offered Michael the position, which he accepted. He was finally able to move out of the hotel and into a real bedroom. He walked into the bedroom and set down his final suitcase. Lani leaned against the doorway of Michael’s room. “Howdy, neighbor.” She smiled at him.
“What?” Michael laughed, looking at her.
“We’re neighbors now. My room is right across the hall. Right there.” She said, pointing to the bedroom.
“Can I see it?” Michael asked, peeking into her room.
“It’s just a bedroom.” Lani said, walking into her room.
“You can tell a lot about a person by their bedroom.” Michael said, walking into her room. “Like, you have a wide range in music taste, based on the photo of Big Time Rush on your nightstand, and the picture of Billy Currington on your desk. Wait, is that you with Billy Currington?”
“Yeah, I met him when I was in college.” Lani smiled. “He wrote my tattoo for me.”
“Hold on, you have a tattoo?” Michael spun around to look at her.
“I have several.” Lani nodded. “Wanna see?”
“Yes, please.” Michael grinned and sat on her bed.
“Okay, I have a dragonfly on my ankle here.” She said, pulling her leggings up to show the ink. “I have a smaller dragonfly behind my ear, here.” She said, pulling her ear slightly to show him. “I have ‘If I leave my heart with you tonight will you promise me that you’re gonna treat it right?’ on my ribcage here.” Lani said, lifting her shirt just enough to let Michael see the tattoo, her deep green bra barely making an appearance. “And, Ashton and I have matching hearts on our wrists.” She said, showing him the final tattoo.
“You and Ashton this, you and Ashton that.” Michael teased.
“You sound like Calum. He’s always jealous when Ashton and I hang out. He was miserable when Ash and Rae Lynn started dating. Now he just hangs out with Luke all the time.”
“That Luke guy is kinda weird.” Michael said, making a face.
“You get used to him after a while.” Lani giggled. “Anyways, I was gonna head to the grocery store. Do you want to come with me?”
“I’d love to come. When are we going?” Michael smiled.
“Right now.” Lani said and walked down the hallway. Michael nodded and followed Lani down the hall. He followed her out to her truck and got in the passenger seat. Lani pulled out of the driveway and started down the gravel roads.
“So..” Michael mused, looking at Lani.
“Nope. I hate awkward conversations in the car.” Lani shook her head and turned on the radio, the sounds of Billy Currington echoing through the cab of the truck.
“Hey, you like this guy.” Michael commented.
“I don’t like him. I adore him. I would lay down my life for him.” Lani said, looking at Michael.
“You’re one of those people.” Michael chuckled.
“I have many people I would die for. Billy Currington, Tim McGraw, Luke Bryan, the lady that does my nails.” Lani shrugged.
“There’s a place to get your nails done here? In the middle of nowhere?” Michael asked.
“No, I drive two hours once a month to get my nails done.” Lani said, turning onto a paved road.
“The dedication.” Michael chuckled and changed the station. “Sorry, I’m just not a fan of Rascal Flatts.”
“That’s okay, I’m not either. Though, I have seen them live.” Lani said, stopping at a stop sign. Not long after, Lani parked the car in the lot at Warehouse Grocery. She walked inside with Michael, grabbing a cart. “Do you have everything you need at the house? Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo?” Lani asked.
“I could use more toothpaste and deodorant.” Michael nodded and followed Lani to the toiletries aisle. He grabbed his preferred brands of toothpaste and deodorant, placing them in the cart.
“Alright, I need to get some things for dinner and some things for Kaiden’s lunches.” Lani nodded and pushed the cart.
“Do you have a list?” Michael asked and Lani nodded. She took the list from her pocket and handed it to Michael. They went first to the canned goods, grabbing a few cans of veggies. “Don’t we grow these?” Michael asked.
“They’re not ready to harvest and we’re out from last year’s harvest.” Lani explained. She walked to the baking aisle and looked at the list. She looked up at the shelf before moving closer to Michael, her body tucking into his side. He liked having her close, but his confusion was evident.
“Lani, what are you doing?” He asked, looking down at her.
“Shh, just go with it.” Lani said. “Don’t say anything and keep your head down.” Michael nodded and tried to obey. He kept his down, but glanced up when a man approached them.
“Hey there, Lani.” The man smirked. “Haven’t seen you around the bar lately, where’ve you been?”
“Nowhere.” Lani rolled her eyes. “I’m not a rowdy college girl anymore. I have an actual life now.”
“Uh huh, sure.” The man chuckled. “I know that rowdy college girl is still in there. You can’t change who you are, Lani.”
“Y’all findin’ everything alright?” Martin, the store owner, asked. The man shook head and walked away, leaving Michael and Lani alone with Martin.
“Thanks, Marty.” Lani sighed.
“No problem, dear.” Martin smiled softly and walked away.
“What was that?” Michael asked, following Lani to the frozen foods.
“Nothing.” Lani mumbled, grabbing some frozen fruits and veggies and placing them in the cart. Michael sighed and grabbed the frozen chicken from the top shelf, placing it in the cart. He was curious, but he knew not to press the issue. When they had finished and paid, Michael helped Lani load up the back of the truck.
“Are you sure what happened in there was nothing?” Michael asked, almost regretting his decision to ask. Lani pulled out her phone and called Ashton.
“Hey, Ash. Mike and I got the groceries but we’re gonna stay in town for a bit longer. Tell Rae Lynn to get started on dinner and we’ll be home soon.” Lani said before hanging up.
“We’re staying?” Michael asked, watching as Lani started walking toward Main Street. He jogged to catch up to her after closing the the back of the truck.
“You and I are going to have a chat.” Lani said, walking into a small bakery. “Care for a donut?” She asked, walking up to the counter.
“Always.” Michael nodded and stood next to her. “One chocolate eclair, please.” Michael ordered.
“Glazed for me.” Lani said, handing the clerk a $5 bill. The clerk handed Lani the donuts and she walked over to the bar that overlooked the street. She sat on a stool and pulled her donut from the bag.
“So, who was he?” Michael asked, sitting next to her.
“My ex boyfriend. We started dating sophomore year of high school and broke up junior year of college. He knows things about me that even the boys don’t know..” Lani sighed.
“It can’t be that bad, right?” Michael asked, looking at her. She avoided his eyes and stared out the large window, watching the few cars pass by.
“It can.” Lani said, her voice barely above a whisper. “At first, he was the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. He was supportive and kind. He’d carry my books to class, he’d help out with the ranch. And then, we went to college and he changed. It was like a full 180. He started staying out all night and coming home plastered, he’d yell at me for things I had no control over, he’d threaten to burn the place down with me in it. I was terrified. He wasn’t the same man I had fallen in love with. After I left him, I needed to make money for my own place, but I didn’t have any experience with working. There was only one place that would hire me, and they only hired me because I was considered physically desirable.” Lani sighed and Michael immediately knew what she was talking about.
“You were a stripper?” He asked quietly.
“Not an actual stripper. I was a waitress at the strip club. They paid me $24 an hour to walk around half naked, giving drinks to already drunk men. Occasionally, I’d give a lap dance or two for some extra tip money, but nothing more than that. Trent used to come into the club while I was working and at first, I was scared. Then, I noticed that he was nicer to me than he had ever been while we were together. I played myself and took him back. That’s when he got physically abusive. I’d come home from a long shift and he’d start yelling at me about how much of a whore I am for letting guys touch me and put money between my breasts. He was so angry that he wasn’t the only one to see me like that.”
“Did you ever report him?” Michael asked and Lani shook her head.
“I was too scared of what he’d do to me if I told someone. I still am..”
“Hey, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Michael said, placing his hand over Lani’s. “You’re safe.”
“He holds it over me. He knows what would happen to my career and my life if people knew what I did. I got paid in cash, so I never claimed it as a job on my taxes. I could lose my teaching license if the state knew I worked at a strip club.”
“Don’t worry. He can’t hurt you or your career. Not anymore.” Michael said, squeezing her hand gently. “If he comes near you again, call me. If you feel scared, call me. I will drop everything to be there for you.”
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #15: Map of The Soul: Persona
Kim Seokjin
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You got out of the car, shutting the door behind you and making sure to lock the doors before you made your way up to the front door of your house. Once you were standing in front of the door and grabbed your house key to unlock the door, you paused because you heard music coming from the other side of the door. 
“Why is he playing music when Kade is supposed to be sleeping?” You muttered as you unlocked the door before opening it and stepping inside. You set your keys, purse, and bags down on the table that was next to the door before walking towards the living room. Once you turned the corner and looked inside, you couldn’t help but to laugh at what you saw.
Jin and Kaiden were standing on top of the couch, the both of them jumping up and down as Dinoysus blasted throughout the room from Jin’s Bluetooth speaker that sat on the coffee table.
“Mommy!” Kaiden shouted as he noticed you standing in the entryway of the living room. He slid down off the couch and bounded over to you, hugging your legs tightly. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too Kade,” you smiled, setting your head on top of his head and moving his hair out of his eyes. “I see you’ve been having fun with daddy, huh?” You asked as you looked up at Jin with an arched brow.
“Lots of fun Mommy,” Kaiden nodded and Jin chuckled awkwardly as he got down off of the couch and turned the music down.
“I know that I was supposed to get him down for a nap but he asked to listen to the album and the time slipped away from me,” Jin explained.
“It’s fine,” you sighed. “Somebody still has to have a nap though,” you added as you looked down at Kaiden, who started to whine.
“No nap mommy,” he pleaded.
“Hey, no arguing,” you said firmly. “Now come on, up the stairs.” Kaiden reluctantly let go of your leg and Jin watched as the both of you trudged up to Kaiden’s room.
Min Yoongi
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You typed in the code to Yoongi’s studio and waited to hear the beeping to pull the door handle, stepping inside and slipping off your shoes.
“Hey you,” Yoongi smiled as you walked over to him.
“Hey,” you replied as you leaned down and left a soft kiss on his lips. You then looked over to the small couch and saw Kinsley coloring in one of her coloring books. “Hi Kins,” you said and she looked up at you, a wide grin appearing on her face at seeing you.
“Hi mommy,” she chirped and you walked over to the couch and sat down, Kinsley promptly crawling into your lap afterwards to give you a hug.
“How was work Y/N-ah?” Yoongi asked as he typed a few things on the computer.
“Eh, work,” you chuckled. “How about you? How much were you able to get done with Kins here?”
“You know she’s no bother,” Yoongi snorted as he turned around in his chair to face you. “And I got a lot done, actually finished a song.”
“For the new album?” You wondered and Yoongi nodded in confirmation. “Can I hear it?” 
“Sure,” he nodded before turning back to his computer. He pressed a few buttons before a beat started to fill the room. “It’s called Make It Right,” he revealed and you nodded as you listened closely to the song. Once it ended, you looked up to see Yoongi already looking at you as he chewed his lip.
“What do you think?” He questioned and you smiled.
“I think it’s amazing,” you confirmed and Yoongi let out a sigh of relief. “What do you think Kins?” You asked her.
“Daddy and uncles good,” she squealed, making you and Yoongi laugh.
Kim Namjoon
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You and Namjoon were in the kitchen, the both of you working on getting dinner ready while Mason sat at the kitchen counter looking at one of his picture books. 
“Joon, how many times have I told you that that’s not the way to cut a tomato?” You giggled as you took the knife out of his hands and bumped his hip with yours to get him to move over. “You’re gonna cut your fingers off one of these days, you know?” You said as you cut the tomato correctly.
“A man tries to help his wife with dinner and this is how you repay me?” He pouts falsely, making you laugh. “How about I play the DJ then?” He suggested, pulling out his phone and going to his playlist.
“Good idea,” you nodded. “Play to your strengths baby.” Namjoon smacked your ass playfully, making you gasp and glare at him. You then turned back to cutting the tomato in front of you when you heard the familiar intro music to Persona.
“Daddy’s song!” Mason shrieked and you giggled at his reaction.
“Yeah, this is Daddy’s song Mase,” Namjoon nodded as he set his phone down, moving to the fridge to grab more ingredients. You silently bobbed your head to the beat as the Namjoon on the song rapped the first verse and when the chorus came, you started to sing along but you were shocked when Mason did the same.
“The hell am I?” Mason rapped along and you froze, looking at Mason with a stern look.
“Mason, that’s a bad word and you can’t say that,” you explained to him.
“But Daddy said I could,” Mason whispered and you turned to look at Namjoon, who was smiling awkwardly.
“He’s only 2 and it’s just freedom of expression,” Namjoon shrugged.
“Exactly, he’s only 2 and when he yells that out at daycare which we both know is a very strong possibility, are you gonna pause your schedule to go get him?” You wondered and Namjoon sighed heavily.
“Ok Mase, Daddy was wrong. You can’t say that word until you’re big,” Namjoon acquiesced. 
“Okay,” Mason pouted.
Jung Hoseok
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“Daddy, daddy, daddy!” Lennox yelled from the backseat of the car as Hobi drove down the highway. You then turned around in your seat and raised your eyebrow at him.
“No need to yell Len, daddy is right here,” you said and Lennox nodded.
“What is it buddy?” Hobi wondered.
“Listen to slow song please?” Lennox asked and Hobi’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“Which one?” 
“With daddy, Uncle Jin, and Uncle Kookie,” Berkeley interjected and Lennox nodded.
“Oh, that slow song,” Hobi chuckled. He reached down and grabbed his phone before handing it to you. “Can you turn it on for them?” You nodded and unlocked his phone, going to his music playlists and quickly finding Jamais Vu before pressing play.
“Of all of the songs on the album, I never thought that this would be their favorite,” Hobi mentioned.
“It’s probably because they know that you made it,” you pointed out. “You know that they love any and everything that you do.”
“These are facts,” Hobi smirked and you reached over to hit his shoulder before sitting back in your seat and listening to the song. Once it was over, you picked up Hobi’s phone to try and find another song. “Any requests kiddos?” You asked and when you didn’t receive a response, you turned around to see both Lennox and Berkeley knocked out in their car seats.
“If I knew that’s all it would take to get them to sleep, I would’ve written that a long time ago,” Hobi scoffed, making you giggle.
Park Jimin
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked again as you, Jimin, and Noah walked into the members’ rehearsal room. Since the album had been released, the members had rehearsals to get ready for tour.
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” Jimin wondered as he set Noah down on the ground next to him while you set Jimin’s bag up against the wall.
“You all don’t get much done when one of the kids are here,” you pointed out and Jimin scoffed.
“Jagi, we are professionals. Sure, we love when the kids come to visit rehearsals but that doesn’t stop us from getting things done,” Jimin explained and you nodded in response as the door opened, and you looked over to see the rest of the members walking inside.
“Hey, you didn’t tell us that you were bringing Noey today,” Taehyung smiled as he picked Noah up.
“It was a spur of the moment thing Tae,” you explained and Tae nodded.
“Wanna dance with your daddy and uncles?” Hobi asked Noah and Noah nodded excitedly. You sat down and watched as Jin pressed play on the stereo system in the room, the beginning of Boy With Luv filling the room. Taehyung set Noah back down on the ground and moved him so that he was standing next to him.
You watched in silent amusement as the members attempted to run through the choreography but they kept messing up because they were too busy watching and laughing at Noah, who was trying his hardest to do the choreography like his daddy and uncles. Once the song ended and the members were laying on the floor laughing hysterically, Jimin led Noah back over to where you were sitting.
“What was that about you all being professionals Jimin-ssi?” You giggled and Jimin glared at you.
“Hush,” he said as he mushed your face with his hand, making you swat at him.
Kim Taehyung
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“Tilt your head back for me Spence,” you mumbled as she let you guide her head to where you needed it to be. You had just finished giving Spencer her bath and now you were doing her hair.
“Hey, I’m home!” You heard Taehyung shout as the front door closed behind him.
“Here daddy!” Spencer shouted back and you heard Tae’s footsteps walk up the stairs until he appeared in your bedroom.
“There’s my favorite girls,” he smiled as he walked over to the bed. He pressed a kiss to Spencer’s forehead before pressing one to your lips. 
“How was your day?” You asked him as he got up and walked into the bathroom to change clothes, leaving the door slightly cracked open.
“Long,” he huffed and you smiled to yourself as you continued to comb through Spencer’s hair. After about a minute, he walked out of the bathroom fully dressed in his pajamas and then climbed back into the bed. This time, he settled on his stomach in front of Spencer, setting his hands on her little legs.
“Daddy?” Spencer called and he looked up at her, giving her his full attention.
“Yeah Munchkin?”
“Sing Kosmos?” she asked, asking for him to sing Mikrokosmos and Taehyung smiled before nodding at her and starting to sing. Spencer was so caught up in Tae singing to her, you managed to finish the rest of her hair in the time that it took him to sing the song. 
“Hey Spence,” you whispered, noticing how droopy her head was getting. “Why don’t you let daddy put you to bed?”
“Kay,” she mumbled and you gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before Tae picked her up and carried her out of the room.
Jeon Jungkook
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“Here, which one do you want to wear Angel?” Jungkook asked Ava as he held up two hangers, one with a yellow dress on it and the other with a purple dress on it.
“That,” Ava said as she pointed to the yellow dress. Jungkook sighed and hung purple dress back up in Ava’s closet. 
“Of course you’d pick the dress that can get dirty the easiest,” Jungkook muttered as he sunk down onto his knees in front of Ava, who was standing up. “Step into it,” he instructed her as he held the dress open for her. Ava set her hands on Jungkook’s shoulders and she slowly stepped inside of the dress. Jungkook then pulled it up onto her body and buttoned it up, making sure that it was on her correctly.
“Alright, hair time,” he announced with a clap of his hands and Ava whined loudly.
“No hair,” she pouted and Jungkook sighed as he stood up to grab her comb and brush.
“Hey, I’ll sing to you while I do it. Is that ok?” He asked her and she immediately nodded. He sat down on the floor again and she crawled onto his lap, looking up at him.
“House song,” she said and Jungkook laughed at her.
“You mean Home Angel?” He said and she nodded. He started to sing while simultaneously combing through her hair.
“With you, Ima feel richer,” he sung effortlessly as he quickly brushed through her hair before splitting it in half and making two ponytails in her hair. 
“Your love, your love, your love, I want that. Your touch, your touch, your touch, I need that. La lala lalala lalala, I love it,” Jungkook said as he finsihed her hair. “All done Angel.” Ava stood up and turned around, giving Jungkook a kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks daddy,” she beamed before running out of her room. 
“God, where is the time going?” Jungkook muttered to himself.
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btsqualityy · 5 years
OT8 Teenage Toddlers 
Genre: Crack, fluff
Warnings: implied smut, underage drinking
Author’s note: So as you can see, I’m back with another teenage toddler drabble! This was NOT supposed to be as long as it is, but there were so many possiblities for this drabble and I couldn’t choose between them so I just decided to do them all! I hope you guys enjoy it! There will be a part two, which will be up at 1pm est!
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“Are you sure this is a good idea Mase?” Kinsley asked worriedly as she sat on the couch in Mason’s house, watching silently as he collected all of the breakable vases that his mom had on the tables.
“Of course,” he snickered. “Our dads are in Japan performing and our moms are there with them as moral support. It’s the perfect time to throw a party,” he shrugged as he opened a cabinet, setting all of the glass vases inside before closing it and locking it.
“What if they decide to fly back right after the show?” Kaiden questioned. “Japan’s only a two hour flight away.”
“I just talked to my dad an hour ago and he said that they’re not flying back until tomorrow,” Berkeley said. “It’ll be fine Kade.”
“And besides, I’m the one who’s incurring all of the real risk by having the party here,” Mason pointed out. “All you have to do is have fun and then help me clean up when it’s over.” Kaiden looked over at Kinsley for help, but she only shrugged in response.
“I’m down,” she nodded. Kaiden then sighed heavily as he felt the typical pain in his chest that he always got whenever he agreed to any of his best friends’ schemes.
“Alright, fine,” he acquiesced, making both Mason and Berkeley smile in victory. “It is going to be a small party though, right?”
“Of course,” Berkeley nodded. “Other than us, it’ll just be a few friends.”
It was not a small party, and it wasn’t only a few friends. Within an hour and a half, Mason’s house was filled to the brim with people, and Kaiden was pretty sure that every student that attended their school was in attendance.
“Ave, I thought there was only supposed to be a few of us,” Kaiden said as he walked up to Ava in the kitchen, who was on drink making duty with Lennox.
“It was supposed to be but I guess word got out,” she shrugged as she handed a girl from their school a drink.”You know how these types of things can be though, babe.”
“It’s only a few more people Kade,” Lennox added. “It’s already a party so a few more people isn’t gonna matter.”
“Yeah, but it’s gonna matter when we end up getting our asses handed to us,” Kaiden pointed out.
“Kade,” Ava smiled as she set her hands on Kaiden’s cheeks, making him look down at her. “You’re worrying too much. It’s a party so you’re supposed to be having fun but you’re being a party pooper instead.”
“I am not!”
“Here,” Ava said as she grabbed a cup and handed it to him. “Drink this.”
“What is it?” He asked as he took the cup and held it up to his nose, taking a sniff of the liquid inside and then quickly moving it back from his face, the strong smell catching him off guard.
“If I tell you, you won’t drink it,” Ava giggled as she turned to him with her own cup in hand. “Bottoms up baby.” They pushed the rims of their plastic cups together and Kaiden slowly took a sip of his drink, wincing at the way the alcohol slid down his throat.
“Son of a bitch,” Spencer groaned as her ball flew over the cup of soju. 
“And that’s another win for us,” Noah cheered, giving a double high five to Mason, who was his beer pong partner.
“I thought you said you were good at this Spence,” Berkeley said, wincing lightly as she downed a shot of soju.
“Hell, I thought I was too until I played against the world’s best drinker and the smartest kid ever,” she scoffed, throwing a glare over to Mason and Noah.
“Hey, don’t hate the players,” Mason smirked. “Hate the game that you’re incapable of winning.”
“Consider yourself lucky that you’re Kinsley’s boyfriend, or else I’d kick your ass,” Berkeley laughed.
“And the fact that we all grew up together holds no weight with you?” Noah wondered and Berkeley turned to him.
“You shut up before I put you on punishment,” she smirked. “And you know what I mean by that.” Noah coughed and looked down at his cup, while Mason and Spencer burst out laughing. 
“Can the audience say it with me?” Spencer asked, looking over at Mason. “Someone is,-”
“Whipped,” Spencer and Mason said together, laughing afterwards at the way Noah’s cheeks turned red.
“Hey Kins,” Lennox shouted as he walked into the living room and over to where Kinsley had set up a small little DJ table. “Play that new Beyonce song.”
“You know I don’t take requests Len,” Kins smiled as she searched through her music library for the song anyways.
“I know, but it’s getting too quiet in here,” he said. “And besides, it’s Beyonce.”
“How the fuck is it quiet in here when’s there’s over a hundred people here?” Kinsley whispered to herself before finding the song and pressing play.
“Oh shit,” Berkeley gasped as she heard the familiar intro to ‘Before I Let Go’. “This is my favorite song! Come on,” she chirped as she pulled on Noah’s arm, pulling him up from the couch and over to where everyone else was dancing.
“Wanna go dance Ave?” Spencer asked and Ava nodded immediately before looking down at Kaiden, who was on his fourth drink and more than a little tipsy.
“Do you wanna go dance Kade?” She questioned and he nodded before standing up, swaying a little on his feet. “You sure babe?”
“I-I’m sure,” he nodded and Ava chuckled to herself before grabbing his hand and leading him over to where everyone was dancing. 
“Hey,” Mason called, making kinsley look up at him. “You’re not sitting this one out,” he smiled as he held his hand out to her. Giggling, she grabbed it and walked around the table, following Mason as they walked over to join the others.
“Pull up to Coachella,” Lennox and Ava sung together.
“Them boots with the ghost feathers,” Berkeley added.
“I bought the squad with me,” Noah sung, motioning around him at all of his best friends.
“Black on black bandanas,” Kaiden shouted.
“You say it’s champagne,” Mason raised the cup in his hand into the air.
“I did the damn thing,” Ava sung in perfect harmony with the track.
“Dirty Diana,” Spencer yelled.
“Singing and dancing all in the rain,” Kinsley finished. The kids all laughed together as the chorus to the song continued to play, trying to mimic the dance moves from the ‘Before I Let Go’ challenge.
“Noah, please,” Berkeley whispered as she tilted her hand back, feeling it hit the mirror behind her as Noah left open mouthed kisses up along the length of her neck.
“Mm, ironic,” he mumbled against her skin, standing in between her legs as she sat on the bathroom counter.
“What?” He lifted his head from her neck, smirking at her as he licked over his kiss swollen lips.
“You were just talking about putting me on punishment about an hour ago and now look at you,” he pointed out. “You’re the one underneath me, not the other way around.”
“A lot can change in an hour,” she smiled, setting her hands on the sides of his abdomen, tugging lightly on the shirt that he had on. 
“Oh, yeah?” He murmured as he brought both of his hands up, using them to cup Berkeley’s face in his hands. “Still my girl?”
“Always,” she promised, moaning lightly when Noah connected their lips again.
“Hey,” Mason called, reaching out and grabbing Kinsley’s arm as she walked past him. 
“Hey yourself,” Kinsley smiled, turning around and leaning into him.
“Feels like I haven’t seen you all night,” he pouted, making her laugh lightly.
“Well, you’ve been playing host and I’ve been running the music music.”
“I know but now I’m feeling like I need some one-on-one time with my girlfriend,” he murmured, pressing his pelvis against her.
“Mason, no,” Kinsley huffed out a laugh, placing her hands against Mason’s chest as she pushed him away lightly. “We’re at a party. We can’t just sneak away for a quickie.”
“People sneak away all the time at parties,” he pointed out. “And at least it’ll be my room and not some random one.”
“Mase,” she shook her head and Mason wordlessly pulled her to him, connecting their lips and kissing her firmly. After a few seconds, he pulled away and chuckled at the dazed look on her face.
“Is that your final answer?” He questioned and Kinsley opened her eyes, sighing heavily.
“Oh, come on,” she relented, grabbing his hand before turning around and leading him up the stairs.
“Do you think the sky is really blue?” Kaiden asked, laying down on the couch with his head in Ava’s lap as the party began to break up.
“It clearly is Kade,” Ava laughed.
“But what if that’s just an illusion?”
“Damn, how much alcohol did you give him?” Spencer asked.
“Only that one cup. He drunk the others on his own accord,” Ava shrugged.
“Clearly someone can’t handle their alcohol,” Spencer laughed.
“Well, it’s 2:08am and I’d say that this party was a success,” Lennox announced as he walked over to the three of them. 
“And we didn’t get caught either,” Ava smiled. “That’s definitely a success.”
“Oh shit,” Spencer gasped. “You spoke too soon. Look,” she pointed to the large window in the living room and they all saw the familiar van that their parents had used to get to the airport pull up in front of the house.
“Ugh, what the fuck?” Ava groaned as she hurriedly got up, knocking Kaiden out of her lap and onto the floor as she ran up the stairs. She found Mason’s bedroom and barged inside, not at all affected by the scene of Kinsley riding Mason.
“What the fuck Ave? Can’t you knock?” Mason scolded as Kinsley rolled off of his lap, pulling the covers over both of them.
“Our parents are downstairs,” she revealed, choosing to ignore his comment for the time being while Kinsley and Mason’s eyes both widened in surprise.
“Are you serious?” Kinsley asked.
“I’m dead serious. Get dressed and get your asses downstairs,” She hissed and that’s all it took before Kinsley and Mason both hopped out of the bed.
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