#we have been opressed we have opressed others please dear god im tired of everyones bullshit and the horror
magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
and yes. coming from dobrogea, a region of the balkans with a whole lot of shit but which thankfully by the grace of god is peaceful today for the most part, romanias most ethnically diverse and most peaceful region somehow (maybe the hot sun and the black sea salt make us calmer idk) does impact how i think about all this
dobrogea isnt diverse because of some happy story. the dacians and thracians were fighting over that bitch for thousands of bloody years, the dacians likely coming from the thracians (both of them likely setteling the land through warfare and mixing with whichever people were there before), both claiming its Only theirs when really both of their asses came from the caucasus or central asia further on, destroying each others history later on too to make it seem like its only theirs. I want to have no bloody arguments or conflicts with bulgarians over it. I love bulgarians, they are a beautiful people with a beautiful culture which is very mixed with our own, and I want dobrogea to be not one of ours but both of ours. It disgusts me that when part of dobrogea was "given back" to romania bulgarians were kicked out; peoples lives uprooted and romanians pulling hate crimes bc ofc they did, this always happens. The turks and the tatars arent in dobrogea because of some happy history, actually theyre there because they took over, killed plenty of people, estated rule, and also did that fun slavery ordeal. Guess what, I am disgusted by the communists kicking out so many tatars (even tho there were locals who tired to shelter them). I am disgusting by romanians, few as they are in dobrogea, who wanna go on about how the turks and tatars should leave. I am disgusted by romanians, when the land was gotten back, taking out their anger and doing hatecrimes on them. I was not raised like this. I know of the history, I was raised with the history and its pain, but i am disgusted by this nontheless - my family, and a lot of dobrogea nowadays, does not stand with this. The turks and tatars have been there long, god damn historical context and all, and theyre a beautiful people with a beautiful culture which is very mixed with ours, many of us are actually mixed too, and fucking damn it i want to hear nothing about how were the only ones who should be there. Same for the other many ethnicities in the area
somehow, somehow we have managed to reach a general state of coexistence. id like to keep it that way and see more of that
theres more examples but whatever. i dont want the hungarians out of northern romania and i want us to stop fucking bickering and fighting over god damned forsaken fucking ethnostates and centuries old conflicts.
I want it. To. Stop. i see where it goes. i see how it goes. In the balkans this does not end. We can all fucking sit around yelling about what was done to us by others, and everyone can point fingers at what everyone else did. There are almost no clean hands, borders have moved around since forever, theres about a million damn claims thrown around and in the grand context of everything everywhere and the sheer extent of ethnic and cultural mixing, its not anything thats gonna lead us anywhere but twoards more horror which is based on untrue historical claims of times when idk what place was 100% idk what people
One of our only hopes is to stop this. To stop the literal thousands upon thousands years old tribal wars. Enough. E n o u g h
Were stuck in "time is a flat circle" shit. Please, dear god, enough
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