#we had at fucking two o clock! and i was starving and pissed about that and then he was all critiquing my food choices like his ass isn't
can't wait to get home so i can fucking EAT
#i hateeeeeee traveling with my dad he doesn't fucking eat like a normal person so i don't get enough to eat either#like dude!!!!!! i'm sorry but one pancake and a few hashbrowns and a single slice of pizza is not fucking enough for an entire day!!!!!!#and he has the fucking audacity to get all bitchy when i'm like hey do we have any food in the car#this man brings in a fucking whole bell pepper like that's even reminiscent of a semi filling meal and acts so pissy when i don't want it#he's like oh my god i can't make you rice right now and i literally did not ask him to? like i fucking know that?? but he gets so annoyed#like i'm personally fucking slighting him by being hungry#after barely eating today!!!!!!! and he was all weird about breakfast too#WHICH i might add#we had at fucking two o clock! and i was starving and pissed about that and then he was all critiquing my food choices like his ass isn't#drinking already with his eggs like oh my god and then being like 'is that all?' he starts on 'you'd better finish your food after all that#like IVE been unreasonable by wanting to have food within the first FIVE HOURS of being awake like fuck OFFFFFFFF#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i get mean when i'm really hungry i just want to go home and sleep in my own bed and eat my own food that i make in my#kitchen when i want it#instead of subsisting off fucking granola bars and restaurant food where there's barely something i can eat half the time#and he has the gall to act like HES the one who's really suffering from my dietary restrictions when half of its his fault anyways#kiwifae says shit#ugh i want to go out to the car and see what i can find but i know his paranoid ass is gonna act like i'm gonna get kidnapped if i'm alone#for five goddamn seconds#vent#fuck it i'm going out cuz it's that or eating the bag of candy in my tote that i really don't want and will make me feel like shit
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Lee!Harry Osborn Headcanons
TASM!Harry x reader (ft Peter, and Gwen)
Strictly SFW; absolute and utter fluff, much needed happiness
Note: Harry Osborn deserved better in that movie I'm still pissed about it (all the scenes that got cut out of that film as well??? We were robbed) And for the sake of these hcs let's just pretend he didn't become the Goblin because he was successfully cured and he's still friends with Peter and the clock tower tragedy never happened T-T
This headcanon post is a collab with @chailattef because both of us absolutely adore Harry and have a plethora of headcanons to share. So I hope you enjoy these headcanons we've conjured up
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Headcanons under the cut
Oh my GOD Harry Osborn is the ultimate giggly cinnamon roll as a lee (seriously. he's absolutely adorable. the audacity of this man)
I'm talking giggly giggly. So damn giggly. He's a walking giggle machine and it's precious
His laugh is pure giggles and it's the cutest sound on the planet
This poor sweetheart is so damn touch starved and affection starved (fuck you, Norman Osborn 🖕🏾) so up until you came along he had no idea he was even ticklish. How could he when he's never been tickled before? (Unless Peter found out first, cause if he did you can bet Peter would totally tickle him to pieces)
He'd be so startled by the feeling of being tickled at first. (of course he knows what tickling is but up to that point he had no clue what it felt like)
"Wahahait! *hic* Whahat!? Whahahahat thehehehe hehell!?"
Guarantee that he'd be looking at you completely confused and almost panicked at first because why does it tickle so badly and why is he laughing so hard (giggly cutie pie)
I don't think he'd be expecting it to tickle as badly as it does- (Poor sweetheart has NO idea what he's in for lmfao)
Conclusion? Harry is ticklish everywhere. He's so completely un-used to the feeling of it and has absolutely no tolerance to it, so he is defenseless against tickle attacks of any kind
No seriously- Even a poke to the side will have him on the floor and giggling (and it's ADORABLE)
Not that he actually minds, considering he doesn't fight back at all (until he decides to turn the tables but we'll save that for the ler headcanons-)
The first time you tickled him, this angel straight up asks you why you stopped. (🥺) He was genuinely having fun and he loved how affectionate and sweet you were being and didn't want that to end (someone give this precious darling a hug right now)
After you were done tickling him the first time, Harry would 100 percent want to tickle you back. And he'll ask you with the cutest optimistic smile on his face while he's still GIGGLING
"Dohohoes thihis mehehehean... ihit's myhyhy tuhuhuhurn tohoho tihickle you?"
*cue you malfunctioning because he just asked you that so boldly and because he sounds so excited about the idea*
He gets shy about his adorable smile so he'll hide behind his hands (CUTIE. PIE.)
It will be a good twenty minutes AFTER someone stops tickling him before he actually stops laughing (and maybe not even then tbh)
Whenever Harry is in a mood and feeling touch starved, he'll timidly ask you (or Peter) to indulge
"D-Do you think... Can you... can you do the thing...?"
*cue him looking up with the most adorable puppy eyes*
When he's getting tickled, he'll playfully insult/roast you in hopes it'll provoke you into tickling him more (Cinnamon roll. He's a cinnamon roll)
If it's Peter he's provoked, full expect to just see Harry RUNNING as Peter runs after him. Do not be surprised if he hides behind you while giggling out "help me" and gets you dragged into the tickle fight. Peter will wreck both of you with tickles at the same time. (Of course he can. Fuckin spidey strength.)
"Whyhyhy dihihihihid youhou drahahahag mehehe ihihintohohoho thiHIHIHIHIIIS HAHAHARRYYYYYYY!?"
"Hehehehe wahahahas chahahasihihihing mehehee!"
"You two ahahare hohorrible at acting lihike you hate what's happening right now."
Gwen's had to save you two from tickle monster Peter more than once lmfao.
She'll sneak up on him and tickle him and he'll just fall to the floor giggling and Harry will 100 percent tease Peter about it
"Gwehen... You're myhyhy sahavior! You're gehetting a raise!"
*cue Peter jumping up from the floor and chasing after Harry again while you just lie on the floor and muse with Gwen about how those two dorks' friendship is stupidly cute as you recover from tickle monster Peter*
Orrrr playful insults is how he'll hint he wants tickles to begin with. When he gets threatened with tickling he'll just get giggly and shy and will not make any actual attempt to escape the inevitable.
"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about, Harry!"
*cue Harry half-heartedly apologizing but both of you know he's very much not sorry and that you're doing exactly what he wanted you to do*
His sides are an absolute DEATH spot (doesn't even matter what kind of tickles they are; whatever you do is gonna make him fall to the floor)
His personal favorite weak spot is his tummy. It's just such an affectionate tickle spot and he needs all the affection he can get (this poor sweet bby 🥺)
If you suddenly squeeze his side at any point he yelps really loud and jumps badly and every time you do it you end up laughing so hard at his reaction
He doesn't even get mad or annoyed at all. He just looks at you while giggling and his smile is so genuine (precious honey bun)
"Whahahat wahas thahahat fohohor!?"
The MOST air ticklish person on the face of the planet. Seriously. All you have to do is wiggle your fingers near him and he'll tuck his arms into his chest and start giggling like you're actually tickling him
"IhIhI'm nohohohot eheven touhouchihing youhouhou!"
"IhIhIhIt stihihihill tihihihickles!!!"
Before he actually got tickled it wouldn't phase him at all but after he's fully learned what being tickled is like, he's gonna get so giggly and squirmy when you wiggle your fingers at him
If you're a shy or nervous ler, fully expect Harry to be reassuring you and encouraging you the whole time (sweetheart angel honey bun 😭❤️). He'll just be giggling as he tells you that you can go for whatever weak spot you're very clearly trying to work up the courage to attack
Like he'll tell you you're doing a good job and that he's having fun. He doesn't want you to feel nervous he wants you to be having fun too
If you have absolutely no reservations about wrecking him and teasing him, he's gonna start the banter with you. Fully expect him to roast you and then get all nervous giggly when you retaliate with more tickling
Tickle him when he's stressed out about the chaos that is running Oscorp and he'll get bubbly and giggly and it'll help him get through the work day. He always thanks you for helping him feel better (sweet angel this one)
There are some days where after you wreck him with tickles he can't look at you without getting giggly
Like all you have to do is briefly glance in his direction and all of a sudden he's covering his mouth and his shoulders are shaking with giggles
"IhIhI'm nohohot even doing ahanything, Haharry!"
"Youhouhou're l-lookihing ahahat mehehe!!"
Peter will chase him all the fucking time and very quickly catches on that Harry likes when he does it. Fully expect to witness Peter making Harry admit it out loud (it's absolutely adorable) Also expect Peter to threaten Harry by saying he's gonna get you to help tickle him-
This is all fun and games, but the moment Harry decides he wants to turn the tables, you might want to run (🤭🥴)
Fully expect more TASM!Harry content on this blog 👉🏾👈🏾❤️
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Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) Chapter 3
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(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
Can I just take a moment to say how fucking hard it is to write the bits that overlap with the movie? Like I need to watch the movie two minutes at a time to make sure I get dialogue and shit right, this is why I hate writing canon lololol.
It starts off fairly canon with Lila in there but soon things will go pretty canon divergent or in Lilas POV so I won't be writing out whole scenes in the movie. I don't know how you guys feel about that but I hate reading straight up scenes from the movie, over and over.
I hope this is living up to your expectations so far, trust me, I actually have some little seedlings of ideas to stir shit up on their way *cackles*
Lila stood over the sink in the back retching. She had emptied the contents of her stomach but now she was dry heaving, her stomach clenching painfully. The smell of the Russians burnt ass would haunt her for the rest of her days wandering the earth. She couldn't ever say she imagined she’d know what an ass on fire smelt like, but now she could, she guessed she could cross that off her list of weird fucking shit she never thought would happen. She jumped when she felt hands rub her back and she whipped around to look at Connor and Murphy. They were a little beaten up but they looked at her warily. They had seen how she fled into the back and they were worried, more so seeing that she had been sick.
“Ye alright?” Connor asked carefully, looking her up and down like he was assessing for damage. She looked at them both incredulously before tightening her ponytail.
“Just fucking peachy, you just set a mobsters ASS ON FIRE CONNOR!” She yelled, looking so fucking angry the boys took a step back, eyeing her warily.
“Aye...I did.” Connor replied lamely, not really having anything else to offer her in that moment.
“Wasn’t me finest hour, but it felt like the right thing te do at the time.” He continued carefully, looking at her like a scolded child. Murphy's nostrils flared at his brother's words, trying so hard not to laugh, lest Lila beat him into next week.
“It felt like the right thing to do?! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?! They have other men Connor, for fuck sake, you think people won't come after us now?!” She shouted, so frustrated and angry at these two fucking Irish hoodlums.
“No one's gonna come after us m’girl alright? It’s fine. Was just a bar fight.” Murphy said softly, trying to calm her down. He could feel her rage, it was hitting him in waves and making him shift where he stood, trying to get his brain to recognize it wasn't his own.
“A bar fight with the fucking Russian mob! What the fuck is wrong with you two?!” She screeched, shaking her head as she wiped a hand down her face. The smell was still in the air and she fought the urge to vomit again.
“Sorry Lila.” They both replied earnestly, looking at her all innocent. She didn't know if she wanted to hit them or kiss them. She was exhausted now after all this emotional shit. The boys could see it on her, feel it and they felt bad. They didn't think it was that much of a big deal but they knew Lila had history with the mob after her father was murdered by them, they didn't doubt this brought up a lot of shit for her.
“Come on sweetheart. Let's get ye home aye?” Connor asked with a wary smile, still not sure if she might turn around and clock him one. She just nodded tiredly, looking pale and a little sickly. The boys wrapped their arms around her and made their way out of the bar and home.
The next morning the air in the loft was thick with tension. Lila still felt off, she felt like something was wrong and she couldn't shake it. The boys tried to reassure her it was just the after-effects of the night before. There was just one problem. They felt it too. They felt that sense of dread that something more was coming, but they couldn't tell her that or she would freak out. She was already acting spooked enough as it was. She was pouring herself a cup of coffee, she was dressed in just Murphy's shirt and her Doc Martens. The boys were in their boxers, robe and boots sat on the bed. They’d taken to wearing their boots indoors since it had gotten colder and the floor wasn't in the best condition. Lila had wondered about buying them all slippers, the thought almost made her laugh.
The door suddenly flew open with such force the thing fell over completely and Lila yelped, dropping her cup and spilling the coffee everywhere.
“Freeze you Irish fucking faggotts!” Ivan yelled as he pointed a gun at them, another man with a bandage around his head also brandishing a gun with him. Ivan went right over to Connor and hit him in the head with the gun, knocking him on his knees and knocking the screen next to the toilet over in the process. The other man grabbed a scowling Murphy, gun to his head as he got him on his knees.
“Get yer fuckin’ hands off me.” Murphy growled. Lila was hyperventilating, it seemed they hadn't seen her yet and her whole body was trembling with fear. Her eyes were darting around, looking at the guns, looking at her boys, trying to think of a plan to get them out of this mess that Connor would be proud of. Ivan cuffed Connors' wrist and forced him to cuff himself around the toilet, screaming down his ear as Murphy tried to shake the other fucker off him. The boys were well aware they hadn't seen Lila yet, and they wanted to turn to look at her, but they didn't, they didn't want to alert her presence. They could feel her desperate fear and they wished they could soothe her but they couldn't.
She slowly inched towards the closest thing to her she could use as a weapon, a fucking frying pan. She hesitated when she heard the boys desperate voices in her head.
‘Run lass, get the fuck outta here before they see ye!’
‘Fuckin’ leave m’girl now!’
Did they really think she could just leave them here with guns pointed at them, were they fucking insane?! She gripped the handle tightly, zoning in on the boys' anger, especially Murphy's since it was the strongest, trying to channel it to herself to use in her favour. She was breathing heavy and she took a step forward but suddenly, the guy with Ivan pointed his gun at her, his other hand still gripping Murphy's bathrobe. She stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide and scared.
“Fuckin’ leave her out o’ this!” Connor roared, yanking at the cuffs that held him in place, more desperate than before now they knew Lila was there and she had a gun pointed at her. Murphy gave her a look that terrified her, he was pissed at her beyond belief that she hadn't left and when he saw the pan in her hand, she could see it click in his head what she was planning and his nostrils flared. He was angry and he was scared.
“Drop the pan little lady.” Ivan smirked, cocking his gun and holding it to Murphy's head. Her breathing sped up at the sight of Murphy being held at gunpoint and the pan hit the floor with a clang.
She shook her head desperately, tears welling in her eyes, she didn't care what they did to her but she wasn't about to watch her boys fucking die. Ivan gave her a dark grin before turning back to Connor, gripping his shoulder harshly. He held his gun close to his face as he growled into his ear.
“You know why I fucking come here? I come to kill you. But now, I don't think I kill you. I kill your brother, but first, I make him watch as we ruin your precious pussy over there.” He laughed menacingly down Connors' ear. Lilas blood ran cold and she could see the murderous rage inside of Murphy, she could feel it. The worst part was, he couldn't even do a fucking thing about it or else they'd probably shoot them all dead right there.
“Fuck you!” Connor roared, tugging on the cuffs as Ivan walked away. The colour drained from Lilas' face and she watched in horror as the man with Ivan yanked Murphy to his feet. The boys yelled for each other and it made her heart break.
“It's just a fuckin’ bar fight, you guys are fuckin’ pussies!” Murphy yelled as he tried to pull away from the grip the man had on him. Ivan grabbed Lila by the back of the neck harshly, making her yelp, tears running down her face. She noticed the look Murphy gave his brother, there was so much said in that one look alone and Lilas heart almost stopped beating entirely.
“Lila! Murph!” Connor screamed, yanking relentlessly on the cuffs as they were dragged out of the apartment.
Lila was in shock, she stood swaying slightly in the elevator as the men spoke in Russian, she looked to her dark angel, their eyes locking for a moment. Outwards he seemed calm, collected even, but she knew better. She knew the rage hidden in the depths of those baby blue eyes. She knew it was taking everything he had to keep it at bay and she knew it was because if he flipped, they'd just end up with a bullet between their eyes anyway.
‘I’m sorry.’ She heard Murphy's regretful voice filling her head, sounding so tearful and broken. More of her own tears fell and she tried to move to reach him, needing to touch him so badly but Ivans grip tightened. Murphy tensed, his nostrils flaring at this asshole touching his woman and he thought back to Connor, fucking cuffed to a toilet. Would they do him next or leave him there to starve? He hated it, there was nothing he could fucking do to help either his brother or his girl. Was this Gods will? Was this how they were meant to go? He found it hard to believe, that he would be brought back from the dead, how they survived a head-on collision just to die like this. He knew there was more for them.
They were dragged into the alleyway and Murphy was forced on his knees again. Ivan traded with the other man, pointing a gun right in Murphy's face as Lila struggled against the other man who was groping at her breasts.
“I think we take the bitch back with us. Let all of our men have a go. She's quite the looker eh? I see why you and your brother share her.” Ivan cackled teasingly, mocking him. He struggled a bit with the thunderous rage that was inside of him, he wanted to tear these fuckers limb from limb, but the gun in his face was quite the distraction. He couldn't look at her, he could hear her screaming for them to let her go, to let Murphy go. He felt like he’d failed her, failed his brother. Lila had been right, the night before had been stupid and reckless and now they were all paying the price, Lila more than him or Connor since he could only imagine what they were going to do to her.
“Just take me! Do what you want with me, just let them both go!” She pleaded desperately, trying to wriggle out of the man's grasp. Murphy looked at her then, incredulous she would try to sacrifice herself for them like that. He knew they wouldn't kill her, not right away and he knew she knew that. She would endure hell at the hands of these men and she was offering herself up willingly like a lamb to the slaughter for him and his brother.
“Don't’ ye fuckin’ dare!” He roared, glaring at her with wild eyes, making her fall silent as she looked at him defeated. The man pushed her to her knees, gun in her face to keep her submissive until they got rid of the darker haired boy.
Ivan was saying something to Murphy but her mind was spinning, and then she glanced up and saw him. Fucking Connor with a toilet in his hands. Her eyes widened when he dropped the toilet and then jumped off the roof, like something out of one of his fucking movies. It was like time slowed down as Murphy shielded himself from part of the toilet, the actual toilet hitting Ivan right in the head and killing him instantly. Connor landed on the man next to her and it took a second for her brain to register what just happened. She was in shock as Murphy ran over to Connor who was laying there unconscious, he checked his pulse and when he was satisfied he was alive, he grabbed the top of the toilet, smacking the man who was reaching for his gun. Murphy grunted as he hit the man over the head repeatedly, his rage for him touching his girl the way he did coming out. Fight or flight kicked in and he needed to get his brother and girl out of here. He grabbed a paper bag and started stuffing the guns and anything of value inside of it. Lila just sat there, trembling terribly as her eyes were glued to Connor.
She was unaware Murphy had been calling her name until he yanked her to her feet and his hands gripped her face, his eyes searching her desperately.
“Lila? I need ye te snap the fuck outta it, we need te get te the hospital.” He said firmly, his face lit with the rage still simmering inside of him. She blinked at him and nodded dumbly, taking the bag he thrust into her hands. She watched as Murphy grabbed Connors cuffs and yanked him up, using them for leverage as he hauled his brother up and over his shoulder. They were quite the sight for everyone as they ran to the hospital, half-naked and bloody. The nuns in the hospital gasped and crossed themselves as they walked in and Lila could only imagine how bad it looked. All she had on was Murphy's shirt that came to her thighs and her boots. Her knees were bloody and scraped and Connor was bleeding and unconscious.
She switched off again, going to that faraway place in her mind she always seemed to retreat to when things got too messy in the outside world. Murphy hadn't spoken a word to her on the way there and she got taken in the room to be seen whilst he stayed with his brother. She had her knees cleaned up but she was fine. When she left the examination room she found Murphy and Connor sat there waiting, Connor now awake and his wrists bandaged. When he saw her, his eyes lit up, he stood up and limped over to her, his whole body aching and sore from the fall. He wrapped his arms around her and she melted into him, sniffling as she clutched the back of his robe. She had been so scared she would never see either of them again. He inhaled her hair, squeezing her tight as the relief of having her there with him washed over him. He couldn't ever forget the pain of watching her and his brother being marched out of the door at gunpoint, being lead to their deaths. When he moved away, he cupped her face and kissed her lips sweetly, giving her a smile that was full of relief.
Murphy stood up then, walking over and glaring at her with such intensity it made her knees go weak. She knew she wouldn't be getting a kiss or hug off the darker twin.
“We gonna talk about what the fuck that was then?” He asked harshly, pinning her with his stare. Connor frowned and looked between the pair, clearly missing something.
“What?” Lila asked confused, swallowing thickly at how angry he looked.
“I’m talkin’ bout ye fuckin’ offerin’ yerself up te them so they’d let us go. ‘Just take me. Do what you want with me, just let them both go’.” He spat harshly, making Connor glance to her with wide eyes as he maneuvered the three of them out of the way of other people.
“Ye did what?” Connor asked incredulously, frowning at her. She shot Connor an unimpressed look and turned to Murphy.
“And what? I’d move heaven and fucking earth to save you two assholes, don't tell me you wouldn't do the same.” She sneered at the darker twin, before rounding on the lighter one.
“And don't you even fucking start Connor! You jumped off a fucking roof to save us. Don't think I dont know that you weren't sure if you'd make the fall or not. You didn't care if you lived or not, you did it to save us.” She glared at him, making him blink at her slowly. She was right after all. He didn't have a clue if he'd make the fall and he didn't hesitate at all. Even if he died, if he could help Murphy and Lila, then he fucking would. Murphy scoffed and shook his head. Deep down he knew she was right, he knew Connor had done the same thing essentially and he knew if the roles were reversed, he too would do whatever it fucking took to save them. It didn't mean he had to fucking like it though.
There was a tense silence for a while before Murphy heaved a sigh in defeat. The situation was a pile of shit but they couldn't change it now. They had killed two men, mobsters that deserved it and they did it out of necessity, but nevertheless, they killed two people. Doc came by and gave the boys a card for some FBI agent, the boys decided to go in and tell them it was self-defense, it was the truth after all. Lila agreed although she was nervous, she knew the whole Connor flying from the roof with a fucking toilet thing sounded ridiculous, she just hoped they believed them.
“No fuckin’ way.” The boys said in unison as they looked at her firmly. Lila squinted at them, her mouth set in a hard line.
“I’m sorry, did I ask for your permission?” Lila quirked a brow sounding annoyed. Murphy narrowed his eyes at her.
“Yer not comin’ with’ us te the station.” He said firmly.
“We want te keep ye outta this Lila.” Connor finished, looking at her sternly, it made her clench her jaw just a tad and her right eye twitched in annoyance.
“I'm already involved, my DNA is probably all over the scene and if they figured out about the loft then they already know about me.” She snapped, glaring between the two of them.
“I’m going whether you like it or not, but it would be real fucking nice to have your support on this considering what just happened.” She bit out, looking almost hurt. They glanced to the floor, her words reminding them of what could have been, it was enough to want her close anyway, the thought of leaving her alone was no longer appealing.
“Alright, guess we’re goin’ te the station then.” Murphy sighed, resigned to it. Lila relaxed and looked to him gratefully and despite the fact he was still upset about earlier, her offer to put herself in harm's way for him and his brother, his heart melted at her.
He could have lost her, she could have gone through the worst shit possible, and somehow the three were still fucking standing. Murphy wrapped his arms around her, weaving a hand in her hair.
“I love ye m’girl, sorry for shoutin’.” He said softly, sounding repentant.
“I love you too, both of you.” She melted into his arms, his words easing the ache in her chest. She didn't like it when either of them were mad at her. They didn't get mad at her too often, and Connor least of all since it took so much to push him to that point. The only times when Connor had shouted at her were when Murphy choked on his food after the accident, and then just a few months ago when she accidentally taped over one of his movies. He was convinced her and Murphy had done it on purpose and it took two fucking days for him to get over and realise it had been an accident. She felt Connor wrap his arms around her too and she smiled to herself.
“I love ye lass.” He mumbled into her hair, making her smile. They still had each other, they had stared death right in the face once again and they came out of it. Nothing was going to break them apart.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @arlaina28 @daryldixonandfrogs @divadinag
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garbageisland-0 · 6 years
I decided to write more for your OFA Kiri AU. (By the way, this @linkthecatuniverse for some reason it let me submit last time on that blog even though it’s a secondary blog. I don’t know tumblr’s weird.)
Kirishima awoke to Bakugou slamming the alarm clock off. Bakugou growled and threw the covers off, he stomped into the bathroom to start his morning routine. Kirishima rubbed his eyes and smiled at Bakugou, at least somethings will never change.
It has been about a month since Midoriya’s passing. Most of his old classmates had been keeping busy with work to avoid the topic, well almost everyone. Todoroki had shut himself up in his house, he was barely talking to anyone, only letting Iida and Uraraka in sometimes. Iida and Uraraka were worried, but they knew Todoroki needed his privacy and they couldn’t keep pushing if they didn’t want to be locked out forever.
Kirishima sighed and got up out of bed to join his husband in the bathroom. Bakugou was yelling as he brushed his teeth as always, Kirishima went through the motions of his morning routine working around Bakugou as he has grown accustomed to.
Bakugou was doing better despite everything, but Kirishima couldn’t get over the nagging feeling that he was worried for him. It made sense, Kirishima hadn’t talked to Bakugou about what happened, he didn’t even really know if he was allowed to. Kirishima had reframed from trying to use Midoriya’s power, he didn’t know much about it and he had no one to talk to.
Bakugou was yelling again as he brushed his teeth, as he did so he spied on Kirishima’s distraught expression. He needed to find out what was wrong with him, but he knew better than to push Kirishima when he wasn’t ready. It would just cause him to deny it, Bakugou needed to wait for Kirishima to come to him, but he was getting impatient. Bakugou would never outright admit it, but he hated seeing his husband so upset and not being able to do anything about it.
Of course, Kirishima just had to accidentally activate Midoriya’s quirk during battle. Bakugou and Kirishima were fighting a villain stronger than either of them had anticipated. Kirishima had lost some control during battle, enough so that he accidentally activated Midoriya’s quirk when uppercutting the villain.
Kirishima at least knew better than to use all of the power, Midoriya was always careful how much power he used and Kirishima finally understood why. Kirishima’s arm ached, but it wasn’t broken at least.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Bakugou yelled angrily behind him. Kirishima was almost confused before he realized what he had done, Kirishima immediately beat himself up for using Midoriya’s power.
When the villain was tied up and turned into the authorities, Bakugou stomped up to Kirishima when they were away from prying eyes, “D-did that damn nerd give you One for All?” He whisper-shouted the closest thing to whispering Bakugou could manage.
Kirishima was taken aback, “Y-you know about it?”
“Of course I do you, idiot! I’ve known since the first year of high school!” Bakugou shouted before lowering his voice.
“B-but how- I,” Kirishima stuttered before tears started to form in his eyes and he hugged Bakugou finally spilling his feelings.
Bakugou was almost taken aback by what Kirishima was holding on his shoulders and he was pissed at that nerd for pushing this onto his Kiri. Yet Bakugou pushes all of his feelings down, right now he had to be mature for Kirishima.
Bakugou rubbed his back and let Kirishima cry into his chest doing his best to comfort him. When Kirishima had finally calmed down, Bakugou took the opportunity to tell Kirishima about the other people who knew about One for All.
“Why didn’t Midoriya tell you all this?” Bakugou mumbled trying his best to remain serious and calm.
“He didn’t have time,” Kirishima explained his face growing sad, “He barely had any time with Todoroki.”
Bakugou remained silent for a few moments, trying to find something to say.
“I should talk to everyone who knows about One for All,” Kirishima said filling the silent for Bakugou, “There’s still a lot a don’t know.”
“But that can wait till tomorrow,” Bakugou started going back to his more loud self “it’s late and I’m starving,” he complained, more for Kirishima than himself.
Kirishima smiled and nodded, “Then let’s go eat!” He yelled getting back into his cheerful, peppy self.
Kirishima and Bakugou had a quiet night in, takeout, a movie, and cuddles. Bakugou complaining the entire way through, trying his best to calm and cheer up Kirishima. Kirishima loved his husband’s quirky ways to cheer him up as they never seemed to fail.
It was when he fell asleep did the problem arise, he’s surrounded by black smoke. Kirishima hated the way the smoke gathered around his legs not allowing him to move his legs. He almost starts to freak out before he sees a figure approaching, he almost immediately recognizes Midoriya’s smaller, muscular frame.
“Hey,” Midoriya waves awkwardly at Kirishima, his famous awkward smile on his face.
“M-Mido…,” Kirishima mutters too many emotions going through his mind to pinpoint how he was exactly feeling.
“I never told about this part, did I? Heh,” Midoriya laughed awkwardly before shaking his head, “Well!” Midoriya claps his hands together, getting back into his chipper mood, “We probably don’t have a lot of time, so let’s get right to it! How’s everything going?”
Kirishima stares at him for a long time before Midoriya fills the awkward silence, “Let’s see, you should be able to use 50%! That’s really impressive! It took me three years to get to that point!”
Kirishima starts crying and Midoriya gets taken aback, “Eh? What’s wrong?,” He almost shouts in surprise and shock, “Why are you crying?” 
“What kind of question is that? Midoriya you died.” Kirishima states through tears, rubbing his eyes to get rid of them.
Midoriya’s cheerful attitude dissipates and a frown forms on his face, “Oh, yeah, sorry,” Midoriya mutters awkwardly looking at his feet as he kicks at the ground.
Kirishima is at a loss for words, what is he suppose to say in this situation. He would almost be convinced this wasn’t real if it wasn’t for Midoriya’s behavior. This was definitely the Midoriya he knew, a little awkward, but always trying to light the mood and bring others up. “Midoriya. What’s going on?” Kirishima asks slowly.
“I can tell you that later,” Midoriya says quickly, “I have a few questions I wanted to ask you.” 
“O-okay,” Kirishima mumbled, his questions could wait for now. Midoriya was most likely concerned about everyone else.
Midoriya’s face softens, “How is he?” He asks anxiously.
Kirishima can’t keep Midoriya’s soft gaze, he looks away waves of shame washing over him, “He’s locked himself in your house and hasn’t spoken to me since you died.” 
“Oh,” Comes Midoriya’s quick response.
“I-I tried to talk to him but, he’d just ask me about what you told me or why I kissed you,” Kirishima’s explains guiltily, “I know I can’t tell him so I wouldn’t give him an answer and now it’s been radio silence.”
Midoriya mutters to himself for a moment, thinking deeply, “I mean you can tell him if you want to. I understand why you wouldn’t give answers,” Midoriya pauses to sigh, “but this isn’t my secret to keep anymore, Kirishima. It’s yours.”
It’s silent between the two for a few moments, it’s almost awkward, but it’s more sad and sullen then anything.
“How’s everyone else?” Midoriya asks hopeful.
“They’re taking it slightly better,” Kirishima says relieved he can give Midoriya some kind of good news, “but, mostly everyone’s just keeping themselves busy with work so they don’t think about it too much.”
Midoriya pauses for a few beats, “What about Kacchan?” He asks slowly.
“Oh, he’s pissed at you,” Kirishima explains.
“Yeah, I figured. But, then again, when isn’t he pissed at me?” They two chuckle, the awkward tension finally seeming to leave them.
“Midoriya, how do I-” Kirishima begins, wanting to ask Midoriya so many more question.
Black smokes starts to surround Midoriya and he jolts back in surprise, “Oh! I guess time’s up for now,” He says sadness in his voice as the black smoke starts to rise, “I wished I could’ve talked to you more. Don’t worry you’ll see me again! I’ll introduce you to everyone else next time! I’ll tell All Might you said hi.” 
“Wait! Midori-” Kirishima begins to yell, he still has so many questions and he can’t leave now. They just started talking again.
“Please check on Shouto for me,” Midoriya says a sad smile finding its way onto his lips, “Remember what I told you! It’s your secret now!”
Kirishima reaches out, but his legs are stuck from the black smoke and he can’t reach Midoriya, “Wait! Please!”
“MIDORIYA!” Kirishima shouts, shooting up in bed, panting and covered in cold sweat.
“Huh? Eiji what’s wrong?” Bakugou mutters still half asleep.
Kirishima doesn’t answer him as he tries to calm his deep, strained breathing.
Bakugou sits up more, waking up a little more, “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked concerned placing a hand on Kirishima’s back.
“I-it’s nothing. I’ll tell you tomorrow,” Kirishima says giving a forced smile to his concerned husband.
“Okay,” Bakugou mumbles, not convinced, but satisfied.
Kirishima wakes the next morning to Bakugou shaking him awake, he was thankful it was finally the weekend, but it still caused more problems.
When the two boys finished their morning routines and Bakugou had finished breakfast, Kirishima explained the dream to Bakugou.
“What the fuck, shitty hair? That nerd can talk to you through your dreams?” Bakugou said, which was more of a shout as Kirishima has learned to understand that’s just how Bakugou spoke normally.
“I guess,” Kirishima said looking down at his mostly untouched plate, “Midoriya didn’t have much time to explain everything. He wanted to know how everyone else was doing first.”
Bakugou growls, “So, he didn’t take any time to explain anything?”
“It’s natural that he wanted to know how everyone else was doing,” Kirishima states trying to calm down his husband, “But he made it seem that he’d be able to come into my dreams again.”
Bakugou nodded, but Kirishima could still tell he was angry, “When do you want to talk to everyone today?” He asks trying to change the subject the slightest so he could calm down.
“I actually want to talk to Todoroki first,” Kirishima says pushing his unfinished plate away from him, “I think we should tell him everything.”
Bakugou contemplated the thought for a second, on the one hand, Icy-Hot might forgive Kirishima and get his ass out of the house, but on the opposite end, even more people would know about One for All. “Okay,” Bakugou said after thinking it over for a few moments, “We’ll tell him.”
Relief washed over Kirishima’s face and angry sparked up in Bakugou again, why did that damn nerd have to push all of this on Kirishima? Yet the more Bakugou thought about it the more he understood why Midoriya did it.
“Well, we should probably get going,” Kirishima states pulling Bakugou out of his thoughts, “It’s gonna be a long day.”
Bakugou nods before noticing Kirishima didn’t finish his plate, he won’t make a big deal out of it yet, but that damn nerd is pissing him off.
Kirishima is anxious when they get to Todoroki’s house, Bakugou can see it as he won’t sit still. Kirishima takes a deep breath and knocks on Todoroki’s door. Todoroki answers, surprisingly, but almost slams the door on the two heroes.
“What do you want?” Todoroki asks, his face eerily calm and cold.
“I want to explain everything,” Kirishima says getting right to the point in hopes Todoroki will let him in.
Todoroki seems to contemplate it for a minute before he lets Kirishima and Bakugou in. The house is a mess, understandably, Kirishima can’t even begin to imagine what Todoroki is going through and he hadn’t been making it any easier. Todoroki leads them to their dining room table and the three heroes sit down.
Kirishima looks Todoroki over, it’s obvious that he hadn’t been taking very good care of himself. Kirishima was glad at least Iida and Uraraka have been able to talk to him and help him out. There was definitely evidence of Iida in the house, the things Todoroki barely touched were clean and in their place. Iida has most likely fully cleaned the house, while Uraraka has helped take care of Todoroki.
“Tell me what happened,” Todoroki begins, “What did Izuku say to you?”
Kirishima took a deep breath and explained everything about One for All to him. Bakugou would cut in everyone and then with something Kirishima didn’t know or correcting him on something.
Todoroki sits in silence for a long time, Kirishima can see the different emotions he’s trying to push down. It’s been a few minutes before Todoroki takes a deep breath and starts to ask hundreds of questions. Kirishima tries to answer every one of Todoroki’s question as best as he can with a little help from Bakugou.
It had felt like hours before Todoroki finished with his questions, but Kirishima could only hope some weight had been lifted from Todoroki’s shoulders.
“Thank you,” Todoroki said rubbing away a few stray tears, “it makes sense now, but I still can’t forgive you. Not right now, not when it’s still this fresh.
Kirishima nodded quickly, this was definitely better than nothing. Bakugou almost looked like he wanted to say something, but he knew better than to starts fight right now.
“Thank you for hearing me out, Todoroki,” Kirishima said standing up and bowing to him. Todoroki nodded and Bakugou stood up next to Kirishima, “I’ll see you later, I know it’s hard but it’ll get better.”
Todoroki nodded as the two heroes left the house he once shared with the love of his life. He was still angry at Kirishima, maybe it was because he couldn’t understand everything, maybe it was because Kirishima had the last pieces of Izuku. For now, Todoroki didn’t want to think about it.
///// @linkthecat AMAZING WONDERFUL A+
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jesusbukkake-blog · 7 years
Grandma Fucker
I was standing above my grandmother’s coffin, looking down at her body. She was quite clearly dead, and had been dead for quite a while. I felt the twinges of arousal. I cracked my knuckles, and jolted upright in bed.
Jesus Christ, I thought. What the fuck is wrong with you? The same twisted desires had been with me for months, ever since Grandma had died. She’d had a stroke, and had spent two years living a life I’d never want to live – lying on a hospital bed, barely moving, groaning incomprehensibly into a nurse’s ear, settling sadly into incontinence and finally succumbing to a dozen different diseases. It was far more tragic when she had the stroke than when she died, I always thought.
And now, she was at the forefront of my mind. Fuck conventional fantasies, I thought, as I took out my penis and started masturbating. A tear of precum rolled from my japseye. “Granny…” I moaned.
Fuck wanking, I thought mid-fantasy. Fuck normality and fuck wanking. I wiped myself up and got dressed. The light of the moon illuminated my room with an eerie pale, casting foreboding shadows everywhere.
Stretching, I stumbled towards the door, grabbing my crowbar and throwing it into my bag. This should come in useful, I thought. I took a switchblade, too, purely for self-defence.
I paced along the road, travelling into the suburbs. I went towards one house, jumping over the garden gate and sneaking in to the back garden.
I scanned around. This was a beautiful garden, but I wasn’t really interested in that – I saw what I was here for. A shovel lay on the lawn, next to some freshly planted flowers. I picked it up and stealthily left, in a cunning display of thievery.
Whistling, I carried on through the suburbs. It was still pitch black – perhaps it was about one o’ clock now, but I had no idea and it could just as easily be three. There was hardly anyone on the streets, as there never is in the night time in this area. I walked along the main road, the shovel over my shoulder. A few cars passed, including a few police cars, but not one stopped – I didn’t even catch anyone looking curiously at me.
I took a left and strolled down a second street. The faint hum of traffic was still omnipresent in the suburbs. It was quite comforting. The shovel was quite lightweight, yet still quite big – it was a worthy find. I thought briefly of the victims of my minor stealing. I’d kept their garden tidy. It was quite a big house, and I live in a flat in the inner city. I wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it, and neither, I’d imagine, were they.
After a desperate final sprint, I entered the graveyard. I knew exactly where her grave was – I’d visited it before, to contemplate what I was about to do, and part of my mind was fixated on this exact spot constantly. Granny doesn’t care, I told myself. Granny is dead – it’s like a rock, or a tree – she won’t notice what you’re doing to her, because she’s fucking dead.
Wielding the shovel in my hand like a weapon, I thrust it into the soft, moist earth, penetrating it with cold, hard steel. I began to dig furiously. Sweat poured from every inch of my skin.
The graveyard is a weird place. It’s funny that some of us feel so passionately about places like this. If I went up to a normal person and said, “I work for the graveyard, we’re running out of space, and we plan to bury a body on top of your dead relative – with your consent, of course,” I would get called ‘sick’. This kind of thinking was lost on me. They were dead. I can understand you wanting to stand over their grave, I can understand you wanting to look at the gravestone and think about your loved one, and I can even understand, perfectly well, why you might want to sit next to the grave and talk to the person dead and buried underneath, giving them letters, leaving them roses – I understand it all. I just don’t understand why you’d be deliberately nice to them. When I die, people can spit, piss, dance, or perform whatever cliché they want, on my grave, and I don’t care, because I’ll be dead. I’d be flattered, more than anything, if someone had sex with my corpse, and I think that any rational human should feel the same. And if they don’t, I don’t care, because they’re dead and so their opinions don’t matter.
Eventually, I reached her coffin. I savoured the victory and anticipation. I looked down at the sealed coffin lid, closed my eyes, and waited a full minute in respect to her. I then took out the crowbar, and ripped the coffin lid off, inviting the light on to her moulding skin for the first time since she’d been sealed up, years ago. The smell of rotten flesh was nauseating. I shuddered.
Imagine getting buried alive. Imagine, waking up in a coffin, frantically trying to scratch your way out until your fingernails broke, until your hands were bloody stumps. You’d go insane with terror – completely mad, screaming desperately into the impenetrable depths of silence surrounding you. And eventually, starve to death, a huddled, pathetic mass, and your mind in completely overbearing madness. The constant pain, and the walls to the coffin crushing you into hopeless claustrophobia – surely that’s the worst way to go.
Fuck that, I thought. Perhaps you’d suffocate. Perhaps you’d overheat. Both would be shitty. I want all my organs taken out, I decided, if only so I’m definitely dead.
I mounted her dead body, and began to French kiss her, passionately. Her motionless mouth was completely dry, and her teeth were coated in a thick layer of fuzz. Her grim stillness sent a surge of blood to my penis. I licked her cracking lips, my lust overbearing. I began to massage her breasts. Her face was a slightly sickly-looking greenish white.
I remember, just before the stroke, which, in my opinion, pretty much killed her, I visited her house with my mum. She was obviously very old, and everyone, including her, knew that she didn’t have long to live. It must have been drastically depressing for her. She called me over to her, from her wheelchair she’d been secluded to for months. Her eye was black and her arm in a sling, after falling over. It had been a bit of a tragedy. She’d been stuck on the floor for hours, unable to get in contact with anyone, struggling to get up; her ancient, historic body defeated by old age.
“Kevin,” she croaked. We were in her living room, in her small bungalow in an estate full of the elderly. She had decorated it like an old person would – embroidered cushions scattered on pink sofas, and floral patterns adorning her walls. The flowers in the middle of her dining table were on a huge doily.
“Yes, grandma?” I replied, looking at her. She was hunched over, wearing a thick cardigan.
“Come over here.”
I stood up and navigated my way around her room, clustered with memories, being careful not to knock anything over. I arrived next to her, and, looking down at the back of her balding head, said, “What is it, grandma?”
“Closer,” she whispered. I leant in closer to her whiskered mouth. She’d always been a very serious woman, but I was startled by the look of sheer openness and honesty beaming from her wrinkled eyes.
“What, grandma?”
“Kevin,” she whispered again. “Die young.”
I shook myself back to the present. She was dressed in a moulding blouse. It looked quite beautiful during her funeral, I thought. I pulled it off, and gazed longingly at her maggot-filled, rotting bosom. Her breasts were thoroughly lacking cleavage, despite my company. A bluebottle flew out from inside her left nipple. Her legs were exposed, her only item of clothing, massive grandma-pants. I put my thumbs inside, and pulled them down. Her pubic hair was grey and falling out, and the stench from her festering vagina hit me like a tonne of shit.
With a smile, I began to eat her out. The gross taste of her, and the lack of movement from her corpse served as a constant and painfully erotic reminder that she was dead. She was dead, she was dead fucking sexy, and I was nibbling her clit. It was slightly green, and tasted of stale urine, shit, and rotten meat. It was like sticking my tongue into a ravine of death, deep into her lifeless corpse.
When I was satisfied with the foreplay, purely for my benefit, I pushed myself into her, squeezing into her coffin, and began to thrust my penis into her dead cunt. “Granny,” I whispered. “Granny, I love you.” I began to sweat, my mind euphoric, swimming with passion and desire, in this damp grave, in this dark graveyard. She felt like paper and cloth, her wrinkly skin and swollen muscle tissue poking out through her veins and into my fingernails.
I bit her nipple, biting it off. I spat it out, looking with a morbid fascination at the lack of blood coming out.
I nibbled her eyelid, accidentally tearing it off. A vacant black hole stared at me, with her eye socket and skull visible through the missing bit of face. I grinned, as a worm slid out from inside her brain.
Shit, I thought. So this is what becomes of us.
I realised I’d brought the fucking switchblade. Whilst grinding into her, her organs in her vagina rotten and bloated, I stabbed it into her neck and began to saw through her head. It slid through almost like a hot knife through butter, until I reached her spine. I tried briefly to cut through it, before removing myself from her and snapping her like a twig, my erect penis drooling on to her shoulders. I then grabbed her by the hair and pulled, hard, separating her from the final decaying bits of spine and rotten skin. Blood leaked out, a dark crimson seeping from her neck.
I sat down in the grave. The Sun was beginning to rise. I picked up her head, grinning at me in an almost macabre fashion, and shoved my throbbing erection into her empty eye socket. I fucked her face until eventually I ejaculated into her skull, filling her brain with my semen.
I tossed the head on to her body and pulled up my pants. I then lifted myself out, looked down, muttered, “I love you, granny,” and walked away, leaving whoever was lucky enough to walk by to come across my mess.
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Well today was pretty good, despite the fact that I had to wake up early lol (I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow if you couldn't tell). But I got up at 7, got ready and hopped on the bus on my way to work! The lady who did our training and takes the same bus as I do showed up pretty soon, so it was cool to see her. Arrived right on time, and the receptionist apparently was told I was coming but nobody else was? Lol. The lady who handles the law clerk program and such wasn't in today but she sent me an email telling me to ask for this guy at the front desk so I did, and there was some short confusion as to where I was going but it was resolved within minutes haha. Sadly I do not get to keep my old office being that the calendar I'm on now is on the completely other side of the office from where I was last semester, and that would be really inconvenient for getting files and speaking with other attorneys. My new office has a lot of random field in it, but that is the case with most of them. And this one has a trash can!! Lol, I can't even tell you how annoyed I'd get last semester that my office didn't have a trash can, I would have to collect my trash all day to throw out when I left and it irritated me so much lol. So I hung out till like 9:30 and then headed down to court with my supervisor guy. He told me that one of the attorneys on our calendar is out indefinitely with some sort of leg injury, so they're basically gonna give me all her cases as soon as my 711 goes through and like. That's kind of terrifying?? I mean it's totally awesome and exciting, but also pretty scary that I could be in front of a judge and speaking on the record next week. I mean, juvenile court is a good place to start I guess because there's never a jury and the proceedings are closed to the public so the people inside the courtroom is limited and the potential for embarrassment minimal (though I'm sure at some point or another I'll find a way to fuck it up). But it is cool! So for today we just went to court and watched things. Pretty typical day, nothing really in the morning was that good. At one point my supervisor had me read an unfounded DCP packet and tell him what I thought, which I'd done a ton of last semester so it was super easy, and when I finished and told him there was no real issue he was like "good, that's the right answer" and I was thinking oh, this was a test?? Lol, a pretty easy one though. Went to the office for lunch and chilled for a while (read: read CC fanfiction on my computer) before heading back down to court for the afternoon, which is where things really got interesting. Of course due to the nature of the cases I'll keep the information limited, but basically there were allegations of sexual abuse by the father, who has been MIA from DCFS and the cops ever since, and has thus defaulted on the case. The victim is now living with her paternal grandparents, who have apparently been subtly discouraging her from cooperating with DCFS (assumedly to protect their son) sooooo that's a bit of a conflict of interest. The kicker though is the grandpa shows up for the adjudication this afternoon with a criminal defense attorney who's been hired by the dad- the dad who is literally on the run, sent a criminal defense attorney to family court. Can I even tell you how absurd that is???? Unless they are a specialized juvenile court lawyer, a private attorney isn't gonna know shit upon stepping into the building and that was quite apparent here. The thing is because the dad hasn't show up to any of the court dates he's been defaulted from the case and is essentially no longer a party. And there's the fact that this guy didn't even file an appearance (which is like lawyering 101) to represent the dad, he just shows up with the grandpa and wants to step in. Like, no, that's not how the law works ffs. So the ASA makes a motion to exclude the lawyer (aka kick him out of the courtroom) and the judge goes on this whole thing about how he believes the statute gives him discretion on who he can let stay in the courtroom and he really tries to let anyone in a family's support network stay (and I really thought he was gonna deny the motion at that point) but then goes "but I don't find you to fit into any of those categories, so I'm granting the motion" and oh, this guy is PISSED. He like, storms out of the courtroom and is yelling like "what is even going on in there??" and it was just so funny because he was so clearly out of league and was made to look like an idiot because of it. So that was my small dose of humor for the day. There are very few private attorneys that aren't bar attorneys (private attys hired by the court specifically to work for a fixed fee, like one step up from a PD basically) that can walk into court and not make themselves look like complete idiots. It's just that it's so rare for someone to get brought into juvenile court that doesn't actually qualify for a PD (make of that what you will of how child abuse and neglect is reported in this country) that there has never really been a need for private attorneys to have any idea how any of that works. So, moral of the story, if you ever higher an attorney for something, make sure they actually know what they are doing in that exact context and aren't just flying by the seat of their pants (because I'd be willing to bet a good amount of them are). Anyway, court went down for the afternoon and we went upstairs, I located some files quickly and then retreated to my office to read some of the juvenile court act before we reached 5 o clock, at which point of course I headed out. So this was the first time I was going straight from one courthouse to another, which is gonna be the norm this semester because I'm working Tuesdays and Thursdays and Tuesdays I'll have trial ad and Thursdays I'll have mock trial practice (for now at least) that are both located at the other courthouse. So I took the bus to the train, shoving a sandwich down my throat while on the train to make sure I didn't starve to death, and trying to ignore the guy who looks like Jimmy Olsen (ala supergirl) who is talking to the girl next to him but keeps looking at me (although idk how much I actually ignored him). Reached the courthouse my 5:30, which gave me enough time to hang out for a few before class started. So for class this week we had to write up a bunch of directs and crosses for different fact patterns, and we'd get picked to do certain ones, and sure enough, I get picked to do cross on the first one. The girl doing direct is a 3L, and she gets interrupted a lot by the judge who's pointing things out left and right and encouraging me to object to things (which I wasn't trying to do on my own really because I didn't want to be an asshole). But then it was my turn and I didn't get interrupted at all, save the other girl trying to make an objection but the judge overruling it, and then she called my cross "excellent" and only had minor feedback, so that was cool. It was basically the same case when I did the direct later on another problem, same comment which she only directed towards me (everyone else just got "very good") so that fed my ego nicely lol. I'm sure I have an advantage here because of mock trial and this isn't my first time doing stuff like this, in fact I've done it a number of times, but it's still nice to hear you did good. So that was a good class period, definitely much more engaging and infinitely preferable to sitting in a lecture hall. After class I headed home, getting here by like 9:40 but being that I can sleep in tomorrow I wasn't too worried about getting right to bed so I stayed up a bit and watched some more of a series of unfortunate events, which I continue to have mixed feelings on. I was like halfway through the second episode where I picked up, and then all of a sudden things to a bit more than vaguely pedophilic turn which I found a fair amount disturbing??? Like, um, this just got pretty creepy pretty quickly. But I kept watching, and I actually liked the third episode much better as it was free of pedophilic behavior and physical child abuse. I'm quite fond of Sunny I must say, probably because of my general fondness for babies and my big sister feels (seeing Violet carry her around everywhere makes my heart swell for when my sister was that little) but I do quite appreciate the little girl. The other two child actors are quite good as well. So I watched through episodes 3 and 4, and I think I'll continue for now at least. They're on good footing for now as far as I'm concerned, but we'll see what's to come. And yeah, that was my day and it's almost 2 am and my eyes would like to be closed now so I think that is what I will do. Goodnight babes. Sweet dreams.
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