#we made peace (well. ''peace''. i am still appalled w them.) though so whatever
piplupod · 10 months
i took the bait. i took the bait and i am suffering the quencies.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Trigger Happy Havoc Girls with an S/O who is like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: Hey hey hey!! Sorry for the long wait on this :/ I hope it was worth it, though!
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Kyoko was immediately worried for your safety
She had a lot of questions
Why were you so shy? Had you been through something?
She kept those questions to herself though
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d glare
Literally just walk up to you, wrap on arm around your waist and the other on your arm
And glare
If you ever took a fall in front of her she’d carefully lean down and help you up, suggestive or not
Although she might blush a bit if it was a suggestive position
“There, you’re alright. It was just a small trip, thankfully.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she would be appalled
“Love, I don’t want you to take your clothes off because I’m not in a particularly good mood. Bad moods are normal, that doesn’t mean you take your clothes off every time it happens. Don’t offer that to me unless you personally want to do it.”
Kyoko is not someone you can look at and feel as if she’s mad at you, because she makes it clear if she is
But if you did think she was, she’d be pretty upset
“No, love. I’m not mad. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I honestly don’t think I can be mad at you. You just seem to make everything better.”
Kyoko’s heart skips a beat whenever you’re around <3
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The minute you two met she did not let you out of her sight for long periods of time
She was just worried someone would hurt you or take advantage of you
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be so mad
No one wants to deal with mad swimmy baby
“That is so rude, you know!? That was completely uncalled for! There was absolutely no reason to say that! Now apologize!”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she would honestly fall too just to make you feel less embarrassed
She’d cover you if need be, though
Either with clothing or with herself when she “falls”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be in shock
Mainly because you offered it to her because you thought she was upset
“What!? Please, S/O, no! Don’t say that! Taking your clothes off won’t make me feel better, cuddles will! Get over here! Because of that statement, I demand you let me cuddle you!”
If you ever thought Hina was mad, which is rare, she’d he so upset
“Baby! No! Not at all! I could never be mad at you! I swear! Your face is just too adorable to be mad at!”
Swimmer baby just wants your happiness above all
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Celeste would never admit it if anyone asked
But she loved you the minute she laid eyes on you
Your personality only made her want to be with you more
Not many people dared to bother you, but if an unlucky soul did try to do such a thing…
Celeste would give them a run for their money
“Are you fucking kidding me!? How dare you!? Why don’t you crawl back into whatever ditch you crawled out of and leave my significant other alone! Do I make myself clear!?” She’d turn to you and give you a soft smile. “Come on, dear. Let’s go get some tea to cheer you up, yes?”
If you fell in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to catch you without falling herself, but she’d immediately take your hands and help you up
“Come now, darling. Don’t cry, it was an accident. Everything is alright.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, it would take a second to click
But once it did her reaction was similar to Kyoko’s
“Darling, I don’t wish for you to take off your clothes merely because Yamada put me in a foul mood. I would much rather you keep said clothes on and have a cup of tea with me, maybe some conversation as well. Please don’t offer yourself to me out of pity.”
If you ever thought she was made at you, she honestly thought she was gonna cry
“W-What? Dear, no. Not one bit. Not one ounce of me is angered by you. I love you far too much to be mad at you. Now, come here and let me hug you.”
Celeste truly does care about you, more than she has cared for anyone before <3
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That’s it
Sakura wants your safety above all, because she knows how shy people can be taken advantage of easily
If anyone dared to make fun of you, oh boy
Sakura is fucking terrifying
“I suggest you run before I snap you in half.”
That’s all it takes to send them on their way
If you fell in front of her, she would definitely be able to catch you
And she would!
But if you did manage to miss her arms, she’d pick you right back up and hold you
“See? I got you. Everything is okay.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be calmer, but nonetheless upset
“Hey, don’t do that. I don’t want you because of your body. I want you because of your personality. That’s what I fell in love with. Don’t offer yourself to me, or anyone else. Ever. It’s your body, you can most certainly choose what to do with it.”
If you thought she was angry with you, she’d be so quick to tell you otherwise
“No, not at all. I am not mad in the slightest. Even if I was, I’d never take my anger out on you. That’s wrong, and I love you too much to even think about doing that.”
With Sakura as your girlfriend, you will always be protected. And that’s a promise
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Mukuro is shy, but definitely not as shy as you
Like Sakura, she wanted your safety above all
Let it be from others or her cruel sister
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be pretty angry
Hell, she may put those skills of hers to good use
“Hey. Don’t let me hear you say something like that again. Ever. That’s just plain disgusting.”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, her reflexes are extremely fast, so she’d try her absolute best to catch you
More often she does, but on the off chance she’s unsuccessful, she’d apologize with a bright blush
“I-I’m sorry, love. I tried to catch you, uh, I’m sorry. Here, grab my hands.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d immediately say no
“S-S/O! No! No, I-I don’t want you to do that! I-I’m not in a bad mood, and even if I was I wouldn’t want you to take your clothes off just to try to improve my mood! Please don’t offer that to me, that’s practically violating you! And I don’t want to do that!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, poor girl might cry
“L-Love, I’m not mad at all. I-I promise. Even if I was mad, I don’t think it could be caused by you in all honesty. I love you, okay?”
Soldier baby’s heart go brrr
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Shy or not, Sayaka’s a cute blushy mess around you
She still teases you in a friendly manner, but always makes sure you know she’s only playing
If anyone over bothered you, she’d be incredibly salty
Like, pettiness and all
“Oh, so that’s how you’re gonna be? Well, I’ll have you know that my significant other is NOT gonna do that. You’re a rude person and I hope karma hits you hard.”
If you took a fall in front of her, she’d screech so sound and try to catch you, but would most likely fail
When she saw that you were embarrassed, like Hina she would trip to make you feel better
“See, S/O? It’s fine! Now we both tripped, hehe! Isn’t that funny!”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d hug you immediately and try to make you happy
“Nope! I don’t want that, okay? I want to kiss your cute face! Not rub up on you because you want to make me happy! Now c’mere, so I can kiss your cute face!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, though, she’d be really sad
“What? No, I’m not mad at all! Let alone at you! I promise, S/O. Even if I was mad, I’d have a peaceful conversation. Not a screaming match about it! Now, give me a hug!”
Sayaka will hug you as much as you please, as long as it makes you happy <3
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Toko thought you were annoying at first
But then she realized how similar you two were
Not long after, she fell in love with you
Just like in those cheesy novels she writes
If someone ever bothered you, she’d get pretty mad
Lowkey considers letting Syo out
“H-Hey, asshole! T-That’s a r-real d-dick t-thing to say! S-So w-why d-don’t you just g-go back to w-whatever ditch y-you crawled o-out of a-and d-die!”
If Syo was around when someone bothered you, well I think we know how that'll go
They aren't around anymore, especially if they were a pretty boy
If you ever fell in front of her, she’d lowkey get second-hand embarrassment, but would help you up anyways
“Hey, l-look, you’re fine. N-Not a scrape or anything. Y-You’re okay.”
Syo would leap into action immediately and pull you to your feet
"See!? It's like you never even fell! You're okay! No tears, I hate seeing you cry!"
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d freak the fuck out
“W-What!? N-No! D-Don’t do t-that! K-Keep your clothes o-on! I-I’m n-not mad! E-Even if I w-was, I w-wouldn’t w-want you to s-strip! Y-You’re t-too p-pretty for t-that!”
If Syo was around, she would as well
"What!? Oh no no no, this just won't do! You're body is far to marvelous to be shown so willingly, y'know that? Don't let others see it so easy! Even if it is just me! Doesn't matter!"
If you thought she was mad at you, she’d scoff at first, but then realize you were being serious
“What? I’m not m-mad at you. W-Why would I b-be mad at y-you? I-I have no reason to b-be. D-Don’t say that, I-I’d tell you if I-I was mad at you...S-Speaking as if I-I c-could g-get mad at y-you.”
Syo would latch onto you and hug you, giving you a little spin
"No, dollface! I'm not angry at all! See? I'm happy! So happy! Especially because my baby-cakes is here! Now, c'mon! Gimme a smooch!"
Even though she’d deny it at first, Toko really does love you
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jewel-loveyourself · 7 years
My Choice (original story)
So basically this is a story I wrote for an English Assignment and my teacher made me scrap it and write a new story because it was “inappropriate”, so I thought I would post it on here. (sorry if it’s bad I tried my best.)
Warnings: Gayness, mother and son hatred.
Word Count: 2416
It was four days until Charlie’s birthday, but it wasn’t just any birthday, it was the 18th birthday; the birthday where gender needed to be chosen, Charlie’s mother has already booked the genitalia surgery which will take place on the 8th of September, the day after Charlie’s birthday. Charlie was sitting in the living room, indulged in a book when Charlie’s
mother interrupted.
“You don’t have to worry about the surgery bill, I am more than happy to pay for my daughter’s surgery.” Charlie’s mother noted. Charlie stared with a bewildered look, “You’re going to choose female, aren’t you?” Charlie’s mother queried.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t decided yet,” Charlie answered, looking back down at the book.
“Of course, you’re sure,” Charlie’s mother chided as she sat on the couch next to Charlie. “Although you have short hair that can be fixed, you read and you’re a great cook and you hang out with Alex who is definitely choosing male when his birthday comes up.”
“I don’t know ok? I like sports to y’know and I don’t like dresses or heels.”  Charlie snapped. Charlie got up and headed upstairs towards the bedrooms, hoping to get some privacy.
“It’s ok once you get the surgery you will be acting a lot more proper and like a girl.” Charlie’s eyes rolled at the statement, Charlie closed the bedroom door behind them and jumped onto the comfy double bed. I wish I didn’t have to choose, Charlie thought, why couldn’t I have just been born with a gender it would be so much easier. Charlie decided to invite Alex over in hopes that Alex could shed some light on the problem.
 After an hour of venting, Charlie felt a lot better.
“Don’t listen to your mother,” Alex confided, “you be what you want to be
“I know but according to my mother I have “female qualities” and if I decided to be a male we couldn’t see each other anymore.” Alex looked at Charlie questioningly.
“Why not?” Charlie sat up and looked at Alex.
“You’re choosing to be male, aren’t you?” Alex nodded, “Well two males can’t date so I would have to choose to be a female.” Alex scooted forward and grabbed Charlie’s hands.
“Says who? If we love each other why does it matter?” Charlie looked down and shrugged. Charlie felt Alex shift on the bed and Alex pressed his lips against Charlie’s, Charlie leaned forward slightly returning the kiss. The two sat there with locked lips for a few more seconds, that felt like hours to Charlie, before Alex slowly pulled away.
“Whatever you choose, I will be here with you… I promise.” Charlie looked up and gave Alex a soft smile, his cheeks slightly tinted from the kiss.
“Thank you,” Charlie whispered wrapping Alex in a warm hug.
 It was the day before the birthday and Charlie’s mother was getting the decorations ready for the party.
“So, pink or purple balloons?” Charlie’s mother asked before Charlie could respond with neither she had already decided. “I’ll do both, oh and fuchsia tablecloths.”
“Mum, can’t we go blue or green?” Charlie’s mother looked at Charlie in disgust.
“They’re boy colors darling, people will get confused if you have boy colors at a girl’s party.” Charlie just sighed and decided to go with it, Charlie knew, in the end, it was not her decision even though she is acting as if it is. Charlie walks into the living room and jumps onto the sofa, grabbing the remote and surfing through the channels.
“The bachelor is on Channel 9,” Charlie’s mother calls from the back porch, Charlie ignored her and continued to switch the channels. Charlie found a channel showing reruns of WWE and settled down to watch Brock Lesnar and Dwayne Johnson. “You’re going to ruin your brain,” Charlie’s mother noted as she grabbed the remote. “Soaps are better to watch for girls,” she pointed out as she switched to Bold and the Beautiful. Charlie went to protest but was cut off, “it’s alright you will become more ladylike in no time, your aunt and I went to a finishing school that taught us to be very proper, you have to enroll after your surgery.” Charlie just nodded and turned to the TV, it was horrible but it was better than listening to her drone on. That night all Charlie could think about was the reaction of everyone, would they be cross or would they be accepting? They won’t accept me, Charlie thought, mother will throw a hissy fit about me wanting to be a boy and still date Alex. Charlie decided not to dwell on it and to think about Alex instead, Alex’s opinion is the only one that matters, Charlie thought, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
 The next morning Charlie’s eyes opened to the blinding light through the silk curtains. The dreaded day has come, Charlie thought, at least Alex is coming so I won’t feel so alone. Charlie got dressed into black jeans, sneakers and a BVB t-shirt, Charlie went downstairs to be greeted by the heavenly smell of eggs and bacon.
“Good morning Charlie, happy birthday.” Charlie’s mother yelled from the kitchen. “You should check the patio, it’s all decorated… oh, and the guest will be here in about two hours.” Charlie nodded and went out to the patio to see the decorations, there were pink and purple balloons, fuchsia table clothes, pink napkins and a lot of glitter. “What do you think?” Charlie’s mother called from the kitchen,
“it’s umm… it’s very pink.” Charlie addressed,
“Only the best for my future daughter.” She called out causing Charlie to wince,
“future son” Charlie mumbled. Charlie sat down at the kitchen table next to Charlie’s mother.
“I can’t wait,” Charlie’s mother said with a mouth full of eggs, “we are going to have so much fun shopping, watching movie’s…” The more she began to drone on about female things the more Charlie was getting irritated. “Oh, and we could go on double dates, me with whoever I am dating and you with Alex, he will be so happy to have his beautiful girlfriend on his arm.” That was it, Charlie had enough.
“Mother… I’m not going to be a girl” Charlie declared, Charlie’s mother stared gobsmacked for a few moments before she began to giggle.
“Of course, you are darling, what else would you be?” she chuckled.
“A boy mother” Charlie exclaimed getting more irritated by the second. Charlie’s mother realized that Charlie wasn’t joking and stopped giggling.
“Yes, you are,” she countered, “as your mother, I am saying you are, your whole family says that you should be and you can’t just go against that because your stubborn.” Charlie glared at her in complete shock, “now I need you to go upstairs and dress into something more appropriate, I have a nice dress laid out or you can wear a skirt and a nice blouse, your choice.” She commanded and sent Charlie a venomous glance before stomping outside to put some final touches on the decorations. Charlie went upstairs and noticed a light blue dress, after trying it on Charlie noted that it stopped just above the knees and was just as revealing up top. There is no way I am wearing this, Charlie thought, Charlie decided to get changed into a pair of dress pants and a mini-grid dinner jacket with a matching tie and a white undershirt. Charlie inspected the reflection in the mirror, well you wanted me to dress nice and I do believe that I look very nice. Charlie decided to wait upstairs for a few guests to arrive before going downstairs. After an hour of waiting cars began to pull up outside, Charlie looked out the window to see Alex and his parents, Charlie’s aunt and uncle as well as their child Frankie, Frankie was only 9 but she had clearly chosen her gender already, she wore a pink tutu and had long blonde hair. Charlie took a deep breath before opening the bedroom door and heading downstairs, Charlie was fully aware that the choice of clothing would be like a big middle finger to everyone but Charlie didn’t care. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs the first things Charlie saw was Alex’s beaming smile as he walked up and gave Charlie a firm hug.
“Happy birthday babe,” Alex whispered before pulling away and looking Charlie up and down, “you look smashing by the way.” Charlie blushed at Alex’s compliment before looking at everyone’s faces, everybody except Alex’s parents looked absolutely horrified at their choice of dress.
“What are you wearing?’ Charlie’s mother questioned her eyes widened in shock. Charlie smirked at her.
“Just dressing for my gender.” Everybody’s faces lit up, except for Charlie’s mother who looked appalled, Charlie was flocked by everybody praising Charlie’s outfit and other questions about what caused Charlie to choose male. Charlie could feel someone staring, upon looking Charlie noticed it was Charlie’s mother, glaring like Charlie had just murdered her best friend. The party continued for a few hours, more guests arrived and all of them were very happy for Charlie, well almost all of them, they were slightly perplexed about the choice of colors but decided to ignore it. Charlie and Alex went upstairs while the parents stayed downstairs chatting and throwing back a few drinks. Charlie and Alex were lying down on the bed with their feet on the pillows looking up at the cream-colored ceiling.
“You excited for your surgery tomorrow?” Alex asked, Charlie just shrugged. “I can’t wait for mine,” Alex continued, “Mum said I can get mine done the day before my birthday so people will be surprised… so don’t tell anybody.” Charlie continued to look up at the ceiling not really listening to Alex. “You were way off when you said that everyone wouldn’t accept you wanting to be male.” Alex chuckled, “you have always been like that, expecting the worse.”
“Not everyone is ok with my choice,” Charlie mumbled.
“You mean your mother?” Alex asked Charlie nodded, “I know that she was really hoping for a girl but she loves you, she will come to accept who you are in no time.” Alex confided Charlie sighed.
“I hope so…I’m getting kinda tired, I’m going to go to bed.” Alex nodded and got up to leave Charlie’s room
“Alright, you’ll call me after the surgery, right?” Charlie nodded, getting up to close the door, Alex wrapped Charlie in a quick hug before jumping down the stairs to get his parents. That night Charlie wore a big smile while drifting off to sleep, come tomorrow I’m going to be a boy, Charlie thought.
 The next morning Charlie bounded out of bed, threw on some clothes and practically leaped downstairs.
“Mother, my appointment is in an hour, come on we need to get to the city,” Charlie yelled from the kitchen while making a quick breakfast. Charlie’s mother came out of her room with a big smile on her face,
“come on than we don’t want to be late.” She raved, why is she so joyful? Yesterday all she could do was glare at me with fire in her eyes, Charlie thought, best not dwell on it it’s probably just like Alex said. After arriving at the hospital, Charlie went to go up to the front desk but was interrupted by Charlie’s mother speaking.
“So, how are you going to pay off your bill?” Charlie turned to look at her, she was wearing a grin like the cat who ate the canary. “There is no way that your little part-time job at Small-M could pay you enough to even afford a quarter of it.” Charlie looked at her in shock, realizing what she was implying.
“What…but you said you would pay for me,”
“No, I said I would pay for my daughter’s surgery,”
“You little…” Charlie started but was cut off by Charlie’s mother,
“so are you going to go in for your surgery or are we leaving?”  Charlie turned and headed for the front desk, I’m not going to let her win, this is my choice, not hers, Charlie thought. After a quick discussion with the receptionist Charlie was given a few forms to fill out so, Charlie went and sat back down next to Charlie’s mother. After filling out Charlie’s name and emergency details the dreaded question came up, ‘(please circle) Are you Male or Female?’. Charlie glanced to the left to see Charlie’s mother looking at the same question, Charlie drew in a breath, smiled and circled Male. Charlie’s mother was shocked, she opened her mouth to speak but Charlie cut her off
“I’ll be going in after I hand this back, the lady said it should take about an hour so make yourself comfortable.” Charlie got up, gave the form to the receptionist and was escorted to the operating theatre. Charlie doesn’t remember much from the surgery just the toothy, white smile from the nurse as he put a mask over Charlie’s mouth and nose and instructed Charlie to count back from ten, Charlie only got to six when the world started to fade. Charlie woke an hour and a half later on a white hospital bed, he looked to his left to see Alex sitting next to him,
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Charlie looked at Alex and smiled,
“Great, how did you get here?”
“I drove, I wanted to see you right after your surgery so I drove down here.”
“Oh, thanks” Charlie’s smile faltered, “where’s my mother?”
“She had already left before I got here,” Alex explained looking down.
“Gook, I didn’t want her here judging my decisions anyway.” Alex gave Charlie a sympathetic smile.
“Oh, by the way, the doctor asked me if I knew how you were going to pay, I’m guessing your mother isn’t so I told him that my parents were.” Charlie sat upright, staring at Alex with wide eyes.
“You did what!” He whisper yelled.
“Calm down,” Alex said as he pushed Charlie back down into the bed, ‘my parents are cool with it… they also said that you can stay with us until you get your own place since your mother is probably going to kick you out.” Charlie gave Alex a big smile and wrapped his arms around him,
“thank you.” Charlie said as he gave Alex another bright smile, “for sticking by me for…for everything.”
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beautifullybroken37 · 7 years
Feelings Suck. Anyone?
So this is my first attempt at the whole Tumblr/blogging thing but I guess I’ll give it a try. The whole reason I got this is because my, “person/best friend/confidant/morethanfriends/person I talk to every day all day person-person…” yeah. He deleted me off Instagram b/c I got jealous. And I cried! Lol!! (he doesn’t know this and doesn’t need to) but how crazy is that?! But after 5+ years of whatever the weirdness is that we are and have never defined b/c we started it 50 shades of stupid backwards and on accident, (don’t do this ladies, it totally sucks) I think I’m finally at the end of my rope. 
Ok so I am not the typical jealous weirdo person at all. In fact I’d say I’m confident. Unfortunately I do have those things called feelings and when your person has other female persons on their page it can just cause some problems, ya know? It can turn the most secure person, insecure. He likes her selfies. I see he likes her selfies. We have a talk. Figured it out –he won’t like her pictures anymore. Great. Moving on.. he posts pics of his super awesome dog I happen to also love (yeah during out last talk I told him I loved him…now realizing what a big fat mistake that was :*/) and tells me to comment on it. So I go to comment on it and see woman he liked selfies of –has already commented and said it was her favorite dog..! Cue—> insecure me. Now I wonder if they have been hanging out, or else how could it be her favorite dog??? They live in the same town. She’s picked him up before when his truck was in the shop. She’s asked him for money to invest in her company he is a customer at. She talks to him about her relationships. She goes to him for help when they had an event there. AHHHHH. Lol. If you knew I had issues w/your interactions in the past & we addressed them constructively together.. why would you send me to your page to see that?! Did you really think I wouldn’t care? Not to mention another pretty but older woman had also commented on it…no idea who she is but at this point everything is making me cry. Feelings. LOL. Hot mess express population: me. Keep in mind, I *was* running his dog’s Instagram page so why he didn’t just post that pic on there I have no idea.. he has all the info I set everything up he literally only has to sign in on his phone but he acts like it’s so difficult to figure out.. yet he seems to have no issues running his own page so. Smells fishy to me. But see how crazy this is??? It’s crazy. And so stupid. I hate things like this. It’s why I don’t have social media.. life is so much easier w/o it all.
So now I realize I don’t like the person I’m becoming.. I’ve never been this person before & I refuse to play these stupid games. If you’re not careful this kind of thing can turn a great thing– into a really bad thing. Even if their interactions together are 100% innocent.. it just makes me wonder now.. if he flirts w/her online on Instagram, I wonder who else he is doing that w/on all the other sites he’s on. Now it has created this whole trust issue we never had before. I have ZERO social media except for this that I just started tonight. I did have Instagram just to be connected with him and deleted it b/c he deleted me. So- pointless to have the account now. This is now the 2nd time this woman has been an issue for us and when I asked him about it and told him how it made me feel he got super mad at me & called her all kinds of horrible names I wouldn’t even call people I DIDN’T like. Ok then. Now why would you choose to delete me, instead of her?!  I’m in shock/disbelief b/c 1. why would you even be friends w/someone online that you say you’re, “appalled anyone would think you would even hangout w/someone’s weird fat ugly ex-wife and that you have higher standards than that?” Ugh. I feel gross even repeating that. I’m sorry world, that was ugly. But if you truly do feel that strongly.. then 2. why is she so important for you to be connected to and interact w/on public social media??? Like it just doesn’t make sense to me. I am loooooosing it! Now singing… easy for a good girl to go bad……
Ok no. Spin the track. New thoughts.. new random rambles if you’re still w/me but I’ve only been walking w/Jesus for two years now (that came out of left field, right?) so I’m fairly new at this all but I guess what I’m trying to say is even though/since I still have these feelings sometimes that I have to fight. Is it spiritual warfare or just a bad day/dumb situation? I know I’m feeling very alone tonight. Like I don’t matter to someone I happen to love very much.. and now he knows that & that really sucks. Someone I want to text but won’t, because I know it will go unanswered or he is so upset w/me bc my feelings hurt his ego, (btw this woman physically is by no means ugly or the F word) but that he will choose not to send that every night, “goodnight” text tonight. And when I wake up, I probably won’t get a morning thought as usual, either.
Feeling unwanted and alone is no fun but it always brings me back to my One and Only True Love and reminds me that I’m never alone. And that I never will be. I saw something and when I read it -it brought tears to my eyes bc my spirit knows it to be true. It speaks to me. It rings true to me at my innermost level. So whenever you are feeling unloved, unimportant, or insecure.. remember to Whom you belong. Ephesians 2:19-22. Also coming to mind tonight is that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and though this little insecurity, argument, annoyance, misunderstanding, whatever it is that happened today got me down momentarily, I will overcome this and be stronger for it tomorrow because the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Phillippians 4: 6-7, 11-13.
Phew. All these feelings make me tired. I wonder what this would sound like out loud? Probably ridiculous. I wonder if I will regret posting this..hm. Probably but oh well, I’m going to do it. This is like diary 2.0 b/c tonight bc typing > writing. Ok. Sleep is near. Lol.
G’night world, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Lots of love <3
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