#we literally knew from the jump that trump would be the nominee
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
Going to hazard it's not a great sign for your obvious party nominee when a substantially non-zero portion of your own party's voters come out to make a point of informing everyone that they are not voting for you, even if they have done so multiple times previously, and pledge to support the incumbent president of the opposite party if/when you win the nomination.
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maswartz · 6 years ago
Bernie deserves nothing but hatred and distrust for his actions in 2016 and beyond. The fact he’s even thinking of running in 2020 proves he’s learned nothing
Ok, I have been planning this for a while, so here it goes.
A THREAD on why I hate Bernie:
Keep in mind, Bernie lost April 19th with a huge defeat in NY, where he lost to Hillary by 16 points 58% to 42%
Trump won the GOP nomination on May 4th, that is when he became the GOP nominee, and the GOP started lining up behind him.
Bernie waited until July to concede.
Now here is a good article on why so many people learned to dislike Bernie so much.
Most of us started out liking him, that changed when he became toxic.
another piece talking about why they dislike Bernie, and it comes with a LOT of receipts.
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Scorched-Earth Politics: Bernie Sanders and the Dishonest Campaign that Gave Us Trump So began Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in his inaugural speech as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president. It was an exceedingly sunny day on April 30, 2015, as a gaggle of reporters… https://medium.com/@blairdurkee/scorched-earth-politics-bernie-sanders-and-the-dishonest-campaign-that-gave-us-trump-eb0bc82ab2c1
Bernie started his campaign saying:
“I have never run a negative political ad in my life,”
I guess he never did rallies before… so I guess he left himself a loophole
When his audience boo’ed Hillary at his rallies, he would just stand there and smile.
When people boo’ed at an Obama rally, Obama said to them, don’t boo, vote.
When people were going after Obama in 2008, claiming he was Muslim, John McCain was FAR MORE honorable than Bernie:
we all remember this exchange at a McCain rally… you won’t find this kind of honor at a Bernie rally, that’s for sure
here in April, Bernie who failed to read an article, where an interviewer was trying to bait Hillary into saying Bernie wasn’t qualified, yet she NEVER took the bait.
Here’s Bernie at his rally, saying Hillary is not qualified.
Bernie was pulling all this shit during an election when Hillary would have to go up against Trump, and while we had an open Supreme Court seat.
He didn’t care about the Supreme Court.. he only cared about himself and his time in the limelight.
and, we all know, Bernie is so CLEAN.
but what is a little know fact is that, Bernie is the ONLY Non-Republican, who is on list of the top 25 NRA Donation recipients in 2016.
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Here are the members of Congress who take the most money from the gun lobby The list of lawmakers who get most of campaign cash from the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights groups reads like a who’s-who of the Republican Party. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/lawmakers-who-take-the-most-money-from-the-gun-rights-lobby-2017-10-03
Bernie hammered Hillary on the Crime Bill, yet conveniently left out that not only did he vote for it, but he ran heavily on it, as showing he was TOUGH on crime
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Bernie painted Hillary as the biggest hawk, what he again leaves out is that the Iraq Authorization is literally the ONLY time Bernie voted no military intervention in his 30 year career.
1 NO vote, on ONE military authorization does NOT make a candidate anti-war dove.
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Here, Bernie seems rather proud of himself for not LYING about the Clinton Charity, or going after Bill’s personal life.
He lied and twisted the truth, and smeared Hillary on a lot of other things, why NOT jump on the Republican lies while he’s at it?
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Bernie Sanders lists Hillary Clinton criticisms he doesn’t raise Bernie Sanders, responding to Gov. Jerry Brown’s concern about a “scorched earth” primary hurting Hillary Clinton, said Tuesday he has avoided hitting the likely Democratic nominee on “major, major a… https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article80017262.html
Again.. he LOST in April. Bernie posted to his website on May 2nd 2016 again after losing NY by double digits, and literally had NO path to winning the nomination,
Bernie flat out accuses Hillary of MONEY Laundering.
It was NOT money laundering:
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Politico Exposes Clinton Campaign ‘Money-Laundering’ Scheme “You cannot exploit a broken campaign finance system one day and vow to get big money out of politics the next.” https://berniesanders.com/press-release/politico-exposes-clinton-campaign-money-laundering-scheme/
PROOF that it was not money laundering:
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Hillary Victory Fund: Joint Fundraising Committee Summary OpenSecrets.org has fundraising profiles for all 535 members of Congress (and more). https://www.opensecrets.org/jfc/summary.php?id=C00586537&cycle=2016
In a Primary with a candidate in your same party, who is the winner, who is going up against a racist fascist, you do NOT start going after your opponents character to this degree… NOT after losing.
This is the kind of stuff you can’t take back, and it is DAMAGING.
again, after Bernie lost NY on April 19th 2016, by 16 points,
he is STILL attacking Hillary on April 21st, even though he has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the primary.
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Bernie Sanders Renews Attacks on Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania Two days after he lost the New York primary to Hillary Clinton, a feisty Bernie Sanders showed up in Pennsylvania and renewed his now-familiar attacks on the Democratic front-runner. https://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/04/21/bernie-sanders-goes-back-on-attack-in-pennsylvania/
This again, after his huge loss in NY April 19th:
It’s time for Bernie to face Reality and Avoid Going Scorched Earth
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It’s Time for Bernie Sanders To Face Reality and Avoid Going Scorched Earth He doesn’t have to quit, but with his path to the nomination at a virtual dead end, for the benefit of himself and the progressive movement, Sanders needs to throw cold water on the rage within his c… https://thedailybanter.com/issues/2016/04/22/face-reality-bernie-sanders/
This was published at the end of April after he lost NY by a HUGE margin
An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders:
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An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders - The Boston Globe I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but maybe a little tough love is in order. https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/04/22/open-letter-bernie-sanders/AfEtRwYJmTJ5lTNIuw4q8O/story.html
People say… but.. “come on, look at the 2008 Primary.. that went negative as well”
Ok.. let’s look at the 2008 and the 2016 primaries an compare them, shall we?
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Here’re the facts from 2008 and 2016 and what’s so different from the 2 elections, other than the fact that Democrats have NOT won a 3rd term in YEARS it’s the HARDEST type of election to win, and the best way is to get voters to want to build on the progress made while in office
from from May 31st. Trump is the GOP nominee and the GOP are lining up behind him, Bernie has NO way to win.
Keep in mine, the Democratic National Convention was July 25th - 28th
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Bernie Sanders jabs back at Jerry Brown, ‘Democratic establishment’ Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tuesday said Gov. Jerry Brown is part of “the Democratic establishment,” after the California governor endorsed Hillary Clinton. https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article80908912.html
Again, this was written at the END of May.
Now, GOP is lined up behind Trump, now Hillary is fighting 2 campaigns. Bernie was becoming MORE vicious at the end.
Bernie, Don’t Do This. Scorched Earth Campaign
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Bernie. Don’t Do This. Bernie Sanders is still in it to win it. Which is a problem. Because he can’t. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/05/bernie_sanders_scorched_earth_run_against_hillary_clinton_is_a_mistake.html
In May, the GOP was soundly uniting behind Trump
End of May, Bernie was still threatening to take it to the Democratic Convention and fighting Hillary’s nomination.
Bernie Says Democratic Primary not a Monarchy: a Jab at Hillary being crowned.
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Sanders: Democratic primary not a ‘monarchy’ Sanders rejected the assumption that Clinton will win the nomination. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/281032-sanders-democratic-primary-not-a-monarchy
Bernie went FULL ON character assassination.
May 19th 2016 a month after losing in NY
Then went after the DNC claiming he was CHEATED, even though there’s NO way for the DNC to rig the primary in Hillary’s favor.
NYT bernie willing to harm Hillary
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Bernie Sanders, Eyeing Convention, Willing to Harm Hillary Clinton in the Homestretch Determined to transform the party, the senator is aiming to amass enough leverage to press his agenda at the convention — or even wrest the nomination. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/19/us/politics/bernie-sanderss-campaign-accuses-head-of-dnc-of-favoritism.html
So, here’s Bernie:
“Yes I know I told you all Hillary was not qualified and that Hillary was a corrupt shill for Wall St.. But, HEY, Now I want you to vote for her!!”
THIS, is why you NEVER go after the character of the front runner of your political party in an election
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May 27th, to be EXACT.
Scorched Earth is working pulling his numbers up, and pulling Hillary’s numbers DOWN, on purpose at the end of the primary, after he lost
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Bernie Sanders’s ‘Scorched Earth’ Strategy Seems to Be Working The socialist senator is driving up Clinton’s disapproval rating with his supporters – and winning concessions to the party’s left flank in the process. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/05/sanderss-scorched-earth-strategy-is-working.html
*** Bernie saw the Bernie or Bust movement growing and still refused to address it, and kept on with the attacks, painting Hillary as corrupt, and claiming she was money laundering
He does this AFTER he lost, and when it’s clear Trump is the GOP nominee.
This is from April 27th 2016
It’s ONE thing to stay in hoping he’d get more say in the platform, but he became far MORE vicious after April went after her character, even after he KNEW he had lost.
Bernie Sanders Knows He Can’t Win the Nomination Now
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Did Bernie Sanders Just Admit Defeat? Yes and No. Hillary Clinton went four for five on Tuesday, and in the process removed pretty much any remaining doubt about whether she will be the Democratic… http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/04/27/bernie_sanders_refuses_to_quit_a_race_he_can_t_win.html
Four reasons Bernie Sanders waited so long to endorse Hillary Clinton
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Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/12/four-reasons-bernie-sanders-waited-so-long-to-endorse-hillary-clinton/?utm_term=.aee358664e53#comments
He cared far MORE about being in charge of the platform, than the Democrats winning an election with an OPEN SCOTUS seat, and a fascist as the GOP nominee.
He KNEW Trump would be dangerous for MANY poor and People of Color.
That, in my opinion is UNFORGIVABLE.
Bernie KNEW that Russian Troll and Bot Farms were trying to help him win, yet he never said ONE word about it in the primary
He eventually blamed Hillary, for not informing his supporters.
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Bernie Sanders trying to evade questions about why he didn’t let his followers know about Russian interference. Bernie Sanders knew about the Russian Bots and trolls helping his Primary campaign, but did and said nothing. (Upload of dejah @bowiegrrl11’s Audio clip). #NeverBernie https://vimeo.com/256930828?ref=tw-share
Who can forget about Bernie attacking Hillary for speeches she was paid to give, that we later found out were even more liberal than her rallies, which is most likely why she didn’t want to release them, as to not hand FOX News a few days of breathless reporting.
While he was attacking her speeches, he was still refusing to release his taxes, even going so far as to LIE about his releasing them, earning him 4 Pinicios at Washington Post
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Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/05/bernie-sanderss-false-claim-that-he-has-released-his-full-federal-tax-returns/?utm_term=.691036e24b3d
Is Mr. Sanders positioning himself to join the “Bernie or bust” crowd, walking away if he can’t pull off an extraordinary upset, and possibly helping put Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in the White House? If not, what does he think he’s doing?
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Opinion | Sanders Over the Edge The revolutionary isn’t cute anymore. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/08/opinion/sanders-over-the-edge.html
Yes, Bernie Sanders Is Questioning Hillary Clinton’s Integrity
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Yes, Bernie Sanders is questioning Hillary Clinton’s integrity   https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/02/yes-bernie-sanders-questioning-hillary-clintons-integrity/
MAY. 18, 2016, while Hillary was leading Bernie by over 3 MILLION votes.
Sanders’s scorched-earth campaign is a gift to Trump
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Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie… https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/sanderss-scorched-earth-campaign-is-a-gift-to-trump/2016/05/19/b2f582b4-1ded-11e6-9c81-4be1c14fb8c8_story.html?utm_term=.bbcc7c744a4c
again, May 15 Bernie had NO path forward.
and WHO can forget the Nevada Convention?
Here’s somebody who didn’t forget, let me introduce you to Tim Hodge, a Delegate for Bernie, who was at the Nevada Convention May 15th and had this to say about it:
and, here was Bernie’s response to the fiasco and violence at the Nevada Convention:
It was to BLAME the PARTY…. so, now instead of accepting his defeat gracefully, he is now going after the Democratic Party, all while Trump is the GOP nominee.
and, just so you can all see what Bernie’s Nevada delegate had to say about the Nevada Convention:
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April 19, 2016 Hillary wins the NY Primary, where just a day or 2 before, Bernie was being introduced and the person introducing Bernie called Hillary a Democratic WHORE.
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Sanders under fire for supporter’s 'whores’ remarks It’s hardly the first time a speaker at a Sanders event has created distractions and headaches for the Sanders campaign. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/sanders-under-fire-supporters-whores-remarks
BY the way, Dr. Paul Song, the man who called Hillary a Democratic Whore, is Lisa Ling’s husband, Hillary had sent Bill Clinton to North Korea to SAVE his fucking FAMILY members. This is how the Clinton’s were repaid for that.
Bernie Feels the Bern of His Anti-Clinton Delegates Party unity update: not united.
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Bernie feels the Bern of his anti-Clinton delegates Party unity update: not united. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/07/bernie-sanders-delegates-speech-philadelphia/
Bernie Sanders Can’t Figure Out Why His Supporters Don’t Like Hillary Clinton
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Bernie Sanders can’t figure out why his supporters don’t like Hillary Clinton   https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/07/bernie-sanders-cant-figure-out-why-his-supporters-dont-hillary-clinton/
In closing, my issue is the he went to insanely negative, scorched earth, and was fully willing to damage Hillary, all in the pursuit of power. He didn’t care if the Democrats won, or that there was a Supreme Court seat open.
He acted like a spoiled brat, victim… claiming when he lost that it was rigged against him, but when he won it was a legitimate win, due to his awesome skills.
He ran on taking down the MAN!
in the end, he helped take down an entire country.
It was the accusation that he was cheated, he used to convince his followers that Hillary and the DNC were corrupt.
He’s never apologized for the blatant lies of the primary being rigged, and he’s never fully tried to convince his followers that while he thought it was rigged during the election, in the end, he lost because 3.7 MILLION more Democrats voted for Hillary over him.
He literally stabs the driver in the back, then gets indignant that the driver crashed the car in a ditch. a crash that he set up to happen. all so he could have power.
I can NOT forgive this, and I can’t reward this with handing him power.
Get Control, Senator Sanders, or Get Out
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In Opinion: Bernie Sanders should either control the obscene behavior of his supporters or get out of the race If the Democratic presidential candidate can’t even manage the vicious thugs who act in his name, the author writes, he can’t be trusted to run the country. https://www.newsweek.com/2016/06/03/bernie-sanders-get-control-get-out-race-461195.html
MAY. 18, 2016
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The sad decline and fall of Bernie Sanders   https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/05/decline-fall-bernie-sanders/
Bernie Goes Negative
April 6th
I’m done with Bernie Sanders: Why this democratic socialist is voting for Hillary Clinton
Bernie’s not a more progressive choice, just a different one. The more I compare the two, the less I feel the Bern
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I’m done with Bernie Sanders: Why this democratic socialist is voting for Hillary Clinton Bernie’s not a more progressive choice, just a different one. The more I compare the two, the less I feel the Bern https://www.salon.com/2016/04/04/im_done_with_bernie_sanders_why_this_democratic_socialist_is_voting_for_hillary_clinton/
Dear Bernie: Thanks, but…I’m done.
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Dear Bernie: Thanks, but…I’m done. – Boo Radley – Medium I’m not sure I’ve ever been more disappointed in a politician than I’ve become with Bernie Sanders. He was My Guy in the beginning. I really wanted him to be the real deal. I hoped for a year, that… https://medium.com/@Boo_Radley/dear-bernie-thanks-but-im-done-6c6bc6e23993
I Felt the Bern But the Bros Are Extinguishing the Flames
I’m having a hard time being a Bernie Sanders supporter at the moment.
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I Felt the Bern But the Bros Are Extinguishing the Flames Sanders supporters at the Democratic state convention in Nevada became unruly and threatened the state party chair—This is unacceptable. http://time.com/4339865/bernie-sanders-supporters-violence/
It Comes From the Very Top
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It Comes From the Very Top For months I’d thought and written that Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver was the key driver of toxicity in the… https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/it-comes-from-the-very-top
and, in case you want to know what Bernie thinks since 2016, when the Democrats and the COUNTRY LOST?
In case that’s NOT enough… I see comments like this still, multiple times a day, and Bernie didn’t BOTHER to dispel this myth, cuz he created it.
Constantly telling his followers that he was cheated, that it was rigged against him.
He is a LIAR with NO HONOR
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I will continue to add links and various articles other Tweet storms regarding the dislike for Berne and why he should NOT be the Democratic Nominee due to his ugly petulant behavior from 2016.
I’ll also add links to his racism and misogyny.
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The Trouble With Bernie: Your Handy Vetting Guide The MSM Won’t Publish Bernie Sanders may have lost the Democratic nomination, but that’s not stopping him from continuing to sop up the mainstream media’s adoration of him. Mo… https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-trouble-with-bernie-your-handy-vetting-guide_us_59cba33fe4b028e6bb0a6707
so this comment screen cap threads to this whole thread.
Ohhh yes, I hear about the Democratic Mega Donors.
Yes, when we hear of millionaires and billionaires, we think Koch Bros, we don’t think about Hollywood, where most people are extremely Liberal.
Many millionaires actually want the same things YOU want.
“If he comes to South Carolina, he’ll have his 15 people will show up,” Brown said. “I hope it’s worth it to him, because he’s doing greater damage to the party overall.”
South Carolina Democrats: Better if Sanders ‘got lost’
One thing I hated the MOST about Bernie is:
Bernie blamed the media, the DNC, DebbieWS, Rigging, Cheating, for his loss.
He NEVER once took responsibility for losing, and even complained in his book that it was rigged against him.
NOT one peep from the MEDIA.
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People wonder why I dislike Bernie with such a passion.
It’s because he LIES to the voters.
He constantly LIED about the Democratic Party, and Twisted things.. he never explained WHY things have not progressed since 1995
How he’s lying? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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He NEVER explains to his young audience, the GOP have been rigging elections, and that they’re the ones who’ve prevented/ blocked any progress.
He never even explains to his followers that Obama was stuck between a rock and a hard place because he didn’t have a Super Majority.
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He NEVER explains government to them at all. He keeps 'em ignorant
He could tell his followers that while the Dems aren’t perfect they still have the peoples best interest at heart, but due to the GOP holding the House for 20 YEARS out of 24 yrs, progress was near impossible.
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But NO he can’t help his young followers understand how government works, cuz then he wouldn’t be able to LIE about the Democrats and drag them, like he has for 30 years.
He can’t win unless he drags the Democratic party down, claiming that HE’s the only one who can fix it.
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Which, brings me to another thread, with MORE receipts, and the lies about how Hillary wasn’t Liberal enough, when fact is, Hillary and Bernie voted the SAME 93% of the time.
But again, he can’t win if he tells the truth.. so, Bernie LIES, a LOT. 👇👇👇👇
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Remember when Al Gore wasn’t Liberal enough?
Gore was a Corporatist… Sold out to Wall St.
If Al has been elected We would not have gone to Iraq We’d have addressed global warming Tax cuts would not have happened
But, Al Gore was not Liberal enough, so we got Bush instead
again with the LIES they’re doing it again with Kamala, LYING about her.
They spent the entire primary lying so badly about Hillary, so they could drive her poll numbers down and Bernie’s up
Here’s some of the lies, this from Jimmy Dore 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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I’m so fucking SICK of Democrats being called Republican Lite, or Neo-Liberal, Corporatist.
It’s getting fucking OLD.
Thread what the Democrats have been doing for the last 25 years:
Keep in mind, the GOP had the House or 20 out of 24 yrs.
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I do NOT like holier than thou, sanctimonious people. I don’t like hypocritical people.
I do NOT like politicians who tear the other person down, to build themselves up.
That’s exactly what Bernie did, at the expense of our nation.
Worse, he did it AFTER he lost the primary
Bernie Sanders Is The Biggest Loser
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Bernie Sanders Is The Biggest Loser – Oliver Chinyere – Medium A hypercritical examination of Senator Bernie Sanders https://medium.com/@ochinyere/bernie-sanders-is-the-biggest-loser-4c43b1feacfc
It’s rather curious how he is so Liberal… yet, so many of his followers were perfectly fine with Trump?
Trump’s NO McCain McCain was moderate'ish
Cassandra Fairbanks: Bernie Sanders Fan Who Flipped To Donald Trump Contacted Russian Hacker Guccifer 2.0
Funny, when he won an election it was due to his greatness, when he lost, it was because it was rigged.
After MONTHS of LYING to his followers, he finally admits softly…
Bernie Sanders agrees: Democratic process not ‘rigged’
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Bernie Sanders agrees: Democratic process not 'rigged’ There’s a difference between a process that’s “rigged” and one in which an underdog faces institutional challenges that are difficult to overcome. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/bernie-sanders-agrees-democratic-process-not-rigged
At the Convention:
He CREATED this.
Lock her up: his supporters use Trump’s attack line on Clinton
‘We have to defeat Donald Trump and elect Clinton,’ Sanders says – but protesters boo and express anger in Philadelphia over the leaked emails 👇👇👇👇👇
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'Lock her up’: Sanders supporters adopt Trump’s attack line on Clinton ‘We have got to defeat Donald Trump and elect Clinton,’ Sanders says – but protesters boo and express anger in Philadelphia over the leaked DNC emails https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/25/lock-her-up-sanders-trump-clinton-chant
Bernie at the end was acting like an out of control Mob Boss.
Holding the party hostage, like Trump did with the Shut Down
“It would sure be a shame if the Democrats lose… but, if you pay me off with enough power, I’ll see about making sure that doesn’t happen… wink wink”
He did this all so he could be in charge of the platform
and have power he didn’t actually earn
He was forcing Hillary to adopt his platform, the very platform the Democratic voters soundly REJECTED.
Rejected by 3.7 MILLION votes.
I heavily suspect he knew he was hurting Hillary tho, and knew that his ticket to REAL power would only come if the Democrats lost against Trump
again, in 2018 he said:
Bernie Sanders at a book party in DC says “in many ways we did win the election.”
He KNEW, the only way for him to gain power was if Hillary lost.
It was NOT good enough for him to stop and help Hillary win so that she could be POTUS, and continue Democratic progress, while he would lead congress to pass some progressive bills, that Hillary WOULD have signed.
When people claim: “But, he campaigned heavily for Hillary.”
That’s a FLAT OUT…. LIE!
Primary ENDED June 7th
Bernie conceded July 12th
Democratic Convention July 25th
By September 5th, he’d only campaigned 2 times for Hillary
This from Sept 5th
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Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/05/bernie-sanders-is-finally-campaigning-for-hillary-clinton-but-does-she-even-need-him/?utm_term=.e6e013f03391
“He reluctantly and belatedly endorsed her. And the 2 speeches he has given since for her have basically been papered-over versions of his own stump speech. In short, since he ended his own campaign, Bernie Sanders hasn’t done much publicly to help get Hillary elected president.”
The Convention was July 25th
WTF? from Sept 5th
“The Vermont senator will make his first post-convention campaign pitch for Clinton on Monday in New Hampshire, where he’ll be, according to the Clinton campaign, discussing her "plan to build an economy that works for everyone.”
on July 12th, when he FINALLY conceded… 14 DAYS before the Democratic National Convention.
here’s a piece on his speech:
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Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, entertainment more. In-depth DC, Virginia, Maryland news coverage including traffic, weather, crime, education, restaurant revie… https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/12/bernie-sanderss-endorsement-of-hillary-clinton-was-really-a-celebration-of-bernie-sanders/?utm_term=.baef2080a39d
And, yes, he did say this: “I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and why she must become our next president.”
(It was the only time that Sanders used the words “endorse” or “endorsing” in a speech that ran 2,161 words.
a FAR cry from Hillary and her endorsement of Barak Obama, and her calls for Democratic party unity.
Clinton endorses Obama, calls for party unity
Hillary gave a ROUSING speech on how important it was to ELECT Barak Obama.
I LOVED how she repeated his name as she smiled warmly.
She acted with grace.
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Hillary Clinton Endorses Barack Obama Following is a transcript of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech Saturday on suspending her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/07/us/politics/07text-clinton.html
I am standing with Senator Obama to say… YES WE CAN!!!
That is why we need to help elect Barak Obama our President
and that is why me must elect Barak Obama our President
and that is why we have to help elect Barak Obama our President
Now… THAT’S how you give a concession speech and endorse your primary opponent.
This is how you do it how you act with grace, even after a loss
This is how you act like a TEAM player.
Have no doubt, our party is our team, and that is why it’s important to be a team player.
I’ll expect and accept NOTHING less of the candidates who are running for the Democratic nomination.
That’s why I have such strong dislike for Bernie.
In the end, I don’t care about pure voting history it doesn’t matter, what I want is a person who is graceful, even in defeat.
What is NOT acceptable is a losers campaign Tweeting weeks before the election
September 25th
Jane Sanders Tweets video of Bernie telling his supporters
Regarding voting for Hillary as POTUS
“Don’t Listen to Me”
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polss · 5 years ago
Political Swizzlestick: The ethical problem the Bloomberg candidacy presents for Dems.
I wanted to blow off the prospect of Micheal Bloomberg being the democratic nominee when he announced his candidacy. “Feh!” I arrogantly scoffed, “You think America’s going to rush to vote for another New Yorker?! Ha!  Typical New York Media overrating their local candidate’s chances.  You still have to connect with the rust belt voter.”
But time has smacked sense into me.
Bloomberg was at 19% nationally with Dems, sight unseen.
Nobody outside of New York knew a damn thing about him, but 19% of America had seen enough commercials to say, “That guy I’ve never seen before....he’s my guy!”
That is crazy.
But that’s kind of where we are in America.  Do the majority of Trump Supporters know all of the things he has done?  Can they tell you his position on any number of issues?  No... But they know he drives Democrats crazy. The moderate segment of their support had been somewhat underwhelmed by the Obama-Biden management of the economy, so if it drives Dems crazy, he must be taking the country in the right direction that businesses want to go...right?
“He’s a businessman and the unemployment rate is at record lows.”  is what they’d say if pressed. We have always measured the health of the economy by the unemployment rate so we have to do so now.
They are just as ignorant to the vast majority of their guy’s views as we are of our candidates.
In a world where no one cares about details, why couldn’t Bloomberg win?
If the race is two shady New York businessmen against each other and one is worth maybe a billion by now and the other is worth $64 Billion, is Donald trump going to be able to lord his economic knowledge over Bloomberg?  No. Bloomberg will treat him like a peon.  If Bloomberg says, “You aren’t a businessman, you are a con man. I am surprised you haven’t throttled the economy yet.  Step aside an let someone who actually understands how to succeed in business run this country.” it resonates with moderates everywhere.
You could legitimately see Trump supporters jump ship.  Every trump fan I know likes Bloomberg and thinks “that’s the guy the Dems should run.”  He fits their idea of what they want as a president.  Is it difficult to see 1-4% of them jumping ship to escape the Trump sideshow? Not at all.
Donald  trump lost more money than any other American over a 20 year period.  Bloomberg is without a doubt a successful businessman.  Donald Trump looks very much like a failure in business compared to him over a 3 month or so lead up to the election.
I am late to the game. A lot of people on the Democratic side have pointed at this very thing and proclaimed Bloomberg the Dems best hope.  I am inclined to agree now after looking at the financial picture and how easily voters can be swayed by a simple advertising campaign.
Bloomberg takes away all of trump’s best arguments. Business expertise?  Not even close.
Trump uses his lack of morality to dig at the political correctness that Dems foolishly cling too.  There is every reason to believe that Bloomberg is so rich that morality largely no longer applies to him.  Any mistake or lack in judgement can be erased with a check.  Donald Trump is not going to be able to use his lack of morality as a weapon against Bloomberg. And frankly since Dems would have voted for this guy, that is a tacit acknowledgement that morality doesn’t matter to the Dems either.
Want to smear Bloomberg with an ad campaign?  Bloomberg can run 10 commercials with Trump’s voice talking about grabbing women by the pussy and showing all the women who tried to sue Trump in the 2016 election for every one trump can run.  Literally every 15 minutes you could hear Donald trump talking on TV about grabbing women by the pussy. You think that wouldn’t have a cumulative effect?
Really all you have to do is move 1-2% from the trump column to the anti-trump column in say 6 states and that is the election.
“But the Bernie Bros will revolt!”  What if Bloomberg make Bernie VP?  Does Bloomberg care who is his VP? At all? Bernie is an old warhorse who has been selling his rhetoric to no one in particular for 40+ years. You think he would turn down being a heartbeat from the presidency?  Bloomberg is an old dude too. If Bernie has a legitimate seat with power like the VP job, you won’t lose any Bernie fans.  They have seen Bernie get screwed out entirely by the DNC.  This would be an acceptable loss for them.  “We may have lost the battle, but we won the war”.
Bernie Bros aren’t running against Trump....not yet anyway.... they are running against the DNC.
Bloomberg is worth $64 Billion.  He spent $200 Million LAST MONTH. That is 1/320th of his wealth. That spending is almost double what Bernie (the Democratic front runner) has had in his entire account this election.
Let’s say you were fairly well to do and between 40 and 80.  How much of your money would you be willing to spend to cross “get elected president” off your bucket list? How much would you spend if you were in your late 70′s?   30% of your wealth? 40% of your wealth? More?
If Bloomberg spent 30% of his wealth that would be $19.2 Billion dollars.
Hillary spent $585 Million in 2016. Donald Trump spent $350M and has roughly $240 Million donated so far for 2020.
Let’s say Trump end up with $600M.  Bloomberg would in his $19.2 Billion have 32 times the amount of money.
So lets say Donald Trump runs a TV ad of Bloomberg not wanting to release former employees from non-disclosure agreements. Bloomberg could run 32 TV ads with the clip of Donald trump weirdly fondling his daughter as she sits on his lap and Trump talking about how if he wasn’t her dad he’d be all over that.
Think we couldn’t get there?
Don’t count on it.
If you watched the last debate you saw the democrat’s Donald Trump on stage.  A win at all cost guy.
Now I have long bemoaned that the democratic party is run by a lot of folks who proudly display their participation ribbons.
The GOP tells the Dems, “You can’t do that!  It is a betrayal of our country!” then the next time there is a GOP president he does exactly that and the Dems say, “Gorsh, you got us again, lol!”
It drives me nuts and is even worse by the fact that the GOP has a guy in Trump who could give a shit about any of the social norms and is playing a win at all costs game, damn the constitution!
But do we truly want to run a “win at all cost” guy? Are we willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious disdain Bloomberg has for the common man’s opinion to get trump out?
Are Dems and left leaning voters willing to embrace a guy who doesn’t even want to say how many non-disclosure agreements he has had to payoff to buy ex-employee’s silence?  And let me assure you, if they were all off color jokes as he claimed, Bloomberg would have just released them all and taken the momentary polling hit. You could argue that a business has non-disclosure agreements to protect business information but Bloomberg himself admitted his non-disclosure agreements were to protect his bad behavior. 
For him to insist no one would be released suggests there is what would be a career ending story for someone whose budget for this election wasn’t potentially larger than the combined budgets of the last 30 presidential elections.
This guy is so out of touch he doesn’t even understand what people want him to apologize for about his policy of targeting the African American community in New York City for shake downs of their kids.
If you watched the debate you saw a guy who was not all that dissimilar to trump who wants to be president. That is clearly goal 1. I think there is a lot of evidence that unlike trump, Bloomberg isn’t running to profit off the presidency and legitimately wants to do right by America. I think he legitimately does want to put an end to all of the Trump nonsense, but he still seems like a guy we would deem morally unfit in any election prior to the slimeball derby of 2016.
I am not advocate for purity tests, but this isn’t a purity test.  If we were looking for angels we wouldn’t have let him in the door.  Frankly we wouldn't have let any of these people in. Which is why I'm glad that we don't have purity tests. 
My question is are we truly at a point where we can accept running a lesser demon against another lesser demon just because we think he would likely be favored to win and willing to do whatever it took to win?
Are we willing to elect a guy who we really have no idea what he is going to do in office just to get rid of Trump?  He could easily be just as disdainful of the constitution.....We don’t know and the early returns are we don’t care.
Are we willing to turn a total blind eye and be just as hypocritical as the Republican voters we have vilified for the last 3 years?
Are we willing to potentially forever destroy any argument by either side that ethics matter in a president? Are we willing to say that no American voters at all care about fair play and moral behavior?
Or are we willing to stand on principles and risk defeat with a more morally acceptable candidate like Bernie, Tom, Elizabeth, or Joe who might be at best 50/50 propositions against Trump?
I'll make it personal.  Am I willing to betray all the women out there who have ever been shit on by, feilded unwelcome propositions from , or been ridiculed by their bosses at work for better odds that we'll get Trump out of office?  I am half Jamaican.  Am I willing to betray solidarity with the greater african American community which finds this man unacceptable, for better odds?
Am I willing to sell my soul for 4 years for better odds?  Am I willing to look in the mirror and loathe the face looking back for 4 years just for better odds?
Melania says "Be Better". I want to be but after 3 years of this shit, the apple that snake is holding looks so...so... good.
I don’t have the answer.  All I’ve got are the questions.
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thedeadshotnetwork · 7 years ago
'A weapon of desperation': Trump loyalists are doubling down on a familiar strategy as the Russia probe reaches a boiling point Thomson Reuters As special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation ramps up, President Donald Trump's allies have doubled down on claims that Mueller's team is biased against him. Right-wing figures latched onto new reports last week that two investigators on Mueller's team expressed views favoring former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. FBI veterans refute that characterization, saying agents don't let political views interfere with their work. One former federal prosecutor called the strategy a "weapon of desperation." Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election is ramping up, and President Donald Trump's allies are reaching new heights to discredit Mueller and the Russia probe. The special counsel has so far charged four of Trump's former associates as part of the investigation: former campaign chairman Paul Manafort , former adviser and Manafort associate Rick Gates , former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos , and former national security adviser Michael Flynn . Mueller is also said to be building an obstruction-of-justice case against the president, stemming mainly from Trump's decision to fire FBI director James Comey in May. As Mueller's investigation pushes on, Trump's loyalists in politics and the media have launched a campaign focused on painting the special counsel and his investigators as biased and partisan , while echoing Trump's demands that the FBI also investigate Comey and Trump's former opponent, Hillary Clinton, over their alleged Russia ties. Conservative talking heads and Trump allies latched onto a string of damaging reports this week about investigators on Mueller's team. The Washington Post reported that Peter Strzok, a widely respected FBI counterintelligence veteran who used to work with Mueller on the Russia investigation, was ousted in July because he exchanged texts with a colleague at the FBI that could have shown that he favored Clinton over Trump. Win McNamee/Getty Images Another report said that Strzok had been instrumental in changing Comey's final characterization of Clinton's use of a private email server from "grossly negligent" — which would have carried criminal penalties — to "extremely careless." Andrew Weissman, a seasoned federal prosecutor on Mueller's team who specializes in "flipping" witnesses, was also roped into the controversy this week. The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released an email on Tuesday in which Weissman praised former acting attorney general Sally Yates for refusing to defend Trump's initial travel ban in January. It also emerged this week that Weissman attended Clinton's election night party at the Jacob Javits Center in New York last year. Right-wing media lashes out The revelations drew intense backlash from Trump loyalists. Sean Hannity, the Fox News opinion commentator who is one of Trump's staunchest defenders, called Mueller's team "extremely biased" and "hyper-partisan" on Tuesday. He added that Mueller's investigation "has put the country now on the brink of becoming a banana republic." "Mueller's stooges are literally doing everything within their power and then some to try and remove President Trump from office," Hannity told his 3 million viewers . Getty Images On Hannity's show Wednesday night, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett called Mueller's investigation "illegitimate and corrupt," and accused the special counsel of using the FBI as a political weapon and acting as "America's secret police." "Secret surveillance, wiretapping, intimidation, harassment and threats," Jarrett said. "It's like the old KGB that comes for you in the dark of the night, banging through your door." Jarrett added that the FBI had turned into a "shadow government." Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham weighed in on the controversy, as well. "What we are seeing here is a pattern and practice of Mueller hiring known Clinton and Obama political insiders and boosters, supporters, to undo a presidential election. That was the election of Donald Trump," she told viewers on Tuesday. The right-leaning Wall Street Journal editorial board published a column on Monday pointing to the Strzok texts as evidence of bias on Mueller's team. The board said Mueller was too conflicted to "investigate the FBI and should step down in favor of someone more credible." Trump, who has frequently referred to the Russia investigation as a politically-motivated " witch hunt ," threw in his two cents on the Strzok revelations last week, retweeting Twitter user Paul Sperry, who said Strzok was "busted" and calling for FBI director Chris Wray to "clean house" at the bureau, which he claimed was "infected" by anti-Trump bias. "Tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI 'agent's role in Clinton probe under review,' Trump tweeted last weekend. "Led Clinton Email probe. @foxandfriends money going to wife of another FBI agent in charge." "After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters - worst in History!" he later added . "But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness." Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont decried this strategy to disparage on Sunday. "I am deeply offended by Republican efforts to try to discredit Mr. Mueller," he said on " Meet the Press ." "When he was FBI director, he was a great guy. Now that he's doing his job here, Republicans don't like him. I think that's really very unfair." Mainstream conservatives jump on the bandwagon Aaron Bernstein/Reuters This defense has trickled into the comments of more mainstream conservative figures and lawmakers. "If it's true that Andrew Weissmann attended Hillary's victory party, this is getting out of hand," tweeted Ari Fleischer , who served as White House press secretary under President George W. Bush. During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, in which Wray was testifying, Republican Rep. Steve Chabot called "the depths of this anti-Trump bias" on the special counsel's team "absolutely shocking." Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley said this week that Strzok's behavior and involvement in the Clinton email investigation and the Trump-Russia probe "raises new concerns of inappropriate political influence in the work of the FBI." Grassley also demanded more information about Strzok's communications with Lisa Page, the FBI lawyer with whom he exchanged texts about Clinton and Trump. "The question really is, if Mueller was doing such a great job on investigating the Russian collusion, why could he have not found the conflict of interest within their own agency?" asked Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Meadows was likely referring to the 2010 Uranium One deal, which was approved by the Obama administration. After the deal made its way back into headlines in October — shortly before Manafort and Gates were indicted — a growing chorus of conservative legislators and commentators began calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate Comey's and the Clinton Foundation's roles in the deal's approval. Extensive reporting and fact-checking found no signs of wrongdoing when the Obama administration allowed Rosatom, a Russian nuclear energy firm, to acquire Canada-based Uranium One, which had significant mining stakes in the US. The deal required approval from several government agencies, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which Clinton had no control over. 'A weapon of desperation' Thomson Reuters Former federal prosecutors and FBI agents agreed that investigators should be careful about expressing their personal views while working on politically charged cases, but they pushed back on the claims of bias on Mueller's team from Trump's media allies and Congressional Republicans. "I can tell you I never knew what Andrew [Weissman's] politics were when we were in the same office," said Patrick Cotter, a former federal prosecutor and longtime white collar defense lawyer who worked with Weissman in the past. "Politics never comes up between prosecutors in my experience. We have them, of course. We are citizens. But among the feds I worked with, it would have been incredibly inappropriate for anyone to express a political view at work." Cotter also added that in the law enforcement field, it was "rather irrelevant" to point to officials' political affiliation. "If you allege bias by someone carrying out their job, point to facts, not fact-free arguments that all Republicans will be corrupt against Democrats or vice versa," he told Business Insider. Joseph Pelcher, a former FBI counterintelligence operative who was stationed in Russia and specialized in organized crime, said that while agents should be careful about openly expressing their opinions, "there is certainly nothing wrong with holding political views as long as it doesn't interfere with an investigation." LaRae Quy, who served as a covert operative at the FBI for 24 years, largely echoed that point. "It's very important for agents to appear (and be) apolitical. I know that's 'pie in the sky' since we all have political views," she told Business Insider. "But the non-partisan aspect of an agent's job is important." That said, "agents are allowed to express their personal opinions ... and encouraged to vote and be responsible citizens," Quy said. "Almost every agent I know votes and upholds the democratic process. They are just smart enough to keep their mouth shut and their minds open." Cotter added that the emergence of the right wing's argument that Mueller or his investigators are politically biased against Trump seems to be "strong circumstantial evidence that those who fear what the Mueller investigation may find have no actual fact-based criticisms to make." Their "reliance on character attacks," he said, are "a weapon of desperation." NOW WATCH: A North Korean defector tells us what life was like under a dictatorship December 11, 2017 at 10:44AM
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