#we have a lot more on daisy but posting it might get us a Callout (tm) so i had to take it out
odogaronfang · 5 years
alright lads its daisy time
the not-at-all awaited post about @105ttt​‘s and my OC daisy!! the chaotic faerie!!! 
this is LONG so as usual i’m gonna slap it under a readmore
origin story (lore):
Daisy was created as a result of a random AU Fanta made once during server shenanigans wherein Vio dies during some kind of skirmish and Miss Fairy volunteers to revive Vio because he’s a hero, and fairies are “supposed to help heroes” whenever they can, even if it means giving up their own lives. Upon learning that Miss Fairy gave her life to revive him, however, Vio becomes grief-stricken and feels personally responsible for her death. He knows that historically it’s what fairies are ‘supposed’ to do, and it was her personal decision to help him, but he still feels that it is unfair that she has to give her own life to save his. 
As a result, he starts to research fairies on his own time whenever he can, reading as much as he can find about them and looking for them himself. He eventually learns more about fairy culture, lifestyles, etc., and starts venturing off to find Fairy Fountains around Hyrule in order to observe fairies in their daily lives. He’s not really able to gain access to them until he first finds a way to revive Miss Fairy, since she can vouch for him to other fairies so they’ll let him into the Fairy Fountains. 
Thankfully, the Maidens who created Miss Fairy in the first place, upon finding out how badly Vio is handling Miss Fairy’s death, are able to recreate her as she was before. From there on out, Vio and Miss Fairy travel around to Fairy Fountains, giving Vio an opportunity to learn more about them in the hopes of bridging any gaps between Hylians and fairies.
After Vio has been doing this for a while, he takes Green along with him on his visits since he is trustworthy (and manages to find out that Vio’s sneaking out at night). On one visit in particular, the two of them happen to be there when the Fountain water gives rise to a newborn fairy, and, being so attached to fairies already, the two of them take Daisy on as if they were part of their family and try to raise it.
personality (they’re pure chaos):
At first daisy acts like a cross between a normal faerie and a baby- they’re capable of speech and basic thought but are lacking maturity and knowledge about the world around them, and as a newborn they’re naturally very impressionable.
 When they emerge from the fountain and see vio and green they sort of imprint upon the two of them like a newly-hatched duckling and recognize the two of them as parent figures, so they slowly begin to take after their behavior. As they spend more time with the links they go from a quiet, innocent baby to extremely loud and kind of obnoxious, and in the situation where the links are familiar with memes, daisy picks that up too. [For a long time they use the memes completely incorrectly, but they slowly learn and proceed to yell them at or around everyone in the castle, including the people who have no idea what they’re talking about.]
That said, daisy tends to be very vocal about their thoughts, regardless of whether they might offend someone. They know they’re basically untouchable because they’re a sacred being and it would be a literal crime to hurt them (they take advantage of that to no end). Their opinions of their castle family are also very polarized- either they adore the family member or they can’t be in the same room as them without yelling about some petty offense.
There’s also a large disconnect between daisy and their culture as a faerie because they’re being raised among hylians, so they don’t learn their background and history properly. When miss fairy brings them to the fountain on ‘vacations’ to get more in touch with their divine ancestry they just get irritable and stubborn and refuse to learn anything from their sisters, but the second learning their magic gets them out of trouble they suddenly know how to teleport. 
Originally they learned to heal so they could heal a few minor injuries on green, but it snowballed from there once they realized they could use magic for lesser causes. Because of the informal learning their magic is very unpredictable and they can’t control it well, so they’ll teleport in their sleep or accidentally broadcast thoughts or unwittingly expend their energy healing a nearby person’s minor injuries (such as paper cuts). 
Miss fairy keeps trying to teach them how to control those things but at the mention of the word ‘learn’ daisy just leaves to go find someone to bother. The only exception to this is when daisy is forced to visit the fountain and miss fairy accompanies them, in which case daisy will steadfastly refuse to listen to anyone apart from miss fairy, who they enthusiastically refer to as “Big Sister”. 
 Another aspect of their disconnect from fairy culture is their tendency to roll around instead of flying when they need to go places. They fly so infrequently that flying (when it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY) is difficult. They insist that either their wings are broken (“flying machine broke”) or that flying is dumb and that they literally can’t fly (which is untrue, but they either genuinely believe it or are just that stubborn).
Pasketti :)
Artura (AKA metal granddad)
Rolling around instead of flying
Ice cream!!
Baby buns!! (Pieces of bread that have been hollowed out so that they can sit inside them like a nest)
Soft things to roll around on!
Covering themselves in their female relatives’ makeup
Bath bombs!
Colorful things!!
Gram Gram! (Purple Maiden)
Auntie Zelda and Auntie Erune!!
Hat Uncle!! (Blue)
The hat Blue knitted for them!!
Snow Uncle!! (Red)
Spiky Granddad! (Wes)
Bringing food to the people they love
Sitting in hot soup/beverages like it’s some kind of jacuzzi
Riding around on people’s heads/shoulders or in a pocket of their clothing so they don’t have to fly or roll themselves
Big Sister!! (Miss Fairy)
Green (sometimes)
When they don’t get what they want
When someone insults them
Dark energy/dark magic
And by extension, Shadow, since he is a creature of darkness made from dark magic
‘Vacations’ to their home fountain
Not receiving their daily food tithings
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